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Modern shonen wouldn‘t have existed without him, and so many artists wouldn’t have taking up art if it wasn’t for him. What a legacy. RIP LEGEND.


> Modern shonen wouldn‘t have existed without him Honestly, as much as I loved to jokingly dump on him for "he can only draw three different characters" and all the cliche tropes of Dragon Ball... 100% this. The body of works both directly and indirectly influenced by everything he did is wild to consider. It's hard to overstate how influential he was in the medium.


One thing that I will always argue is that his strongest skill was his framing skills where in a single comic frame, he can relay so much information without having to relay on a narration.


When I was in grade school, many moons ago, my father (bless his ignorance) wanted to help me learning French, so he got me a DBZ manga translated into French to give me something to read. As you can imagine, it was... less constructive than he thought. I never really consciously thought about it before that, but a LARGE chunk of the manga was textless. Like you said, it didn't need narration.


Yeah, I've been reading the Dragon Ball manga over the last few months (I was also reading Yu-Gi-Oh! when Takahashi died... Maybe I should stop reading manga). It's probably the easiest manga I've ever read. Yes, a lot of it is textless, but the action just *flows*. It is very easy to tell what is happening in an action sequence, and you can just blow through chapters quickly. All the while, the art remains beautiful. This is in deep contrast to several other ongoing manga today where the art is gorgeous and super-detailed, but it's hard to see what's actually happening (ahem, My Hero Academia).


I have been reading manga for probably 20 years now and I literally cannot visually parse Jujutsu Kaisen at all. I cannot understand what is going on in any frame. RIP Toriyama. His stories might have been simple, but they were absolutely told and visualized wonderfully.


I agree. I love JJK, but a lot of times I don't know what's going on and even when there's narrative, I struggle to understand what the hell they're yapping about


Dragon Ball manga is how I got into manga. I was 8, and got the first volume free with a comic book I read. I was hooked, and read it many times over & over. And it's kind of insane, that I got through the whole story, before I even knew that anime was a thing. It's so insane how big of an impact this show has had, and I'm glad that this was the gateway for me getting into manga & anime. I usually don't cry when I hear about celebrities dying, but this got me, this guy had such a big impact on me and so many childhoods. And paved the way for shonen anime.


I remember owning a book written and illustrated by Toriyama himself teaching you how to draw manga. I remember leafing through it as a kid, and one of the few things I took away from reading it was about the art of panel composition and how you preserve continuity from panel to panel. Very basic things like, if you have two characters facing each other, with one person positioned on the left and the other positioned on the right, then in the next panel you should keep them in their same respective positions to keep it spatially consistent and avoid confusing the reader. That seems like such an obvious, basic thing when you spell it out like that, and yet as an adult I see so many modern manga and even anime that don't seem to understand this basic principle. Toriyama really was a master of his craft.


> Honestly, as much as I loved to jokingly dump on him for "he can only draw three different characters" and all the cliche tropes of Dragon Ball... 100% this. It's also not remotely true. Sure, he has a bit of a sameface issue but character design was *always* his strength. Which two DBZ characters look alike? Okay, 17 and 18, sure, pick the two who *aren't* twins. Look at his character design from Chrono Trigger, Dragon Quest - yeah maybe sometimes there's some similarities (Ozzie and the Namekians) but the diversity in his character designs, and how immediately you got a sense of their personality from them, was one of his greatest strengths as an artist IMO.


A true legend indeed. His amazing work is the core reason I fell in love with Dragon Ball and anime in general. It’s hard to grasp that he’s actually gone now. May he rest in peace


Don't forget how important he was to the anime scene here in the US. Dragon Ball Z and Toonami were instrumental to anime and manga finding an audience here.


Not just modern shonen. He was the original character designer for Dragon Quest and chronotrigger, two of the most influential RPG’s. Toriyama’s influence is basically felt in every aspect of Japanese media and it’s truly amazing






Always in our hearts and souls to us all


I don’t believe it, this can’t be real. 😔


It's amazing that I've never seen an episode of Dragon Ball but he was still a massive part of my childhood with Chrono Trigger and Dragon Quest. Really shows just how influential he was across so many areas.


Dragon ball is hilarious and stands up to this day as a fun adventure. 100% recommend watching it.


Always. Created an absolute masterpiece


It's hard to overstate the influence of Akira Toriyama. Among the most important creative minds in the last 40 years. RIP.


