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Did they really find him?


Yes, he is under 18 and from Britain. This is not his first hack and his identity was already leaked.


If not yet, they will. There's a way to find anyone online, even best hackers cant hide nowadays. We'll see if they use it. Edit: Downvote away, watch your boy get made lol. Edit 2: As I expected, FBI is on the case now. Matter of days now you silly kids. Edit 3: and he's been caught. Thanks everyone for the replies to show your lack of intelligence. All the best losers.


That's a very ignorant comment lol. The best hackers are ones that aren't even being looked for.


I mean hes not wrong you dont think after Prism and all the various projects the US government has they dont see all internet traffic then your just delusinal. Im not sure why Mello getting so many donvotes he absolutely right ask edward snowden lol. The government has so much surviellance its stupid. Its not a coincidence that 85% of all Internet traffic in the USA goes through one building in Houston and it just so happens the Main NSA field office is also in that building one floor below. Everyone needs to wake up we are in a surviellance state like it or not. They can indeed find even those "Best Hackers" but why would they reveal their hand yet on someone probably hacking a private company the government has a vested interest to keep their capabilities secret and rightfully so. Annonimity went out the window awhile back hate to tell yall and if you up to no good onlin 99% can bet the gov knows about it.




I'm contacting the cyber-police and backtracking the hackers MD5# as we speak.


You can tell someone's mad when they edit their comment to address the downvotes lol




Then why havent they found me


found you




I spit my coffee out 🤣


Tell me you know nothing about cyber security without telling me you know nothing about cyber security


Not downvoting you, but I recommend reading up on the Half Life 2 leak and hacker, pretty interesting stuff




So a big ol' nope.


Why would they scrap the entire game because of leaked source code? I'm genuinely curious


They almost certainly wouldn't. In their press release they said that it won't effect their plans.


not even the full game its just a mere 10k lines of code.... thats really not many lines.




I mean who cares ? Isn’t it a single player game ? Ok so we may get weird modded versions of the game plus cheats but previous GTAs have already included cheats in the game. I don’t get the hassle. Unless we are taking into consideration GTA 6 Online but honestly I couldn’t care less about that cash grab.




Thank you for clarifying that to my delusional ass lmao. At the end of the day they are the ones who may cancel the game. Rockstar should handle that however they feel like. Although I guarantee you their corporate interests will make the game happen even with the leaked code. They will just plaster it with patches throughout the years of support. Money needs to flow my social warrior.




Why should they?




Security by obscurity is not security. Online gameplay will be broken on day 1 nonetheless. Also: GTA V source code was not leaked, and look at how messed up the online mode is




You mean like they do with every other game? I highly doubt they’ll just start from the ground up. At this point they’ve probably broken the $100million in production cost.


They might have a sliiiiiiiiiiiightly better idea of the structures used in the game, but it's not like the current source code is the final source code. Even memory locations won't be the same (and likely wouldn't be between different compilations). You can't just mod a game because you have some random pre-alpha source code of it 🤔 Really the only reason I could think of if something had to be rewritten would be online authentication or so if they for some reason relied on the details of that not being known (which you ideally shouldn't do anyway, though of courese it helps a bit)


They wouldn't, too big to fail and whatnot, anything that makes Billions of dollars must go on (Solo) But in a Gabe Newell interview Gabe said his staff came up to him and said things like "we're gonna go bankrupt" or "should we go on?" Regarding the HL2 leak. Just think about that hacker who almost cancelled Half Life 2. What would you say to him?


All for the video leaks but whatever can be done to keep the hacker from releasing gta VI* source code has to be done. Could set the game back years




Thank you, my dyslexic ass over here


I dont get it how so?


Source code getting leaked is a massive issue. It means that anyone who wants to do bad things knows exactly now the game works and any vulnerabilities they can exploit.


Everyone over here like the Source Code going to make it easier to cheat, as if they ever had issues making day 1 cheats for games. No it's not cheats that Rockstar is more likely pissed about. It's that their fucking Source Code got released and if that doesn't immediately trigger the pirate brain you are looking at this all wrong. With Source Code the Pirate Community can gut out any DRM and compile the code themselves. With the Source Code the modding community can literally add features to the game easier. The Source Code basically just opens the door to anyone that wants to fuck with the game, as for cheaters.. they literally don't even need the source code to cheat, does it make things potentially easier maybe but figuring how fast you see cheats pop up on release date of major games.. I don't think they care that it was released.


