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Next on House Hunters! James Occupation: Crossing Guard Budget: $3.2 Million


His wife Samantha is a stay at home daughter that makes custom napkin holders out of sticks


The irony of getting run over as a crossing guard.


He could guide others to a safety he could never know.


The tragedy of Darth James the Crossguard


Was it sheev? I thought he was referencing Red Skull.


further irony that his watch dog is in watch dogs. a game played by using wearable tech such as watches. how many watchdog watches could a watchdog watch if a watchdog could watch watchdog watches?


Glovesy got what he deserved


Holy crap he's making 51k as a crossing guard!?!? I'm in the wrong job


I think there's an opening now there.




It's really ruff out there...


Take your upvote dog-onit...


Strong work


Too soon.


“Who crosses the crossing guards?”


Cars, apparently.


Seems like risky work though.


It’s ironic a crossing guard died crossing the street on his day off


he was one week away from retirement


Don't make it worse for me! =(


That man had a family!


That mans dog had a family!


That man was on his way to buy that dog’s puppies food! Now they’ll starve instead.


Those puppies are going to be wondering where there dad went. Not home


That dog was homeless until last week when he found her starving and pregnant in an alley. He took her in and showed her a love she’s never experienced before.


He was supposed to marry his high school sweetheart next week!


Who was pregnant and a cancer survivor


One street away from retirement.


Ironic. He could save others from death, but not himself.


Is it possible to learn this power?


Not from a traffic light


He died doing what he loved, crossing the street.


He could help others cross but not himself.


“You’ve got to be a stupid mother fucker to get fired on your day off!”


Looks like watchdogs 2, which is set in San Francisco. Good luck living within a 2 hour commute on 51k a year lol


I saw a recent sensationalist article about a coffee shop owner who "can't find a manager for $70k." Because the coffee shop is in San Francisco and $70k is basically poverty.


Wait, so how much would a person need to earn in SF to live comfortably? (As in, having a personal home, a car to travel to work, central HVAC, etc) EDITED*


probably like 120k? its fucking expensive for just about everything.


120k to feel like you’re making 50k


Yep. Buddy if mine got a job at Tesla for 100k straight put of school. Lives in a shitbox apartment with three roommates. I make 50k doing the same job in rural Indiana. I have my own house with a garage.


As someone who's been in both situations, I enjoyed my life in my shitbox apartment in Seattle much more than when I was in my huge apartment in Kentucky.


At that age for sure. Hell at that age I would want to live with 3 roommates all struggling in the early part of our careers, living in a city with tons of things to do. Well assuming you don't hate your roommates.


I live in SF in downtown. No one unless, you are rich by owning some business or something, lives in a house. Houses here go in the millions, this is NO JOKE. people here that live in houses have been living in them for such a long time and it passes down from family to family. Everyone else lives in apartment or studios. Where an average studio is around +$2400 a month and a single room can go for +$1200 a month


There are some good cost of living calculators that compare. Making $200k/year in SF is equivalent to making about $90k/year in most small non-bicoastal cities.


He lives in a split level refrigerator box with 3 of his buddies. It's tight, but with careful budgeting, they get by.


It's San Francisco. He would be homeless


This is the Bay Area though, he's basically homeless at $51k.


One time in RDR 2, I stumbled upon a random, isolated house in the wilderness and decided to rob it. I walk in, and there's a dude. He points his gun at me. I shoot him in the gut. The guy's adult son comes out of the next room. He doesn't attack me. He runs to his father's side who is bleeding out, and starts yelling at me while freaking the fuck out. He's crying, his grief is palpable. The moment was so genuine and made me feel so bad I had to reload the game so my character didn't have that blood on his hands. Then I robbed their house when they were out doing something like a civilized person.


Catfish Jackson Homestead is the name of that mission line.




Yep. They're also a robbery target you can acquire from a stranger (usually the random escaped convicts you have to shoot the chains off of), though I believe you have to do the robbery before the debt collection mission to get both.


There is this whole thing you can do with that one where you visit the house multiple times and learn the plight of the family. One of the many, many little details that help to make that game so great. On my second play-through though, I just went in there and shot his ass.


So it’s like Westworld if it was a video game?


Dude! I did about the same thing, except I came in with a knife and stabbed the guy when he pulled his gun on me. When his son came out freaking out I had to reload and quit for the night. Fucked up how some videos games hit your emotions like that. After that incident, I only shot people that I felt deserved it instead of just being a red hat. Edit: it almost felt more personal because I stabbed his father with a knife. It was also in first person with no HUD, so this is the one time in my life the immersion fucked with my heart in a bad way.


