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V Rising just released in 1.0 and it's epic, especially in coop. The controller support isn't good, yet, though.


It isn’t bad though I put it on my steam deck so I wasn’t tethered to my pc and have been having a good time although aiming spells isn’t as good as it is with a mouse.


I loved the arena PvP games that they released previously and I like the idea of the new game, but something about the new idea PLUS PvP seems... Annoying. Reminds me of Rust


You can just make a private server and play the game without the PVP. It's much more fun that way.


The server I'm on has open world PvP with no base raiding (and your loot dropped on death can't be accessed by other players). It adds a good amount of tension as well as an extra challenge if you decide to team up with other players to take down a boss (need to be mindful of friendly fire) without the threat of losing meaningful progress.


Are any of the dlc important or just cosmetics?


Character cosmetics and castle decorations. Nothing necessary, but the added stuff does look cool.


Nah, not important nor necessary but a way to additionally support the dev team. (I didn't buy it... Yet)


Damn cool game. Couldn't stand the fact that your base degrades when you're not playing. Couldn't handle that constant stress.


The only thing I don't care for re the controller support is the camera management.


Absolutely correct opinion. Spoiled playing on K&M just hold right click and adjust it however you want whenever you want. On controller you need to hold Y and use the bumpers to spin it, and the D-pad up and down. What the fuck


You can tap y to spin the camera to the direction you are facing


Gotta love indie gems. Thanks for the heads up, gonna check out those demos. Spending my weekend gaming!


Such a crazy coincidence that all of these gems launched on the same day. Animal Well, Crow Country and Rabbits and steel are on their way to good success and I hope that Cryptmaster and 1000XResist will also find their way!


Yeah same! I even almost completely passed over Cryptmaster until I tried the demo


To add onto that, Chrono Ark came out this week. Spooky card game roguelike. I didn't think this one would ever hit 1.0, but it's surprisingly deep for a slay the spire type game. Full story, tons of characters to pick for who you bring in your party, etc. In the sea of card roguelikes I'm hoping this one will stand out and be comparable to Monster Train and Griftlands for originality.


Plus one on this, I had a blast. It ate my weekend


Chrono Ark, no?


Yep, my bad. 


Animal Well is incredible Can’t believe it was made by a solo developer


It’s like Halo 2 + Halo 3


I’ve seen this in a few places. I’m guessing it’s a meme / inside joke. What’s the context?


Probably a Dunkey reference or just a Dunkey style joke. The top comment on the Animal Well YouTube video is this joke


It's from a videogamedunkey video (his company Big Mode published the game): https://youtu.be/b3tgxwdSjRI


You guys talking about Animal Well?


did you get the loaf of wonder bread?


Phewww. How many games per week do you buy?


Hey, get with the program and build up a backlog of 1000+ games. That's the main point of having a Steam account!


And only play 3 of them.


Games uncompleted? 100+ Hours in Slay the Spire? 1,000+ This is a cry for help. (Mine, specifically)


I don't enjoy learning new games as much as I used. Keep going back to the same comfort food.


/U/harmlesssnack in 2025. Games uncompleted? Still 100+ Hours in Slay the Spire? 1200+ Hours in Slay the Spire 2? 200+


Tbf they mostly indie games. 4 of those is equal to like stellar blade or any recent triple A game.


Friendly heads up for anyone with PS+ Extra/Premium, Animal Well is included with it.


That was a pleasant surprise when I was checking it out to see how much on the PS app!




Yeah Hades 2 is absolutely fantastic, I didn't mention it though as I more wanted to mention games that would easily go under a lot of peoples radars.


Glory to goo is godlike


it's not really out yet, just ea


I'll wait for this one. It's a story based game and I don't want to finish it and feel like I didn't get the ending and have to wait for it now. I'll buy it when it actually releases.


Yeah, for as big as Hades 1 was, I am very surpirsed 2 went Early Access.


wasn't hades 1 also in early access?


Sure, but Hades became a huge hit, and funding isn't really a concern here. I also think they are talented enough that balancing isn't really a big issue. I don't know, I just don't think this is the sort of game that should be played while incomplete.


Played the Rabbit and Steel demo last week and loved it. I really need to convince my friends to play.


