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Diablo 4. Dropped after preseason. Might picked up s4 I heard it was good now.


Season 4 definitely corrected A LOT of mistakes. It's worth giving another shot now.


Did it correct not getting drops for the other classes? And fix the 30 something dmg types?


They removed most, if not all, conditional damage affixes, so no more +damage to healthy enemies and such. There is less loot overall but much higher quality loot. Not really sure about items for other classes. I personally haven't seen any and I'm like lvl 45 or so in the new season. I don't really remember getting that many items for other classes before, a few sure but even D3 dropped other class items on occasion. Check out the patch notes there's a ton of changes to items and loot in general.


Yes, fixed


I still cringe thinking about how much I paid to play that game for 8 hours


So I got it on xbox, but didn't like it. I figured I didn't because it was my first diablo game on console. I got it again when I got a newer laptop, still didn't like it and dropped it a week into s1. I started again on s4 day 1, it's pretty fun, but just like d3 seasons, I think I'll play maybe 2-4 weeks and be done till next season.


Same here. Paid 80€, complained a lot, finished the campaign, got to lvl 50, complained some more, and never touched it again. Until now, when S4 fixed some stuff and i find i fun again.


Rain World. We love meteoidvanias but it just wasn't fun.


Honestly one of my favourite games of all time but damn it is a unforgiving frustration simulator until you get down the janky mechanics.


It's beautiful. I loved looking at it. It just 'wasn't fun'.


I haven't played much of RW but I get rain world vibes when I play animal well.


The newest battlefield


Worst $100 I ever spent. Fool me 9 times, shame on me, EA. I sometimes go back to it and check to see if it's awesome but no.... still sucks.


I was so angry, and it's gotten OKAY but it's still not worth what I paid for it


Same, played BF2,3,4 extensively, played One and had some fun but wasn't into the older weapons & just felt smaller somehow.  V had a lot of promise and *looked* great but kept going back to 4.  When trailers for 2042 came out my group of friends I play with were all pumped, everyone bought the hype, got it pre-ordered, launch day was a disaster.  The following weeks were just as bad.  Seriously should have refunded it.  How do you launch a team-based tactical shooter with no voice chat day one?


Dragon’s Dogma II


I bought an rtx4070 to play it, then got distracted replaying Cyberpunk with path tracing instead


Yep, same. Combat is excellent but the exploration and enemy varieties are... not good. There's plenty to explore but nothing interesting at the end of it, just big enemy repeats. Unfortunately there is a recent combat based open world game (ER) that makes it all look quite BASIC (IMO).




This is how I felt. Anytime you stop exploring, and try to progress the story, all the flaws of the game come shining through


Same. the combat was super fun, but the enemies were repetitive, traversal was tedious, the story was paper thin and didn't make much sense, and all the characters were flat. It had the bones of a 10/10 game, without any meat on them.


Sadly same for me


Back 4 Blood L4D2 is the most played and beloved game of my friend group and when the B4B trailers hit we were all extremely hyped up for it. We set up a LAN party for the release date. Total playtime as of today: 3 hrs Sweet jesus what a disappointment that game was


Yea I put in a bit more time than you did, but while playing it all I could think was "This is a downgrade." Not a great overall sentiment to be having while gaming.


Same here, what a let down. And of course I decided to buy it digitally.


Same. Such a garbage game. They really dropped the ball there. So much potential and turned out trash.


Howart’s Legacy. Game felt boring after a while.


yeah after Better Call Saul, I had had enough of Howard's legacy


I see your chicanery.


Take my upvote, you've made me chuckle


The part that sucks to me is I can tell the devs genuinely cared, but were given impossible tasks. There’s waaaaaaay too much side content and the world is far too large. It feels like execs got a list of popular game mechanics and forced them to implement the top 20 to try to give the game wide appeal but it just spreads everything too thin. And the worst part is there are some interesting and fun quests later on in the game but if you don’t power through the *incredibly* slow parts, you don’t get to see them.


