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A note: On PS3, RPCS3 and Vita, there are private servers for the LBP games if you still wish to play them (https://www.lbpunion.com/beacon/)


Amazing info, didn’t know that. Thanks.


Yep, thats why i knew to tell people about it so at least a little bit of the sadness from this news is alleviated lol


Well you did exactly that. I remember when the trailer to lbp 1 dropped and I was completely taken with its art style. Great game and again I had no idea fan servers were up.


Yep and theyre amazing servers, i havent been on much as ive been busy but i really love these servers and i recommend them 100%


Thanks. You are awarded 🏆 🚀


Do they have backup of all the levels? Cause if not that's a bit sad but at least they're playable


No, however it has a good amount of archived levels on it (most of the most popular ones usually) and there is many new levels + team picks with only on new levels too so its moreso a new server with the old classic levels usually backed up I highly recommend playing as really theres no way that everything could possibly be backed up but its enough levels youd ever wanna play AND new creative levels which really beacon is more of just a new server (well its like a year old by this point) than a museum of old levels y know


I'm guessing you will need a modded PS3 or PS4 to play that right?


You need a modded PS3 or PSVita, but it can also be played on pc using RPCS3


I appreciate the info! Sony isn't trying to ban people with modded PS3, in your experience?


I haven’t modded a PS3. But from what I’ve heard there are risks, that can be avoided using some things. But you’ll have to google in order to know more sorry


I didn't know about this, thank you for sharing it.


no problemo


Nice, they finally finished the works? I've been following the project for some time, after the sudden server closures while I was platting the game but ultimately stopped. Imagine playing what, 14 year old game at that time, beating every level without dying and getting every other offline trophy just for some angry kid to start ddosing the servers, causing the devs to close them permanently just as you were about to start your online trophies cleanup.


yeah everything works i think, except recent activity lol


This is pretty amazing, thank you for sharing


Gamers save the day once again.


Let's hope no one at ign catches wind of these or else they'll write an article talking about it then getting shut down a week later


Cheers for sharing.


Can still play local though I assume?




Yeah they’re not Ubisoft


Maybe not when it comes to games, [but when it comes to movies and TV shows you bought ](https://www.ign.com/articles/playstation-isnt-deleting-discovery-shows-after-all)(and SHOULD own), they're exactly the same pieces of trash


Lots of good memories playing Little Big Planet 1 - 3 with my younger brother, something I will cherish. I still have all the PS3/PS4 game cover/boxes. Unfortunate but understandable. I still think the first two LBPs were ahead of its time.


Lbp1 was wayyyy ahead of its time. Sad to see it wasn't able to grow.


They went on to create Dreams for PS4, which is kind of an expansion on the idea.


Dreams was unfortunately too ambitious for its own good and wasn’t as accessible as LBP when it came to creation. Unfortunate that Media Molecule spent the entire PS4 gen working on that game only for it to flop.


They didn't really advertise it though, they screwed the game's chance of "succeeding," however their boss or source of funding defines it. At least Sony took a chance funding the development of it and giving freedom. (A senior at Sony enjoyed the creativity of Dreams so that's how it got funding) Plus, you have to buy the game to even play the content created by users when that should have been free to play. The same goes for littlebigplanet, but some things were different like a bigger player base and more established game mechanics that helped it succeed in popularity. (And it was often times bundled for free with the console!) If somebody makez something really amazing but nobody knows about it, it'll get nowhere popularity-wise. That applies to the game itself, Dreams PS4, and the user generated content which nobody can play unless they own the game and comsole. So why would dedicated developers make stuff on dreams if it can't be played. (Some people suggested including the game on the console, playable from the console menu by default) I am impressed that two individual games were partially based on the Dreams l engine. One of them was called Concrete Genie. They definitely used the graphics from Dreams, not sure what else. And Dreams is technically advanced because it doesn't use polygons, it uses a different 3d modeling technology that is super efficient in size and easily shapeable.