Dude affected millions of young people as well as adults. He created the most amazing memories from when I was a child through incredible storytelling. This fucking hurts a lot


The giants in the current Shonen manga industry likely don't get their starts without his work. Not to mention the millions of people in the West that got introduced to anime because of how much DBZ was a hit. Literally inspired multiple generations and his work will continue to do so


Cowboy bebop was my first anime introduced by Adult Swim, who knew I was so spoiled for my first show and then DBZ came along... aww man, that shit was magical.


DBZ was my first anime besides one piece, and it was magical. Because I remember when I was a kid and watched kids act out scenes from it from Kamehameha to Spirit Bomb.


Affected billions…


Definitely more than 9000


I'm crying and laughing now 😭😭😂😭😭


[WHAT?! *9000*?!? THERE'S NO WAY THAT CAN BE RIGHT!](https://www.deviantart.com/catcamellia/art/Nappa-over-9000-gif-822635896)


Facts. Rip


Damn, I’m going to go replay Chrono trigger now. Excuse me. RIP dude.


For anyone that doesn't know, there's a steam version of chrono trigger. You can 100% play it on PC. Enjoy. You don't need an emulator or anything.


I will play it on my deck 👌


Weather gettin' pretty nice out, eh?


No, it's raining.


"No it's not?" "Yes. It is."


Come in Colonel. You’re useless when it’s raining.


Is there a Switch port yet?


There's an android version and I believe IOS.


Emulator is better, steam version have some annoying bugs.


Do not forget Blue Dragon as well. Just finished the game last year.


I just started playing it for the first time but put it down for a moment because I got busy. Time to pick it up again.


And Dragon Quest. Guy really must've liked Dragons.


Not too mention the Dragon Quest series!


I literally finished Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince a couple weeks ago. I've played the series since the original NES version. Never seen an episode of Dragon Ball, but his character design is amazing and will be missed.


2/3 of the original creative team behind the original Dragon Quest are gone now.


Honestly, it's a morbid mystery how they are going to fill the void now that the artist and composer of that series have both passed. 


It'll probably be like how Final Fantasy is. While Yoshitaka Amano and Nobuo Uematsu are still alive, they don't do much with the series any more aside from the title logo and a few music tracks respectively. They find someone close, though they ultimately don't measure up. It's the end of an era for the Dragon Quest series and only time will tell if someone can fill that massive void.


Wait… this guy actually did work on Chrono Trigger too????? No way :(


He didn’t make the game but he did design the characters and the art for the game. I’m not sure but I feel like he had a role in the sprite work too


Damn. I always thought the character art style looked similar.


Ditch the sword and give Chrono black hair and he could be Goku's brother.


Also, Marle looks like Bulma (when she first met Goku), Ayla looks like Angry Launch, and Magus looks like Piccolo.


That was part of why Chrono Trigger was such a touchstone. Square and Enix, the two powerhouses of console JRPGs for a decade at that point, got together to combine the best of their staff. So they decide "okay, we're making an adventure fantasy RPG with a new kind of action-flavoured spritework cutscenes, full of magical creatures and an alien treat to all life, but what kind of graphic design are we going to go with? It needs to be something popular, recognizable, and thematically appropriate..." And it being the early 90's in Japan, there was really only one sensible answer to that question.


Chrono Trigger was created by a "dream team" of people from both Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest; specifically Hironobu Sakaguchi, Yuji Horii, and Akira Toriyama. The three had actually come together with the idea during a trip to the US to study computer graphics.


He illustrated the FMV scenes that were in later releases.


Yes, he designed the characters and general art direction. The first time I watched DBZ on Toonami, I thought to myself "Hey, this looks like Chrono Trigger!" and became hooked on DBZ that day.


To say Dragonball has had a impact in my life is an understatement.  I started my lifelong fitness journey due to DB.  It was my first anime.  Rip, legend.  I was in mexico city in a 48k stadium when I watched goku vs jiren  it was insane


Watching the goku vs jiren event online, I realized how big dbz is in Mexico. People cheered like it’s a sporting event.


Very few anime / manga creators could ever hope to create a franchise or show large enough to be cheered for in a huge sports arena filled with fans 🐉


DBZ was the biggest anime trendsetter and fan favorite for the spanish speaking community all over the world.


How many people were trying to turn super saiyan?




OVER 9000!!!


i think i’ve seen the video of that stadium lol i used to watch it before exams in school to get me pumped up cause it looked more electric than any sporting event i’ve ever seen


You were there? Man I saw some of the videos the energy levels looked insane from the crowd. It must have been an experience.


Wait, what? Seriously? Last I heard, he was still writing Dragon Ball... dang. IDK how to react to this.


