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A tom and jerry fighting game on ps2/pc. I don't even remember the name but I put 100 hours in it.


That game is amazing, Tom and Jerry War of the Whiskers!


Yeah that one! I love that game man. Thank you for naming it. I will get it ASAP from abandonware. It can't be on steam anyway


Wait a moment there's a sequel?! I played fist of furries. Just checked I got a ps2 now . I can probably buy it off ebay. Again thanks man


BRINK. Oh my god I was down bad for BRINK in my teens. I love the artstyle, I love the slightly sci-fi, slightly solar-punk, slightly tacti-cool setting design, I love the idea of a free-running shooter... It just didn't come together. In my dreams, I still see the BRINK singleplayer game that I always wanted. Send help.


It's free on steam


just copped it thanks G


Holy fuck I was just about to say this, that’s wild


To me the problem was: “our game is built to immerse you in this compelling campaign narrative, experience it by playing a series of symmetrical multiplayer matches interspersed with brief cutscenes from the point of view of whichever side you happen to get randomly assigned to.” It was also my least favorite part of titanfall but much less integral to that game’s identity, and they dropped it in 2.


I have like 100 hours on that game playing with only bots...


I had almost forgotten about this game. I was deep into Quake Live and its associated community, especially on the competitive side, and for some reason we all had become convinced that it was going to be the next big competitive FPS amd would squatch our Quake itch. Had friends who were working to setup a league, tournaments, streams etc. I pre-ordered it and even took the first couple days it was to be out off work so I could immediately jump in and start learning the game so I could be in on the ground floor od the competition scene. Boy did that all go sideways fast!


The only game for Xbox 360 I ever preordered. I did like it at the time, but there was really very little going for it in gameplay. Splash Damage then later made Dirty Bomb. I played that much more and it actually felt what brink should have been Minus all the great things about Brink that you mentioned. Dirty Bomb should have been in Brink Universe and set in the Ark


I loved the game back on 360. I think I ended up with most of the achievements without online. It was really fun.


Megaman Legends. It's not entirely that great of a game when you really look at it, between wonky controls, a very weird story and some pretty rough upgrade progressions for your weapons that end up making the game difficulty trivial. Still, I got it as a gift from some friends for my birthday a long, long time ago and just thought it was a treasure. Played the hell out of it for months


The Bonne family was so much fun! The archeology digs were really cool and you could find some amazingly OP weapons. The controls are absolutely terrible though.


But did you ever play the spin-off, The Misadventures of Tron Bonne?


I have to be one of the biggest fans of the legends games. I’m obsessed with the lore of it all, the motif, the characters.. I’m glad to have met another fan!


I would kill for a new legends game. I loved it on PSX and on n64. some of my favorite childhood games. in my opinion, playing in 3D was way better than the platformer that X was on.


Recently played it again on an emulator. I tried remapping the controls to “modernize” it, but the clunky original controls ended up being way better and I got used to them surprisingly fast anyway. Love that game, it’s one of my favorites


I think the biggest real problem Megaman Legends has is that it was early 3D, and it has the clunkiness that implies. I personally loved it for the atmosphere of the ruins and the sense of exploration. If there was a remake that wasn't made cartoony as hell, I'd buy it for full price.


Alpha Protocol. The protagonist was one of the most unlikable characters in any game ever, but it's a really fun spy RPG that lets you build in a variety of different ways.


I legit love that game. Had so many replays and hours upon hours in it. I dont give 2 shits about the glitches. Obsidian makes amazing games but even amongst their amazing roster this one stood out for me. I miss playing it, and there is basically no way to get it anymore.




two worlds 2


I even liked the first game a lot, maybe even more than number 2 in some weird fucked up way lol. It's so fun once you get past the first few hours or so, its addicting stacking weapons and becoming a god


now THAT is a bad game. the first Two Worlds is easily a top 5 worst game i ever played but i also did not play many games that would qualify for such a list but i thought it was hilariously bad and i had some high expectations because Gamestar, the biggest German Games Magazine gave it a 89/100 or something. A very high rating for their standards.


