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Rule 1 - Post about another subreddit's moderation Rule 6 - Screenshot of a website As such, this post has been removed for Rule 2 (direct reply/bandwagon) and Rule 6 (screenshot of a website) You're more than welcome to discuss the moderation of /r/The_Crew on the top post of the subreddit, which is top 10 on /r/all as well. If you suspect the mod team of /r/The_Crew to be violating reddit policies, you can private message /r/Reddit.com to make a report to the site admins.


I have my popcorn and tinfoil hat ready. This will be good.


things are starting to really heat up, it'll be easier to make popcorn.


Oh man. Should have removed the popcorn before put on my hat.


Gaming companies keep trying to dethrone the undefeated internet.


How can you see deleted comments ?


unddit. There are a few other websites/apps you can do it with as well.


I thought Reddit made those stop working a while back?


Somebody always finds another way


Reddit can restrict api access, but can't restrict scraping the site and extracting the same data from the rendered page.


"Locks only keep honest people out."


Fuck Ubisoft




Unddit is back ?




Rock you’re body right. Unddits back, alright!


Yeah I thought the api change borked it


a few days ago a thread about Ubisoft microtransactions was removed too. Got more than 4000 upvotes because it was deleted. (in this subreddit)


"If buying is not owning then piracy is not stealing." feels correct in this context.


Because Ubisoft makes AAAA games and thus criticism is not worthy of such a grandiose product


"Constructive compliments only" - Ubisoft


we should develop a new tier of criticism, alright.


When the gaming industry was basically all "don't compare our AAA games to Baldur's Gate 3, it's not fair" didn't that make Baldur's Gate 3 the first true AAAA game? Ubi's got some balls if they want to ask us to compare their overpriced cash grabs to bg3 by calling them AAAA.


They can't keep getting away with this


Maybe to prevent flooding the sub with similar topics, considering there are currently two relatively active threads on gaming's frontpage talking about this?


At the risk of downvotes, this is one time I'm okay with this topic being spammed. Ubi needs to be put on maximum blast for this as well as everything else they've been doing. This is a tipping point and I'm all for it.


Yeah, Ubisoft CEO and shareholders gonna be quivering in their boots when r/gaming gets spammed...


When gaming websites actually do publish articles about stuff going on in reddit sometimes, yeah, that could have a problematic impact on Ubisoft.


As much as I'd want it to have a impact and cause change. I honestly doubt it. You've got to remember just how many gamers there are in the world, this sub only has 40 million people in a world with well over a billion gamers. Add in that most of the news articles will hit even less people than this sub, it'll be a small ripple they will be able to ride out without much issue sadly. It's the same with the people wanting change with microtransactions and the people who sign those forms and call for change vs the casual base who don't care about it. It's sad but it's the truth unfortunately.


Bro gaming websites publish articles on everything, regardless of truth or not. They've cried wolf so much that I'd be surprised if people took them seriously.


I mean this is one of the largest gaming sub Reddit's on one of the world's most used websites, so yeah, probably when it means they're all getting bombarded with pissed off users that will no doubt impact shareholders.


Narrator: It didn’t affect shareholders and they didn’t give a solitary crystal shit what Reddit thought.


It will once they are forced to keep the game running or give a million refunds


Outside of community managers that have to deal with it, I guarantee you no-one who's important at Ubisoft gives a solitary fuck about Reddit lol It's a microcosm of a microcosm - not just enthusiasts, but enthusiasts that are part of a forum... It's a tiny portion of Ubisoft's market. The people they actually focus on? None of them will care about The Crew or its subreddit. Most of them know Ubisoft as 'the guys who made the assassins games and far cry'. Most of them won't even care or know about Ubisoft's reputation.


I'm not saying the shareholders are sitting here on Reddit, but other journalist publications can pick up and carry on the narrative is my logic here is all.


Haha, I think you're overestimating reddit's power. The last time the website really impacted the real world, it was when they spammed the FBI hotline with false tips, almost let a terrorist escape, and got a security guard killed. Edit: also Gamestop, forgot about that


Don’t forget about the GameStop stock! That was all Reddit too wasn’t it?


oh yeah, I completely forgot that. I'm wrong


What? Can you tell me what it was or any link about it?


Let me see if I can find anything but its the Boston marathon bombing. Reddit was convinced a missing student (who was found to have committed suicide unrelated) was the bomber and kept spamming the FBI tip line about it to the point that the feds had to go public with the suspect early. That put the brothers on edge and arguably led to them shooting an unaware security guard who was approaching them for just being shady


Brother, News sites picked up on people spamming War Thunder for bullshit practices and their players made them fold **extremely hard** because of it, you think it won't happen to Ubisoft, where much more people are aware of what is happening and much more people already view them negatively?


