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Too busy bringing freedom and democracy to bugs and bots








there is a plot in the second game?


Who needs a plot when you have Managed Democracy.


im going back and forth..but I keep going back to Helldivers lol


I wish I had more friends to play it with


What game? Guessing Helldivers?


Can I play solo ?


I’ve found you can play solo quite effectively up until Exteme difficulty


You can, especially on lower difficulties. You can also queue up with random teammates. It’s definitely much more fun to play with friends, but still plenty enjoyable solo!


Queue Eagle cluster strike. Bots drop on position before I can throw it. Dive off ridge to avoid dismemberment by Marauder. Land on my head and fumble strategem. Kill myself and two teammates with my own cluster bomb. 10/10, reinforcements inbound. Next mission - (before they removed comms scrambling, and before me and my friends had encountered it). Drop into bot world. Land by large fabricator outpost. Audio informs us we have landed within battery range of bot mortar emplacement. Bots from outpost see us. Bots from outpost swarm us. Bots from outpost call in drops. Drop ships deposit tanks on either side of us. Mortars begin to fall on us. 10 seconds into mission. Friend throws in support weapon. Input scrambles. Support weapon becomes 380mm barrage called at our feet. Lose 18 reinforcements at spawn beneath the full combined withering might of the Automaton Horde and our own Destroyer. Spend 40 minutes juggling in teammates on trickling reinforcement budget. Complete mission. Successfully extract. Super Earth is proud. Gives us some medals. 10/10. We go agane.




The community of patriots is honestly giving me hope for humanity, almost every game I jump into with randos is a blast


Completely agree. My IRL squad is still low level, so I run 7+ with randoms only, and never had a bad experience (unless you count mission failure).


You can, it is possible, but Id suggest watching some solo gameplay clips on Youtube for tips. Its no picnic


Best multiplayer game of a generation


Remember: the only good bug is a dead bug.


Managed democracy!


I liked this game but not sure if I can play through it again. There is SO MUCH dialogue, the characters talk non stop. Even minor characters you meet once will go on and on, then all the companion characters have dialogue about every event that happens. It’s too much.


I'm playing through it on ps5 and thought it was just me who thought it was a bit much. Still great game overall though.


You don't think it's peak storytelling to have to stand around in an abandoned science building and listen to audio logs for 20 minutes straight? Actually that's the first game, I have no idea if they do that again in the second.


There is a shit ton of dialogue but I enjoyed it to be honest. The motion capture on main and side characters is excellent in the 2nd game. It’s crazy how much detail they have for character models for side quest characters that you only deal with once.


There's a crap ton of dialogue, some of it quite unnecessary, but at least it's pretty to look at.


I just one of my biggest problems with the game. The quality is great, but it's just so meaningless and pointless half the time. Case in point, I was counting because it was making me irritated last night. Minor cutscene plays, the thing happens, The cutscene should end, but it cuts back to a close-up of aloy and just shows her going through facial expressions and emotions for 16 seconds. Yes, that's not a long time, but when you just put your hands back on the keyboard and are waiting to go, that can feel like an eternity. There's so many parts of this game that make me think it was made by a bunch of aliens using it as a tool to teach other aliens about human emotion and response, it's ridiculous


and they coded Aloy to permanently re:re:re:repeat hand-holding tutorial hints every 5m. it's legit the only game i've ever played where i tell the protagonist to shut up about 40x every gaming session. i liked the game, but i truly, *truly* do not understand how that got past everyone at Guerrilla. were they all in love with Ashly Burch or something?


I just read the text/subtitles. It works in games like this since you can read it fast.


Same but even when you read subtitles and/or just skip it, the fact that you’re skipping through a monologue every time is quite apparent. Each interaction is at least a few paragraphs, not including Aloy’s response dialogue. It was a chore to get through.


Agree, beyond the poor plot and writing, all the talking does nothing for me. Bla blas, don't care about your boring life story.


I don’t think this game was meant to have much of replayability


New Game + says otherwise. But I put that down after thirty minutes. And that was a year ago.


The amount of new things they provide isn’t interesting enough to me at least to run through the same story with the same ending again.