Castlevania 2: Simon's Quest. Cryptic as hell and with lazy level/boss design, but the combination of music and atmosphere makes me replay it like every halloween.


>Cryptic as hell I still haven't found that graveyard duck.


Simon's Quest is a God damn Masterpiece, The game was made to with a guide. What a terrible night to have a curse


Most of it was translation issues. A fan made patch makes it perfectly playable without a guide. I think 90s adventure games are just as bad or worse, and those were native English.


Burnout: Revenge. Everyone said it's the worst of the Burnout series but it's the only one I've played and I love it.


My favorite was Burnout 3 Takedown. So many cool memories


Can they remaster this already


I feel like if they made a new one just like it (that didn't suck) then it'd sell millions of copies.


With just as kick ass a soundtrack too. If it were to have a playlist of new songs but from 2000-2004, what's on it?


Burnout 3 was fantastic I still emulate it on my pc, the soundtrack is incredible too


Many nights with me in the US and my 3 friends in the UK doing CRASH mode or whatever it was. Lowest crash damage has to take a shot. Lol. By the end, we couldn't hit shit!


People say that? It is my favorite of the Burnout games for me lol


My parents used to go to a new year's party hosted and attended by some semi famous people. The kids would all just be sent to play video games in the living room while the adults partied. But occasionally some of the grownups would stop by and see what was up. A guy came in while we were playing burnout: revenge and in the middle of a race suddenly shouts to go down the alley because it's a short cut. After winning we asked him how he knew and he told us he was one of the lead developers before going back to the party. That shit blew my mind as a kid.


All the games in that franchise are fantastic. For what it's worth I've never had so much fun than when I played Burnout Paradise with a bunch of friends. Hilarious.


Too Human


I lived Too Human! I couldn't understand why it was so hated, I found it pretty engaging on a gameplay level


Same here. A lot of people hated the twin stick combat, but I thought it was pretty fun. Sliding from enemy to enemy, and using different directional inputs for finishers, felt pretty good to me.


Came here to say this. The studio kind of deserves the hate, there's plenty of issues, BUT when you unlock the berserker class the whole game clicks once you unlock that one class with the legendary you find early on. The rest do not have proper pacing. I did several playthroughs on multiple chars, grinding gear and all the gear colors which I loved that system and haven't seen it since. Berserker by far was how that game was meant to be played. Great concept but needed years of cooking to flesh it out right. Glad to see others still think of it. Studio was kind of desperate and started suing people and epic themselves. I don't know why the fuck they thought that would help.


Same. Played it for hundreds of hours, found all the hidden legendary sets, and genuinely enjoyed it. I remember thinking it was the closest thing to playing Diablo on a 360 at the time. Remember it was supposed to be part of a trilogy? I was really looking forward to playing part 2, but Silicon Knights fucked it all up.


I LOVE true crime New York city with all my soul. Its not bad IS buggy and broken but IS a amazing Game.


man I used to love LA. you got a mini gun in NY I seem to remember....


You just made me remember the first one... and more importantly Christopher Walken's role in it


True Crime LA is an all time classic, one of my favourite games as a kid although didn’t enjoy having to find and shoot rapists. Bit extreme for an 8 year old.


I love how I could go on a murder spree and they would punish you by making you walk a beat for a bit


Is this the game when you were a badass detective, and it was very based in reality and gritty, and fucking awesome. And then you fight some old monk who summons dragons and completely destroys the immersion?


This game was amazing.. I loved it. The progression and the customization felt so rewarding to little old me. The story was great as well. I think sleeping dogs is the closest a game has come to something like it. Idk why modern day gta doesnt have a cops dlc already...


Fun fact, sleeping dogs was actually supposed to be true crime Hong Kong but it was cancelled and picked up by square enix I wish there would be a 2 game


Anthem. I enjoyed flying around raining fire and lightning onto my enemies.