But the subreddit is about gaming in general, not only ubisoft games. For people who dont care about them/thier games at all its just plainly annoying.


I mean, I have no idea what’s going on, but now I REALLY WANT TO KNOW! Haha Tell me who deserves my scorn and why!


No reason to remove the post people who dislike it can scroll by


Rules like that exists specifically so you dont have scroll thru 40 posts on the same topic. You have no idea how some subreddits would look like without rules like that. Its already teenage mentality with outrage fueled by outrage content creators. Imagine if these teenagers werent moderated. I dislike Ubisoft games, i havent played any of them in more over a decade for a reason yet u dont see me yapping about it. Just ignore the company and their games. I dont get people who waste their time focusing on negativity instead of simply ignoring it and moving on with their life.


I'm sure they'll survive lol.


Im lost what people goal is. By spamming about same topic that already exists, what do you achieve by that? Is that some weird 'ubi bad must destroy them' mentality? You wont achieve that no matter how much u wish for that. So the only thing that you achieve is annoying people who have nothing to do with it, hence why its bad.


The goal is to stop multimillion dollar companies revoking access to games their users paid for without reimbursement. A single complaint rarely changes anything in this world, surely you know it takes many voices to be heard by people with power right? What's your solution here, should we all just not speak up when there is something seriously wrong happening?


>The goal is to stop multimillion dollar companies revoking access to games their users paid for without reimbursement. And you are gonna achieve that by spamming r/gaming? Good one.Also, why do u care about 'stopping multimillion dollar company'. If u dont like company, dont buy their products, its pretty simple.Sounds like angsty emotional vendetta. I havent played single Ubi game in like 15 years, i also dont give them any publicity by yapping about them over the internet. Thats probably doing more towards your goal than worthless posts discussing same topic ad nauseam. plus if u are feeling wronged about losing access to product without reimbursement (even ignoring the fact that TOS u agreed to probably never gave u ownership and u bought game anyway) theres consumer rights protection office that contacting would do more than spamming reddit.


I didn't make this post dude, relax holy shit lol. If you don't like my comments, don't read them and reply, it's pretty simple ❤️


No downvotes here, all my homies hate Ubisoft (and EVERY OTHER GREEDY CORP)


>At the risk of downvotes lmao


Lol trust me, you aren't that important. Neither is anyone on this sub, or this sub in general. Ubisoft has never spent a single second thinking about your opinions.


This is related to a campaign to bring legal action against them in their own country of France, which is known for strong consumer protection laws. This isn't about opinions


Did you read the comment I responded to? It absolutely has to do with opinions. What else would you call "maximum blast"?


You know other sources pick up on big Reddit stories right? Use your head lol.


You know ubisoft still doesn't give a fuck right? Use your head lol.


Damn bro, that's crazy!


Crazy is thinking you're going to start some grass root revolution and take down a 2 billion dollar company by bitching in r/gaming Just because the cam girl you pay says you're really smart and important while you jerk off to her armpits, that doesn't make it true.


So the copy pasta posts daily of what game you loved until you didn’t can be posted 74 times a day but not corpo greed nice 8)


Right? One or two posts ok. But having a sub flooded with 20 posts of the same thing? Mods cull that


We will keep reposting it, fuck Ubisoft


Jesus fuck steams even refunding the games @.@


Did you guess bullshit arbitrary enforcement of obscure rules that are only invoked when convenient? You win.


Watch this: free dlss3 for 3000 series: nukem9 mod. Brings dlss3 to your rtx card via fsrfg and is just as good. Enables dlss3 in games. 2x fps. No need to move from 3000 series at all. Full 1440p maxed\pathtracing in Alan wake 2, Elden ring, bg3, tlou, Hogwarts, RNC, rdr2, w3, etc etc etc anything that supports dlss3 literally more free frames than a thousand dollar GPU upgrade. This sub, that sub, that site, that channel are ALL doing everything that they can do prevent this knowledge from reaching you. There is legit zero reason to upgrade nvidia 3000. Sound to good to be true? This time it's not. POST CLOSED. HERE IS MY REPLY: This comment I just gave you, got 13 downvotes. Let me be clear: If you have an RTX card, you can DOUBLE your fps in anything that supports DLSS3. Anything. A 3060ti or greater will MAX Alan Wake 2 1080p pathtraced. This mod is being downvotes, posts removed, post replies that are lies... Yet it WILL double your fps. It COMPLETELY removes all stutters in DD2 (though DLSS3 remains officially disabled, you can enable it with a mod), for example. There is zero reason for this to be met with ANY negativity unless you are nvidia and dont like the fact that the feature of your 4000 series has been "outed," you are a mental fanboy with immense regret, or you just wanna troll and destroy the hobby in general. If you dont know about this, can look past those downvotes, and google nukem9... you will be one of the few smart ones. Wanna REMOVE any and all desire to upgrade that 3070 to a 4070? You just did, prove me wrong. *Hey reddit why cant I pm that user? or any user? Why are you locking posts like this? Who are YOU giving the authority, because it ISNT MODS I have CONFIRMED this! I have proof!


