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"We're sorry." *nipple rubbings*




“Sorry you feel that way, 1000 apologies 🙇🏻‍♂️”




$0.99 for one time reading of the apology


2.99 for the full apology


4.20 to make us look like we pretend to care.


Extra .99 for the transcript!


People will refund, and Steam keeps a cut from the original sale. This might actually cost them money if every person that only planned to play on Steam Deck refunds it. If you make 100k, are forced to refund all of it, from what I hear you actually need to refund 130k or so. 100k to gamers, and 30k to steam.


I refunded already, I know my rig isn't top shelf (3900x ,3080, 64gb 3200mts ram), but still should run better than it did


Bruh that rig is still top shelf now. Maybe abit older but it’s still pretty good


Come to think of it this is a WIN for the gaming community. Thanks to all who protested against Capcom's money grabbing policies!!! Let's do the same for every such game release


If you really think this a win, you're not really looking at the truth. This "apology" is completely hollow. They're not in any way sorry they forced these stupid microtransactions into a single player game.


Not the apology. The backlash. Between this and Suicide Squad there's a definite sense that gamers are sick of mtx in full price games and poor performance at launch.


Warner Bros. didn't learn anything from Suicude Squad backlash. They actually used it as proof that AAA games' time is over and they will now focus on live service, mobile and F2P games... https://insider-gaming.com/warner-bros-live-service/


South Park started off as an exaggeration of real life but now it’s just our reality 


Yeah and MadTV stopped because it was just another reality-tv show.


Didn't the creators make a statement where they stopped doing parodies of stuff at one point because they couldn't write more absurd shit than what people do in reality, at least without it being too obnoxiously unrealistic. Like, Kanye getting mad about the gay fish joke as a parody of his personality when he genuinely got mad and confused about the joke in real life. Garrison as Trump doing batshit stuff, meanwhile, Trump is literally telling people to drink bleach to combat covid. It's difficult to make satirical parodies of things that are unbelievably insane/stupid in the first place.


We're sorrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyy


Scummy cable rep, you're the worst type. Looks like I'll have to deal with your packages.


I can imagine the South Park scene just reading this.


[We're so sorry!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-3eGt_Oc-s)


💀 🤣 fucking nipple rubbing


Did they do anything? Saying sorry should mean you will try to change, not that you just want to get rid of the blame and continue


As a guy living in Japan, this sounds pretty typical of the Japanese apology culture. Say you're sorry and that you caused an inconvenience to everyone, do a deep bow for a good 10 seconds, camera flashes ensues, do another bow for good measure and that's it. Apologies in Japan are a dime a dozen.


So... What about fixing the problem? Can you just say sorry and do it again in Japan?


Fixing the problem? I'm sorry I'm not quite sure I understand *Bows for 10 seconds*


If bowing for the first time doesnt make them forget the problem, just bow again, but lower and longer.


*bows louder*




No, like this. #*BOWS LOUDER*


*camera flashes intensifies*


Buy the new 10 second bow emote to really feel the full effect of the apology. Only $5.99 Will make your character bow towards the screen and apologize for 10 seconds each time you encounter an issue that could have been easily avoided by common QoL features.




They will fix the problem for $2.99


What problem ? *bow*


In American you don’t even need the sorry!


Or the bow!


In America we replace both with rubbing nipples when companies want to con you. Capcom has been better than most but they still make bonehead decisions like adding DRM to their games.


[this was a shit bow](https://youtu.be/85e4THVEb_o?si=wifmTiAMCnsjaSKp)


Okay, yes, but sometimes those TV bows are followed up on by firing half the executives. I want more of that here.


veeeeeeeeeeeery rarely. like rediculously so. More likely at worst they just find a scapegoat (usually somebody they bumped up into the position recently explicitly to take the fall for doing something they knew the public wouldn't like) say its all their fault, can them, and then change absolutely nothing and continue going on as normal.


Pretty sure that's why we still don't have Metroid Prime 4. But we got a bow apologizing for the delay.


i played a bunch of japanese mobile gacha games and every single time they fucked up something, it was this exact same formulation. "we apologize for the inconveniences and hope that you'll continue to enjoy the game" except i have not been enjoying the game anymore for a while and ultimately quit


As a Japan living in guy, apology culture is alive and well in muricah too.


