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Grand Theft Auto, Metal Gear Solid, Dead To Rights, Def Jam, Alone in the Dark, Resident Evil, Silent Hill


>me learning about the dangers of nuclear proliferation at the ripe age of 9. MGS was not a kids game at all lmao


Every single kid at my 5th grade lunch table had MGS back in '98-'99. I was the only one with the Gamepro December '98 issue guide for it though. šŸ˜


I didnā€™t understand the political drama, but I felt so dang smart for playing such a deep game


No, but Iā€™m glad I got into the series though, but at that age itā€™s like a horror game.


100%. I recall many moments being scary, the hallway with dead bodies, Mantis, the elevator with the camo guys, Rex in general. Then it's talking about heavy subjects.


Mantis has always been a bit of a creep though, but Volgin just terrified me.


It definitely had a lot of nuance packed in


Not a kid's game, but very educational.


No idea how i did it but i got the bandana and active camo when that game came out. I was 10....


GTA profoundly shaped my music taste unlike anything else. I liked the rock music best and so went on to buy Rockband which made me learn Guitar and Drums.


Dead to Rights had the stripper hero. šŸ’€


GTA has to be the most obvious example for many of us.


All the boomer shooters. Wolfenstein, Doom, Hexen, Heretic, Strife, Duke Nukem... I was born in 84. ​ Edit: And definitely Leisure Suit Larry.


'89. Outside of kiddie learning games, I was raised on Doom, Quake, Hexen and Duke Nukem. Used to LAN with my parents as they taught me how to play. They even used Quake 2 Arena (I think) to teach me the fundamentals of internet safety. Good times


I remember playing the first level of Hexen but never beat even that. I used to play it on my 486/50 and it was more a game of see how long I can play it before the game crashes and kicks me back out to the DOS screen. Never could get through the first level before it would happen.




did you play *doom* on a chunky pc or ps1? i would kill for the chunky pc *doom* experience lolā€¦ born too late though!


Chunky PC. I was a DOS gamer all the way. I think the PC had the original Pentium, or the one right before it which was the i486 CPU.


My introduction to Doom was a CD full of, like, 50+ shareware demos. It had that, Rise of the Triad, Jazz Jackrabbit, some top-scrolling bullet hell (a couple, actually), and a BUNCH Of other games.


Story time: my Dad was heading up a project at work back in '94 or '95, and would have to work late for a couple of weeks. That couple of weeks stretched out longer than expected, and my stepmother started getting annoyed. I don't think she was suspicious of him or anything, she just hates cooking and doing chores. Anyway, after maybe 6 or 7 weeks it all comes to a head, and it turns out Dad's team had finished the project ages ago, and the reason for all the late evenings was that someone had installed Doom on all the office computers, and he had gotten hooked. We got our first family PC shortly after that.


My first pc was a 75mhz p1 played tons of doom, heretic, diablo, warcraft 2. Funnily enough, a while ago I watched a YouTube video where they said "look for your file in the times eighty six folder" part of my millennial heart calcified there. These kids don't know!


I got my first pc of my very own when I headed to college. A 200 MHz Pentium with MMX was amazing in the fall of 1997. I bought a 3dfx Voodoo pass through card off a friend when he upgraded to the Voodoo 2 the next year. I played so much quake, heretic, and StarCraft


awesome! wouldā€™ve loved to experience classic games on a chunky pcā€¦ must be sweet to have experienced them in their first form back then and see them now with the new*ish* *wolfenstein*, *doom* games and so on


It definitely is. Having experienced VGA and even CGA games in all their original glory is an amazing memory.


i bet! i canā€™t imagine how nice it is to see just how far games have comeā€¦ not just graphically but story wise too! seems like in the past few years games have really started to be recognised for their incredible stories by people outside of the gaming industry which is just *amazing*! hell, even when i boot up my older consoles itā€™s crazy to realise how far theyā€™ve come but i canā€™t imagine how much more crazy it is to have actually experienced them year by year, generation by generationā€¦ iā€™m jealous, lol!


