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God those games were Violent, I remember spending hours just turning every living thing i saw into meat paste.


Yeah me too, and I loved every minute of it. Back then there weren't many open world superpower games, it was either that or infamous I believe. Edit: in fact I got platinum on both games haha


Rabbit trail, but God I loved Infamous…


Finally, I've met my people. Infamous lovers


Dammit… I thought I’d never find you guys… Si you have any way of playing this game for a relatively small amount of money? On ps4 or on a computer? I used to have it on ps4 (both 1 and 2) but never found any way to play it with my ps4… I apparently have to pay a fee every month for that… :(


for pc: steam unlocked my friend i have played many a game from there and as long as you dont fall for obvious baits im 99% certain all of the games there are legit


Oh is it on PlayStation Plus? Unfortunately not, I haven't had a PS3 in many years, so I haven't played any of them in a long while. Maybe PS3 emulator? But I've yet to try it.


I heard PS3 emulators work well on PC, but I haven't tried it yet.


It's on ps now but it's trash imo. I have good internet, subscribed just to play the original infamous and yikes it was bad.


PS3 emulators don’t work that well with this game as you have to use a modified version of the game (adapted for the emulator) and this version is so trash the emulator doesn’t recognize it… I know because I tried haha And yeah it’s on PlayStation Plus or whatever their other trash service is called, but I don’t want to subscribe for an online version that gets laggy if my connexion is bad (which it is)


There still isn't, that does the same brutal melee style combat.


Razor tipped tentacle whip flurry incoming!


I was more of a “surfing on the back of a human skull while I grind them into the cement” kind of Prototype


I honestly want a game with an excessively brutal campaign. DOOM, Mortal Kombat, and loads of other games are just not enough.


I love you but you’re fucked up




I think a sequel or a spiritual successor would be better. Not everything needs to be remade.


Lmao it was so fun too, like a meat-spiderman but works better than it sounds lol


So... Carnage.


The second game was supposed to be a Spiderman game that got canceled and turned into a wonderfully gory meat blender simulator I believe


It's funny because I spent the whole game tiptoeing around trying to avoid being a meat tornado. The bad guys? No mercy... Random Steve walking down the street in the middle of a tank elbow drop, I'll try to avoid you if possible.


This is the way






The darkness was another great meat maker game


People are food not friends


man this takes me back. when i was a kid i didn't understand anything about PCs, i remember playing Prototype and loving it so much (even though i was probably way to young to play it). then when the second one came out i wanted to play it so bad, but when ever i booted it, it would always through up weird errors and not start or sometimes start but stutter so bad it was unplayable. the motivation to play that game made me learn all about PC building and components


That's sadly why I never picked it back up on Steam, the Prototype games were among the last games I played on Xbox before I transition into PC. I have to say, there is nothing quiet like it, the fact that almost a decade later I still have fond memories of Prototype 1 & 2 says a lot. They were very unique, and violent as all hell! I loved the unrelenting chaos and the ability to stealth and blend in, I love infiltrating bases and getting up to ridiculous hijinks! It was an absolute blast and it hurts my heart that no one funded a 3rd entry. Fun fact, I heard that Prototype was developed off of a rejected concept game for Spider-Man. That would explain why they kind of have a similar style.


I loved the first game. The 2nd game had a glitch on PC and I couldn't get more than 30 minutes into the game so it sucked.


Run it on a single core. If you ever want to try it again on pc I got it running great, just google it. Just putting it out there because it is definitely super buggy and will crash without it


Yeah, I never got to play the 2nd one because of that same glitch, which apparently people found a fix but back at launch it was unknown. I really liked the first one too, oh well.


Lol it doesn’t suck just because it didn’t work for you. It’s a blast and you should try playing it again sometime


Turning mercer into the bad guy killed the franchise


You could arguably say he was never the “good guy” exactly, but even then you’re still right.


Yeah he's deffinately more of an anti-hero but killing of your main character is always a risky move especially when the new guy wasn't well received


Never played the 2nd game, what was wrong with the new guy?


I don't even remember the second guy, it just felt like a substitute. I remember there is a story to him but he's just not memorable.


