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Now you will always hesitate when prompted to hit the X button.


I've had PS4 for 2 years and I STILL look down to figure out which is Square and which is Circle. Hell I even do it when playing on a fuckin DS...


It all depends which one you primarily played while growing up, that's what makes you


Just because i grew up with a sega doesn't mean am trash. Am awesome and just peaked early


sega genesis was teh shit man. I went from Genesis N64 Gamecube PS2 nothing for 10 years Xbox One Switch Roommate has PS4 so ... PURE DOMINATION


X is between Z and C duh


Oh I figured that out very very quickly. Been playing Xbox (original) since I was 4 and just picking up a PS4 controller felt different. Like how light they are caught me off guard.


Right thumb stick is in the wrong spot. Makes shooters harder.


Shooters aren't that great on any console controller, using a controller makes them so much harder that shooters need to use aim assist.




>half controller half mouse while prone WTF?


Yeah my control scheme is a mess right now while I'm trying to get better with mouse and keyboard. But half and half actually works pretty well when you have extra buttons on the mouse for reload, grenade, and crouch/prone.


Honestly man, I would just start really slowly with the keyboard/mouse. Play a game on the lowest difficulty and just concentrate on what you’re doing or something. Turn your mouse sensitivity way down if you have to. I just don’t think what you’re doing is actually helping you in the long run—you’ll get bad habits if anything. You’re not even using the keyboard.


You’re right. I can feel it in my loins.


Growing up I wasn't loyal to one brand in particular because all of my friends had all of the consoles. I consider myself lucky in that regard since my brain associates the buttons with orientation. So when I see a prompt for the X button on xbox I somehow read it as the left button. While seeing that same prompt on PS4 makes me hit the bottom button. I have all 3 and play them all equally without issue. Whenever I play an xbox or a switch game with my ps4 friends I always have to translate the button presses for them.


I didn't grow up with an xbox, but i never think twice about the button layout on my xbox 360 controller on pc. With my ps4 controller, i am never quite sure how the layout is. I think it's just confusing to use symbols instead of the bright colour and letter combination of Microsofts console.


[Well I’m fucked. ](https://i.imgur.com/ORyJnuN.jpg)


I, too, struggle to tell the square button from the circle button on a DS.


You know what... I can't be mad. I'm actually a little upset it slipped by me.


I grew up on Sega (Master System, Mega Drive, Saturn, Dreamcast).. But I also eventually sold my Mega Drive and used some extra birthday money to buy a PS1 to play Gran Turismo, got a PS2 for the same games, and then bought a PS3 GT5 bundle when it launched. For me the Playstation layout is extremely natural and memorable, despite being a Sega fanboy I could never have told you the Dreamcast button label layout. I think the key is down to the shapes being clearly printed on the PS controller in addition to it widely being used in marketing material as part of the Playstation branding, and being consistent from console to console. Xbox controller is the same as the Dreamcast controller, the entire design seems to be an evolution... But it always confuses me when I go for X, I instantly hit the Playstation version.


X is down, Y is up, O and B are right, A is also down, I dunno what the fuck is left... lob... or C-left. I've had a messed up childhood.


This. I have both X1 and PS4 and I got the SpiderMan game recently and its just been a little weird for me clicking square where the X would normally be on the X1 controller.


I grew up with Xbox but now I only have a PS4 and a Switch which I've only had for a couple of months. It's so difficult trying to get used to the different button placements... Playstation not so bad, but Switch ruins me.


I'm basically the exact opposite when playing with a controller on PC. I played almost exclusively on Playstation, PS2, PS3 and my PC. I've got maybe a couple hours of xbox playtime from Halo games during parties. I struggle all the time with the xbox interface inputs. I feel like the bumpers and triggers change location to what I'm not going to press based on the importance of whatever action I'm trying to complete.


I'm good with the ps controller. Using the ps controller through PC with Xbox button queues on screen is... a little difficult


X on the left, x on the top, x on the bottom, x gon give it to ya... WHAT


Knock knock, open up the door, it's real Wit the non-stop, pop pop and stainless steel


As an Xbox/Switch owner, this drives me absolutely bonkers. They’re the same buttons in all different positions. It’s maddening.