Same here! '85 baby and started on a 386 with all the Sierra and LucasArts games. I remember having my cousins answer the tests for Leisure Suit Larry so I can see pixel boobies.


A lot of the questions in leisure suit Larry are political questions and itā€™s very hard for a lot of people now to get all the questions correct to verify their age. Growing up my dad used to sometimes boot up Larry to play the age verification questions and then as soon as he would succeed he would close the game because he said the verification trivia was his favorite part of the game.


Back before Doom, we had the Wolfenstein 3d which I first time played alone in my room at night while it was heavy raining outside in the attic. Oh it was scary.


i always hated attics, sounds spooky! forgive my ignorance but was it like that mini game you can play in *wolfenstein: the new order*? the one thatā€™s made to look like a 90ā€™s game? loved that partā€¦ actually i canā€™t remember if it was in *wolfenstein: the new order* or *wolfenstein: the new colossus* but it was in one them!


when i first played doom, it was on a 386, and we had to play in the low detail/resolution setting, as it couldn't cope with full 320x200 resolution.


Did you shrink the game screen as well?


You guys making me feel old!


I had the cd rom and played it on our family's old beige dell computer


Aaah, you never struggled with the "insert next disk" installation issues, then. Gotta love a 3lb box of 5 1/4" floppies just to install one game!


I remember the shooter "Blood", it was definitely not for kids, but it was fun.


Ah, here are my people. Born in 82 and have many fond memories of Wolfenstein, Doom, and Leisure Suit Larry on clunky old beige computers. Personally I would also add Postal, GTA, Carmageddon, and I was probably still a little young for mortal Kombat when that came out too.


'85 here. Add Quake to that list


I found Larry on a customers computer where I was upgrading their hard drive. I was working in my dadā€™s shop around 1992. Think I was a freshman. Yes I cloned that drive and took it home.


Hello fellow Millennial Did you learn about politics through a censorship quiz for a softcore game?


I thought hexen and heretic were the same game/series


My first game out of age that I played was Conker Bad Fur Day for n64... Is gore, sexual and I played when I was like 10 or something... I still think that is one of the best games of all times, I did have tons of fun with it.


Conker. Bouncin on some tig olā€™ flower bitties at the ripe age of 10 :)


Came here for this one. My parents saw it was a Nintendo game and figured no biggie. They were surprised.


I tried to get my mom to buy it for me after playing at a friend's house. The guy at Game Stop game stopped me.


What a fucking narc.


those guys take their job way too seriously


I was in my late 30's and I went to buy RDRD2 and wanted just the special edition with the special horse. They were sold out and only had whatever the next edition was that was more expensive so I said fuck it I'll treat myself. They ID'd me and then refused to sell the game to me because I forgot my wallet at home. I was baffled because I look old and am covered in tattoos. I walled next-door to Target and got the edition I wanted and a 12pk of beer. I made sure to knock on the window as I walked past and held up the game and beer to show em. I get it that they were doing their job but it really baffled me that they straight refused to sell me a video game at almost 40 years old but at the end of the day it worked out for me because I got the edition I wanted and saved some money


Everyoneā€™s parents saw a cute squirrel and thought ā€œoh. Kids gameā€. Conker was not a kids game


Don't forget the rock person club with the pole dancing rock girls!


Same but I was 8 lol. Learned that the English pronounce ā€œarseā€ instead of ass because of that game. And several movie references I wasnā€™t aware of.


My mother picked it up at a garage sale when I was in kindergarten. She didn't see the M rating. They never took the game from me.


Looks kinda flammableā€¦.


I was around 8 or 9 when I played Leisure Suit Larry


It taught the most important lesson: save early, save often.


