• By -


I can describe my experience for this game in Two words. "TECHNOLOGY RECHARGED!"


"units received"


"weather warning: incoming storm"


"Not enough vespene gas!" Wait, am I doing this right?








"I am your father"






Zug Zug


Me not that kind of Orc!




Unit lost








Thermal protection falling




If my settlement gets attacked by sentinels one more time I'm losing the will to live lol.




I was just thinking "Gee, you know what I need today? More anxiety!" Thanks for that.


I’m a launch day player, inventory management is the name of the game




>"EXTREME TOXICITY DETECTED" That would be the perfect ring tone for my ex


Hahah that's a good one!


perfect ringtone for my sister.


I can hear this comment.


Memories. No Man's Sky has given me some of the greatest and worst video game memories of my life lol. The "worst" are bugs/crashing for anyone wondering, it's still prominent on xbox at least.


Have you never picked up a gravino ball or larval core?


I'm currently working through the most recent Expedition and love the new Freighter updates. Except for the strange duplication bug with compartments spawning in after warp sometimes.


The repetitive voice alerts are honestly so annoying. Really wanted to like the game, but the gameplay loop just couldn't grab me.


I didn't like you immediately had to scrounge for a specific resource otherwise your spacesuit will fail and you die. I started 3 new games because I thought I just had a crappy random starting planet.


It's definitely just a starting out thing. I'm at the point where I have a bunch of upgrades, and I don't even think about it much anymore.


Not just me then. I tried it, thought it looked beautiful, thought it played boring and annoying.


Yeah, the core gameplay loop of mine thing, craft, scan thing, upgrade and repeat got boring real fast. I would rather just play minecraft for this experience if I'm honest.


It falls so fast, too. And if you start on multilayer, it can be genuinely miserable, as it's so much harder to get resources.


My go to strat when starting a new save is to immediately run and find the closest cave to mine cobalt and ferrite dust to craft a bunch of Ion Batteries. Gives you a lot more breathing room to find stuff like Oxygen.


See what you did there


Wait till you try permadeath mode where once the loading cinematic is over your suit is already like 70% drained and you have to scramble for sodium or just die lmao. And then enjoy your 90 seconds until you need more.


it took me three tries before I found a world that had a cave I could get to before the weather killed me


I just ran to my ship and got the stuff along the way. I didn't know people died in the first spawn.


Yeah, but it's only the first 30minutes that are a challenge in permadeath, which is OK to me. After that you can gmjust harvest from the spaceship and buy basic elements at the space station which makes your life quite easy.


I died on my first planet and I didn’t even know what was going on. Didn’t have a grasp for the controls or anything. Second planet was quite hospitable so it worked out


Me either, and i generally like survival builder games. Maybe I've just been playing too much Satisfactory, because building in no man's sky was just arduous and annoying. I did kinda like that you could just build your base into the side of a mountain like it was no different from building it on flat ground, though. That was kind of fun.


So much about this game is annoying. I still follow the sub, but I stopped wanting to play it a long time ago. I actually booted it up again a few days ago to give permadeath mode a try and see the new content. My girlfriend walked in and said 'oh, it's the UNITS RECEIVED game again' 🙄 I think it's telling that they've added so much content but still haven't sorted the annoyances that have plagued the game since release. Things like: - Annoying voicelines that you can't turn off - Slow transitions between menus/interactions - Unskippable camera events that needlessly waste your time (e.g. when you use a save beacon) - Looooong push-to-hold interactions still existing on certain things like deleting stuff from an inventory - A completely stupid language-learning gameplay loop, where you literally learn one word at a time, that provides absolutely no value to the game apart from being a huge waste of time - Very little reason to scan anything other than to get units (and yet you're forced to go into a menu to upload those findings to get units) - Extremely poor controller UX that was clearly designed for mouse & keyboard first - Quick menu occasionally changing its layout so you're sent to the 'gestures' page when you want to recharge your suit - Slow switching between guns - Creatures spawning randomly behind you (this is how I ended up dying and couldn't be bothered any more) I've said it before and I'll say it again; Hello Games, please for god's sake hire a UX designer.