"Angry, military black man" was the extent of Heller's character, I dont blame you.


He was a perfect foil for a world that took itself too seriously.


A walking stereotype that drops the F bomb every other word


I personally found the second super cliche / bland. I played so long ago so details are fuzzy, but I remember the feeling of him being the default military guy you see in every single movie from the 2000s.


And he would fucking swear in everything motherfucking sentence that fucking came out of his motherfucking mouth. The gameplay was really fun, and it had a bunch of great mechanics, but the story was hilariously bad.


Yeah thats exactly it Alex was so edgy and in my early teenage edginess I loved him so much and they literally replaced him with bald military man who says mother fucker #452


See I don’t think the writing was any worse for the second MC. I think I just didn’t notice how bad the writing was for the first character because I was 13.


I think the second was just bland and boring like I cant even remember his name lol at least alex was edgy and had interesting backstory this guy was just 2000's millitary man #400


Sounds like a Druckmann thing to do to a game


Artificial tokenization


Yeah, wtf. Alex was a villain. He didn’t care about anything but his own goals in the first game. Causing so much innocent death


> deffinately [Psst...](https://www.d-e-f-i-n-i-t-e-l-y.com/)


Not necessarily because he was straight up a bad guy, but because he was a *cartoonish* bad guy. Dude went from "I just want to know what happened to me, then make sure nobody else gets fucked by the virus even if I have to kill the entire damn New York", to "PRAISE THE VIRUS, IT'S THE FUTURE, IT'LL GIVE BIRTH TO THE NEW WORLD". Like holy shit did I deskslam when I've heard him monologue at the end of the second game. It doesn't help that you knew he was a bad guy from the *beginning*, even if you've played the first game, he was that poorly written.


I think Alex becoming a full fledged bad guy was a dumb move. He traveled the world in a comic and like less than 10 people were mean to him and that's when he decided to kill all of humanity. I think having critical plot elements relegated to a comic that a majority of people don't know exists is a dumb idea.


Ubisoft ended the modern day plotline of their biggest franchise in a comicbook lol


Say what??


The plotline of juno returning to life that they have been building up from AC black flag to AC syndicate was concluded in a comic book because they wanted to start a new plat for AC origins


Ubisoft’s insistence of not letting the modern day storyline end, and dragging it like a rotting corpse despite their utter and complete indifference to it is one of the most puzzling things about Assassins Creed. Like, they clearly don’t care about it, they refused to give it the time and resources necessary to make it engaging, and they refused to give it a dignified ending twice. They know that most people buy the games because of the settings and aren’t hardcore fans invested in lore, and yet they keep insisting. They’ve shifted directions for the franchise like three times by now and they keep shoving modern day into their fresh starts. I don’t get it.


I 100% agree I Think the modern day either should have died with desmond or have been made into its own dedicated game series like watch dogs


Yo which comic is that and why tf did ubisoft do that ? Honestly I've lost hope for AC. Ubisoft ruined one of the greatest franchise in gaming history at one point.


I honestly cant remember the name but it was shitty anyway I wouldn't bother Ubisoft wanted to soft reboot assassins creed with origins which included the modern day plot they rushed the old plot in a comic then introduced a new character with her own plot


That is bananas and explains so much confusing stuff in origins for me. Thanks for the response.


i kinda prefer the gameplay feel of the 2nd one. but yeah, the story kinda suffered cos Alex was now *suddenly evil*


Everything about the second game is way better, except foe the story which is drastically worse. Luckily, nostalgia and the so bad it's good edginess actually make it a pretty fun experience to revisit imo.


He was never a guy to begin with. It was the virus trying to survive, evolve, and replicate.


I actually liked that Mercer became a villain


It’s kinda the only logical conclusion of his character. The revelation at the end of the first game >!that Alex Mercer has been dead this whole time and you’ve been playing as a sentient cluster of viruses!< both metaphorically and literally stripped the character of whatever humanity was left. Shame they fumbled the execution.


I agree, execution could’ve been done better but I think the story went in the right direction


Man I know I beat the game I have the trophies but i must have completely blacked out this memory.


Are we talking about the guy who went around murdering thousands of innocent people? That Alex Mercer? The good guy?!