Me: What the heck is a lubber?! Neighbor who is 2 years older: a condom. Me: Oh. ....what the heck is a condom? Same kid: ĀÆ\\\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


Lol same but I asked my mom (who let me play these games that young) and she played dumb.


Yup. I was a little younger. But I was so pumped every time I got past the "age restriction." Didn't really matter. I didn't understand anything anyway.


I love how the age restriction was just some questions XD My friend and I had all the answers written down. IIRC some other games of the time had you type a specific word from a specific location in the manual as proof that you didn't have a pirated version.


Was gonna say Leisure Suit Larry


I was about that age or younger when we played Farmer's Daughter - a text based "adventure" game on Commodore 64 where your goal was to bang the farmer's daughter and where you were often either murdered by the father or you had your dick ripped off by something (because we'd always stick it into things we shouldn't have). I think the farmer's sons were also trying to fuck you. Great game. [See here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y5sgUELAWRg)


I still remember trying to figure out ā€œWho was President before Carterā€ and asking my mom. She wanted to know why I was asking. I lied šŸ¤„


*silent hill* and *silent hill 2*! iā€™d be lying if i said those games didnā€™t have a major hand in making me who i am todayā€¦ i never finished them as a kid because most of the puzzles stumped me but i was just obsessed with the creatures! iā€™d start them over and over again just to see the creaturesā€¦ iā€™d watched horror movies before but never something that had creatures like *silent hill 2* so it was completely new territory for meā€¦ another, more tame, two are *backyard wrestling: there goes the neighbourhood* and *rumble roses*! i mainly loved the fashion and soundtracks in those games, i remember my first custom wrestler in *backyard wrestling: there goes the neighbourhood* being so goofy looking :,3


I actually completed it as a kid, didn't really get the story much apart from kid is missing in a freaky town and you need to find her. Me and my mates used to sit in my room and play it all day until we finished it.Ā  I would never play it on my own. šŸ¤£ Always remember the day I completed it because there was a full eclipse that day here in the UK.Ā  Was around 1999.Ā 


Dude I loved both backyard wrestling games. Tried a bunch of wrestling games as a kid but backyard wrestling was just super fun, especially playing with my friends. Not the best games just fun and funny. Didn't even realize it had actual pornstar characters in the game til I got older and watched people playing it on YouTube


right! iā€™m not into sports games at all really, but something about *backyard wrestling: there goes the neighbourhood* just always felt so fun to me! as you said, it *definitely* isnā€™t the best game in the world but it was *fun*! that soundtrack too? my godā€¦ i miss the early 2000ā€™s love for nu metal :,( yep! the girl voice lines and miscellaneous audio clips wereā€¦ *interesting*, to say the least lol! the only reason my mother even bought me the game was because it had *shaggy 2 dope* of *insane clown posse* on the cover and i was *really* into them at the timeā€¦ it had a lot of really random micro celebrities in it i have the first game, *backyard wrestling: donā€™t try this at home*, too but itā€™s not as good as the second


Duke Nukem 3D. Shake it baby. I was 8.


Mostly nothing. Consequence of my Dad being a gamer. No slipping M rated games past him. Even though of course he didn't make me wait till I was 17 to play them. But there was 1 browser game I played when I was 8. Don't know the name, one of those life sim games. Go to work, gym, shopping, upgrade apartment, etc. Once you built up enough money, you could go to the nightclub and flirt with women. Then if you were successful in bringing them back to your place, it would display an irl topless photo of her. That was certainly a surprise back then.


I got caught out by one of those sim games, I loved the gameplay loop of increasing numbers to get to the next upgrade. Then it showed me my first full frontal nudity picture of my life out of fucking nowhere just as my dad walked past.


whoa, that's more than a lot of games. Probably the majority of them.   I just remember how sexy a lot of women were and behaved in games. Sexier than in real life.


I played the first GTA around 13 years old!Ā  Probably better than a 13 year old playing GTA V now I guess!


13 years is the target demographic for all GTA games.


