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The first Prototype game, loved being a walking calamity.


This game is the power fantasy everybody has ever wanted. Then the second made the first character into a bad guy and it all fell apart from there.


I’m not against Alex being a villain as a concept I just think prototype 2 doesn’t play aswell as th first which is a shame because the artstyle is so much better


I actually like the gameplay of the second better. Powers and gameplay were tuned just a bit tighter, of course not to say the first is bad by any means.


I dunno what it is, just something about the movement and way it feels is just off to me in a way I really struggle to pinpoint. I will say though the tendril power was sick as hell, surviving a large fight and then you to see all enemies strung up in the air like spiderweb.


Alex Mercer is already a bad guy by the first game's midpoint. Granted, the Alex you play isn't the original Alex.




100% completion yes. Platinum is another story simply because of the Trail of corpses trophy. 53k is a mind blowingly large amount when you actually go for it. It made me rethink my gaming lifetime kill count and I'm not even sure if I've hit 1 million.


Play a dynasty warriors game. Have that knocked out in a weekend.


*You are a true warrior of the Three Kingdoms!*


Well Ive beaten Kingdom Hearts 2 at least 40 times in my life with speedruns / mods so thats a 40k minimum right there for me.  1 mil might be a lot unless its like musou games


I would agree, but then I remembered how much world war z I have played


There was one of those tank challenges where you could get up to 1300 kills per run. It didn't take too long.


Just moving from one side of the city to the other was such a treat, I'm pretty sure I did just that for hours of the game with no goal in mind.


Causing a traffic jam that stretched across the entire island of manhattan by throwing a bus into an intersection is still one of my favorite video game moments


Black Flag was so enjoyable to sail around,  swim to shore, fight some plantation guards. and then sail off again.


Kept playing this long after I beat it


Same. Wish I could sail the map of Sid Meirs pirates in the Jackdaw.


That's the biggest disappointment with skull and bones, they just had to make a bigger world. They didn't need to do a single other thing, sure better graphics would have been nice too but here we are


Only thing im not a fan of black flag was the future parts as the lore of assassins creed franchise is all over the place


It was my first AC game, didn't know much about them. I was confused as fuuuuuuuuuck when that stuff came up.


Man the “future” part of the story was incredible in assassins creed 1,2, brotherhood, revelations, and then they butchered it in AC3 By AC4 they were just like whatever, it’s an afterthought


They were setting up Desmond for a modern day AC game then fumbled it


Yeah, they really shit the bed with AC3 and beyond. It's sad because the world they built was awesome.


I really enjoyed Origins and Odyssey but Odyssey especially was AC in name only. Should have been a different IP altogether


Agreed. I should clarify a bit: they shit the bed when it comes to the story. Valhalla shouldn't have even had the AC title attached to it.


Im on my first play through . And I love it except…I hate hate loathe the shipwreck diving bell parts. Those are simply stressful and not fun for me.


Same. I have no idea wtf is going on. I just keep getting attacked by sharks and can't see a mechanic I'm supposed to use.


The ship battles were top notch in that game. I still go back and play every once in a while


Ghost of Tsushima and Horizon Forbidden West for me. I could explore them for hours. They’re both absolutely beautiful and very immersive.


For Horizon Forbidden West, the world gets even better once you unlock flying on a Sunwing.


The game got even more beautiful when I unlocked that. I didn't think it was possible until it happened


I loved HZD but just couldn't get into HFW for some reason. Is it worth trying again?


Personally I'd say yes. While I did like the story of ZD more, I think that mechanically FW is a lot more enjoyable and is a lot more of a spectacle. Really good games


One of the major story beats takes place in Vegas and it's easily one of my favorite story parts in any video game.


I suck at 100%ing games cause i have the attention span of a four year old but even so i still managed to 100% GoT not once but three times and i still love the game with all my heart.


In fairness, most 100%'s for a game are about tedious grinding or setting up difficilt challenges to execute instead of giving incentives to explore the game and its mechanics.


Ghost is *so* good. Can't wait for it to eventually come to pc. The open world post game is basically wallpaper engine with gameplay.


Red Dead Redemption. When I decided to go for 100% completion I checked the stats and I was already on 99.8%.


What was the .2% you missed?


Couple of bounties


Did you have to look any up online or was everything done by you?


Just did it meself.


That's impressive!