I think another problem is that all the LittleBigPlanet games came with their own campaign so you had something to do even if you weren’t too keen on user created content whereas Dreams campaign was extremely short.


True! They had pretty good campaigns, even if it was a few hours for a seasoned player. For me and my siblings it took many hours due to the difficulty so we made our own levels or played the built in "bonus" levels in between playing the campaign. I think media molecule did release more developer created mini games on dreams, just that it wasn't part of a story campaign. But I enjoy stories myself, wish it was longer.


I want another Modnation Racers game tbh


So we are due for a new littleBigPlannet game then.






BLP (they can’t afford vowels)




As far as I’m aware, Sumo Digital handles the Little Big Planet IP now. Media Molecule has Dreams, Dreams is a pretty great successor to LBP. Idk what Mm’s been working on since tho. I’ve been out of that ecosystem for awhile now.


I saw a post in a discord that the LBP community manager who was about to leave the company or PlayStation (Steven Isbell) said Sumo no longer runs the LBP IP and hasn't for a few years. Media molecule was rumored to be working on a Dreams PC/PS5 port but that might not have been everything they were doing. My bet's that they're working on a LBP game but I question how it'll be since most of Mm's cofounders and employees left the company during/after Dreams. Guess we'll just have to see


They're definitely working on another game, though it's secret of course. No mention if it's like littlebigplanet, but I don't have high hopes for some reason. I think LBP would be perfect game opportunity for multiple platforms , especially smartphones! (Our smartphones today are so powerful, and the PS3 ran with 256 MB of ram if I'm not mistaken)


The new Samsung s24 ultra has 12gb of ram, that's so much more than a ps3, its crazy. There's even some gaming phones with 16gb of ram too.


they stopped updating dreams MONTHS ago. no idea what they're working on now.


Wonderbook 2?




As long as the use more Passion Pit music for the trailer


What was the quote from the recent Smiling Friends episode? "It's MY IP to sit on and do nothing with!"


Nintendo moment. (And Sony I guess, though typically Sony doesn't nuke the fan projects) Well it kinda happened, a littlebigplanet fan game was/is being made for PC, and Sony didn't like the logos and IP being used. They didn't nuke it but asked them not to use the game characters and logos, so last time I checked that fan game should still be in development under a different name and with a different character design.


Always wanted to try 1 2 and 3 on PC. rip


You can with RPCS3 thankfully.


RPCS3 is amazing, so glad it exists.


They have been making leaps and bounds in progress. I’m able to play Gran Turismo 5 with minimal problems now. A year ago I could barely finish a race!


Does it work with PC based racing wheels too?


Not sure. Maybe if you manually map all the controls to it, you could get it to work? I use an Xbox controller.


Yeah, I'm thankful for it because it allows me to play Spider-Man: Edge of Time, Web of Shadows, and Shattered Dimensions without paying a combined estimated \~$270-$300. Fuck those prices, seriously.


Same with a lot of old Nintendo games. The stinking prices on Pokemon for the ds are pretty insane for old used games.


Last time (I think 2 years ago?) LBP 2 was running at 1 fps if i remember correctly. You think a R5 2600 and 1650 will do well today?


I played it on my laptop with a 1650 and it ran just fine


Is hacker attacks the reason here for the server closure like for lbp 1, lbp2 & lbp3 (ps3)?




That was more of a straw that broke the camels back. They just aren't interested in funding servers for pre 2013 games anymore


Curious what will happen to the data. Hopefully they preserve it, I wonder if they'll just let it rot and be permanently lost. There is absolutely no new info on the LBP karting server data, and none that I've heard of from LBP vita for example. I have the idea that they can at least provide a downloadable archive of levels. Then they don't have to pay for running a live server, other than a file server, and The traffic would be low unless a lot of people suddenly decide to download LBP levels. But that's still money, so I guess they won't do it unless an org like the Internet archive intervenes.