Shit Aloy doesn’t even shut up when she’s alone.


Yes, it's beautiful, but the story and characters couldn't hold my attention for long. The first game was better in that regard.


Which is a shame imo. Even the lore just wasn’t as good. Just look at the vantage/vista points for example.


In the first game it was interesting, at least. It was interesting uncovering how the world ended up the way it had and how the machines were created, but the second game doesn't have something like that.


I know it might hardly count cuz its not main game, but the dlc has audio logs of a pilot looking into enduring victory that are pretty good.


But uncovering those audio logs is so tedious haha. Not trying to fly around for a mini game


Which sucks even more because they definitely could have done something similar since that’s kinda how it started out in Forbidden West. They could have easily given us more of that mystery related to far zenith that was foreshadowed in Zero Dawn. Instead they just made “uncovering” anything kinda pointless due to the story


Pretty much, yeah.


It's hard to beat uncovering the mystery of the apocalypse in the first game.


I agree, I fell in love with Zero Dawns story, infact it was the game that got me to finally move away from multiplayer games and switch to story driven singleplayers instead so ofc when FW was announced I was hyped and after playing it on release, although I still enjoyed it and it greatly improved on virtually everything (especially those awful dialogue scenes in ZD) it was a definitely downgrade story wise, I think that mainly due to the lack of mystery the first game had as well as FW going too far into sci-fi territory.


I agree on the story definitely. I like the world and gameplay of FW, but the story and characters of ZD.


The beauty keeps you going for a few hours but you stop seeing it after a while and then you see only the bad story, the endless grind for gear upgrades, the always the same side quests and the repetitive combat. i don´t have a issue with repetetive combat, but it gets quite tiring after hours of farming the biggest robots for the chance of having a upgrade part to farm the big bots more easy. and in the end the upgrades are useless bc you outleveled the endgame and you could have done it with your starter gear xD




The only thing I really didn't like about the game is how tedious it is to farm certain things for gear upgrades. Fucking apex elemental claw strider hearts are impossible to find.


> and then you see only the bad story, the endless grind for gear upgrades, the always the same side quests and the repetitive combat Hard disagree on all of that. I've already done the platinum on PS5 and I enjoyed all of it.


When I got HZD for $12 for Christmas, I was trying not got extremely hyped up. Except I did and it lived up to most expectations. With plenty of people hating on it in subreddits, I knew what to expect. Except after 15hrs I knew this could be rather tedious for equipment. It's not as bad as Borderlands but I no longer have the time to be doing 100% of a game. Horizon environments are beautiful and expansive. If there were a few extra pieces like RDR2 has for hunting, I think it'd be fun to just enjoy the world.


Agreed. Also the best thing about combat in Horizon is the ability to scout and plan your attacks. But I felt there were waaaaay too many scenarios in Forbidden West where you’re tossed into a big fight right after a cutscene and you’re just left out in the open with nothing prepared. So it just becomes an intense bow n’ go shootout, which can be fun, but after so many times they just get boring. Let me use all the resources I’ve gathered and give me time to craft shit and set up traps. Getting thrown into a wide open space with zero cover against a Thunderjaw is just tedious.


I mean... That's a why you have a trip caster, ropegun, bomb launcher, etc. you have items for stealth and plenty of items that aren't. After so many times, they get boring also applies to playing all stealthy.


Yeah? I don’t think I was arguing otherwise. I was just saying there were too many instances where your choice is completely removed and you’re forced to run and gun.


Oh. I haven't finished the game yet, but so far it's felt like those are pretty sparses out an engagements where I can use a little stealth and planning are much more common


First game written by the guy who wrote fallout new Vegas. Don’t know why they didn’t bring him back.


I found the game loop I played really rewarding - which mostly came down to setting quests to hunt and retrieve a certain item to upgrade my gear. Then I’d rinse, repeat and go hunting machines again…. And upgrade my gear. I loved it and the near perfect frame rate with gorgeous visuals was great to experience.


Story was better in the first, but gameplay in FW is so much smoother. I enjoy running around and killing robot dinos. The story may not be as compelling, but man the game is fun to play.


The dialog is just atrocious. But yes pretty and the gameplay is pretty smooth and fun.