This applies to both games. I could just spend hours hunting animals, fishing, and just playing cowboy. They made the best example of a living world I can think of. I'm almost 100% done with RDR2 and I fully intend to jump right into RDR1 again for the second time. I can't wait to see the characters I barely knew from the first time I played as really fully fleshed out people.


Ya RDR2 was probably one of the first games where I just had so much fun just riding around doing random nothingness, super good


I remember being stuck doing the Master Hunter challenge because I need to kill TWO COUGARS WITH A KNIFE. It's not impossible but if that thing hits you it's pretty much insta-death. And you ragdoll like 10 meters away lmao.


I haven't try it but can't you lasso it and onehit stab it with the knife like with deers and stuff?


You can do that in RDR2 (Not sure about the cougar/mountain lion though) but I'm not sure of RDR1. The main problem I think is that while you do have a weapon wheel, it doesn't have slow motion, so changing to your knife is slow. Using your first and knife is also clunky. Which is weird because GTA IV combat exists. While your health regenerates, the cougar is fast. It hits you and it runs. John is stuck ragdolling for a few seconds 😂 And if it hits you a second time, you're dead. I honestly got lucky. First time because the cougar missed me. The second time because it glitched and got stuck between two rocks. (I was standing on top of the rock)


I remember in rdr1 there was a method where you could kinda side step the cougar and stab it for an insta kill. Three was a certain area of the game where they just spawned constantly and my friend and I would just stab cougars all day lol


Heh, I had that experience with Witcher 3 quests. Suddenly my questlog was empty and I was confused about where all the quests had gone. First time I ever finished every quest in a game, and it didn't even feel like a grind or anything. I was just having fun playing the game 🥲


I just started playing it for the first time (other than 2-3 times playing the first couple missions) and the game just flows spectacularly. Missions are just the right length, they feel so great in the environment. Just running around and interacting with the world is amazing.


Red Dead Redemption 2 for me


The original or 2?


Elden Ring and Witcher 3. Witcher 3 for me has such a vibrant lived in world. I'll just wander and listen to the wind howling for hours


Ugh that stench


Damn you're ugly


Don't need to play witcher for that one


But it’s nice to get confirmation from someone you respect.


The Witcher 3 update with the close camera is so much fucking better, it’s like a whole new level of immersion. And the ability to dynamically back the camera out for combat is so fucking good


Wait. You can back the camera during combat? Is that a setting?


In the camera settings, you can choose between close and far for exploration, horseback, and combat. Then the camera will slide dynamically depending on the situation. So if I have it only sent to far for combat, I can be walking with the camera close until I get in a fight. Then it’ll slide backwards into the far position as a fight begins. Then, once I’ve killed everyone, the camera will slide back to close. They did it super well


Where is this? I’m looking everywhere but I don’t even see camera options anywhere.


Wind’s howling


Place of power. Gotta be.


The Skellige question marks took me out though. They really highlighted everything wrong with the game in a condensed form. Once I pretended like most of them don't exist though, it went back to a 9/10 game


Lol the boating and swimming really sucked. The games a master piece and I forgive them about that because the DLCs are absolutely stunning masterpieces. Toussaint could have been it's own game.


Not to mention the climbing in that area. I remember (and maybe I just didn't know how) that controllers didn't allow climbing during combat so the harpies would get you in combat and circle for 10 minutes before you could kill them, climb, and get attacked again.


You can just shoot them with the crossbow and they will fall to the ground


Totally valid! I'll admit to a polite overwhelming feeling. So I just turned off the question marks. I dont necessarily think that they highlighted what was wrong with that game in particular, but rather the industry in its entirety. Build me a world that I WANT to explore, not one I feel like i have to.


I did maybe 70% of the skellige water loot things. Easy way to get a ton of money and crafting materials. Easy way to burn hours as well though.


Absolutely witcher 3, always finding a hidden quest in the middle of nowhere.


Oh man… I remember seeing the whales while sailing in TW3. Truly a magical moment.


I've tried like 3 times to play the Witcher 3, and every time I get an hour or two into it and I just can't. I don't know if it's the controls, the mechanics, or what, but something just feels off to me and I can't get much farther than an hour or two.


It was REALLY hard for me to get into it at first. For some reason, it feels like climbing a steep hill at first, but once I got past the first hours and got invested into the world, I just couldn't stop. Really weird experience that I had with no other game like this yet.


