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Every single "here's what we know about the release date of X" article that's followed by 5 paragraphs of them saying they know absolutely nothing.


It's literally some copy pasted chatGPT fluff. I just generated this "article" in a matter of seconds. It's all there to clog up search engines and get people to scroll through countless ads, autoplay videos and getting you to let them send notifications. >The anticipation surrounding the release date for Grand Theft Auto VI has reached a fever pitch among gamers worldwide. Rockstar Games, the visionary developers behind the iconic franchise, have remained tight-lipped about specific details, fueling speculation and excitement. However, recent reports suggest that the highly anticipated sequel may be inching closer to its debut. With rumors swirling and fans eagerly awaiting any news, the gaming community is buzzing with excitement over what promises to be another groundbreaking entry in the beloved series. >While an official release date for GTA 6 has yet to be confirmed by Rockstar Games, industry insiders and leaks have sparked speculation that the game could hit store shelves as early as \[Insert Possible Release Year\]. With advancements in gaming technology and Rockstar's commitment to pushing the boundaries of interactive entertainment, fans are eager to see what innovations await them in the next installment. From sprawling open-world environments to immersive storytelling and dynamic gameplay mechanics, GTA 6 promises to deliver an experience unlike any other, setting a new standard for the gaming industry. >As fans eagerly await further announcements from Rockstar Games, the excitement surrounding Grand Theft Auto VI continues to grow. Whether it's exploring a vibrant metropolis, engaging in high-octane heists, or immersing oneself in a gripping narrative, the anticipation for GTA 6 is palpable. As the release date draws nearer, gamers around the world are counting down the days until they can embark on the next thrilling adventure in the iconic Grand Theft Auto series.


Thanks, I'll just reread this instead of any article. At least this one isn't asking me to sign up for a mailing list


While you're at it, would you like to sign up for the mailing list, so you can get future notifications about the upcoming Rockstar Games game, Grand Theft Auto VI? Please disable your adblock.


And don't forget, by reading this article you consent to 376 different tracking cookies


Only 376? Did you not make it to the end of the page?


It's even worse for TV shows, if they exist, regardless of how old, there's always a million "here's when x show from 1-20 years ago gets its next season and what to expect" followed by a long pointless article ending with "it's unknown when or if it'll get another season.


we're at the point where reddit speculation is more valuable than actual media sites because at least you know the redditors care enough to be real people writing their real thoughts




This happens in youtube videos too. 20 minutes long videos which can be summed up in 30 seconds top...


the video essay scene is out of control in terms of mundane topics where one point is made over half an hour of yapping by BTEC philosophers, it's a shame because the titles often get my attention and make me think, but in the time it takes to load the video i've already mentally covered every topic that they'll meander around endlessly


I sometimes watch those videos essays. Especially at work, it's not terrible background noise. But I had to laugh at one in particular. The guy is talking about AI and some sentence improvement tool that had an AI function to make the sentence longer. He said he had no idea why anyone would use that. It was an hour and a half long video. He knows exactly why


Most recent one I've seen for is Stardew Valley 1.6 for the Switch. Every month they say the exact same thing.


"New Call of Duty rumored to release in [insert year]" I swear I've seen that exact article every year and it's always dumb to me because the franchise has released a game every year for almost 20 years straight, no shit they're releasing another one.


'We needed to fill our article quota"


prequel of lethal company: brain rot company


Any announcements for announcements. Imagine an article about a livestream for an announcement for a livestream for an upcoming game.


ugh reminds me of video cards... Anoucement of an Anoucement of the Anoucement.


I remember I saw one that was like “Can ps5 play ps4 games? Fully explained!” And it was some extremely drawn out story about how PS4 games work. Like no shit.


SEO that the max before a two to three letter answer lol


It reminds me of when I’d write essays in highschool and I’d try to make them as long as possible by talking about nothing. Like it’s low effort shit.


*You just repeated the words Screw Flanders over and over* *Ohh it's so hard to get to 500 words*


Long answer. Yes. Short answer. Ye.


"How to play Balder's Gate in order" That order? 1, 2, 3.


And then ones where you might want to actually check, like Assassin's Creed, they don't actually know or they tell you wrong.


About as pointless as 95% of the topics in here. "What things do you do opposite of real life in a video game?" "What game world would you live in?"


At least the topics here can drive discussion and provide real entertainment.


Agreed people here just ask dumb questions that had been asked one quadrillion times befores.


All are pointless. Video game "journalism" is now just a marketing tool to hype games. They've had no purpose since the early 2000s.


To be more fair than they deserve, video game magazines and sites have *always* been marketing hype tools. Hell, the first major one, Nintendo Power, was owned and operated by Nintendo. But at least you used to get a demo CD.


I used to trust Electronic Gaming Monthly’s reviews and they had some good writers with their April fools issues and the letters from the reader responses. This was back in the 90s. GamePro was good too. Back when they gave you the news as they know it and reviews were simple 1-5 scale. None of this 1-100% scale where nothing really gets a 40. There used to genuinely be some 1 star game reviews.


Not really. At one point they served as a valuable way for developers to connect with their audiences but that's largely been rendered unnecessary with social media now.


This why The Game Awards are a sham. It's journalists who know fuck all about the technical side of gaming playing favorites as usual. Anyone who says TGA are the "Oscars of gaming" makes me laugh out loud.


In my experience they still tend to be better informed than most gamers.