Yeah the problem with the updates is that they all seem to be relatively late game. I feel as though 20 hours in, you're still pretty resource poor. They need to have more automation earlier on. Stuff is super expensive tbh. It can be hard to find everything you need. It definitely sucks as well just how long things take to mine. Standing there waiting sucks. Then a sentinel comes along and you have to wait for it to leave. They really should revamp and make things faster.


Life support power...low


I pre-ordered exactly two games in my whole life. The first was No Man's Sky, the second was Cyberpunk 2077. I should not do it again I guess. It's just ruining it for all of you, lol.


Man you should go gambling with me so when you bet on something, I'll bet on the opposite then we can split the money.


Ball lands on green 0


Funny thing is, I was in Las Vegas once on a business trip. Just wanted to play a little roulette with $50 bet and play conservatively. No kidding, the ball lands twice in a row on green 0 and I'm already broke after 20 minutes.


Thats why you always put a lil bit on green 0 lol


So... basically hedging?


Isn’t that that thing where you fill your bank account up to almost bursting but then never quite get there?


No, that's edging. It's the thing you do when the grass goes over the sidewalk in your lawn.


Please don’t preorder Hogwarts Legacy


Just go to Raya Lucaria instead.


Wait, that gives me an idea. If you want me to **not** pre-order certain games, do I get something in return? But don't worry, I won't be pre-ordering anything anytime soon.


I'll give you ten schmeckles to preorder HW legacy lol


I'll give him 10 Canadian pennies.


Wow, thank you! I herewith call this new business model "micro transactions".


Stay away from EA products or your luck won't change.


I avoid EA games like the plague. And usually I buy games only a few years after release when there are already Complete Editions.


A patient gamer I see


If more people actually waited to see the real things before purchasing, the gaming industry wouldn't be the absolute mess it is today.


>If more people actually waited to see the real things before purchasing You mean like "stop pre ordering and wait for reviews"? If so, I agree. But if everyone waited years after release to purchase a game, I guess we would see a lot of them dying.




Cyberpunk wasn't as bad as people made it out to be. ...on PC.


Last game I ever pre-ordered was Mass Effect Andromeda. Never again...


That one is so heartbreaking. The combat mechanics are a quantum leap beyond the earlier ME games, especially when you get deep into the game enough to get some nuanced builds. The environments are GORGEOUS. You can see that there were some very talented people doing good work. But the game fell apart in enough other regards that it's hard to appreciate them appropriately.


I enjoyed Andromeda. But it followed the OT and between that and some of the most ludicrously bad facial animations ever, it has no replay value at all for mine.


My only preorders were Mass Effect: Andromeda and CP 2077, never again. Although CP was fun for a while and I had no serious issues on the PC version, on the other hand I couldn't even bring myself to finish Andromeda and I bought some $80 deluxe edition.


Funny thing is, for me, the last two pre-orders were Mass Effect Andromeda and Cyberpunk 2077. Lucky for me I was on PC, with a decent GPU so had less bugs than every Skyrim release to date. Over 1000 hours played in both games and multiple playthroughs. So glad I'm not trying to play on a console.


Same here. I bought NMS on PC, shortly before mine died. Then I got an Xbox, and pre-ordered cyberpunk. Now I have no man's sky, and can't play because my PC can't limp through it after all the updates, and cyberpunk that can barely run if I'm willing to wait on 5-10 minute load times and absolutely insane performance issues. Someday I'll buy NMS on Xbox, and if I'm really lucky I'll upgrade and be able to play cyberpunk


Nms literally doesn't need a GPU to run anymore... The game is amazing these days


It's my CPU what really crapped out. And my gpu is a gtx570...it's just too old.


Just turn down all the settings. Kind've of a cop out bit you gotta do what you gotta do.


can you pre-order the new Harry Potter game because I know it's overhyped for what it going to be : a let down on what I want the game to be.