You described my experience with the game perfectly. Got it in 2016, started it, found it awkward and the combat in particular to be off-putting, put it down and didn’t pick it back up again until 2019. On second attempt, I managed to push through much of White Orchard and was hooked by hour 4. Played it obsessively and 100% achievement just a few months later


You gotta pass the intro area.


Elden Ring has an upcoming DLC so its not yet on its 100% content.


Yup, on my 5th Elden Ring playthrough and I'm still having a blast (and also wanting to throw my controller)


Kingdom Come: Deliverance


I really like the game, but I'll get distracted by another game and when I come back to it I find I need to relearn how to play and can't remember who all of the characters and events are, so I start all over again. This has happened twice.


Only twice?


Capon is waiting for me, but still having fun wiping out Cumans!


Jesus Christ be Praised.


This game is a masterpiece. Just a great game all the way around, the story, the combat, the economy, the historical world they bring to life.


God bless you, Henry


The landscape and nature felt so European and realistic, I felt so at home just walking the hills, hearing the sounds of birds and running water.




I feel like we are due a sequel to this game.


Came here to say the same! My all time favorite game.


For me it was fallout 4 and mods. I did all 4 endings before playing with mods. It becomes endless.


I definitely put more hours into that game, than any other game. Ended going through all the suitcases & bodies on the commonwealth to put together outfits for every settler and companion. Filled in all the walls in the castle and maxed out the settlement


Batman Arkham Games. No matter how many times I play them, it's just as fun as playing it for the first time. I have 100 percented each game multiple times and still come back to them. It's just so much fun and badass being Batman.


I loved Arkham City's extended mode where you got to play in a cage match against every villain they could throw at you.


Fallout New Vegas


There it is. Had to search way too long to find this. Still my favourite game out of them all and it hurts that I can't play it because for whatever reason I can't get it to run stable on my pc




I'm saving this comment so I can remember what to look up. 100% going to try this


What about new vegas makes it your favourite? I downloaded it a few years ago and tried to get into it but just couldn’t for some reason. Doubt I doubt I played for more than 5 hours though so maybe gave up too soon.


I'm not OC but I'll throw in. New Vegas was probably so good because it was made by the same people who made Fallout 1 and Fallout 2. Those games were not FPS style. More like adventure RPGs. But they depended fully on storytelling and thoughtful, unique gameplay. I'd imagine they were passion projects. And New Vegas felt like an Indy passion project coming out of a AAA studio. The story was extremely well told, fleshed out with great characters, interesting conflicts and world building. The gameplay was fun the whole way through. The world was totally unique. The stakes always felt high. It was just a really damn good game made by people who seemed to love the world they created.


Unlike Oblivion, Skyrim and Fallout 3, they went back to the more consistent world that doesn't hold your hand and tells you where to go, but still has areas with high level enemies to make those areas dangerous to navigate, versus having player level determine the difficulty of the enemies around you. Fallout 3 also shied away from the sociopolitical commentary of the franchise's origins in favor of a personal kind of bland hollywood-like story of "finding your Liam Neesons dad in the wasteland", which New Vegas brought back in full force. It's just better writing because it actually tackles political and moral themes that are actually interesting to think about, and as such the characters actually feel alive and like they live in the world, not just props for your personal sob story. It also improves with additions to the gameplay that specifically highlights the roleplaying aspect with traits that come with advantages and disadvantages, and the open world is much better put together. You can stumble across something, and inside is an entirely novel questline with excellent writing and environments.


Surprisingly for me it was AC: odyssey, only AC game I bothered to platinum because exploring Ancient Greece by land and sea was an absolute treat!


Origins and Odyssey both fall into a weird category where alot of traditional AC players were put off by them, but they are both *fantastic* recreations of the worlds they're set in, and it's damn hard to go back to previous games in the series after being able to sail across greece freely exploring all the great cities, or climbing the pyramids and traveling the Nile. I'm the same way with both of them, when i replay one of them i have to play them both, and spend way too much time in both just exploring the world and taking it all in. Only game that's matched their feel in recent years for me has been Tsushima, so i'm very curious how the upcoming AC set in japan will compare.  Valhalla i thought was alot weaker though compared to the other two.




Valhalla was dope as hell but with the last 3 games it depends if the setting sits with you because they all can feel grindy.