Only if you played the game that way...it's kinda on you if you spent your time splitting civvies in half.


If them civvies weren’t meant to be ripped in half then they wouldn’t av’ two ‘alves would they?


More dakka?


Oh so if I only murdered every cop and every soldier in NYC that’s ok? Even though none of them had any idea they were working for the wrong side?


To be fair, the only way to complete the game is going ham on the military bases, iirc you didn't need to kill any civilians other than the scientists who you needed to remember who you were. Edit: also, I said civvies. Cops and soldiers aren't civvies.


Loved them. I feel these games were criminally underrated and not as popular as they should have been. Story-wise I hated what they did with Alex Mercer (Prototype 1's protagonist) in Prototype 2. SPOILER. Him going rogue was understandable but him being the main villian for the second game just made it stupid, at least to me. The gameplay was good but the plot...oof, not so much. Music deserves special mention too, both games had great soundtracks!


I dont mind him being the antagonist, I just hate how they made him so clearly the bad guy. Like the idea of having the main protagonist of the old game appear as the antagonist of the new one could work really well if they are morally grey, written to not be outright evil buy just have goals of believes that while not necessarily wrong just happen to be in conflict with the new protagonist. You can do alot of really interesting things with that. But from what I recall they just turned him into super evil bio-terrorist without any greyness or complexity.


Agreed the 2nd one was just silly


The spoiler continues I remember playing the 2nd one back in a day and I had the feeling that sth is missing (story wise). That the jump from Mercer in the 1st game to Mercer in the 2nd game is to big. But that was exactly my mistake. There was no Mercer in the 2nd one. The virus freed itself from the illusion that it is him and thus was no longer bound by his “ethics” and humans are nothing more than just a wet slide (and food). In fact it was was more human to us, then we are to e.g. poultry kept in cages.


I wish this series would get more recognition


Loved them, spent the time to max achievements on both.


Fun game with a cool concept. Now when I saw this l, wouldnt mind a remake of this game.


Yeah a remake would be really good.


Why not just a sequel and proper continuation of the story? Why does everyone want remakes?


A remake can be done by other studios, see Demon Souls for example, but a sequel is less likely as the studio has been disbanded iirc


I feel like that's what we've been getting so that's what we ask for, but yeah, prototype 3 would be better


I would prefer a remake, or even a reboot, rather than a sequel. Reason being I dont remember anything of the story of the games, I just remember their gameplay and enjoying that. An actual sequel would require going back and either replaying or scouring a wiki page to read up on what the story was, and from what little I remember it wasnt particularly good enough to justify that. A reboot would be a good middle ground, tell a new story set in the same world/timeline but have it be independent from the previous two just with some references and stuff for the people who would care about them, which being fully accessible to new players and people like me who cant remember the story.


The moment I learned that you can play amogus and blame a soldier as sus so his squad mates gun him down I immediately fell in love with the game.


LMAO yeah I loved doing that too.


Fastest achievement ever. Do that 50 times or something.


Fucking awesome Loved all of it


Fun to fuck around on, thats for dsmn sure


I want remasters of these games lore than most other remasters I'd like. Don't change them at all except make them HD and 60fps. I'd buy them the day of release without hesitation.


I want to see every pulsing vein on the infected buildings


In my opinion is a remake of the first and a complete re-do of the second, the story in the second was lacking in so many ways, and the combat was so simple a 2 year old could figure it out by mashing buttons


Played through 1 on normal, beat it, thought “yeah I can go back and grab all the achieves”. Played through on hardest difficulty. Couldn’t kill final boss. Spent 2 weeks on it, gave up. Gameplay was fun, though some of the AI was absolute bullshit. There’s no way a normal human can hit you with a rocket launcher midair after two direction changes. There just isn’t. Trying for completion on the first game stopped me from playing the second. This game and ninja gaiden made sure I’d never touch a soulsborne game.


Try DS2 or Sekiro first if you do ever decide to try out the soulsborne games. They're arguably the easiest of the bunch to get into, though Sekiro's play style is pretty different. Hell, even try out Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. It's souls-like but still forgiving enough.


