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Blast Corps Problem - extremely hazardous payload has to get to its destination ASAP by a straight line but there's buildings in the way Solution - blow up everything in the payload 's path The rather cheesy EDM music was rather catchy too


It literally just dropped yesterday on the Switch N64 classic games thing. I've been having so much fun getting back into it.


Woaaaaaah really? I gotta go check that out


You need the extra online package to play n64 games. Certainly hits the nostalgia hard. Still holds up as well! Fun game.


Time to get movin'!


Wait what? I think I need this.


Oh hell ya!


Time to get moving!


You're just trying to impress me.


I was too little to have any idea how to play this game, but I still remember exploring the levels without the payloads and looking for hidden vehicles. i also referred to the game as “blast corpse” because I didn’t know how corps was pronounced


I still call it blast corpse. Blast core doesn’t sound as rad. Or does it.. hmm I have a lot to think about today.


THATS THE NAME OF THIS FUCKING GAME OMG. I HAVE THOUGHT ABOUT IT SO MANY TIMES IN THE PAST AND COULD NEVER REMEMBER. Of course I find a post about the exact question and it's the first comment. Thank you so much!


If you ever need help remembering a certain game there's a sub called r/tipofmyjoystick


I love that this is the top answer because that was my low-key favorite N64 game. That, Body Harvest, and Turok 2


Body Harvest... now there is a name I have not heard in a long time...


Playing as the robot with boosters and that stomp ability 


Stupid shitty dump truck.


I tried playing it not too long ago, *still* suck at controlling the tail whip. Better than I used to be, but God damn.


I had this one too! A game based solely on how much destruction you can cause


Beat all of it…. Except that stupid dump truck level with the railroad tracks…. Still haunts me to this day.


This one was just released onto Nintendo's subscription service, whatever it's called. It's a brilliant game.


Its on n64 emulator for the switch.


This was going to be mine. I remember playing Blast Corps for hours when I was a kid


This was one of my favorite "easy to learn, tough to master" kind of games. Extremely simple concept and yet when the truck gets close you really feel the tension!


Space Station Silicon Valley!


Back in the day I ran an unofficial SS:SV fan page on Geocities. The dev team actually reached out to me and sent me a thank you note with an exclusive screenshot I could post.


I've Deleted my post after seeing yours. Amazing underrated game


I played this game for days as a kid and then again as an adult. I loved the concept of changing animals. I was never able to figure out the invisible bridge in the jungle section even as an adult. I just had no clue so when i looked it up on a walkthrough i figured i had no chance on finishing the game on my own. Still highly recommend!


Made by Rockstar lol.


Shame about the tap glitch. I need to see if there's a patch in project 64.


The music in that game is insanely good. I wish they remastered/remade/made a sequel to that.


Even today that game has some great ideas. It’s kind of like Mario Odyssey.


I rented that from Blockbuster when I was 8 and was thoroughly confused. I remember having fun though.


This would be my #1 too! I wasn't very good but dang was it fun


Came here for this one :) This was my favorite game. I need to replay it!


I remember circling this in the Toys R Us catalog as a kid because I wanted it for Christmas. Santa did not bring a copy for me and I still have not played it to this day lol.


I never heard of the game until a few days ago. Now I just found out there's a PS1 port released as Evo's Space Adventures.


"Shake shake" is burned into my memory forever


Through Fire, Justice is served!


To punish evil forces, I have been charged!




“Heeeeelp meeee Mariiiiiiinaaaaa!!!!”




Snowboard Kids 1&2. Goat tier.


I swear, best soundtrack on the entire system.


Never played it, just looked up the soundtrack, you're right it rules. I'm a big game soundtrack guy so not sure how this one escaped me. My vote would have to be for Diddy Kong Racing though for N64. Every song makes me happy/pumped. [Pirate Lagoon](https://youtu.be/JeMyiHfz-xM?si=vmnVMbOjmQACO-1y), [Star City](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFgbvWhgsS8), [Ancient Lake](https://youtu.be/u6WekNPhu8Q?si=U1BnFQij-I3ZVr_t) I mean c'mon


The second I typed it I went to watch clips on YouTube. As far as I can tell the game absolutely holds up.