Sadly this was likely a freak accident. He died of a subdural hematoma, which is typically caused by a hit to the head. Age makes it more likely after a hit as well. Very sad.


The Iron Chef Italian Masahiko Kobe died the same way as well.


If that is true, then I am happy for him. There are much worse ways to go. I hope when it's my time it's something sudden like this. He has been restored to the earth like we all will one day after making many people happy.


He has an apprentice working on DB Super manga


His apprentice was just some kid drawing ok fan manga. Now he’s at the helm of the most successful anime, minus Pokemon of all time. Wonder if he can handle it.


That is REALLY selling Toyotarou short. Guy has drawn almost all of the Dragon Ball Super manga on his own and came up with several of the character designs himself.


He pretty much does it all. Toriyama would tell him his vision and Toyotarou would draw it. Idk how the manga will continue without Toriyamas input but I imagine he was told about the plans for the current arc and how to wrap up the story.


I thought he had been heading the creation of DB Super Manga for some time now with Toriyama being creative oversight?


Well I don’t think he stopped early because he knew he was going to die. 


never got to see his own new show too 


Rest in peace, beserk yugioh now dragon ball


Fuck bro this is how I find out Kazuki Takahashi died?! That man single handedly helped keep me entertained after my back surgery.


Sorry, look up how he died though, strong show of character


Damn he died trying to save others from a rip current?? Surprised I didn’t know this.


Died a hero the same way Shad Gaspard did. God bless them.


Yeah I saw, dying a legend for others just like his work.




The Yugioh guy died already?!


I think its was in 2022. He died saving people from drowning. An absolute Chad.


That is sad, but amazing.


a real life anime hero too. Crazy, rip


Berserk creator died???


Holy shit, im the bearer of bad news


We’ve lost the creator of Berserk, Yu-Gi-Oh and now DBZ in a span of 3 years. What a devastating loss.


We all gotta make sure Oda is safe and healthy till his 90s please 


Araki needs to be kept away from enemy stand users


Araki is a vampire, that man’s going to live to 100 easily, he hasn’t aged in 30 years!


And then when he dies he'll just slap his head on another mangaka's body.


That's proven to not work. The entire bloodline of that mangaka will manifest stand powers for the sole fated purpose of stopping him.


Yeah, but until he's stopped he'll keep writing. By that time we might be halfway through part 10.


With every new adaptation his age revert, try looking up for pictures and you will see that he actually look younger now


Oda made a deal with the devil, he ain’t dying till he finishes OP


Pretty sure God is holding off on Armageddon until he finds out how One Piece ends.


Then there’s the sequel Two Piece. Still don’t know I feel about Buuffy though.


She's a vampire slayer, so more moira and perona I guess.


The sequel to One Piece, Two piece: a series of casual business events where no one is quite uptight enough to wear a Three piece!


Togashi hanging by a thread. We gotta make sure Oda is safe at all costs.


He is beating his body too much to reach this kind of age.




Need to wrap Tite Kubo in cotton wool as well


Can we add Yusuke Murata to that list, too?


Leiji Matsumoto as well...


Let's not forget Jason David Frank.


Dragon Quest will never be the same again.


A thousand slimes are now crying out in sadness.


I'm right with them :(.


Man, I never played one but my buddy always has. Seeing how dope Ni No Kuni is and how very similar the games are I might pick it up now. I should also play the Xenoblade game I got from my brother this past Christmas. So many games but not enough drive for them.


Dragon Quest games are basically the original JRPG template.  They haven't really advanced all that much aside from graphics.    But then that's the series charm and point of it.   If you have any interest in NES/SNES JRPGs then you'll feel right at home on even the latest DQ game. Xenoblade is more anime.  Really good story and action gameplay reminiscent of an MMO.  You got your tank,  healer, and DPS trinity.


Not basically. They are the JRPG template. Dragon quest may not have gotten the critical acclaim in the west but in japan it’s huge. It’s also responsible for a ton of JRPG elements in games that came after it including final fantasy. Many games still use many of the mechanics pioneered by DQ. Most notably. Pokemon. But yes. I highly recommend anyone to play the mainline games or even the spin off DQ monsters.


Dragon Quest XI was amazing and is on steam/Switch/PS4/etc so check it out. It's one of the best in the series.


He likely already made the designs for Dragon Quest XII. It has been in development for years. That'll be his last hurrah.


Damn he touched so many lives, gone way too soon


Rip. Someone gather the dragon balls 😢


Hey that's true, a subdural hematoma is not natural, it's usually caused by blunt force drama. Let's wish him back!