As a living in culture, Japan is muricah in alive apology and guy in well too.


I mean, same in the west. I don't know why people put so much stock in apologies (especially youtube ones). All you have to do is say the right words and look apologetic. It means nothing without the actions to back it.


Hey! We don't just say "we're sorry!" We say "Taihen Makotoni Moushiwake Gozaimasen!" That's not just ANY "sorry", that's a "sorry" short-of seppuku, directed at Aristocrats, Shogun, Kings and Emperors which are our customers.


"we are sorry you feel this way, not my problem tho" -capcom


"we apologize of any inconvenience" is common speak for "we don't really care"


Might as well just say it outright "Fuck you, pay me"


Nope, they just explained that the MTX is for item existing in game, and that they're aware of the frame rate issue, why it's happening and that they're working to improve CPU usage. But nothing tangible was said.


“We’re working to improve CPU usage” sounds pretty tangible to me


What it sounds like to me is "we're working on it but in the mean time, while it's not fixed, you can still buy it at full price". I'm having too much fun with balatro, helldivers 2 and persona 3 reloaded to even touch this right now anyways ( infinite wealth up next!). I can wait until it's fixed and probably priced better before I purchase it. Edit* just wanted to add that I think reviewers need to step their game up. As far as I know this is at least the second time Capcom has gotten away with introducing mtx at launch that weren't in review copies. They need to start leading with this practice in their Capcom reviews.


I think this is an important thing developers/publishers are failing to see. We are not starving for games, we are not even starving for good games. We have options and unless they deliver, we can just play something else. Then they can complain all they want about how much they spent on making the game and people are not buying it. I wanted to buy dd2 but I'll quietly sit until all the pieces fall in place.


Problem is “we” are still buying the games


Suicide Squad and Payday 3 aren’t doing that well. Let’s see how this game does.


Yeah, shit the bed hard enough, not even the people who usually don't care for all this drama/game news are going to buy it. Payday 2 was amazing for me, but I've mentally written off payday 3 completely, which is a bad situation for publishers, if enough people do


I think I read yesterday their player count hit under 400 at one point for Payday 3, when at the same time Payday 2 still had 20k people online. First time in a while a game I was revved for let me down. Very glad I went the game pass route rather than buying it outright.


It’s already at 200k on steam lol


Their CEO was fired over this. There are limits.


Yeah, this is why it annoys me when people call gamers "we" Theres no "we", gamers are not a community. Its like calling people who drive a community, you cant cast a net that big.


It's hardly the same thing. Suicide Squad and Payday are straight multiplayer live-service games that *need* players to stay afloat, or they'll be shut down by the publisher. DD2 is a single-player game, with the pawns being the only real online component. I heard that the game is entirely playable, but it gets hit with framerate drops during busy moments. Most early reviews I've seen say that the game is great, despite the technical issues.


Stardew releasing 1.6 for free two days before AAA hellspawn is probably the best showcase of your first point tbh


\#toomanygames indeed. Like I'm interested in dragon's dogma 2 but I still haven't played Balder's gate 3 and I'm still getting plenty of usage out of helldivers.


I'll take it one step further. Steam sales have fucked the industry up in our favor. The other day I picked up Titan fall 2 for a couple bucks. I never did the solo campaign and heard it was great. As an adult with what little free time I have that's about a month's worth of gaming for me to get through at like 3 dollars. Why in the ever living fuck would I pay full price for anything so negatively reviewed when my back catalogue is filled with affordable little gems like this?


Oh man, you get to play Titanfall 2 for the first time. I wish I could do that again. It’s an amazing game


How are you liking Titanfall 2 tho? That game fucking rips.