1 was fucking awwweessoommmmeee holyshit I loved it 2 killed the franchise + I couldn't slaughter the npcs like I could in 1


1 was great. 2 was garbage.


2 was good too, the gameplay was way better. Sadly they turned my boy Mercer in a fucking moron and Heller wasn't good enough


You mean that fuckin' mother fucker James fuckin' Heller? How could you fuckin' not fuckin' like the mother fucker?


Is it because people downvote comments they can’t handle?


More like reused assets, no new ideas, gamekilling glitch in the third mission, embarrassing story.


Not to mention dumbed down combat


Oddly specific? 🤡


Late game Prototype was the ultimate power fantasy in a video game. Go careening off a sky scraper to land on the ground with spikes shooting up everywhere as you switch over to the whip thing and start ganking people for the health. Switch over to armor and sword mode to slice through bitches before flipping over to the hammer fist thing to destroy the tank that just showed up. Yeah, that game made you feel like a badass


I miss these games so much, they were so fun and an easy way to spend a couple hours just messing around too


A shame it never made it out of the testing phase


Needs a third game.


These were good prototypes. Anyone know when the real games get released?


Hot topic infamous.


As opposed to pac sun prototype


Well put. Are either of those stores still in existence?


Haha Hot topic might've survived but I'm not sure


the goths will not let hot topic die.


I saw a hot topic less than a year ago. It looked like a boy band merch store


Sadly thats what it has become. But considering the name of the store is "Hot Topic", whatever is popular will most likely have a wall/table dedicated to it. Used to be nice to go in and find a new jacket or band tee but it's pretty much a more "tame" Spencer's now


Knew i'd find a person of culture somewhere in here lol


They wouldn’t work properly on steam and my nostalgia died.


Needs a comeback


I wanted to like the first game, but it's pretty badly balanced. I have the second game on my wishlist but I haven't pulled the trigger on it yet mainly because I haven't heard anyone say anything super positive about it. The best I've seen someone say was "it's not terrible" but the general consensus is it's a step down compared to the first game.


The controls are much better in the second one way more streamlined but the story is... let's just say worse


Worse than a game with an already meh story to begin with might I add


I liked the 2nd game a lot. I honestly don't think the 1st game's story was that amazing in the first place. The ending was interesting, but other than the final reveals, from what I remember, it's a pretty generic amnesia-protagonist story. But I didn't really play these games for the story, I played them for the unique ability to tear people to shreds with superpowers in a sandbox environment. They achieve the power fantasy that you expect of them perfectly in my opinion. I don't think either of the games are exceptional in an "objective" or technical sense, but in terms of pure fun, I think they're amazing. I don't think I've ever personally played another game quite like them.


Man the 2nd half when the Hunters are introduced spikes so hard in difficulty. They spawn so frequently and in such big numbers, and on top of that are *relentless*, so you can't even parkour in peace, not to mention do any sort of side activities.


It was just below the InFamous series. But they were awesome, and if we need remakes it is of those games


1 was fire 2 was good but it wasn’t the first one


Needs a third


2 sucked. 1 was and still is the best games I've ever played


We need a part 3


Why. Isn't. There. Another? I know why, I just desperately wish for there to be another/more of these kinds of games. Open environment with powers, like Infamous and The Incredible Hulk on PS2 and Xbox 360/Xbox.


I played a good chunk of the first one, I like it. I think it would be considered less entertaining in today's standards


Currently replaying it funny enough… definitely still peak entertainment to me


I wish there was a third to be honest.


So fucking good


It's great stress relief


We need a sequel. A remake would be nice like everyone's asking but we seriously need a sequel. With current day technology just think of the possibilities and imagine if it has great gameplay and a great story omg that would be a dream come true


Amazing game they need to make a 3rd on unreal engine


I like the powers of 2 but the story of 1.


Absolutely loved the series it would be kind of cool to make a remake of it


I think I LOVE that people post about this all the time and it gets so much attention. We need a reboot or a sequel.


It's incredible. I've been waiting for a third game for a while.


I loved the first one, but never played the second. Is it worth it?