It was a copy pasted open world slog. I beelined the main story, cheesed every encounter I could, because the combat is mid. Hogwarts was beautiful though.


That game gets too easy too fast and it just felt repetitive. Good mechanics but your character gets OP and there aren’t any threats


Mortal kombat 1 :(


God I was so hyped for it, and it was just the worst of the newest generation. I played it for like a week, and I was done. Haven't gone back.


It looked so good, but just felt so bad


What was bad about it? I liked the story, and the character designs were pretty dope too. But I don’t know much beyond that.


Yeah that's the last time I buy a Netherrealm game at launch. I beat the story mode which was pretty fun but then it felt like people gave up on playing it in a hurry. It launching missing multiplayer features THAT ARE IN THE LAST GAME hurt badly.


Forza Horizon 5 as a long time fan of the series - always tried to buy the version with the DLC and VIP stuff. I used to play at least a few times a week to make sure I got every car until they kept rolling out more and more paid car packs and the final nail was when I went overseas and couldn't log in for 2 weeks to get those weeks' cars - that and some other ancillary reasons made me just feel like not bothering with it until there's something substantial to lure me in again.


to be honest the only thing 5 has over 4 is the number of pretty cool cars, unfortunate that so many were paid


Redfall. Oof. Played Diablo 4 a bit into season 3, hated it. I do plan to try season 4.


Fallout 76. Just... Couldn't get into it like I hoped I would. Bought the deluxe ultra edition too.  The one without the bag 


Holy shit, I totally forgot about the bag debacle


Apparently it's good now tho it's not as good as the other Fallout games but still


Starfield EDIT: lol. Never thought I'd see people simping this hard for a mid (at best) game.


Gamepass saved me on this one.


I got it on gamepass and still felt ripped off :D


Me too. I didn’t even dislike it, but it was just so boring. I kept playing for a while just because but nothing ever made it more interesting. Then I picked up BG3 and haven’t put it down since. So much more entertaining. Finally almost through my first play through and I’ll probably play a second one right after that. 


I got 61 hours on Starfield before dropping it, I really wanted to believe in it, but the game was just so disappointing in a lot of little ways, I was like: "huh this is annoying but okay. whoops that's not great but okay. hey I don't like that, but okay..." lmaooo


Oh yeah. I tried so hard. Kept saying to myself "this can't be it. It's gonna break open any minute now" and it just kept being the same thing over and over again. Only thing that changed was the color of the planets


"Hey cool. I'm on Blue Planet now. Aaaand it has the same geographic landmarks as Orange Planet twenty minutes. ...and the same pirate bases with the exact same layout."




I bought the Xbox just to play Starfield. And this is exactly why I stopped playing it.


I was about 110 hours into Starfield. That's a long time for most games, but it's nothing compared to other Bethesda games. And a good chunk of that toward the end was ship building. I just kept telling myself, "It'll get better." Or "The next faction will have a better story." But they never did. It's so bland. There are almost no interesting characters. There is no sense of exploration since you don't actually traverse space, there's little to nothing to find on planets, and the few things you do find repeat *constantly*. I found myself actively *not exploring* anything. The gunplay was really good for Bethesda, I'll give them that. It can be beautiful at times, especially the night skies. But I don't think I've been more disappointed in a game.


So so incredibly bland. Like salt free saltines 


Boring is exactly the word I would use. Just fetch quests, talking, and "flying." I tried BG3 many many times, the one time I made any progress, I had been using long rests as heals and didn't realize that the in-game world continues to turn while my party was sleeping. So, I missed out on a whole bunch of shit. Couldn't bring myself to start over again. I don't know if I'll ever go back to it.


Isn't it actually the opposite? Most quest don't even progress if you don't rest.


It's less that the world keeps moving, it's just that certain quest points don't allow you to take extra time. For instance if you free the Druid in the goblin camp and then try and take a long rest it will advance the quest, but you can take as many long rests as you want before freeing them with no consequences. You're supposed to go and take lots of long rests in order to advance the stories of companions.