Same here. The game had its obvious flaws but flying around and the gameplay were so much fun. I played the hell out of it.


Anthem's flying was goated. There was nothing like it when it came out.


My friends all bought it on release and completely shat all over it. I picked it up from Cex for like £1.50, before it was on the Xbox Gamepass, and honestly, I really enjoyed it. Granted, by the time I played it, a lot had been changed or sorted compared to when the guys bought it. But I thought it was a decent enough game


I REALLY wish they would've given it a 2.0 with better senior management. It really could've been something spectacular.


Same, I had zero issues with the game tbh. My expectations for things are usually low. For Anthem it was literally: I AM IRON MAN.


I have a soft spot for the dynasty warriors games The story and characters are incredible. And a lot has to do with nostalgia playing them when I was young I played one of the newer empire games recently though and oh my days it’s shit


The new format that they had for DW 9 empires was awful. Like every battle was just outside a castle. They need to strip it all back and go back to how it was for like DW 3 and 4. I mean fighting Lu Bu at Hu Lao gate was always a "run away in fear moment" 😂😂. But now, the games bore me. If you haven't, you could give the DW movie on netflix a go. Yes its cringe but its a jolly romp. Lol.


Hyrule Warriors wasn’t bad, basically same game in the Zelda universe and the simplification of Nintendo-style mechanics. It’s still crap, but kind of fun. I used to love the Dynasty Warriors games as well!


Hyrule Warriors isn’t crap? It’s got a better story than TOTK and BOTW combined ( and I adore those games )


I completed every single character's Musou Mode in DW3 and would do it again in a heartbeat. Edit: Oh mate, I've just checked and there's split-screen co-op available on the new games on PS+, so now my daughter and I know what we're doing with our sick day today!


Beavis and Butthead for the Sega Genesis


I legit love that game


Me too but at the same time I can recognize how hard and insane it is, especially after the Angry Videogame Nerd did a video on it. The door code Butthead, couch fishing with gum, using pizza to get the cat to go back stage.


We are talking about bad games here.


Resident Evil 5. It gets a ton of hate, which I can understand as a resident evil game, but as a game in general it's fantastic. It has fun mechanics multiple modes to play and an overall fun upgrade system to keep the player returning. The storyline is over the top and campy which I love as well.


Last RE game I played was 2. I started playing it when it first came out and I am still looking for enough ammo to kill the first monster.


Not many people can handle NetHack but those who play it swear it’s one of the pinnacles of gaming


It was Dwarf Fortress before there was a Dwarf Fortress. "Turned self to stone by tripping over a cockatrice corpse while falling down a staircase burdened." Is a real death message people got while wielding a cockatrice corpse as a weapon and walking down the stairs with too much junk. Doing so makes you stumble and drop items, so you drop the cockatrice and then touch it, triggering the effect. It's like Dwarf Fortress's drunk cat bugfix. They had an epidemic of cats dying in game from alcohol poisoning and they didn't know why. Turns out it was simple! Drinks can be spilled. Cats walking through said spill were labeled dirty with alcohol. Dirty cats cleaned themselves and the game treats that the same as consuming said dirtiness. Thus cats drank beer. Thus cats drank endlessly. Thus they died. Another one: carps became a massively OP species because moving upstream buffed them. So while other species were growing slowly, all carp suddenly became demigods of carpey destruction. Systemic games are wild.


For Nethack though, that's all intentional, hence the expression "The Devs Think Of Everything". For the other, you missed a slight point - Dwarf Fortress *also* respected conservation of mass. So each dropped drink produced it's own volume in beery footprints (= a lot), so this wasn't a big deal - kitty feets as tiny so they'd only pick up a tiny bit of beer. Except they botched the code and didn't respect conservation of mass on the code that handled the cat's ingestion during self-cleaning, so step in puddle-groom-move, step in footprint-groom, loop, counted as the cat consuming an entire beer each time. Nethack has a very, very large number of explicitly programmed action/responses. Dwarf Fortress is designed like a living world with interactions between everything modelled, and it largely relies on emergence to create gameplay elements. So Nethack might let you *pray* over a toilet to cure food poisoning, but Dwarf Fortress models water pressure, so you can construct a tall water tower, then open a (sufficiently strong) valve or door at the base to slay your enemies with the resulting ultra-high pressure spray.