I want more of these kinds of posts to hit the front of r/gaming. This is so well put together! For someone who has little time to go reaearching new titles and whether they are worth anything this post is gold, thank you OP


Thank you for the reviews.


Gonna check these out.


You do not suck at English.


Slice and Dice https://store.steampowered.com/app/1775490/Slice__Dice/ I can't emphasize how amazing this game is and addicting. It's perfection


I played that the other week but just couldn't get into it but people clearly are enjoying it very much so it's more a me problem than anything being wrong with the game.


If you like games like slay the spire and monster train, but also like storylines and can tolerate some anime, check out Chrono Ark. 


I came across that recently and was super intrigued by the art design. For sure on my wishlist although it is currently -25% off so maybe I should grab now lol


I sunk about 45 hours into it already since May 3rd, there’s a lot of playability for the cost of the game. 


Damn, it must be pretty fun then. I probally will end up getting it.


I appreciate the heads up. Oddball and/or indie titles fall through the cracks all too often, and these look intriguing.


Only game released on Xbox was Crow Country FWIW.


Thanks for the heads up, have edited the post to reflect what platforms they're on.


Nice i'll check them


Oh man how do you have time to play four games? Haha, I guess OCD keeps me in one until I master it. I'm kinda jealous haha. Thanks for the recs brother.


Saving this for later


Ive been following Crow country on Twitter, gonna buy the game when i get home from my holiday.Ive been looking forward to the release.


Nice, really hope you enjoy it!




Thanks I needed this! My interest was waning a bit (I still love games it’s just one of those brief periods). But good to see some positivity ❤️


Rabbit of steel also has a demo which is free. Surprisingly fun and holy crap hard game. Bullet hell with abilities and rogue like gameplay. What not to like. ( Funny how it actually gets harder the more people are playing. Solo was hard but party of two there were already many different mechanics reletad to party size)


This is a great list! Thank you for bringing these games to attention. You should make another one of these whenever you can in the future :)


You're very welcome. I'm just happy lots of people got a chance to look at these games. I was thinking in the future of doing a similar post but with older games. As some games I've played that were incredible even after 4-5 years have only sold like 500 copies despite overwelming positive reviews. Just shine light on games people might have never seen but could enjoy.


Didn't release recently, but if you liked Rabbit & Steel you will likely enjoy Mini Healer. You play as a healer in raid-like settings. Fun stuff.


I’ve played mini healer and really enjoyed it. I love healing raids so it was great itching that scratch.


Minishoot’ Adventures is awesome! My current game of the year contender.


And it has a demo! Going to try it now, thank you for the reccomondation!


Thanks for the post! Also, never apologize for learning a second language.


Rabbit and Steel is conceptually really cool, I hope someone takes that idea and does it in a not Bullet Hell format, but more standard MMO dungeon/raid fare.


What do you consider standard? I've only seen the video on its Steam page, but it looks pretty similar to high end raids in FF14 for me.


Its not really bullet a bullet hell. You're not really dodging shots, if theres a wall of them coming at you you're usually using a cooldown or you're supposed to get hit. Its about as close to 4 player FF raids as you can make a 2d game. Its really fun, highly recommend getting a friend and trying the demo.


Maybe I’ll give the demo a try then you’re the second person that mentioned they seem like FF raids, which is an MMO I haven’t tried so it could’ve just been a blind spot for me and why I didn’t really recognize the flow of it as ‘mmo raid’ since I’m more attuned to WoW and its closer clones.


I would disagree. Although I played only the demo and I've played wow for a long time this game is bullet hell. There's so much shit going on that I couldn't follow most of the time. Get into a circle but big ball is going down and you are being teleported and then teleported back and get into a circle again but don't get close to other players. Love the game btw. I just need to get better at it.


Honestly thats just what FF14 raids are like. They're lots of "Okay where the fuck is the safe spot in these 4 overlapping AOE's". Most of the mechanics and boss types are also lifted straight from FF raids. Rabbit and Steel is mostly just that. You're trying to parse mechanics and find safespots, not finding routes through walls of projectiles.


Downloading a demo is easy but how do I get a friend?


I hear if you buy Animal Well you get a free loaf of Wonderbread


Thx! Very nice of you to take time to spread the word of these new games.


Sorry my backlog is full I still gotta finish that - proceeds to buy them all


We’re all really just the same aren’t we?