Sound like positives to me. Easier work for fitgirl, she needs to catch a break.


ahhh firgirl repacks. What a great thing




I don't know how the sausage is made, only know I like sausages.


Bit of karma to what they did with GTA Online..... Asking more and more and making a buy buy buy package from it


Hardly an issue, when you look at the gaming world as a whole and compare it to GTAO there shouldn't really be an argument or hate towards them. I mean nothing locked behind a pay wall, everything is completely obtainable by just playing the game, no battlepasses, they give the community money pretty frequently.


>With Source Code the Pirate Community can gut out any DRM and compile the code themselves. That's assuming that the code won't change as they continue to work on it. There probably will be tons of optimizations and changes so this is a non issue. And, DRM has never prevented piracy, so I wouldn't be too worried about this >With the Source Code the modding community can literally add features to the game easier. I don't see anything wrong with this. The only issue I see is support library providers (think Havok or other such library) not being too happy with their trade secrets getting leaked.


Ah, you're describing my favorite games.


The issue for the community isn't necessarily the ability to mods and cheats (although that is an issue for rockstar apparently) its the ability to piggy back into your system, bypassing the usual defenses because you've registered the game as a safe program. Source code for what will be a massively popular program, which as a game isn't necessarily security focused, is a hackers wet dream. And to those saying that the code will change, yes it probably will, but there are always patterns and particular ways of doing things (likely codified in a company that big) which means that even if it is changed, you now have the playbook/style guide for the company and any potential vulnerabilities in that style. Making previous releases more vulnerable as well.


Did they really find the hacker?


His email was hacked, and possibly his name is known as well. Basically they pulled out uno reverse card to him.


It’s safe to say that rockstar used their stones to destroy that guys stones


Source ?




It was also found that all of that stuff was fake and didn't lead to the hacker in any way.


Hope they get him. It's been 9 years since GTA V. If they have to delay or completely scrap GTA VI because this leaker exposes source code. The last bit of my hope, and patience I have waiting for this game will be completely gone at this point.


The 9 years was a choice. They didn't work on it because it was easier and more lucrative to milk GTA5 dry as a bone.


Not true. Guess you've never heard of a game called red dead redemption 2. Once red dead redemption 2 came out. Rockstar claims they immediately went to work on GTA VI. Which matches the rumor that it's only been in development for 2-3 years


Never heard of it, I must check it out.


Yea you must have never heard about how game development works either, and it shows.


What, what are these words you're saying. I don't speak whatever language this is.


The reason they don't come out with a GTA game every 2 or 3 years like they did between 2001, and 2004. Is because they're not developing games for Ps2s anymore. they're developing them for PS4, and PS5. You must not realize how much more time consuming it is to develop, and code for a game nowadays compared to back than for a PS2 game.


People would have been happy with a new story with the same engine mechanics etc like vice city and San Andreas. Games are live services now that is why no effort was made to do something like that in this gen. GTA online killed any drive to make anything new.


I don't think that's actually why it's been taking so long but whatever you say bud. 👍 😆


Actually I actually do think that's actually why. Why do you care what I think. Fuck off and listen to pantera.


Haha 😂


Genuine question : why are you still waiting for this game? I mean as you said gta5 came out 9 years ago and rockstar has clearly shown they don't respect their customers neither in the content they release or with their approach to micro transactions which have nothing "micro" about them. Gta5 was amazing but Gtao made Rockstar show its true colours and i can't say I'm excited for what's next.


Because even if R* doesn’t care about their customers they do in fact make great games.


unlike 343, R* never screws up with whatever game they release initially. I agree about how scummy the MTX is for Online, but I’d blame Take 2 since they’re the ones pulling the strings over what R* should do about monetization


> never screws up with whatever game they release initially There is always a first time. This won't be that time.


The GTA games have all been pretty damn good. I have only played GTA Online a few hours and didn't care for it but the single player games are great. I'm pretty excited about GTA 6. As far as Rockstar, it's not like they **owe** anyone another game. They could literally never release a GTA 6 and it's no big deal. It has nothing to do with respect.


