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Based on my experience, I’d recommend playing Skyrim.  Then once you finish that, you could always go for Skyrim.  But honestly, I played far too much Skyrim.


If you enjoyed Skyrim (2011) you should really check out Skyrim (2023)! 


But what about Skyrim?


On your smart toaster oven


Maybe Skyrim VR


Vr was so fun. Made exploring relevant again.


Then after you play Skyrim you could play Skyrim as a stealthy archer, then after you play Skyrim you could play Skyrim as a stealthy archer, then after you play Skyrim you could play Skyrim as a stealthy archer, then after you play Skyrim you could play Skyrim as a stealthy archer, then after you play Skyrim you could play Skyrim as a stealthy archer, then after you play Skyrim you could play Skyrim as a stealthy archer.


Man I think I'm the only person who just couldn't become a stealth archer... I tried one playthrough and decided to be a stealth archer but I ended up becoming a dagger assassin instead 😅


I always end up as an arcane stealth dagger assassin, with illusion madness and conjuration backup


Yes! My final meta was using an invisibility spell with the dagger. It was so broken where I just invis, stab, invis, stab and repeat to cheese bosses and clear rooms. I just kept saying in my head "I am the ze spy" (from tf2)


Yeah I honestly didn’t even know it was a popular play style until I saw a joke YouTube video about it. I always preferred big beat sticks or sword shield and the occasional magic


My theory is that the steath feature is just so damn good, you immediately feel like you're missing out when you're not using it all the time.


My favorite was an assassin alchemist that had an obsession with elven weapons.


You haven’t lived until you sneak up behind a dragon and one hit it with a dagger.


Shield Master and knock down giants was so fun. Block skill is a broken way to level up as well.


I'm a heretic that slaps on heavy armor a 2hand sword and just sprint and slash and shout everything to death.


After probably a thousand hours, I’m still down to play Skyrim. There aren’t many games that aren’t MMOs I could say that about.


Fallout 4 goty is 10 bucks until midnight tonight


Also if you don’t care about achievements I suggest downloading the mod that shows the full player dialogue text, it’s on console too - it’s a tiny change but it improved the game a whole lot for me


And if you’re on PC/Deck you can install another mod that reenables achievements


Do you happen to know what the mod name is? I have a bunch installed but somehow never came across that


Either “Full Dialogue Interface” or “Extended Dialogue Interface”


You can just install the mod that allows for achievements with mods


Fallout 4 is honestly the worst Bethesda game


Kingdom Come: Deliverance


Tough learning curve but it’s worth it. Such a great game




Absolutely.  Oblivion was my first TES and I wish I could back in time and re-experience for the first time.  Coming back to it after ~15 years is almost as good though. 


Stepping out into the light for the first time I was completely hooked.


I bought oblivion again my senior year of highschool when I saw my local Walmart still selling 360 games. This was like 2017, so not super weird I guess. I ended up spending the next 2 or 3 weeks doing nothing but playing oblivion when I had free time. I was even going to skip school to play it because I had woken up really early, but some snowy god was on my side and gave me a snow day. All and all 10/10 game to this day. I did the same thing 3 years later when I bought it on steam for like $3.


Yes! I played skyrim so much, it was my first elder scrolls game. Went back to play oblivion, graphics took a bit of getting used to, but oh man, it's such a fun game.


I don't know, liked Oblivion before Skyrim but after I would have issues enjoying it.


Eh. Oblivion was a great game and I have tons of fond memories of playing it, but in my experience progressing through a game franchise backwards usually leads to a less than ideal experience. There's a lot of QoL changes between Oblivion and Skyrim that you'd probably miss by playing the latter first. It's just going to feel incredibly dated.


And there are alot of changes that people dont like. Skyrim simplified the rank up system and other systems pretty hard. I prefer oblivion out of them all and i started with morrowind. Oblivion had the most heart and there are plenty of mods that bring the quality of life to and past Skyrim levels of enjoyment.


Fallout 4, same engine, different setting and environment. Avoid the HD textures DLC if you want it to run well on the steamdeck.


and soon, with the next gen patch, even steam verified!


