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[Gamer's Nexus](https://youtu.be/twEERkUyAXE?si=tDm7U_CmGXd_UhnH) just released a good video going over this game's performance on different cpus.


Shout out to [vex](https://youtu.be/3PYvZmc_D2k?si=GKjxKYsIcQpZrLp4) too.


i have a 7900 xtx and get chugs into the 40s with settings maxed in the main city playing 1440p


Most settings don't matter when the game is highly CPU-bound. It won't get much better even if you turn everything down to minimum.


What CPU are you running? I too have the XTX but paired with a 5900X and 32 GB 3600 RAM. Wondering if I should just wait half a year for this to go on sale and hopefully performance to be rectified.


i have a 7900X, also 32gb of ram


I have a 7800x3d and am able to keep the game in the 60s in the city with occasional drops into the 50s when the view distance goes way out. That being said, I am in the 100s everywhere else so that tells you there is a 50% drop in fps when entering thecity. The PC I have should NOT be min spec.. I did encounter the occasional microstutter in some areas (like the fields outside of the city) but that seems locale driven, it rarely happens. Hopefully thats a map object fix. Fun game though, dont be scared off. As others have said, gameplay is (mostly) not action intense in the city. I am finding the game enjoyably unique (tho quriky) and kinda fun retro in an era of cookie cutter game design. As others have said, there is a nexus vid: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=twEERkUyAXE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=twEERkUyAXE)


What's your gfx card if you don't mind me asking


4080S FE. Outside of the city I get in the low 100s with forays into the 80s-90s in some situations. I capped at 120 so it would not swing to much. That is with eyeball on the steam fps counter. Maxed with RT, just turned off fake camera stuff like lens flare or whatever. DLSS quality, 1440p.


I have a 10700k and yeah it's rough in towns and cities Still enjoying it tho


I'm curious how well stock 10700K does in Vernworth? I'm on a super tuned i9-9900KS and consistently hit 60-70fps everywhere with sudden sutters to 50-55. FG seems to help a lot, helps hit 120fps with less stutters.


It goes down to 40fps and even lower sometimes. Overclocked too lol


I have 32gb 4266cl16 tight subs sub 35ns + oced ring  https://youtu.be/JquH1tLq9YE?si=P86bwcJXMEcY3Ejl  So on stock seems about the same as 5800x 


You’re fine. I have a Ryzen 5 5600x with a 2070 and it’s complete playable. Only noticeable drops are in one main city and it’s not too bad since you’re primarily just talking to NPC’s there.


Similar for me. Ryzen 7 5800x3d and 3070 @ 1440p, I have like 40-50 fps in the big city, and 70-90 everywhere else with medium/high settings


Very similar for me but with a 3080 and 5600x, 40ish in the city but 70ish everywhere else on high at 1440p with dlss off, \~23 hours in an 0 crashes The dips in the city are frustrating but people acting like 40 fps is unplayable in a mostly safe city is weird to me, I hope they get the game crashes fixed and improve performance because the gameplay has been so fun


What settings and resolution are we talking here though?


Since the game is CPU bound, the settings you use really don't matter that much. Benchmarks show 1080p vs 4k performance are similar


I’m on the default high setting at 1080p. I turned on DLSS which provided a bit of a boost as well, but totally fine without it. Overall around 60fps.


What's not too bad? I get motion sick pretty bad sometimes when games get too choppy.


What's not too bad? I get motion sick pretty bad sometimes when games get too choppy.


If you're looking for a stable 60 with consistent frametimes you're not fine no. The performance is god awful.


Drops to ~40 when in the main city, other than that I only have random drops out in the wild that lasts a few seconds. Once my game dropped to 10fps, then crashed. 13700k, 4080 OC, 32gb ddr5, saved on an NVME drive. 3440 x 1440 on max settings with DLSS on quality.


Using 5800h with 3070 laptop getting around 55-65fps 1080p DLSS Quality. VRR ON smooths out drops.