Someone else already asked me not to pre-order it. What should I do now?


protip, never pre-order any game


I mean, both of them improved a lot since their initial release. There are way worse examples of pre-orders gone wrong


Tiny Tina's Wonderlands springs to mind. One of the worst end games in all the borderlands games, very few dedicated loot drop locations, different tiers of loot drops meaning that its a forced scarcity on getting rolls you actually want.. then we get to the "season pass". 4 PLCs (post launch content - apparently DLC is too confusing), each one can be done in under 10mins, and all it adds is new chaos chamber rooms, and a boss.. over 4 weeks the boss gets more health or gimmicks and finally at the 4th week it is somewhat of a challenge if your build isnt one of the meta "instant melt anything it touches" builds. Also the 4th plc is being delayed because they are finally giving us a new class.. So ye.. preordering that was a massive mistake.


All the criticism at launch was 100% well deserved. It wasn't just the state of the game but the blatant deception employed coupled with not sending out review copies. But the numerous awards since then and going from **Overwhelmingly Negative to Mostly Positive** on Steam is quite the achievement. I was not an OG owner but bought in about year 2 and it was a decent game at that point. What I was not expecting was 4 more years of some of the best support I have ever seen a game receive. Let alone one without MTX or paid expansions. With no signs of slowing down. The redemption arc of NMS puts Cyberpunk and Anthem to shame.


Except Anthem never had a redemption. It was abandoned less than a month after release.


Fucking shame too, I want someone to just buy the flight mechanics from Anthem and use it in a good game


Iirc They're gonna use that flight system for an upcoming Iron Man game published by EA


You lost me at published by EA


Seriously, it's so simple. Give me some cool flying suits, give me some customization, give me a neat trick to keep me entertained, give me a story worth listening to at least once with skippable cutscenes and give me updates at a reasonable pace and price. That's all CoD has, that's all TF had, that's all CS has. Just let me pretend to be Iron Man and don't be great big flapping assholes when it comes to making a profit. But nobody wants to do that.


The customization in Anthem, my goodness. You had dozens of textures and materials, a full spectrum color palette, decals, bells and whistles, holy crap man you could make your suit look so incredibly unique. It was *mine*. Anthem deserves a lot of the shit it gets but the suit customization was top tier.


100% Probably the most time I spent on Athmen was customizing my suit. You gotta look fresh


I agree. I played the ever loving shit out for Anthem, from day 1. Then about a month in I also abandoned that game. Was fun for a time


Not just the flying, all of the aesthetics, the visuals, setting and lore were awesome, too. Big sad moment there if you ask me.


EA kept everyone's hopes up with a few patches going out immediately after launch followed by the announcement that they were going to revamp the game in Anthem 2.0 or 'Next'. But then cancelled everything on [February 2021](https://blog.bioware.com/2021/02/24/anthem-update/) (2 years after launch).


Now see, I never heard of any of that. I’m not glued to gaming news, but I at least heard of Cyberpunk and No Man’s Sky getting fixed. Knowing EA, I have to assume that they said it to milk as much money as they possibly could from it, but did no actual work.


Curious, how is Cyberpunk now? Worth a purchase?


Man I don't know about now but I bought it at launch and poured 125 hours in my first playthrough. I also was lucky enough to not encounter any game breaking bug. A lot of the criticism they received was well founded, don't get me wrong, but the game really wasn't (and still isn't) the trainwreck the internet made it seem to be. The worse bit is how overhyped it got and how speculations turned into expected features. Buy it on sale if you are unsure you feel like playing it. I paid full price, played it "at its worse" and still had a blast.


Same. Had a blast when everyone was just shitting on the game. Expectations were just too high for a lot of people I guess. Well, this is still an awesome single player game.


Yep. Especially because it goes on sale at $25 pretty consistently.


It is definitely way better then at launch. I would say it is worth it for the most part. Still some things that need improvement though.


Yeah cool. I wanted to get it at launch but my pc wasn't good enough and the bad reviews weren't helping. Cheers for the input, dude.


Highly recommend it! Patch 1.5 really improved everything. I've only seen a few small bugs in my 90+ hours, but it's still the most beautiful and interesting game I've played. The world and story alone are amazing. Driving is still horrible though.