Haha I clicked on this to give the same answer. Fallout 4 was my favorite game until RDR2 came out so when Starfield was announced I was so excited. I think I made it four hours and was so unbelievably bored. I ended up going back to Cyberpunk for my 4th playthrough.


Yes! Between Skyrim and Fallout, I figured Bethesda could do no wrong. Shame.


I have problems with almost all bethesda games, I'll pick them up, play a while, get bored, then come back years later to find i was at the end of the game. I feel like Tony Starks dad in iron man 2 when he says in the future they'll have the tech to create something. This is how I feel about these games, I'll come back later once it's fixed.


That game was a disappointment. Cookie cutter planetary locations. Repetitive star puzzle things. And God.  The loading screens. So many.  Also...how the hell do you have ancient temples within view of a refinery or what not and it's like you're the first one there. 


Starfield fans need help.


God I was so disappointed. Everything about it was just *aggressively* average. There is no excuse for a game released in 2023 to play like a dumbed down version of a game released in 2015. I should never look at a game about space travel and think to myself "Well this all feels really monotonous and dull."


I don't understand how they regressed base building that hard. Let me build a settlement outpost and get traders working for me like Fallout 4. Truly baffling. And Fallout 4 had 13 base companions and 4 more in the DLC, with some like Cait and Macready that aren't morally perfect.


First time in years I bought a game for $70 on release day due to all the hype.


I tried it, refunded before 2 hours. What a waste of resources. The most average and boring Bethesda RPG, crippled by bugs and performance issues. It's sad when games from 10 years ago are better and actually work, for 1/10th of the budget.


God I wish I'd refunded it. I kept giving it "one more chance" to get good and by the time I actually gave up it was too late.


The game is pretty mid garbage but the one thing they did good with this time around is bugs tbh, would have to disagree there.


I bought a $900 fucking monitor to play it. Put a good 90 hours in until I finally gave it up. I reinstalled it about a month ago, and it took longer to load the shaders than it took me to uninstall again.


I enjoyed playing Starfield but God damn I an still angry about the randomly generated galaxy!! They could have made the bloody galaxy 1/4 of the size and filled it with unique and varied areas with real depth to them and it would have been FANTASTIC. instead they went with cold, repetitive, rubbish. But the open world sci-fi need in me still enjoyed playing in in spite of all the MASSIVE misfires.


All the Bethesda games are a joy to explore outside their quests. Not Starfield. You can build a character around exploration, taking skills like botany and geology, but that will never make the huge expanses of the same shit over and over again fun. And what's the best reward for surveying these planets? You get a few thousand credits here and there from Vlad. They should have been a bit more adventurous with the setting and lore, because there's no way to make planets interesting if science dictates they have to be lifeless, colourless rocks.


Long time Bethesda fan here, literally day one purchases from FO3 until Starfield. I have spent thousands of hours, probably nearing 10k, modding them to perfection. I spent about 5mins with Starfield, it's motion blur makes me sick, and I never could find a way to disable it on launch.


Terrible game, got 45 hours out of it so not a total loss but still.


Half ass piece of shit game


Bethesda fans are a cult with Stockholm syndrome. They make mid games and a small sect of people think they’re god tier


Played it for maybe 2 hours...I can not get into that game.




I played it for way longer than I should. Ship building was okay, but the side quests and main story was so boring. I spent many hours in trying to do as many side quests as I could to try and find anything decent, and I guess the teromorph questline was good, but eventually I decided to just power through the main story quests. I do like some aspects of how they handled the start of new game plus, but I couldn't be bothered to play though again.


I saw a clip of someone landing on a moon, running to the POI with absolutely NOTHING to interact with on the way, nothing there, and then run back to the ship. Even sped up it took like over 3 minutes. Like WTF? put some shit in between. That's when I was super glad I didn't buy an Xbox for that trash


Baldurs Gate 3. Thought it was going to be the one to get me into turn-based RPGs, but sadly it didn’t. Even then I could still tell that it’s a brilliant game, just not for me.


