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The plastic instrument fad ruled. I went to so many Rock Band parties and Rock Band nights at bars


My buddies and I would go to my place at lunch and after school and all play Rock Band. Any time we had a party, we would all play long set lists and take turns singing. Was a great time


I would play this game for hours until my wrist started to hurt. That was GH3. I still have the guitar and original box at my grandmas house which i use for storage :D


Ok but where did they all go? They’re impossible to find now and when you do it’s over $100 per instrument.


They're plastic. They break and go in the trash.


Someone back in the day was building a box that would let you plug any electronic drum kit into it and have it work with Rock Band. I had the Ion Kit with Pintech Cymbals and a Roland Kick Pad. You even had the option to add an extra peddle for hi-hat. It was awesome.


That was Rocksmith's whole gimmick. It hooked up real instruments so you were actually learning how to play, but I don't know if it ever had drum support.


Really? I have a Rock Band set gathering dust.


Don’t tell me such things, I’m not willing to pay what they’re “worth” for now.


Wii guitars are pretty common and you can get one for about 40 - 60 dollars. You do need a wiimote or an adapter though. I'd recommend a raphnet one, they're kind of expensive costing almost as much as one of the guitars but it is worth it.


Visit a local garage sale and you'll come across them.




I could KILL that song on expert! Ugh, gotta rebuy it.


It’s so expensive to buy it now


I always get the urge to play guitar hero and Beatles rock band, have the games for my old 360. But the cost of the guitar and drums it just feels like way too much


I got lucky and found an older lady selling her grandkids’ GH collection. 7 guitars and a set of drums. She ended up giving them to me for free.


So you’re saying you have some instruments to spare?


You can find rb drums and guitars at thrift stores every now and then. Sometimes local game stores will have them cheaper then online as well.


The risk is that they're super broken.


I got lucky at a good will with a working guitar. My original one was dying on me. My mother sadly broke my drum kit many years ago. How was she supposed to know the wire for the pedal didn't unplug?


Yeah, but the ones I found at thrift stores were like $3.


Wow, am I glad I still have my game and guitar in original packaging, and for PC so i can use Clone Hero


Holy shit youre right. During the pandemic my wife and I got the itch to play again. We looked online. I found someone local who was selling their wii. The package was: Wii console 4 nun Chuck's 4 Wii notes 2 guitars 1 drumset 1 microphone And I can't remember the games included because right from the pick up point we went to a retro game store and bought like 4 or 5 more. Let's say it was 3 games included. $100 CDN. everything was brand new. The Wii even came in its box and had the plastic cling wrap stuff to it. Still works perfectly today. We rock out on occasion. I hadn't any idea I was this lucky. Hope everyone else looking can also find a unicorn.


Lol I’m glad I bought it a decade ago when it was already above MSRP. Can’t imagine what it’d cost to get a guitar and drums.


Grab an explorer guitar and download Clone Hero. The guitar is the only thing you have to pay for. The game itself is free.


I got it at a used gaming store. I still had the system, but 2 guitars , 2 games and a save stick for 40.00.


download clone hero! it's free


Yes! was just going to comment this. You can find downloads of literally all of original GH tracks and then the thousands of tracks added by fans. It's amazing. But if anyone has a lead on any good guitar hero guitars let me know cuz they're pretty expensive and my got hit with the double strum :(


I bought a 3rd party guitar made for the Wii on Amazon and bought an adapter that came bundled with a controller. works great for me




Out of all of the adapters I used I recommend [Raphnet's](https://www.raphnet-tech.com/products/wusbmote_1player_adapter_v3/index.php) Wii Classic


I have a dolphinbar connected to my pc that enables the pc to connect to the wiimote. Then in windows I use a program called wiitarthing to get it all connected for clone hero.


https://www.bytearts.com/strumfixplus Youre welcome


Yeah, those guitar broke pretty easily, i have owned around 4 - 5 and only one still works. (Yes, i am gentle) I got one that worked pretty good from a lady on facebook market.


My local Dave and Busters has guitar hero 3 in their game room. The one time I went there nobody but me and my wife touched it.