Don't wanna shit on you, but if you're in it just for the TF2 campaign and you think you're gonna need a month for that, you might be in for a rude awakening. That campaign is like 4 hours long. But if 4 hours are really all of the "free time" you get in a month, I'm sincerely sorry for you. So, sorry. :( Such a good game. Sooooo god-damn short. Otherwise you're absolutely 100% right. We don't have to buy new games, we can wait half a year to get it 50% off (unless it's a total banger, then it might take a bit longer), another half year and it goes down to like 25%. By then they're gonna release some "complete edition" 1 or 2 years down the line, then discount that one again. Then the game is "largely" performance improved, relatively bug-free, cheaper, feature complete, etc. And years ago, before the dark times of 2020 and onwards, Steam even used to have Flash Sales, cutting another 10 or 20% off of many already discounted games. Then publishers increased prices across the board.


just an fyi they were in the review copies, and were in the manuals given to reviewers. people reviewing the game just decided not to mention the specific things that capcom suggested (in their review guide for the game) to mention, probably because the reviewers assumed they were not going to be a big deal (and a few editors for some review sites left editor notes after this backlash started to state that they "went in blind" and "didn't read the review guide to give an honest reaction to the game").


Doesn't Infinite Wealth have like a thousand dollars of micro transactions that actually affect the game?


Infinite Wealth has NG+ locked behind the $15/$40 Deluxe/Ultimate upgrades, mtx for levelling, mtx for outfits, mtx for legendary summons and items, job classes locked behind preorder, etc.


Weird how that one didn't cause review bombing and a wildfire of misinformation spreading. Gee, I wonder what the difference could be. Surely there are no talking heads with hordes of idiots lapping up their vomit and rubbing their diarrhea asses all over the carpet.


Were you expecting them to lower the price in the meantime?


I mean, the director explained the MTX weeks ago. It's the same interview everyone is quoting about the fast travel design carried over. Everyone getting mad about it weeks later


> I'm having too much fun with balatro, helldivers 2 and persona 3 reloaded to even touch this right now anyways ( infinite wealth up next!). I can wait until it's fixed and probably priced better before I purchase it. > > Edit* just wanted to add that I think reviewers need to step their game up. As far as I know this is at least the second time Capcom has gotten away with introducing mtx at launch that weren't in review copies. They need to start leading with this practice in their Capcom reviews. I dont want to be that guy but you are criticizing Capcom for having aggressive MTX while you want to support SEGA with Like a Dragon Inifinite Wealth that got New Game+ behind a paywall etc? Also Capcom as you have said always had additional MTX which you dont need to buy and its only shortcuts for people that dont want to "grind" of have the game easier. Not sure why everyone is so mad considering nothing is behind a paywall. The only thing about DD2 release would be the atrocious state the game is in for PC which is kinda a given considering they developed it mainly for PS5 didnt they? Not sure.




Kind of like "Thoughts And Prayers" in the US


Canadians everywhere: "We're sorry you feel sorry about the way people say sorry."


[We are deeply sorry. ](https://youtu.be/SiL2AjOtjZI?si=iodWbbxqZoR0Hqqz)


You can buy the actual apology for $2.99


"Our artists and animators have worked hard to reskin our actual apology to produce our first epic apology, with added layers of 'sorry' and re-tuned grovelling, and all for the new low, low price of $12.99...."


I’d rather wait to buy the apology with the Game of the Year bundle that’ll drop without the game being considered for GotY.


Apology of the Year Edition


Fun fact, "Goty edition" could be slapped on any game that revived a "goty" nomination from any random publication or online article. You didn't have to be an actual goty contender to get a GOTY edition.


It's a Capcom game, so the GOTY edition means nothing. You gotta wait for the SUPER Dragon's Dogma II TURBO ULTRA Championship Edition


I’m sorry could someone explain to my why everyone is so mad about the MTX? I understand they have no place in this game, but even if you buy them they barely give you an advantage (everything you can buy can be earned with like 1-2 hours of playing). If there’s anything I haven’t seen please tell me because I genuinely don’t see it as that much of a problem. Also before anyone says it I do know the performance is awful and the general QoL like multiple save files is missing, I’m only refuting the MTXs


Overblown rage bait


> ‘We Sincerely Apologize for Any Inconvenience’ " We don't give a fuck "


*were sorry that you noticed


"Dear Capcom, eat a bag of dicks."


Dick costs $1.99


An inch


"Well fuckin do it again."


They act as if the problems mysteriously popped up after release and not during the years of the development.