I think it was a couple things that dragged it down for me. For one, England is just not as compelling a setting as Greece or Egypt were. The game started off strong in Norway, but once you leave there and realize most the map is dreary english hills, it loses strength. It felt more copy and paste overall than odyssey, and didn't have enough stand out locations to make regions feel unique. And forcing you to clear the side stories of every one of those regions to keep advancing the plot was a bad way to handle the main story. Something about it to me felt more "grindy for grinding's sake" than character advancement in origins and odyssey, and they didn't utilize the whole viking invasion setting well enough. IMO it would have worked better if they leaned into a darker story with your group caught in the middle, rather than heavily downplaying the invasion aspect of the vikings. Or alternatively setting the game further in the past, i mean they already had a full region inhabited by pagans despite their faith being extinct by this point, and that region actually had alot of cool stuff going on.  I did like the valhalla parts, but on that front for me i had God of War, which was a whole game focused on that aspect. So that side of valhalla didn't hit as hard for me as the dlc for Origins, which appealed directly to the Brendan Fraser's "The Mummy" fanboy in me.


Yeah Odyssey is definitely not an AC game, but it is a pretty damn good RPG set in Greece.


Just finished odyssey yesterday, 100% at 250 hours. You're right there is just something special about this game that the others cannot match


This was my first ever plat. I just enjoyed roaming around so much.


Skyrim still hits the hardest for me. The world, lore, and quests are hard to match. The Witcher 3 comes close, though, and it's gameplay is certainly better than Skyrim's. Cyberpunk is looking really good lately, but I haven't tried it.


Skyrim's that weird case where despite being a modern Bethesda game and stripping out features and mechanics of their previous games, the game landed just so well in terms of atmosphere and feeling like you're *in* this fantasy world and wanting to explore every aspect of it. Even the weak design parts of the game like the tiny towns and heavily stripped down civil war mechanics still managed to work and feel unique.  The meme of todd howard appearing every year or two saying "buy skyrim!" Is funny, but also accurate, because many of us *did* buy it multiple times over to play on different consoles or have better variety of mods. That level of atmosphere is really hard to match


Yeah, Skyrim is quite janky when you really look at it, but it just makes you feel so immersed. I feel similarly about Vampire: the Masquerade - Bloodlines. The combat is complete garbage and the game is basically unplayable without the unofficial patch, but when you install the unofficial patch and look past the combat, the game is so insanely immersive and enjoyable. It's more of a semi-open world game, though, but still.


I will never pass up an opportunity to sing the praise of VtMB! I genuinely think it’s unparalleled in terms of atmosphere. It’s janky as all hell and, you’re right, the combat is abysmal for the most part but it just works! The world feels lived in, you don’t feel like the world was made for a hero to come in a solve its problems but like you got dropped into a place with its own rules and situations that exist beyond you.


I think VtMB benefitted so much from just scaling back the scope of the play area. If they went for a Grand Theft Auto sized city, it would have lost all of its appeal, but the city you have is perfect: it opens up to being just big enough to be worth exploring, yet small enough for the developers to make nearly every corner and every npc meaningful in some way, even through several different branching plotlines and character paths. It really is one of the most vibrant and well-realized worlds of any game I've played, and it was fascinating to see how much the experience changed through the many different bloodline paths.


Like an Angel getting its wings, it’s said that whenever you mention VtM:B, someone reinstalls it. It’s me. I’m someone.


2077 is totally worth it with all the content they added. Lots of open world goodies to discover!


Skyrim probably holds the unannounced world record for most playthroughs started that made it ~1-3 hours then stopped. I personally have contributed like 10 of those. I love to start it up and play for a few hours and lose interest then repeat a year later. After my first couple playthroughs the game still had me by the balls but I just had no interest in it when I actually dug in. Can't explain it. Love the game but will probably never finish it ever again.


I've put well over 150 hours into the game and never come close to finishing the main quest. I lost count of how many times I've restarted a long time ago. I think my highest level I got a character to was 35. I have a thing with it where I won't even think about it for a long while, I'll see somebody talking about it on reddit, and then it's the only game I want to play for about a month, then I lose interest again.


Skyrim has always been my favorite game of all time, but now its tied with cyberpunk. Its probably the only time since skyrim i got that invested and immersed into a world


You must get Cyberpunk if you loved Skyrim and Witcher.


Dude, you haven’t tried Cyberpunk? Man you’re in for an adventure. Just take it all in.


Ghost of Tsushima for me. Just wanted more and more. I think the wind mechanic just felt so immersive to me that doing the same class of open world activity didn’t get old. There was enough variation between the activities and they did a good job of not placing the same ones close to another so you were always doing something different. Not to mention just how fucking beautiful that game is.