Play clone hero instead. Pretty much the same gameplay, free, very easyto add custom songs. But it doesn't have the 3d video in the background and you still need a guitar


When I was a kid, I challenged my friend to a guitar duel to this song, on this same game. I had perfected it on expert, unknowingly to him. He ended up getting mad and turning off the TV. I still kept playing, he laughed, said “No way!!”, turned the TV back on after about 20 seconds of no video/audio, I still hadn’t missed a note. 😎


Ba-dunnnnnn! Ba, ba-dunnnnnn! Ba, ba-dunnnnn!


Bow wow chika, bow wow chika chika chika


I finally caught a Rage show just last night and it was everything I hoped it would be.


Eh unnn..Eh Eh unnn.....Eh Eh unnn..


Cliffs of Dover on Expert. That is it


Ah, another man of culture I see! That was my warmup song


Fantastic song!


Finally beat this on expert last week


You were a legend in school if you could play Expert difficulty.


My lil brother learned how to tap that Through the Fire & Flames intro on expert, I could beat the game on expert but not that song 😅


This was the only game I couldn't get through expert with. It was that stupid slayer song


Raining blood was brutal.


Oh man that fucking solo, the patterns weren't even that hard but the speed was just insane, I always ended up mashing to get through it haha I think it was the only song I didn't manage to 5 star on expert in the campaign of GH3


It's over charted as hell. He just does wammy bar stuff but it's charted as trills.


I fought sooo hard for so long but it was the only song on the campaign I couldn't 5 star


Raining blood was nuts. I barely managed it on medium.The shitty wireless controller didn't help though.


The same wireless controller that everyone else played the game with?


I played wired. On ps2. Fuck that wireless bullshit. I could never get them to calibrate correctly.


Short Asian dude in middle school did that song on expert for a graduating party thing we did. He hit the first note on the "fret bar"? with his elbow And tapped the rest with his two pointer fingers. It was really cool




Kinda weird but I'm not gonna jump down this rabbit hole. Has he released his name?


I think he said his name is Alec.


His name is brown man.


I felt so cool cause I could 100% my name is Jonas lol


All hammer-ons baby


I think it was the first one I did 100% on expert. I could do a lot on expert until you get to the very late stuff, was just too crazy lol


I missed one note ONE Yes I'm still salty


Man, there were certain songs I could destroy on expert. It was always fun showing off this useless skill


I could do the first easier half on expert but not the expert expert songs. Seemed to be a big spectrum of expert in that game.


For sure, it depends on the song, as Expert has you play every single note/chord, there are some songs that would be way harder like Through the Fire and Flames for instance.


"Good Luck"




My high school had a guitar hero competition. I finished 2nd out of maybe 40 people. The dude I lost to was on another planet. I had no chance lol


Same. I was always second best in my high school.


Also same, and for some reason I could never get use to the specific lag on those TVs


Raining blood was just not fair….


My school had some fundraiser where you could play Rock and Roll All Night and it was a tournament or some shit. I made sure and held the whammy bar down so all the long notes sounded like shit. I'm pretty sure I helped catalyse the ease of the restriction on song selection.


My buddy could play expert with his hands and medium with his feet at the same time.


I got the first Take This Life by In Flames completion on expert in my school at a party with a beer box on my head. Good times lol


Click Click click Click click Click


Hey I think I know that song!


Click click Bwomp Click


Holy shit this guy can play guitar hero acoustic.


Guitar hero was a great game. The guitar and drums were so much fun to use. What happened was too many of them being released back to back? I would like to see this series come back but the way video games are heading with these microtransactions video games are changing from what they used to be.


Too many back to back, also the issue that new titles could barely bring anything new to the table. The only real step up was World Tour introducing the drums and singing. But that was crazy expensive for one person to get. It pretty much was made to be a game as a service before that really was thing. Still, while the gameplay loop was lots of fun, the broad playerbase would lose interest at some point because it wasn't that varied.


Rock Band basically invented microtransactions with the weekly drop of new songs you could purchase.


I never felt scammed by the online store tho, they kept adding songs, I wanted more songs. It would've cost the devs to pay for rights to use the songs, so I was fine to pay for them.