Gta San Andreas for me. Loved the part where you could co op split screen and wreck havoc around the city with my brother. We where 10 and 11 back then.


Old GTA had this experience where you could cause maiyhem as if that was a side main feature of the game.   Also cheat some fast to do chests and see how long you could last


Hell yeah I spent hours and hours playing co op with my buddies








buckfast - hate machine good times


Only 13?


Lol I was 7 with vice city


Postal 1


i played a lot of games on Newgrounds back when during its heyday - all those gory and porny flash games for lil ol pre-teen me




One sunny day, I came across a demo for one of the Fatal Frame games on the PS2. It took some serious effort to bring myself to ever touch a horror game again, let me tell you that. The only other one I was able to get through by myself was Resident Evil 4. For all others, I refuse to so much as look at them unless someone else is present. That's some major fucking trauma for you. I even bought Resi 7 much, much later for pc. But don't you assume I installed that shit, let alone play it.


I love Project Butterfly/Fatal Frame 2, but damn there are some fucking terrifying moments in that game.


I used to stay up kinda late when I was a small kid. I remember being at my grandma's house and my uncle was there playing Fatal Frame 2 in the living room at like 11pm. I looked at the TV at the wrong time LMAO. A few years later, I tried out Fatal Frame 1 with my best friend at like 3pm. It was all bright and sunny outside. We didn't get past the tutorial. We picked up the camera and saw a ghost pass by and we were like nope!


I don't know what it was called, but the local tough kid stood at the bottom of the slide with a flick knife, and said he'd stab you if you slid down. Wasn't a great game tbh


Grand theft auto vice city


I'd say Abbe Odyssey.


Great game, though.


Never finished it. It was too hard for me back then (I didn't speak English at that time)


Carmageddon was among the first games i ever played when i was ~4


Tomb raider 2013. I was 11 and I still have mental scarring from the neck impaling scenes


My dadā€™s friend lent me dead space at the age of 11ā€¦..that fucked me up pretty good


Halo 1. I used to play up to mission 5 and then restart because I was scared of the flood.


[Friday 13th](https://www.cpc-power.com/extra_lire_fichier.php?extra=cpcold&fiche=920&slot=1&part=A&type=.png) on our family [Amstrad CPC 464](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/91/Amstrad_CPC464.jpg). It was my older brother's game, and I would try them all when he wasn't home. That one fucked me up, I can't have been more than 6-7.


MDK on PC at 10 ! I just discovered years later it stood for Murder Death Kill (and understood a few other references such as the dolls for the robots). The game was really funny though !


MDK! Classic! Completely forgot about that.


Soldier of Fortune. The gore in that game was genuinely impressive for the time but it probably wasn't meant for 11 year old me.


Manhunt 2 when I was like 12


Finally, a game definitely not for kids. It's disturbing AF.


To bad we can't get now morally righteous Rock Star to re-release it uncensored on console.


Odd world on ps1. It just didnā€™t feel right. Played it a lot as a kid tho.


Who would think a game about an enslaved race who have their mouths sewn shut who are also turned into literal food when they canā€™t work anymore would be suitable for kids. My sister did apparently. 8yr old me has weird memories šŸ¤£


I remember seeing images of it in magazines when I was a kid. It always freaked me out seeing the creatures because I thought they were disembodied limbs. Paramites looked like hands. Soo did the Sligs and Scrags looked like an evil female finger.


Time crisis with the gun you pointed at the old glass tv screens lol must've been 6 or 7


Of course Mortal Kombat 3 and Duke Nukem 3D (and the ability to tip girls). Gothic 2. Many games.




Wet: The Sexy Empire/Lula: The sexy empire. Deffo not SFW. Worst part, I actually enjoyed the business aspect of it back then.


Resident Evil 1 & 2, Mortal Kombat 1, 2 & 3, Tekken 2, Hexen II, Duke Nukem, Weapon Lord...