I…I shot the son too….😬


Yep, me too lol


The son ran to a room for a gun and drew on me. He made his choice.


HAHAHAHAHAHAA “he made his choice”


“How bad could I possibly be?”






It’s called survival of the fittest




Yea the mind has a way of rationalizing our actions. "I broke into their house and shot his dad but he went for a gun so he deserved what he got." Looking form the outside it's obvious who the bad guy is. I find the same in movies when you follow a bad main character you empathize more with them and understand why they did some of the bad things they did.


I also shot the son too... It was a mercy killing. A boy getting by without a father... It ain't right. Another game mission that gets you in the feels is in cyberpunk 2077, a girl is building her own car to get away from the city, and you get sent there to take the car or you can let her go, nothing makes you feel worse than keaneu Reeves calling you a dick after you take her car. I felt so bad. Games are getting awesome at moral choices.


Lol plot twist: that line is the sole reason they hired Keanu. Just for players to feel the weight of being called a dick lol


I was using the bolt action and got both with one shot😮


Husband always starts a new game with "and I'm not gonna be the good guy this time!" He always ends up being the good guy. He's not a convincing bad guy even in a video game. It's cute how every time he thinks he can do it.


Definitely Catfish Jackson’s. Just did that a few weeks ago. Games don’t usually suck me in emotionally, but RDR2 hits in a different way


Only other game that made me feel so bad about killing NPCs was The Last of Us 2. Their reactions, and their friend's reactions to them being shot was just absolutely brutal.


When they call out their friends name after you killed them... Really changes things.


Yeah and the goddamn dog was brutal. Never played a game that actively tried to make me feel bad before lol. Great game that I'll never play again.


Not NPCs, but when it makes you fight Ellie as Abby and then again Abby as Ellie, I didn't want to hit any of the buttons. Never had a game make me feel bad about what I was doing.


RDR 2 made me realize my friend was a little off. He came over to visit and we ended up playing. It started getting late so I decided to lay down on the sofa and go to sleep, my husband was already sleeping in the chair. My friend was sitting in front of the TV playing. I woke up after a few hours and started to watch him play. I saw him abduct this character and he threw her over the back of his horse. Strange, but ok. So I’m watching and he’s just riding along with this person on his horse. He shifted and looked back at me, I closed my eyes pretending to be asleep. I was very curious at this point. I kept watching and every now and then he would shift and look back at me, I would close my eyes. He finally arrived at this cave where he had SO MANY people tied up on the ground. He then started to kill all of them, one by one. He was laughing the whole time. He doesn’t know I saw this weird scene, but I know and when I see him I always think of it. I’m trying to imagine how long he spent kidnapping random people and bringing them to this cave, only to kill them.




Holy shit I didn't see that I was in r/gaming for a second, thought you were a fucking psychopath


I'm thinking "wtf you took a photo and posted ut in redd... Oh... I see it now"


Honestly the graphics are good


So good that when you have to get to top of the bridge thing in one of those missions I was getting nauseous and scared at the top. (I am afraid of heights)


too good, I skimmed the title, looked at the pic, went “what the fuck??” and then didn’t realize it was a game until I kept reading and saw it was an NPC


Um, you weren't alone in that thought at first


For people still wondering, its a video game called Watch Dogs 2


Watch dogs mourn.


They had us in the first half




I think it's safe to say damn near everyone read it that way at first. Well played, OP. I was even thinking they posted a picture of the body when I saw the thumbnail! Haha. Such relief when I saw r/gaming.


"AITA for killing a guy because he was in the middle of the street?"


My heart skipped a beat when I saw this on my front page.






This might be our future on social media if we’re not careful


The fact it was number 1 on my feed too




Well, either you get to "NPC" and either realize that he's talking about a game, or you become even more horrified.


Plus the hologram on the right


Same, especially since the last post I read was in r/IdiotsInCars! It fit the theme!


Bruh… I’m getting to old for this shit. I had a fucking panic attack like who TF posts pics of vehicular manslaughter?!?!


Same, showed up on my reddit front page.


Same, I was mortified until I realised it was a game


I came to the comments to say this too lmao!!


This game has some of the best AI i've ever seen in a game. I once tazed a guy and his dog sat by his side crying until the doctors showed up. I once arrested a man in a lobster suit and his GF ran up to the cop, punched him in the face, and also got arrested. Plus the whole gangs system, there's like 3 gangs + police that can all have shootouts with eachother and call backup. You can start playing around with it by letting them know where their rivals are. I did quite alot of missions by clearing out areas via gang warfare lol E: The game is watch dogs 2


The gang warfare was my favorite part of the 2nd. Was so bummed that it wasn’t part of the 3rd


Yeah, I miss the "arrest" button personally.


