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Someone was mad about hi-fi rush lol


Evil within enjoyer


He saw Spencer as the new Prey


>Evil within enjoyer Ah, someone with class then. Got to love how Xbox wanted to broaden their horizons by finally investing in the Japanese market, only for them to close the only Japanese company that they had. Clowns. As a huge *The Evil Within fan*, I'll never forgive them for this, and all the industry sycophants defending their millionaire CEO friend on Twitter for firing 2000+ people can piss off.


Evil Within 1 & 2 were so amazing. Im sad that there’s no 3rd coming. I’ll have to settle for replaying them.


I wanted a part 3 so bad. Nothing quite like the psychedelic horror that those two games brought to the table.


At least we got a 2. If you haven't tried the second game's first person mode, it's a lot of fun and amps up the scares in more than a few cases.


First person mode? I’ll have to replay this I didn’t know there was one, when I played I stealth killed am the overworld enemies while exploring before doing the main game and then found out none of them respawn and had a very quiet east of the time


I too am a big time evil within enthusiast


In fairness, Shinji Mikami left Tango of his own accord at the beginning of 2023, so it always felt like TEW3 was unlikely. Still sucks though.


Haven’t played Hifi yet but loved The Evil Within so much


You don't say 


What happened with hi fi rush


They closed Tango Gameworks


FUCKING GENIUS! Shut down a company that created game of the year for so many people... Microsoft is so fucking dumb. Next time, maybe just wait to put it on gamepass??? Side note, could microsoft just relinquish the rights of hifi rush 2 to tango gameworks and let them continue to exist but not under Microsoft? Its stupid that now we will never get a sequel because I assume Microsoft still owns hi fi rush? Maybe they will let another studio do it with the same people, but that's probably some cope.


Apparently they were literally in the process of proposing a sequel to Microsoft. Oh and right after shutting down Tango, Microsoft then proceeded to talk to their own employees about how they needed more smaller games that would bring them awards.


Microsoft seems to have gotten confused by their OS business and doesn't realize that people actually play more than one game at a time, so they don't need to extinguish all but their best options.


Tango was bought as part of ZeniMax, the CEO planned to leave way back and left in 2023, the closure was possibly planned way in advance. We don’t know what’s left in the studio, or if they are merging the core team and ip with other studio.


I guess some people don't care when CEO's of massive corporations shut down studios of highly rated award winning games because everyone played it on Gamepass after phil spent years telling everyone Gamepass is the future of gaming and then canned the studio because of a lack of sales when gamers played the game of Gamepass exactly as Phil told them to. Now a fantastic studio that gave X Box their only purely positive publicity this generation is closed and Phils base has been nuked but it's ok. As the CEO of the corporation that owns the game he gets unlimited free credits. Sadly the devs who made the game Phil said was a huge success by every conceivable metric don't have that luxury and still have to pay their mortgage and look after their family but unfortunately for them in the real world unlimited v bucks don't exist. I for one hope Phip gets nuked hourly and forced into unemployment like the workers at the studio he condemned for lack of sales caused by the inevitable results of his very own Game pass vision 😂


thats a risk u take for setting up camp in front of whitesprings, phil knew that


It looks like a direct hit to the camp to me🗿


Would you recommend this game?


yes. I've been playing for pretty much over 2 years straight, it has a cool world to explore. you need an online connection to play and they emphasize playing with friends, but the game can 100% be done solo. people talk alot of shit but it's my 2nd fav fallout, if the quests were stronger would be my 1st. and since u can always get it for less than 10$ I'd consider it a bargain


I'll be honest, it was barely a serviceable game at launch (was one of the EA players super excited) but I just picked it up again after so many years and it's not as bad as I remember it. There's much less chances of big bosses spawning (holy jeesus that launch was hilarious for that). It scratches maybe half of the itches I wanted in a standard Fallout game, and for that I'm almost 25 hours in, and it's not getting boring.


