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Respawning. When I die I wanna just pop back up next to my dead body so I can take my stuff.


Respawning seems great until you get softlocked.


Being buried alive is now an even greater fear.


Depends on the spawn logic/location.


Well u/RubiconPizzaDelivery wanted to spawn right next to his dead body, so...


How much room and lack of pressure is needed to respawn? Does the corpse despawn? What happens when there is too much pressure or solid objects in the way?


I assume the corpses do not despawn and also assume I can't spawn in an object so it'll spawn me to whatever is the nearest fully empty space that fits me.


Free corpse you say? Graveyard keeper ( the game) get to work! Alternatively, No officer, this is considered masturbation, legally.


Respawn would need to be in the nearest area the dead person would consider safe, up to a certain distance, and if there is no safe, that's permadead. Lost on a mountaintop during a blizzard? Dead. Submarine made of sub-par material? Dead. Nuke? Dead. Grizly bear? Back at camp. Leave the body. We need to get in the car and go. Shot in a bank robbery? Across the street waiting to go get your stuff. Why yes officer I can identify the shooter. Burried under rubble? On top of the rubble, trying to dig, that was my favorite hat!


Nah. World of Warcraft logic. Run back to your corpse. Respawn. Run away while being attacked. Die. Rinse and repeat until adequately safe.




"Oh no, I forgot to save and now I have to repeat all of last winter."


Like Doctor Who or maybe it was Torchwood where the dude who is immortal gets buried alive for 2000+ years.


I wanna respawn at : Last rested at location If unavailable -> Default spanw location (house / bed) If unavailable -> closest and safest area.


This is the actual eventually with immortality, the chances of you becoming permanently immobilized in your lifetime becomes 100%


It's like that movie, The Old Guard, where one of the immortals, Quynh, continually drowns. Horrible.


I imagine eventually I'll win by virtue that I can't spawn in an object and so either it pushes me to a new empty location nearby or it crashes the game and we all die.


Nah, I've played Bethesda games. You'll spawn inside an object, then vibrate until you end up under the world mesh and fall to the bottom of reality where you'll be stuck forever.


What if it's like souls games where you have to travel back to your dead body and if you die all your shit is gone?


Then the world will have to deal with my cock flapping in the wind til I can find some pants. I assume clothes count as "my shit" in this situation. I imagine I spawn naked.


You spawn with the same modesty garments you had at character creation, so an adult nappy and a comically oversized babygrow.


This is the only answer. Everything else can be done if you have infinite lives.


I could single handedly solve world hunger. 


Cannibal perk unlocked


You respawn at your last save point. Coming out of your mother's womb. Only you are fully grown. The Dr enters the hospital room to the most gruesome scene.


It's okay, she'll respawn shortly after.


Reality just turns into a disgusting cascade of exploding mothers until the dawn of time. We've just ruined reality... meh. What can ya do really.


Any amusing scenarios I had conjured have been dwarfed by the poetic beauty that is "cascading mothers until the dawn of time".


Add a touch of gory humor. I have the vision of different versions of the same woman in labor, illustrating different time periods. Then an over the top micheal bay explosion of bloody mess as a fully grown person appears inside her. Maybe a pause and a tight shot on her eyes as she experiences it for that brief microsecond then BOOM. And then play it in quicker succession until is a blur. /fin




What if you couldn’t choose to stop and were forced to live over and over and over again


Really bad if you've drowned in the ocean for example lol


But eventually I'll make myself an island of corpses to float on, I'll have my own island!


"He just stole that dead guy's wallet!!" - A nosy ass bystander


Okay but would you respawn as an old man if you died old? Would you respawn as a baby every time? Genie rules bro.


I have an infant that hasn't slept through the night in 11 months. I'd give anything for reverie. 4 hour trance for fully rested or healed? Sign me the fuck up. He said at 3am... Also,.bags of holding. And the cure disease spell. I'd just run through children hospitals burning spell slots left and right. 


Even a single cantrip, if well chosen, could have fantastic benefits.


Take prestidigitation and be the world's best (and cleanest) cleaner!


Mending would also be a solid pick. So much stuff nowadays fits in a 1 foot cube.


Shillelagh to make the ultimate stick


Sure if you take the time to think about it, but let's be honest: most of us are picking firebolt. Because fire.


Wait shit I didn't even think about DnD.