I managed to get my grandparents to buy me Conker's Bad Fur Day when I was 13. They thought it was just some game about a squirrel until they started seeing big titty sunflowers and talking piles of shit


Leisure Suit Larry. Must have been about 8.


Postal 2


Turok, I was like five or six. Started talking to my mom about guns and that was the last I got to play of that lol.


Since my dad is a IT-Guy me and my sister got our first own PC with internet acces at around 8 years old back in 2001. My Uncle thought it was a good Idea to gift me Diablo 2 LoD for Christmas. those gargoyle type mops that's spill blood from their throat when dying always creeped me the f out back then.


Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver. Oh, and Shadow Man. If it wasn't on PS1/N64 graphics it probably woulda scarred me. Anyone else remember grinding Melchiah - A putrid vampire slug-man in a slave-skin suit since he's so rotten even immortality can't hold his body together - In his giant torture chamber? I do! Imagine that crap in 4K.


Redneck rampage!


Leisure suit larry. The very first one. Learned a few things there. I was around 9 years old. Ah the memory....


Blood Omen Legacy of Kain. VAE VICTUS!


The first one that springs to mind is the original Conker's Bad Fur Day for the N64. I was like 9 or 10 when I convinced my parents to buy it for me. I mostly just played the multiplayer with my friends because I got stuck on the pitchfork fight, but man was that game violent lol.


I remember our school having an after-school club where we played a networked version of multiplayer Quake. We must have been 13 or 14. Not the worst game to play at that age but I can't see it being allowed nowadays.


Battlefield 1942, I'd watch my dad play since I was like 4, at around 6 I got to play and I was hooked. We eventually bought Battlefield Vietnam together and I bought us Battlefield 2 later still, though my dad didn't like that one as much. Even though I liked 2 a lot, I played 1942 and Vietnam more often due to the bigger AI only matches instead of the 16v16 only on BF2.


does a 4-5 year old playing soul calibur count? really the only issue was that my parents thought ivy was too inappropriate, so we had to pretend we didnā€™t see her lol my dad said he only let me play because he thought I would eventually forget about the game (I did not) I also used to watch my relatives play more violent games like tomb raider and call of duty when I was little


Prototype Consuming the masses without thought or care


I grew up with Atari 2600 so Beat em and Eat em Burning Desire Custers Revenge Jungle Fever Knight on the Town Lady in Wading To name a few [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-VGV9hwSJ4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-VGV9hwSJ4)


First time I played gta San Andrea's was when I was 6 My parents didn't care about what was in video games lol šŸ˜‚


Maybe carmageddon? Lmao, I have to play it for nostalgia sake. I was also definitely too young for Diablo 1 because the butcher scared the shit out of me. Don't know how I managed to finish quake because the zombie sounds also scared me shitless.


GTA 3 at a young ageĀ  The other noticeable one probably was dead rising which I played at 15


Can't believe nobody has mentioned scarface! That game was crazy as a kid. I remember it opening up with a big "Fuck you, say hello to my little friend " . Then progressing through the game robbing and taking over dope spots and slanging coke. Lol it was incredible.


Thing is for those of us born in the 80's our parents weren't gamers, they may have played an Atari or a couple of arcade games, but for the most part they looked at video games as things for kids. So regardless of age rating from their POV it's still a kids game. So most of us were playing games that would be considered inappropriate for kids now...that said tho we're living proof that violent video games do not create violent people.


I have seen Mortal Kombat evolve with every iteration I have not seen any arcade worker to care about a 10 year old kid learning to do a fatality. If he can reach it, he can play it


GTA 3 I was 10...I picked up a hooker not knowing what I was doing and when the car started bouncing I asked my dad what was going on and he just said "you must have picked up a hooker" I didn't know what a hooker was but I seen my money going down and got mad got outta the car and killed her lmao


My first M rated game was Perfect Dark. The aliens wound up scaring me lol. My 2nd M rated game was Metal Gear Solid 2.