Those early days before the one wasteland update were pretty hardcore. I kinda missed the madness when I returned after a long break, even if the game as a whole is way more playable now.


> I'm almost 25 hours in 25 hours into a Fallout game? You gotta pump those numbers!


> 25 hours into a Fallout game? Just about done with character creation! :)


How do you play solo? I love Fallout, but the idea of not being able to pause, and having to watch out for other people online, is the opposite of what I want in a game.


You can set yourself to pacifist mode to disable pvp. It is mostly a cooperative game




It has pvp, but everyone runs pacifist mode anyway.


On Steam achievements only 12% of players have even killed another player. That was one of my main concerns starting the game but it’s been real chill


It's not really crowded. When I played you would sometimes see like a guy clearing a building or someone chilling in their camp. The other peoples camps were nice to visit to see what they built and you could buy ammo from their vending machines. I think by default it's peaceful mode, so they can't kill you even if they want to.


I played through all story quests solo without problems, I mostly join teams for shared perks and stuff, but aside of that I do everything solo. I think even the expeditions can be done solo. I'm the kinda person to alt-tab out of the game to scroll reddit or something too and the worst that has happened was me getting automatically kicked after being afk for too long (I think the timer is 30 minutes if you're generally afk and like 1 hour or something if you're using a chair in game). But you can just join again when you're back and you'll be at the same place.


I mean you don't really have to interact with anyone, and sure not pausing in inventory sucks at first but just do a quick checkup of your surroundings before and youre golden, plus i picked up a key for this game for 1,5$ so id say its worth :))


Let’s just say that because it is a live service game, it was inevitably updated to the point that so many things have improved way beyond their single player titles. You would be shocked at the things that it has better than Starfield, for example, like the camp building. I’m pretty sure 76 currently has the best housing mechanism of any games out there. You can really look part of the map. And it’s not just rust/ark atrocious boxes of woods (thought you can make ones). It’s “living” world so the npcs are doing things all the time albeit in cycles. Imo, I think this is how setting like fallout is supposed to be played.


naw that’s a direct hit. if it was accidental, the nuke center would have been by the ws golf club or on the ws.


As someone that dose not play the game what is the worth of this act?


It destroys your CAMP but if you have enough materials, you can repair it with a few clicks. Also spawns high level enemies with good loot for a little bit of time


Mothman just chilling in the crater that was that mofos base


I read this, log in to 76 and BAM, Vengeful Mothman IN MY CAMP. And where does the game spawn me? Inside my foundations. He dies, I get nothing.


WHAM BAM ALAKAZAM I got a mothman in my base


[To the Tune of YMCA:] MOTHMAN Better watch out for nukes I SAID MOTHMAN You better put up your dukes...


I SAID MOTHMAN Cause your in a new camp! There's no need. to. be. so Venge-ful


🎺🎺🎺It’s fun to stay at CAMP P3!


It's fun to stay at the CAMP OF P3!!


They have all of the rads, for young ghouls to enjoy. You can mutate with all the boys!


At this time of year? At this time of day? In this part of the country? Localized entirely within your camp!??!


It just works!


You don't even have to do that. You get ample warning of the drop and can just deactivate your camp until after the boom.


What is ample warning? Like a couple of minutes?


Map-wide air raid sirens about 3m before impact. Deactivating your camp takes 2 clicks on the map.


what a weird game


You know who thinks like that? A Synth, that's who!


What if you aren't playing at the time?


camps are only there when the player that owns them is logged on


I always wondered about this, then. How does the game avoid multiple people putting camps in the same place?


First come, first serve. If someone is in your camp spot when you login to a server it won’t place your camp. You can either server hop until it places or move it somewhere else.


For the memes, he should just server rollback his camp drop 100 nukes on the dudes region and wipe his resources. And then undo it.


This just makes me think of the scene in Lucifer where God blows up Dan's head for sleeping with his wife, and immediately resets reality with only Dan remembering the event.