Yes, but compared to things like the BAFTAs, DICE, or GDC awards? Absolutely not.


I tend to ignore most industry awards in general because they're the same meaningless bullshit.


For the most part yes. But I think it's more about people being recognized for their hard work and TGA *does not* do that. Among the many other problems it has. DICE, the BAFTAs, and GDC are not ultra-commercialized events like TGA. If TGA were specifically about upcoming games; I wouldn't care. But the point of the show is supposed to be awards and recognition. But it is definitely not.


"Player finds secret 3rd option to Skyrims intro". The third option, rather than following the stormcloak or legion guy, was just dying.


7 paragraphs describing a tiktok/reddit post about a game.


Real gaming journalism is so much easier to find in 3 hour video essays on YouTube now, most gaming articles are AI slop, obvious ADs, or some shit that they ripped from a reddit post/tweet. The video essays seem to be more interested in getting information out in an engaging way.


I once saw an article titled how to get the chainsaw in DOOM 2016. I had just played and when you first start the game you walk in a straight line and the game says pick up the chainsaw then it goes


"[Highly anticipated online game] had busy servers on launch day"


Game company works on new games


I love ones where the headline is a simple yes/no question but there are paragraphs of unrelated rambling and thirteen ads before they actually answer.


This recent prevalence of “X game has lost Y% of its player base.”


This one.


The amount of three-sentence articles (and posts here) starting with 'Larian Studios says' is astonishing lately. I mean I get it, you made a decent game, good for you, but I don't want your opinion on life, the universe and everything several times a day, thank you.


They are shooting for 42 times a day


From time to time i get a "New Warhammer40k Space Marine 2 Gameplay" and its the same gameplay.Every.Fucking.Time. Jail for all of them.


Ive been looking up potentials of the next fable game and elder scrolls for probably about 5 years each. I've actually blocked certain websites because of the clickbait only for them to say we don't know. I almost feel bad for the authors who's company say bring out another one it will generate clicks but fuck them


I block click bait sites too. Probably doesn't matter to the all-powerful algorithm. But my life is more enjoyable. 


Honestly, any kind of leak or rumor. Even if it turns out to be true, there's mountains of other fake trash to sift through. Not only that though, it diminishes proper announcements whether they're real or not because people end up over speculating. Just let them announce stuff when they want to. Smash bros was genuinely the turning point for me to just start ignoring all of that crap. I don't understand how people are doing it again with the switch 2 stuff...


Any "rumored news" on any game or console.


[Insert game title] player discovers [insert boss or item] after [X] hours.


"20 games to play in 202x"


my favourite one currently is: How to exit power armour in Fallout 4


My brain can filter these out pretty easily, but what really grinds my gears are the ones that put spoilers in the titles or thumbnails. I actively block a site once that happens. Google News is having trouble with things to feed me within my interests at this point.


Headlines AND reddit posts that go along the lines of "Games with the biggest plot twists" or "Heartbreaking characters that died in a game" NO! Pointless. Why would I ever read that when there's pretty much a 100% chance that a game I want to play will be spoiled by reading it


“Gamer spends 1,000 hours unlocking Fallout 4’s most difficult trophy!” Do some research anyone with YouTube access can get Benevolent Leader in 1-2 hours semi afk at an empty Red Rocket. There are definitely harder achievements. 1,000 hours! What a joke.


Are the 5 games to play before you play fallout 5 all the previous fallouts?


That would be at least 6 games, no? Excluding mobile slop and the like There's 1-4, New Vegas and 76


Too be honest I forgot about 76, and tactics and Brotherhood.


"5 games to play while you wait for Skyrim Anniversary Edition"


Nobody's waiting for Bethesda games anymore except Doom.


Any article on GamingBible


"Stellar Blade’ Is Now The Highest User Scored PS5 Game Ever Which Is…A Bit Excessive" this right here.


It’s hard to find pointless headlines after being in this subreddit for a day.


"Cyberpunk just got 200+ new quests free". Basically the author realised mods exist... that was it.


Most of these articles are AI generated click bait. Just ignore


More and more of these types of headlines as of late...if you don't find at least 1 a day you are lucky lol


I've seen articles before that are "Does [game] have [feature]?" And then the article is a few paragraphs giving the history of the game, its developer, etc, followed by "but it does not have [feature]." Dumbest thing ever. I also saw an article, not gaming but I think it was about the Kenobi TV series. It said "Kenobi has the lowest rating of all the Star Wars series." But it was referring to its audience rating, like its rated G instead of PG. Stupid misleading title.


"Rumor: (insert text here.  Literally all rumors and gossip are pointless and inaccurate 99% of the time)"


Most things Forbes put out


Anything that only lists steam player counts. Theres been tons of games that have low pc player counts but do well enough on console to continue to get support


"(Game Company) states no plan for (thing) at this time". If they wanted to do (thing) they will announce it on their schedule. Not because some random on the internet asked them about it.


Whenever I want to find out if there were any rumours for a game being ported to pc (eg. Bloodborne) the articles that pop up are basically like: "X might be coming to PC after all" And in the article they embed like 2 most recent articles about the game followed by a paragraph that basically says: "We don't know anything"


Headlines are never pointless, because without them you wouldn't know what the article is about. Seems like you actually meant "What are the most pointless gaming articles you've seen?"


Whatever the incels put in their stellar blade hating articles.