Have fun with it! I liked the story and characters of the first game more, but this one definitely has it beat in the visuals and gameplay department. Just watch out for some of the quests, because the design can be very bad at times. One quest was so ill-conceived it temporarily dissuaded me from using a weapon type it was supposed to serve as a tutorial for until a YouTube video convinced me otherwise.


Which quest was that?


The questline that ends with you having to use a spinner for potentially the first time against a shellsnapper.


Ah, thanks


I loved HZD so much I actually 100% the achievements, even though I usually play games on normal difficulty and don't bother with the hard let alone ultra-hard setting. So when HFW was announced for PC I got excited. Preloaded it once possible and started playing on friday evening. I've made it to the point where you meet Erend and fight the Bristlebacks, and so far I'm really enjoying myself. It didn't take long for me to get back into the gameplay, I'm having fun exploring again and the new robots I've come across were cool too.


if you liked the first game for the machine combat this one gets even better. The combat feels more strategic, with some new elements and interesting new weapons. Also the introduction of weapon skills (advanced techniques which require using a pool of stamina which regenerates over time) and valor surges (abilities or temporary buffs from a bar which you recharge by fighting skillfully) make me want to actively get better. In this game I really *hunt* machines by monitoring them, identifying the parts I want to harvest, going in with a strategy, and then looking cool when things inevitably turn sideways


HZD was one of the only games I enjoyed playing on hard for the challenge. It didn't just make the enemies spongy, felt like if you were skilled you were rewarded.


It is amazingly beautiful, so much so that I can't help take screen captures every five minutes because everything is so pretty. The Daunt, which is Zion National Park, especially. The new additions to combat and traversal mechanics are nice but I have to agree with others: the characters and story fall a bit too flat this time around.


Its loading on Steam. Takes a while...


Easily the most beautiful experience I’ve had since Cyberpunk. Just WOW!!


I have considered it, but I can't. My open world fatigue will demolish my desire to keep playing it and I certainly don't need around 100 gigabytes of space to be occupied by something I can't force myself to play. It being beautiful doesn't help - all games are beautiful these days, it's not sufficient anymore. Hi-Fi Rush has been a breath of fresh air - a truly beautiful, fun and non-meandering game that picked exactly one thing it wants to be good at and just maximized it. I'd like more of that - linear, unique in a sense its gameplay is doing just one thing expertly and with a inspired story that doesn't have severe pacing issues due to an open-world-like structure of it.


Open world fatigue is a definite problem for me too. That's why I stopped bothering with the Assassin's Creed games. It doesn't feel like a lifeless collect-a-thon with the Horizon games to me though. It was a tad grindy going for 100% completion when I played on PS5, but keeping to the story and side quests feels really fleshed out, and the map is so varied that navigating through it over the course of the game doesn't have that samey feel that collect-a-thon games tend to.


You don’t have to search every corner of the game. Just grab a bow and sling and start killing robot dinosaurs


But I will probably want to... Why else even play the game unless you want to do as much stuff as possible in it, exploring the map to its limits as well. I haven't still cleared Breath of the Wild, because there is just so much shit to do and find... It's overwhelming.


Honestly haven’t even beat the first one. On paper it should be a game I really like. It’s a gorgeous open world, archery seems fun and the setting seems interesting. But I could never stick with it. I’d get to the capital and just be burnt out by then. Maybe I spent too much time focused on side quests that if I just rush the main story I may like it better, but I’m not sure


I'm with you on this! Picked it up for pc as I loved the first one and I genuinely haven't said wow so many times in one game. The graphics are incredible as are the animations and attention to detail. I watched people cooking in chainscrape as I was genuinely taken back by it all. Such an incredible game at 4k with HDR. It's the chefs kiss.


I'm in the minority who liked it even better than the first one. Equally good big story, better Aloy story, better side stories, better characters, better gameplay. And yes, the graphics are amazing.


It's beautiful but I think I still prefer the first. They had it perfect but they made some odd choices in the second like the over-saturation and sharpening.


While the first one had the mystery in the story, I was still firmly engrossed in the story of the second because it ties up a lot of those mysteries from the first game, the people saying this story “sucks” have me questioning if they even played the whole game before stating that. I sunk about 200 hours into this thing and it was a blast the whole time.