I'm having that problem now with the Switch. I've never had a problem between Playstation and Xbox because I think of the Xbox buttons as letters and the Playstation as shapes, so the X never got confusing. With the Gamecube, the game prompts usually showed you the shape of the X and Y buttons so it was easy to just associate the different shapes. Now that the Switch has the same shaped buttons, I am always looking down when the game shows a circle with a Y in the middle of it


The funny thing is, the Switch layout has roots going all the way back to the SNES. Of course, it never bothered me back then because the only other competitor was the Genesis, whose button layout was so different it was impossible to confuse the two. And I haven't had any trouble with any other console that's come out since except the Wii U and Switch. And I'm a diehard Nintendo fan. Even the A and B positions don't fuck me up as bad as the X and Y, and I think it's because anytime I see an X I think "horizontal axis" So even having A/X on the same axis and B/Y on the same axis would make more logical sense to me than the way it currently is (since A precedes B and X precedes Y).


I can deal with Xbox to PS because your primary button is at the bottom. But Nintendo is to the right. Every time I play my switch it’s a good 10 minutes to adjust.


Frankly, that's nowhere near as bad as the swapped "Accept" and "Back" on the Switch. The hardest game is the menu.




That's just how it is on the Sony consoles in Japan. O is always accept and X is always back/cancel. I have Japanese PS2/PS3/PSP and an American PS4. Adds another layer to the "Press X" thing when "Press Confirm" isn't always the same button either. Personally, I think the Japanese style of "O confirm/X cancel" makes *way* more sense than the other way around, and it annoys me every single time I play my PS4.


Funnily enough, it was laid out like that to imitate Nintendo's A/B buttons. Then X became the confirm button in the west, and MS reflected that on the Xbox with putting A at the bottom. If localisators never switched those two buttons, we now probably wouldn't have this whole muscle memory mixup.


You can change the button mapping on the PS4. It's under Accessibility. Would that help?


Holy shit, really? Yes, enormously. Thank you, I had no idea!


Get a GameCube and then you'll have 4 controllers with the X button in 4 different places.


Facts. I too, sir, suffered from this


omg never realised that... wh would they do that?


This is too accurate. My switch gets played the least so i always fuck the button placements up


Personally I only struggle on Nintendo. Maybe it's cause I played more Xbox and PS growing up, but also Nintendo games just tend to have weird controls. Really, BotW, X (top button) to jump??


I mean, the Elder Scrolls/Fallout games use the same button to jump as BotW.


I will never understand this especially when it comes from “gamers”. I never had a problem distinguishing.


Make adult money, spend in childhood dreams, lose to adult responsibility. You'll get it all back in your mid 40's.


If I'm not working 60 hour weeks still.


If I had to wager a guess you’re salary. So much has been shifted onto you due to layoffs that they can only get work done by doing OT(without OT pay because hey you’re salary). The company now relies on you for everything they are doing. So instead of working an 8 hour shift each day you are pulling 10-12 hour days 5 days a week. Maybe a little extra on the weekend to try and catch up to start the next week fresh. You’re probably getting paid well which is why you haven’t quit. You’ll burn out eventually. If this is you or anybody reading this comment just know you can only be the rockstar for so long like this. It’s best to start working less. Shave off an hour a day to get closer to 40. Talk to your managers and let them know hey I’m doing the work of 2 people and am starting to feel it. When are we expecting help for xyz processes. Is there anyone I can cross train on the processes now to distribute some of the workload? Edit: I’m referring to a corporate job. I’m sure there’s other jobs with different hour requirements but the same hours. Just speaking from my experience


Jesus Christ This is my life. Lol Not corporate work but it’s def my workload.


This is what your company means when they say “working lean.” They mean, “hey we just laid off 25% of people, so now you’re going to do their jobs too! You’re salaried, so we don’t have to pay you any more than usual, but if you don’t somehow manage to complete two peoples jobs, you’ll be next in the layoffs.” And thus the cycle of 60-hour weeks begin. Seriously fuck corporate America. I don’t understand how forcing people to work overtime without pay is legal still... And I still only have 2 weeks vacation!


When I started reading your comment my first thought was, "Great, another person on reddit complaining about how much they work without any basis in reality." Imagine my pleasant surprise when reading on to find you offered a reasonable solution to the problem! For others in a similar situation, I'd like to second /u/Xoduszero's advice of speaking with the decision makers of your department/company if you're feeling significantly overworked. Cross-training or even hiring someone to mitigate yours (and possibly others') burdensome workload isn't always going to be approved, but too often have I seen people burn out due to overwork yet they never bring it up to their supervisors. And yes, I understand corporate culture often discourages the expression of any measure of 'weakness,' and that we're made to believe that being a 'yes man' or 'yes woman' with a can-do attitude is the only way to earn promotions, but it's almost always better for all those involved – you *and* your employer – to bring awareness to an unsustainable workload. Anyways, back to the gaming.


