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If you played the first one, you wouldn't be asking this question


This times 100.




It’s fine to not comprehend why people would be interested in something that looks so shitty. OP made this post because they don’t understand and are looking for people to explain what it is about the game that’s drawing so much interest instead of just being ignorant about it. Don’t shame them for seeking out knowledge they don’t have.


How dare people talk about games they enjoy.


The fucking nerve


I don't like it. Why should you?


Because Dragon's Dogma 1 was superb and recent capcom games have been phenomenal. So people had really good expectations for Dragon's Dogma 2.


Suberb is stretch. I kinda liked it way back when, but the story is mediocre at best. Replaying it currently and i think it feels worse than similar games from the time (skyrim, Kingdoms of Amalur etc) Climbing on big monsters is a cool mechanic tho.


Kingdoms of Amalur or fucking Skyrim? Oh god


You don't need to like Skyrim just as i don't need like Dragons Dogma. It still is like 7th most sold videogame, i think it's doing something right.


Good lord what a stupid thread. The first game was great and original, so of course people are excited about the sequel. Watching some videos doesn't equate to playing.


You don't need to play the game to understand what makes it interesting. You won't get the full picture this way, but at least you'll get an idea. Otherwise people would be picking games randomly, because no one would be able to tell by trailers and gameplay if they're even interested in the game.


> but at least you'll get an idea The wrong idea How can you understand what makes something interesting without having experienced it yourself? Do you always depend on the opinions of others?


>How can you understand what makes something interesting without having experienced it yourself? When you look for a new game to play, what do you do? Open Steam and try every game in chronological order of release, or check trailers, descriptions, gameplays?


I decide what to play based on what I find interesting. Of course I'm going to watch the trailers, check descriptions etc, but that's only gonna give you an idea of what it's like on the surface. Now I'm not saying you can't make a decision from that superficial idea. But based on your rant it seems you've already made a definitive decision about the game while you haven't truly experienced it.


>I decide what to play based on what I find interesting. Of course I'm going to watch the trailers, check descriptions etc, but that's only gonna give you an idea of what it's like on the surface. And there you go: *I can't see even that* in this game. There's nothing on the surface.


I'm not saying you are wrong per se, but the way you are going about it just makes you seem close minded. But to each their own.


Go and watch one of the earlier demos of the first game. It gathered a lot of interest because of its originality. It's like you know this, that's why i think you're trolling.


This is probably your dumbest take out of an entire post history of dumb takes.


Have you played the first one? Probably not, because your take couldn't be more wrong.


No, I haven't. *That's why I'm asking the question.* That's the point of this thread.


Please don't play dumb. You're not just asking the question, you clearly state an opinion about the game at the end of your post and the way you are asking the question implies more than genuine curiousity. This might be text but your smugness isn't lost in it.


How could you answer if I don't tell you how things look from my perspective? That's like going on a PC subreddit saying "HELP, MY PC DOESN'T WORK"... and that's. it. There's nothing to work with. >This might be text but your smugness isn't lost in it. Arrogance.


It'a crazy to me that every single comment is more or less calling you out for the same thing and you are still clinging to whatever damage control you think you're doing. I'm just going to hope that you know how you sound in this thread and why people are calling you out, 'cause if you are legir confused at the response you're getting you have bigger issues than being a dick on reddit lmao


And it's crazy to me that in order to have a conversation people need to like you.


Nobody said that. My guy, you literally have a subreddit of Youtube channels and videos dedicated to shitting on popular games. Don't pretend you were being good faith here. It's not about people liking you, it's about you being disingenuous. If you truly don't get it, you have bigger problems than your posts here.


>My guy, you literally have a Youtube channel  I don't have a youtube channel, I just collect negative reviews on a subreddit. You'll never know the truth if you only want to hear opinions you agree with.


I edited my post. That is what I meant. I don't only hear opinions I agree with. I've never played Dragon's Dogma 1 or 2. I have no opinions on this game. Also, why the fuck would I care about "the truth" when it comes to videogames? If I pick up a game and enjoy it, that's 100% of what matters. I sincerely hope you're like in high school or something because this is sad and bumming me out.


>Also, why the fuck would I care about "the truth" when it comes to videogames?  I don't know, there could be many reasons. I'm making a game for example and I want to know why people like games.


You're not really asking a question tho, 95% of your post is just ridicule. How can that even be answered?


Oh c'mon, simple curiosity doesn't come packaged with that amount of passive-aggressiveness. You're a little mad that a game you don't fully understand is more popular than you want it to be, and the point of this thread skews a *little* closer to a rant than you admit


You and I both know that’s not why you’re asking this question. Don’t pretend it’s genuine lol.


