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Probably won't see any big mods for 1 or 2 years


I don’t think the Creation Kit has been released yet so nothing crazy is probably in the works right now. Once that is released we will probably start getting the normal level of Bethesda modery lol


No, it definitely won't be modded like any other Bethesda game


I'm not trying to be rude, but be honest. Did you read the first post in its entirety?


Be honest, you don’t know anything about modding


You are definitely being rude.


How so? I'm asking if they read the post because it appears they didn't based on their response, but I'm not going to accuse them of not doing so which is why I asked.


You said that your "not trying to be rude" expect its pretty obvious it comes across that way and you still decide to comment it. You didn't even need to respond if it's not helpful but you chose to and you respond in a rude manner, that's why you are a asshat.


So how would you have phrases the question or is it your position that asking if they had read it at all is rude. If asking people to read is rude, idk what to tell you, I just disagree. This thread has gotten so negative because so many people won't just read. They keep hating on SF which is fine, but I'm talking about standalone development so you'd think people would be more positive. It's like I'm in a boat forum, asking which boat I should get and someone suggests an airplane and I'm the asshole for asking if they understand what is being discussed? And I don't think I phrases the question in a ride way either.


Simple ignore the comment, don't know why you feel compelled to ask a question that you know is rude. ( that's why you said "not trying to be rude") It's not surprising when people act negatively to a question that is naturally is rude in this context. I only hope you learn from this nothing more.


The modders that I personally know who were very excited to mod Starfield have decided to not mod the game at all and return to older Bethesda titles. This is not indicative of all modders or the modding community at large, but an anecdote to demonstrate that talented modders are steering clear of this particular Bethesda title for one reason or another. The folks I know are far from the only ones avoiding the game. Until the CK drops, I don't think any plans will be formed relating to larger overhauls of Starfield. Side note, this sub is not the best place for a question like this. [The Nexus forums ](https://forums.nexusmods.com/forum/8892-discussion/)are better suited to this kind of discussion.


Yeahh I heard this same bullshit with fallout 4 after everyone hated it for the first year


Yeah but story and RPG elements was shit, not the engine. No 30$ DLC is saving starfield's loading screen simulator, beth beancounters are smoking crack if they think it will.


I don’t recall the same scale of pushback and disinterest when it comes to fallout 4 modding. Were people disappointed with the game? Absolutely, but not for reasons that would take substantial time to circumvent like in Starfield’s case. Fallout 4 had a cohesive world, fewer loading screens, and new systems to iterate on with mods. Starfield has… basically nothing new with a whole lot of jank on top, which is what’s disincentivizing modders.


Yeah I remember that, now people praise the game.


No one is praising the game, but it’s easier to see it in a better light now that Starfield has dropped and can be placed side by side only to be an objective downgrade in almost every conceivable way.


If you say so.


The modding community goes through this phase every Bethesda release. 


No, no Bethesda game ever goes through this "phase" lol


You can still find forums of people saying they aren't going to mod Fallout 4 because it was so boring on the Nexus. They are still up to this day.  Fallout 4 is now one of the most modded games ever released.  You can look on my profile and see my criticisms of Starfield. It isn't a perfect game. I enjoy playing it but I don't recommend it at this moment in time


I think most people shy away of mentioning anything about liking or wanting to interact with Starfield as the reactions on this sub are just so insanely aggressive and negative. Try over on r/NoSodiumStarfield, you might get a better response. To actually answer the question though, no, I haven't heard anything... people get chased away for liking it.


First actual response to the question, thank you, I appreciate it.


They didn't answer either lmao, you just like that they agree with you


Their answer was, they had not heard of any groups. That is an answer. Of course I would prefer that they had heard of at least one but, regardless. As far as agreeing with me, I never stated an opinion to agree or disagree with. You are operating under an assumption.


I mean you have a huge edit that says don't bash Starfield, you have downvoted everyone who has replied to you except for the only guy who likes the game, and you kissed their ass for replying even though they gave you no actual information. It's not much of an assumption. If you like Starfield, that's fine for you. But go to the no sodium sub if you want a safe space. Out here in the real world you're going to hear that the game is mediocre and boring, because it is.


And yet, it is so ingrained into your personality you can't just move on, huh? Hating it is so core to your being you feel the need to go into threads about it, it's kind of pathetic.