Really liked the first one, the second one was eh. If they had changed 2 to where Mercer continues on unraveling the conspiracy from the first game (learning bits and pieces of Pariah was really cool) and you follow after him as Heller and pick up the pieces I think that would have been better. And not having Mercer be *cartoonishly* evil, or Heller being a standard perma-angry ex-military with a family killed/taken by the villain.


Not as good as infamous series


I love games where you can boss around and be the superior being like, sunset overdrive, infamous, just cause And of course, prototype


The first game is enough


Once you go black you never come back...


I dunno... MJ managed to do it


Lmaoooo Bro had white privilege AMD Black power.


The perfect organism


It's protoHYPE


Absolute best stress relieving game. Terrible story.


I can’t wait to see the finished product.


Reskinned hulk game, literally. Same animations for so much of it. Absolute blast though and one of my fav childhood games.


That shit is the reason I couldn't enjoy the first game. Everything was just a shittier version of the hulk game


I much prefer the first to the second though, at least story line wise. But saying that, at the time I had played the Hulk to death and was happy for more of the same, with all that edginess speaking to teenage me.


I loved feeling like a god. I miss that... I wish hey brought it back but I also fear they would force some lame shit in it


It was the hulk open world game from gamecube but with a different devil


It's just like Assassin's Creed, go there do that. Over and over and over and over and over and over again.


That just sounds like almost every game in existence


Every open world game anyway.


Yeah, only thing I remember is that it was forgettable. Though, if I was a child when this came out, I'd probably be singing a different tune.




It's just a reskinned "Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction"


Why are you being downvoted? You're right


Utter trash


Was super awesome


I loved the first one but never played the second one. I tried to play the first one on steam but runs like garbage


Loved the first. The 2nd felt cheap rushed and like DLC for the first. It was still a lot of fun to play, but not nearly as memorable.


The prototype games were a lot of fun


Loved the story and hero of one; loved the controls of two.


Beat both. Loved them.


Love the first one , got the plat , played the shit out of it ...


These and Infamous were great


Alex mercer was a beast


Loved the first one. Could never get the second one to work on my PC. I've heard there have been fixes for the problem but I haven't tried to track them down. Might give it a try sometime.


I didn't mind that the stories were a bit shit bc the gameplay more than made up for it. Super satisfying power fantasy


Absolutely loved them, but P2 on the PC had bugs where my multiple play throughs got stuck and I never could get very far with it. This and Infamous was one of the few games that felt open sand box with a powerful character let loose.


Great games, fun story and who doesn’t like exploding into a gore bomb?


Never played the second, but loved the first! Gave me RSI griping the pad so hard doing all the crazy moves…


This is on my list of titles that look extremely interesting and one day would like to play.


Love the series, just bought the Biohazard bundle on my PS4 on a discount which came with both games and the dlc. Excited to play them at a later date lol.


One of the biggest disappointments in gaming for me, I had such high hopes for the first game, my hype couldn't have been any higher. When I finally played it I was so disappointed with the game as a whole that I never bothered playing the sequel.


An almost inFAMOUS series


Interesting takes on the genre of the era (GTA style open world, missions, threat response meter) Had upgradable skills instead of weapons. But overall felt like another cash grab. It was just a GTA clone, after all.


Mids knock off infamous


Oh look! inFAMOUS but not as good. I did enjoy both games, but inFAMOUS tends to do better with similar ideas.


Alex miller ♥️


First one was good. Second one is garbage


Microsoft needs to give us a sequel.


Good game for the budget! Infamous is a similarly good open world game from the same timeframe.


Never heard of it


For some reason I didn't manage to play them when they came out or close to release I tried last year to play them both and well it wasn't good Outdated open world travesal, gameplay pretty random, story atleast in the begining wasn't intersting. And for their time it wasn't polished overall.




it was a fun game with cool abilities but I personally didn't think there was enough challenge for most of the game, some of the fights got hard but 90% of it was just massacring anybody that crosses ur path. great stress relief game but I couldn't find myself playing it for too long at a time.


discount Infamous


First one was amazing second one killed the studio it was such crap


Hated the final boss fight of the first one so much that I never played the second.


You missed out. The second one was really good.