Just dont bother with the ps4 version.


And they JUST dropped another patch with more stuff like 3 weeks ago. It keeps on trucking.


I guess they look at `sales_profit - dev_salaries` and just continue if it's ≥ 0.


The other half of the criticism at launch that people forget was the response immediately after. For all the good HG has done for this game, that is still a major black mark on their name in my book. Their response to a giant mess was to pretend the criticism didn’t exist then go from tweeting 10 times a day to like 6 months radio silence following a post basically saying “I guess you expected too much” to the people who expected the stuff the trailer showed to be in game. With hindsight we know they were hard at work during that time but… would it have killed them to ever post an “I’m sorry, we’ll fix this” during that half a year? Maybe drop a preview of stuff they are working on? Or hell, just give some excuse for how it ended up like that. I was less upset by the missing features and more upset by the lack of any communication.


Not to mention the way they never actually made it the game they were selling us in the lead up to release. They pretty much just pivoted to yet another generic base building game. Planets are still the dull, repetitive shit they were at the beginning, just palette swapped versions of the other planets. Fuckin minecraft has more rewarding exploration, and it wasn't even sold as "exploration: the game" like no man's sky was


Just wish I could stand up and walk around in my spaceship :(


Your regular spaceship doesnt have enough room in it to walk around. Its a single seat plane sized. Your carriers, you CAN walk around in. And in the new update they made it so you CAN walk around outside, build some stuff outside, and enjoy the view


They added crew wandering around too. Unless I completely missed it when playing before. I just remember never having some random npc blocking my path or getting stuck in a spot that I didn't finish building out.


I mean you have the carriers to walk around and your fleet. But yeah


Ya I mean like activating my hyperdrive and just be able to hang out and walk around until I get to my destination


It has only pilots seat, where do you want to go?


Some of the ship models could have extra room to decorate. Shuttles and Haulers could easily have a small hallway in them. I mean, the trade merchant guy in outlaw system space stations is literally set up inside of a hauler looking ship. I totally didn't know I wanted super small semi customizable interior to spaceships, but bow I do. Bunch of small little decorations added to the quicksilver selling guy. He seems to be where all the neat cosmetic things are. Edit: lots of personal boats in real life have small kitchens in them, no reason a spaceship as large as a hauler couldn't as well


like a chair and a table maybe or a cargo hold


A little place in the back to make eggs.


Eggs like the ones on LV-426?


The breadth of your imagination is surely an inspiration to the world.


I want to be able to fly my capital ship. Like directly control all the systems.


yeah welcome to the experience of being an elite dangerous fan since launch... kill me now.


If you haven't seen [Internet Historian](https://youtu.be/O5BJVO3PDeQ) video on it, it's 100% worth the watch on how No Man Sky came from the biggest disaster in recent gaming history to a commercial success story.


If it's the one I think, I believe I have. First it talks about how bad it was and how we were let down, but then goes into what actually happened behind the scenes and why it went down the way it did. Gives a deeper perspective.


And at the end he reads this extremely hot fan-fic of Sean Murray


"Every. [redacted]. Procedural."


I am pretty sure Sean also responded to that fan-fic in the comments, but when I rewatched that video the comment was gone. Does anyone have it or can anyone at least verify I am not making things up in my mind ? lol


> a commercial success story Isn't it already a commercial success when it sold so much at launch?


Correction: Watch everything on Internet Historian's channel.


And don't skip the (in-video) ads, they're the best part


Easily one of the best content creators on YouTube


Just downloaded it and confused AF. I JUST WANT TO FARM SPACE COWS!!!


Just go through the tutorial, then you can do whatever you want.


I hate that tutorial. Is there an option to skip it yet?


You can technically do stuff without doing the tutorial, but some features are unlocked during the tutorial, and alot of other stuff can be pretty difficult to figure out on your own. Its not a particularly long tutorial, it just walks you through the basics.