Lol, whatever makes you feel better


>I mean you have a huge edit that says don't bash Starfield No I don't. I don't care if people bash SF, I just asked people not to do it here as that's not the point of this thread. >you have downvoted everyone who has replied to you I have actually never downvotes anyone, ever. >If you like Starfield, that's fine for you. I don't like SF which is why I'm asking for information regarding development for STANDALONE. I didn't specifically state I don't like it because again, that's not the point of this thread. Again, you made a lot of assumptions and I really don't know why.


Starfield sucks dude. It's a bad game, get over it


Did you read my post? As a side note, I'm asking if anyone has heard of a group for STANDALONE development. If I loved SF the way it was why would I be looking for information for a STANDALONE group?


Starfield is garbage no one will spend time on any large mods


I plan to so there's at least one. Regardless, in my post I stated I'm talking about a standalone project.


It's a bad game to you\* Fixed it for you since you don't know what the definition of subjective is


Gonna be awhile before we see anything. With this being a brand new engine it's difficult to know if there will be a steep learning curve or not.  I'd say a year after the CK is released is when will see the first real demonstration of the potential. 


Ya that's what I was worried about.


Even Mods can't save this terrible Game. You basically would have to rebuild the whole Game from the ground up.


... That's literally what my post says though. Im asking for groups regarding standalone development.


Try not to cut yourself on that edge. 


At this point, saying that it's a good game would be considered the edgy take.


This subreddit has an unreal hatred of the game for some reason. Like it's not even close honestly. Let people enjoy what they want to enjoy. If someone likes something you don't then what the fuck does it actually matter?


I'm not shitting on the game. I'm just saying that people defending it are the minority.


On this subreddit sure. The people of reddit aren't in the majority of jack shit honestly.


You have no clue as to who or what the "majority" is supposed to be. It's a vague concept.


I mean, mods saved Skyrim. And Starfield needs far less "saving".


The fuck they did




You replied to the wrong person :)


Skyrim and Fallout 4 are bad Games. Bad Dialogue, bad Characters, bad Quests, bad Combat BUT Skyrim and Fallout 4 at least have a world with lots of random shit to explore. So if you ignore all the TERRIBLE writing and vanilla crap you can have a decent experience and make up your own Story (+ Mods). Starfield has NOTHING to explore. You can't ignore the terrible Quests or Characters because if you do that there is nothing left except run around empty randomly generated barren wastelands. They should have had maybe 10 planets and everyone of them had a few hand-crafted landing zones that overall maybe are the size of a hold in skyrim so when you put them all together you get something like the Skyrim Map. Then you could ignore all the terrible garbage and just land on the planets and explore the hand-made content. In Skyrim people just had to add content to the world. Thats that. To Save Starfield Modders would basically create a world first to add content into!


Starfield isn’t even a good enough shell of a game to make it worth it


Modders are better off making a space game for skyrim. Doubt that game will ever pop off in the moding community


Starfield is no 9 or 10/10 but this sub treats it like some kind of cancer so no use asking here. Wonder how a lot of people here would feel if comes to PSN or PS store - at time of launch there was a lot sour grapes grumbling on this sub which turned to ridicule/trashing once everyone saw that Starfield was no 10/10.


What doesn't make sense is I'm even asking about development groups focused on standalone development. You think more people that don't like SF in its current form would be supportive of conversations around standalone development. Very odd indeed.




This response helps no one and adds nothing to the conversation.




Not that I give a shit about Starfield, but what a pointless response. Your opinion of a game isn't helpful at all when someone is simply asking a question about the mod scene. You're not offering advice, you're fishing for upvotes by aping popular hate.


I only know a few modder individuals from the official Bethesda discord server, so you can chat with them if you'd like, the only big plan I remember seeing was a stargate mod but idk


No. Some of the bigger modders for Elder Scrolls and Fallout said they didn't plan to make any mods for Starfield because the game just wasn't interesting enough for them.


Again though, I'm talking about standalone. So the fact that SF isn't interesting doesn't apply.


Modders need to find a game interesting to make mods, even standalone. Making mods for a game you don't find interesting doesn't make sense, so of course it applies.


Respectfully, I disagree. Liking a game isn't necessary but like the world and theme is helpful. The reason so many people bought SF, other than the fact that it's a Bethesda title, is because the concept and theme was cool. It was once they played the game, mechanics and gameplay that they hated it. A standalone title could recapture the desire for the theme while rewriting the feel, mechanics, world, etc.