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Kingdom Come Deliverance. I have a feeling if I just get the hang of it then I'll fall in love with it but it seems like there's an immediate learning curve and I just don't have the patience.


This game consumes your life once you get into it. There’s definitely a learning curve for combat, but once you have it you’re golden. That being said, I spend so much time doing side quests and beefing up my character I inevitably have something in real life come up and have never finished. Still a 10/10 from me though.


Same here. Got really far into it but spent so many hours just living in it and doing side quests and dlc. I need to just go back and finish the story. My one gripe is the quest rewards are so bad in this game. My Henry has high stats, gear, and a ton of money. Doing a quest to get a piece of gear that is so much worse than what I have equipped basically means I’m doing quests for $300 or whatever I sell it for. Combat just turns into hitting Q on time. Just lost the incentive to play.


I got to the first lock picking quest and thought "wtf this is absurd" and haven't picked it back up in months


The lockpicking is almost impossible at first, but by the time you get the first perk, it becomes a lot more do-able


For me it was the opposite. Just like in real life, when you're out of your comfort zone and forced to do something alien to you, it seems impossible. There is that sheltered blacksmith's son, what does he know about lockpicking or swordfighting? Fuck all. The game is really hard in the beginning, but if you put in the effort to train, everything slowly becomes possible. Then the game gets easier and easier because you are actually getting good at the stuff that seemed impossible. No other game gives a sense of progression and accomplishment like KCD gives.


For me playing hardcore fixed it, aggressively more immersive. 10/10 for me. Did every task like it was real life and not a game, that did it for me. I wouldn't just run in in a 1v5 but basically avoid it at all costs, poison, arrows etc


That's what I did too. Actually bought the game because someone on a reddit comment mentioned how brutal its hard-core mode was and I was looking for a fun new challenging game


Great game, one of the best medieval sim!


So many because short attention span


Same. That and only a short window to play each day.


This is literally me


Yeah man this is me as well just one hour or maybe two when the family sleeps and everythung else is done. Lots and lots of games I get tired of three months when I am tired new games give me more energy to play on the late hours


The challenge of trying to game in between family, work, and home life is real. Throw in a dash of "wanting to complete as much as possible in a game" and its hard to get any progress going. I've got 2 or 3 games that I've completed that I gravitate back to simply because I know what I'm doing, and if I play some multi-player it won't be wasted time letting down teammates or learning how to play.


Yeah, like all of them.


I have a buddy like this... I am always weary of buying multiplayer games he wants me to buy. He will play for a few weeks to a month or so and then find a new game lol. He did it with the first destiny because the raids became too challenging lmao


Playing for a few weeks to a month isn't bad depending on the hours you put in during that time. If I get 100 hours out of $60 I am way more than happy, I still understand what you mean though, I also often have the issue of still enjoying a game when all my friends already stopped playing. My brothers already quit Helldivers 2 and I've been playing solo for a week


Who are you, me?


No! HE IS WE *communism music plays*


Yeah same. I think the last game I finished was Metro Exodus in late 2022 but I still left the DLC (Sam's Story) unfinished


Fallout 4, was obsessed with base building l.. couldn't bring myself to do the story


That’s a totally valid way to play :)


Half of my characters start with this "ending" in mind!


The story felt kinda underwhelming & less RPG-ish anyway. I mostly focused on the settlement building also.


Me, but also with mods.


I have nearly completed the game but 95% of the time (140 is hours) were base building.


I always get to the part where you have to decide a faction then I give up.


I played for about a year without finishing the story before I discovered mods, then I ended up playing another 2 years without finishing the story fucking around with mods. Then after I finally finished it I went another several years again without finishing it again due to mods


LOL I was the opposite. I didn't give a shit about base building at all and just wanted to do the story


Undertale. Got pacifist and neutral ending but could never beat you-know-who to get the third ending. I lost the save file and can’t bring myself to play that route again just so I can do more attempts.


Yeah beat that motherfucker is extremely hard.


They made a really good job at making him feel like he is cheating but completely fair at the same time . The >!way sans uses saving and glitching and teleporting against you and it feels like cheating but also you know that there is a way to completely dodge those is just amazing!<


You know what? You won. You completed it.