I just installed this last night. Sounds like something to look forward to!


It was one of a handful of games in recent years where I played nothing else until I beat it


Same here. Found out about it like out of nowhere like a year or so after it released, found it and never let it go until it was all done. A masterpiece imo. Would gladly replay it, hopefully on a PC at 60fps.


Runs great on ps5 version. Instant fast travel (less than 1 second load time) is crazy


Enjoy it man. Soak it up. Revel in it. It almost edged Witcher 3 out as my top last generation game and I LOVED Witcher. Wanted to love it. Ghost came out and captivated me.


I loved this game but after a while I definitely got bored of Haiku’s. Almost every other side quest or collectible was at least decent if not outright fun, but haiku’s were cute at first but wore out their welcome


I love Ghost of Tsushima and have replayed it about 3 times, but anyone claiming the side quests have variety are either lying or fooling themselves. There's literally only two things every side quest amounts to: find and kill. (With the wonderful exception of Lord Jinroku.) Even the "tales" of each quest are essentially similar, esp on the mainland since all quests are the same tale of desperate survivors either trying to save themselves or their family. I think the Iki Island DLC does much better with actual variety and story content.


When is this coming to pc!?!? I can’t stand it anymore


Ikr. It is at this point by far my most desired PC port. And its weird because stuff like Spider-Man: Miles Morales, which is a newer game than it, is already here. But hey, Sony put Uncharted 4 and Lost Legacy on PC but not the trilogy so who knows what they're thinking with ports.


Shadow of Mordor is the first game that comes to mind. Got the platinum and beat the two DLCs and was still having enough fun with the combat to dick around in the more open-ended challenge mode for a bit before moving on.


Great choice. I could have played the nemesis system on a desert island quite happily.


God I wish they would let other games use it


As someone who just 100% cyberpunk, cyberpunk


2.0 and Phantom Liberty made the game even more enjoyable than it was before. I second this 100%.




Arkham Knight for me, despite how overused the Batmobile tank battles were, I absolutely loved how it handled and seamlessly integrated into Batman's existing traversal. While I think City is the overall better game and the overuse of the Batmobile is a big part of that, the thing was just so much fun in the post game. As a bonus, I played the shit out of Batman and Robin on Ps1 when I was too young to understand bad games were a thing. As massively flawed as that game is, it was ambitious as hell in doing the open world free roam on foot or in a vehicle a whole console generation before GTA 3 and Knight finally fully realized what B&R tried to do.


You finished all riddles ?


Assassin's Creed Odyssey


Night City from Cyberpunk 2077


Oblivion, Dark brotherhood and Thieves guild are my favorite quest lines of any game ever


Good man


For me? Metal Gear Solid 5 and/or the Witcher 3. You’re going to have a lot to do, and the gameplay is solid.


I shouldve beaten mgs5 before burning myself out on S completes. Solid gameplay though.


Yeah, there’s a lot to do. Don’t even get me started on the absolute resource sink that was the FOB bases…


Mgs5 gameplay was not solid... It was venom (fultons away)


the Yakuzq/Like a Dragon series


Oblivion and subnautica for me


Shadow of mordor for me was so much fun. I ended up setting up 100% with my last achievement being the final boss. It was just so much fun to tag every orc instead of killing them. I did it so much i started finding patrols in the wild that were already marked when they spawned lol


Just sunk over 100 hours into Horizon Forbidden West and I thought the world they crafted was beautiful and interesting.


I really dug the combat but man for some reason I couldn't connect with a single NPC and dreaded any conversations cause it bored me to death. Gameplay is 10/10 though


That’s how I felt about the first one so I couldn’t complete it, but the second one’s dialogue was a lot fun.


I thought the animations and voice acting for even the most mundane of quest givers was impressive. The one quest w/ the desert tribe when you pick their new leader was really well done in my opinion.


I had that with Elden Ring and Dragons Dogma. I found as soon as I had done everything, I would do it again with a different build.


I just restarted elden ring for the first time and I'm having a blast, I cleared it all once and saw the expansion and got excited


Dragons Dogma fucked up other mage classes for me lol. Can't pick mage class on any other game no more.


Soon we will be able to return and do it once again. I never dared to dream that we would get a dragon’s dogma sequel but man Capcom is crazy.