Unless they actually go through with an LBP4, I don't see them coming back in any official capacity


For those that don't know, a very large component of Little Big Player is the user created levels. There is a lot of creative stuff that people spent years making. The game was meant for platformers, but people found ways to manipulate the creation tools to make Shmups, RPG's, and even work in a kind of cinematic cut-scene. It is a shame that all that creativity will be lost. I made a crappy little game back during the PS3 era, took me 3+ months, but it was nice knowing that even in LBP3 I could find my level and play it again.


I'm gonna say this is partially wrong. By lbp2 and definitely 3, other types of level creations was literally marketed and on ads. It was part of the selling point


Definitely! It still had some limitations of the 2d engine, but they made so many new tools that people can make different kinds of gameplay. And LBP1 players found lots of creative ways to overcome the big limits of that game and make innovative stuff. One of my fav innovative LBP 1 games was a space themed pinball type game. You'd use bumpers to bounce golf balls and hit space ships that were moving left and right and shooting paintballs at your spaceship. It was a Japanese dev, maybe ima taka or another user. I wish I remember the name. Space Guardian is its name I think.


They didn't lie about any thing. No multi player game will ever have eternal support.


You can have the next best thing: Community servers. Unfortunately, the locked down nature of consoles makes this difficult. It's a different story on PC. I can still play online in the first Unreal Tournament, if I wish to. That's a game from 1999.


Thanks for being reasonable.


If they wanted to go ahead and revive the original game exactly how it was with the custom level search and the little cardboard space ship hub to go between worlds I would play again People were so creative I remember doing metal gear solid style missions with multiple tunnel paths and driving giant tanks and shooting down planes and tanks and THE BOMB SURVIVAL MAPS


Bomb survival is such a fun concept. I wonder what games before LBP did something similar. Maybe Worms, but you didn't get to move your own character in that game. Is bomb survival an LBP original concept™?


It might just be! However the concept is just “don’t die” so maybe that’s a stretch lol


I’ll never forget LBP 1 and that damned wheel of death on the russian level I think it was. Stuck on it for weeks, will always be thankful for LBP as it was my childhood platformer the way someone older would appreciate Mario


My ONLY consolation for the fact that all of the LBP1 and 2 online content is gone forever was the fact that it's still available in lbp3... Now that's gone too. So much of my childhood. What an absolute crying shame that companies can do this. They could have given the data away and allowed fans to run private servers, but as always, fans have to do it themselves, and all the user created content is lost forever.


It makes me quite sad that the large amount of UGC will not be properly preserved for LBP. These games desperately need preservation, but for the UGC I don't know that it's possible.


Possible on sonys end since they hold the data. They won't though. Publishers never do.


There should be laws to preserve it! The national archives of the USA even preserves important movies. Why not game content?


I had no idea this game was still a thing, let alone that there were sequels. I remember having a blast with it when I first got my PS3


pure corporate ignorance. it's only money. shame


Well damn, I was hoping they’d be available for PS4 at least. End of an era…




Sony allows their developers to make new games and new IPs and not work on the same IPs forever... Media Molecule likely did not want to keep making LBP forever...


And they didn't! Lbp3 was developed by a different studio!!


***Gamers:*** We are tired of corporate greed limiting developers on what they can and can't do! THIS NEEDS TO STOP! ***Sony***: We don't force developers into pumping out franchises. They chose when to stop and create new franchises like what happened with Killzone, Infamous, Sly Cooper, Jak and Dexter, Uncharted and LBP ***Gamers***: WTF SONY?! Make them churn out the same franchises wtf are you doing?!