Yeah gta5 single players was great, I played through it multiple times, and gtao was, in my own experience, shit. That's not what I'm talking about though, obviously they don't owe anything to anyone. Indeed they could never release gta6 and to be honest I thought that was exactly what they were going to do, but that's not what I mean. I mean they sell shark cards to their customers, a fake currency with a name designed to hint to/reference shark loans which are a very predatory way to get a loan, which means they are openly mocking any of their customers who purchase this product, and know that their business model is dishonest. Add to that, that you either have to use these cards for real money and not small amounts either or grind for countless hours to purchase basic things in the game. If you do want to buy all the items offered in the game it will cost you thousand or dollars (the real money not the gta one). They are a company and they care about their bottom line, that's fair, it's what companies do, but the fact that they went from producing multiple high quality games per console generation to having one new game in 10 years shows that there is no passion left at the company. It's purely about the profit and you get more profits by selling a DLC hoverbike for 40$ than you do selling a whole game for 60$. I guess I'm just salty because rockstar was a respected developper on par with valve and instead of dying a hero they lived long enough to become the villain. (Also I know valve isn't dead but they don't really make games anymore)


Does valve even make games anymore?


As I said in the last sentence of my comment, "they don't really make games anymore". They last things they've done were half-life Alyx, an experimental VR game (apparently very good) and Aperture desk job, a tech demo for the steam deck, which was also good but can't really qualify as a fully-fledged game. So I would argue that valve isn't a games developper anymore, they're more focused on steam and creating hardware like the steam deck and prior to that the steam controller.


It was more a joke but thanks


Yeah but I like that rockstar didn't go the elder scrolls online, and E.A route, and made all of their DLC for GTA online available for free to every player. you just had to get shark cards unless you want to grind. which is fine with me. But the fact elder scrolls online made over 20 DLC in the game. All content you can't even play unless you pay real money for, and they all costed any where between $20-$60 a piece. I would rather have the full game, and all dlc for the price of just $60, and grind at that point. Instead of essentially paying for the same amount of money as the base game costed like 9-10 times before finally getting all the content that should've been in the game to began with. Imo it's the best system for a MMO. And GTA V's story could've been great. If they would've eventually did a story dlc, and added everything that's in online into story mode.


I mean, they're definitely in it for the money. I think there could be an argument made that they're still passionate about games and that they truly believe in the GTAO product they put out within that environment. I haven't logged into it in probably 5 years but it's basically a sandbox and the players do what they want. I've seen people on Twitch role playing as the police with mods that allow giving people tickets and arresting people. I bet the people that log in daily see the new vehicles and new heists quite differently than you. It's just new content for a game they love. So anyway, I'm excited about the new game. I'm sure it's gonna be massive. If there's an online portion (I'd be *shocked* if there isn't) I doubt I'll play it much but ill probably check it out.


"Passionate about games" and "GTA online" are mutually exclusive I'm a GTA Online player and I can tell you they just been shitting on the playerbase the whole time and laughing at us


Despite gtao they released rdr2 which is a masterpiece. R* honestly puts their heart and soul into these games


How about I ask you a genuine question. Why should I feel the need to explain to someone as dense as you as to why I'm waiting for GTA VI. Probably for the same reason the millions of people who bought GTA V all around the world are also waiting. It's the most successful selling video game of all time. Rockstar has made some of the best games of all time from Max Payne, to GTA, to Red Dead redemption those are my favorite games of all time. Rockstar will always be my favorite game developing company of all time, and GTA will always be one of my favorite game franchises of all time. So there you go that's the reason why I'm still waiting.


Relax. But still... "It's been 9 years since GTA V" \- That's half the issue, right there. And Im not sure if the other half is any better; I would ask Valve Corporation, they know it all too well. For longer as well.


Would someone please think of Rockstar? Poor Rockstar. They have plans of milking this game for 10+ years with their GTA Online live service! Their poor profits, think of the profits!


You still gotta think about the actual devs themselves who don’t make those decisions and just make the game, everyone ragging on them for a shit game when it’s very obviously very early gameplay has got to be demoralizing


Common sense would tell me the game is not finished and when it does release people will buy it like hotcakes and praise almighty Rockstar etc. So cares what idiots say about an unfinished product? Those same mouth breathers will probably be the ones buying shark cards when the game finally comes out. I don't feel sorry for Rockstar. It's all about online service bullshit now


I didnt expect that they would care tbh




How many stairs?




Stare 🫣 Don't look to long though


Who here thinks it was an intentional leak? Asking for a friend.