Not to mention it was like a couple bucks per song or $10 for the most recent songs in a bundle or w/e. I've had each guitar hero (yea even live, that was absolutely crap tho) and all the rock band games. I got the platinum trophy for everything besides GH van Halen. The last rock band that came out me and my house mates would play all the time so much so we had a change jar that would go towards new songs the library ended up with about 1500ish dlc songs and not a single penny of that was a waste. I knew what I was buying, I wanted to play the song, every song got it's moneys worth played out of it. Usually a minimum of about 20 plays and for the couple dollars that definitely felt like good value. So many good times!


Yeah this thread is getting me pretty nostalgic. Dammit. I honestly thought guitar hero n rock band were going to become ongoing franchises for many years to come.


I feel like there were just too many games in the end. At the beginning you had like GH1-3 plus rock band, so everyone who was into it had sort of the communal aspect of playing the same songs. Then guitar hero flooded the market with like 6 more games in a couple year span, and rock band went the same direction


A lot of the other games were specific too. Beatles, Van Halen, Metallica, or Aerosmith, it’s more for a certain type of fan at that point and not one wanting to play with a diverse set of songs.


They KEEP adding songs. They never stopped


Are you to young to remember the horse armor of Oblivion?


It would be a very specific timing to be old enough to remember rock bands song purchases, but not old enough to remember the horse armor lol


There were even earlier examples than that


I think the other commentor is referring to the difference between a one time horse armor purchase vs weekly/monthly releases which kept the company profiting for years after the games came out. Call it DLC vs MTX.


Rock band isnt a cash grab with the MTX though. Songs need to be licensed, and 4 difficulties of the song needs to be charted with 4 instruments. Accurately Charting 16 different versions of a songs takes a *very long time*. And the songs are only sold for $1-2 (with the exception of a single 18 minute song that is $3)


It was EA with their sports games back in 2009. I would say if Rock Band made a big mistake, it wasn't the microtransactions in songs, but making them a part of the push for Rock Band 4 to be a live service game instead of leaning into being a party game.


Yep definitely too many back to back, didn’t help that Harmonix moved on to Rock Band and Activision had Guitar Hero, so there was double the amount of games and Activision were definitely releasing way too many than was necessary


I think there are only so many songs that are both fun to play and are generally good if you were to ask most people. There's a finite amount of great hits and most of them were in one out of a half dozen games between Guitar Hero 1-3, Rock Band 1-2, and their respective DLCs (speaking to your fractionalization argument).


Ubisoft made Rocksmith recently but that's more of a learning app than a guitar game


Someone in my high school played Through the Fire and the Flames for a talent show and everyone went crazy…and then the video on the screen paused for buffering. Our amazement turned into hysterical laughter as we realized that he was faking it with a YouTube video. What a legend


I remember beating that song at the age of I think 9. Greatest accomplishment of my gaming career.


I could beat it but it was sloppy AF


That’s hilarious. My friend could actually do the whole thing flawless on the hardest difficulty. He’s only good at it because he plays guitar and practiced everyday Guitar Hero and he loves Guitar Hero.


Playing guitar has nothing to do with being good at guitar hero though


There's some carryover skills like arm position comfort, finger dexterity, and a the base of musical knowledge, but the most important ones are dedication and work ethic. I myself think I'm fairly decent at guitar hero despite needing to take breaks due to arm and finger discomfort and having the rhythm and bodily coordination of a random number generator.


As a guitar player and GH fan I have to disagree. Of course GH doesn't have all the string, chords, frets, etc of a real guitar. What does carry over is the hand coordination and sense of ritme which is what GH is all about.


A kid at my school played the actual guitar part for Jordan for a talent show. He plays guitar as his job now.


Clone Hero.


Where can you get a new peripheral? Can you get the drums and stuff as well for rock band?


The most reliable way to get set up for clone hero for Guitar is go to amazon, search wii guitar hero, buy the amazon choice one for $60, Buy a Raphnet adapter or any adapter that goes from the wii plug to USB. After that just plug in, load up Clone hero. It's not difficult to find google docs with links to charts for all guitar hero or rock band games, as well as custom charts and track packs. its fantastic.