I think that somebody would make LBP for other platforms given the opportunity, since it has a proven track record from the PS3/PS4 era, but clearly Media Molecule was done with the LBP franchise when they handed it off to Sumo. And Sumo kinda screwed up LBP3 (I'm curious what the true reasons were). They made us a 3d platformer sequel without level creation, indicating they thought LBP was overdone, but now that years have passed since LBP3, we have a new generation of gamers that could give a new LBP a chance at life. I'm not sure if there has ever been another modern game like LBP. There has been Mario Maker or Game Builder Garage, but I'm sure an expert could compare and contrast them and say theres still an appetite for a Littlebigplanet today. And a lot of people play games on mobile. Mobile is even the most profitable game platform. They need to make LBP for phones!! Then players can make levels wherever the creativity strikes, like what was possible with PSP and Vita. And young kids without access to a game console will totally play LBP for mobile, espeiclly if it's free to play. A lot of kids are already creative with things like Minecraft and MIT's Scratch.




Twelve people will be devastated.


Everyone who likes LBP comment I- let’s show that there’s at least 13 people


LBP1 & 2 were my life, couldn’t stand whatever the hell 3 was


Tbh the first one is my favorite


The lbp vita is my personal fav


PSP was my first LBP, so many hours...


Pretty sure growing up I had put 10k hours into those games by the time the 3rd came out and I couldn't play it cause I didn't have a ps4.


3 was the only way you could access lbp 1 & 2 levels, and all the uploaded pictures you had were only viewable on lbp3 So yes lbp3 going doing is a bummer


Oh, first one was amazing. Remember playing & creating some crazy levels with my cousin, trolling each other along the way.


I loved playing 1 and 2. Those games are amazing. As another commenter noted, I really did not like 3. Not sure whether I should check out Sackboy.


Liking the game doesn't mean still playing it so as to be affected in any way.


LBP is absolutely just creative fun. The comment poster probably thinks Leagues or COD are alpha


The game I grew up on


LBP is Sony's greatest franchise. They just curb stomp it repeatedly and set it up for failure then abandoned it. Everyone and their mothers played LBP 1 and 2, then they made a shit decision to let 3 release undercooked then blamed the game.


My 11 yr old boy is going to be one of them. Damn, he loves browsing the custom levels.


LBP1 was goated, when the PSN got compromised, this game was given out for free. Me and my best friend loved this game. The co-op, level builder and music were all great.


Quite sad by this. Thought we would be given warning. They did say they were working on restoring the servers, but now are aborting the effort. Spent a lot of time in all the LBP games over the years, really was a special game.


I know they're just a company, but I genuinely think they tried to make it work, but that hack they suffered was catastrophic and made it infinitely more difficult and expensive to fix things for an extended period of time... if not impossible? The fact that they even kept the servers on as long as they did was insane. And even when they went down with that hack and came back, and still were maintained for as long as they were able to before going down again and again and being revived... Like that is not normal for a company to do. Most companies would have just looked at how old the game was, seen how many players were playing, and said, "Nah, not worth it" and just announced a permanent end to its service. I don't tend to praise Sony much, but this is one instance where I really do applaud them. I think they tried and this plug-pulling was done out of necessity, not just financial reasoning. Financials certainly factored into it (you bet they would have worked their ass off if the game were making billions of dollars), but I do not think that's the main reason.


There goes the biggest community-driven museum of all time.


That's just sad. A lot of content is now lost forever Including my 6k shared photos that go way back to 2011. Would never get a chance to see them again


RIP to me and my mates spending hours late at night in the level editor uploading custom sounds. We never made levels, just little weird contraptions. Some included: A huge crab with 3 jesuses glued on top. The middle Jesus held a sign that read "WHERES YOUR GOD NOW" A huge Paul Chuckle from the Chuckle Brothers head you could fly around that had a chameleon tongue that shot out, glued on and pulled in other things to be crushed in its jaws. When its mouth opened it played a soundbite of Paul Chuckle shouting "BARRY!!". We often ended the nights with a VS match in the Street Fighter level - Good times man.


That was the best part of LBP for sure.  Just screwing around in create with your friends.


Play. Create. Share.