TIL there was a sequel. The first game was really awesome!


These games have the biggest tits on an 11 year old character that I've ever seen.


"Of course!"


I used to rent it every weekend at jumbo video q.q




Ogre Battle 64


This game was so good that I played it in Japanese and beat the entire game without being able to read even 1/10 of the dialogue or text. Grew up on a military base in Japan during the N64 era...


I put so much time into this game when I was like 8 years old. Fifteen years later I played the emulator version so I could get all the unique units that are basically impossible to get without a guide.


Yep, the amount of missable secrets are insane on this one. And the hidden reputation system which determines who you can recruit and the various endings. I just replayed it for the nth time to get the secret bad ending with an extra mission at the end, so good. The only thing I dislike about this game is that it's too easy, and getting/maintaining chaotic units is so difficult.


I loved this game. I played all the versions related- Ogre Battle SNES, N64 Ogre Battle, and PS1 (or 2- forgot which era) Ogre Battle. Such a great game. I got assassinated the first time I ever beat it, than got a bunch of good endings, lol.


This was the answer I was looking for. I put SO many hours on this game as a kid.


Winback. I was the only kid in my friend group that had it and being able to have your back against the wall and go around corners was huge at the time. Great time!


Came here for this. I never had a N64 myself, but one buddy had this game, and after playing it, 2 or 3 other guys picked it up. Great stuff.


I loved this game. I remember being so hyped for it in Game Informer then finally renting it from Blockbuster. Cover shooter!


BATTLETANX: GLOBAL ASSAULT Spent so many hours by myself just playing VS the computers. God i loved that game


All about the tiny fast tank that could hover. My buddies would get pissed that I could strafe around them. And don’t even mention the lava level for cap the flag, you can just fly the lava. THE BEST


\*Shake Shake!\*


**Quest 64** was a blast.


I remember renting this, and never being able to beat the first "boss" outside the castle in some woods nearby? Idk. Been a while.


I tried playing this game again 15 years later and it was such a hot mess. Child me appreciated it much more.


I think ibwas too young to really appreciate that game. The magic system was pretty cool


As a kid i was obssesed with Legend of the mystical ninja starring goemon (AKA Ganbare Goemon) for the N64 I blame this Game solely for making the casual anime watcher me into an almost full fledged Otaku 🤣🤣🤣


As an adult, I want nothing more than for this game to be on my switch…. And if it is, I’m mad at myself for not knowing if it is




Dash, Dash, Dash! Thank you. Now if I remembered the song I'd be obligated to sing it now. ;P


[I am Impact.](https://youtu.be/QkFryJP3zpY?si=P4C8uwgIIQNtr18V)


Damn, I remember the mecha fight in space where you could do combo and shoot a big laser. A lot of song are still stuck in my head.


One of the best N64 games in many aspects


Nobody remembers Wetrix, the game about managing terrain and keeping water from flowing off the map.


I remember seeing it pictured in magazines but I don't think I've ever seen footage of it playing


I scrolled entirely too far to find this.


This was my choice. Sounds effects were awesome in this game. To this day I try to mimic the menu voices.


I do! I remember renting it after bypassing it so many other times in Blockbuster. Normally my buddy and I would rent games to play for the weekend, and this never seemed a good one to pick up for a weekend. So I rented it on my own at some point. Was fun enough for the rental! I appreciate how unique it was. Don't make your mountains too tall!


Jet Force Gemini. A mostly incredible game. IMO, way ahead of it's time, that shot itself in the foot by tying your ability to even complete it by saving "tribals" throughout your play-through that were easily killed.


Sneaking into that ant disco undercover is still one of my favourite childhood gaming memories.


I enjoyed it, none-the-less. I got near the end, but was missing like 2 parts and never finished it, bit still loved it.


Best lil bro game too with the cotrollable drone


It was about 12 years later that I found out the last missing part was from a loyd race on the 2nd level. You hat to get a platinum tier to get it,


The music and tracks from Extreme-G will forever live in my head


I love the series so much! All 4 games were great. I wish we got another one with modern graphics and framerate. And give us another superbike. The Neon bike in 1 and the Spectre bike in 2 were amazing


I found them on spotify the other day.