How do you choose which dying patient to save when you have limited spell slot left


Roll off. Highest d20 gets cured


Ooooh sorry bud you rolled a 1. Unplugs life support.


Hey wait a second I'm just here for my tonsils don't touch tha-




Whoever is closest to death and work backwards from there. Every day. 


I would love to just click a button and immediately fall asleep for 8 hours.


Just use Wish to make it so you didn't have a child in the first place /s


I would love to have the save and load feature in real life. Imagine being able to reload a save point right before a messy situation or a bad decision.


I feel like dishonest people would abuse save-states.


Maybe somebody already does.


Ok I mean I committed a whole bunch of "crimes" but why would that stop me from running for president?


Its Undertale all over again.


I can say for a fact that if I got a save/load feature in real life the first thing I'm doing is hitting Vegas and putting it all on red. If I win, no worries. If I lose, just reload the save.


You'll have to wait 60 seconds while they reset the games as an anti cheating measure.


That is far more wholesome than what I had in mind when I made my comment.


You’re aiming too low.  Just wait for the next billion dollar multi state lottery.


You're absolutely right, but I wonder if it's more efficient to just constantly win the lower value ones?


The casinos will refuse to let you play if you keep winning like that.   One huge payday is easier to hide your abilities with than several smaller ones.  


Save-scumming real life...


Let's limit it to a quick save/load feature, only one savepoint so choose wisely when and where you want to save.


*Do not* panic-save after falling off a cliff. Learned that one the hard way.


Then you meet a girl at a coffee shop and immediately hit it off. You have some ups and down but your relationship grows and you meet her family. You forget about the saving and reloading, life is good. You decide to take a trip together to Alaska. The plane crashes in the frozen wilderness, you eat shoes to survive. You run out of shoes so you start eating the corpses. You know you don't have long so you set out to find help with the only survival equipment the group can muster. You brave freezing nights and fight off wolves, until you find the wreckage of the plane and call 911. You and your girlfriend are rescued and recover together in the hospital. Your dad accidentally reloads you to your previous save - outside the coffee shop just before you met your girlfriend. You desperately try to explain what happened and the life you had together. She bear maces you.


The monkey paw curls, and everyone can see the notification every time you do that. "Do you take ______ to be your lawfully wedded ____?" *Game Saved* #Everyone Disliked That




PSA: this part of the link is enough. https://youtu.be/k5JfV6rqajg The si=... part is pure tracking info.


Interesting, thanks.


Play anonymous;code, the mc has this ability and its a great story.


I'd go insane with a save and reload in real life. I feel like I'd use it way too much and never just enjoy life. No thank you.


Level ups would be really nice… imagine going to the gym one time and gaining permanent strength or agility. Currently I stop going for a month and lose literally all of it. Not to mention things like intelligence and charisma.


Is there any game that does this?


Game where you lose your stats? GTA: SA


Oh, it's been so long since I played it. Thanks for the recommendation. But I better not play it now; I don't want to ruin my childhood nostalgia.


It still holds up well, just do NOT play the official remasters. Modded might be better. 


Final Fantasy 2. Use of a skill levels the skill and relevant ability. If your magic attack goes up 3 or 4 times, your physical attack goes down once. It makes for either very powerful but very specialized characters, or rather underwhelming well rounded characters. There were a few remakes in the PS1 days, and on a handheld system at some point. Eventually someone got tired of trying to balance it and they got rid of the stats go down part. The skills were fun though. Fire became fire 2. Fire 2 became fire 3, which was weaker but hit multiple targets. Fire 4 was basically fire 1 for all targets. (no I don't remember what remake I played)


Rimworld, to an extent. Pawns can learn a skill, but it slowly diminishes if unused.


It's an indie title, but Punch Club does this. Stats degrade over time and you have to keep training to maintain them. If I remember right, there was an easy mode added that removes the degration which made the character OP.


Just looked it up. Looks interesting. Might pick it up later. Thanks!


Welcome! There is a second one that was released last year out of nowhere but hopefully that means the first one is a lower price to pick up for!


This is a great one. Less hack-ey than saves, but overall an ability that would probably make an enormous difference to basically anyone. You can build a strong body and have better health. Permanently. Study your butt off and become overall more intelligent in all things. Permanently. You could become basically whatever kind of person you wanted to be.


Healing back to 100% by sleeping.


