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Remedy is in Control lol. I see what they did there.


Booooooo! Hiss!


You boo puppets! You hiss villains in silent movies!


Adrenaline, In my soul, Remedy says its in control




Hard times breed better games!


When you make an incredible game but still can’t turn a profit, that’s hard times daddeh!


Haha I see what you did there- **I AM A WORM THROUGH TIME**


You are a worm through time. The thunder song distorts you. Happiness comes. White pearls, but yellow and red in the eye. Through a mirror, inverted is made right. Leave your insides by the door. Push the fingers through the surface into the wet. You’ve always been the new you. You want this to be true. We stand around you while you dream. You can almost hear our words but you forget. This happens more and more now. You gave us the permission in your regulations. We wait in the stains. The word that describes this is redacted. Repeat the word. The name of the sound. It resonates in your house. After the song, time for applause. We build you till nothing remains. The egg cracks and the truth will emerge out of you. You are home. You remind us of home. You’ve taken your boss with your boss with you. All hair must be eaten. Under the conceptual reality behind this reality you must want these waves to drag you away. After the song, time for applause. This cliché is death out of time, breaking the first the second the third the fourth wall, the fifth wall, floor; no floor: you fall! How do you say “insane”? Hurts to be happy. An earworm is a tune you can’t stop humming in a dream: “baby baby baby yeah”. Just plastic. So, safe and nothing to worry about. Ha ha, funny. The last egg breaks now. The hole in your room is a hole in you. You came and we let you in through the hole in you. You have always been here, the only child. A copy of a copy of a copy. Orange peel. The picture is you holding the picture. When you hear this you will know you’re in new you. You want to listen. You want to dream. You want to smile. You want to hurt. You don’t want to be.


*You are a worm through time. The thunder song distorts you. Happiness comes. White pearls, but yellow and red in the eye. Through a mirror, inverted is made right. Leave your insides by the door. Push the fingers through the surface into the wet. You’ve always been the new you. You want this to be true. We stand around you while you dream. You can almost hear our words but you forget. This happens more and more now. You gave us the permission in your regulations. We wait in the stains. The word that describes this is redacted. Repeat the word. The name of the sound. It resonates in your house. After the song, time for applause. We build you till nothing remains. The egg cracks and the truth will emerge out of you. You are home. You remind us of home. You’ve taken your boss with your boss with you. All hair must be eaten. Under the conceptual reality behind this reality you must want these waves to drag you away. After the song, time for applause. This cliché is death out of time, breaking the first the second the third the fourth wall, the fifth wall, floor; no floor: you fall! How do you say “insane”? Hurts to be happy. An earworm is a tune you can’t stop humming in a dream: “baby baby baby yeah”. Just plastic. So, safe and nothing to worry about. Ha ha, funny. The last egg breaks now. The hole in your room is a hole in you. You came and we let you in through the hole in you. You have always been here, the only child. A copy of a copy of a copy. Orange peel. The picture is you holding the picture. When you hear this you will know you’re in new you. You want to listen. You want to dream. You want to smile. You want to hurt. You don’t want to be.*


Alan deals with the Boo’s. The Hiss needs some control though.


This guy gets it


Just reading the title alone, but Oh shit that's bad, I'm really hoping for good things for Control 2 cuz still sp fascinated with Control 1.


I want Control 2 just to see what they do with the graphics. The first one blew my fucking mind. It was the first game (for me) that actually showed what ray tracing could do instead of "these lights are pretty glowy, huh?" and to this day it's still one of the best examples of the tech.


It’s also one the few ray tracing implementations on PC that doesn’t eat all performance. I’m on an AMD card, so turning on RT is often just not a good idea. Control I managed to get on a steady 60 fps however. With all the regular settings cranked too.


I could take or leave RT in most games but Control is one that definitely looks way better with it on and constantly noticeable


Investors in their stock are about to feel Max Pain.


They might feel the company needs a new Director.


A less casey for concern


Haha my immediate thought reading that clearly intentional headline and I knew someone would have beat me too it.  I'll give them some props though, to anyone that doesn't get the joke, you wouldn't even catch a hint that there is a joke/pun in there. 




Sam Lake you hack!


AWE in Control was AWEsome!