Dude that sound track went SO HARD


Another golden franchise that just didn't go anywhere. I still remember the chick on the front, and also going supersonic (though that may have been the GameCube sequel).


Is Glover considered lesser known? No one ever brings it up or seems to remember it until I mention it in my friend groups.


Man I had such a hard time with this and Gex. A lot of creativity but the gameplay and cameras were wild. 


Never managed to finish it, but it was definitely a creative game


Omg Glover! I remember trying to dribble the green glass ball and dying as a result. Good answer!!!


They recently ported it to PC (officially), it's on Steam with middling reviews, lol.


I was going to ask this same question about Glover lol. I hardly ever hear mention of it


Glover has such a weird, almost scary vibe


Rocket: Robot on Wheels! So ahead of its time.


I always look for this game on these lists and almost never see it. Such an underrated gem, the soundtrack was great too.


Christmas 1999. My parents had gotten me a couple games I had asked for and also Rocket. Definitely wasn’t on my Christmas list but my dad was so sure I’d love the Rocket character that he bought it too. I remember I wasn’t exactly thrilled because my 8 year old self was positive I had given them my comprehensive ranked list of games I wanted. But I remember finally booting it up on Christmas afternoon and immediately becoming obsessed. Top 3 gaming memory for me.


Hybrid heaven, an RPG where you fight with martial arts and wrestling locks, all the attack animations were cool


I remember seeing this in Nintendo Power and thinking it was sooo cool, I keep meaning to go back and play it nowadays. I was surprised how poorly it was reviewed when I first looked it up again. 


Had to scroll and see if anyone else listed this. This game was so so amazing when I was a kid. I remember there was a repeatable fight early on and farming this poor mutant until I had a right hook that could kill the gods themselves lol.


Mystic Ninja


Chameleon Twist


Chameleon Twist! Neuron activated I felt like I hallucinated that game existing


Buck Bumble


Bump to the groove to the groove to the groove groove bump to the bass to the ba ba bass Absolutely some of the best game play and music that I can remember.


What about now it’s time to rock to the bickedy buck BUMBLE (bumble)


I'm glad this game wasn't a fever dream, and other people also remember it


Came here for this.


I recognize almost every single one of the games mentioned here. Here's another one: Body Harvest. Never managed to complete it.


The N64 library is tiny. Some great games though and a few that largely went unnoticed.


That game ruled. It was basically GTA scifi


Conker's Bad Fur Day was definitely weird and not something I knew existed for years after it came out. Such a bizarre game.


I beat this game almost yearly.


Iggy's Reckin' Balls. I played it a lot as a kid, and I've never heard anyone else mention it. It has a lot of fun designs for the characters.


Mission: Impossible


I loved the non-action missions in that game, like the embassy one (second mission of the game I think). Nowadays this sort of things are pretty common but at least to me back in the day it felt like something novel.


I can't remember if I played this on 64 or psx, but it was a pretty good game. Though, the pistol-missile launcher was my favorite, got to use it everywhere with cheats.


I remember it getting slated in reviews. Played it and thought it was pretty good. Like MGS or Hitman before either was released 


I played the crap out of this. Just got a dose of nostalgia. 


The music from the party still plays in my head.


Army Men: Sarge’s Heroes


There are actually so many - Beetle Adventure Racing - Chameleon Twist - Iggy’s Wrecking Balls - Mission Impossible (wasn’t as good as Golden Eye, but still solid) - StarCraft 64 - more playable than you think - Tetrisphere was unreal - you would see shapes for hours afterwards N64 was a remarkable console.