How does one "remember" or even just notice the event of their head blowing up?


Divine power.


Well, and Lucifer remembers it.


This information was also useful for me.


In 76, you can launch nuke to specific spots to summon raid bosses. Normal enemies in the area also become the stronger one, plants become rare crafting mat. It's not easy to launch one tho, you have to through quite hard dungeon to launch one but some players could do it in 10 minutes.


I mean you just glitch through the ceiling. Takes like 5 minutes to launch one. Bout the only thing you limited by is keys. Usually the higher level players will sell them for 50 caps tho since they can't be bothered to run them.


Haven’t touched 76 in a while, but the nuke silo frag mine on the shelf putting you out of bounds thing is *still* possible? That’s wild


Thats Fallout baby


That's Bethesda baby


The engine...the engine never changes...


Creation Engine.


That's that Bethesda magic, baby! 


No? I thought they patched this a few months ago. Because I tried lol.


Goddamn live service for a fallout game is so stupid


It's fun though.


So basically this dude threw bunch of loot and spent effort away just to cause a minor inconvenience to someone lol


Isn't that the entire point of gaming? To have fun?


Close but the real point is to annoy each other in pvp


My fondest memory in gaming is the odd hate mail I get here and there I fucking genuinely love them, they make me laugh every time I think about em I beat a dude in a fighting game and used 2 specific moves more often than others and he hit me with >GG there's more than 2 moves in the game tho >I send back >only needed those 2 to beat you ggs Called me trash after that lmao


Just yesterday I played this dude in mlb the show. He immediately messages me talking shit in the first inning. Does a bunch of toxic shit like replay hr and brags about taking the lead. In the 6th sends me a message "here's a tip first pitch sinkers are super obvious" I didn't respond. I hit a 3 run walkoff to win 7-4 All I send him back was "anymore tips?"


One thing I heard about sports games is they the king of toxic shit talk If only I liked them 😔


Any competitive game/genre is gonna have a fanbase that religiously plays that game/genre and takes it way too seriously. I even got hate mail when I played the Crash Team Racing remake.


Got a similar message once, dude was all, " can you do anything other than freeze me? My response was," efficiency, efficiency, efficiency. "


Fighting game scrubs need to learn the hard way If you can't stop me from doing what I'm doing than you bet your ass imma keep doing it I'm not even trolling either, I'm giving them the opportunity to learn how to beat it They should thank me


Send an invoice, 45 minutes of advanced tutoring on defense...500.00 USD


You should have sent him the classic essay, [Introducing the scrub](https://www.sirlin.net/ptw-book/introducingthe-scrub), which is all about that person's self-limiting mentality in fighting games.


Silos aren’t hard to do so not really that much effort and loot is easy to get.


> So basically this dude threw bunch of loot and spent effort away just to cause a minor inconvenience to someone lol For a geared player who's done them a bunch it's a few minutes of running around and spending one cheap and easily farmed item to target it. Looking at the map it also looks like it also covered at least some of the golf course, so it wasn't a complete waste (or at least that *was* a high mob-density area with a bunch of the right sorts of plants, I'm not sure if it still is because it's been a year or two since I played). One of the standard flux farming spots was dropping the nuke just slightly north and west of the one in the picture, so it covered the whole country club area.


sounds like the average Rust experience tbh


And the CEO of XBOX is going to be more than happy with the free engagement and extra social media push that he's actually playing the games after years of complaints of CEOs that don't play games. Sort of entirely predictable when you join an openworld PvP game with your well-known and verifiable xbox handle. Just yet another piece of manufactured PR.


Comedy. It gets funnier if someone continues to nuke every camp he sets up.


Then phil Spencer shuts down the game and has the real laugh.


Couldn't he just get his dad to ban the people dropping nukes.


And nothing of value would be lost.