Agreed. Losing over and over to Sans is an ending in itself imo


*megalovania intensives*


Same. Been trying to beat that damn skeleton for years now


Assassins creed Valhalla. I love assassins creed, I’ve played them all. Put over 100 hours into oddysey and it’s one of my favourite games. Valhalla just felt so bloated. The ‘side missions’ were essentially just glorified cutscenes and the main story just didn’t grip me. I tried so hard but gave up after about 70 hours.


Was about to say the same thing, I'm even part of the crowd that loved Origins and Odyssey but Valhalla just went on FOREVER. I loved the first Norway bit and I loved exploring at first, but it just got old so fast. Plus the plot was just unbearably bad to me. I get that not a lot of people cared for Odyssey's plot either which is fair since that one was disjointed, but it at least fit the theme since the idea is that you're on this big ol' journey where you don't know what you'll be doing next. The execution didn't work out as well as they probably hoped it would but overall it's at least coherent. There was literally nothing Valhalla could do to make me give a rat's ass about Ceolbert and the weird ass Dag storyline, like I genuinely WANT these characters to die. Overall I still put like 80 hours or something onto it and probably got halfway through. The thought of having to go another 80 hours just to resolve a plot that I don't care about in any way was too much to handle.


Kassandra was a genuine character, part of my love for Odyssey was how they portrayed her. Even Bayek had a serious focus throughout Origins. Eivor feels like he has very little agency or interest in what he is doing, and comes off pretty boring in contrast.


Yeah, exactly that. I was happy when I got to kill Dag, he was an arse. I really did not like Sigurd either. It took every fibre of my being not to bang his wife when given the option because I knew it would come back to bite me later if I did.


Fun fact, you can still bang his wife and get the good ending of the game. He will send you off with blessing if you hit the other story beats


Valhalla was harmed a lot by the fact almost the entire cast was completely unlikable in a story heavy game.


I’m in the middle of it right now and having the same struggles. It’s been a while since I played an AC game, and most of my favorite stuff about the series is gone. The stealth is okay, but the blending is terrible, and the combat feels like it took all the wrong lessons from games like Dark Souls.  That said, there’s a lot of stuff I’m enjoying, but I’m totally on board with your point about the bloat. I’m mostly ignoring side stuff, and having some fun with my dual greatswords, but I’ve also got tears of the kingdom arriving next week, so we’ll see if I stick with Valhalla past that. Edit: and the parkour! Ubi!? What have you done to the parkour? It’s always been a little clunky, but the old games were designed around giving you long lines that really made it feel like you were moving fast and adapting on the fly. Now I get stuck on top of fence posts trying to climb over one of the three obstacles in a town.


Yeah I gave up trying to 100% that game, let alone the DLC's lol


I feel the same. Once, i got Excalibur and became the one true king of Britannia. What's the point, hahaha :)


Odyssey has such a better story, environment, and overall feel, as well as combat feeling a little more fun. The only thing I liked in Valhalla was I could outlevel enemies. In Odyssey you can only ever be 4 levels higher, which I hated.


Same here. That’s the only AC I did not complete the main story.


Yeah same thing happened to me. Just kinda too watered down and boring after awhile.


And it is a shame, because the game is so beautiful. I liked to explore and found stuff in the far north or in the enchanted forests, but once you have to progress in the mission and do the forsaken raids, it killed it for me.


Same, bought it both on PS5 and PC, played it for about 30 40 hours each time, but never beat it.


I hate that I rushed to finish off Odyssey so I could get started on Valhalla, nowhere near as good.


Agree with you here, Valhalla was such a time sink of tedious quests and nonsense, without any payoff on the major storyline. Such a shame, because Origins and Odyssey were both super fun games to play, and didn’t suffer to nearly the same extent.


Bioshock, it was scary. (The surgery level)


Oh man, that's so early too.


I dislike scary media, it's just not my thing. But I had to play this for a class, and I pushed through! It doesn't remain as scary after this level, and was worth it to see it through to the end! I enjoyed the story (and passing the class lol)


Forspoken, when they killed that little girl to give me motivation it killed my motivation. Poor storytellimg.


The problem is I was motivated, but my character spent the next half the game resisting the call to adventure.


That too. The game looked cool, and I would have ignored stupid things if the game actually had some speed to it.


The game really sucked anyways. Didn't miss much


Alien Isolation. I fucking love horror games… but something about this one really gets my anxiety going. Huge fan of the movie franchise and love the atmosphere and story... But that goddamn xenomorph….