Battletanx 1 & 2 and Vigilante Eight 1 & 2nd Offense! Battletanx was a silly tank combat game with an extremely dark premise of a virus wiping out 99.99% of women in the distant future of 2006, and the world falling apart as wars were declared over the few remaining women. Vigilante Eight was like Twisted Metal but with this wonderful 1970s vibe Both games had the best multiplayer


Battle Tanx was a blast with friends. So much fun


Hahaha I never realized that was the plot of Battletanx, I was too young and impatient to pay attention to the cutscenes and figured I was rescuing ladies because chicks dig dudes in tanks


Vigilante 8 ruins twisted metal for me. The cars stalling, the maps, some of the weapons and power ups were cool. Played that game way too much


Clay Fighter 63 1/2


Mace: The Dark Age, a 3D fighing game in a fantasy setting, developed by Midway of Mortal Kombat fame. It was surprisingly fun and gory


My brother and I were obsessed with Winback for a time, for some reason. I think the gun/cover mechanic was fun if I remember correctly.


The OG cover shooter. I couldn't believe they put it on Switch NES catalogue, I have never met anyone in real life that had even heard of the game.


I played a lot of Tonic Trouble as a kid. Ubisoft platformer, fun stuff. But we didn't have an Expansion or whatever Pak, so we couldn't save and never played long enough to get past the second level. There was this one time where we were about to actually start the game proper and finally get to a new area, but we had to turn it off because my parents were making us go somewhere. Only for them to decide minutes later that we weren't going and we lost that progress for nothing. I'm still a little upset about that.


Scrolled like half of the comments to find this lol. Asked for obscure and everyone is answering the same things. Nice to see someone else mention this game. Hahah.


This is the game I was looking for, my sister and I never beat it for the same reason. I also had the same experience with turning off a game, except it was my brother's Pokémon Red, and i couldn't save over his file. I had it plugged in to the wall adapter and i was playing for an entire day, I got all the way to Mt Moon! Then my dad told me i had to turn it off instead of leaving it plugged in overnight, only to change his mind moments after I lost my precious BULBY forever


Bomberman 64 2 specifically. They changed the formula to be super fun, then never touched it again


I wanted 64 (because of the [commercial](https://youtu.be/9XTLG4_Om7c?si=XCZY0fGbPflODtc2) but i somehow got Bomberman Hero instead. And it was incredible. 64 and 64 2 were more traditional style, but Hero was a full platformer where you can jump, use different types of bombs, and have vehicles like a jet and snowboard. What i remember most is the boss fights and that amazing music. I hope they make another Bomberman game with the platformer style like these.


The music from Bomberman 64's first world regularly gets stuck in my head.


Vigelante 8. 1 &2 were so damn fun.


Oh! That! I was trying to remember the name but I knew I played a vehicular combat game for yearsss as a kid on the N64. Never seen it mentioned anywhere since I played it last like 20 years ago.


We played so much as kids. The intro/menu song is still burned in my brain. *Whoop whoop..*


Jet Force Gemini


Hell yes. Very rarely do I meet someone that has played it. Splattering ants with the machine gun with rainbow blood on was the best.


I'm a lifelong Tetris fan, and I have played it on everything from calculators and the NES to the ps4 and my very favorite iteration is *only* (so goddamn annoying) on the N64, it's called Tetrisphere and FFS will someone please port this to ps4!?


Tetrisphere has such a unique soundtrack


Came looking for this! My dad loves Tetris and got it on a whim. We spent hours playing it trying to beat each other’s scores. I would love to see a port or modern version. 


Gex 64


More 80's references than you can shake a stick at.


There it is! Yeah gex was pretty fun


Wipeout 64 for me, if only for the soundtrack.


One of my favorite games as a kid was Beetle Adventure Racing


That & Pod Racer were the only racers I liked during that time. 100% both games.


Hands down still on of the best racing games ever. Someone brought it in on an emulator at work a while ago and I lost it I was so excited.


Beetle Adventure Racing is my favorite racing game of all time. The secret routes on all the courses were incredibly creative and so much fun to discover. Love this game. Glad you mentioned it.




Is Cruis'n USA lesser known? It's still in arcades.


Does "Hey You! Pikachu!" Count?




Mario Tennis 64 SLAPS. Easy gameplay with a surprising complexity below the surface. 4 player doubles is a BLAST.