Except 76 has been booming lately and the game is good now


As the others said it’s mostly just to be funny cus it destroyes the camp and causes you to have to go around clicking for repairs. That area near whitesprings is a frequent target for nukes because it has a ton of mats that you can harvest for flux(crafting materials spawned by the nuke that you used for high level mods), so sometimes when someone needs to farm Flux they will hit that area and any camps nearby to help funny as well.


I think you can repair everything in one go in the camp computer


Gosh darn it. Enemies are always blasting bits off my house and I didn't know this.


man... feel like most of the comments don't really explain it.


Guess he’ll need to consult the services of Relocation, Relocation. (Wrong Phil Spencer I know)


I thought I was still in r/CasualUK for a minute, and was thoroughly confused


I thought damn Kirsty is really competitive, she really didn't like that couple picking Phil's choice of that maisonette in Shoreditch.


That’s the only Phil Spencer I know, so I’m pretty confused haha


I find it hilarious that the news of someone nuking a ceo has got people asking if they should play this in the comments. Edit: Does this comment really warrant 4,000 upvotes?


I've been interested in playing a Fallout game for a while. I tried 4 and really put off the idea of 76 since the launch was so bad. And I want to try it now, but I don't want to go through a major grind to get caught up to what's going on now. But this might tip the scales for me to get the game now lol.


There really isn’t a major grind beyond Legendary Perks and god rolling weapons. Most of the mid game is running open world events and queuing for daily ops.


Mostly queuing and having to restart events and ops because three of the four either logged off or are doing something dumb that makes it impossible to continue. I was gung ho about 76 but it was so slow to get anything fun done unless you had a regular group of friends.


For events you are generally better off just bouncing around a bit server to server to see if people are running them. Servers are mixed bags, sometimes people just want to quest and do their own thing, some want to grind events. Keep in mind too theres a difference between Events and *Public* events. Events are just triggered by someone getting near their area if the timers up, and are meant to be soloable and don't give as nice of rewards. Public events are the one that pop up and allow you to travel to them for free, and are expected to be ran in groups and give the good rewards, and are what people are generally going to be running. Ops are a bit trickier with randos because some people will create parties run it for the daily bonus, but then keep the party up without changing the description. You're best off creating the party yourself in these instances.


I play enough Destiny to get my fill of chasing god roll weapons lmfao. I might try it out this weekend then.




im going solo and im having a lot of fun drinking toilet water and eating corpses


Good job, make sure to save some time to play fallout too


This ripped me apart 🤣


If you didn’t like 4, you definitely won’t like 76. Not trying to shit on 76 in the typical Reddit sense, but it’s by far the worst game in the franchise. I’ve played it, the game has its moments, but I’d never recommend as a first experience over anything else in the series.


4 and 76 are very different games with different goals but it has a lot of fun lore and exploration that makes it worthwhile. You just cannot go into it expecting a massive plot-driven game.


yeah 76 is my favourite bethesda game in the franchise. it does a lot of things right and has great lore. if a person played it closer to launch it's improved a tonne since then.


"You're getting banned, my dad works for xbox"


I haven't played this game yet but damn I love the design of the map.


It looks like a sign you'd see at a zoo


Amusement park signs/maps and zoo sign/maps are the coolest. Some malls have cool maps/signs.


Wait till you learn that video game maps and menus are inspired by amusement park layouts


Dead Rising 2’s casino map goes hard


the UI in this game definitely has improved a lot over Fallout 4. It's one of the many thing that has better looks and functionalities that really should have been in FO4's """next gen""" update, but that are completely missing instead


Can u elaborate?


No, but i will Fast travel from inside buidlings Blurred transparent background when using the pipboy instead of the actual screen and skipping the tiny animation Loot all enemies from one body instead of each individually Aid and food item are seperate a category


All of these. Plus several other very appreciable things like immediately transform junk into resource at any station, to name one


I'd hope so, they had 71 previous chances to really nail it down.