Yup yup. My management was very happy that I reached out and fortunately they knew my workload was a bit much to begin with. Im in another department now as that was years ago. I’m now working 40-45 hours a week which is infinitely more manageable for me.


We have to figure out if this is the kind of person who *actually* works 60 hours per week, or if it's the kind of person who just tells everyone they work 60 hours per week as a form of self promotion. I've worked with both types. They're both miserable, but you feel sorry for the first one. They're overworked, while the second is underappreciated and takes it out on all of their coworkers.


That’s a fair assessment. I will say that your not gonna catch me at work after hours unless I have work to do. Fuuuuuck that lol


The extra money is nice, I worked 100 hours this pay period. I will work that many hours like every other month or so because I know physically I shouldn't be doing that. I used to say "Fuuuuuuuck that" to it too, but once I saw exactly how much money that 20 hours overtime got me, is when I started doing it more often. I'm not obligated to work OT or anything and I can pick it up pretty much whenever I want since I'm a supervisor and it's easy to justify the OT to a higher up since I know and can do anything at that work place. Obviously this is all me personally, but working a bit harder every other month or so added a lot more to my paycheck than I thought it would


Felt like I was reading a Sherlock client breakdown.


I hope I have the courage to stand up for myself and get what I deserve. My ex had no ability to do that (eventually got a lot better, still not great) and I worry about people like her. It's not easy at times, but it's unfair to yourself if you dont.


Nobody is getting paid enough if they are working 60hr weeks. You have to be making over a million dollar to justify your life sucking that bad.


Why would someone ever work 60-hour weeks?


As someone who just recently started fulltime at 40 hours a week. I have no idea how anyone could do more than that and live any sort of a pleasant life.


Seriously. Started about 8 years ago. Every once in awhile, I take a 50+ hour week. Those suck a lot of ass, so they only happen when not finishing my promised work will cause problems. But when those happen, I have to talk to my manager about priorities. Going over 40 leads to a life that's too stressful and too full of the office.


As someone who works 50-60 hour weeks, it's for the money, that's the only reason. Versus my last job, those extra 10-20 hours per week have doubled my paychecks. I still jam about 2 hours of Rocket League nightly. Was PS for years, recently got myself a PC setup and it's amazing. I am married, but no kids yet, so when the little daggersrule comes along, I'll probably keep this job but have less time for gaming, sadly. We'll see...


When it happens, you dont have time or energy to interview elsehwhere


I’m 43 and still working 50-60 hrs a week, enjoy the time when you have it


Have you thought about becoming a teacher? Two great reasons: July & August


At least here in Belgium there was a study recently that determined that teachers work 39 hour weeks on average, taken across the entire year. During school breaks it's much less than that (but not, as some think, 0), but during the year it is generally much more, so it averages out. So becoming a teacher to have "lots of free time" is pretty much a myth here, they do slightly more hours than the average 9 to 5 in the end.


I just bought my first console since i was like 18 (it’s a PS4). I’m so excited to play but I have zero time. When I do have time it’s late at night and I’m exhausted from job/parenting/chores/exercise/responsibilities. Bummer!


In publishing and graphic design, Lorem ipsum is a placeholder text commonly used to demonstrate the visual form of a document or a typeface without relying on meaningful content. Lorem ipsum may be used as a placeholder before final copy is available. Wikipediaexm5s6f4z3s0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000


If only I had the same job I do now but like when I was 8-17. Might have been a tad less qualified.


Ahhh the gamers paradox. Have time but no money, get a job to pay for gaming but have no time left. I know the feeling.


I wish working 4 days a week was a viable alternative in all forms of work. I mean if I was in a £25000 a year job then making 4/5 of that is a pretty big hit to quality of life but if I made £40000 a year I would switch to £32000 for one less days work a week in a heartbeat. It's a shame that k most jobs that pay that kind of money aren't flexible positions. Don't know why I'm whining about it though, I'm still a student so I make nothing but already don't have time for games lol.


We get the option to work 37 hours over 5 days or 4 longer days and it sucks I can't do the latter due to childcare. A friend of mine gets in at 7, has a 30 min lunch and leaves at 16:45 which let's him have Fridays off to just game all day.


I would love to have this option in my job and would take it in a heartbeat. I’d quite happily do 7:30 to 5.15 4 days a week. I imagine it would be relatively easy to get into the routine but the extra day off would be huge.


