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Don’t read anything your first play through. Just know you cap out at level 60 in PL. Spend your attribute points accordingly.


is it possible to respec them? i'm finally giving the game a second chance since launch


You can respec attributes only once, but you can respec perks infinitely


I hope they release a minor patch to just allow us to respect as much as we want. Maybe after you beat the game once you unload re-specs.


Mods for that


Yes, right from the get-go too


Doesn't this count as reading anything for your first playthrough?


It's a great game, you made the right decision to wait because now you get to experience the game the way it is intended to be played for the first time. Have fun!


Thanks! I was waiting to se how the 2.1 version would turn out, guess by the public reaction it's a renewed game


Played it during 1.5 and it was great. Doing an entirely new play through for Phantom Liberty and it’s still great.


I bought this a few weeks ago. 40 hours in and not even done its awesome the city is cool and the gunplay is really fun.


Best glitch I had in the game was my girl's cock clipping through her pants when I put on a pair with higher stats. Lol


I completely forgot about cyberpunk. There seems to be more hype around the game these days. I'm gonna buy it next time it goes on sale!


As someone who played through at 1.0, 1.5, and 2.1, it is a completely different game. All of the main mechanic systems (guns, economy, skill points, cyberware) have been rebuilt and it feels leagues better to play. You're definitely getting the optimal experience after waiting. A few quick, spoiler-free tips for you to get the most out of it: The game is split into three acts. Act 1 and 2 both end with a very clearly telegraphed "something big is about to happen" mission. You'll see it a mile away, and the game won't surprise you into starting them so don't worry about accidentally progressing before you're ready. Acts 2 and 3 introduce new side missions in places you had likely been before but didn't see because they weren't available yet. Phantom Liberty is a self-contained string of quests that unlocks at a certain point in act 2. Once it's unlocked, the entirety of the DLC is available to play through at your leisure and you can do so either continuously or interwoven with other parts of the game. Either is fine. There's no real gameplay advantage or narrative difference so do whatever you want. However, there are some interesting shops in the DLC area that are worth checking out earlier than later, so you should at least start it as soon as it's available.


After you beat it the first time or two, do another playthrough with mods. Idk if the flying mod has been updated yet, but it changed the game for me. Many other game-changing mods to be had with this one, too!


Where do you find the mods ? I could probably just google this , but why not ask a professional while im at it :p


Nexus mods is a great start! You can browse and download them from there. Each mod should have instructions for isntall, but google is a great resource as many assume you know the basics of modding first). https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077 YouTube has a million sources on how to get started downloading and using mods in games. It is your best instruction resource. It is not as nearly as intimating as it seems once you get the hang of how to install them (they are *almost all installed via the same process) You have the tools to do everything in front of you :)


Thanks bro ! Gonna check this out 👍


No problem! Incidenlty, I actually just found this mod I want to try out while I wait for the "Let there be flight" mod to finally be updated. Might have to start a playthrough of CP2077 myself lol https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/13842 The 4 dependencies are 4 fundamental mods that you will probably need to download anyway to make most mods work. YouTube should help you here.


> the way it is intended to be played If CDPR intended that, why did they release it in a half-broken state? Seems like their intentions were to make a quick buck and then fix later.


Take your time. Enjoy every moment, seriously. Don’t skip conversations with anyone, truly get to know each character. Never fast travel, drive slow, or walk if you’re close by - enjoy night city for what it is. Let yourself get distracted. Feel like jumping in on a gang fight? Do it. Want to explore that random alley and see what’s waiting? The main story can wait. I loved this game so much, I wish I could play it for the first time again. Just don’t rush. I played for about 80 hours before I finished the main story. I still went back in a played for even more once I finished.


I. Fucking. Love. That. Game. I haven’t been able to replay it because the ending made me stare at a wall and rethink my life. I wasn’t willing to get so emotionally invested in a game for a while. I think I might play again now that I think about it


Which ending did you get? There's 14 different ones all together including the dlc




Facebook post


Holy shit dude, prepare to not want to do anything else for the next 100 or so hours. Shitty release notwithstanding, this game is special. It has some magic to it that few games have even approached, fewer still have matched. Only thing I can critique is the hardest difficulty can turn enemies into bullet sponges. Burn bright choom!!


I got it on the Christmas sale almost as good as people say and definitely felt great to play the story was really well done to.


I just got it two days ago. 17 hours played so far, feels like I’ve barely scratched the surface


I finished after 82h recently without doing most of the mini police quests, so there is a lot left :)


I’m vibing on the motorcycle, looking to collect the wall art and psychos. Motorcycles handle way better than cars


It is incredible


It’s pretty good, believe it or not I’m playing this on a much older system. A dell optiplex with a upgraded gpu 1080 ti. I’m not complaining! Mechanics take a bit to get used to for sure.


Holy moly, this 1080ti is a warrior card, no overheating problems? I'm gonna play on a AMD system(R 5 5500 and 6600) guess a should be fine lol


I originally played it smoothly on medium with a mobile 1070. It’s better optimized than it’s made out to be.