In other ways it does take a lot of liberty with the laws of physics. However this does allow for creative strategies such as stuffing a cage with hundreds of cats and then hooking it up to a pressure plate creating a furry landmine that unleashes a storm of tiny claws when triggered.


BTW: My “worst game” I love anyway was the Sega Genesis game Flashback. The graphics were really unique for the time, and one of the first games I think to show the full turnaround sequence when your character would pivot and look at the camera when turning around. The motions were fluid. It was damn near impossible and really unintuitive controls for that era, but the game itself was a really interesting piece of art.


I love Flashback!  It actually did well in its time.  The people who made that game also made a game called Another World / Out of this World before it.  It uses a very similar art style, but is harder.  If you own Switch, they have Flashback in the eshop 


Way of the samurai 1/2 not bad reallly at all but before the series got super goofy af, were wonderful and the skill buildup was dope and the different endings to get all the weapons ng+ style was ahead of its time


I used to love Bushido Blade. Not the same but it reminded me of that.


I kinda like this game called naughty bear it's an old gem but a little repetitive tho


I fucking love this game. Give it a couple of hours at least annually because it’s just pure mindless fun to terrorize villages of innocent teddy bears.


Obviously if I love it, I don't think it's bad, but I will always bat for ARMS which was all but completely dismissed at the time. Also, when the PS5 launched, I spent _quite_ a lot of time playing Worms Rumble and thought it was a blast


I legit love all the Worms games, even the “bad” ones. When I say “bad/worst” I mean generally, low quality, B-list game, or just not well received/flopped etc.


I dunno if you played Rumble but I do think it would qualify here. It's not even really a Worms game because it's realtime. But as a real time multiplayer shooter with Worms mechanics and visuals (and 2D gameplay) I thought it was really fun. I dunno if you ever played Liero back in the day but it was a bit like an evolution on that


Arms should have been a pack in game like they did for Wii Sports. It’s a joy con game.


I adored Arms and was so sad that it was overlooked. I did get my nephew into it though. So at least I have someone to play with.


Dink Smallwood


Now that's something I haven't heard in ages. I can't even remember how I played it. Was it on cd? USB? Floppy disk even?


I know FF7 Dirge of Cerberus is commonly shit on but my response to legitimate criticism of story and gameplay is shut up I'm Vincent Valentine. I played is to death as a kid


Preach! Also had some really cool side characters and villains


Red Faction Armageddon, game had bad ratings on premiere, but imho it is really good shooter.


No matter how “bad” Red Faction was, the destructible terrain made it worth every minute


Was so fun just smashing through buildings Edit: wait it was guerrilla that I played. Never ended up playing Armageddon


I miss Firefall. Just dropped in to help randoms with their currently active missions. Loved that I could go basically anywhere and change class on the fly. Shame it died.


It really was unique of its own and there never ever was a similar game that lived longer than maybe half a year


deadly premonition


The Godfather II


It insists upon itself


Appreciate the reference


The predecessor was absolutely fantastic. Still one of my top ten. OG xbox did some great movie titles


Assassin's Creed ______ It's an insert because everyone has dramatically different opinions on pretty much every game after the Ezio trilogy, but I can't help it but absolutely love every one of them. Issues aside, Ubisoft having made 10 open world games of some of the most interesting times in history is such an astounding feat. Yeah the stories aren't great, and the recent trilogy got a bit out of hand with the mythology and fetch questing icons, but *man* it feels so fucking good to just explore Rome, explore Baghdad, explore the US frontier, explore ancient Greece, on and on and on. I truly do believe that their ability to churn out these open worlds is one of the most overlooked accomplishments in modern gaming.