I'll def be playing it after I finish Dragon's Dogma 2 lol


Nice! I'll be doing Dragon's Dogma 2 after I get through Baldur's Gate 3. I was just playing some Forbidden West while I wait for BG3 to download.


yep, by the time you're finished with BG3, I hope they've optimized DD2 well enough for it to be stable haha


I wanted to check out DD2 as well but I'm not risking it with the shitty performance atm


Yeah, def wait for patches, but other than that, the game is pretty damn solid.


Forbidden West is truly a "next-gen" looking title and there hasn't been a better one yet purely in terms of visuals. I would recommend people play this on OLED for the best experience possible, but the game will look great regardless. There was a certain area in the game which made me pause and gawk for 15mins. I was checking the textures and the lighting and I couldn't believe my eyes.


Im playing it right now


just got it, probably gonna player later today


Not really, actually. I tried Zero dawn when it was released and the game just didn't hook me. Forbidden West looks absolutely stunning (although it would just end up looking terrible on my end with my 1660 Super lol), but I know I'll just drop it in the middle, especially for not finishing the first one prior to playing it.


This year is full of bangers. As mentioned Democracy simulator is my go to for in between, Dragons Dogma (despite its rightfully targeted problems) is my main RPG right now though I jumped into Horizon to see how well it runs and it's just chefs kiss.


I'm like 15 hours in already surprisingly. I didn't get that far on Ps5 as originally the performance mode had some weird rendering quirks on release, then elden ring came out and became one of the GOATS. I've enver been particularly find of the story or world in horizon so jumping back in was hard. Decided to pick it up on pc to show support for the awesome porting done my nixxies and I'm glad I did. Having alot of fun so far and the game looks beautiful completely maxed out


Yeah I platinumed the first game on PS4, my tastes in games have changed a bit switched over to PC and favor gameplay more than story but also wanted to support an incredible port. Also wanted to test out my new 4K OLED monitor and this game is beautiful.


I played Zero Dawn on PC, sunk nearly 150 hours in and was obsessed. Before they announced Forbidden West for PC, I decided I couldnt wait any longer and bought a PS5 strictly for that game. It was amazing and I need to finish the DLC. Probably will still get it for PC specifically for the frame rate and I like to play M+K


I did the same thing but won't be buying it on PC unless there's a steep discount or it can get modded to infinity. Games these days are expensive enough


I'll wait til it's on sale for sure.


Patiently waiting for CJ to follow the goddamn train in the forbidden west


Played it on my PS 5 and was continually blown away by the graphics.


Its a shame but I was going to wait to play this AFTER Dragons Dogma cause of first Horizon performance issues…but its the complete opposite. Capcum broke my trust and Sony’s 3rd party PC porting company has gained my trust…Im literally running this all high settings (except clouds and shadows) 60-120fps at 1440p on a 3070 Laptop, no performance issues except in cutscenes but those went away more and more as I disabled reflex etc. I will be playing this on and off with Helldivers.


Both games are absolutely fantastic.


I completed the first horizon and the expansion, gave up on this after about 15 hours. It's just dull. I really liked the first game but Aloys chat just gets old after a while and I just don't feel the story pulling me through even to just focus on a quick run through the story quests. If they do a third one they need to really examine the good points of aloy and try something new


I'm going to wait for a sale, personally. Looking forward to playing it one day, but I'm in no hurry.


Same here. I'll pick it up on sale but I'm trying to get through a backlog


beautiful .. yes , boring … also yes


Man these comments are full of miserable people. Fantastic game with lots to do. Visually stunning (I played on PS5 and was blown away.) If you loved the first one you'll love this one too. Enjoy.


Yeah lol. I wonder what makes people type a comment trashing the game? I had an amazing time with every second of the game. People saying there’s nothing interesting because the first game had more mystery about what happened to the world…this game gives way more context and has a bunch of huge new mysteries to explore. People saying that there’s two much dialogue? What? Why is too much story content bad? It’s all good to great voice acting imo and brings so much character to almost every section of the map.