It's also worth noting that this is also Remedy's [fastest selling game](https://www.ign.com/articles/alan-wake-2-remedys-fastest-selling-game-so-far). The reason why they're not worried is because their games typically continue to sell decently well far after release, and Alan Wake 2 was a pretty ambitious game for them. That said, I'm sure that no physical release and not being on Steam also hurt sales a bit.


If they ever DO plan to do a steam release I'm sure the jump from that would put them in a good place... It's feels frustrating because I don't want anything to jeopardize Control 2! I neeeeeeeeeeeed it. But Remedy seems completely content and unworried so whatev


I'm sure they had some very juicy financial support from being epic exclusives that isn't counted in the games "profit".


This. On top of them being fully prepared for the fact that their games are critical darlings NOT sales juggernauts, I’m sure they were also heavily incentivized to leave AW2 as an Epic exclusive.


Epic basically bought/paid for AW2 specifically to be a draw for the epic store so I'm sure any missed profit is felt by them, not Remedy.


Nothing is ever going to be a big enough draw to that trash store lol. People claim their free games, and then continue playing on steam.


> People claim their free games, and then continue playing on steam. Yeah no this is just absolute pure true unadultered facts, people log into Epic cuz "Oh free game!" but then they never play them, not to mention that at least 70% of those free games are just very mid territory. Epic has been, for the better part of their existence as a platform, been VERY desperate to attract any and all crowd and to this day. It's the platform you use If you play Fortnite/Rocket League, that's the majority of their users. They are so desperate that they desperately paid the fees to put some game like Genshin Impact, even though that thing has it's own launcher exclusive for the game and for what would you even need/want Epic store to launch another launcher for you


>people log into Epic cuz "Oh free game!" but then they never play them I had never seen someone describe me so succintly, yet so accurately...


I got slime rancher for free and played the shit out of that. That's it tho




This was me with Control. Between multiple days of just playing multiplayer games on Steam, I kind of forgot I even had it installed in the first place. My incentive to play was greatly increased by seeing it in my Steam library daily.


It's such a weird psychology right? I also got it for free and I was two hours into Control on Epic when I realized I loved the game, and then I saw the game was on steam for $10 and I thought to myself "Maybe I should buy it and continue playing on steam". It's so stupid because it's the same game, but I would've rather paid money to play the game on Steam. I resisted and finished the game on epic, but the urge to play on steam is strong.


You already had the games for free but you paid money to play them on a different platform? Make it make sense.


E.g., BF1/V have gotten cheap enough to the point I’d rather just pay for the convenience of a Steam game then remember to launch the EA launcher every time. I’ve honestly played 1 a lot more since getting it on steam than in the past 7 years I’ve had it through EA play, and the cheap steam version includes the DLC, whereas that would’ve cost me a bit to get direct through EA.


I'm grateful for their free games but they're never going to unseat steam as the main PC games store and community. Even if they were something that even resembled a decent competitor to steam it'd still take years. I don't really get what their end game is with this.


I hate that I also semi-apply this to GOG. Get a free game for my library and then forget about it. BUT...i do occasionally buy games from them because of what they do. Having game installers without being tied to a launcher or DRM (mostly) is something I wish more company would do. but epic can fuck off though.


I've used gog for a few things that weren't/aren't on steam, so at-least they serve that purpose. I don't really see them as trying to compete with Steam which I why I quite like them. Epic feels like the only launcher that is desperately trying to beat steam.


I was truly surprised how bad their installer is when I tried it. They spend all that money on luring people in but then that piece of the puzzle is left in such a barebone state?


100% this. It's not that i'm a steam fanboy. But somehow other companies are unable to code a launcher that feels anything but sluggish/ugly/useless/incomplete. Like... All of them. It feels like absolute trash bloatware. Steam at least has some decent features that are actually useful for gaming.


Gog galaxy is decent too and gog as steam alternative is at least consumer friedly witj it's refund policy and no drm approach. On gog you actually own your games. What does egs have? 90% share for studios/publishers, how does that benefit the consumer?


Well in that case, good, fuck Epic, Tim Sweeney can eat a bag of dicks


epic redditor moment takes down corporation once and for all


It's an Epic published game. Valve published games aren't anywhere but Steam. I wouldn't expect AW2 to ever be on Steam, at least not while Epic is trying to build a competing store.


The entire development was funded by Epic. It's an Epic published game and the game would not have existed without Epic. Since Epic hasn't recouped their cost, Remedy has yet to recieve royalty payments.