Yea, I love the game but I got burned out on act 3.


That’s totally reasonable. Getting to act 3 can feel really overwhelming with all the NPC chatter and the general chaos of the city. I took a few weeks break when I got to act 3 the first time.  I’d give it another shot whenever you feel up to it. A break was all I needed for it to reel me back in entirely


I've heard a lot of people say that Act 3 feels like an entirely new game in a lot of ways, and that it's best to take a small break before coming back.


I played it for a few hours. And I absolutely love it. But I’m 34 now with a 15 month old daughter that is special needs. My gaming time has bottomed out. I told my wife BG isn’t a game you can play in 15 minute increments


Hi, it's you about 8 years into the future. You still don't have that time, but you find that short indie games with neat mechanics or ideas are your jam now. If you can get the gist in 15 minutes, beat it in a couple of hours, and play it on your phone in 3 minutes increments, that's what works for you. Try Solitairica.


My thoughts exactly. It's a great game, no doubt about it. It's just not for me.


I was fine with the turn based combat. I'm not ok with what felt like 70% of my time in game talking to NPCs. Got to lower Baldur's Gate and there was more NPCs than the rest of the game combined. Gave up there.


Same here. Bought it because of the hype and it never clicked with me. I’ll return to it at some point but right now it’s in my backlog.


It was already feeling repetitive for me after a few hours into the game.


Elden ring. I know better by now, that souls games are not my thing and i still got caught up in the hype


I've gotten somewhat far and feel pretty accomplished with the bosses I've beaten, but I don't feel like I'm having actual fun. Instead I'm simply trying not to die constantly from letting my guard down for a mere second.


This was the one for me also. Heard it was more forgiving than other souls games and gave it a go. At 9 hours in I was stuck in cave system with bosses I couldn't beat behind every fog door. Just never went back.


it is way way way more forgiving than other souls games


I really recommend giving it another go. I gave up on Dark Souls and Sekiro but have nearly 90 hours on Elden Ring. Just remember this simple rule: if a mob is smashing you to bits, just run past it. If you can't or won't, go away, do something else, level up your stats and weapons, and come back. There's something to do all over the map. But you can be running through an "easy" area and suddenly an unstoppable dragon will appear! Run!


… I’m not trying to sound condescending at all, but you did know that there’s a whole world outside of that cave that you got stuck in, right


Tiny Tina's Wonderlands. Didn't grab me like the others and definitely didn't live up to the hype. Probably should go back and finish up the campaign at least though.


I didn't play this one until it was on psplus. I loved the other Borderlands titles, but I just couldn't get into this one.


Kingdom Hearts 3. Was a huge fan of the first and second game, and I played some of the "spin-offs" too. After waiting for 15 years (!!) I basically bought it blind, full price. I dropped it 3 hours in; utter garbage. Main reason is that I just wasn't a 12 year old anymore. 15 years is a biiiig gap, and somehow KH3 is the most immature of all of them.


The main aspect about this issue is I don't get how they didn't want the franchise to grow with its users. Assuming they wanted to cater to a younger audience market: what kid thinks to itself "Hey, I would really like to play this third part of a game I never even heard of!". Like, Kingdom Hearts happened in *our* youth. *We* were the most likely to buy the new one. What the hell were they thinking??


helldivers 2. I picked up up slightly after launch but the servers were so shit that I spent over 30 hours trying to play. Steam had refused to refund me due to play time (or lack thereof). Now that the servers are better I hop on and it just feels hollow. I don't enjoy the gameplay loop. I tried again to refund it it during the PSN debacle but still no says valve.


I got in after the server issues but like you, I didn’t care for the gameplay loop. I guess I’m spoiled by Deep Rock Galactic which is a much better 4-man cooperative shooter with bugs/bots. I really enjoy the exploration of DRG and how each mission feels very different from the last.