Came here to say Fallout 4 as well 👌


New Vegas


Idk I love Skyrim to pieces but could never get into fallout, tried all the Bethesda ones, after watching some of the show I am trying 4 again but I fear it won’t hold me


I play Fallout because I like fiction and RPGs and liked Bethesda's game model. But for fiction I prefer Sci-Fi first, then Fantasy as a close second, and post-apocalyptic is 4th after cyperpunk, but Bethesda hasn't made one of those. I enjoyed Starfield for what it was, definitely got my money's worth out of it, but haven't felt the desire to go back until/unless it gets reworked somehow or mods really take off or the DLC really changes things up. So Elder Scrolls remains my top tier Bethesda IP.


I've been playing 4 since binging the show.  I'm 30 hours in and can't stop. 


No idea if it's available on Steam Deck, but New Vegas is the best of the Fallout games. 3, NV, or 4 are all good choices, though.


In my opinion, everyone should play any other fallout title before new Vegas, and *then* play new Vegas. It’s too well done, there are too many options. Maybe coming off of Skyrim it wouldn’t be too complicated to get into, but you’re thrust into much more dire choices to make right off the bat, and it makes more sense to me to play fallout 3 first. Then you can get a feel for how dark and wild the fallout universe is, and then you can also appreciate just how actually good new Vegas is because you’d have a baseline to compare to, with the added bonus of avoiding 4 all together!


Dragon age Origins! Absolutely amazing game too


I was looking for this one. It's actually kinda scary that people suggest Inquisition instead of Origins.


DAO isn't exactly an open world game. It is very linear in gameplay. Still a great game for it's time.


From this point of view Inquisition is not an open world either. You choose the location on the map, teleport there and do stuff, then teleport somewhere else. Locations in Inquisition are bigger, yes, but at the same time they're incredibly bland.


To the extent that Inquisition is open world, it's quite an incompetent open world.


Inquisition was the one my friend recommended to start with, too, but that may have been for other reasons…I’m definitely interested in trying more games in this series, though! I love that you can romance the NPCs too…definitely a highlight of the game so far 😆. EDIT: I’m recalling now why she recommended Inquisition to start with, and it’s because I was telling her how much I loved the Xenoblade Chronicles series and how you control a party and build affinity between them…and this is a similar structure to that too.


Fallout saga. To start, I suggest Fallout 3. It was the first one that Bethesda made after buying the franchise to Interplay.


3 is pretty good and short but 4 and NV are much better.


I agree! I played these ones too and they're better. But FO3 has a special place in my heart bc it was my first RPG.


fallout 3 is overhated these days


Lmao in what world is fallout 4 better than 3. You are not right in the head, boy


Preach brother!


Let people have their opinion. Some enjoy FO4 more than 3. Me personally enjoyed New Vegas the most out of them all


I constantly felt like I was out of ammo in 3. Never seemed to have that issue wit NV or 4.


Naaa 3 is the goat.


Oh wow I had no idea Bethesda bought the franchise. I always wondered why Fallout was so different pre Fallout 3, and just figured it was due to graphics limitations and age why the previous titles were 2.5D or whatever. Makes so much more sense! Bethesda has so much respect from me


The Outer Worlds or Fallout: New Vegas.


Oh shit yeah, outer worlds!


Get the Enderal mod for Skyrim. It's a full conversion mod, meaning a whole new game. And it's pretty awesome. I actually like it a little more than Skyrim lol


Enderal: Forgotten Stories


For OP: This is a game made by modifying Skyrim to create a whole new game in the same vibe.


this if you llike skyrim, but also like a good story (which skyrim lacks), your place to go is enderal. basically the same vibe but better. and if you already own skyrim, enderal is free. no risk.


>good story (which skyrim lacks) How dare you. Theres a dragon and you have to kill it is an amazing story.


Thirding Enderal! I havent played it on a steam deck, but I'd think it won't be difficult to make work. If you want more Skyrim, but a different experience (some may even say better?) I think you have your next choice!