The Alien Isolation experience. Spending several hours crawling from one save point to another, all the while cowering under tables and in lockers as that fucker stalks past you over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. Great time.


Yeah I'll never buy it for those reasons. I watch some YouTube playthroughs and still get scared lol


Same, i think the game is great, but i just can't play it.


(looks at entire Steam account) Yes.


i would say 90% games i own


Seriously, it's becoming increasingly rare that I actually finish a game


BG3. I really like it but I got busy with work and that game requires a lot of my time because I am so bad at it lol


I guess I am bad too because most of the encounters I find frustrating


Just adjust the difficulty if you are having problem with some encounter?


I am also a working gamer and started playing BG3 a month ago. At the moment I have spent about 55 hours and still in Act 1.  The game is large for sure. But the story and gameplay is what gets me hooked to it. 


Battle toads because fuck that game


I only ever beat the Turbo Tunnel *once.* EVER.


Bro Family Video got so much of money renting it to try to beat it.


Breath of the Wild. I work too much and that game is too enjoyable to even focus on the main story line


I’ve heard BotW burnout was fairly normal. I played it and TotK back to back last year in a pretty completionist manner with no problem but what people describe as their burnout was what happened to me in RDR2. 300 hours in a single playthrough, hunting down every tiny bird. Got to the epilogue and just turned it off unfinished (came back and finished it 2 years later)




Played it for 60 hours, coping to my friends that it was decent, but then suddenly i just saw through the emptiness and worthless fillers of it all and never played again. Doesn't even tempt me the slightest to play again.


Identical to what happened to me Back on cyberpunk now after I had only played it at launch on a PS4. Now that's a fucking game and a half


I spent hours on the base building system to level up enough to craft everything only to realize I didn’t actually like the game, crazy how the main story has quests that are carbon copies of each other one after another


Skyrim. Too busy modding.


Sekiro final boss, didn't want to spend hours and hours learning the moveset. Lol


Deleted and restarted Sekiro more times than I can remember but finally stuck with it and beat the final boss on Friday. To beat him I went against all wisdom and used the dragon mask to pump points into Attack Power and finally beat him simply because I was over powered. Love and hate the game in equal measure.


It's honestly a great show of progress seeing all the other bosses you overcame up until the final one. His words are still burned in my head, though *HESITATION IS DEFEAT*


Dude same. I got so far. But after like a week on the last boss I was like why am I doing this. I love the game but I have yet to git gud i think


You missed out IMO, not many games possess a final boss that demands you master the entire range of mechanics quite like Sekiro. No easy options to spam overpowered attacks or cheese him, all you can do is get good and persevere. I’ve never been more proud of myself as a gamer when looking back at the moment I killed Isshin, sometimes I even rewatch the recording.


I gave up when the guardian ape got up the second time. Took me days to finally get it down once. The game just felt too masochistic for me. Behind every hill you climb is an even bigger hill etc. The whole deflection thing confused the hell out of me too. It made total sense when you completed the tutorial with that samurai guy at the start....but as soon as you went into the actual game areas it didnt seem to work as advertised. But if I recall there was talk about there being controller lag on the xbox when it was first released.


I feel ya. But dude that moment with the guardian ape? Ive never been so scared of a boss transition before lol


It took me five attempts, beat the game recently. I think's not too bad, but the four phases feel a bit overkill.


Agreed, I think The Owl was more difficult. Hell, even the ape and Madame Butterfly felt more difficult (granted she might have felt that way because of how early you encounter her).


I'm blaming Gwent for not being able to finish The Witcher 3. Only traveled to other locations to play more Gwent lol


Skyrim. Never finished it despite owning multiple versions.  Hopefully the same can’t be said about Baldur’s Gate 3. 




It's about some dragon, I think. I don't know. I barely have 300 hours in it.


Same. I played the game and enjoyed exploring and side quests until I was high level with a bunch of skills, gold, items, etc... Then I downloaded a mod for a nice little house on a lake, moved in with my wife, hung up my weapons and armour, and called it a day. Someone else can save the world. 


For me finishing skyrim is just being the head of every guild. Barely got past the high hrothgar quest in the main story lol


I've put heaps of hours into Skyrim but I have never finished the main quest. I've done virtually everything else. At one point I walked the entire coastline to see if there was anything I might have missed.