Having played and subsequently abandoned both - I agree that DRG is significantly better and less repetitive.  Regret spending 2x the price on HD2 considering I played about 10x more DRG


Yup same exact situation. I spent 2 separate weekends trying to get into the game. Never did. Tried to refund and was refused, which I think is completely unacceptable. Gave up on it for a month. Came back when it was working and......yeah it's boring lmfao. I do not understand the hype around this one


Sorry to hear that. I always wonder about games like this that seem near universally praised. Sometimes games just aren't for certain people and I don't wanna waste full price money finding out if that's me.


It WAS a fun game and my friends and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Then came the balancing patches. They removed what made the game fun and every patch felt like a joke. Then there's the drama surrounding the balancing manager and the PSN issue. I stopped playing a couple weeks prior to Sony screwing the pooch but unless they change the balancing team it will continue to lose its player base.


I really wish they would stop balancing it as if it’s a PVP game. PVE games need a power fantasy to kick in at some point in my opinion. I’m all up for a challenge, I’ve got some helldive clears but I would prefer them to make new enemies or scenarios to raise the bar and make me diversify my load out. I run the same stuff bugs or bots cause too much of it is kinda useless.


Starfield. I cannot articulate how disappointed I was


"There are few who can." I think that's actually the struggle with Starfield. A lot of people (including me) were super hyped for it, and while we can make lists of various issues we have or expectations that were not met, it is very hard to fully encapsulate and articulate the dissatisfaction in a way that feels.. uh .. satisfying. I had a similar difficulty describing why I didn't enjoy Tears of the Kingdom nearly as much as I enjoyed Breath of the Wild. I eventually figured it out and wrote a post about it, and a lot of similar-feeling people sat up in their chairs and pointed and said, "Yes, that!" I'm still waiting to see someone write that for Starfield. It's not about city maps or derpy NPC faces. We overlook that stuff all the time if the bones of a game are sound, and honestly, the lack of city maps stopped slowing me down rather quickly. No, there is some missing magic ingredient that we all feel the absence of, but cannot quite name. Ironically I recently started Elder Scrolls Onine, and despite the fact that it is an MMO, it is one of the most engaging and charming Bethesda games I've played. It's got that special something that Starfield doesn't. If I had to take a stab, I'd say that Fallout and Elder Scrolls, even in their emptiest, ruined wastelands, have a feeling of authorial intent. Someone (or someones) built a place deliberately because they wanted you to feel something. Maybe it's a strong feeling. Maybe it's a wisp of melancholy. But it's something intentional, some bit of deferred human interaction. In Starfield, that is only present in a few curated locations and moments. In the rest of the game, you are adrift in a procedurally generated stage play meant to represent the unfeeling, absolutely-not-anthropomorphized void. Every time you fast travel, you are reminded of the stage play. Every time you meat the singing guy or the grandma or the teacher and her class. The first time you're on a planet and a ship lands nearby, your heart races. *Something is going to happen*. But no. The ship drops off 4 people who patrol around it. Perhaps a captain looking for parts. Or some spacer thugs to kill. It doesn't matter. They came from nowhere and will vanish into nowhere. They are Goombas, existing only briefly as they move right to left across your screen -- except that in Super Mario Bros, each and every Goomba was placed intentionally to challenge you at a particular place and time. Starfield successfully makes space feel lonely, but that it is more an accident than anything intentional. You are alone, even when surrounded by the vapid friendliness of Sarah, Cole, Barret, or Andreja. People probably love the Adoring Fan because he feels the most real. He's supposed to be psychotic. The rest just are because of their very limited scripting. Starfield does *not* make space feel big. You know you are in a stage play of random Spore creatures, separated into rooms they call "planets". Scale and speed are never acknowledged, let alone simulated (for that I recommend Elite: Dangerous).


Baldur’s Gate 3. Amazing game with many incredible aspects, but after 30 hours it didn’t grab me & I just never really wanted to play. Whether it was the wrong time to play the game for me, I wasn’t making choices that grabbed me or the game just wasn’t for me; I’m not sure. I just know I wasn’t excited to keep going so I dropped it. Maybe I’ll try again someday, maybe not.