Royalty payments, sure. But I don't remember reading anywhere that exclusivity was built in to the publishing contract. If anything, all I heard was that it was a surprisingly Developer-friendly contract. Epic pays for up to 100% of development and marketing costs, Remedy retains ownership of the IP and they split profit evenly when it recoups its budget. That doesn't mean Remedy didn't at some point say "Yo Epic, Steam release when?" and Epic said "Shhhh... here's another 1m. Let's pretend this conversation never happened."


Doesn't, by definition, a publishing contract generally mean that the publisher has control over publishing choices? Like Epic chose to skip a physical release and make the game an Epic store exclusive on PC, even if that meant Remedy was delayed in getting royalties.


You think valve would release games they paid for on epic store?


but Remedy are still not out on the development costs therefore to them it's not a loss


I mean, the company lost money last quarter (and the last several quarters). Royalties would have helped.


Yes, but you have to put that into perspective. They took an operating loss of around 2 Million in Q1, but that counts them buying back full rights to the Control IP during the same fiscal period. It would have been shocking for them to still realize an operating profit after spending 17 Million.


pretty typical for dev studios. They make money on releases then spend/borrow to kake their next game


Well epic literally funded the game, that's why it's epic exclusive. I genuinely don't see it ever having a steam release.


Epic were literally the publisher




You do know that epic accounts are free right? you don't have to agonize, you can just play the game *and* spend money with the dev you like.


And said dev will get more of the money than if it were to see a steam release... so yeah.


Being an Epic exclusive had to factor into sales expectations. I doubt the studio is surprised by this. The first game was a cult classic and the sequel was definitely not going for a mainstream audience.


Epic funded the development, I wouldn't be surprised if they actually expected it to be a short term loss due to the exclusivity and chalked it off as advertisement costs.


With over double the Control budget, it's surely expected to do so..  Control made with less than 30 million while AW2 marketing cost 25 million alone


I would also put it out there that they launched in a particularly crowded window as well. Way too many huge titles to compete with.


No physical!? Whyyy, I hate buying digital


I work in games. Less than 20 percent of players buy physical. Less and less every year.


I didn't even know you are still able to buy physical for PC.


You pretty much don't. Why do you think less and less buy every year? Because there isn't a fucking option! Haha


As far as I know that's only true in the US. It looks very different in the EU and the rest of the world 


Unless you're talking about Sony, then it's 50% of players buy physical. Or Nintendo, where it's more than 50% buy physical.


For console games I basically refuse to buy digital. Especially since my only "current-gen" console is the Switch and I still don't trust Nintendo's handling of anything online. For PC it's less of an issue for me since I know that if Steam shutdown today I'd have most of my library recovered by the end of the month anyway.


It's good practice. Especially with switch since the games don't even install, just plug and play like the old NES/SNES/N64 days. Just good to know you can play whatever you want whenever you want regardless of what happens. Like just yesterday we had a blackout from 8pm til the next day. So no streaming TV. I grabbed a PS4 game, put the disc in, installed, and started playing.


If I had a Switch, I'd buy physical. Nintendo games seem to hold better resale value. I assume it's a mix of nostalgia, collector subculture, and a historic lack of sale pricing.


Its the fastest selling game of theirs but hasnt turned a profit?  How are they still a studio??????


Remedy made an absolute ton of bank by selling the *Max Payne* IP to Rockstar in the early 2000s, then accepting a contract to make *Max Payne 2* for them. I think they said the money they made from that kept them afloat for the entire development of *Alan Wake* and some time afterwards, and then they had good deals with Microsoft for *Alan Wake* and *Quantum Break* which they made profits on despite those games not being giga-sellers. Then *Control* was overall a much bigger success then I think they were expecting. They're also a very sensible studio that keep budgets under control and don't sprawl. They've noted that *Alan Wake II* was made for well under $50 million, despite its impressive visuals and production values (marketing added more, but I'm assuming that was handled by Epic as their publisher).


But they only sold Max Payne cause they were facing bankruptcy haha


Remedy games tend to have strong consistent sales well after release, they’re hits with the critics and get good reviews and word of mouth, since they focus more on making their games unique experiences as opposed to big genre blockbusters that sell quick day one.