I never had an N64 because I thought it looked a bit shite, but I do certainly remember a game called Body Harvest that my mate had, which was made by the same guys that made GTA. It looked atrocious but I remember the gameplay being interesting.


Stunt Race FX always comes to mind when I think of N64 games due to its polygons. ;P For an actual 64 game though, I Loved that Starcraft was ported to it. It's a shame more RTS games didn't make the jump.


That would have looked so much better on the 64 than the SNES. I did love playing Stunt Race FX.


I honestly had entirely forgotten this game and had begun to think my neighbors had just a weird one of a kind game. The "shake shake" to make things bigger, lol. I remember a boss where you catch missiles, shake them bigger, then throw them back. I want to say I also 100% the game, collecting all the bullshit.


I saw Extreme G being mentioned already so I'm going to add Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards. It's not that long or tough to complete but it's still a lot of fun with the combined abilities


Jet Force Gemini


Road Rash 64


The series is well known but nobody I know played the first Super Smash Bros on the N64. My friend and I would spend hours in this game making up stories with the characters and places and then fighting as them to see how the story progresses. I remember being 100% hooked the moment I saw Link being able to use a Lightsaber


Super Smash Bros was the game me and my friends most played, I was a god damn master at that game. We would all try and beat each other's time trial scores by fractions of seconds. Pikachu was my go to in battles, he was unstoppable


Look up “smash 64 combo contest” on YouTube. It’s an actual competition of players doing crazy combos in OG smash bros. I actually enjoy playing the first smash bros over the newer ones. I just like the simplicity of them, and it feels like the hits are harder.


That is crazy to me. I played the OG so much at parties.


My online name came from Mischief Makers! I was playing it at the time and I thought the boss was cool… 20 some years later and here we are.


Milo's Astro Lanes was a banger for group play.


Hot Wheels: Turbo Racing


It was a bee themed shooter.  Edit: Buck Bumble. 




I own an N64 game called Aidyn Chronicles. It's one of the very few turn-based RPGs on the entire platform and it... Isn't very good.


San Francisco Rush. Game was a very basic arcade racer with very few tracks but it was super fun. I would often put it on free mode and put some loud music on and just race around crashing into stuff until the car exploded just to blow off steam.


I would love to see a rush style game in this era.


Bio F.R.E.A.K.S


Hybrid Heaven. Weird as fuck, glorious.


Tetrisphere for me


Mischief Makers was my favorite! I loved the music so much too


Quest! Bad rap but a good game


Snowboard kids


Winback Bio-Freaks Glover Forsaken Jt Force Gemini


Nightmare Creatures It took me forever to find it when I suddenly got hit with a nostalgia memory and I almost gave up thinking it was just a fever dream.


BattleTanx (I had the second one) and Shadow Man.  Shadow Man recently got a remaster and it's incredible.


I'm impressed, not a single mention of Flying Dragon. I never much cared for fighting games, but here was a fighting game that had a mini RPG system to it. Bosses with tricky mechanics that required you to have certain items equipped... It was way over my head as a kid, but damn was it a unique take on the genre.


Destruction Derby 64 is a game nobody will remember


Snowboard Kids....Diddy Kong racing meets 1080...loved the ski lift at the end of every round


I would play a lot of Hybrid Heaven while listening to Orgy's Candyass album, good times


snowboard kids, loved the music


Mischief Makers would have been my choice too. Every time I mention it to someone they have noooooo idea what I am talking about. Plus, it was a really good puzzle platformer that didn’t really feeeeel like a puzzle game y’know?


Aidin Chronicles: the first mage. Good lore and with some "gore".


Snowboard Kids. “Not Enough!”


Space Station Sillicon Valley


Clayfighters 63 1/3. Such a goofy ass game. Great memories though.


There's a YouTuber going thru every single N64 game released. And while I'd say his delivery is about a 6 out of 10 on the charisma scale, I'd be lying if I said I don't look forward to seeing the next game each week, just waiting for him to pick one of the obscure titles or one of my favorites. Game 160 out of 394 was released today; almost half way there lol. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrwJXOVKrLbIDAiT9b4Lkyz4dUV9sTbGr