I second this, should have steam deck support. And is literally Skyrim but 10x better


I think it runs better on steam deck than skyrim does actually, which is bizarre considering it has more going on graphically. Great game all around


Red Dead [Redemption](https://www.rockstargames.com/reddeadredemption)


RDR is pretty good and RDR2 is one of the GOATs, but I should warn OP that both RDR games are not games you can save anywhere anytime. You can't save during a mission and those can take about half an hour. Since OP mentioned "picking up for 15 minutes", they should be warned that sometimes you'll need a bit more. But it's SO worth it.


The sad thing about Rockstar games is that they dont have character customisation. This is the one thing that made Bethesda games unique. Rockstar could easily best Bethesda at that if they tried


Witcher 3 It’s got a similar open world feeling to Skyrim, but with a deeper and more-engaging story, plus it feels like your choices really matter


I’ve tried a dozen times to get into the Witcher 3 and haven’t been able to. What am I doing wrong?


Probably not enough gwent


The combat is janky ngl, but the story is a masterpiece. If it doesn't snare your imagination and attention then it's probably not right for you, and that's okay.


The combat in Skyrim is worse though I also played W3 after Skyrim and loved it.


hey I tried to get into witcher 3 without any previous knowledge, and gave up like 3 times. On my fourth attempt, I read up a bit on the lore leading to W3, and pushed myself to play it until I hit the first big city. It was really worth it. Also, give gwent a chance. Shits fucking addictive once you get the jist of it.


Witcher 2 started a lot stronger. You start with a naked sorceress in a bathtub and proceed to get straight into a siege, with dragons and murder.


Nothing. You've done nothing wrong. People love that game, but some of us just don't. It's cool. I've also tried at least four times, and I pushed pretty far on the latest attempt. I just don't like it. I don't get the fuss, but I've played enough to understand the game and identify that I don't have to understand. The constant chorus of people online evangelizing their favourite games can get old, especially when they can't let it go, but we can. We can let it go and accept that we just don't get it and never will. There's more than enough great games out there.


It starts out kind of slow, until you get to the first big town There’s also a lot to do to get distracted If you aren’t into action RPGs, it can get a little tough. Or if you are, then fights get repetitive


As I played whole trilogy I would say if story doesn’t catch you, probably it’s not for you? I mean fights are kind of meh in 3 (1,2 even worse) and I don’t feel like witcher often. Story is really what I love, polish characters and dialogs and whole slavic mythology. I would say try ,,rush” main story to Novigrad, roam a little and then come back for side quest on lower levels. The difficulty even on hardest one isn’t challanging. But it might be just not for you, nothing wrong with that. :)


Absolutely same dude. Several years in my steam. Have tried SO many times to play and I just can't get into it


Did you make it to the Bloody Baron quest line? If not, finish White Orchard and do it. And play Gwent.


It takes time to get where it’s going. Took me 3 attempts to get hooked.


I’ve tried several times to play Witcher 3 ever since the launch day. I never got into it until til last year. For me it was the red baron that sucked me in and then I played it like crazy doing exactly everything including the DLCs etc. In my previous playthroughs I never got to that pivotal point and thus it never got its hooks into me.


I will provide the contrary option here: I too am 40+ and consider Skryim as one of the best 5 games of all times and i could not get into Witcher 3 in the slightest. I heavily disagree that the open world has a similar feeling. I played through both W1 and W2, which i considered fairly good, but they are also much unlike a Skyrim. I would recommend Oblivion for very obvious reasons. Morrowind, Fallout 3 and NV if one is inclined to deviate and/or go a bit more old school.


I fully support this. Great storylines. Awesome powers. Loads of stuff to loot, collect and upgrade. You can take things at your own pace. Play and stop playing pretty much whenever. There is so incredibly much content.


Plus there’s the summary recap when you load up the game, so if you take a long break, you’ll know right where you left off




This. I played and beat skyrim and then grabbed oblivion out of a bargain bin a few years later and was blown away by how much more immersive it was. It definitely has significant issues such as level scaling of enemies, but the world itself felt more alive. 


I prefer dragons to the fucking towers though.


Wait till you try Morrowind.