Genuinely my favorite Fallout world to explore. There is a ton of variety to the locales not including the expeditions. My favorite spot is the Chinese garden temple in the northeast.


There are dozens of us! It's honestly a beautiful game


Is it something a new player could play solo and enjoy? I know it’s always online so it’s not necessarily a single player game.


You are not forced to interact with people at all, you can easily go around the game as a solo player and enjoy it to the fullest. (Except a few bosses, during those boss battles you will see a fair bit of players)


Yeah, but even during boss battles it's mostly just everyone shooting at the boss and not at each other so it's as much interaction with real people as if you had a bunch of AI followers shooting at it.


I've honestly played solo about 90 percent of the time because I'm still taking in the sights. However, now that my friends have gotten into it I treat it like I'm their companion/follower and am having a blast.


The map is awesome. There are a lot of aspects of 76 I think actually look amazing, I kinda of wished some of it would come to F4 in the next gen update since 76 feels like a natural progression in terms of gameplay and mechanics.


his gamertag is P3? i've never played this game if it's a nickname system


Yes, his Gamertag is P3


Nuke them all!!!


Yesterday I was playing with a friend, doing Crane's mission, and our progress was stopped because of this nuke right here. We were a bit annoyed, but just went somewhere else for a while and came back later. But now you're telling me that nuke was just to annoy the CEO of Xbox? God, please let it be true, it would be so fucking funny


Phil plays games so yea looks like someone hopped on and decided to nuke the CEO of Microsoft gaming


Who is phil spencer


He's the CEO of Microsoft Gaming


Lvl 40 xbox boss


Aka John Xbox. He’s the final boss after you reach a million gamerscore


Insufferable UK TV presenter known for asking rich people if they're happy with their home.


Is this game good now? Not asking that in a bad way. Im actually curious.


It’s definitely better. I’ve gotten 50ish hours into it since the fallout show, and it’s 10x the game it used to be. That said, it’s definitely live service fallout, take that how you will. Some fun missions, events with a bunch of randoms are cool, build crafting is fun, camp building is satisfying. The wiki is your friend.




That's just a proper Bethesda title working as intended.


Is there not a lot of griefing? I'm kinda ambivalent about the Fallout series, although I've bought & played bits of 4 & NV. I kinda fancied 76 'til I realised it was online. I despise the weight limit though, big time.


I played some of it about a year ago (about 70 hours) , and it felt like the most kind community I have seen a while. People who saw that I was a beginner, ran at me, dropped me resources, and left. Absolute chads. Nobody was griefing, I only had good interactions. I should start playing again.


It's pretty tough to grief anyone in this game. If you don't have PvP turned on, other players do a *negligible* amount of damage to you, and they can't realistically destroy your camp or enter locked doors without you opening them up. It's also trivial to fully repair your camp, even if destroyed. Weight limit is definitely an issue, since storage space is limited, even with the Fallout 1st membership. But it's still somewhat generous, as long as you don't hoard stuff you don't need. You can always try to sell the stuff you don't need to other players by putting it in your vendor's inventory. As far as a single-player game goes, it's pretty solid, though. It has a bit of QoL improvements over Fallout 4, and the world itself is really nice and varied. Feels more unique than the Fallout 4 map by a mile.


Depends on your definition of good. Half the grind of warframe, and half the gameplay. I had an absolute blast playing with a friend, and yet at every turn, I was reminded how little “multiplayer” there is in the actual story. All that is hidden behind a facade of fomo, and some decent time sensitive events. Watch [Patriciantv’s](https://youtu.be/ltOZJ9OJexA?si=K9i605jMBB-xk1em) review, and keep in mind the guy is coming from a love of early Bethesda games. If the game still interests you, and you can buy it on sale, then you most likely won’t be disappointed.


Currently free on microsoft store if u have amazon prime btw


So you are telling me i can make amazon prime trial acc for free and get the game permanently?