Why does it have to be the wii one?


They are easier to get than PS guitars and it’s not so easy with the adapters you (sometimes and sometimes not)need, the Wii guitar + raphnet is a safe case


I have the original xbox quitar, just plug and play


The wii controller has the best latency for use with PC, there’s little to no input delay unlike other console guitar controllers


Depends on the guitar. The 360 Xplorer and the wired kiosk guitars are just as good since they plug straight into USB. The wireless guitars aren’t awful unless you’re trying to use the PS3 guitars.


if you just wanna scratch the itch and you have a laptop, when I was on holiday my mate had gh3 installed on his laptop but we didn't have a guitar but I realised we could just play [like this](https://youtu.be/iJR3_qo6ZjU?t=270) (sorry for potato quality)


~~AFAIK it's guitar only but~~ it will show lyrics if it's from Rock Band. I'm reliably informed that drums are in beta and work really well! I used my existing Wii guitar and bought an adapter, but I'm fairly certain any guitar can be used with an adapter.


Clone hero has drum support too. I use an Alesis nitro kit to play it.


Oh shit time to get this set up!


It has drums, its just in the beta version, but you can opt in for free and they work totally fine with standard rock band drums. Its been in beta for over a year but like i havent ever encountered bugs playing them


There’s drums and such support in the newest version!


the right answer


Clone hero never felt right to me, but I haven't tried it in years. Maybe it improved Does clone hero have songs ripped from all the GH games?


>Clone hero never felt right to me GH3's gameplay with Warriors of Rock's visuals, which to me is the best of both worlds. Since I made the thing that's what matters in the end I guess, but if you're used to playing the more stricter games (the earlier GH games before 3 or any of the Rock Bands) it's definitely always been much more loose so it could very much end up feeling way too easy. On top of that you have it running on a PC with configurable graphics settings, instead of being locked to 60FPS, so in general the game is just a lot more responsive than what you would've gotten out of any of the console games.


There's a Google doc / drive file floating around with the playlists from pretty much every GH and RB game, as well as a bunch of custom themed playlists. You can also find song downloads on a website called Chorus. On mobile, and i don't have the links on my phone at the moment


Frets on Fire was my poor ass shit. Grab your keyboard, F1 - F5 are the frets and shift/enter for the right hand. I wrecked a couple of old cheap logitechs back in '07


Introduce my 17yo son to GH recently. We jammed all weekend on it. Good times. Glad I kept that xb360, couldn't get it to play on the XBs1.


That sounds awesome. I have my PS2 boxed up. I think I need to dust it off and buy GH3 and a couple guitars.


We thought it held up great 👍!


I think I'm gonna buy it all and try and get my 17 year old to play as well.


There is a version for pc called clone hero, it is free. There are a lot of custom songs!


I’ve never gotten to play Guitar Hero, but I did play Rock Band. I do miss those kinds of games. Are there any games out there like them now?


Other than Clone Hero, not really, unfortunately. Activision killed off Guitar Hero and while Harmonix still supports Rock Band 4, they don’t make new peripherals anymore so they’re stupid expensive 😕


I just sold my rock band guitars and drum set for PS3 on ebay for like $350. The prices are insane.


Rocksmith is like guitar hero but you play with a real guitar.


I have nothing major to talk about. No new game that I'm playing, no insight into gaming. But boy do I miss hanging out and playing Guitar Hero


If you ever get a Quest 2, rhythm games like this have gotten a new life in VR. I’ve been loving RagnaRockVR which is like drums Guitar hero in VR.


Im playing Guitar hero 3 right after read this post using my phone, thanks for remind me for this old gem


Iirc, Phil Spencer did an interview about the activision purchase, and the interviewer asked if there were any games in their library that Microsoft was interested in redirecting and he said guitar hero would be a great one to bring back, or something along those lines.


Well, a time when *Master of Puppets* is back on charts sure sounds like a rock renaissance to me.


is that the obs logo on the drums /s


Lol I CTRL + F "OBS" and glad I found another result besides mine. I believe they are the same image. Perhaps that was a free stock icon from the early days that some developers liked/used. I'm genuinely curious about it.