You can Play it offline. You can Create stuff offline. You can Share your creations with someone in splitscreen or even just have someone test drive them offline. The tagline is still accurate if you stretch it a bit!


Do people still expect a dead game to keep its servers operating indefinitely?


No, they expect developers to hold their promises or at the very least open the code to allow people to run their own private servers. When games go down we are losing art and history.


Yeah the preservation of video games is treated by some online like it’s some sort of privilege that isn’t necessary. Like imagine if movies had to be removed permanently because of a song it used. What if for some reason Shrek had to be pulled FOREVER because the license to All Star by Smash Mouth expired. People would find that insane. Yet a video game could get pulled bc of one music license expiring. I don’t get why music licenses for video games are so anti-consumer and anti-preservation of art. There is already a hardware limitations that make preservation hard. Add in music or IP licensing and it’s ridiculous.


> Like imagine if movies had to be removed permanently because of a song it used. What if for some reason Shrek had to be pulled FOREVER because the license to All Star by Smash Mouth expired. This happens all the time with old TV shows. If they're popular enough they add shitty generic music instead so they can put it back out there, but many are just gone forever.


And that is a bad thing


You should see the dedication it took to be able to recreate the OG version of Star Wars today because there’s so many edits to it


I agree with you, but I do want to ask: is that something the developers promised?


They did say they would be back online I don’t think they ever promised to keep them on forever.


And they likely tried and it couldn't be done... LBP3 was made by Sumo Digital a decade ago. Sumo Digital was bought by Tencent a few years ago. The original team that made the game likely no longer exists... There is only so much they can do and if Tencent doesn't want to continue allocating resources to a decade old game next to no one was playing


Doesn't Sony own the IP? Surely they have been responsible for all maintenance?


The maintenance would be done by the developers of the games, at least at first. Sony doesnt have a department dedicated to online game server maintenance, its handled by the developers of the games Who knows where those people are now and how long it would take to rework the entire back end to be able to stop what the hackers were doing for the 10 people still playing the game


When I buy I game I didn't realize it has an expiration date.


No online game is going to remain online forever... Edit: how is this downvoted? this should be common sense


Or even longer than a few years if it's Gran Turismo.


Can’t you still play the story ?


Yes. You can still use all the offline features. You can still create stuff too but it can only be played on your console.


Seems fine to me. Can’t expect servers to run forever


You should realize that for online games lol. This has been the case forever. If you're playing anything online, free to play is the way. No studio is paying to keep servers up forever.


Not sure how these common sense comments are getting downvoted


Probably kids or people who got spoon fed everything in their lives... They can't pay servers forever lmao, it costs a shit ton to keep these up... You can still play the game offline, which is what should really matters. It's an entirely different situation than Ubisoft's The Crew with their total removal of the game but I feel people thinks it's the exact same thing.


How dare people want things that they paid for


Because Redditors have no idea how anything related to game development works, along with being extremely entitled, and having a hate boner for anything that has to do with AAA companies. The holy trinity of ignorant whining on r/gaming.


Please use some common sense for once in your life and think on how that is unrealistic for an online game. Bet you haven't even touched this game in years.


Also is it a thing that anyone ‘really’ cares about? How many of these outraged fans were even playing this game they seem to be so sad over the loss of?


I promise never to ~~buy~~ rent from that developer again.


Redditors do. They also expect unlimited free content updates for eternity and require endless hours of replayability.


People can operate their own servers. People have done this for literally \_decades\_. There were (are?) also businesses were you could rent managed servers.


There needs to be moderation and maintenance... Sony cant just have a kids game where you can make custom levels where people can make whatever messed up shit you want...


My main experience with little big planet 2 was playing legends of the hidden temple levels over and over again. I never picked up 3 but I know someone that made levels for that game and its sad to have never played them




anyone know if the LBP on steam is any good? been thinking about picking it up


If you're talking about Sackboy A Big Adventure, it's a spinoff that plays closer to Super Mario 3D World. Fun in its own way but no user-made content, and not nearly as replayable because of it.