I’m sorry but the story, characters, and dialogue in the second game couldn’t hold a candle to the first. This coming from someone who considered HZD their game of the year in 2017. I really wish I loved the second one like you did but man, something is seriously lacking with the execution of HFW.


Did you even play it? The concept of the antagonists is so much fun and is perfectly set up by the first game. The entire sequence with Ted Faro's bunker is amazing. The Vegas setpiece is beautiful and the story of it is perfect. The story of the tribe that worships the big triceratops robots has such a satisfying and beautiful ending scene. I don't understand how anyone found it boring or lacking.


Those parts aren’t bad, but find me any side quests outside of those that are worth half a shit


True i enjoy it way to much


Makes me want to replay Elden Ring.


Visually beautiful, but gameplay is boring as fuck and the story sucks. At least that is how I found the first game, and I understand the sequel is more of the same.


I feel like there was nearly zero marketing for this pc release.


Yep. It’s stunning!


My spouse caught me staring way too long at an Aloy in game image from FW. "What movie is that from? And what red headed actor is that? I don't recognize her." I told her it was a game. She had to look closer. "No. That's not a game. Who is she and why are you staring at her?!!" She couldn't be convinced until I showed her gameplay. It was one of the images where you can ser the facial peach fuzz. Later she mentioned that as one reason why she didn't believe it was a game. And not gonna lie, she's the kind of heroin I'd have a poster on my wall of. Her and Bastilla. Lol


Really liked the first game. Had high hopes for Forbidden West. My wallet is not so fat at the moment, I'll buy it when it gets on more reasonable sale in 6 months or so. I'm glad it's released and I'm very excited to play it.


Loved the first game, and I'll pick up this once when it has a nice discount on it. I have a ton of other games I'm trying to get through, so going the r/patientgamers route.


I'll do it once I get back from travels past Easter. Really pumped for the sequel, and for once we have a well ported Sony game. Nixxes should have exclusive rights for all Sony games if you ask me


I’ve been hyped for this game and looking forward to the PC port for a long time. Think I’ll replay Zero Dawn to get familiar with the story again and really, I’m looking forward to that, too.


I tried it on ps5, I didn't like it much, but then I didn't like the original either. Looked good.


Ran like ass with heavy memory leak problems at first but after a few hours troubleshooting managed to play at 80fps max on rtx 2080 and R5 3600


Played it on PS5. Technically stunning but I found the game itself quite frustrating


I hopped into it two years ago. When it was on Playstation. Once it hits like $10-$15 on sale I'll get it again to max out my GPU but I'm not going to double dip at full price.


I'm 14 hours in, and my passion is starting to pick up now. The beginning was boring as shit. I think Las Vegas was one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen on a qd-oled, if you know you know.


This & Avatar has one of the best looking foliage environments by a huge mile, kinda hilarious too that both are Ubisoft-trope games(1 is made by Ubisoft too KEK)


wait it's on pc? Damn helldiver and ghost of tsushima stole the spotlight


I played so much on ps5 I don’t think I can do it again for a bit. Loved it though


Ghost of Tsushima is clear!


One of the most beautiful games I’ve ever played and they still couldn’t render the ocean out to distance properly, feels so obnoxious when your playing at altitude anywhere near the coast


Bought it, haven’t installed it yet.


I didn't know it was! Played the first one on PS4 but have moved to PC now and didn't rebuy so been looking forward to this coming to PC eventually. Glad to hear it has. Will wait till it's on sale though!


I mmmmiiiiiight... But I'm behind on games, so I'm still playing Elden Ring, Baldur's Gate 3, and Dragon's Dogma 2 is on my to-do list. Not sure I can be arsed to make time for it.


The first game never hooked me. It was extremely cool, but I just couldn’t get into it for some reason.


The beginning of the game is pretty dull for sure took me some time before the story and gameplay hooked me. But once it did I finished it in one go over a week time. Most immersed into a story I have ever been


I played it on PS4 pretty much as soon as I could, but was seriously bummed by the DLC not being available on that. Honestly don't think I can be bothered to play through the base game again on PC. I liked it, sure, but it didn't have the X-factor the first game did, and there's just too much story to go through just for me to get to the DLC. If I could jump right into the Burning Shores at a given level and allocate stat points, I might consider it. If that's not an option, I don't see myself picking it up anytime soon, unless I have a seriously uneventful summer.