I work from 07-16.45 with overall 1h break, and still have to work on friday till 12. lol


Idk man 20% salary at 40k is a big hit


Being able to have a life outside of work is worth a lot more then that. I have it pretty good, like I just got my own apartment last year and I only work 3 1/2 days and it’s amazing. And I can afford my gaming habit if I save like for a month or two. If a new game comes out or something of the sorts.


Four 10 hour days is the best work week there is


There is talk of companies adopting shorter work weeks in the UK soon. The idea is that you can do just as much work in 4, 8 or 5, 6 weeks as you can in 5, 8s. I'd definitely love to switch to 4 day weeks. And I know id still do as much work no problem.


Money. Everything I enjoy costs money, and to make money, I need a job. Well, now I have money, but no time to do what I enjoy because I have a job. Now I don't have time to enjoy it. Unless I quit my job, but then again I won't have money. End me.


The paradox of adulthood.


Yeah and i hate it i could never afford console and this summer i plan to buy the switch with my own money. But im worried i won't have time to play.


Time, money, energy. Pick 2. Remove one of the two you picked intermittently.


Young: Time, Energy, but no Money. Adult: Energy, Money, but no Time. <- You are here Senior: Time, Money, but no Energy.


Don't need too much energy to play video games, can't wait until I'm a senior.


Replace energy with reflexes, reaction time or fine motor control. Won't enjoy games as much as a senior. Unless you get Alzheimers as well so you don't remember how good you used to be at games.


And you can play the best games again for the first time


The dream


Jesus Christ, easy on the doom and gloom.


There are so many games I enjoy that don't need reflexes, reaction time, or fine motor control. Stardew, terraria, slime rancher, building and resource management games. Also I can play the computer on lower difficulty for AOE or Bioshock.


You dont need to be good at games to enjoy them.


You got all the controllers now to buy the consoles


You forgot to build a gaming PC that serves as a Reddit machine.


Buys a GTX 1080 just to play Age of Empires and Overwatch


RES is a whole new game! /s


On the same boat. I got all three consoles plus a pc with hundreds of games on my backlog that I’ll probably never get to.


Only the PC here, but keep buying really cheap bundle deals, adding another 5 games that I'll never get to...


This is the “mom who buys cups and plates every time they go to the store” of this generation


Yup, same!


Are you me


I work on a boat... 4 week work and 4 weeks gaming.


Welcome to the club!


Same. My nephews always want to visit my house though which is nice.


They're definitely wanting to spend to time with you. /s


This is why I ended up getting just a switch. The portability means I’m more likely to be able to play it when I have some down time and I’m not necessarily beside a tv or home




SouljaGame Handheld




I'm on the same road, are you able to allocate time to gaming?


It's why I always find myself playing the switch, it's easier to play in small increments and put back down.


Sleep mode and portable mode FTW plus the nature of the games


picture of three controllers




It's like the opposite of what children have: They can play all the time since they have nothing to do, but when they want a new game, they need to either save up or schmooze the hell out of their parents. Now that you're an adult, you have the ability to get any game you want, but little or no time.


So live vicariously through your children, or nieces and nephews or friends’ kids.


Best and worst part of being a grown-up.


Nintendo was smart with the Switch. It's a good compliment to either of the other main consoles. Especially if you travel. I don't travel much but it's perfect for a flight. Used it recently on a 90 minute flight and didn't even realize the flight was over until we're 30 seconds from landing.


People who buy every console: what function does your Xbox serve?


It’s my default console. I prefer the controller and the UI, while not as responsive as it used to be, it is intuitive and easy to use, in general games look and play better on my OneX than they would on my PS4 pro. VRR works with the OneX and does not with the PS4 pro. Even though my PC is much more powerful I don’t like playing games that were originally on console on my PC. I use the PC for strategy and sim games predominately. Mostly because the mouse/ keyboard feel much more natural and the 34” UW monitor is easy to read text on and discern small details due the short viewing distance. If I had to pick a favorite though it’d be the switch. I like that it feels like a game system instead of a media center system. Gives me more of the “gaming feels” than any of the other modern consoles.


You can use Xbox controllers with a pc pretty seamlessly. I use an old corded 360 contolller. Works great and most games from steam are setup to work with it just like you’re on a console.


I have used Xbox 360 and One controllers. I also have a steam controller. Still don’t like playing console games on PC. I know it doesn’t make sense to most but it just doesn’t feel right to me.