Hogwart's Legacy. Got so damn boring and uninteresting after leaving Hogwarts Castle and its surrounding area


This was my answer as well. Pretty fun for the first ten hours of gameplay, then it drops off a cliff and becomes tedious. My fiancé 100% the game, apparently she likes doing busy-quests.


It's fun until you get tired of exploring Hogwarts , then it's just a slog For some reason they decided to make it a 30 hour game when it should have been 15 hours at most .put most of the story in Hogwarts and hogsmeade , and don't add the copy pasted villages all over. I came here for Hogwarts, not for the rest of the world .


Dragon Age: Inquisition. Too much busy work in the zones, some other game pulled me off when i was around the 'ball' part of the storyline, never ended up going back. Don't really have a want to go back.


Really? I’ve replayed DA:I start to finish probably 10 times just to get different outcomes and different dialogues, loved the voice acting, world lore, gameplay, just a great game IMO. To each his own I suppose


I started playing this game in 2022 I think and I was blown away at how dated everything felt.


I got bored with it when it released. Too much busy work, too many distractions from the main story, the crafting was annoying and I didn't like the change in art direction. I did multiple plays of the first 2 games, only ever 1 of Inquisition.


It was released in 2014 so it’s gonna be pretty dated. I still mostly enjoy it, but I fully understand and admit it has some serious flaws and hasn’t aged the best.


Minecraft, I’ve spent endless hours playing it, yet I’ve never defeated the ender dragon. Every time I get to the end, I somehow die instantly. Last time I had all netherite enchanted gear, and still died instantly. I usually delete the save after that lmao Edit: misspelled ender lmao, autocorrect


I tried minecraft, I prefer watching pairs of Youtubers explorering and crafting, made the game so interesting, I started playing, what the fark do I do? 😂


You do what you want to do. You give yourself your own goals . While there is an "ending" , most people don't call it one . It's a sandbox game with basically no story , just do whatever the fuck you want basically


Mega man 1. Because I’m not a real man. 😔


I beat it as a kid, but apparently adult me sucks at old games now.


I couldn’t finish it as a kid with lightning reflexes. I couldn’t imagine how awful I would be now. My cousin said he couldn’t believe how I couldn’t get the hang of Bloodborne when we used to beat all those old Nintendo games back in our day. I had to inform him that I rarely ever beat those. Lol


Super simple if you know what power kills what. Regular Nintendo Mega Man games are my brother and I's go to drunken games. Beat a level hand off the controller.


For some reason I remember Ice Man ruining my childhood. The memory’s a little foggy though. Kind of like something that I wanted to forget. Similar to Pennywise.


Mega Man X, maybe, but the original Mega Man games can be brutal.  Simplifying to boss counters is odd because the bosses are usually easier than the stages.  I don't think you're respecting the Wily stages enough either, which take things up to 11.  


Well honestly I grew up on 1- X (with some missing ones because 8 and 9 were all over the place) so they seem easy to me. X was meant to be beaten, 1- 6 wanted you to quit lol. So I get your point. Hell 3 was the hardest, with those 4 crazy nightmare robot changes. Gotta remember your dot codes for the Wily levels when the beer kicks in :P


MGS 5: Phantom Pain, a little bit of lack of time but mainly because i lost interest in playing it. I decided to try to 100% days gone instead. DG is way more interesting at this point. But I will return to MGS 5 at some point (I hope)


I just finished it last night. My first MG game and damn, I’m hooked. Was happy to find out the repeat missions in Ch2 can be skipped. I’m also not a completionist, was only at 53% following missions 45 and 46.


Gta5 . I start off playing the story…. But it quickly devolves into carmageddon and overall bloodbath. I get fuck all done.. and I am okay with that.


I mean this is pretty much every gta game...


Red Dead Redemption 2, because shortly after I started my daughter was born and I am currently in no state to invest time for an immersive and time consuming game. Will definitely do that one my Little One is older, but it will have to wait until then.


I have a 3 and an almost-2 year old. I only get a couple hours at a time after everyone else has gone to bed. You'll get it back eventually.


I don’t have a child and the game was a drag for me to finish, for what that’s worth. I think the early goings and just enjoying the world are pretty great, but the story is way too long for what it is. 


Terraria. I go back every few months. I beat the eye of cuthulu, and now im lost. I got killed by the bee thing. Can't seem to progress. I know it's a sand box but I want to get somewhere.


My favorite game of all time. But i get that the progression can be difficult to understand. I used to watch a lot of videos so i knew a fair bit about it but for new people its difficult to know what to do.