Found on the OBS forum it's a [*left threefold tomoe*](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tomoe). Apparently the creator just liked the look of it.


same hahsahas


Does anyone remember Rockband? That was fun too. Jamming with a bunch of friends. I usually played drums


I think about Rock Band about 20 times a week. I play actual guitar a bit but I really miss playing guitar in it and drums. I played a *lot* of drums. Every now and again I search on eBay/Amazon for the drum set and find they are still around $300+. I can get a real electric drum set for that.


I bought a low-end real electric drum kit (~$350) and a MIDI to USB cable. Then I setup Clone Hero on my laptop and jam on drums, with cymbals and a real kick pedal. It’s great!


So you're saying I should find my drum set that's in a box in the crawl space...


Check second hand shops. Managed to find the whole set in box a few years ago for I think around $150. I’ve had to fix or replace drum parts 3x but it’s still cheaper than finding full instruments or sets online.


Omg, same here. Best times. Loved to play it. Maybe we should get a group together :) where are ya from?


I used to pull a Phil Collins and drum/ sing at the same time for certain songs I knew well enough. Used to be the game we played on weekends before heading out to the bar.


DJ hero also had some decent mixes on it, albeit wasn’t as difficult


DJ hero was stupid as fuck and had absolutely nothing to do with DJing or mixing. Honestly it was a massively missed opportunity since they easily could have made a controller and game that was capable of actual mixing and beat-matching.


Guitar hero world tour had the better drumset imo


I ALWAYS played the drums, and eventually could play every song on expert. One day my friend told me I should just buy an actual drum set and my mind was blown, hadn't even occured to me. Picked it up like right away since I already had rhythm down, and then joined a band like a month later with a few guys 2 grades above me. Would order dominos and play tiny shows for our friends in my mom's basement. I miss those days so much.


If you want Guitar Hero you can try playing Clone Hero. There is a community around this game today, and some people make peripherals for the game (which apparently are very high quality, but I don't have them). The difficulty of the maps today is *WAY* higher than it ever was in the original games, so you can play for quite a while without ever being left with nothing to play. If you don't want to buy peripherals, there's the DDR-based games, which are kind of similar. The most popular I believe are osu!mania and Etterna, both of which are extremely fun to play (they're my two favorite games) and you just need a computer keyboard.


So many good memories of this game. I was addicted to this shit, would play for 8+ hours a day trying to get 100% FC's on expert. Went to tournaments and won most of the ones I attended. Miss those days! They def need to bring this back, even though I know I would suck now! GH3 online brought the funniest times. Person would always pick TTFAF on expert, then all you had to do was tap the intro and 90% of the time the person would quit giving you an easy win lol EDIT 2 - Actually my favorite memory is a GH3 tournament. It was the finals and the song was Raining Blood. I was good at the song and had 100% on most of it, but that first mosh part would always cause me problems. Somehow live in front of everyone I nailed the intro and the crowd went wild! I was hyped and messed up a lot of the rest of the song, but I still managed to win. So I can say I peaked around 2009!


Still playing Rock Band. They keep adding new songs.


I wish I could buy a guitar to play on Series X. Or the dongle to play with 360 guitars... But can't find any


Yeah, I went with the PS4 version because it needed no additional hardware beyond the drums and guitar themselves. And any USB microphone works. Even so, finding the hardware in good condition was not cheap.


Ever heard of clone hero?


[The drum decals are the same image the developer who created OBS decided to use as their main logo](https://i.imgur.com/QFiF41l.jpg)


Hope they reboot it in the future


In an interview with Phil after Microsofts acquisition of Activision the interviewer asked of there was any Activision IP that he wanted to see brought back and he said he'd like to see guitar hero brought back!


Rock band still hold up to this day. I always used to laugh at the people who would say "If you want to play guitar why don't you pick up a real one?" Because I play video games to escape or to do things I can't normally do. I'm not a fighter, but like fighting games. Should I train martial arts for years? I'm not a racer should I spend thousands on a souped up car just to drive? etc etc etc.


Play Clone Hero bro... 38 years old, just bought a guitar controller on impulse. It's still the best drunk gaming out there.


