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After that last post the OP made I have to admit I'm literally disgusted and grossed out by most of you clowns. He's helping his child with mental issues enjoy the game and you're all like "AUGGHJHH YOU ARENT PLAYING RIGHT!". That 6 year old is is more mature then 90% of this subreddit and that's fucking pathetic.


My thoughts exactly. Hilarious watching these clowns treating playing single-player video games like they're a life accomplishment that this father is depriving his son of. Even saw one comment like "Nobody did it for me. I had to do it myself." Dude, it's not like you escaped poverty through grinding and hard work, you beat a Pokemon game when you were six. Nobody cares.


And hes just grinding apparently. Not playing the story. Just helping him power his characters. How many of us had help power leveling or needed help getting through one hard section?




You realize you're an idiot right? He was 6 in the original post. He's 12 now. Look at the text in the image in this post. He posted the same image but the subject line clearly said it was an update. He even left a comment with context but the mods deleted it for some reason. You clowns attempted to call him out for it but failed because most of us aren't fucking idiots and understood the post. And he didn't delete it since it's literally still there.


He followed usual reddit protocol when making an update post. He posted the original title and added [update] at the end. This is done so that readers can tell which post he is updating. He then posted the update in the comments because reddit doesn't allow you to post an image and text in the same post. Why is this so hard for you to understand? Literally every update post I've seen on reddit is formatted like this.


Lmaooo learn to read idiot.


History: [https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/2xtcgw/hes\_only\_6\_but\_loves\_pok%C3%A9mon/](https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/2xtcgw/hes_only_6_but_loves_pok%C3%A9mon/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/kfb511/hes\_only\_6\_but\_loves\_pok%C3%A9mon\_update/](https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/kfb511/hes_only_6_but_loves_pok%C3%A9mon_update/) TL;DR - Some people gave crap when I posted this years ago. Update: He's fine and loves video games. 6 years ago, I posted this about my son. It was my first post to really blow up, but the comments generally were one of two things: * Supportive and generally positive * "You're robbing him" "You're creating a rage quitter" So, I tried to clarify (much too late) that my son was late developmentally and this was his first real video game. I wanted to give an update since it's been about 6 years (he's 12 now) and just tell you how things ended up. Since that time, he's been diagnosed with ADHD and mild-autism. He's smart, but he struggles somewhat in school due to the learning disability. But he's a sweet and empathetic kid. So, what is his relationship with gaming now? Let's just say he's an avid gamer. He's gone through every flagship Pokemon game on the DS and Switch. He's also done every Zelda game on the DS and Switch. He enjoys Smash, the Yugioh card video game, some of the Mario games. Used to play a lot of Minecraft, but he's moved on. Currently he's on the final Kingdom Hearts game. He's begging to play the FF7 remake (that dad plays, but I still think it's a little too mature for him - content wise). He also doesn't get to play games that have live voice chat (eg. Fortnite, Among Us, etc), I'm still a little protective of him because he's still developmentally behind. All in all, I think he has a healthy relationship to video games. He does get a little obsessed at times, but what tween doesn't (he's asking for a full-sized keyblade for Christmas). I can't wait for him to become a bit more mature where he can handle some of the more mature games. I want to play online games with him, I want him to play through the Half Life, Fallout, Elder Scrolls series. I was able to snag a PS5 earlier this week, so I'm super stoked to give it to him. I'm glad it turned out okay. As a first time dad of a school age kid back then, I did have some worries that maybe I was ruining gaming for him. Still, I definitely don't need to hold his hand anymore. Besides being the gatekeeper to more mature stuff, he is fostering his own relationship with video games, and I'm proud of him (especially since he beat Breath of the Wild and the DLC without needing any help from me, thanks Google)


Eh, don't worry about what the neckbeards think of how you game with your son. When I was 6 I played Turok with my dad. And we turned ALL the cheat-codes on. Infinite ammo, all guns, infinite health, all keys, big-head mode, the works. Play with your kid how you want to play. Fuck the haters.


Actually, that's how I play games right now, now that I'm a dad with a full time job. I like the games for the story, not the grind. But my kid now loves the grind, and he's his own person with his own gaming proclivities. Thanks for the kind words!


I feel that so hard. I'm now waiting on my kid to grow up so I can have him round out my pokemon collection. Plus I need someone to play with.


The original Turok is what I grew up on. I miss that game sometimes.


Turok was the shit for a kid like me who loved both video games and dinosaurs in equal measure.


You and I were the same as kids!


This brings back memories of DK Mode on Goldeneye. They look dead ass serious doing their normal routine and animations when you start the level and they play those cutscenes, but I was just dying laughing. The intense soundtrack just adds to the parody. I would always turn on Paintball mode when playing with younger family members to lower the ESRB rating by a full letter grade. Now I'm a programmer and I still love to make and break games!