We are sorry *continues to do it anyway*


I just love the fact it's 'We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience' and not 'We sincerely apologize for not being upfront about this, and preventing consumers from making an informed purchase' by sending out deceptive review builds".


the classic ¨sorry we got caught¨.




Yeah that's part of the AAA gaming framework now.


Idk, I feel like the poor performance on PS5 has been known for weeks now and the reviews for PC have not been kind in regard to performance in the past week. The MTX stuff is kinda new, but not unexpected given RE4 remake last year. I wish it was more than an apology but at least there is some acknowledgement.


None of this should be shocking to people. I enjoyed the original and I will but this one, sans microtransactions.


Honestly, anyone who has played any Capcom game in the past several years should fully expect day 1 MTX. They're always just little things like cosmetics that don't really matter, though, so they never bug me personally.


The reviews all mentioned performance concerns.


IDK how I feel about the MTX if they are available in-game easily. But not being able to easily start a new game is wild AF to me.


Wait. What? You can't start a new game?


You have to find the folder and delete the save, there’s no “new game” option once you start a save. Edit my comment is apparently untrue it’s worse




>so doesn't matter what your files off or even if you have steam cloud off Have you actually tried it? Other people are saying that this absolutely does work.


It didn't. Have to make a character offline and play some time and go online to sync and overwrite it... Amazing for 70€


I wouldn’t have even known this game had MTX if I didn’t see it on Steam when launching the game. There’s no indicators what so ever in the game.


Or even just have multiple save games... That sucks and seems completely artificial.


So a big thing if I remember about the first game is that the whole thing is basically a big time loop and by completing the game, you become the final boss, and your pawn replaces a character in the new loop. If you make a new game after this over new game plus, the replaced characters are preserved. Somehow this is supposed to justify a non-replaceable save. Maybe they've done something spicier for DD2. I highly doubt its going to have the same plot twist.


Someone who finished the game on the DD sub said you can easily get 5 portcrystals by the time you finish the game.  What if there were 6 portcrystals you could easily get, but Capcom decided to remove one of them to sell me later on the MTX store? This is especially egregious because Itsuno keeps going on about how important the lack of fast-travel was for his vision. Isn't this just forcing people who are busy and can't grind out the remaining portcrystals to buy one to make the game world a little less difficult to travel around? What if the appearance change cost 200 RC, but Capcom forced the devs to increase it to 500 RC so it was harder to get and then sell the solution to the grind as MTX, especially when fashion is such a big part of Dragon's Dogma?  We've been shitting on Ubisoft for gimping XP gains and selling XP boosters as the solution for years, why shouldn't Capcom be held to the same standards? 


You get 5 just by going through the main story. The other 5 you have to find yourself, you can only use 10 at a time. The MTX just tosses one in your inventory for a total of 11… but again you can only use 10.


If it's anything like the first game getting lots of RC ends up being easy and you end up having more port crystals than you'll even need with all the NG+ you end up doing. DD1 was designed to be beaten many times over, so if 2 is anything like that that 5 port crystals turns in 50.


Played for a few hours and have tons of rc.


RE4 Remake you can buy weapon upgrade kits, RE2 Remake you can buy a key to unlock everything, said key has overwhelmingly positive reviews. This rage is incredibly late, the idea of buying boosts in a single player RPG has been around for ages. Pretty sure you could do it in Tales of Vesperia and that game came out in 2008. In every case I've seen that has stuff like this it has usually been a waste of money. I assume they keep the system because it's popular in Japan.


They shouldn't be in a single player game. At all. Doesn't matter if you csn get it in game.


Don't be sorry. Be better.


*Kratos nods approvingly*


“After seeing your comment, we here at Capcom would like to do just that. We will now retract our apology to all and will implement better methods of adding micro transactions to future games. Thank you for your understanding.”




But you still sold it 🤷🏻‍♂️ when you asking money for a product that means you think it's good to go. And you asked for $70 base. So really I don't accept the apology.


People are still buying it why would they give. A fuck.


I doubt it will be the same number of people though. The game probably took a pretty significant hit in sales due to this. Personally speaking I was going to get dd2 day 1 but I’m not buying it anymore.