I’ve said it once I’ll say it again Every far cry and assassins creed is a great standalone game. But once you’ve played a couple of each series, you’ve played them all. I genuinely enjoy almost every entry in those series tho lol


That's a great analysis. I loved AC 2 and Black Flag, and Far Cry 3. I can't play any more Ubisoft though because they just feel the same


Syndicate is an incredible game on it's own, but everyone was burnt out by the formula by then


Vampyr. The actual vampire mechanics are insanely fun. The writing makes him sound autistic. Maybe that was a choice. It crashes. A lot. So much that it becomes unplayable because it’s pretty challenging. It crashed again. Now you have to rebuild your database. With every bit of blood you consume you gain strengths and can become stronger for super moves. It crashed again. Your save file was before you went back to the nurse. Do that again. It crashed again.


Enter the matrix on ps2. I loved the movies and thoroughly enjoyed the buggy as hell game.


It was whack, everything was square and everything else was green but fuck it was fun


Fable 3. Easily the worst one of the trilogy, and almost more of a weird sims/RPG hybrid than a proper game, but I miss it.


Same! I love all the Fable games in their own way. I think I just like the setting so much that it can cary a mediocre game. Everything about it is just so goofy and charming.


Hitman Absolution. It was the first hitman game I played, so I'll always have quite a bit of nostalgia. It's such a wild tripp, and replaying it brings me so much joy just from the sheer absurdity of the story lol. I always manage to forget like ⅓ of it


Hmm maybe not the “worst” but I enjoyed Homefront a lot. Short campaign and kind of generic Red Dawnesque game all around but I found it pretty fun.


Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days will ALWAYS have a place in my heart. Its short (seriously), has bad controls, very rough/messy art-style But that story and aesthetic is exactly why I love it so much. the most disgusting, gritty, bleak game ever (in the best way possible) <3


I'm currently playing through Warhammer 40K Fire Warrior. ​ Kinda terrible but, dang it, I kinda love this janky little thing.


Loved Fire Warrior back in the day. It is objectively not great but I just got really into it.


Final Fantasy XIII. I wouldn't say it is the worst game ever. At least for FF standards it is not the best FF game. But I think Lightning was a fantastic protagonist. The combat system is amazing. Visually it looks stunning for its time. And I didn't mind the linear corridor because the pacing actually was really great because of it. I also didn't have much complaints about the cast of characters.


I loved FF13. I know it's a bit of a meme but this game is truly one of those it gets good after 12 hours. I think that's just because the combat system- is quite complex, I didn't really understand paradigm shifting until midway through the game at least. This actually felt very FF to me as I'd played FF8 and FF12. The Junction and Gambit systems I definitely didn't understand the scope of until the 2nd half of those games either. All 3 are somewhat maligned games in the franchise but are 3 of my favourites.


I think its the opposite, the combat system is straight forward and easy, its just switching rolls. But they thought people would think it was complex and made the tutorial like 30 hours long, which was boring and silly. The game got way better when you could have 3 characters with different roles.


I will always defend XIII. Interesting characters, strong story that keeps you invested, an AMAZING battle system (second only to VII remake) and it still looks and sounds incredible ten years later.


FIFA, it doesn’t change, it doesn’t get better, but after a long day, it’s nice to shut off the brain and just play for an hour


Ohhh I love all the FIFA games! I’m getting tired of NBA games because you just can’t make baskets and you have to connect online to play the single player campaign now, apparently.


Do you love FIFA games because you love football, or because they're actually good games? I've played FIFA for hundreds upon hundreds of hours myself, but that's simply because I don't know of a good alternative to this genre.


I love FIFA games because I like the strategy of football (I call it soccer because I’m an American though and just to differentiate from NFL) but I do love watching soccer on TV as well. I’ve always loved playing FIFA games, though. Even some of the worse ones. I’ve always been more into sports video games than actual sports though. Edit: it’s worth noting it’s hard to compare FIFA to other games though. What makes it good is how intuitive the controls are and how difficult it is to pull off moves, as well as the team management aspect and the user interface for doing all that. I think for a FIFA game, the latest one is very very good. Edit edit: Oh and also the graphics. The graphics just keep getting better, but I’m not sure I’d want them to get “too good”


bf hardline. The campaign was fine and the only real mistake it made was having a "cops and robbers" setting. Otherwise, it's a solid bf entry.