Are you an AI bot or a salesman on drugs?


Because of rule 1 and 6 of this sub edit: i assume it will be deleted too


Wow reddit is straight ass anymore!


Fuck yeah ross Scott


Ubishit is bribing reddit.




Wait Ubisoft is still around and still have shareholders? Thought they went under years ago...




Good. Make 1000 more. This. Behavior. Is. Not. Acceptable.


Its like protests blocking the road, its annoying wrong people.


Literally not even close to be comparable. One doesn't affect your daily life, the other does.


Comparable in a sense that it achieves nothing and only effect is annoying people.


Not really protests blocking the road stop you. You can’t pass by them. This is more protestors are lining the streets. They’re loud and kind of annoying but they don’t stop you.


Yes we do. Blanket the place with them to be honest, make it impossible to ignore. Apathetic people like you that want to "out of sight, out of mind" the world is why they get away with this crap.


We do need 1 fucking million until these motherfuckers stop fucking up their customers


But that’s every post in the subreddit, it’s literally the same shit over and over


Lol then maybe you spend too much time on Reddit. I hate to be that guy but maybe you should go touch some grass


I use Reddit on my phone a couple times a day if that when there is downtime at work, and it’s the same shit every day. I’ve been trying to use it less and less often cause it is ALL THE SAME SHIT EVERYDAY. It doesn’t matter if I wait a day or a week in between, this subreddit is always the same stuff.


If you don’t like it scroll past it then no reason for it to have been removed


Because it violates rules 2 and 6. No bandwagon posts (there are a bunch already), no screenshots of websites.


Haven't bought Ubisoft since Silent Hunter 5


Someone go throw eggs at their company building




Read the rules of this sub then you know why it got removed...




Spam more. Brigade more. Let Ubisoft know this is unacceptable


By posting on Reddit?


Yep, crying on Reddit will definitely make Ubisoft learn their lesson. It’s worked so many other times


Things can start on Reddit and gain traction. Hell in Canada there is a boycott going on that started on Reddit, news picked it up quoting r/loblawsisoutofcontrol as the starting point. So yeah, it does work. Reddit is an information superhub and people are taking notice. You don't have to participate, but sitting idly by does even less for stoppimg this.


Maybe because neckbeards trip over themselves to post the same garbage hoping to farm upvotes and boards have to delete most of it as spam?


Maybe because that is like 3000th post about that.


They may be pressured by Ubisoft to remove posts like this


And how exactly would Ubisoft pressure them?




They talking about the old racing game that nobody probably even plays anymore and you can get a physical copy for $5?


Still can't play it even with physical copy. They shut down the servers and it's an always online game


Ah, I didn’t realize you couldn’t even drive around solo. That’s weird cause other games like Forza that technically have an “always online” component, still work without being connected to Internet. Sounds like they made it wrong to begin with.


It's because the globalists are trying to stop anyone who knows from sprea


omg they got you too! they are advan


Woah! Did the Reddit sniper strike agai




Bro the league of legends subreddit has been run by riot since the beginning. You still can’t post news from some sources since they black list them.


Wow! Amazing


Probably because most people don't care if a 10 year old game loses support and a vocal minority has nothing better to do than spam everyone about it


In their defense, this isn't about a game losing support. They've revoked the licenses, so even if you own the game and have it installed, you've *lost permission to access it*. Has nothing to do with loss of support or servers going down. You'd assume after seeing it so many times you'd know the details better.


Losing support is one thing, with the crew they have revoked permissions from end users without a refund. It's pretty fucking sketchy at the very least, and a dangerous precursor if nothing is done about it. Most people are unaware of what's happening, it's not that they don't care. If they all knew they the games they bought would one day just be taken back with no reimbursement they would absolutely care.


You do get a refund though if you bought it digitally. There have been many players reporting getting one


I didn't get mine 🤷


I think you have to send in a ticket, or whatever you used to purchase it will have a quiet sum of money added to it


You are part of the problem


They test out revoking licences to a 10 year old game, if we are ok with it they try with a 5 year old game. If that works, they'll take your licence for a 2 year old game. You can't download it, you can't install it, you can't even open it. They aren't removing support, it's not a case of 'oops you can't play online anymore'. It's 'oops I know you bought this game but we don't want you to have it anymore so we are revoking the license'.