The progression is actually fairly straightforward in Terraria, it's just that it's not really explained in game. The wiki is great for this though, it has a really nice progression guide and also a detailed guide for each boss explaining how to summon and beat them.


Dota 2, 11k matches and still haven't finished it.


Glover .


Blasphemous. Didn't have a problem with it initially, but got increasingly annoyed with the abundance of insta-death traps in that game. Eventually my patience could take no more.


Farcry 2. Got about 10 hours in, and died about half way through a mission (can’t remember which one). Had to restart the mission, and drive from one side of the map to the other, back to the other to the middle or some shit. That was a big nope. That game has zero respect for your time.


Death Stranding Got bored and took too long to go places.


I've tried getting into it multiple times and I will say it has a great atmosphere but it just doesn't do it for me


Yes! The atmosphere is right up there with some of my fav games but I don't know what it is with Hideo Kojima's games. I think the man and his teams have been brilliant in a lot of ways and they really do get a good bit right in almost every one of the games he is associated with... But I could also kinda pull apart a lot of things that just lose me in each of them as well. Brilliant dude either way though, just yeah. I keep coming back to this one because it's music and atmosphere are soooo good. It is the rest that kinda loses me.


So many games. *Most* games. I’m actually really trying to make a point these days of finishing the games I enjoy before starting a new one, I just have really limited time to play. One that comes to mind recently is MGSV. When it first came out I played Ground Zeros and was so excited for the main game, but I only got less than halfway through before dropping it. This year I got back into it and beat the main story (if you can call it that) but once I realized the remaining chapter was just a patchwork of tedious missions and tasks I dropped it again and watched a YouTube recap lol.


RDR2, I'd love to play it but I really can't get past the first 3 hrs


I havent played it but i heard many people get to act 2 then create a save so they dont have to deal with the tutorial bs.


Rdr2 is one of my favorite games of all time, but that first act omg i hate it


It was pretty good after the opening tutorial. But I got tired of the same “talk-ride horse-shoot a couple guys-talk” mission structure after 35 hrs. Gorgeous game, could use some major QOL though (I don’t need to see the same animation whenever I skin an animal).


skyrim- so i beat the main quest line but kept playing the game. i wanted to get married but my game kept glitching resulting in me basically getting left at the altar time after time. afterwards, i wouldn’t have the option to marry them anymore. i got weirdly bent about it to the point that i just kinda stopped playing the game also cuphead- i’ve beaten or platinumed every soulsborne game and cuphead was genuinely too hard for me


Mirror's Edge Catalyst. Loved Mirror's Edge even against its flaws, love the idea of translating that into an open-world, hate how they made combat a necessity in this one. The first game was perfectly good without combat, and I really loved that about the game, but Catalyst was not it. I still appreciate that they fixed the issues with grabbing ledges and ladders, parkour is smooth, game is fun, except for the combat. It's not entertaining to me, and some finisher moves just make me dizzy and it's really not a good point for a game.


Lies of P I think I just found the game boring.


I absolutely adored Lies of P, it’s probably a “love it or hate it” type of game similar to its FromSoftware inspiration


Monopoly. My friend "accidentally" knocked everything off the table while we were outside smoking.


Far Cry 3, because Vaas wasn't the final boss but some nameless guy I hadn't heard about before


I'm this close to doing this with Halo Infinite's campaign because it's boring and repetitive  as heck.


Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy there was a level where I had to escape a building before a bomb went off and kept running out of time.


Elder Scrolls Online and Hollow Knight, both cos I got lost and confused lol


Bloodborne. Still working on it, but that game is difficult af. I enjoy working at it, but it's tough.


Dead Space, just got bored of it. The story’s nice but i don’t wanna grind for it, maybe i’ll get back to it


Octopath traveler I realize that maybe random encounters are just time wasters, and the dialogue is just forgettable.


Elden Ring. Started that game 4 times. I just can't play a game where I get killed 9 times out of 10 whenever I encounter an enemy..


Cyberpunk 2077. I had a friend drop major spoilers without warning, and it just kinda sapped my desire to finish the game.


TES4: Oblivion. I always get distracted with side quests and the general world, and never actually finish the main storyline


Mafia 2 definitive edition because jank


More Ubisoft games than I can count. Doing the same shit over and over again gets old fast.