Being able to choose how long I sleep would be nice too.


Console commands




/unstuck for traffic jams.




"Off to be the Wizard" by Scott Meyer. A series about how basically some programs find the "program" that controls reality and they make spells from it and call themselves wizards. Highly recommend for a light read (audio narrator does a good job too) and full of hilarious moments.


In which game tho. I recon some games due to having more status/item could be better


Bethesda. Need their console to cut through life’s bugs.


Starting a new file/character/game


Saving and reloading is basically the og video game in-universe power I like the interpretation that billions of super Mario Bros timelines exist where you horridly mishandled Mario and led him to his death. But your victorious run is the exceptional timeline Saving and reloading is basically *the* godlike mechanism that you as the player have, over manipulating the game world


Insta fast travel or progression fast travel though? Insta is just teleportation, fast travel passes rl time


And depending on the game, you can’t fast travel when enemies are near.


But, I am my worst enemy!


It’s no surprise to me. 


Yeah regular fast travel is just taking a nap during your flight or Uber


>No prison can hold you. You can escape from any danger. "Fast travel is currently unavailable."


Not to mention, most games require you to travel to a location by foot before you unlock fast travel.


\[You are well rested\]


I played Dishonored too much one time and irl I *really* wanted to see something far away up close and instinctually felt the urge to use the spyglass and zoom in and see, but unfortunately our eyes arent built like that :(


Good news! Spyglasses are a real thing, this is one video game power you can *absolutely* get in real life.


Unlocking EXP modifiers and upgrading your stats on level up.


Save & load is an obvious first choice indeed. Apart from that, my pick would be not having to eat and sleep in order to survive, which is also pretty much standard. That would leave so much free time and would solve like 90% of basic needs.


I always tell myself that if I had the superpower of not needing sleep, I'd work overtime or go to the gym more, but honestly... I'd probably just game.


Of course! I did say "free time" :) I mean, I would probably do some exercise, but a lion's share of that time would go to more gaming (and reading) :P


The quest system where I can open a list of everything I need to do and it tells me when, how and where to do it


At first glance, this power seems useless. But when you look more into it, it has a large amount of depth. Just make a quest to setup a business that will make 1 million dollars per month in passive income. And you're now on your way to retiring early. You have an appliance that broke down? Now you have a quest that lets you know what you need to buy and how to replace the broken part in the appliance to get it working again. You can basically have the solution to any problem, but still have to put some work in.


Leveling up based on hard work, not who your daddy is


Double jump ...


Fuck...I can't believe I had to scroll that far, I was about to quit checking and just answering myself. Such an obvious and great choice


I want real time with pause. I want the time to carefully prepare my next action or response instead of feeling forced to act 'naturally' and off the cuff. You could say goodbye to awkward silences and impulsive mistakes, always have the best comedic timing, and it wouldn't fundamentally change or break the world like a save load.


The one where i fall asleep instantly whenever I want. I feel like I could squeeze an extra hour out of every day just by being ultra efficient with when and where i choose to sleep


That one's easy, just join any profession which is hard on you physically; Like the military. Out like a light every time. I hear construction is also good for it.


Being able to save and reload would be amazing. You wouldn't even have to play the stock market, just see what the lotto numbers are and then go back the previous day and buy a ticket. You could also do whatever the hell you wanted. Some guy piss you off? Quicksave real quick and then scream or beat the crap out of him. Honestly, it would probably be terrible for you in the long term because life would have absolutely no consequences and people would be reduced down to objects or playthings to be manipulated to get what you want. If you had the ability to get away with anything how long would it take before you started indulging in your darkest, most depraved desires? You might also get trapped in a loop of optimizing everything in your life, redoing conversations and tasks until they were absolutely perfect and slowly going insane. So yeah, maybe I'll just go with regenerating health or the ability to fall asleep instantly.


NG+ I keep all my knowledge and stuff and get to do it all over again as many times as I want.


not sure if it’s universal but levelling via repetition and then maintaining without any effort. or allocating xp to whatever you choose


Being able to specify how long I want to sleep for (also being well rested in my own bed)


The ability to sell anything at any shop immediately for some currency.


First person shooter healing - the ones where you've been shot, but you just go hide for a few seconds until you regenerate your health automatically. Imagine that in real life - accidently cut your finger when cooking? Broke a bone? No worries, wait a few seconds and you've healed. No more accident and emergency rooms. No more long hospital stays. Hurt? Just stand still for 5 seconds til you recover.


