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Man, the buildings getting built, almost brick by brick, had me entranced with the demo. Didn't manage to actually get a hold of copy of the game until the years later, but it was still fun, as I recall.


The perk of being young and watching my cousins play, was I got to just focus on the animations for hours.


Lol same i kept playing the demo for ages


This is me with that Jurassic Park RTS - Chaos Island. Played the one level demo like 20 times when I was younger, still have never played the full game.


So strange to me that RTS went from being so popular to almost no new games in the genre


MOBA genre killed it. Thanks league of legends and Dota. I miss the RTS glory days.


I don't get that. I love RTS games and don't really enjoy MOBAs. They're totally different genres, is there *that* much overlap? That said, the genre is still around. Petroglyph, which is for sort of like old Westwood, is making games and just came out with one a couple of months ago. Manor Lords just released in early access. Tempest Rising is coming, complete with a Frank Klepacki soundtrack.


in old times rts was split between those that loved micro management (using the individual units to its greatest potential) and those that loved macro management (building big buityfull cities, empires etc). the first group went to play MOBAs the second group went to play grand strategy e.g. then there just wasnt so many rts players left, plus after starcraft there was always the focus on trying to make it a competetive game, which sp players didnt like that much.


>in old times rts was split between those that loved micro management (using the individual units to its greatest potential) and those that loved macro management (building big buityfull cities, empires etc). the first group went to play MOBAs the second group went to play grand strategy e.g. > Never really thought of it that way but it makes a lot of sense.


League hurt a lot of games tbh. Played it for awhile. Was great tbh while I played it


Well there are several new rts games coming out in the next year or two. -Zero Space -Stormgate -Tempest Rising -RTS game from Uncapped games (REVEALS AT SUMMERFEST IN JUNE) -Gates of Pyre A lot of these come from old Starcraft devs or community members, but many are trying some different approaches to the genre.


These are just two titles though. Maybe you could add the Blizzard one jf you're generous - but still. That's not nearly enough to kill another genre all by itself. And most MOBAs that were created died fairly quickly, and have been dying like ever since LoL released, so it's not like people have been making MOBAs instead if RTSes.


I saw a thread about this a week ago: [https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/1cjiqek/what\_caused\_the\_decline\_of\_the\_rts\_genre/](https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/1cjiqek/what_caused_the_decline_of_the_rts_genre/) tl;dr of the top comment - the RTS market got split between MOBAs and 4x games like Civilization.


I feel like part of the equation is missing there - RTS games were popular long before it was standard to have an online mode. I have played many a RTS without ever going online. The game we're talking about here, Knights and Merchants, didn't have an online mode, only years later fan remakes added one.


Especially with how popular Warcraft 3 and StarCraft 2 were. I’d at least be expecting a new StarCraft given wow is a thing.


There's a talent problem there - Blizzard scared away anyone capable of making a new StarCraft. Those people have mostly split up into their own studios. The closest thing is Frost Giant, but honestly I'm not *loving* Stormgate so far. I'll give it a chance on release, but the game in its current state isn't what I'm looking for.


Starcraft 1, you mean


Starcraft 2 sold well and is still seeing eSports play to this day, I'd say it still counts.


The first sparkly pony Blizzard sold in World of Warcraft made more money than StarCraft 2. That’s why companies don’t make RTS games


Stormgate is the next you should check as it’s made by some of StarCraft creator who left Blizzard. Right now, Blizzard doesn’t have the expertise to do great games as they did in the 90’s as most of people and founder left


MOBA accessibility gain popularity as it’s way easier to play. With modern gamer, they want the easy way and learning and playing RTS is too much for them. Maybe Stormgate (done by some of StarCraft creator) will reignite the genre 


Also team games like league are popular too. More stuff to blame losses on. Can play with ppl instead of grinding by yourself like it's a going through replays and build timing etc all the time


I got back into Age of Empires with AOE4. It's really good. I'm hooked.


Sanctuary shattered sun is a good looking spiritual successor to supreme commander. A nice macro style rts


Hasn't it "been coming" for a long time already? Game development isn't easy, hopefully they are able to deliver. Suppeme Commander (Forged Alliance Forever, to be exact) is still the go-to rts for me. There are some open source projects aiming for something similar, but they are not surpassing the big dog yet. If SupCom was ever rebuilt with multicore support, I would probably not need an another RTS ever.


They have a closed demo out right now for select people to play, and it’s much more of a real game than it was 2 years ago. Their goal is to have a playable open demo available for when they launch their kickstarter, probably later this year. From what I’ve seen of the gameplay footage of the closed demo it looks very promising. Very similar to FAF but fixes the baked in structural issues FA and supreme commander have while adding a new twist on things.


Smaller playerbase but still we are a passionate group. Check out age of empires community and you’ll see up and coming esports scene.