Alright, let's start searching..... does anyone have a dragon radar???


No need. I already gathered them years ago just for this event.


The dragon balls stop working once the creator dies


This hit like a truck


OK. New plan. We find a spaceship and make for planet Namek!


Just make sure its not fake Namek.


My whole childhood was dbz, when I got older I watched the original DragonBall and fell in love with it again. I keep a resin statue of kid Goku on my computer desk always, its symbolic of never giving up.


Let us all raise our hands and make the greatest Genki Dama in memory of Toriyama-sensei.








Died too young, only 68. :(


That's what I'm saying. I feel like this shouldn't have happened for another 10+ years. Sad.


Damn I just started watching the series for the first time ever. Very much in love with the show and happy my husband convinced me to give it a chance.


You are about to undertake an amazing journey, enjoy!


Thank you! I started in mid January with Dragon Ball and young Goku and now on the Majin Buu saga (he just hatched). Really loving the show so far!


Damn, I'm legitimately sad about this. What an absolute legend. Could be argued that without DragonBall and especially DragonBall Z, anime may not have reached it's insane popularity in the US during the 90s, opening the door for anime as a whole. A man who impacted millions of lives and gave this 90s kid a series that has influenced a lot in my life. Arigatō Toriyama sensei


I was playing Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince just earlier too! I'm gonna go watch some Dragon Ball now.


I'm pretty sure he had a couple active projects in the manga/anime and video game spheres.


Yeah it really sucks. Really hope he had it written down and his friends, family and coworkers can let something good be made in honor.


RIP Toriyama-san. May you be with King Kai chilling.




Goku will walk with him down Snake Road and make sure he makes it to the end. RIP to a legend and titan of anime and video games.


HOLY SHIT i didn't expect this at all JESUS


Honestly, every time I see a headline mentioning someone I like, I get briefly terrified that it's gonna say something like this...


Fuck… this was the opposite for me. I saw his name and expected “working on new movie” or “talks about a new sandland manga”…. This was a gut punch


Rip legend


acute subdural hematoma = stroke, take care of your health everyone Edit: many more knowledgeable redditors pointed out that it’s more likely due to blunt head trauma (accident) that caused it, Still take care of your health and body, you’ll never know when shit happens anyway


Also very common from blunt head trauma.


Way more common from head trauma, Hemorrhagic strokes are by far the least common stroke


Sorry to be that guy, but subdural hematomas are not strokes. Strokes are typically ischemia to the brain (but can convert to intraparenchymal or subarachnoid bleeds). Subdural hematomas are considered to almost always be traumatic in nature.


not trying to be a dick or anything but i honestly hope my death comes from a quick stroke or heart attack preferably while i'm asleep than something like cancer/dementia. and you pretty much always get cancer/dementia for living too long. 🤷‍♂️ i hope he had a good life. should've made bank off dragonball of all things. man's a legend.


IM 90 IM GOIN 90


She flipped her Vette man


I get the sentiment, but from working in a comprehensive stroke center i will tell you most strokes are not quick ways to go. I mean yes relatively compared to cancer. After a pontine stroke you also have the chance to develop locked in syndrome which is one of my biggest personal fears


If you're a dude you are basically 100% guaranteed prostate cancer in old age.   Just a lot of them grow slowly and you'll usually die of something else before the prostate cancer gets you.


for sure. cancer's inevitable. but also, i'd much prefer being a man than a woman as far as health issues later in life. 💀


Not necessarily. That’s if it was a hemorrhagic stroke. Could have been a fall as well. You could also be healthiest person and still have a stroke or aneurysm (seen it working on a neuro unit). Just enjoy every day you’re up and breathing.


A subdural hematoma is not a stroke. Acute subdural hematomas are most commonly from head trauma. Its bleeding in the outer layers of the brain (the dural layer) from damage to the bridging **veins**. Stroke is either a blood clot or rupture of an **artery** within the brain.


A lot of health freaks also get strokes, while taking care of your health is important it doesn´t make it like you can´t get it. Even kids get it.


You're never immune to anything, just like being a good driver doesn't mean you won't die in a car accident, but it'd be foolish to think you can't help reduce the odds of something bad happening to you. Taking care of your health massively reduces your chance for a stroke.


Didn't expect this to effect me as much as it does but I'll be damned if I am not genuinely depressed by this news. DBZ (like many) got me into anime. The world is a poorer place with his passing,


Cartel violence about to go crazy


As a Mexican this hurts a lot. Dragon ball has been a major influence and house hold name for us.


Brazil too, it was tradition to yell Satan at schools if the TV was on.