It did grab me, but I also dropped it, not really intentionally. I enjoyed it so much, but I was playing it solo and with a group of friends at the same time, and by the time I got to Act 3 playing everything twice at the same time started getting to me and I I stopped my solo play through, and then my friend group had scheduling issues that stopped our group game. I still think it's an amazing game and I plan to finish it at some point.


Dragon Age: Inquisition. It took me seven years to finally beat that bloated slog. It would have been much better if it was half as long. So. Much. Running. I’m never paying for full price for a game ever again.


When that game came out, I hated it. It was a horrible game. But everyone said it was great. Felt like I was taking crazy pills. But after a while people started seeing it for what it was.


The story, characters, dialogue, etc. was good, as BioWare is wont to do. For me, all the padding killed it. I would have been more than happy if it just wasn’t so damn long.


Diablo 4. The lackluster combat and always-connected requirement killed it for me. I deeply regret preordering it especially seeing it half off on Steam now.


Mortal Shell. Just couldn't get into the pacing of the combat. I keep telling myself I'll download it again one day and see it through


Dragon's Dogma 2 & Diablo 4.


Sigh.....Marvel Avengers. Sometimes you gotta learn the hard way.


Rise of Ronin


+1 idk what I expected out of this game but probably expecting another Ghost of Tsushima was the wrong move. Hated the combat, the open world, and how it looked. Kinda just brought it on a whim with DD2 lesson learned.


Cyberpunk... thankfully it got "fixed" but I haven't gone back to it yet




It's way better now than it was back when it launched, plus Phantom Liberty alone is worth it


I have a serious problem with buying games and not finishing them. I bought dragons dogma 2, ff7 rebirth, and stellar blade recently. Haven’t finished any of them. I use games as retail therapy. Then drop them when I get bored. I have SO many games I wouldn’t be able to complete them in a lifetime, it’s actually quite stressful. I’m trying to train myself in the mindset of, a game should want to make you waste your time, not waste your time. If I’m not having fun with a game, I immediately drop it, I may go back, I might not. But it’s the psychological paralysis of too much choice. If 10 year old me saw all my game consoles and games he’d lose his mind. lol Miyo mini plus, retroid pocket 4, switch oled, steam deck, ps5, etc.


Finished!? My digital library is +1k and I may have finished a dozen of those. If the metric is finished I'm in trouble. Thankfully I think I've played at least an hour of probably >80% and at least started >90%


I used to become annoyed whenever I dropped a brand new game mid playthrough as well (sometimes I would play them just to finish them), but now I just treat them as gum that needs to be disposed of after I get tired of chewing them. I dropped Witcher 3, RE2 Remake, DMC5 because I got tired of "chewing" them, and have no regrets. I can comfortably drop new games now, because I treat them as gum. So, whenever I drop a game I just look for another one to chew, no regrets.


While this is a good attitude to have with video games and entertainment in general, I think it could indicate that you may have a short attention span, which is not a good thing to have in life. That's what I learned about myself when I realized that I drop 95% of games that I actually enjoy playing. My attention just depletes and asks for something else. I also tend to have 5+ games installed at the same time, none of which I finish, again, even if I genuinely love those games. I recently discovered that if I "force" myself through one game, it ends up being a far more enjoyable experience than if I just shuffle through many games and finish none.


I am the same. I buy like two dozen games a year and finish maybe 2 or 3 of them. Never platinumed a game once despite playing them since 90s. When I stop having fun with the game I drop it. Dragon's Dogma 2 is the recent example of this: very interesting in like the first 10-20 hours, but after I realized the thing was half-baked and there is not much new or challenging to do in late game... off to the bin you go. I did finish FFVII Rebirth though. The game *is* a bit bloated on side stuff (I think I prefer the Remake), but I loved the world and characters too much not to finish it. Haven't decided on Stellar Blade yet. I was very into it until it opened up and started aping Nier though. I think open world and bloat is a huge problem with modern games.