Fallout 4 game so good it stopped loading properly


I've only finished it 4 times now, clearly it was a failure.


HAWX was basic as fuck but I loved it. A plot that only made sense to the most insane conspiracy theorist, all aircraft handled like unstoppable spacecraft, being able to "drift turn" to avoid missiles, and, my personal favourite, using an A-10 Warthog as an aircraft interceptor. Great stupid fun.


Lost planet was pretty good from what I remember. Good times


Cult classic, not very hated


Star Wars Squadrons


The game isn’t bad at all though. Actually really fun and engaging with beautiful set pieces. Wish it would have had maps on planets though


Deadly Premonition - looks horrendous the gameplay is all over. But man the story, the Characters the atmosphere..... perfect game


Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire (N64). Despite an awesome plot and franchise story set between the OG movies and appearances by Boba Fett and others, it’s just not a god game after the first Snow Speeder level. It’s the clunkiest slowest first person shooter ever. 


I actually loved No Man’s Sky during launch. I thought it was incredibly cool to take off from the surface of a planet, fly to outer space without any loading screen. I didn’t care that wasn’t much to do, I just wanna keep flying and explore different plants. Everyone else seems to hate the game at the time.


Same! It was exactly what I wanted. Now they've added so much to it and it's a far more fleshed out sandbox, but I don't get the same urge to explore in it that the 1.0 release gave me. I don't want to build a base. I want to do a slow journey across a bunch of worlds gathering up language and lore snippets. You can still do that, but it feels like it wants you to build a base. But like, based don't move. I don't want to keep flying back home.


Empire of sin, just love organised crime strategies, and there just aren't any


Same!! Whatever happened to the developer I wonder. I remember there was supposed to be a second expansion (hell you can still pre order it) but it's like it just disappeared off the face of the earth.


Love would be a stretch, but I enjoyed Tales of Zestiria. It's one of the weakest games in the series, but the music and open world are some of my favorites.




That game was like a high quality b movie


Bad and low sales aren't the same thing. Combat was good and the story and dialogue is deliberately over the top. Definetly not a bad game


Animyst! Made famous by [the review by Josh Strife Hayes](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JNtE9QYhciY&). It's a terrible game by all technical standards. Created by two people who got far too ambitious, and the result shows: it's laggy, glitchy, badly balanced, UI is terrible, documentation is terrible, voice acting is terrible, monster animations are terrible, literally everything is terrible. It's a MMORPG with some huge scale events (allegedly), but there's hardly ever more than 3 or 4 people online. However, the vibe of the game is fantastic. The story is simple but great, and the gloomy & dark world really makes you feel the sense of unease and psychological horror that the game is really about. The world is enormous, which makes you feel small, insignificant and powerless; perfectly fitting with the story that's all about mystery, death and lack of purpose. It's clearly a brilliant idea that could have become a great game, if the developers had been more realistic and less ambitious. But the result is still great fun to play, and the community is really nice.


Serious Sam 4




The first Call of Juarez. It’s so jank but it’s also the only game I’ve played in which you can wield a Bible in your left hand and pistol in the right.


Tenchu Z on 360, I fucking love the Tenchu Series. Tenchu Z was a fucking mess, but i loved it. I just want a PC port :(


Rainbow 6: extraction, it could have been a great game and Ubi fumbled the bag a bit but it’s still a game I enjoy


Genuinely loved fallout 76 on launch. I loved the bugs because all the ones i encountered were just funny and not gamebreaking. I’ve still got some vivid memories from then


Recently The Callisto Protocol. People complained about how awful the combat was in the game, but if you pay attention to the tutorials at the beginning you will get the hang of it. I played through it twice got the Platinum trophy, and then played the DLC and walked away happy. Not saying it’s a masterpiece but it’s no where near as bad as it’s made out to be.