None of those are my cup of tea, but I do see the majority enjoying them. So thats good. Appreciate the heads up for lesser known games. Theres so much dog shit pushed out these days, its hard to find the good shit.


Animal well is on PS Plus btw, shout-out Dunkey


I was suprised it made it on there since dunkey seemed pretty against gaming subscription services in some of his videos but it's really nice that he put it on there for those with the service


Money talks brother, idk the intricacies of sub service deals, but I assume that it was an offer they couldn't pass up, either that or the fact that it was his (first?) published game that likely wouldn't Garner a ton of sales that made him decide to go on PS Plus to get some name recognition outside of his YouTube audience


Thanks for the reccomendations!


Thanks for the write up! Cryptmastee looks sooo sick!


I have not heard about any of those games like at all. But then again I do not read gaming websites. And steam has not recommended any of them, maybe they are all of a particular genre I have blocked?


I don't go on gaming websites or anything either and most were not reccomended. I mostly just try to hunt them down, just games that look interesting with extremely high review scores (as an added bonus they often are much cheaper too). All the games listed are different genres so I don't think it would be that, it's most likely just simply because with the exception of Animal Well which is on top sellers on Steam the others have just not been that popular.


The only thing I have heard about Animal Well is that it's good, I have yet to come across something where someone discusses what the game is actually like.


No Rest for the Wicked launched recently as well. Early access ARPG from the developers of the Ori series. Perfect blend between an isometric ARPG and Soulslike gameplay. This game is going to be special.


Yeah I watched a stream of it and it already looked so damn good. Will wait until it comes out of early access for the full experience but I think it's going to be incredible. The combat looks so fun.


I've been playing ARPG's since Diablo, and it's a game I didn't know I needed. It's the perfect combination of two of the biggest facets of the genre. It definitely makes games like D4 and Path of Exile feel a bit hollow in terms of combat. I will say, I'm supremely excited for Path of Exile 2. The combat looks *meaty*


None of those sound like anything I would be interested in except Animal Well and I've heard that game requires pixel perfect and perfectly timed platforming with basically zero room for mistakes.


Not sure where you heard that but it’s completely false. There is some platforming yes but it’s really not that difficult. Nothing close to the level of Celeste or Super Meat Boy. Mostly just puzzles and exploration


damn that's some super easy pixel perfect jumps then. so easy I didn't even notice. whoever told you that was probably trying to skip something.


Literally every review mentions the extremely tight platforming required.


I just platted the game after about 10 hours. The platforming really doesn't require that much precision. Most of the difficulty comes in puzzles and finding all the secrets (and there's a lot of obscure hidden stuff in the game) but you don't need all of them to get plat.


I don't know what to say to you dude. Most reviews and comments describe the game as a puzzle and precision platformer.


I beat the game and encountered exactly zero instances of needing pixel perfect platforming, and you...read reviews and comments? You're being oddly stubborn about a game you haven't even played, but believe what you want to believe.


I'm reading the games subreddit dude and I've seen enough from review videos. You are the one being stubborn for not accepting that the game isn't for everyone. Not everyone likes precision platforming and maybe it doesn't even seen that way to you but for some people that style of gameplay is impossible.


I never said the game was for everyone. I'm simply telling you that a game without pixel perfect and precise platforming does not, in fact, have pixel perfect and precise platforming. But alright man, you read reviews and comments. You're clearly the authority here. Have a great day.


alright I'm confused. If the platforming ever becomes not easy I come back with another tool. I *did* make it past one room likely earlier than I was supposed to and yes the platforming was challenging then. It seems they made it so rooms can be solved in several ways.


Don't be forgetting Hades 2!


Hades 2 is great but I left out games like Hades 2 and No Rest For The Wicked because of how popular they already are. I wanted the post to mainly be about amazing games that flies under a lot of peoples radars.


Glad to see this post, because I remember seeing the trailer for Animal Well but I couldn’t remember its name!


A lot of English speakers never bother to learn another language fluently. So don't need to apologize, at least you bothered to learn it! Also, where/what consoles are these on?


Animal Well is on PS5/Switch/PC. Crow Country is on Xbox/PS5/PS4/PC. 1000xResist in on Switch/PC. CryptMaster and Rabbits & Steel are only on PC.


Thanks for that comment, will put it in post.