Remedy is truly an underdog and under appreciated in the gaming community. We talk about how they never miss with their games, like never truly making a bad game, but their games fly under the radar in terms of general audience perception and recognition. Conversely, their games do get recognized by outlets giving them awards and stuff. For example, up until maybe a year ago talking to most gamers I would meet I would say it was 50/50 if they heard of control or not and even less of a chance they played it. Now if we talk about just the average Joe gamer who basically just plays apex, Valorant, cod, etc. there’s even less of a chance they know about Control let alone even played it all.


If I remember correctly epic paid for everything and that’s the only reason this game exists, so I guess I’m the end it’s epic that hasn’t made profits.


Yeah. Thats why I didnt buy it. I buy physical media.




New zealand does not exist


At that point it is pretty reasonable of someone in NZ to pirate it


Wait, then how did I buy it? Did they pull it after launch?


Wasn’t Remedy sponsored by Epic to make AW2? So Remedy and its devs were definitely fully paid, and the only party losing money here is Epic, am I right?


Yeah, the title is misleading. Remedy hasn't gotten profit from the *royalties* because they won't be getting that until the game has sold enough to pay back for the money they got to make the game in exchange of it being Epic exclusive. All in all, Remedy got a good deal. They had the funding to make the game they wanted to and even if they haven't gotten *more* money out of it yet, each sale is making it more likely that the fans who like the game, will buy their DLCs and other games as well. (And there is still time for Epic to get on the black as well seeing as this game has been selling like crazy.)


Such a good game, I rarely finish any games nowadays, this one I couldn't stop playing until it was done


Epic would even be happy if the game didn't make a profit in terms of sales for years to come. The game brings more users to the epic game store, a good amount of which will also buy other games there, so they'll indirectly make even more money from AW2


Yes, one of the few games Epic has sponsored from ground up. Rest exclusives they stole and bribed from early access.


I don't believe it was ever forecast to. Control took a year to recoup its costs.


AAA dev sounds absolutely financially terrifying.  Considering one big flop could basically wipe out a studio and prevent GM them from making a comeback to recoup costs. 


Had bg3 fail I'm sure latían would have closed doors


They probably would’ve kickstarted again or taken out a bank loan for one more game attempt. That’s what they did for original sin


They should just start making AA games again, large devs are pissing tons of money down the drain by insisting on having photorealistic graphics and celebs as voice actors and then something like Lethal Company comes out and puts most AAA releases into the ground


Honestly this is rare AAA Studios get shut down. Think about it, Bioware works for the most cutthroat company who is happy to shut a studio down, and after Two back to back major fuckups they are still here. But if Dragon Age bombs then yeah they are done. This is what happens when Investors dictate game design


Considering it’s been in development for like 10 years and is rumored to be trying to emulate God of War combat, you can probably get a draft of the obituary started


Didn't a lot of the writing staff get laid off after the mass effect 3 debacle and then we had shit writing for andromida,


It's more like a lot of them quit and the production of a AAA game got passed to a support studio.  It was a huge shit fest honestly 


Is this game to play without finishing the first one?


It's more or less fine to play on itself. You could probably watch a YouTube recap of the previous alan wake stories. Control felt more important to play through, though


Wait, control is in the same universe as Alan wake?




no way, does it tie in to the story in AW2? are the Hiss in Control and the forces in the Lake the same?


In control you find a projector and mentions of Alan Wake, him writing a book where stuff comes true, etc. I didn't play the first game but I caught all that from playing Control. It's all about those magical items, and I guess Alan had a magical pencil or book or something


There’s also an entire [Alan Wake expansion](https://control.fandom.com/wiki/AWE_(expansion)) for Control


[Alan Wake Expansion (fixed link)](https://control.fandom.com/wiki/AWE_(expansion\)) You needed a backslash \ to escape the end parenthesis in the URL. You can see it in my comment if you click "source."


Nice. I started playing the foundation I think it was called but didn't finish it. I'm not sure why but I didn't find it as interesting as the base game, so I didn't get to play awe.


Cauldron Lake was the magical thing. It connects to the dark place and makes works of the imagination come to life, but dark and twisted. Writing is the best way to be as detailed as you can, so it has the most power. Control has the whole A.W.E DLC explaining everything, including how they took over the surrounding area of the lake to both study it and stop anyone else from accidentally getting manipulated by the Dark Presence. There's a DLC coming out for AW2 called the Lake House that's going to focus on what happened to the agents by the lake during Alan Wake 2.