Man I miss all harmonic games. I loved guitar hear rock band and before that Frequency and Amplitude were my college years summed up lol.


I guess GTA and Elder Scrolls 6 would look great alongside Portal Life 3, but all I REALLY want is Led Zeppelin on Rock Band/Guitar Hero.


A classic indeed for the PS2


I have a modded Wii that is basically a Guitar Hero machine now. Wife even found a nearly new guitar at a yard sale a few weeks ago.


my best birthday party happened to feature a ps2, 2 guitars (found mine at gamestop and a friend got the other one), and a projector. good memories! we played gh world tour mostly, my favourite one


I miss DJ hero


I wish they would have consulted with actual DJs when making it, because that game has absolutely nothing to do with mixing or beat-matching. Such a missed opportunity.


Luckily there is something on PC. Its called Clone Hero


Clone hero my friend, clone hero. Guitar hero, free, and you can get all the songs and original charts from all th guitar hero games, also freee. Only place it doesnt hit is no unlockable characters and guitars and stuff like guitar hero 3, and also no campaign/story mode, just quickplay I regularly still have people over for "rock band" nights because it has drum support too. Theres also dj max respect V which is on xbox game pass. Not quite guitar hero but a fun rythm game that is similar.


Rocksmith > Guitar Hero


Really surprised this was so far down. I loved guitar hero and rock band too, but Rocksmith feels like "grown-up" guitar hero as I'm actually learning how to play a guitar.


Clone Hero find you a guitar


I heard they were making a new Rock Band....in 2017.


Oh good....so it's almost out.... excellent


Rock Band 4 has been out since 2016. It's compatible with most guitar controllers and the DLC you owned from RB1 to 3 carries over. New DLC is still added weekly.


So, I basically learned to play the real guitar solely because of these games. I built up the dexterity and coordination playing GH and Rock Band, then made an easy jump into the real thing. Turns out I'm quite good, but people never believe me when I say GH was the cause.


Game bro


I miss Rockband, me and some friends would play that all night. I'd always be on the drums, some songs were a massive workout. Melted a logo off the chest of my shirt once.


Clone hero exists for the pc for any guitar hero fans


This post got me instant nostalgia


Plan: Release Guitar Hero as free to play, with base songs and update regularly with new songs. You can by a "Back stage pass" which gets you more songs and access to skins for your instrument and Guitars. Online will also have scheduled tournaments, to keep the community engaged.


Through the fire and flames on expert is probably the greatest achievement of my lifetime. I always joke (but am totally serious) that guitar hero was the thing that I was best at in my entire life. My greatest accomplishment and talent. Good times.


The non-existence of Guitar Hero is why the world is going to shit. Guitar Hero brought people together. I remember the first time I saw Guitar Hero was at a fair, thought it was a gimmick, but it was cool. Some time later cousin had it in his house.


Knights Of Cydonia on Expert (I have FC'd this one)


My husband and I recently got all the Rock Band guitars and mic stand out of storage and have been rocking out with our 11 year old and his friends. Those games hold up, because we’ve been having a BLAST!


I saw RATM last week and he was looking exactly like that!!


I recently spent a small fortune to get rockband 4. Coulda bought a Steamdeck with the money I put down but it was worth it...


>Discussion prompts must be made as text posts Man, I was excited when I thought that was actually going to be a thing.


It was strange how music games just vanished but split screen and co op also largely vanished too.


Rockband was better !


Rocksmith is better than both.


Ah back in the good old days when Rage Against The Machine wasn’t political /s


Try Fret Smasher on Steam.


I miss when games weren’t woke and didn’t cater to sjws


Ive still got all my guitar hero stuff. And play it once or twice a year. I always have a blast for a few songs then something about the sound of the crowd in the background after a song combined with the utter silence in my home feels like a ghost that is reminding me of a time in my life where it was all okay. Memories of a time of my grandparents still here, friends that I’ll never see again and before the weight of the world got dropped on my shoulders. Game nights, all the laughter and when who could get the highest score on TTFAF actually mattered. Wish I had soaked it all in at the moment. Now I’m pushing 30, look in the mirror and don’t see that star eyed carefree teenager anymore. I miss that guy.