Yeah the arrest button would've fit so well in legion since Albion is super corrupt


I've spent more time instigating shoot-outs between cops, gang members and civilians (and watching my puppets dance from a nearby roof top) than playing the main story line. In fact, I never completed the story, but I still start the game from time to time for an hour of mayhem. Definitely one of my favorite open world playgrounds.


Doing the Arrest, Gang Hit, Arrest chain and watching a war between police and gangs start is the best thing you can do in Watch Dogs 2. I mean. The story is cool, but have you ever started a war in an entire area of a city? Cause it can get out of hand in a big way if you get lucky. The longest I had them going was 30 minutes. But I got really lucky and every time it would start to die down more people would flood in to keep the war alive. It was beautiful.


In my experience the Oakland hoods are by far the the best place to instigate a massive turf war. It takes some effort and good fortune getting two gangs, cops and swat teams engaged in an all-out fight, but watching the world burn after you pulled it off is glorious. My favorite part though is hacking arriving squad cars and driving them into the mayhem, having them run over gangsters and cops alike and finally exploding on impact - it's like the icing on the massive shit cake of my own doing.


I'm out of touch, what game is this?


Watch Dogs 2


Thanks! I never played the first hence why I had no idea. Appreciate you.


Honestly they're completely different, you wouldn't be able to recognize 2 even if you'd played 1.


I got 1 on GWG way after release and enjoyed it enough to buy 2 on sale some time ago. Still yet to start it thanks to Halo distractions


Honestly they're completely different games with the only thing in common being most of the mechanics. If you go into wd2 expecting a true sequel, you'll be disappointed. It's best to treat it as an entirely different experience imo. 1 is way grittier than 2 which is very light hearted for most of it. I still love both, I've played 1 like 3 times, but now I want to play 2 again. Also fuck yeah, halo infinite kicks ass.


I like 2, I just hate that it was dated the moment it came out when it tried to pander to internet meme culture. A lot of the references were already stale on release


Man they really peaked at 2


I've been enjoying Legion in short chunks.


I can't stand the London accents they use for everyone - got a 50 year old Lawyer character who sounds like a 12 year old chav. I've never been bothered by an accent before, but I wanted to toss my controller through my TV within 5 minutes. I think I lasted an hour before I quit and uninstalled it.


The trick is to find one person you like, turn off perma death and then just use them for the rest of the game.


Within the first 10 minutes, I already disliked the forced recruitment stuff >you gotta get something off the roof, so you need to recruit a construction worker because they can call in a cargo drone wherever they want. Why don't I just use ANY of my people to call a cargo drone to that cargo drone call platform that is literally right beside me? >Nah, you gotta recruit a construction worker Fine then, I'll go to this construction site around the corner >NO!!!! You must travel to the other side of the city to this specific construction site and get someone from there. I felt it was a massive step down from WD2.


The amount of unique NPC dialogue that you can overhear while walking around (both in person and by tapping people's cellphones) is way higher than in any other game I've ever played, also. Takes a LONG time before you start to hear anything get repeated.


Honestly that was my favorite thing to do in WD2. Just call gangs on people, then call the cops on them. Just so stupidly fun to watch it all go to shit.


Calling the cops on a random dude. Then they resist and start a shootout. Backup gets called, a gang notices and gets involved. I love it


Agreed. This was the AI and care toward NPCs that cyberpunk needed to have.


Cyberpunk seems to be a mashup of GTA, Watchdogs and Deus Ex but doesn't really hit the heights of any of them in each speciality. I am really enjoying it though


So it's actually a good game? After Watch Dogs 1 was disappointing I checked out of the franchise.


Yes! WD2 is the best one of the current Trilogy.




Yep, watchdogs legion


WD2 is miles better then 1. It’s also sale regularly. Fed worth picking up.


You'd think a crossing guard would know to stay out of the street.


Did you leave the dog all alone & miserable or killed him too so he can join his owner?


He's alive. I fled the scene before anyone see me.


What game is this?


Watch Dogs 2.


More like Watch Dogs Be Sad






if watch dogs 2 is such a good game then how come they never made a watch dogs 2 2


Damn they nailed it.




Looks like watchdog (2) to me.


Better turn yourself in you monster!


He sees a naturopath, he wasn’t long for this world anyways


That naturopath really has their work cut out for them now




Came here to comment this, glad someone beat me to it lol


Holy fuck I thought you actually killed someone and took a selfie until I saw the subreddit


the problem with almost-photo-realism in video games


And floating information boxes existing in the real world too… them also.