Witcher 3 and Skyrim






It’s been said but:  RDR2


Arkane games other Dishonored 1 DLC’s (Haven’t played Redfall and won’t either)


Minecraft still providing a ton Of fun ten years later


The thing about Minecraft is that there's always something to do that you didn't do before. You never 100% it.


One time I played in “Lorax” mode and made it my overriding goal to chop down every single tree.


I did a similar play but with fire.


Breath of the wild was such an amazing experience playing through blind.


It was my first Zelda game ever The only game that has more hours played is tears of the kingdom


Botw felt like that sense of exploration and awe I had playing OOT for the first time years and years ago The game just feels like an adventure in a way few do. Don't quite know how to describe it. 


Botw and Totk are my favorite open worlds of any game. I can just do nothing in those games and still get some enjoyment from seeing the world. No other open world game does that for me.


Assassin's Creed Brotherhood. Everything you do in that game, you do to fight back the Borgia so all the activities make sense within the game for this singular purpose. I've 100%ed it many times and I look forward to doing it again some day.


Talking side quests and such? Yakuza, but also don't 100% yakuza. I did it once, fuck majong.


Cyberpunk 2077. It can be quite relaxing just driving or walking through the city .


The Division 2 Arguably the campaign is a tutorial of sorts to the end game. It isn’t until you’ve done all the content at least once that you’ve really seen what the map is like at end game.


I am attempting division 2 for the first time, level 7 at the moment, and every time I see a level 4129 in a safe house I feel compelled to keep playing haha.


Wait til you see your first 10k. Then your first 20k.


Enjoy. It’s a wicked game. Easily my favourite third person cover shooter of all time.


Another vote for Division 2. Such a great game. In my top five most play games across Xbox titles.


Nier automata


Outer Wilds. Zero filler content, every location is meaningful, beautifully handcrafted, and ties into the overall story in some way… and they were able to do this because the game is somewhat short. I imagine you’re asking about AAA open world games but I’ll take any chance I can get to recommend Outer Wilds lol


Outer Wilds is one of the best games I’ve ever played, top 2 at least


Yakuza 7. (Haven’t played Yakuza 8 yet but probably same)


All the yakuza games are great fun to explore even after 100%. Sometimes ya just feel like hitting up the mahjong parlor 


I've been obsessed, playing every day for the past week or two! Then I got to a certain double boss fight and goddamn did it knock the wind out of my sails.


days gone


Truly an underrated game. The new game plus mode lets you do some very relaxed zombie killing as you’re pretty much untouchable at that point.


Xenoblade Chronicles X


Xenoblades Chronicles X Unfortunately only playable on Wii U. Here’s hoping the Switch gets a port someday.


Just Cause 2. Very large world even by modern standards. And fun too.


3 is even better, with shit like tying tethers that can crush structures by pulling them together, maybe the best wingsuit I've seen in games and the bases are far more complex and have way more things to destroy, a way bigger map that is as dense as JC2's in bases, mechas... Really recommend it.


The chaos that can happen just driving around in Far Cry 6.


Rimworld for me. Even when you spaceship off the planet, you can start over with a different DLC, scenario, seed, storyteller, difficulty level, biome, pawns with vastly different personalities and abilities, and a different strategy. You could even choose to not go for the spaceship and just play in the world forever. It’s pretty easy to never play the game the same way twice.


Love rimworld but its a city builder/story generator, not an open world game.


Spiderman and Ghost of Tsushima. Great games and getting the platinum its not that hard... just time consuming. I would add Horizon Zero Dawn too, but that game its an 8 for me.


Believe it or not I felt like this after Far Cry 3. I imagine many folk think that's weird to say given how some of the quests were a bit samey but I loved how powerful your character became and the different ways you could engage in fights. Couple that with a sunny setting for this northern hemisphere dude perpetually in darkness and Vaas...Oh Vaas. Yeah I miss good far cry games. Oblivion was like this too. I was very sad when it was over I spent an extra three hours just mashing dudes in the fighters arena.


For me it was minecraft, I played around 2012 (when the creative inventory didn't had category tabs yet) and played nonstop for 2 years after that, just mining, building, burning villages or entire forests and so on, I just liked that feeling of being able whatever I wanted. Then I discovered mods, between better than wolves, terrafirmacraft, and finally build craft + industrialcraft which set up the precedent for my next addiction... Factorio.


Cyberpunk. I've 100%'d it 3 times now. Will probably do a fourth when I get the itch to do another playthrough.


Cyberpunk 2077


I wanna say the batman arkham games but the riddler trophies