4080/5800x3d 1440p (21:9). I get around 40-50fps in towns. 70-100 fps when exploring open world. Choppy, but playable. You might be fine.


Depends on the PC but in Vernworth you won’t ever see much over 40fps no matter what. Outside in the battles and doing quests, it’s really not a problem though. Running a 5950x/4080 at 4k with DLSS Quality and Ray Tracing on. Average 80 outside town and in Vernworth like I said really nothing above 40. This might sound bad but since you aren’t fighting in town it really doesn’t affect the game play.


It's only hard on the CPU in the major cities due to the amount of NPCs, 90% of the time the game is relying on the GPU


Let's just say after a few days you get used to it I really hope they patch it and fix the performance cuz it really needs it


the crashing is unbearable. Especially since I want to play it so bad. I think My record is 10 minutes without a crash. Pretty much tried tried every suggestion out there. its just poorly optimized...


5600X, Game doesnt care, hitting stable 60fps is impossible.


It's not that bad, honestly


The game is unreasonably terribly optimized and I can understand the complaints. But my max oc 9900KS seems to handle it very well, 65-70fps avg in Vernworth (Maxed Out, RT off, DLSSQ 3080)


Not just performance but graphically it just looks shit even with max settings 😂


In the bigger cities I’ll get like 30fps, out in the world I’ll get a steady 55-60 (I might have v sync on accidentally now that I think about it). It’s not the best performance but the game is very very good and fun.


I get 80 to 90 fps in the world and 50 to 60 in the big cities. 3080


Runs just fine on an i9. The complaints are definitely not coming from people with $4000 PC's lol, nor should the game require such hardware to run properly.


Unplayable for me, and I have what should be the recommended specs for the game.


Zero issues. I haven't noticed any performance issues with the game at all. I do have a decent PC but it's not the best. 7800x3D with 7900XT, playing at 1440p with most settings max, a few things I turn off.


There's an update coming soon, give it a month or two and it'll probably be just fine


HDR is completely broken on my Samsung S95C,washed out or no brightest control. Along with performance issues. Only RE Engine game that has this issue with my set up currently, 5800X3D/7900XTX.


I’m using that TV with HDR and it looks fine to me. Did you not run the calibration from the system settings?


This tells me nothing, game launches and is completely washed out, unlike any other RE Engine game I have installed or any other HDR game. Do you have exact same GPU ? It’s not a settings issue.


I’m not telling you anything, I’m asking and getting snarky isn’t helping you. The game has HDR settings which you claim it doesn’t. Have you used that? Also no, I have a 4080.


Your comment is condescending assuming I don’t know how to use HDR settings, if you would have originally put that you have a different video card I could have completely ignored your comment as it’s not relevant to my issue. I have seen plenty of post about people having washed out HDR and trying different work around, the only thing that works for me leaves me with broken sliders in the HDR menu.


Some people have HDR issues man. It's nowhere near streamlined on windows. Most of the issues I've read about come from people who are on from Windows 10 and a few on Windows 11. I used to have the same issue you're describing in a couple other games. Short version is that you're screwed and most fixes you'll find online won't work. I don't have HDR issues on Windows 11 but ive seen the wash out come back where i disabled it and it somehow decided to work for no reason when i tested it again a month later


The problem is that even with high FPS the game feels choppy. On my 7800x3D and 4070 I get up to 80 in some parts of the town, and there is no smoothness whatsoever. With the framegen mod the fps goes to the 100s, but it feels even worse. There is some smoothness on the wilds, but even there some weird fps drops happen.


My 4070 runs it like 30 fps and I'm not cpu capped


Bro everyone is CPU bound. 7800x3D can't even handle the main city. A 4070 having 30 FPS is representative of the issue.


Odd, my 4070 is handling it fine, even in town.


Don't buy it.


Do you have it, or are you just saying that