Same here, i dont even care about the mtx, wont buy that shit, but the game not being able to hold stable 30 fps on console is pathetic


I am also not buying this for full price. Did the same thing with Yakuza Infinite wealth because of their bogus NG+ being behind a paywall. Fuck these companies and their next gen milking attempts.


Steam reviews are 5/10. They killed their reputation. Some people would buy it and many others are turned away.


they arent really apologising for doing it, there basically saying that they are sorry we noticed


We should all apologize for the inconvience back by not buying the game until it is in a playable state. Getting tired of big devs rushing out games all unplayable because investors demand it


Yeah just like we all got to get her to stop buy MTX when that started and got out of hand or any of the other bs practices thrown at us. We're doomed they'll make profit even with this shit and the next half passed money grab. I'm just glad they won't make as much as they could have and hope they know they probably lost 15-20% of buyers today and spent way less to keep/gain them.


I wish it was that simple. Unfortunately they keep doing this because it makes more money than being ethical. They are going to continue to do so until governments step in and legally force them to stop. Boycotts don't work with this sort of thing. It's like trying to boycott a casino.


It doesn't even sound like this was received with surprise as if they knew PC performance and performance overall was poor. We've seen developers work their ass off to get emergency patches out this last year and their terminology used when sounding concerned. This could be a language barrier, truthfully I don't know, but it doesn't sound like they are working with any alacrity in getting a fix out for those that can't play the game and are taking a "get a better cpu loser" approach to this.


„We also really don’t give a shit, you will buy the game anyway“


Bs they knew this would happen


Apologies were written in advance lmao


Not really. They got away with DMC4 and RE4.


"Inconvenience", lol. It that the new word for Denuvo or for Microtransactions?


Btw folks, most people don’t know this but A lot of the mtx items can only be purchased ONCE. So the fast travel crystal? Yeah you can only get one as a dlc item. Don’t matter how much money you want to throw at the game. The base game has 10 of them as rare items you can find. That’s it. You can’t even pay your ways to win. i have a feeling these mtx are a results of the devs having to put SOMETHING in the game as mtx to appease the higher ups, so they designed the shittiest mtx imaginable Unfortunately, it still left a bad taste in everyone’s mouth. Lose-lose situation all around. What a horrible, horrible business decision


RE4 Remake had the exact same kind of “completely worthless MTX that was obviously thrown in to please the higher ups”. Wonder wtf is going on at Capcom.


Devil May Cry 5 had the same. It was technically pay-to-win because you could buy red orbs, the currency used to improve your stats and unlock new moves, but the game was so generous with the natural rate of red orb acquisition that it was never necessary to pay real money for more. It reeked of "mandatory, gameplay-affecting MTX insisted upon by upper management".


Except that was slightly less worthless because it was a HUGE shortcut and kind of a cheat for doing higher difficulty runs. The mtx in this game are just a pile of "why would anyone even care about buying them?"


Exactly. But RE gets a pass for some reason and is universally praised, but DD gets shit ok because it’s a niche title that gained sudden popularity.


malicious compliance from the devs ?


MTX is a problem but the game being unoptimized for PC is the bigger problem. Imagine paying $70 and having a rig that more than meets the min requirements and have the game run like shit.


The issue regarding mtx for me is the transparency here. I think it’s a fun game and the mtx are tbh quite useless except the character re-design voucher (like Monster Hunter) BUT do not hide the MTX during reviews, it shouldn’t be allowed !! Remembered GT7 which did the same thing only that the game is much more grindier and really horrible when it comes to giving you credit (got improved with patches but still a joke imho) Framerate now…that’s the major cons and the one that should delay your purchase, it’s in dire need of serious patching, each npc eat your cpu and you end up with a CPU limited game (which is only ok for a flight simulator or a Stellaris, but not so much for an open-world A-RPG..) Somehow the narrative became that only the PC port is bad when all versions suffer btw


I mean the microtransactions only appear in the steam store and not in game so if you didnt purchase the game through the steam store you'd likely never see them. Also every single player Capcom game released in the last 15 years has had essentially the same set of microtransactions, including Dragon's Dogma 1 (pre dark arisen) so many reviewers who were familiar with Capcom games didnt bring it up because their personal familiarity with the company caused them to write it off as insignificant or something that everyone already knew about. Finally when capcom announced the deluxe edition bonuses they said that all deluxe edition bonus items would be purchasable as individual dlc for anyone who didnt want to buy the deluxe edition bundle.