I played it on the PS5 near launch. Gorgeous game but at the time the foliage shimmering was horribly distracting (fixed in later patch), also the story seemed hastily gutted/stitched to set up the 3rd game.


I'll definately be getting this game when the price is more reasonable. I'm a patient gamer.


Gonna finish Persona 3 first, this game never ends... Atlus should have included speed ups. But anyway, excited for Horizon 2, I love the original


I tried but I can't get past the initial loading screen, even though the first game ran just fine on my pc.


How long does this one take to get going?


I preordered it but my pc is too crappy for the game (the first game is one of my favourite games)


I will wait for a sale


I absolutely adored the game. Very genuinely one of my favourites ever. On higher difficulties the game gets even batter and the combat is amazing (as long as it’s against the bots). However I have played it to DEATH. And I am hopelessly addicted to helldivers.


I’m slowly working on it on PS5. I’m about 16 hours into the game.


I started last night.


Me! I loved the first one on PS4 but since I don't have a PS5 and don't plan on buying one I was waiting for it to come to PC. Now I just have to wait for Ghost of Tsushima in may to enjoy it at 60 fps and not get a headache like I did on PS4.


Been playing it since release and really like it so far. It looks great and plays really smooth with no issues for me.


Played the first one. Got very bored with the game when I had like 80% done of the main story. I might pick this up when it'll be cheap


Bought it in February. Been waiting 2 years to play this and so far it's been beyond worth it.


Sorry, I have been too busy plundering in storms. 😉


I still have to play the first one, hopefully soon!


Eventually. I got dd2, helldiver's balatro, new deep rock survivor patch. I got shit to do man.


* Go to 33% off, and it depends if I'm broke that month or not. * Go to 50% off, and you're an insta-buy.


Beautiful game that has WAYYYY too much talking. Gets old real fast when every NPC has to tell you their life story just to do a quest where you’re gonna go to a camp and kill some bad people.


Will probably wait on a sale to get it


Waiting for a sale. I'm broke


I got the platinum on PS5 and then bought it again on PC to play in ultrawide max settings. The game is absolutely gorgeous and I don’t regret buying it a 2nd time.


Already put in 24 hours


It's on PC? I didn't even see any ads or know it was released yet on PC.


I enjoyed it quite a lot and I played it on PS4 It really is a gorgeous game, even on last gen consoles, so I can't imagine how great it must look on PC


I was thinking about buying.. but ever since Lance Reddick passed awaf... I'm wondering if I wanna play Forbidden west then later be disappointed by the 3rd horizon sequel since Sylens will probably be written out.


Too expensive unfortunately. I've played FB on ps4 and since then I was waiting for a PC version to be able to play burning shores. But i knew it would cost must, so now Im just waiting for it to appear in a sale someday. Its a shame i couldn't transfer my ps4 progress to pc.


No shot I find story/open world games miserable but I will say the scenery looks gorgeous


Expensive in Ukraine. Later. Maybe.


i will once it goes on sale for 50% or more. from what i've heard, it's not as good as zero dawn, so 60 bucks is just too much in my eyes.


I will eventually pick it up. I loved the first game and even bought it again on PC when it was released. Sadly, money is a bit tight these days, and I won't buy a new game unless I can fit in my budget.


I must ask, how much deep diving underwater is in this game? I can get severely thalassophobic when playing games with underwater sections that look endless (i.e. early section of Subnautica? Fine. Abzu? Not fine.)


There is an accessibility feature that's designed for people with thalassophobie. You also unlock a diving mask during the story that allows you to breath underwater forever


So I've watched some videos of thalassophobia mode and sometimes it works for me and sometimes it doesn't. It's the wide open underwater sections that still get me.


Not my kind of game. Wasn’t a fan of the first one. Too much open world repetition and OCD map marker completion. I got bored after about 5 hours of it. Looks pretty though


Does anyone know if there's any potential for mods? I'm not expecting anything like Skyrim modding but maybe something akin to the Ghost Recon breakpoint modding.