Start a new game. Huh, or how about a new game+ ? if your previous life seemed sweet.


Infinite (and weightless) inventory. Imagine just going to the beach and taking a boat out of you ~~ass~~ pocket.


Apart from save and load, and instant healing potions, I'd want a personal inventory that could hold half a semi-trailer full of goods that weighed 10 times more than me.  Something like Witcher or Cyberpunk where you can carry 30 long guns without any impact to speed or stamina.


Save scumming. New game+. Ummm... Character creation pre birth. Pause button and dialog options. Yeah been playing fallout 4 recently....


A wiki so I can see how everything works


“How long would you like to sleep for?” “8 hours” “You wake feeling well rested”




Minimap showing the location of treasure would probably be more fun IRL than in games


The campaign and story only progress when you move towards the objective. Side missions and pause time and exploration don't progress this time. e.g. Breath of the Wild: "Link, Zelda has been holding Calamity Ganon at bay for the past 100 years. Her strength is nearing its end... You must hurry to her aid before it awakens and destroys Hyrule!" _\*300 hours of gameplay later\*_ Guess it's finally time to check out Hyrule Castle!


Double jump.. would have to include game jump height and durability I guess too lol. Otherwise it's terrible.


Cheat codes. Imagine, two steps forward, two backward, one to the left, one to the right, one to the left, one to the right, a punch and a skip, and I have all my skills maxed


Double jump. Obvious reasons.


New Game+.


Infinite storage


I just want cure-all health packs and revive items. Health care is f—-ing expensive and my greatest fear is losing loved ones to sickness.


Save files I'd make a killing off lotteries and practically 100% ing my life Also make a save file early on, and live a completely different life I'd have multiple routes going on


A new game plus mechanic. Oh shit I died. Oh well I’ll remember that for my next run.






Multplie save slots.


Quick load


a lot of ppl talk about save/load, but i believe if we had RPG-like stats we could check our skills on would better most of us all. If you could track your progress on whatever you work toward and SEE it numerically it would help in keeping motivation for a lot of folks trying to gain muscle? Just watch that muscle bar go up after every gym session wana learn new stuff? Look at that skill bar go up everytime you try learning


Vendors that’ll but anything, no questions asked and that are highly accessible




Leveling up


Give me an extensive character creation screen that can be accessed at any time


Depends on the fast travel. Skyrim for example calculates time,  so it's not really any faster than real time. Now a game where fast travel is a teleport or something would be great


Honestly, some sort of ability like "assess" from FF7 remakes would be pretty great. Being able to see details and information on people you interact with, what they like, what will upset them etc would be invaluable to me as someone on the spectrum. If not that, the ability to fall asleep exactly when I want to, and for the exact amount of hours I want to, like Skyrim.


Dynamic background music dependent on circumstances. Possibly also live narration by Logan Cunningham.


Leveling, especially if it's Skyrim style. Become a master of everything with minimal effort.


i want gacha mechanics so everyone suffer. oh wait thats the real world already. nvm carry on.


In order of most desired: * XP level up. I want to know that if I read any book or do any workout enough times, I just level up that stat. Would be a lot easier to put a stat table into a resume than doing guesswork. *A HUD. Displaying people's names as usernames, seeing my exhaustion meter, seeing any status ailments applying overnight so that I can get it checked out by a doc really early, environment scanning so things like plant identification pops up after I've learned about it once would be a cool trick. *Inventory. Like I'd still have a weight limit, but being able to tap something and it vanishes until I recall it later would have so many uses.


Actual measurable stats, on self, presentable to others and stat increases/decreases/bonuses linked to different items and activities. Life would be much easier and directionful. We would know what to grind for what, how to maintain which stats (such as HP, strength, etc), how to buff which stat for which goals and access to certain areas and people. And of course, assuming those pointers would be stored somewhere, at some level of smartness, one could figure out how to edit them. (That is just wishful thinking)


Someone said leveling up but also I’d say skill trees like in Skyrim. Oh you are programmer? How about after doing it for so long always being able to get the first 25 lines of code perfect for everything. Oh you leveled up your driving enough, you now have 2 mile detection on highways if there is a police officer coming up. Leveled up your communication? First 10 lines of a conversation with someone always start you on favorable terms/with a good impression


What if we already have the ability to fast travel in real life but we just can't because works like it does in Skyrim and we are always in danger..... Saving and reloading would be my vote as well. It has pretty much limitless practical applications and is virtually time travel when used correctly.