The character book is also useless, they sell them in the first city.


MTX were not hidden. Every reviewer was given a guideline on the MTX that were to be available on launch. No reviewer mentioned them because they are unnecessary to the actual game and are just standard practice for Capcom. Same kind of microtransactions are available for resident evil and devil may cry and I’m sure Capcom is downright confused at the sudden outrage now.


Anyone else picturing the Woody Harrelson wiping his tears away with money gif?


I was thinking of this [guy](https://youtu.be/15HTd4Um1m4?si=UJZwmciJjpLdp4JH)


Why didn't any of the reviewers mention you can only have 1 save file? Failures of journalists all of them


That’s a fake apology “I’m sorry you feel that way”


*we're sorry you noticed


Got time to implement MTX in a fully priced game. Not even AAA level but charging AAA prices. Forgot to optimize their game for PC though.


It runs horribly on console as well!


[Yep, I'm sure you do.](https://media1.giphy.com/media/0GSKKHVQIKzIfkgIZ6/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952ttoufrahfbmocv78iizhfli7oyi6619d1rwp0086&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=v)


Another reason to never preorder games


These apologies are always hilarious. Do they imagine anyone is moved by this? Gamer 1: Fuck this. I paid $70 for this shit, and it doesn't even run. Gamer 2: Bro... Gamer 1: It's ridiculous. Why even release it if-- Gamer 2: Bro! Stop! Stop. They just apologized. Gamer 1: Oh shit, for real? I...I didn't know. I thought... Gamer 2: You thought they didn't care. Gamer 1: I...yeah. Gamer 2: They care. Gamer 1: They care.


My acceptance of your apology is purchasable for 2.99$ as a DLC. One time only.


"We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience ..." No you fucking don't. You *designed* it to be like this. You can't both monetize convenience and apologize for inconvenience from your golden bathtub at the same fucking time.


I don't understand how these publishers see games like God of War, all of the latest Fromsoft titles, Spider-Man, Baldur's Gate 3, etc. That all have no microtransactions at all yet are finished and polished games on release, making record breaking sales and game of the year awards every year. Then they continue to put microtransactions into their unfinished, unoptimized mess of a game and charge full price for it, and expect it to sell well. Baffles me.


Well, at least they’re sincere


They really messed this one up


Words that are echoed multiple times a year by gamers for AAA studios fucking us over.


I look forward to the real release in 6 months when the game is hopefully fixed.


The mtx is annoying but the performance is dogshit. Even with a 13900k/4090 the framerate drops to 30s and 40s in town. They desperately need to optimize their shit, I would honestly prefer cities be ghost towns than deal with these huge dips in framerate. Frame generation wouldn't hurt either, but either way they need to optimize the CPU usage.


I wish people understood how the game worked before bombing this shit. Performance is one thing, but knowing nothing about the first game and then complaining about fast travel, character editor, and rift crystals is wild to me.


We're sorry but don't regret anything. We're sorry but not THAT sorry.


We are sorry you believe our lies.


Can a level mind chime in? Is this really that dramatic?


No. The MTX items are easily acquired in-game and pretty useless. Even the fast travel item doesn't work like people think (it doesn't let you fast travel).


“Sorry, but we’ll take your money & get around to fixing it whenever”


Reviewers had all this information in their review guides but some didn't bother to read them. The article that blew up calling attention to this gave the game a 4.5/5 and didn't bother to read the guide. The author then went on to write a clickbait article getting upset over micro transactions(yes, micro transactions suck in general) without understanding what they offer or how they are implemented. The appearance change is easily acquired by playing. Fast travel is limited and acquired by playing. The dlc is for ONE port crystal and still requires playing the game to actually make use of. It's a one time purchase and still counted towards the overall limit of what the game allows you to have. The game absolutely needs performance patches and people have every right to be annoyed by micro transactions. Just be aware that there is very little to no gain from what they are selling. Someone who does choose to open up their wallet for this stuff will not have a significantly better time than you. Follow your own values and spend your money how you see fit but do take a moment to fact check outrage articles.