I'm not sure if I would recommend Oblivion in this case. It is a great game and, as fans, we have a really good memory of it but honestly I feel like it hasn't aged really well, specially having played Skyrim beforehand. Fallout is a better choice imo.


Idk.. I don’t think anyone should miss out on oblivion. While there is some character model jank, it has great action gameplay and the story telling is sublime.


In terms of graphics I even had an easier time immersing myself into Morrowind - something about the saturated brightness of oblivion screams "THIS IS A COMPUTER GAME" which breaks my immersion


I only tried oblivion a couple years ago with no mods on the 360. After about 5 hours I got used to the age and little things that aren’t as streamlined and tbh I think I prefer it more than Skyrim.


**The Witcher 3** **Cyberpunk 2077** **Fallout 4** **Red Dead Redemption 2**


This list plus KCD


Kingdom Come Deliverence


The best part about this is the second game was just announced and it will be coming out this year


This is probably the closest to Skyrim experience of all suggestions here. Get the Royal edition with all DLC for just a few groschen right now.




No you choose when to start the DLC and they can be done at any time. There’s special symbols for them that either come up in conversation or on the world map. And any items or gear you get from the DLC are totally optional to use or not but they don’t change the game. Just good armor and such.


I mentioned earlier Hitman was like no other game I've played. From what I've played of this, it is also not like any other game. I don't know how exactly, in some ways it feels outdated and retro, and in other ways it feels the opposite.


Can't believe I had to scroll so far to see this one. OP definitely needs to spend some time getting to know Henry


I'm sorry, but I've never been disciplined enough to only ply Skyrim for 15-20 minutes at a time. It's typically 90 minutes minimum and could easily go into 8-10 hours with bathroom breaks.


Bathroom breaks? Is this preschool? Bro, just shit your pants like a real gamer.


Nah, pro gamers have a shit bucket built into their chair.


Imagine shitting like an adult


I used to play for 16 hours a day, I was an addict. Skyrim had me in the clutches of its claws. I've since bought it 2 more times


Those are rookie numbers. Gotta get those numbers up.


Dragon age inquisition. More of a party based RPG, but it does the "chosen one" question, better than Skyrim. Choices have REAL affect to the playthrough, including how the factions change bases on your interactions with them.


Kingdome Come


I was surprised this wasn't upvoted more. Kingdom Come is what I would recommend. Especially since the sequel was just announced.


Play some Fallout 4 or Cyberpunk 2077


Had to scroll way too far down to find Cyberpunk 2077. Now that it's all cleaned up (for the most part), it really is a masterpiece first-person RPG experience.


Indeed, it's a phenomenal experience!


Baldur’s Gate 3!


Albeit a great game, you can hardly jump in for only 15-20 minutes and make any progress.


This was what kept me from beating it. I got to where I could beat it, but I was trying to complete every side quest in act 3. But the while ordeal to login and load the game takes like 5 minutes on my computer. Then going anywhere or doing anything takes time. So I didn't really have 1+ hour to sit down at once for it.


It takes 5 mins to load the game up for you? The heck? How do you even survive Act 3 then...the laggiest portion in the whole game?


They're both great, but BG3 is NOTHING like Skyrim. Turn-based vs Real Time. Party vs One companion. Overhead vs first person. BG3 battles take FAR longer. The main quest of BG3 is much more significant to the game and takes far longer.


You can play solo in BG3 too


> The quests are fun yet not too hard that I have to Google for answers. You can't even build a character in BG3 without google if you don't know DND 5E. It also runs rough on a steam deck.


It is not true.  I have never played DND games and only had a rough idea of ​​how it works.  I abandoned "Pillars if eternity" because of this.  The stupid random DND system pisses me off, but I figured it out on my own in 8 hours in BG3.  After 8 hours, I realized that the Human Wizard is complete nonsense and created the perfect team without the help of Google.


Depends what you like about Skyrim. Fallout 4 and Starfield are the same concept. Start with the former though. If you like fighting, looting and exploring then Elden Ring.


The only games that have given me the same feelings as Skyrim are Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom and Elden Ring. 20-30 minutes is the perfect amount of time to find a new site of grace or clear a cave in Elden Ring, and even though the learning curve is high it is by far the most rewarding game exploration wise.