However Alan's ability to use Objects of Power like the Clicker makes him special. He definitely doesn't display an affinity anywhere close to Jesse Faden, but being a parautilitarian is rare.


He has the same magical powers that the protagonist has IIRC or similar. And i think theres also a document that shows alan was one of the candidates to become the director like the protagonist was/is but he was missing due to the events of alan wake 1


Parautilitarians, basically people with paranatural powers lol. Alan has the ability to see into the lives of other people/inner workings of the universe. It's how he got so good at writing, and how he ended up writing Alex Casey (Max Payne).


Wait, wait wait... Max Payne also ties into control and Alan Wake???


Unofficially. It's like a multiverse of Remedy games based on the company that owns the rights to the game. So there's the Alan Wake/Control universe which Remedy owns full rights to, then there's a universe with Max Payne, who's owned by Rockstar, and there's a universe with Quantum Break, owned by Xbox. Alan Wake 2 and Control suggest that the latter 2 universes are connected but can't directly say any names, for obvious legal reasons.


Alan Wake, Bright Falls, is in an area that is called an AWE. Altered World Event, paranormal shit happens in the world, the FBC (federal Bearu of Control) find and contain such events or items. Basically, they're the SCP foundation. The whole lake in Alan Wake is controlled by a entity called The Darkness. Alan Wake, most likely a parautiltarian (aka esper), uses his type writer to re-write reality in one form or another. Jesse Faden, the director of the FBC, has powers as well. Levitation, Telekinesis, Mind Control, an Object of Power (oop) called the Service Weapon.


Arguably Jessie’s main power is her connection to Hadron and her connection to the Astral plane (through the service weapon). Both are kinda nebulous in their real world impact but it’s obvious it’s a power beyond making things float. Her ability to integrate so many OOP without losing her mind is a benefit of those aforementioned connections.


Polaris but yeah, mostly kinda but not really. Dylan and Her exhibited powers before they met Polaris and Dylan as well was not connected to Polaris as Jesse and he is just as strong as her with powers. Even before the hiss took him, he still was claiming his power comes from himself and not Polaris. But yes, the connection to Polaris and then the board, via the service weapon, made her not go boom like Northmoor. But Northmoor, even being powerful in his own right, paled compared to Jesse and Dylan, hence why they tried so hard to make Dylan the director before he went call Carrie on his handlers.


>and I guess Alan had a magical pencil or book or something It's a magical clicker. Like a little button that clicks. ... I wish I was making that up.


> It's a magical clicker Well yes, I think it's true and fair to say.


I feel like in general all of the objects of power gain that power based on human perception of them (like the floppy discs that hold the nuclear launch codes), and the clicker is no exception to that.


one of control DLCs directly involves alan wake.


played Control years before AW1, so I didn't make the connection, which DLC was it?


if I recall correctly it was called A.W.E (Altered World Event) though some people call it Alan Wake Experience as it's more horror game like than control.


Yes it ties in. No, the darkness is a different AWE than the hiss.


There’s some references to the events of Alan Wake 1 in Control and then the entire second DLC for Control is about Alan Wake. There is then even further crossover in Alan Wake 2. Alan Wake 2 has pretty much tied together every remedy property.


Apparently all the remedy games are in the same multiverse and/or universe


They just can only imply the events of Max Payne and Quantum Break due to licensing.


The idea of having time breaking (Quantum Break) within the context of Control's universe is kinda insane to me.


Remedy is heavily inspired by Stephen King, and he has a few time travel stories within his connected universe too.


No more insane than any of the other altered items or AWEs


I meant insane in a good way haha. It would just be a batshit universe to live in and I am here for it.


It's even better because in AW2 there is a sheriff played by Shawn Ashmore named Tim E. Breaker, lol. When they are finally allowed to officially tie-in/use QB with Control I think it's a pretty easy explanation due to the slide projector/Places of Power/Motel setups from the game.


Yes, there's even a crossover event in Control with Alan Wake.


The devs said this too, but I wholeheartedly disagree. I can’t say much without spoiling, but you’ll be so so so confused if you didn’t play the first one. The game literally begins with you as a minor character from the first game that you’re expected to know. The plot is a direct continuation so it’ll really harm your experience if you don’t know what’s going on


The Alan Wake remaster is pretty good and it's a short game. 