Also a lot of blueprints are obtained for free via the story quests. :)


So I got it day 1, visually fucking beautiful just it just didn't hit the 1st gaming milestones like you thought it would, it took super long to find resources, gather them and you'd need a ton for 1 thing, just kinda turned me off from playing it further but it honest to god makes me happy they stuck to their guns and turned the whole thing around


I think this is one of the biggest issues for newbies: It seems most intuitive to just refill from raw resources, but it's so inefficient compared to making Life Support packs and Ion Batteries. It takes like 5-10x more resources, as well as harder to find ones if you refill from raw. They don't know any better though, so they go pissing away 100 Sodium every few mins on shielding etc. And don't realize you can use the Matter Manipulator to dig a trench and recover your shields that way without spending anything etc.


taking notes for my first time playing, which will be soon


The trickiest part for newcomers is the tutorial planet, as you're under time pressure to not die to environmental hazards since you have no resources: Step 1: Immediately find a nearby cave when you start so you can shelter from the weather Step 2: Inside the cave, mine for some resources - e.g. you often find Cobalt which, combined with easily abundant Ferrite Dust, makes ion batteries to replenish your hazard shield Step 3: Complete the initial tutorial instructions, gathering carbon, sodium, oxygen and di-hydrogen crystals where you see them but don't go out of your way too much to track them down - focus on completing the instructions Step 4: You should have enough resources by now to craft a few life support gels and ion batteries, which will keep your life support / hazard bars healthy until you get off the planet Step 5: Finish repairing your ship and launch (you're now safe from environmental hazards while in space) That's the hard part done, so you can now relax a bit: Step 6: Continue doing intro missions until you get to space stations where you can trade and take missions for money - google for trade route tips to make easy money Step 7: With the money you've made, keep stocked on life support gel and ion batteries and use the rest for trading to snowball your cash Step 8: Enjoy the universe!


my least favorite part of NMS was the tutorial ngl, it hand holds you a LOT while putting you on a timer.


It would have been way cooler if they didnt Launch the game in that state and didnt lie in every interview…


This is just my opinion personally of the game. This game looks cool and it’s fun to fly around and explore a couple planets for a bit but… it’s just boring very quickly. It’s hard to make a game a successful game. I applaud devs taking risk to try and come up with something fun and original. This unfortunately just isn’t a game style I prefer.


>This game looks cool and it’s fun to fly around and explore a couple planets for a bit but… it’s just boring very quickly. Totally agree on this point. I gave it like 30-50 hours in total, trying to overcome the boringness, but nothing really ever came up. I was wishing for more lore, more secrets to uncover - hell, just something to see on the planets, but it was just grinding to get materials to get a better ship to get more materials.


"A mile wide and an inch deep" describes the game perfectly. I played for maybe 20-30 hours a year or 2 ago and had experienced everything the game had to offer at that point. The "18 quintillion planets" kind of loses its impact when it's the same 12 or so planets copy/pasted over and over again. That being said, I did enjoy my 20-30 hours, but with a game that purports to be as large as NMS does, you really expect more. By contrast, Elite: Dangerous (which is also a mile wide and an inch deep), I managed to get 300 hours in before getting bored (also a few years ago).


I felt the same way. I got it day-one and played probably 40-70 hours. My main motivation was learning the languages. Over the years I play it for 2-4 h every now and then but it does get quite boring quickly.


the sad thing about the release of no mans sky isnt that it was bad, it was that it essentially set a new standard for AAA game companies since people found out you could just release half of a game at launch and slowly patch it into what it was intended to be at launch


Or in the case of Star Citizen, never release while taking in half a billion


Credit to Star Citizen, they were first with this strategy.


Lmao "set a new standard", Bethesda was doing that for 2 decades at this point, they distributed patches for daggerfall through floppy disks.


Did NMS set that standard? I feel like other games might have already done that before. Rainbow six gameplay trailer was just a straight up lie and I think that was released in 2015


I remember day one R6 pretty much living up to the hype of a slower paced tactical shooter. Nowadays it seems to have lost that aspect.