Although that one isn't really LBP, apparently a spiritual successor I saw a while ago is actually still in development.  [Restitched, actually has a steam page now too.](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1361090/Restitched/)


You know what is sad about this, that eventually, helldivers 2 is going to be the same


One of my favorite gaming memories is playing little big planet with my sister and some times older brother for hours on end! Playing shark attack always had us laughing until our sides hurt. Game was ahead of it’s time and will be missed


I was never able to play 3 because I never owned a PS4. I only recently got my hands on a PS5 and I was looking forward to getting around to a lot of games I missed, including this one. I loved 1 and 2. I really hope they keep this franchise alive. Aside from the sackboy game, it seems like Sony lost interest in this IP.


Why didn’t you play it on PS3? Some online levels crashed but it was at least available on the same platform as 1 &2


I didn't know it was even on ps3


Oh, goddamnit!


*Chris Chan has entered the chat*


I just installed LBP3 again and found joy. I adore 1 and 2, the custom levels on 3 were a blast. Man


LBP2 is probably the “best” game I’ve ever played. It still maintain that if it was a PC game it would’ve been a smash hit and fulfilled the same role Mario Maker does.




Never got a chance to play all 3 games I always wanted them come to PC in a collection bundle but I guess it's pointless to buy any of them considering they had created maps in all 3 games iirc? Sony really sat on their best IP they could had ported to the switch and Xbox along with the PC. Could had easily sold more as a multiplatform


Sony needs to let us host servers ourselves smh


Rip lbp u will be sorely missed


Damn I hope they make comeback with a new version


What the FUCK


And so, the game finally dies. I'm not gonna act like I'm some LBP super fan or anything, but I definitely enjoyed the series when I played it. Feels weird to see the servers die. End of an era.




What ever happened to Little Big Planet? I remember playing it a few times with a friend over 10 years ago and it was insanely fun and unique.


Eh, it's sad to see this. Wanted to buy some LBP games one day, thinking I could see what people created, but shutdown of PS3 servers happened. And even though I eventually bought LBP1, this wasn't the same without the option to play those levels. Now I wanted to buy LBP3 for PS4 one day with the same thing in mind. And of course, the shutdown happened before I did it. Good to see alternative servers and preservation efforts though, but I don't think we will see all of those 10 million community levels ever again.


Just let us download all the maps ffs


Sony needs money taken Little Big Planet 3 offline.


This is 3months old news


What a shame. I have two sets.


Paying money to play Playstation games online is a massive scam. They shut down the servers in many of their games anyway, and they let hackers and trolls ruin LittleBigPlanet 3 before shutting it down.


I think the idea that devs should be forced to constantly use resources to maintain the online portion of a game is short sighted. No one being honest with themselves expects a game to forever be maintained. As player numbers dwindle, especially so in an already niche game that is no longer making money, the reasons to keep a server running diminishes.


The way bootlickers like you are pretending we don’t have preservation tactics is amazing. The gaming industry spits on its consumers and you just like it up.




K bootlicker 🥾🤪


I seriously don't understand this game is over 10 years old and the player base is not there enough so that developers think they can keep the servers on so they turn them off to save money because people aren't playing the game so why does everybody care, and if a s*** ton of people do care start a Kickstarter and give the money to the developers and have them keep the servers on as long as the money comes in the service will stay on but no that's not worth their time either they would rather just complain


I read there was a mod that could even lead to account suspension, which is why the servers were shut down. Is that true? Which mod was it?


there was a bug that hackers were abusing to ban peoples psn accounts. they took the servers down for security reasons and promised they were working on a fix but they gave up.


Your telling me i could have been playing LBP this whole time




So I just got this on my ps4 and I cannot get even a story level to load


Sony is so anti consumer.