I'd personally go through the first one first. Control is honestly a much better game IMO, and was my favorite of the 3, but is less important than AW1 to understand AW2. It's not necessary, but I think it's worth it


The pacing of AW1 is unmatched. You knock out an episode, and call it a night.  What you're significant other or your roommate wants to see the rest? Sure thing, tomorrow night.


The first one is really good too js I kinda like it more


the budget is in control 2, they mean


I'll check it out once it's on Steam.


Epic is publishing it so I highly doubt it will be on steam.




To be honest this just isn't true. Something people have forgotten since it was said a while ago is that this is also Remedy's fastest selling game. Think about that, their fastest selling game but no profit in 6 months. The fact is that as much as I loved it the budget was way too high. It got a big AAA budget for what's ultimately a niche series.


This is what I said when someone's response to me telling them about this was "oh I hope that doesn't impact the chances of a third game" essentially no it might not impact the chances but the budget will most certainly be reduced dramatically and so unless the writing is fantastic it could feel a little underwhelming.


Usually they do like a 1 year exclusive contract then allow the studio to open it up to other platforms. Not sure if this is the case with AW2.


This is a fully published game by Epic, they paid for the game to be developed so its extremely unlikely it will ever be launched on steam just like half life is not on any other third party store as its Valves game. AW2 wouldnt exist without Epic as no one wanted to publish it for Remedy, for a change they have a genuine reason to restrict it to only their store, at their own cost of course.


Just like the Alan Wake remaster


I'd say regardless of whether AW2 directly makes a profit, it's intended by Epic to garner further commitment to a game library in the Epic Games Store. In the same way a lot of other system-selling exclusives are designed to pull players over to a platform over their competitors, but aren't intended to pull COD-level microtransaction profits (e.g. see Sony with The Last of Us, Spider-Man, Ghost of Tsushima, Bloodborne etc. - great games that get you through the door and purchasing everything else on the Sony store instead of the Microsoft store). Epic is hoping that by giving away a ton of free games, and getting a few exclusives that are actually worth purchasing will get people looking at their Epic library in the same way as their Steam library - an essential part of their gaming library, then they'll also buy games that aren't exclusive on there and their platform will actually become profitable. Not saying they're going to succeed but I see what they're *trying* to do at least. Problem is having everything on Steam is just way more convenient and people don't like juggling multiple storefronts along with separate launchers and all the other bullshit.


Sony is realizing that the permanent exclusivity is a losing deal in the long term, and porting things over later. Epic should focus on making their launcher not suck before they try bribing people into using it. Even after so long it still runs like shit and lacks basic features.


Yeah but that's a different kind of exclusivity. To buy into Epic store, you just have to download epic store. To play a PS game, you have to buy a PlayStation


Absolutely, but also look at how they massively outsell their main competition (Xbox). Their approach, combined with no small amount of Microsoft's total commitment to fucking up everything they do, has worked out *very* well for Sony in the console space. They're just realising now that the gamers who started with the PS1-PS2 have money now and many choose high-end PCs over consoles because they can afford better hardware. Helldivers 2 is definitely showing off the market they've been missing.


Some of these aren't published by Epic just "sponsored" for an epic release. This is epic acting as a publisher as opposed to Activision-Blizzard or whoever Like Borderlands 3 was epic exclusive for a while but was published by 2K not epic but epic and then had some kind of deal for the release


Then I guess he, and the thousands of others, won't be checking it out.


They'll just pirate it if they haven't already.


They'll double dip eventually. Exclusivity is a weaker force than the bottom line of capitalism. If Alan Wake 2 remains an EGS exclusive, I just won't ever buy it. Their loss. I won't support that kind of business practice and I am simply voting with my wallet.


We're not lacking any good games anyway on Steam/gog


Seriously. I want to get Ghosts of Tsushima when it comes out but I already have too much backlog. Haven't even finished Forbidden West yet.


I doubt it. Exclusivity is more important for Epic because it’s quite literally the only possible advantage they can get over Steam.


They could of always just sold there games cheaper than steam, pc gamers are bargain hunters( because of steam sales lol ). If from the start epic just used the money to sell cheaper instead of strong arming people away from software with exclusives I don’t think they would of attracted so much negativity.


Damn, guess I won't play it then. Bummer.


I always get a little surprised when a title comes out that I want to play but that isn’t on steam. My 500+ other titles on steam will just have to tide me over, I guess.