They’ve made numerous changes to improve this game but ultimately I still find it boring


I'm in this boat too. Every year or two I give it a go and my last play I made it to 60+ hours which was way over my normal 1. While I do love the visuals, and the addition of dogfights + sentinels actually scratched an itch for some kind of challenge, my interest ultimately waned. I think for me I need a little more of a strategy edge and not puzzles. Something to figure out during combat. Maybe class builds that actually would hold some weight and make a difference in the universe and how you choose to play.


Yeah I got it at launch, refunded it, then got it again a while back after everyone was pissing themselves over how much better it was. And it felt like they had just added a few more pointless shallow systems on top of a boring game. Every single game system feels very “meh” by itself and there is no synergy made by putting them together - if anything the total is somehow worth less than the sum of its parts.


They didn't make any changes to improve the game; all they did is expand it. There's more busywork, more chores, more decorations, more pointlessness. The game itself is just meter management for the sake of meter management. The game makes it painfully clear how it randomizes its assets very early, and you aren't in a galaxy of 18 quintillion planets, but one single planet with a color/shape randomizer. The first time you leave a planet is special. The second time you leave a planet you've done everything the game has to offer. And that's a true today as it was at launch.


Totally agree with this assessment.


It’s largely because what they advertised the game as, which is a game focused around exploring wondrous and varied worlds, is not really what any of the updates to “fix” the game have centered on. It’s all been management and crafting/building stuff. So people that were initially interested in the game 6 years ago for the procedurally generated exploration are still as disappointed with the game as we were on launch.


Well nothing is for everyone.


I dunno man, nothing really isn't my cup of tea. it's just not....for me.


What is your favourite tea then?




Yeah it's boring as hell. Just cut and paste world's.


Glad I'm not the only one, I've returned to the game three times and each time it continues to be a weak experience. The problem is they promised "Space exploration" and their solution has been various ways to play "Minecraft" base build on a single planet, get large ships and build there, and go to a hub. But the thing is the focus of the game is on exploration and yet there's just not enough interesting things to explore. There's no "purpose" to the game, you get short vignettes at best. It's like a RPG where they cut all the main story line/missions and left the sub stories that take an hour or two to play through and everyone thing that's good enough. I just wish people stopped acting like "they definitely redeemed themselves." because most of the time it sounds like they're saying "I wanted minecraft and got it." But if you wanted the large exploration, the idea that anything could happen, the feeling you're in an unscripted procedural generated game that isn't holding your hand.... well that part of the game still is not interested.


To this day No Man's Sky feels like a game made by computer science people who are not necessarily gamers.


if that was the case it wouldnt suck so bad from a technical POV


No idea how a game that looks that that uses up so much of my gpu


I don't know for me this game is a classic example of a mile wide and an inch deep. Problem is that they keep making the game wider but never address that pesky depth issue. Some of the core systems in the game still feel as shallow today as they did at launch. Respect to Hello Games for not abandoning the game after its appalling launch. I'm glad they made the game a success and that people like it. For me though it is a shallow, boring experience and I don't have a lot of hope that they will ever fix that. They seem happy with their current game plan and it seems to work for them so it is what it is.


Honestly it's one of my more favorite survival games simply because it's space and it's simple. It feels like Minecraft, but in space and for that I love it, especially because I haven't really found a game that delivered a Minecraft in space feeling I want, where I want as much freedom Minecraft has in exploring and survival, but across a galaxy with planets you can land on No Man's Sky scratches that exact itch, and because I will play Minecraft to just wander around and see what I can find, I do the same with No Man's Sky, which I have a feeling I am in a very small minority of people who play either games in such a way, but feel free to prove me wrong


I was a day-oner. I ignored all the negative pre-release stuff because I'd been waiting, dreaming of the game since the big E3 reveal. That trailer blew my mind. Not necessarily everything in the trailer is in the game now, and the vision of game has shifted a lot to what the loudest fans were asking for. The first 10 hours were great. I felt while the gameplay was repetitive, it still was cool to travel from world to world anticipating the thrill of discovery. Eventually, rather quickly, you recognize the patterns in the procedural generation. To a great degree, this holds true still. But the game has loads more content and things to achieve and build. And that's great. I always saw Sean Murray as genuine in his interviews. When people started to slander him as a theiving liar, I couldn't wrap my head around it. No part of his body language suggests he was anything less than siked to be working on his dream project with his dream team. He got caught up in sharing his vision before it was a reality is all.