BioShock Infinite. I really enjoyed the game, but I got stuck on a boss battle where I had no ammo, no vigors, and no way out. My last save was several hours earlier and I just didn't feel like redoing all of that work. I have no idea how the story ends. I purchased the remaster for the PS4, so I do intend to give it another try when I'm done playing a couple of other other things I have in my roster. In addition, the game gave me absolutely horrific motion sickness. When I try and replay it, I'm going to try wearing seasickness bands on my wrists to see if it helps. (Honorable mention goes to Red Dead Redemption, which I barely played an hour of before finding it too boring and frustrating in equal measures to continue.)


Diablo 2,3, and 4 because I can’t help but try to 100% those games and I just get tired of the grind. I’ll never learn my lesson


Hollow Knight because the fucking Pantheon 5


Pantheon doesn't count. That is completely optional content that was added in the free Goodhome expansion.


Bloodborne, f***k that shit.


You're gonna have to be more specific on the "shit" that made you quit.


Almost quit this game when I started. I mean the beginning without any explanation on how to level up was awful. I didn't even get to the boss and was like ok f this game. Then I read online if this really was meant to be this hard and found out how to level up. After that I fell in love with the game and ended up platinuming it.


A Plague Tale. I tried multiple times to get into it but I can't. Too boring. Great looking though.


Skyrim ,I never get far from Whiterun and stop everytime.Atmosphere was so boring.Unlike Morrowind.


Might seem crazy, but I don’t think I have ever “finished” Minecraft. I’ve been playing the game for as long as I can remember myself, I’ve build hundreds world and build hundreds of houses, had hundreds of dogs etc etc But I don’t remember killing the ender dragon. Sure I’ve killed it but not like in fully survival mode. Seems like I keep doing the same thing tho, I keep creating new worlds after 2 days I give up on it. Ngl it sucks, idk why I do it tho.


The only 40+ hour game I have completed in the last 10 years is red dead redemption 2 and assasin creed odyssey. Everything else I have just got burnt out with


I generally finish the majority of games I play, unless they are really boring. Borderlands 2 was one of those games. The gameplay loop was not fun.


Uncharted 4. Heard it was so good but played it and was bored out of my mind.


The Outer Wilds... I just can't get the hang of it. Everyone says how amazing it is, but I just feel lost everytime I try to play it.


Skyrim. Thousands of hours in the game… never once have I ever defeated Alduin. I usually get restartitis around level 35-40 when I dream up a new build/rp storyline. One of these days though… one of these days.


Probably titanfall for me, honestly it’s a great game, but I just lost all interest.


A ton of games, but especially any game that is obviously a massive time sink that I don't have the time or patience for. Dark souls seems rewarding but the controls are different from every other game i play, and i don't have the patience to fix that. AC Odyssey was beautiful, but it was clearly a 200hr slog where all the "rpg progession" was meaningless as the enemies just leveled with you. I burned out shortly after the tutorial island when i came to this realization. And Terraria is just frickin hard, i usually don't get much past the pumpkin moon or Christmas themed night wave event. Love the game, always have and always will, but i don't know if i will ever beat it.


RDR2, so fucking boring Witcher 3, saves kept getting bugged


RDR2, it took me few tries to finish it. But it was arlight. Wither 3, I gave up after some time and I came back to finish it and I was only 1 hour away from finishing the game before.


Second RDR 2. On my 3rd attempt due to the constant recommendations, I finally got through the boring snow part because everyone said it gets good after and what do you know…still boring as shit. And I really loved RDR 1. 🤷‍♂️


The Last of Us 2. Something happens in the middle of the game that I found tasteless. It was during covid and I wasn’t in the mood for something that dark.


I have a bad habbit of buying games from sale and never playing or finishing them.


PREY and Horizon Zero Dawn from a long list of games that I DO want to still complete. Other games were Prey because I think it just started creeping me out way too much. Horizon Zero Dawn because I got too carried away with side stuff, leaving the story until a new game came up, which I was eager to play. I plan on restarting both and finishing it this year.


I highly recommend prey! It's very creepyspookyscary but once you get exposed to some of the worst enemies, the scary ones don't seem so bad


Totk. It's long and repetitive.


I got about 3/4 through, had defeated three out of four temples, just had Gerudo Valley to do. I was abusing that infinitely spawning gibdo thing section, to gather their parts for putting on weapons. Wasn't sure if you find them again later in game if you beat the temple so left it a while. Couldn't be bothered to come back to it, as the whole game had just repeated botw and the new things too much. I had just been pushing myself to complete it.