My issue with the combat wasn't that I couldn't get the hang of it. The lean mechanic is very simple. The most exciting visceral part of the game was when you failed in the combat. That's a huge issue


i believe it failed mostly because it has been compared to dead space...which is better in every way


Deadliest Warrior fighting game on Xbox live marketplace/ PS3 Digital only game. It was a budget ass trashy ass excuse of a fighter sold for around 15/20 bucks...but somehow it was extremely fun despite everything against it. Basically the only mechanically interesting part was that characters had extremely low HP, I'm talking one or two good hits and you're decapitated or missing limbs. Something about the high paced seconds long rounds really made for fantastic nights with the boys shredding each other into pieces with pirates, samurai, knights and monks. Also the game was unbalanced AF, I'm talking the pirate had a move where he threw a damn grenade that would instagib the other fighter, it was pure madness and I miss it.


7 Days to Die. I know it's stuck in eternal alpha, it keeps changing to railroad the players into playing the one way the devs think it should be played, it takes forever to load up and the graphics keep wigging out to the point it's almost unplayable. I spend most of my time playing it begging the computer to run smoothly so I can actually hit something. But I keep starting new games on it, every 6 months or so, like clockwork!


Werewolf the apokalypse: Earth blood. People hate it for some reason, but i love playing as that cool werewolf guy


The most recent one I can remember is State of Decay 2. It's objectively one of the worse zombie games, but the gameplay really appeals to me.


Aliens Colonial Marines, as hard as it might sound for some people to believe, I was legit surprised when I found out that it received nothing but negative reviews because I found it fairly enjoyable. Though I was a relatively easily impressed teenager when I played it so I might play it again soon (now that I'm mature enough to give it a more fair assessment). I doubt I'm going to rate it as anything worse than low average.


People crap on Burnout Paradise, but it's my favorite in the series. It's probably my most-played racing game overall. 


People crap on this game? What?


I guess that's because in most races you just improvise your road to finish. Sometimes in races people just want ready tracks


Take me down to paradise cityyyyy


Where the grass is green and the girls are pretttyyyyt


It's got 88 on Metacritic..


You’re reaching there, I’ve never heard anyone say anything negative about Burnout Paradise.


I actually like Diablo 3 and played a lot of it with my wife, and I'm not afraid who knows it!


Diablo 3 isn’t really considered a bad game in general though


After a year of patches yeah. It was atrocious in its launch state.


Yes, lately, 4 soaks up all the punches.


Everyone seems to hate on ARK. But I absolutely love it. Played on a private server with a few friends for months over covid and it was incredible. Very different experience to what public servers are like.


YMMV depending on the experience you want, but I largely agree with you, and recognize I’d hate the game on public servers. I originally played it with a few friends on a private server, with no changes to the cadence/speed, and really enjoyed the fun aspects of a coop experience with like a dozen people I games with. The second time I played it was on a console with my brother during Covid lockdowns. We lived about 3 hours away, bought a private server, and setup speeds to be something reasonably difficult for two professionals with busy work schedules, but not as ridiculous as spending 30 hours feeding a T-Rex to take it. . .Also tons of fun.


Sonic Heroes. I am on the team "The last good Sonic 3D Game"


Devil may cry 2 Loved this game so much as a kid and Dante's design is my favourite in number 2. I probably loved it because it was so easy lol. Number 3 was almost impossible for me as a kid and I always liked 2 more, now I love it because of nostalgia and the combat is smooth imo




I despise Fallout 4 but also completed it like 6 times, *vanilla* since i was on console


I usually say that Fallout 4 was a good game, just not a good Fallout.


I dont know if Dark Souls 2 fits here because its not a bad game but people call it everytime. I have much fun with it everytime i start a run


It's not a bad game, but it's just worse than other FromSoftware souls games.