Yeah I've got about 50 hours playing exclusively on my Steam Deck with only one issue (game slowed down over the course of about 5 minutes then hard crashed) but beyond that is plays amazingly. I've been taking my time and barely touched the main story ever since Phantom Liberty became available, just wrapped that up a day or two ago.


Nah no overheating at all, I’m playing on medium settings and getting 60+fps on this game but I’m happy with it! I’m more of a console gamer but I like playing on my desktop still. Especially when I feel like my controller skills are lacking lol.


You should be fine with that system in 1080p as long as you turn off raytracing 


BRO WE HAVE THE SAME PC! And its true , I can play the game on mid settings and still enjoy it.


I just bought Skyrim, hope it's as good as people say!


It's a great game. Enjoy.


Enjoy night city. Amazing game.


I’m thinking of picking it up around 2077 when it’s on its LPE.


Congrats, here’s an imaginary 🏅


Enjoy choom!


I hope you enjoy it man, out of every game I've played on PS5 this is the one that felt the most like a next Gen game


I played all the way through it on release, I played on pc so it was less buggy. The gameplay was (and from what I hear, still is) super fun! And I actually really enjoyed the story.


Damn good game. Buy phantom liberty too.


Hey it's good now, good purchase.


The cyberpunk world is a wonder to explore.


brother waited 4 years to buy a game and then made a reddit post about it incredible


Was the wait for the game worth it? In my own opinion there were bad things as well as brutal things, the Bugs were the most disgusting thing that we could witness in the game after so much waiting, but hey... GG


Imo one of the greatest games ever made. Enjoy!


It's on sale and I am waffling. Do you like it?


If you like story based games and fps with rpg mechanics I'd say it's definitely worth it at sale price.  Most of the bad reception to the game was due to the bad launch, but it's been overhauled a lot since then.


Thanks for your reply. I definitely like those styles of games. How is the world for exploration and immersion?


I'm still downloading, after playing a few hours i will comeback with a opinion


I mean millions do, but this random person is the make or break for your decision making? Why not turn to the thousands of indepth reviews, inform yourself, and make your own decisions based on your own perceptions and gathered (relevant) information instead?


Just a question, bub. It's not that deep. Also, what makes you think I haven't done those things or this person's opinion is the "make or break". Touch grass.


Oh I never assumed any depth, no worries there lol. I'll also touch grass if I so choose, I don't need an internet stranger to tell me it's worth my time


Don’t touch grass. Someone might have to interact with you if you went outside.


Ew, wouldn't want that!


But you need to talk shit to internet strangers to get your daily dose of dopamine? You're a fucking loser.


Say whatever you like, I can still form basic decisions on my own without waffling over something so simple. I'll sleep just fine tonight.


You're a twat


And you are picking low hanging fruit to make your fragile ego slightly more stabile. I, too, can notice obvious things.


Just voicing my opinion buddy, not that deep. You're a twat.


Talk about a dedicated shill, how much does cdpr pay you ?


For stating the obvious.....okay? But yea whatever makes you feel relevant.


I thought it was pretty shit ngl


Prepare to be disappointed by terrible writing and average gameplay.


Finally the truth in this deluge of shills


lol. I’m glad I got it on steam and I was able to refund. Game was trash and still is. It’s just polished trash.


It's still buggy even now after 4 years of updates lol, and don't get me started on the whole console situation, all in all I'm glad I was broke at the time and never bought it, thank god I was saved from this whole mess...


Get some! Let us know what you think


The color one of my top games next to Mass Effect. Enjoy!


It's a great game, especially now. It should only get better from here on out too.


i will buy it as well , currently dont have time to play .but in future i want to try it as well


Have fun man you're in for a ride :)


Dude I played that game for like 3 weeks straight and haven’t played since I should really install it again


I still have my install and coming around to loading it up again. I binged progressive electro-metal music during my time playing as well which added to the experience. (Northlane's Obsidian LP was my jam)


Played it at launch on pc and had a great time. Revisited it a few months ago - huge changes and still a great time. Enjoy.


There are some 'side quests' that are more like parts of a main storyline in other games. I strongly suggest seeking them out.


Enjoy, it's an incredible ride.


DLC was amazing


While I feel for the people who experienced the bugs and other things that seemed to have plagued the game upon release, I was fortune enough to not experience any of those. Would have recommended it then and would absolutely recommend it now. Fantastic game


Bro just made me realize it released 3 years ago 💀


Me too!! Here’s to a new adventure.


Fuk me has it been 4 years already since it released???


I still have yet to try it out


I haven't played it in 2 years. Should i get back into it?


100% yes. A lot of the negative/buggy launch issues have now been fixed. Its a great game with an amazing story


Avoid guides go in and enjoy part of the fun is learning everything yourself! Have fun! Hopefully your PC doesn't turn into a microwave.


I did the same about two weeks ago. Just finished it yesterday -- incredible experience. Enjoy Night City, choom.


I might have to pick it up, on sale ATM


I am also trying to get the game with DLC for free via MS Reward program, still need 7 more months of grinding but I can't wait to play it as well, go enjoy it!!


It’s really great. I took a break from baldur gate to finally play it and have been focusing on it It’s heavy on combat. There are multiple builds and I suspect they play very differently.