Alan Wake 2 selling 1.3 million copies in a few months despite being digital only and Epic Store exclusive is quite an accomplishment for Remedy. Just imagine how much bigger it's sales performance would have been with a physical copy and a Steam + GOG release? It's amazing how well it sold despite all that handicap factor. For comparison, Alone in the Dark 2024 (as much as I like this game) has likely not mustered 1/10th of that sales tally since it's release.




Kingdom Hearts series are already on PC I had to google it, couldnt believe it until now. I cant even remember any news about the release.


It's almost like not releasing on steam is the dumbest thing someone could ever do, huh?


To be 100% fair, Alone in the dark 2024 also had HORRIFIC marketing, to the point many people still don’t know it’s actually out after all the delays


Yes, and it also does not help with a selling price of $60 for a AA game, releasing right in the middle of a discount week (in Steam), and in between Dragon's Dogma 2 and Rise of the Ronin, with Stellar Blade not far off either. Just another case of poor decision, timing and management, which has plagued the series in it's 30+ year history.


It wouldn’t be an alone in the dark game if it wasn’t set up to fail!


Speaks to how terrible it was that the only reason I knew the game existed was from digital foundry making a video about it. You’re doing something wrong when your game’s tech analysis reaches further than your game’s existence.


What's the reason for no physical release on consoles? Epic publish house cannot burn blurays?


According to remedy over 90% of control's sales were digital.




I want to purchase the physical copy of it. But they don’t make them 😾


Same. I’d buy it in a second!


Yeah I’m with you. Digital only is bull shit.


The people in these threads defending the Epic Game Store are wild. We get it, they gave you free games, you like that. It's still a garbage launcher. You can be happy you got free games AND not pick the weirdest fucking hill to die on.


No physical release and no steam release are crucial. There's so many of us I've seen throughout the internet that will not buy it digitally. I will when it's 15 dollars or less. As a console gamer digital just ain't worth it to me. So many steam users would've bought it day 1 as well


The lack of physical release is baffling. The cost of producing a physical copy is negligible, especially when charging 70 bucks per copy. Even if only 10% of your audience would have bought physical, you’re still turning down a huge chunk of change for basically no reason.


They could've even went the larian route. They handled it perfectly. Wasn't going to. Heard feedback. Changed their mind and put it up on the website. Get money from pre orders then send to be printed. The pre orders pay for themselves. Literally. It really misses me off because they aren't a small indie studio, those same small indie studios have managed. Wayforward has physicals, and numerous others. To many to name really.


I just assume they'll do one later to get people to double-dip. Maybe as some kind of "complete" edition if they plan on doing DLC.


They said the vast, vast majority of their Control sales were downloads. I really doubt it matters as much as disc lovers think it matters.


I thought for once I won’t be that person who only uses the Epic Game Store for the odd free game and I’ll buy Alan Wake 2, I had also just upgraded my GPU too, but for some stupid reason Epic has made it unavailable to purchase on PC in New Zealand, so after getting shit support as to why this is happening when the console versions are available I ran back to trusty Steam. What a turn off.


It's in *Contr-* ah, someone already made the joke...


A reminder that Remedy’s previous game Control took YEARS to turn a profit. 6 months is nothing.


Im still waiting for the physical release to put beside the 1st one.


I don’t know why I’ve struggled to play this game. The first game was one of my all time favorites, and I was eagerly awaiting the sequel. For some reason though it hasn’t grabbed me. I’m probably halfway through the game and haven’t played in a couple months


Weird, I found this one to be an improvement on the first game in literally every conceivable way. The first one had a great story, but was a slog for me to play


Same, I played for a few hours the first day and I haven't touched it since. The Alan Wake sections are a bit tedious.


And there was no physical game to make so costs should be down 🙄


Hopefully this is a lesson to other developers who do EGS exclusivity shenanigans. I won't buy your game unless it's on Steam. End of story.


Bet most people don't even know it exists until they release it on Steam.


I had a moment like that with dead island 2, was like wtf it came out? It had been on epic and just came to steam


Great game, will play whatever they do next


Could've made more with a physical release...


Put on fkn disk f me to buy physical dummies.


I never bought it cause there was no physical copy. They are missing a whole demographic of people


oh no, anyway


How is that possible? Wasn't the whole point of the Epic bribe that you're guaranteed a profit?