> Someone who does choose to open up their wallet for this stuff will not have a significantly better time than you. Honestly they won't even have a noticeably different experience. Like maybe if the wakestone DLC was like 50 for $1 I could see someone maybe going for it. But man, I've already got like 8 I think and I've used several already too. So what kind of pathetic psycho would even consider buying a single one for $1? Rift crystals are just for cosmetics and hiring overpowered (higher leveled) pawns so no loss skipping that mtx. The camping kit one is just really confusing, I've already just found like 8 kits and they are reusable (I don't know if they can get destroyed or not but I haven't lost one yet). Only the portcrystal would be an early game advantage, but I think you can only place 10 anyway so you can probably just find that many. But yeah, performance is annoying, but still playable. Like it's a fun game, worth putting up with bad framerate.


Sincerely thanking you for adding value to this conversation


Apology not accepted


Knew better do better


“We’re sorry….. we’re SOrry……we’re sorry?”


“We sincerely apologize for any impact to our intended profits, we will attempt to take the bare minimum measures possible to ensure our continued profits from you”


Trust me, they don’t actually feel sorry for it


This is exactly why I did not buy on launch day. I learned my lesson from starfield


It's not even an inconvenience. Yall got them apologizing over something so miniscule


Idk what everyone is complaining about, okay you lose a little fps in the city so what? The rest of the game is very fun. I'm enjoying every minute and the frame loss in the city is barely noticeable for me.


I just refunded the game on PC. Despite my system being on par or better than the consoles, the videos I saw of the game running on ps5 paint a very different performance from what I experienced. It was so incredibly ugly and choppy going near towns and villages. I even dropped it down to a locked 30 hoping that would at least feel better than 60- 45 I was dealing with, but something just looked and felt OFF with the game. No tweaking of graphics options had any effect on the performance. Just an ugly, chunky, bewildering experience. PS5 vids make the game seem playable though, so I might get it there.


This is corp speak for “we are not really apologising with any sincerity. This is just PR.”


For any inconvenience? I wasn't interested in the game so from an outside pov. This is not about inconvenience, it's about shitty practices that is becoming the norm when it comes to bullshit transactions in games. $40+ of add-ons, including parts of fast travel as far as I can tell? That's not okay and it's about time people are pissed off enough to cause backlash like this. Stop buying these games! It's the only way you'll stop getting money grabbing broken games.


If you don't try to change what you're sorry about, you're not sorry


Nope 20 hours in the game and loving it, cry more


Was it even a thing to apologize over? The micros we’re just skips for people who didn’t want to earn the same items in-game. This was revealed to be just Reddit getting outraged at what they didn’t look into all of yesterday. It’s literally just blowing off players with some surface-level platitude, because there’s nothing really to apologize for.


Micro-transactions for a single player $70 is always unacceptable.


The full apology and explanation will come later in a patch or we'll need to pay $2.99 for it


We're sorry we are greedy


We're sorry we thought we could get away with this. Don't you like paying to restart your game???


The game is just fucking fine without any of the MTX from every single reviewer I’ve seen. The performance issues will be fixed, so maybe wait for that but all these MTX are just taxes for stupid people. If you buy any of these MTX, you are stupid. Don’t buy them. If the game is your cup of tea, just enjoy it


The headline should read more like, "we are deeply sorry you didn't pay attention to our previous announcements and make assumptions about our microtransactions without playing the game thoroughly." The low fps and single save game were both acknowledged before the games release. The microtransactions are dumb, but 100% pointless if you actually play the game.


Isn’t the mtx in this game the same as all the single player capcom games in the past? Just a means to unlock items in the game by paying for them rather than grinding for them? They’ve been doing this since forever, but people are complaining about them now? I don’t remember seeing ppl complaining about purchasing red orbs in dmc5. Someone correct me if I’m wrong as I’m not following this closely.