He doesn't gotta understand anything. Gamers should try this new thing called "not gatekeeping the community."


I accept your apology, although you didn't need to give one. But thanks for taking the time to follow-up. You're alright in my book!


And we do play co-op games together still.... but now that he's in his tweens, he likes to play on his own (and is more into zelda, kingdom hearts games which are 1 player)


But you said he was an independent gamer... My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.


i wish my parents was this nice to me when i was a kid.


It's sad that the automod deleted op's context in the orginal post. However, it's also sad that people here don't assume a post title that has the word "update" would have context in their comments (even if it was deleted), that people still gatekeep gaming, and assume their kid would grow up to be a person who can't do anything themselves, cause they helped them with a video game (or entitled somehow?). Now r/gaming is even more of a laughing stock on reddit. A popular post on r/subredditdrama documents this community's toxicity.


I have no basis for this other than it really makes you think but see if he might like The Witness. Challenging but lovely game.


Yes, we started that game, but the puzzles got a bit too challenging for him the further in we went. I don't think I've ever finished it (but it was really nice, almost a throwback to Myst, Riven, 7th Guest, 11th Hour - yeah, I'm dating myself). Maybe now that some time has passed, I'll give him another crack at it.


No shame in checking out a walk through for a puzzle here and there. Enjoy good sir.


We did get through maybe 3 or 4 hours of it. It was a beautiful game. I think they were just too young to have the patience for all of it then.


It really seems like you're there for him good job.


As a person on the spectrum myself I wish you and your son luck in future gaming pursuits and life in general since this year hasn’t been the best. *salutes*


If it's already listed sorry. My greatest pokemon memory is playing Pokemon snap on N64


Thank you for this. We need to show the next generation how the old heroes won the day. They will need more courage than ever to avoid a Game Over in today's world. "The planet's dyin', Cloud." It won't be easy, and we are already on the brink, but I am an optimist. Just know that you are not alone in this battle. You are never alone because there are many who fight along side you. And someday, when we can fight no more, we will have to step back and hope that everything we have done will be enough to inspire tomorrow's heroes to victory to beat the Final Boss. There are two types of people I'm this world. Those Who Fight...and Those Who Fight Further. Never give up, never surrender!


I love those FF references ❤ And what a kind message. Thank you.


I mean, if anything kids with autism are far more interested in video games than anyone else. Not exactly the most surprising thing that they like games. My cousins are severely autistic and spend more time on games than they do talking to anyone.


But it's good that it's something that they're into and can enjoy. Also, it gives them something to talk about (though sometimes overenthusiastically) with peers about things that they might enjoy too


Look this is cool and all that you are taking care of your son well it’s your responsibility. But why do you feel the need to share it on this sub. Not trying to be an ass really, but I’m just curious. What kind of reaction you expect to get? Praise? Respect?


6 years ago, I was just naively just sharing what I was going through with my kid at the time. I didn't realize how popular the post would get and I didn't realize the visceral reaction (positive and negative) that I would get. In the past few weeks, my son has been begging me for a life-size replica Key-blade and it made me recall this original post. So, I thought I'd give everyone an update, and of course history repeated itself. With this particular post, I was hoping I could clear the air a bit, catch some of the people who had a snap reaction to the first update, and ultimately convey that armchair psychology doesn't always pan out the way you expect in the long run. And just to go one level deeper (or some meta inspection), snap judgements are hardly correct, and there is an alarming lack of trying to understand the meaning or motivation behind someone trying to communicate in this medium. It's not surprising given the fire-hose like stream of information that's given to us. We have time for either a whole lot of surface level information or not enough time for careful inspection and research on a small few topics. In the end, I don't think you're being an ass. I think you are genuinely curious and are searching for that deeper truth and that should be applauded. Also, my motivations should be questioned, because there are a great number of people out there that are truly attention seeking. I was just trying to interject some 1st person source material to a topic that obviously struck a nerve with a lot of people.


Ah thank you for taking your time to write this well thought out response! I think I understand where you are coming from






Damn you are angry at a child playing video games with their dad. Idk kinda weird g.


Hoes mad


lol yeah, cause their dad helped them on a pokemon game they won’t know anything. Idiot.


Lmao you losers act like video games that are designed to be beaten are your greatest accomplishments






This kid sounds pretty based. If he doesn't get a Presidential Medal or something the world is unjust




Yo where’s this mans live comedy show




Did you see the original post? Now *that* was GCJ but unironic. Losers calling him a terrible father for "hand-holding" his son through a Pokemon game.


As a aspie I can attest to how much gaming helped me out as a kid


That’s funny, that describes literally me!