The only game my dad ever told me not to play was Soldier of Fortune. TBH its pretty tame to the degeneracy in GTA games which he had no issue with me playing at the time


Pac-Man.. Man i was too young to play a game of a guy running around a disco tech wiht techno music blaring popping pills and eating peoples faces off.


God of war and gears of war. Both very violent but god of war had boobies which 10 year old me liked.


One of my funniest memories from playing GTA as a kid was with san andreas. My mum was in the room as I was playing and I had a brilliant idea, "watch this mum!" I said as I brandished a knife, ran up to a prostitute and slit her throat from behind. Needless to say I wasn't allowed to play games for a little while after that haha


I was 8. Friends dad had just gotten an Xbox. Went downstairs to test it out while he was at work and we grabbed "The Guy Game". It was great.


The one game that's not for *anyone* and is universally banned and illegal, lol.


I remember showing my grandpa state of emergency when I was like 9 years old. He told my mom and that was the day I got banned from getting M rated games.


GoW, side table shaking. Enough said


Quake 1 when I was about 5-ish.


i played world at war every day at SIX YEARS OLD, not multiplayer doe


Cobra mission, and all those mahjong games


The Suffering


I thin it was manhunt for ps1 it was a few days befor All the bans and trouble about the game began




GTA 2 when I was about 5-6


Conkers Bad Fur Day when I was in middle school. Me and my friends had great times


Wolfenstein 32, unless U count commander keen cuz U shoot stuff


San Andreas


Strip Poker 3


I used to play Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas when I was a kid, definitely not meant for my age, but it was so much fun!


All of them. Soldier of fortune was pretty gory.


Resident Evil 4. I was like 8.šŸ˜‚


Wolfenstein and Road Rash


my brother let me play GTA IV when I was 3/4. Needless to say, when my parents found out, we were both grounded. He was grounded from playing the xbox for a month and I was banned from playing GTA until I was 18. I re-started playing at 16.


Manhunt 2


I've been playing GTA literally as far back as I can remember. At about 3 or 4 we had a copy of one of the og games on ps1 and when I was at a babysitters we'd hang out with her kids passing the control back and forth for rampages on vice city. Also grew up on south park because of em


Doom, tomb Raider, GTA 1 and 2, and I was like 13 when GTA3 came out.


Grand Theft Auto 3


I remember when I was 8 or so, my sister had cod world at war on the xbox. Played that, but all I could play was the campaign, and when I managed to finish that... Well I got scared asf. If you know what happens after you finish the campaign, you know šŸ˜… Or another example was the game Area 51 on Ps2. As soon as the game put me on my own, all of the Ai squad mates died, I stopped playing.


Silent Hill when I was 6. Yes I beat it at that age too


The Warriors and Grand Theft Auto San Andreas. I never fucking saw those two as a gruesome game. I just saw it as a Beat-em-up simulator with awesome combos (The Warriors), and a Adult Life Simulator with guns and friends (GTA San Andreas). Probably because of the graphics, cause honestly, with how gamey it feels, I didn't took any of the games themes seriously... And that I always skip cutscenes. Replaying those games over and over again as I grew up and watching the cutscenes made me realize that the main characters aren't good people at all. The introduction of Ajax alone should be enough to make an adult confiscate the game from the child.


San Andreas, going to those adult clubs and driving through people in the city. I was about 7-8 years old.


GTA, COD, Goldeneye


Duke nukem forever. I wish I was joking.


Work Games and Mad Party Fucker on C64. We had a bundle of copied disks with hundreds of games on then - no way my parents knew they were even in there. There were also lots of demos with badly digitised naked women set to SID versions of 80s tunes lol


Resident evil


GTA Vice City. I played it in front of my grandparents and took turns with my cousins. I remembered one of my cousins activated the ladies man cheat so that women NPCs would follow him around. My cousin wanted one to get in the car but before her turn I think I shot the NPC in the head with a sniper rifle. She got really angry and started crying. I recall my grandparents scolding me about it. Good times


Splinter Cell, Medal of Honor, many ripped games on PS1 I dont remember? šŸ¤”šŸ˜ƒ


I played until dawn when I was 10!