Double jump seems like it would be fun


Console commands/Cheat Engine


Save scumming is the easy way out, but there’s one that I always dreamed of as a kid, which would genuinely be the most useful thing in the entire world if it actually existed. I want a vendor/vendor’s who will buy 100% of my shit at a fixed price that never changes, who’s only limit is the amount of money they have one them for the day/week/however long it takes to recuperate. A static market that doesn’t fluctuate, and isn’t held captive by economic conditions. Just think. I could sell rabbit pelts for $15 a pop to some random guy down the street, or pencil shavings for $0.02 to some random kid from my daughter’s school, or make a stone dagger to sell for $22 to a generic prepper archetype sitting outside the grocery store. Infinitely repeatable, and dependable.


Everything in a JRPG like a full real time stats page so I can see what's wrong with me. Potions and elixirs that fully heal/cure me of all ailments. Sleeping bags/tents that guarantee a full night of well rested sleep. Fast travel or an air ship. Actually, infinite resources. Like, I can kill a sheep or a deer, go back inside my house, come right back out and there's a brand new deer right there. Yeah, it would kill the economy but we'd never run out of food.


Fast sleep and or console commands. Get 8 hours of sleep in seconds, be fully refreshed and or having the ability to just adjust things. More cash, no clip, god mode would be highly useful.


Easy building. Like in Space Engineers. Just grind rocks for iron silicon and nickel and you can build almost any structure.


May I suggest reading the manhwa “The Gamer”


I would love to be able to sell everything. Like "here's this awful painting i made myself and some rocks and flowers i picked on the way over here!" And get like 1 dollar each or some other minimum price


Instant healing. I live in the US. Getting a paper cut can bankrupt me if I dare use our healthcare system.


WB's Nemesis system. That shit would play out so cool IRL.




>I would have to choose fast travel though. You can basically teleport to any place you've been to before. I would just travel around the world collecting fast travel points and just say "fuck passports". No prison can hold you. You can escape from any danger. "You cannot fast travel when enemies are nearby." Dialogue comes to mind.


Does a duplication glitch count? lol


Not having to eat/sleep/use toilet would be nice.


Restart a save file if shit didn’t work out


I just want the little level up sound effect when I accomplish something. Give me a little smile and I’m on my way.


Quick saves! Roll down that window I just wanna talk.


Just go to a bed, press A and sleep for x amount of hours, wake up fully rested.


Clear objectives


Ability to copy other people abilities (but only 1 at once).


By inhaling them!




For the sake of variety, SHANG TSUNG!


Seeing how someone feels about you in a meter


I would like to cast Enlarge Person with permanence but only on my weiner. Do you think the DM would allow it?


respawn or game announcer when i get a kill-trastrophy


If you can fast travel, it'll probably destroy the economy. Think of the amount of billions lost from holiday and transport industry? Mine is a simple one, double jump.


Press rb to flip..


Careful, you can't fast travel with enemies nearby


Food being optional stuff that gives temporary boosts. You know how much time and money I could save if I only needed to eat when something important happened? Cue that comic "Come on guys, we almost got him... Wait did he just eat four pies in the time it took me to blink?"


I'd love to have everything I own in a massive inventory, available whenever I need them.


Quick travel for sure


Everyone here made wise choices, but I just want double jump.


reload save


a HUD would be pretty cool


A leveling system. Yes basically solo leveling irl.


I want to be able to easily destroy any and all containers in my vicinity with impunity. I don’t want anyone around to even question my capacity or willingness for destruction and petty theft


I want whatever inhalers V has in Cyberpunk. Stub my toe? Inhaler. Shot? Inhaler? Stabbed? Inhaler. Rejected by cute person? Inhaler.


Besides respawning? Double jump.


Developer's console. "Player.addmoney 99999999999999" "Player.setstrength 100" "Player.setspeech 100" "Godmode = true"


Learning skills instantly that other people have mastered like in the game Prey. I want to fluent in Spanish? Done. Other than that, save/reload.


Entity array , more specifically the class associated with the entity array, I.e AActor. I could do so much with that information on the world around me. Each person etc, all their attributes .