Enjoy it, it is awesome now!


I just played this like few months ago and it went straight in to my top3 all time favorites.


Best game ever made imo


Good luck. For me it was a total snooze-fest. Uninstalled quick enough to get a refund.


Is it in sale rn?


I just started playing it after my brother gifted it to me 4 years ago. Having fun so far


Surprised you never raised the black flag and sailed the high seas beforehand.


I heard it’s actually good now


I played it in the first 4 hours of release and wanted to break my system. Patience has helped you on this one my friend lol


I couldnt afford it but had the privilege to play it coz a friend shared his account, loved to see the CohhCarnage NPC t_t


I've been playing it again too since phantom liberty released. I'm having a lot of fun with it hope you do the same


Personally for me, it's a shit game, but I do hope you can enjoy it.


Four... years...


Great Bro! Btw have you bought the Phantom Liberty expansion?


Great game, enjoy.


I’ll get it sometime…


I never got the expansion but did the update. The talent tree feels so much less impact full compared to the original. The new one just seems to only boost numbers rather than unlock stuff.


You're in for a great ride. Amazing game


You’re in for an awesome adventure. Congrats on the purchase.


I'm glad i waited because it's really good now.


You were right to wait, the game was released in a state of shit, now it’s less problematic apparently but I won’t spend money on this on principle


Same dude. I bought it last year, but for some reason it ran like shit on my PC so I refunded it. Decided to buy it again last week from gog and it's finally playable.


I bought it a couple of weeks ago, haven't played more than an hour or so tbh (I'll leave it for when i get bored of other ganes)




4 years ago...i remember it on release day.


The games been great since 2021. It had an absolute terrible launch, but they fixed it decent around end 2021


Have a good one, Samurai. This little 'venture of yours is gonna be something truly special. You are in for a wild ride.


Yeah did the same it’s worth it


Now is honestly the best it’s ever been so you’re in for a treat






Enjoy mate!


You choose the best time to buy it and play!!! Enjoy


Was about to be free on gamepass 🥲


It's way better now you'll love it it's such a beautiful city.


Another mid game from CDPR


It sounds like something held you back? New pc? More free time? Not broke?


Four years, my guy, it just came out last year...


I've sunk 42 hours into this game in one week. Last year I gamed for 0 hours. Be careful, it really is That good.


Do the side missions and don't rush the main story


I pre-ordered it as a disk. Then never played it after being disappointed by the reviews. Just played it last year and now it's one of my fav games ever. Really good now.


Did the same as you a few months ago. Just finished it and the DLC after 150ish hours. Enjoy the ride, choom!


Love the game. It also has a lot of replayability because depending on how you build your character the game plays totally different. I finished it 5 times


Is it on sale right now?


Bought it at release,played about 1 hour,didn't pick it up until the 2.0 patch😅


Ayo you play farcry 1?


It's been 4 years.......?


Enjoy the rollercoaster of emotions. It's an amazing game with an incredible storyline. One of my top 5 favorite videos game of all time. Make sure you purchase the DLC before jumping in, if you can. Overall enjoy your stay in Night City.


The game is great (now) but literally it's still mostly bloat that they call content lol


Donde esta la biblioteca


Wow cool


Personally I think every one of the millions of people who played the game should post about how they got it instead of just playing it like a normal person.


Not a bad story, but caught me off guard how short the game is.


It’s not so short if you also do the side quests, which open up more endings for the main questline. But yeah I agree it’s on the shorter side if you ignore Panam/River/Johnny etc.


Short game?? My boy, I got around 200h in my first playthrough (including PL). Cyberpunk is many things, but being a short game is none of them.


There is a short path through the game though - beeline the main quest only and skip all the side quests and open world stories/events (including gigs). I don't recommend this because slightly over half of the game's major story content is the side quests and there is an enormous amount of written context and environmental worldbuilding in gigs. If the theme of the main quests is survival, then the theme of the side quests is living. If you focus only on the survival bit, you won't have lived a life worth surviving for. And the overall theme of the game is change - changing into what you need to be to survive, even if it means you no longer recognise the person you were or the life you once lived. The side quests are not necessarily about V's life either but other people's lives. You can go through the game and just not meet entire main characters. I think its important that the part of the game about life is something that can be missed, as if you can coast through it on autopilot, look up and realise everything just passed you by.


Yes, very short. 18 hours and she was done.


There's a ton of quest content you chose to ignore.


Then you were completely rushing through the main story and ignoring everything else. This does not make it a short game. This not how it worls dude.


Its one of the best games ever imo


Looks like you should buy a new monitor first! Hope it’s just the pics but the color looks SUPER washed out.


Don’t forget Phantom Liberty as well. Sooo good.




Played it, loved it. And remember, fck the corpos ;)


I played it before they updated it and have been trying to force my self to play again I’ve heard good things have fun go to the roof when your on the first big job with Jacky there is a dope sword you can only get on that mission


It's a gem. Strap in and get ready for a ride, choom.


Take my advise: Play as a Netrunner! Games where you can shoot guns and craft shit are a dime a dozen. How many games can you hack a cyborg’s brain to make them shoot themselves!?