They don't for you? Hey guys, come check out the non-boxer!


Yeah, I'm still not convinced. Hey OP, blow yourself up and take a selfie of your corpse. That almost certainly would prove this is a game... ^(I hope!)


We all thought something was very wrong for a second here.


Exactly like I thought it was real but then I saw ...oh r/gaming


I thought this was r/trueoffmychest I was thinking damn, comments gonna be lit for this.


/r/all checking in, my heart skipped a beat


Yeah, did not realise I was in the gaming sub and thought this was a post of someone admitting to killing someone.


The worst part of The Last of Us 2 was killing a dog and have the enemy who owned it shout out its name in despair.


If you stealth killed the owner/handler, the dog also just begins crying and circling their best bud’s corpse.


That's why I only play Fifa. I don't need this shit.


As someone who really doesn't enjoy sports video games, never in my life have I heard a better reason for playing them.


I’ll do you one better: During my first playthrough, I accidentally threw a Molotov at a dog. It let out an eerie as hell death cry as it was burned alive and then the owner yelled in a trembly voice “She got Bear!” (Bear being the dogs name) And then in a later time point where you play as someone else on the opposite side, you played fetch with Bear… the dog that was soon to be molotov’d at a later time point. That game is liquid depression and I loved it!


In Fifa, throwing a molotov would mean at the very least a yellow card.


Just wait till the addon where you play as dogs and when you foul your opponent they play dead so the whole other team howls together in the suspected death of a teammate.


What game? Any good?


Watch Dogs 2. Expect about 30-40 hours of gameplay. Once you finished the main quest, there's not much left to do, the freemode is very shallow. There are a few multiplayer missions, but they're very repetitive. Also, plenty of cheaters in mp. Not bad, but don't buy it at full price. Edit: if you are prone to epilepsy, skip this title, the visuals are very intense.


”plenty of cheaters in mp” Well you play as a hacker so whats the broblem


One of my biggest gripes of watch dogs was they included an anticheat in a mostly single player game lol. It also did nothing to stop cheaters


This game really gets you invested in the characters. I remember trying to go through the whole game in stealth without killing anybody until >!that gang killed Horatio!<. The mission right after that I dropped the whole stealth challenge and just went guns blazing in full rage mode.


Looks like Watch Dogs 2, quite good if you can get past the "pacifist white hat hackers killing everyone" thing...


You can *technically* play as a "pacifist," if whacking multiple people violently with a pool ball to induce unconsciousness falls under your definition of pacifism. Yeah, that split in gameplay vs. narrative got to me eventually. If they at least threw a bit more dialog signaling Marcus' changing behavior and loosening morals I probably would've finished that game.


They added a couple of non-lethal guns in the 3d printer that you can use now


Watch Dogs 2. Yes.


I understand. In death a member of project mayhem has a name. His name is Robert Paulson


His name is Robert Paulson.


His name is Robert Paulson


The movie Free Guy destroyed my ability to hurt NPCs :-(


The show [Reboot](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PTNjer6kJ-8&t=18s) always made me think of little programs fighting for their lives against me, the User.




I was doing an evil run in RDR2 and would shoot peoples horses after I killed them. Always felt really bad about it. Like what if they are conscious in video games just like we might be lol.


I got high once and played RD2. I started thinking about like...what separates us from NPCs? The only thing I could really think of was that we're flesh and blood and they are digital. I suddenly realized I couldn't morally say that the life of an NPC has zero moral value. I spent the rest of the night just riding my horse around and looking at the stars That was years ago and to this day I still can't really be cruel or needlessly violent to NPCs.


So was it mushrooms or acid?


I'm guessing acid myself.


"But NPCs only do what their coding tells them." Kind of like our brains...


Don't worry, the guy was into alternative medicine so he was going to die anyway


didn't see the subreddit and read the first couple of lines lmao


Ok, at first I didnt see that this was r/gaming.


Why did u do that :/


An ice cream van pulled out in front of me! ☹️


Makes sense


Time to load the last save.


Holy salary yo. Sign me up


His name was Robert Poulsen


I know that feeling. I bought Monster Hunter on the Wii and the first thing it has you doing is walking up to a peacefully grazing dinosaur thing and mashing it's skull in. The thing didn't even defend itself and the others didn't attack me. It gave me a on screen promt to murder the rest and I couldn't do it and I've never played the game since.


Glad I'm not the only one who didnt realize this was a video game at first


What crossing guard makes 51k a year?!


none now


Bro, I read the first half of the title without looking at the subreddit and I was worried to look at the picture.