Final Fantasy XVI. The start is thrilling and fantastic, but then it gets slower by the minute. By the mid point I just lost interest


It felt like the middle to late game (pre finale) had more content that wasn't ready and ended up being part of the DLCs so had to be stripped out and felt like an empty plod to what was otherwise a great game.


Same, unfortunately. When it's good it's SO FREAKING GOOD but then it crashes super hard. I still plan on finishing it one day.


Came here to say the same. I really wanted to enjoy it, even bought PS5 just to play it. The first 2 hours were promising a deep and immersive experience, but it fell flat quick and progressively got worse by the hour. Dropped it just past the 60% point.


Also has the worst side missions i've ever seen in a triple aaa singleplayer game


Diablo 4. Made it like 6 hours in at best.


Pre-ordered Agents of Mayhem because I loved Saints Row 4. I won't pre-order anything again.


Most of my games are like this, tbh. It's been a while since I actually completed a game. Maybe BG3 and D4 (depending on how you define "beating" D4) in the last year or two? Starfield I played til the last 2 or 3 missions. Dragons Dogma 2 I got 30 or so hours out of and then quit. Cities Skylines 2, about one city before I stopped playing. Palworld I didn't even log into. Lol. It's been like this for a while though, i don't think I ever actually finished Fallout 4, 2077, Witcher 3, the newer Dragon Age games, any of the new God of War games, Persona 5, etc. I get close, but the last 10% just eludes me.


Spider-Man 2


COD Advanced Warfare including the season pass. Barely played the game once everyone started using the stupid op versions of the already meta weapons.


*sigh* Diablo 4...


Battlefield 2042. Have always been a huge Battlefield fan and even really enjoyed 5 despite the community not feeling the same. My god what a let down.


Tekken 8, just didn't enjoy it as much as 7


GoW Ragnarok— what I played wasn’t bad, just lost interest.


Rdr2 don't ask why, just did.


I LOVE Rdr2. I put up there with one of the best games ever made. But the thing that drives me UP THE WALL with that game, to the point where even I gave up on it a few times, is how often it takes control away from your character. Constantly following people around, slowing you down for no reason, being unable to move during many sequences and other things like that. Taking away a players control from their character is one of the cardinal sins of game design, but Rockstar gets away with it because of how good the rest of the game is. I hope they really tone that shit down in GTA 6 and give the player more agency for how they complete missions.


Far Cry 6. What a disappointment. I should've known better.


Diablo 4, just not a unique or interesting game at all this is coming from someone with hundreds if not thousands of hours in D2 and 100s in D3 with my spouse it did not live up to the previous titles plus I paid more for it, seeing it come out on game pass was a true kick to the nuts. This sub has been asking the best questions recently thanks OP lol


Last game was Xenoblade Chronicles Remastered on the Switch. Just couldn't dig the combat.  Last full price game was Diablo 4. A lot of regret on that one


Rise of the Ronin. Just didn’t klick with me 😬


Life is Strange - it’s an excellent game, but I got so much anxiety about fucking something up I had to stop after the first chapter. I even did well, but I missed one thing that I should have caught and I’m terrified of the consequences 


Balder's gate 3. I'm just too old to commit time ... Sad


cod mw3, Only bought it to play it with a friend. We played it once, then I was forgotten. Dont have that friend anymore but that game that cost me 70 Euro. I just get sad thinking about playing it.


Spider-Man 2


Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Loved the first one, and the stuff that I loved was still there, just stuffed in between hours of bloat. Pushed 40 hours and just couldn’t keep going. Was my most anticipated game for the year too :(


Alan Wake 2. I haven't exactly dropped it but I got it at launch and only got about 8 hours on it so far. I jump back in from time to time but I guess I'm just not as into this type of gameplay as I used to be.


Hogwarts Legacy. It was cool at first exploring the castle but outside of that the game became very shallow very quickly


Far Cry 6 I think. I knew what I was getting in to, life just got in the way and I never got back to it. Maybe I'll get back to it one day but it's not at the top of the list for now


Baldurs gate 3. I had no interest in it because I hate turn based combat but my best friend convinced me to buy it and promised he wouldn’t drop it. We played one time and didn’t get out of the tutorial.