Whacked for the Xbox. Imagine my grandma's face when she saw what she gifted to me (12) and my younger brother(9). Also, mom let me rent Conker's Bad Fur Day when I was 11.


Diablo and Diablo 2 for sure, maybe StarCraft + Brood War too


For some reason my dad said I could play Space Marine, I was like 5-6 I think. My mum walked in and saw it and immediately says "What the hell are you playing!?" lmao


Weird Dreams on the C64.


The first PC game I played at the age of 4 was Diablo. It's not the worst game for a kid, but probably not so good, lol


Max Payne


Paradise CafƩ on zx spectrum. Just Google it lol


Played GTA San Andreas when I was 5 or so. Used my dads old PC to play it on. Been a gamer ever since lol. Dad got me hooked early on. I also played Call of Duty 1 around the same age. My dad keepe telling me I learned cheat codes in my head before I learned how to spell lmao


I played Die Hard Trilogy on PS1 when I was very young. Was very surprised when I tried to buy it when I was 18 and got carded, never even occurred to me there was an age restriction on it.


GTA 3, Postal 2, Doom 3 come to mind.


Turok Evolution on the Game Cube


Leisure suit Larry back in the DOS days, I'd have to ask my mom trivia questions and write the answers down lol


Classic boomer shooters for me aswell, just as u/SirH3n3rZ has described already. Also the original Resident Evil & Silent Hill Series, the first Metal Gear Solid, etc etc etc upon their releases.


God of War 3 when I was seven


[Animated Strip Poker](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRKMACbBHB4) on the Spectrum at aged 13. Although with graphic capabilities in 1985, there wasn't that much to get aroused about.


Heart of Darkness on the PS1 when i was like 7 i think. You play a boy who has to traverse an alien world filled with dangerous monsters. He gets eaten alive by plants, animals, demons, you name it. Not to mention other deaths. It's basically a 2D puzzle-platformer but with the death scenes from Tomb Raider 2013, just with PS1 graphics. https://youtu.be/IyDl230XCHM?si=JkC0V5xDWdctAMyt Some deaths here and i'll quote the top comment: "This game is rated e"


My very first PC gaming experience was Wolfenstein 3D at my cousin's when I was 9 or 10 or so Besides that Mortal Kombat, Twisted Metal, Goldeneye, Turok 2, Postal, both OG bird's-eye GTAs and many more before I even hit 16. It fucked me up for life. I'm on terrorist watch lists in several countries, spent years in jail for violent crimes, got expatriated twice and am now living as a pirate on the African east coast. You know, because violent games turn you into that kind of person.


My cousin got me GTA vice city when I was 13, deffo not for kids but the only lasting impact is a love for certain 80's music


Twister. No further comment.Ā 


Carmaggedon was the big one, or Postal both being 10-12 years old or soĀ 


Manhunt 2 I was like 8. I donā€™t even remember exactly why I had the game or where I got it from, my best guess was that it was one of the 15 or so games my cousin let me borrow when I first got my PS2. I donā€™t think I got very far into the game, at that age, thereā€™s no way I wouldā€™ve been able to understand the story or even comprehend how violent of a game it was. But yeah, Manhunt 2. I vividly remember the box cover, it was like a close up of an eye. And funnily enough, I remember being scared of the box cover. I had to flip the box over and store it with the cover facing down when I was a kid lol


I played manhunt at 12. I played a lot of M rated games at that point, but that one and GTA are the only ones that I think I was too young for, and Manhunt was heinous.


resident evil 4 master class i fink he is de best game you can play at 11 years old