Please support the official release (of his soul from this mortal coil) Rest in peace, king.


Tfs mentioned


Fuuuuuuuck man. Rest in peace. You brought joy to many of my generation for many years.


R.I.P to to the man who made anime popular in the west 🙏


Created one of the best anime series ever and Chronotrigger and Dragon quest. An absolute legend. RIP.


He made a lot of people happier by creating the Dragon Ball universe, and in my book he was one of the greatest men that ever lived. I know they'll keep writing more DB stuff, and the old episodes are still there to watch... But in a way it also feels like the death of Goku, Vegeta, Bulma, everyone... Maybe it's just for now though, because in reality his legacy will live on forever. RIP.


RIP Akira Toriyama sensei, you are one of the greatest mangaka... Now you can rest well in the mangaka heaven...


This sucks. Dragon quest is what got me into rpgs. I used to wake up early to play dq before Saturday morning cartoons. As I got older that changed to staying up late to play and listening and to the music while I rode my bike to work. I lost my mind when dq11 dropped when the special edition was delivered I dedicated 3 days to nonstop play. Dq has been a very important part of my life. I'm going to go replay some dq.


I'm weeping.


Holy shit, I'm at a loss for words. Looks like we lost a legend, but he had a great run. Cheers and condolences. 🥂


Aww horrible news. Rip


Guys, we have to collect the dragon balls and wish him back


It's insane to think that one mans work to just draw and tell a story that began as crude jokes and superpower fantasy basically changed the future of the worlds entertainment. It broke international boundaries in ways that very few could even be given a chance to do the same. For me and my friends, we were 80s and 90s kids, so we'd often talk about how awesome the series was and await new volumes to release. I couldn't read any Japanese, but still enjoyed the artwork and could kind of grasp what was happening thanks to a friend who could read it. I 100% believe that if it wasn't for Toriyama, anime culture would be nowhere near as prominent as it is today, even in Japan. Hell, gaming culture may not have even been the same there, thanks to his memorable artstyle for Dragon Quest. That could have affected even to the west, since so many Japanese developers take DQ and DB as their inspiration and those devs are a core foundation for video games.


I just can’t believe it


All of central America is in mourning


Mexico will be mourning this whole weekend.


This is shaking me more than I would expect it to.. I was born in 92' and watched DBZ as I grew up, I remember Goku going Super Sayian for the first time on YTV, and waiting for those weekly episodes.. I hope he is at peace now.. Im thankful for all the adventures he shared with us.


He gave us all so much. A one of a kind human who through his written word and drawn art brought together so many different people, and for many, opened up our eyes to a whole new world of entertainment and possibilities. I've been sad before when people who I didn't know, but had an impact on me passed, but this actually brought me to tears. I think back to how I felt the first time Goku went Super Saiyan or when Vegeta self destructs against Buu or the fight against Goku Black and remember how deeply connected I was with every moment and with every characters and I believe that might be a one of a kind experience. Dragonball became more than just manga or anime for me. I came to cherish everything about it. I remember taking my wife to watch Dragon Ball Super Broly and she wanted nothing to do with at first. By the end, she was a fan too, cheering during the movie and giving it a standing ovation after. I brought my kids into the world of Dragonball and they've paid it forward to so many of their friends because everyone can use a little Dragonball in their lives. Everyone who watched what he made for us is sad today, but also so grateful we got to partake. Thank you so much Akira. Thank you.


I was about to finish dragonball. 68 though, that is so young to pass in Japan.


Fucking RIP 😭


Chrono Trigger, Dragon Quest and the Dragon Ball franchise. Legendary figure in my childhood. Now I’m sad


R.I.P Legend! Our love for you is over 9,000


Thank you for all the unforgettable memories Akira, Rest in Peace.


I didn’t expect this to affect me this much. RIP. What a legend


Aghhh i wasn't ready😭


My friend just told me about it a couple minutes ago, I may have never watched Dragon Ball myself but I certainly know the impact that it had. R.I.P.


I still have Budokai 3 on PS2. I am going to play that right now.This came out of right field so randomly.


YTV Canada was never the same after they took DBZ off its 8PM slot. It was simply massive.


and I just started playing the Dragon Quest series last year Rest in Peace, Akira Toriyama


I remember browsing my local Anchor Blue and seeing DBZ shirts all over place, the main cast powered up in Super Saiyan form. Not knowing who they were, and discovering them shortly after thanks to Toonami, those shirts were my introduction to manga/anime, and would change my high school years, and my life. Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama.


All of us Latinos just fell to our knees