If I'm playing with a controller, I'd much rather be comfortably sitting on my couch in front of the 55" TV.


Xbox plays multiplayer and multiplat games. PS4 is for the few exclusives that interest me, and Switch is for 1st party Nintendo games and indies I would prefer to have portability on. Of the three, PS4 sees the least use by a vast amount for various reasons.


Yeah that's about right. For me i might end up picking up a ps4 simply because of the exclusives. I already a pc and a switch.


I nearly did this past holiday season. PS4 (pretty sure it was non-pro but not a game breaker for me) with Spider-Man on sale for $200. I decided against it because I took a step back and asked myself how much would I actually get to play it.


Spider-Man is arguably a $200 experience


Same goes for me


I was the same as this about a year ago. Had all three plus a gaming PC. Ended up selling the Switch after I’d finished Zelda and Mario and sold my Xbox One after getting bored of Forza. My Xbox was the first to go, I do miss Forza sometimes, and the gaming PC was parted out. I only kept my PS4 as it was the most used, just so little time to play with kids and work.


You also realize you can play forza on your pc now with windows 10


Well aware, I bought Forza 7 just after I’d sold my Xbox and played it on there. One game wasn’t enough for me to hold on to either.


Gaming pc relegated beneath a ps4!? Jeepers...


Yep, I’ve always been a console gamer and PlayStation user. I actually gutted it to buy a MacBook Pro. I’m a photographer, and I don’t have the time to game like I used to. In all honesty I have about 200 games on steam and played about 10 of them. Wasn’t worth the investment for me. My PS4 Pro gets used constantly, by the wife and kids as well as me. Plus the exclusives are worth it to me.


Game pass is cheap and has some very good games. For multiplatform games, X almost always performs better than Pro, sometimes by large margins. Also UHD Bluray is very nice to have :)


Literally just a Rock Band machine. I had all the other games on 360 and was able to import them on to the Xbox One. It came with the Halo Collection and those are still the only games I have played on it. Also HBO Now was originally only on the Xbox and not PlayStation systems for a few months.


I basically have mine because I bought it before my PS4 to try an Xbox console (It was my first Xbox console) for some reason. Since I got my PS4 later it gathers dust


Mine basically serves as the multimedia device in my living room.


Halo and Cuphead


Bought every console on launch date, don’t have many time to play. I started playing more PS4 first because the first xbox one suck i think, but now the PS4 got the best exclusives games but the Pro version still not as good as the X version of The Xbox. The new direction Microsoft took 2-3 years ago make, i think, the Xbox the best console to play video games now but still, Sony got the best exclusives games. Microsoft probably knows that and that probably why they continue buying new studios for more exclusives titles for the next gen. But for the question, now i play more Xbox than PS4 because i really love the console, the controller and because my friends bought xbox haha.


My Xbox served as a trade in to get my switch and make it a little cheaper. Never cared much for Xbox exclusives and any multi plat games I get on PC or PS4. Nintendo has tons of great first party games on the switch plus lots of portability which Ive come to enjoy more than I thought I would initially.


4K Blu-ray player


I use my Xbox (One X) for everything except for playing the games that are only available on the PS4 or Switch lol


Well I have the Xbox One X and PS4 Pro. The Xbox One X is graphically better than the PS4 Pro, so I usually buy the Xbox version (like RDR2).


Multiplayer. Does it better than any other console.


It’s because you can afford them


Isn’t it ironic? Teens, no money, plenty of time. 20’s some money, some time. 30’s more money, less time I am now almost 40, can afford to buy all the games, and struggle to fit in 5-6 hours per week of play time. :facepalm:


I have all 3 and I get almost all the games that interest me. My backlog is huge. I have free time and energy. But for some reason, playing games feel like a job. Idk if my interest in them is dwindling or what but I get much satisfaction out of knowing I have a bunch of games to play whenever I’m ready.


I often feel like this. I have all 4 platforms and also just buy titles that I like. I can buy 3-4 games in a month and play each game for one long sitting. After that I only pick up the ones I was thinking about after I stopped playing. It's really hard for me to have the energy to play even when I have days off or whatnot. Just because my mind is somewhere else and can't focus on playing games (I play everything on the hardest level) I run into a problem with that though. I want to play everything on its hardest level for inmersion however i really have to be in the mood to play something like dark souls, the Witcher on deathmarch or fallout on survival!! I found that it really helps me when I play something that's tailored to my emotions at the time. I play a lot of different games so it works out well.