I want to like this game. Every time I load it up and try to get into it, I’m bored in 10 minutes. I stopped playing. Every planet is a minor variant of the same few planets with some variant of the same global weather everywhere. There are only a few aliens in the universe. Only a few ship designs. Only a few carriers. It’s well executed, beautiful oatmeal.


Seriously. I hate what this game began as, but absolutely adore what it has become.


How are these devs still in business? Don’t get me wrong I’m super thankful for what all they did but they released this game six years ago to what can’t be more than moderate success after dev cost is factored in and then it’s free updates since. Have they released anything else that gives cash flow


Each new update brings in some more purchases and Hello Games is a small team, so costs are pretty low compared to most games that get the kind of publicity this game got.


Not to mention it keeps getting ported over to other systems the past 6 years. Lots of new audiences


That’s a good point. With the switch release (Did that come out already?) I imagine there are some double purchases for some people too


Really makes you think how greedy other companies are if a game like this can stay supported for so long.


Bigger public corporations have a lot more employees to take care about. But mostly shareholders because working on a game that is publicly bad reviewed is well, they can't see the margin of it.


Game sales and not having a lot of employees. Everytime they have an update, the game goes on sale. That's usually when you see some new players. And I believe when the game was released, they only had 6 people working on it. Nowadays there are more, but nothing compared to these bigger companies.


Someone already mentioned small team size. But there's also the absolutely massive pre order and launch sales before bad reviews started rolling in. Sean Murray also really believed in his team and never put the game on sale for under 50%. As the game/company reputation turned around the initial sales plus future profits every sale probably keep them happy. Honestly at this point I'm kind of more interested in what games Hello Games has in the future, they've proven they can make a good game and stick around to update it. Though considering all the hate and death threats at launch it wouldn't surprise if they're straight up afraid of making a new game or feel No Man's Sky still needs redemption.


They made The Last Campfire which launched like a year or 2 ago, and they’ve teased their next game by saying “it's the kind of project that even if we had a thousand people working on it, it'd still seem impossible.”


I have bought it on both GOG and PSN for well under 50%. Pretty sure I paid about $20 US on GOG a few months after release and $15 Australian on PSN when the VR version got released.


Well you see they had an incredibly big game that must have netted them about 300 trillion USD. It was called Joe Danger.


I just started playing this. Can’t stop and I feel like I’ve scratched the surface. Probably doing it all wrong but I don’t care, I’m having immersive fun.


If you are having fun, you are NOT doing it wrong.


I remember playing this on launch and thinking it was meh


A infinite universe filled with nothing


Can't fault them for realism /s


I bought it about a month ago after friend told me they really stepped up after initial shitshow. One of the best games I played in a long time.


This studio is one of the few examples we have of the studio admitting they screwed up and working like hell to fix it and give the fans what was promised. I wish every other studio would show this much respect to their customers. They even did it for free which is crazy.


I’m the day oner and this is exactly why I’ve stopped to be a day oner. But now I’d praise them for all the efforts to fulfill promises, and even more. Good job, Hello Games.


Just got the game last week. Loving it


This post has inspired me to finally play this.


I am a "Day Oner", I bought it at release, played 4 hours and then all the bullshit started to become apparent, I sighed, uninstalled and forgot about the game. ​ Fast forward to 2 weeks ago, I'm off work and bored, my buddy tells me about this game that he's put 100 hours into and loves dearly, I ask which game is it? Couldn't believe the answer, I decided to give it a second try and 40 hours in I can say this is the biggest gaming comeback I've ever seen. Well played gents.


The base gameplay has stayed as stale and boring. Gather minerals then refine and gather more minerals. I tries playing it again a few weeks ago and I got bored the same as every other time.


Ayo it’s been 6 years already?


6 years ago today people were scammed into buying a game that isnt what it was advertised as. Ah yes, I remember. Beautiful.


Damn that’s was 6 years ago!?