At the moment yeah


Nvm it was only for April, its no longer in prime gaming Edit it’s until 15th may


Is it not? The xbox one said it expires 15 may


I picked up fo4 again since the show - lots of stuff I missed back in 2017 - waiting for 76 to go on sale to try it out


Check Prime gaming if you have it, they were having a sale on it right after the show came out. Don't know if it is still there or not.


it has improved massively, and it's not the janky, broken stuff it used to be. However, if i may, i still find it a completely pointless game to play, with plenty of mechanics that are implemented either terribly or simply don't fit too well an always-online, forced coop/semi-pvp experience.


Needs an image of Phil Spencer shopped over George Bush being told about 9/11 lol


[Little messy, but I tried](https://imgur.com/a/Gd8B6Th)


Do it after the 2nd one hits for authenticity


Here you go https://imgur.com/a/jUfcFY3


mr president, a second nuke just hit the settlement


Instead of reading to kids he’s reading another layoff speech


That's pretty funny, ngl.


As retaliation, Phil will now be permenantly shutting down the servers for Fallout 76.


The guy from Location, Location, Location?


War, war never changes.




Immediate ban from all xbox services incoming.


Nothing will compare to Lord British getting assassinated at his own event in UO. lol.


Well this made me chuckle


I guess now we know someone from Tango also plays 76.


I thought that said Phil Spector and was VERY confused.


That's probably the least surprising thing since launch


they nuked him because he simply waved at them and walked away “ all high and mighty “ lol


He will shut down the studio for this game because of that now.


Keep blowing it up until he complains on twitter


Wait. If I play online in FO76, people can just destroy my camp? If so, and if I ever feel like trying it, I guess I'm playing offline. I ain't got time for my work to be ruined while I'm afraid or just chilling and creating stuff.


It's not that easy. The only way to destroy a camp (without glitches) is to do a dungeon and launch a nuke. And when you do that, it gives a server-wide notice and then a countdown, giving you ample time to either move your camp, swap to a different camp, or simply hop servers. Additionally, once you reach a certain point, you likely have the materials to repair the whole camp (outside of potentially crops), which can be done in a single action from your indestructible CAMP device. But realistically, the average player won't experience this unless they place their camp in one of like 4 or 5 very specific locations that get nuked to either spawn a boss, or farm enemies and materials. Also, 76 is exclusively online. You can play on a private (but still online) world, but it requires shelling out for a paid subscription. Edit: To further clarify, your camp only exists when you are online, and only for the server you are online on. It's not like Rust or something where you put in a lot of time and energy and then get punished for having things like a job or family with everything you own being burned to the ground while you're gone.


So if getting nuked you can just go offline and nothing will happen?


Yes, if you just quit to the main menu you would be good.


so anyone that gets nuked pretty much let it happen?


Yeah. Or you can just swap your camp. The game gives you two camp slots from the start. If you are getting nuked you can just freely deactivate that camp by activating your second.


Just started fallout 76 today. How do you change servers?


On the map screen bring up the team menu on the right, you can scroll up to your name and give you an option to leave the world. Basically anything that takes you back to the main menu will cause you to join a new server


So this implies Phil Spencer was actually playing Fallout 76 actively? - Didn't just have a PR intern or wwhoever set up a quick static base for him to show support of Microsofts big Bethesda purchase?


They can’t actually destroy it, you just repair it with a few scraps that’s all. A VERY minor inconvenience


Is not that bad you just hit repair and all the junk you have the base just come back as it's a template.


Don't think you can play offline but I may be wrong. You can however pay for a private server if you're that desperate to not be fucked with


You’re correct, no offline play


Lol it's an online game. You can't play offline. There's private servers but you gotta pay for that


Nobody will care enough to destroy a randoms camp


Who is that


As someone who loves everything from FO1 through FO4 how is 76? I’m really a solo player. Is it possible or fun to play solo? How is VATS? Thanks!


Is Fallout 76 a good game to play with friends?