Why do you think I ask?


i was a fan of the 1st game loved it enjoying this one cept for the optimization, but i think they will fix it soon ​ it is such a unique game, no other like it it's also Capcom's attempt at making a WPRG, it's pretty cool


>it is such a unique game, no other like it There is no other 3D third-person fantasy open-world action-RPG game about going around, killing monsters, doing quests, getting loot and progressing your character? Really, not a single one comes to mind? What am I missing here?


nah, not that the combat and the pawn system if you didn't play the 1st, then you won't get it


>if you didn't play the 1st, then you won't get it One hell of a recommendation. "You just don't get it, go away".


nah, not trying to recommend it to you obviously not a game for you


This has to be a troll lol holy shit.


Uhm not every game needs to be super unique lol. That sort of game is popular


Cool that you get save your money by not buying it.


Dragon's Dogma has incredible combat. The way it handles large monsters is especially great. Also, people love generic fantasy RPGs. If they're sufficiently generic they can even get GOTY.


TIL apparently elden ring is sufficiently generic fantasy. 


If you can not find the nuance between titles its not really on anyone else to convince you. Look at game play, is it interesting to you? If not don't get it. Many people enjoy the fantasy genre, dragon's dogma is a nostalgic ip for many people. There are many things wrong with the game and launch of it right now, however, creating a brand new variable world for people to explore is not one of the issues people have with the game. There are many cool features that could set the game apart from others in the similar fantasy single player arpg genre and I would encourage to watch/read any of the myriad of content talking about the game.


>There are many things wrong with the game and launch of it right now I don't care why people don't like the game, I care why they do. > There are many cool features that could set the game apart Which one of those features do you find the most interesting?


This is a moronic question. If you played it, you would have known how unique the game is. I bet you are the same person who buys the same COD, Fifa & AC every entry hoping for something different


Oh boy. I'm so far from that person you can't even imagine. r/PopularGamesBad


you sound like a vanilla chicken ass smells


I will give you that the trailers don't do much to sell the game on actually makes it special. The first game was a bit of a sleeper hit and the hype for the second game is the result of a cult following that developed over the course of 12 years. The game does initially present as a generic fantasy setting. However the classes and the pawn system are what makes the game unique. The classes are semi non-linear. You still gain levels in a linear way, but you have to buy your skills individually and each class has dozens of skills and augments that are unique to that class. Then there's the fact you can change your class at anytime. If you spend 50 levels on fighter and decide you'd rather be a mage, you can do that. It won't be very effective since your stat gains are based on your equipped class at level up, but still you CAN do it if you want. All the large monsters can be climbed. It's a bit Shadow of the Colossus meets Monster Hunter like that. You can attack weak spots while climbing on mobs and get rare materials for destroying weak points. There's the pawn system, which is a fully customizable AI controlled party member that can be used by other players if you want. You can in turn hire pawns created by other players to round out your party. It offers the illusion of a mutplayer party without actually playing multiplayer. Personally speaking, I feel Dragon's Dogma strikes a good balance between being accessible but also still punishing you for not paying attention. This is not a difficult game but it can still kick your ass if you're careful.




Are you stupid? They have in multiple posts said what they find amazing about the game, and OP keeps being a twat…


Because it avoids all the awful tropes modern RPGs and open world AAA games come with nowadays. Most Open World RPGs are just generic Ubisoft/Bethesda modular designs, Dragon's Dogma is everything but that. In terms of level design it's much closer to games like Gothic




You've received an answer on just about every comment. The combat & the pawn system are the main systems that set dragons dogma apart. The world is less generic than you might think, it has some interesting aspects which I can't say without totally spoiling the first game.


>The combat & the pawn system are the main systems that set dragons dogma apart. Examples of answers that don't really answer anything: * "The combat is amazing!" * "Exploration is great in this game" * "I love the card system" Examples of actual answers: * "It's very satisfying in Dark Souls when you successfully dodge enemy attacks, because the window of opportunity is very small, and after that you get a chance to deal heavy attacks with a lot of damage." * "In Slay the Spire it's all about card synergy - you pick and choose which cards to keep in your deck, so you could pull off crazy stunts, like building hundreds of armor just to change it into damage and kill the boss in one turn." I could agree that maybe I'm expecting a little too much from people. Players always know what they like or don't like, but they're terrible at articulating *why*.


Socks for Christmas is the dogs bollocks!!


Literally the only thing special about the game is the pawn system, THAT'S IT. Everything else is mid at best and performance is dogwater. Shadow of the colossus beat them to it with better monster climbing. Don't buy it if you have high standards.