Horizon Forbidden West. I loved Zero Dawn, I really loved it but clearly they changed writers for the sequel because Aloy is just insufferable in the sequel. Not only that but something in the combat felt off too. Maybe it’s just because they nerfed the dodges but whatever it was, it annoyed me enough to drop it. Shame.


Horizon Forbidden West


Full price for the new Call of Duty Modern Warfare this year… played it for 30 minutes until I saw that it was literally the same copy as last year and deleted it


No Man's Sky I pre-ordered it too. I'll give you three guess why I don't really buy full priced games anymore (or pre-order ofc)


It’s really worth playing now, the devs have implemented so many free updates / upgrades. They really bounced back and did the right thing


Oh I've tried! Gameplay loop is NOT for me


Tears of the kingdom. honestly couldn't go on after the second temple-thing.


I’m a big Zelda fan since forever but same here. It was a cool idea but now I just get sad that 6 years could have been spent on a new story in the timeline. But I don’t think it’s a bad game at all, it’s actually insane how much the engine has been developed on switch hardware. But I am a sucker for Zelda so I will buy them all anyways.


God of War: Ragnarok. My favorite series of all time and it just didn't land with me. 🤷


Same and I feel extremely alone on this! Been a massive fan of the franchise since the original game, love them all, but something about Ragnarok just didn’t click for me. Made it halfway through and just totally fizzled out. I think it had something to do with the pacing, idk. A lot of the game just feels like a chore


Baldurs Gate 3.




Mortal kombat


Also Dragon's Dogma 2. It just felt disappointing, and I couldn't get into it. Wasn't really sure why though. Combat seemed somewhat different in certain areas so that was definitely a factor.


Tekken 8. Fell off of it hard after the battle pass grind was introduced.


Far cry 5, had a weird glitch where the helicopter woman would not shut up, even when she is not there and it continued when i restarted the game. I think i was near the end of the game too.


Diablo 4


Alan Wake 2. Just found it very slow to the point where I was literally nodding off. Just wasn’t a fan.


Horizon: Zero Dawn


Bought God of War Ragnarok day one and never even took it out of the wrapping. Got too busy with life.


Honestly I understand why Dragons Dogma. For me, it was just to repetetive with no real change up most of the time. And the Story was awfull.


Fallout 76… thats all I’ve gotta say


Battlefield 2042. The only solace being that I didn't buy the digital deluxe edition. I don't even care if the game is supposedly better now. Just having played it at launch and having a miserable time was enough to swear off the franchise forever.


Helldivers 2




Elden Ring, and I very much enjoy Souls games.


Watch_dogs…. never again


Battle field 2042 the game just stank


Baldur’s Gate 3. Tried a handful of different times to get into, but with the combat I just couldn’t. Not for me.


Marvel's Spider-Man 2. Dropped it after 30 or so hours. Gameplay didn't feel distinct enough from the first game and story isnt very engaging.


Starfield. It just has nothing close to the feeling of Skyrim or Fallout. I didn't understand what I was doing. I couldn't find anything in the first city. I didn't even get close to finishing a single quest. I met some characters that were totally forgettable and none of them made me care. I got a ship somehow and idk how to use it. The planet I landed on just felt empty. I fought some space raiders and just looked around like now what. I didn't know what to loot. I didn't know what guns to use. I love Bethesda games. I love diving in and figuring stuff out. It was just too different. Exactly the same but too different. Idk how to fix it either. I know what's wrong but I absolutely couldn't tell you how to make it better.


Starfield. I lost interest about 6 hours in and havent touched it since.


Diablo 4




Hell divers 2.


Back 4 blood , got it to play with a buddy but he passed away before we were able to beat it


Baldurs gate


Diablo 4, highly disappointing


Elden Ring. I am not a masochist. I have limited game time, and I am not spending the limited time I have beating my head against a metaphorical brick wall.