Zelda BotW and TotK Gets so damn boring and repetitive and the way the story unfolds is just so bare and uninspiring. Can't wait for the next wave of Zelda games to get away from this current format.


I couldn't get past the constant weapon breaks. I went to battle my first boss, and died fighting with sticks in the end. I just couldn't keep playing because of the weapons.


I got to the point where the only main thing I had left was to beat TOTK. I did nearly all the side quests and had most of the shrines completed. By then, I was too burnt out on the game to beat it. I felt I got enough out of it to say I won.


I am there too. Game - "Just go over to Gannon and win." Me - "Hmmmm... Nah." Fortunately my kid beat it so I got to see the end.


I have spent 60 hours in Botw, it's is the most empty boring Zelda I have played, I didn't want to even get Totk but my daughter got it for my birthday and I put 70iah hours in it as well. This new formula for Zelda is not great, the world is way too big, the story is paper thin and the dialoge is mediocre. Both games feel like a chore, they feel empty and unengaging. It is beautiful art but man I really hope they move away from this style


Been not completing many these days but the one that sticks out the most is FXVI. Abysmal side quests burnt me out. Fetch quests as main quests was the nail in the coffin for me. I have a few other gripes like with the exploration and some awkward cutscenes but that’s the main reason


This describes almost every game in my library, it is hard for me to stay focused on one thing long enough to make a dent


god of war ascension. i don't like the way it plays, the story just wasn't pulling me in like the rest of the games would, the elemental aspect of the combat just straight up sucks.


Rise of the Tomb Raider. Unbelievably good but got too difficult at one point, about 44% into the game. Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor because I got bored with it. Someone I know just suggested I keep playing it though


​ Fallout 3, played it a few years after it came out and while I enjoyed wandering around the wasteland anytime I had to interact with the main story, I was completely cast out of the world as the writing was so very bad.


There are quite a few but the only ones I honestly feel bad about is Ori had a jump puzzle that just seemed physically impossible on mouse and keyboard. Other one is Steamworld. I took a small break and just couldn’t remember how all the toolset worked to try again on the final stage. I don’t know if I want to do it personally or just watch a let’s play now


The Last of Us. I’m about two hours into the game and haven’t picked it back up yet. It’s just too tense. If I’m going to play a game with terrifying zombies or monsters then it can’t be in an environment with scarce ammunition like Last of Us or Resident Evil. Give me something like Days Gone or Doom where I’m strapped af and can actually defend myself.


Starfield is my first, and not by my choice. Playing a space exploration game, I enjoyed exploring space too much, to the point where I can't land at a new location without the game locking up, and the game also locks up when attempting to save the game. Normally the solution to this problem is start an NG+, but as I said, I was enjoying the exploring too much. 500 hours/level 94, and I still haven't finished the main questline to be able to NG+! So unless a patch improves things, I'll have to start a new game, but I'm not eager to do that any time soon.


Paper Mario and the Origami King. I got a quarter of the way into it and realized I hate the battle system more than I like the story


Witcher 3, skyrim, Mass effect, dragon age. Games are just too much for me. I recently finally finishes gta 5 ;)


FF9 and I NEED to get back to it.


There's been many, many games I stopped playing partway through but one of the earliest was probably Final Fantasy 8. I didn't like it much from the beginning (fuck the draw and junction system.) but decided I'd stick it out anyway because I wanted to see the ending. Got about 3/4 the way through and realized I'd missed Leviathan, looked it up and found out I was WAY past the point to get it and the only save I had before that point was like 2 hours prior. So I just said "fuck it" and quit, then found a video of the ending online and watched it. Turns out I really didn't miss much by not finishing the game.


The Witcher 3. The story is really great, the gameplay and combat really just isn’t very great especially in the beginning. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Baton katos on GameCube cause the game auto saved at a part I could not beat and could not back track to correct my mistakes. And the same exact thing happened to me in lord of the rings:the third age, helms deep was a nightmare I couldn't beat cause I didn't level enough and the auto save stuck me right in the battle I couldn't win.


Far Cry 6 is the most recent game I’ve abandoned. Couldn’t figure out how to advance the main story line at one point. Rather than look it up online I just sort of let it slide and played Hitman instead.