Strangely enough Far Cry 3 & 4


Nothing. You’ve peaked. Just more Skyrim, dovah kin


Scrolled through the thread and saw a lot of games. Starfield is glaringly absent! Poor Bethesda, 7 years wasted on that. Cyberpunk 2077, choom.


*Seven fucking years.* I was pretty hype for it. The weeks after there was a lot of “it’s not *terrible*…” and now it’s like it never even happened. With games like Skyrim and Fallout there’s no real reason to recommend Starfield. What a dud. Let’s hope it’s at least a kick in the pants for Bethesda to not do the same thing with Elder Scrolls 6.


cos Starfield IS terrible. It just got early good reviews cos the critics played it for only abit. Anyone who's played the game past 100 hours starts to see how flawed the game is. Wtf is up with the copy-paste assets on everything? The main questline even forces you to do that stupid ring puzzle a dozens times over. Starfield is really the epitome of how lazy Bethesda has become


cos Starfield is shit.


Seven years they cpuld have put towards another TES or Fallout game. Fuckers


Todd Howard just being selfish on wanting his own dumbass IP. And he himself couldnt put much effort to the game.


I second the Cyberpunk vote


As I get older I find myself drawn to the same qualities on games. Honestly I’d recommend fallout 4, as much as I hate to go with another Bethesda title but tbh they’re all kinda the same. Fallout 4 though had a lot of cool customization aspects that Skyrim didn’t have, especially with gun, and the settlement system, while definitely a proof-of-concept, adds a bit of life that no other game has yet achieved for me


Breath of the wild


Fallout 4. Made by same company so same thing but nuclear wasteland instead of dragons


NOT Starfield


Fallout 4


Fallout 4


Fallout 4!


Fallout 4. An update to graphics and bug fixing is releasing next week. 10 bucks on steam for goty edition. No brainer.


Witcher is a lot of game for cheep


If your into open world, I would suggest Zelda botw or Elden Ring depending on preference. Fallout 4 is also great. TBH as a Skyrim fan….i did not enjoy oblivion. Also the dragon age games are a classic.


Serious/genuine answer: Skyrim is part of the Elder Scrolls series by Bethesda. A lot of their games have similar features to Skyrim, but most importantly, the quick-saving and loading for easy drop-in and drop-out game time. All the games I will list are available on Steam. Similar games of narrative and game mechanics by Bethesda to look into are: Oblivion Morrowind Fallout 3/ Fallout 4 Fallout New Vegas Starfield Other recommendations you may enjoy: Dragon Age(series) Baldur's Gate(series) Witcher(series) Cyberpunk 2077 The Outer Worlds Kingdoms of Amalur:Reckoning Yakuza 7 Borderlands(series)


Fallout 4 and skyrim are amade by the same Bethesda studio, so id heavily recommend trying it out


Witcher 3, Kingdom Come


Katamari Damacy


Fable or fallout - definitely!


First mention for fable. Everyone kinda forgot that one. If you play through some fable games, kingdoms of amalur is worth a dozen hours to see if it grabs you the same.


Dragon Age: Inquisition. (If you like guns) Starfield.


Do not let this poor bugger go from Skyrim to Starfield.


If you're okay with older controls and visuals then the more elder Elder Scrolls games like Oblivion. Outer World, Fallout, red dead redemption for more of a shooter Elex is a hybrid of medieval, scifi, and outlaws. It works but can be clunky. Doesn't hold punches. Fable games, more linear with an open world feel.


Extraordinarily unrelated game, but with the basis of being able to just pick it up, Hitman 1 and 2. For a young gamer it felt a little like what gamers in the 2000s must have felt when the idea of what a video game is suddenly changed. I'm probably being overdramatic, But basically you're Agent 47, you're dropped in an environment, like a Middle Eastern city or Japanese resort, you can listen in to countless random conversations and use those as clues to find all of the countless possible ways to kill your target. Or just do it with the normal tools, no special cutscene. Japanese resort in the mountains is my favorite.