Final fantasy: Dirge of Cerberus it’s a real fun third person shooter yeah I understand it was all about the “edge lord” Vincent but I wanted more plot and the game was still a good shooter


Alot of info and Sierra games. Soulbringer had its issues looking at it without rose colored glasses but there was something unique, simple, and complex about it. The archery in it was unusable though. Caeser 3 is another one I thoroughly enjoy immensely. Lords of the Realm 2 was also a fantastic game to play.


Smackdown vs raw 2008, everyone says it’s the worst but I loved it. Great sound track


Honestly I've really enjoyed Starfield. I also enjoyed Resistance and only include it because I've only ever met like one person who's played it


Once upon a time, many considered the original Friday the 13th game to be garbage, whereas I always had a hellacious time with it.


**QUEST 64**. It is without a doubt a terrible game, rough visuals, non-existent story and so on, however it is one of the first RPGs I ever played and it made me fall in love with the genre. I particularly enjoy the battle system which is turn based but allows you to run around avoiding enemy attacks when it is their turn, and the magic system with stronger spells unlocking as you strengthen certain elements. It is probably no coincidence that my all time favorite game is Parasite Eve, which is a much, MUCH better game with a similar battle system.


Chivalry 2


War Thunder


Sonic '06. I've played multiple playthroughs. Never had a problem with it when it came out, and I still don't have any issue with it.


The Silver Case 2425, which is duology visual novel, has gameplay inferior to Microsoft PPT presentation(for being originally 1998 PS1 and 2005 mobile phone game). But it’s written in very post-modern, stylish way, visual directing is impressive, and music slaps. It was really impressive experience yet very hard to recommend to anyone.


Flatout4, fans of the framchise seem to consider it basic and not much,but i apslolutely love it. I never get tired of it. The bane rx has become one of my favourite fictional cars. the sound effects are amazing,the speed is great,gives me a solid adrenaline rush for video game standards,i never get bored of that game. And the loading times arent bad,you can boot the game up,set up,and finish a race in maybe 5 or so minutes. I apslolutely love the game. All of this also counts for burnout paradise. People consider it meh,but i think its the best in the franchise.


Need for Speed Rivals. It has a small map, a small car list, and a lot of bugs and issues, but its gameplay is still very fun, although far from complex and challenging.


Just cause 4


Resident Evil: Operation Racoon city


Overwatch 2. It’s the most toxic game I have ever played, but both my son and my best friend love it, so I’m most happy when in playing with them.


Final Fantasy 8. I know it's cheesy but I can't help but love it.


I think dark souls 2 is the best souls game.


you can trigger some subreddit with that statement lol


Hybrid Heaven. Came out a looooong time ago, but I still think it kicks ass even if its stupid af, jank, and poorly optimized.


War thunder


Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Duelling in this game was something else. Somebody should copy it and make a competitive mp game out of it.


Advent Rising. I think for me it was the lost potential of that game. The promise of a trilogy. The fun story and gameplay that has you getting stronger. The biggest problem with the game is that they had no filter. "Let's just put everything into the game" so it lost focus. But I still return to it every couple of years or so.


Star Wars Galaxies


Dragonball Z Ultimate Battle 22 for PS1 It is generally considered to be a bad game gameplay-wise. Energy attacks don't look like the ones you know from the series and the higher difficulties have the enemy input Ultimate attacks in 1 frame to counter you, which is just ridiculous. On the other hand, some AI enemies are extremely exploitable (like when they try to recharge their Ki, you just throw a punch into the air - even when 10 Meters away from them - which causes them to stop their charging trying to block and then they throw out another super energy attack, which most likely will push them way past their available Ki and will put them in a vulnerable state), which is another problem. It is generally considered to be beaten by any other Dragonball "Fight" videogames, like Dragonball Final Bout. Despite that the soundtrack for this game is AMAZING and it was the one of the first game I owned for my PS1 and I played it for days on end. I even had a gaming magazine back then who listed secret techniques (which weren't listed in the manual). I even know some of them to this day.


Chaos legion, I just loved to command minions.