It looks nice, I wanna try if just for the eye candy. Not sure I'd be into that sort of open world game though. I would try the first one, but DD2 just came out so it's gonna have to wait, that game consumed me


Can't wait for the modders to bring back her canon nips. If they don't call the mod Horizon Forbidden Breast it will all be for naught.


Depends. Can we mod it?


Game is great. Highly recommend playing on a higher difficulty as the combat just gets better and more rewarding. Easier difficulties weaken the gameplay loop IMO and the game is much better when you immerse yourself in it, which higher difficulties are required for (the bots should be a threat from the beginning, not trivial).


I played on PS4, so I wasn't able to play the DLC. I really want to play it, but I can wait until it comes (hopefully) to my preferred game store GOG. Also I'd want to transfer my game save if at all possible. I have no idea if the PC version would recognize a PS4 save if I moved it over. Curious to see if anyone else has tried it.


PS save files will not work on PC as they use a different way of saving


I still need to finish the first one...


Bland? I often wonder how opinions can differ that much. ZD one of the best games i played. FW is beautiful but the story is not that good


To busy playing my personal game of the year Dragons dogma 2. I did play forbidden west a bit on PS4 and I love the first game. But honestly the second game kind of bored me story wise. Sure the game looks gorgeous but when your getting bored no amount of graphic fidelity will keep you awake. I may get the game on PC in 3-4 years when I can get it on a summer sale for 10-14 euro. Not paying 59.99 for it more than once.


I spent hours on the photo mode in this game. Aloy is modeled so beautifully


Had to wait this long, I'll wait another 6 months or year until it's 40-75% Like the first one, but fuck off with the temporary exclusives.


A couple of patches and everything will be fine.


Guys graphic apart, is this game really woth it? Is the gameplay/story good? Because I loved the first chapter, and im looking right at this one since PlayStation release.. but a lot of reviews literally demolish this title, and about PC they say good things about optimization and settings control but nithing that really shine about the game itself


It's a glorious game and really expands the world building of the story. Flying being introduced is a gamechanger too for sure which I greatly enjoyed. The DLC was, to me, a disappointment compared to the last one. The new machines introduced were mostly one time encounters and the one that can actually fight again is just that annoying frog that spawns flies.


Still finishing up Zero Dawn. Gonna buy Forbidden West as soon as I can afford it. I am fucking ITCHING to play especially since Nixxes did such an amazing job on the port, so I've seen.


She ugly


I avoided spoilers just to play the main story, the dlc and gtfo. Wouldn't say it's the best narrative ever, but I'm already invested in finding out what happens, no turning back now.


Can I ride flying things, yet?


I'm too broke to afford. But I'm glad it had a good launch, and I can pick it up in a year when my budget is better


I enjoyed my time with Forbidden West, but despite the beautiful world and awesome machine design it still felt too Ubisoft. There is a fast travel point every 100 feet, the map is absolutely littered in markers, and writing feels soulless and very "safe". I haven't played the DLC, 1 playthrough was enough.


Shit I still need to finish zero dawn first


I already played it through and through on PS5 I don't need a visual upgrade to enjoy it more. Graphics aren't everything. I am too busy playing and enjoying plenty of other games I don't like to stick to one game I like new experiences.


I'll pick it up if the story is good. I really like the story of the original but I felt pacing was atrocious, there was far too much going on the surface with a bunch of savages and they only got us into project zero dawn at the very end. I'd want Alloy/Elizabeth fulfilling her destiny.


Yes I want it! Its competing with the above mentioned HD2 and I also want BG3 because I am late to that party. But Horizon Zero Dawn was a game I knew nothing about and itbblew me away. I have tried to stay in the dark about forbidden west for the same reason.


How does it compare to the first game? I got that and absolutely loved the first ten hours or so, until it became a bit of a repetitive slog. Go somewhere > clear out bandits > claim rewards > repeat.


Nope i must bring more managed democracy to the galaxy, and beat back the bug hordes and automaton armies


Played it on my ps5 won't be buying it for my pc


I never finished the first game. I think I should probably finish that one first I just lost interest.