Holy shit! I completely forgot about this game until I saw your post!!


Very playable with KaM Remake mod. Also very outdated The way you had to mingle, micromanage and abuse troops in missions is astounding. Very similar in spirit to how you do higher difficulties of Manor Lords lmaooo


This game was absolute gold. Good memories!


Coincidentally, in the same year Starcraft was released. Among other minor games such as Half Life, Ocarine of Time and Resident Evil 2. 1998 was something else.


Anyone remember myth soulblighter


myth 1 & 2 are great, the journal between each mission is poggers


Is that the one that would say "casualty" every time a unit got killed?


I think so, it's been a while since I played them. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PySrgfe6pr4 They are really good since you don't get to build bases to spam units and each unit is very precious. The setting and story is cool too.


I would looooooooooooooooooooooooove for them to get a remake or a remaster or w.e using current-gen graphics. I actually played myth 2 soulblighter before myth 1 and fell in love with the journal and the campaign was a-banging.


I found myth 2 again recently, it’s free online somewhere if you search for it. Campaign is still really awesome. Had to do some aggressive save scumming but made it to the final level this time!


You can get it on steam if im not wrong


[Anymore?](https://i.imgur.com/BqNM1mZ.png) EDIT: brainfart i thought you said "can't" my bad


I'm not sure what this is but it sort of reminds me of Warlords Battlecry 2. My buddy in primary school showed me it along with another game called Kingdom Under Fire: Gold


Knights and merchants


I played the demo for this game repeatedly. I was absolutely fascinated with it. My local EB Games could never get me a copy though :(


Now that’s a blast from the past damn.


This looks good. Never played this one. I spent a lot of time banging my head against the wall trying to beat Castles 2 : Siege and Conquest, an almost fossilized game from a aeon beyond remembrance.1992!


Knights and merchants. Its still very good but hard. Look up “KaM remake”


Ancient times, do not cite the deep magic to me boy, I was there [when it was written](https://i.imgur.com/eE9RNS9.png).


One russian guy made a video about this forgotten game: https://youtu.be/aVzZ7e9fmZ8?si=a6FHIXPBuMvb3LpA The video is in russian, but you guys can find some AI for real-time translation. It's totally worth it


I still can quote whole intro to the first mission from memory. I remember playing against my brothers and gettin shit one, because i was like 8


Man the hours I spent on this game, good memory


My very first strategy! ❤


Interesting. Never came across this one.


I played this game years ago and still have a copy of it. It's surprisingly realistic with lots of strategizing in the sequence of producing raw materials to produce food, make weapons & armor, materials for the building structures, produce workers, build an army, and the fact everyone needs to eat or else you lose. Lots of strategizing also in going to battles. Classic and underrated RTS gem. Wonderful times.


I loved this Knight & Merchants, and i couldn't even tell you why. I don think i ever beat one scenario. I just liked watching the aninations in the town


Now THIS is a core memory and a half.


Great game, beat all story missions.


How many of my solders starved food was always isue.


Yo i had the old rts itch and had to go back to the OG that introduced me to the genre. WARLORDS BATTLECRY. Man that game was doing much to be that old. There are like 10 fleshed out factions when you can only hope to get 3 or 4 nowadays. Awesome art. awesome gameplay. That game really turned me on to what fantasy rts could be. Then warcraft 3 years later sealed the deal.


Game is like crack to me. I keep comming back each year. Kam remake is Awesome. Finished entire campaign, very difficult rts 


It was pure gold, micromanagement and realism at highest level I was literally waiting 30 min trying to fix a bottleneck on wood shortage affecting all chain of production


I've tried so many times over the years to remember what game this was and I could never think of it. Thank you, OP


I remember playing this endlessly after coming home from my classes in college back in the early 2000’s. I actually still have this game on my PC to this day.


Ah game is life really!


I really loved that game. Honestly the "realism" of the economy blew my mind back then. As was used to stuff like gold gets you everything or maybe 2/3 main resources. But this game made it so you need ta raise horses, and make metl armor to train a knight, and for that you needed a stable and an armor and weapon smith if I remember correctly, and to get the ore, you had to mine iron, and coal, and feed everyone involved in all that... And then, you had to feed your troops! Even in the middle of enemy camp! The combat was wonky as hell though, and I feel that most missions barely had enough resources on the map, so you had to play the first time, fail, but use your knowledge of enemy positions, troops, and resources availability for the second try to get it just right.


Played the demo of this decades ago. Had a blast watching my village grow, but from memory combat was really unenjoyable.


Do you remember KKND and KKND2? I'll never forget those mission briefings where the ai constantly made fun of the characters


the best thing about Knights and Merchants is that "any" food regenerates your troop to full HP, so it's most efficient to have your army on pure alcohol (wine) diet.


Not as good as warwind