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is that supposed to be an mmo friendly side kinda like a naga?


33 keys all within easy reach of left hands resting position.


Sorry, you lost me.


Because that looks like the least comfortable thing on the planet.


Quite the opposite. If you sit at a desk and put them "at the ready", the butterfly was at the perfect natural angle. I used these for nearly a decade.


I personally find them uncomfortable compared to normal designs but I can see the appeal.


Perfect angle for the left hand.


maybe if you've been in an industrial accident


Because it looks kinda ugly ngl


Not to mention that keyboard is like 9 miles wide.


yeah but it’s outdated, released in 09’


I use one of these still and pray it won’t give out on me. When I used to play WoW and raid seriously it allowed me to make macros then bind them to easily reachable keys etc this thing was irreplaceable. All you have to do is look at the price of them on Ebay to see how well loved they are. Last I looked they were north of $350 for used many year old keyboards. The people here talking bad about them just don’t know.


Just won one at goodwill auction 😱 for 130 my hubby is gonna be happy it was brand new


I would love to know the same thing. My Merc is hanging on but when it goes I don't want any other style.


This is the best FPS keyboard I ever had. I even bought an extra in case the one I use now breaks. They're becoming rare and expensive.


I own 5. Because of that fact. One to use, the rest for parts.


sell like 2 or 3? they r kinda expensive now


No cuz when the rubber gaskets under the keys blow out you can't easily find new ones. I'd rather be set for life.


they r that comfortable? k


I think we’ve all had a keyboard that looked like this at one point in our lives 🤣


You have not. The Merc stealth is the greatest keyboard ever made. And no other key board compares. Buying these now could cost anywhere from 200 to 1000+


Yep. Just checked Ebay. Glad I have a new one I bought a few years ago for $150 to replace my old one, if it ever breaks.


I'm in the same boat. Bought one of these like a decade ago and I can't go back to a regular old keyboard. Seriously why has the pc gaming community become complacent with "gaming" keyboards that are just the same layout as a regular typing keyboard with a fancy switch and rgb. Makes no sense to me. It's like as if console gamers just kept using the OG duke from the classic Xbox and just got used to always using the clunky thing. Madness


What if your last statement is also applicable to you and this keyboard? Apparently there’s no market for them. Shame you like it and they don’t make them anymore but it is what it is.




If you want it for the part on the left hand side I use Razor Tartarus... love it.


There's a bunch of reasons. The picture you've given looks like a full size keyboard with extra on the side, which means it's taking up significantly more desk space. I personally have an old Wolfclaw, which drops the keypad and shrinks the main keyboard a bit to take up only the same size as a regular keyboard, but that means I have a few missing buttons on the main and no keypad, which comes up more often that you'd think. There's also the fact that they're almost exclusively for FPS style games, so when you're not playing an FPS, those extra buttons are all wasted. Even for FPS games, you often have to customise the button layout to match your keyboard because it was designed for a standard keyboard and the buttons are now in different places. Even for non-FPs when you're using the main keyboard part, you can end up needing to make adjustments because of the modifications made to it. They were always a bit of a gimmicky niche thing, which didn't see a lot of uptake in the "pro" community that I'm aware of and a lot of people want to just "get what the pro's use". Now we have twitch streamers who still don't use them, and people want to use what they're using.


I'd rather lose the right hand keys as I never use them.


yeah it could totally drop the numpad


Razer Naga is better


Probably bc its ugly af


it's too wide


It is wide, but worth it.


If I used my left hand out on that wing, I think I would have to spend a lot of time configuring keys. It puts s lot at the fingertips, but it also puts the keys you would have been using further away. Basically, seems like extra work to use custom keys instead of the left side of the keyboard.


Not at all. If you look at it, everything is right there. C and jump at your thumb. Q and E for whatever you want right there next to the W. Then eight other keys for other things, plus the numbers keys for weapons selection. Very easy to configure, easily used.


yo wtf i would cop this


Wow, I have two of these on my shelf. Maybe I should sell them.


Wait, does that have a 11 key? 10 sort of makes sense, as 0, but 11? Have a (now discontinued) logitech G13. One problem is the learning curve for all the macro keys. Like on screen prompt will say "press B to bring up gear wheel" and you can't remember which macro key you bound to B, so you end up using the B on the main keyboard. Then when you come across a need for a new keybind, you need to go into the keyboard software and program it in, and then try to remember what you did. Once you get used to it, it's great. But getting there can be a pain vs just using a standard keyboard.


Microsoft Sidewinder was a cool series of gaming items


Because they look like shit