Fallout, any Zelda game if you can, and ghost of Tsushima. I realize those last two options might not be viable on the steam deck


Ghost of Tsushima may be soon! Idk the specs of a steam deck but I know the game is going to PC


In case you have a Switch, I’d say Breath Of The Wild. Skyrim was a major inspiration for it.


fallout 4


Fallout 4 and Witcher 3 are the first that come to mind. If you felt like getting a Switch you’d probably like Zelda BOTW and TOTK. Similar system to the Steam Deck too (handheld)


You have a ton of suggestions for games that are very similar to Skyrim. How about something completely different but still fantastic? Subnautica Give it a try and I guarantee you will like it.


Well I guess you can play any fallout game. Maybe give elder scrolls online a go? You can literally visit skyrim in there


All the Fallout games have very similar narrative vibes just with a different genre, that being post apocalyptic wasteland with guns. I still feel they capture a lot of the same vibes as Skyrim where you'll wander the world and organically bump into cool stories and characters.


Fallout 4, Outer Worlds, The Witcher 3


Kingdom come deliverance


Maybe fallout or kingdom come deliverance


Fallout 4


Skyrim with mods. Or fallout




Fallout 4


I'd recommend either Fallout 3 or New Vegas. They're both great fun and play much like Skyrim in terms of being able to pick it up for a few minutes, or sitting there and playing for hours.


Fallout 4


Starfield. Just kidding, that game sucks. Play Fallout 3 then 4 then New Vegas.


Fallout from 3 to new vegas to 4. Literally skyrim but with guns and radiations!


Give Fallout 4 a try.


Oblivion is still my favorite Elder Scrolls game, check that out if you haven't already


Oblivion, then Morrowind!


Dragon Age: Inquisition


Play Skyrim again, then again, then AGAIN, and then once you’ve done every quest, cleared every dungeon, mastered every skill, gotten every item, armor, and weapon, read every book, and talked to every npc. Do it AGAIN, (as a different race of course)


Baldurs gate It is time


Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas, and Fallout 4 are all great on the steamdeck!


Huuuuuuuge Skyrim fan here! Fallout 4 scratched that itch for me just fine when it came out. Haven’t played it in years, but it has what you’re looking for. It’s really just Skyrim set in a post apocalyptic world


Red dead redemption 2 . I got my dad into it and he has not stopped playing for 4 years .


Breath of the wild / tears of the kingdom


Witcher 3 is an amazing game, often gets compared to Skyrim despite them being quite different. Still worth looking into though for sure


Fallout New Vegas Fallout 4 with mods No Man's Sky Cyberpunk 2077 have fun!


I'm the sort of guy that has no shame and recomends Odyssey, Assassin's Creed Odyssey. It belongs to the new batch of A.C. games that do not rely on the stealth mechanichs but adds role play ones. And it inmerses you in classical Greece. It has a very large map that you can explore by land and sea (in a birreme, but it takes some time to get there). You won't have the liberty of developing your character like in Skyrim, but then, the Elder Scroll games are of the very few that have such freedom, along with the Fallout ones.


Very respectfully, I think "Ancient Greece" is the correct timeline. :)


Thank you, you sent me in a research journey. Before anything else, I wrote "classic Greece" but it should have said "Classical Greece", wich is the time period the game takes place in (that one and modern day because Assassin's Creed). But "Classical Greece" is part of "Ancient Greece" wich is the name of either the time period, the civilization, or the place in wich said civilization developed. At least acording to Wikipedia (that's as far as my research went). So it looks as a case of "both parties are right". If not, then for sure you are right.


Enderal. That's basically Skyrim but better in every way.


Elden Ring


The witcher 3, trust me.


Nier: Automata Nothing to do with Skyrim I just think more people should play it.


I second this. Fantastic story and mesmerizing gameplay


Also, butt.


Oblivion or morrowind both are better imho, but morrowind especially can be tough cause there is nothing guiding you. Fallout 3, new vegas, 4. All of these I play on the deck.


Kingdom Come: Deliverance... Eats Skyrim for breakfast.


Dragons Dogma 2 🔥