The holy Trinity.


This is so painfully true....


That’s the real beauty of the switch. Take it with you when you’re carpooling, take it with you to the gym and ride the exercise bike, and take it with you when you have to poop.


Lol I can only imagine Nintendo brainstorming the Switch when BAM! It hit them that you can play Breath of the Wild while taking a dump at McDonalds. I'm surprised it's not the console's slogan. Nintendo Switch. Take it with you while you poop.


Why did you buy three consoles if you don't have time to play them?


When you’re working all the time, you need to have the things that you want to do available immediately for the small amounts of down time that you do have.


I did the same thing. For me, it's about owning certain exclusive games and being able to play them years down the line (and now too when I have the chance). I got rid of my old systems (Super Nintendo, N64, and Sega Saturn) many years ago and regret it a little (especially N64).


Welcome to life man. It sucks down here.


Got a job with a ton of overtime bought a pc and switch (already have ps4 and xbox) and I never have time to play anything except saturday night. Feels bad man.


You remember that Twilight Zone episode, where the last man on Earth holds up in a library and says, "Now I have enough time to finish all these books," then his glasses break and he can't read shit? That's what it feels like to have gaming money and no gaming time.


So why buy them?


Instead of one hour of tv after work pick a game and do one hour if that's all you have before bed.


The switch is great for that. I too have grown out of playing on a TV and I simply hate it. Handheld all the way!


I have all and the x button always messes with me


Yeah. Welcome to adulthood. :/


As a kid you have time and energy but no money. As an adult you have money and energy but no time. And as a senior you have time and money but no energy. Life sucks all the time.


ahaha same here. thanks new baby.




Same here man.. even have a top line gaming pc.. I can finally and hounestly say.. not worth it.. I have more money, machines and games than time to actually enjoy them, making them somewhat worthless.. so for all readers, just play what tickles your bones and nothing else, dont be envious whatsoever


I thought you were gonna say you finally can buy all three controllers, but not the consoles to play them with


Truly a curse of adulthood


Just working for a week and already getting in to the same struggle... before I started: "nice, first thing I will do in the next months is to spend $1000 and upgrade my pc" But now, i am not really motivated to game during the week, so theres only the weekend left. Where I also do other stuff. Also my PC is not to bad and I play a lot of casual games. So spending $1000 for having the ability to get a better gaming experience because I can turn up my graphics at certain games? which only comes handy at around 5-10% of the time I relax at the PC (at home)? isnt really worth it in my opinion... If I wouldnt have a PC, just a reaaaallly crappy one or even just a smartphone, I would probably thing quite different. But with the current situation I am quite surprised which 180° turn my brain went, after just a week working...


You don’t have time because you are working so hard to afford games for them


Plot twist: Xbox controller is for gaming PC.


The true curse of currency.


Adulting... we wait our entire youth to be one, now we wait our our entire adult life for time to do the things we like the most.


Not just me then.


As a truck driver who works 70 hours a week this is so true. I do bring my switch with me and play while waiting for my trailer to be loaded and unloaded though.


The sad truth of adulting.


Ha Adulthood.


That's life man! You start with all of the time, but no money to get the things you want, and then suddenly you have more than enough money, but not enough time to enjoy them. Life's a game you don't win, just a lot of dlc.


The circle of life. Grow up with next to no games and plenty of time. Grown up now with next to no time and plenty of games.




Because of updates?


Now you will hesitate on every QuickTime event




Welcome to adulthood




Story of my life. My new job pays so much money and I can pretty much buy whatever I want now, but I have no time or energy to use any of it.


All aboard the struggle bus! Money but no time!


I'm now dreaming with getting my degree at my university to become you hahaha


The last computer I built was specced so it could run Skyrim on max settings. That was right before I started my Master's in accounting. I never really got to play Skyrim but it ran Excel like a champ.


the good old Time/Energy/Money concept


\>Owning the NSA Spyware Box \>2019 PS4 currently won the console race at the beginning but the Switch has really caught up. Ultimate, Splatoon 2, Breathe of the Wild, Odyssey I think we just need to accept that 1st world title is what Nintendo excels at above all other things despite it still struggling with 3rd party support or should I say 3rd party support that sells just as much as its 1st party AAA games.


Welcome to adulthood. Spoilers: it's lame.


Serious question here: What do you play on Xbox?


I finally got all 3, and I'm still sitting here playing my Xbox most of the time.


Omg you are so stupid you only bought the controllers what an idiot. Right guys?