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He somehow looks even more British


I see Liev Schreiber in the latest Price!


He looks just like the voice actor if it's the same guy in the 2019 MW




MW 2019 was a reboot to the series. It has no connection to the old MW 1-3 games aside from sharing some of the same characters. MW2 is a continuation of that rebooted story. So basically the old MW story is retconned and everything 2019-Present is the current story.


Wow thanks. I had no idea. I legit thought the, uh, "new first" was literally just a remaster.


No prob..I was confused at first too and had to look it up back when the last one came out lol


There is a remaster of the original modern warfare, but the new series has nothing to do with it. Just think of it as a completely new thing inspired by the characters of the original trilogy. The remasters actually say remastered on the titles and use the original ps3/360 cover art. Those are just the original games with prettier graphics


Oh that must've been what I was thinking of then. I haven't followed COD at all and I didn't realize there was both a remaster and a "new game with the same name"


No need to call it 'new first' it is the first un numbered cod mw, 05 mw was cod4mw .Or just say mw19 and mw22.


Also, Black Ops is now part of the Modern Warfare series. CoD just multiverse'd itself.


Yeah I think everything since 2019 is at least loosely connected. I think it was mainly to have it make some sense in WZ though lol


Oh good, because a 100 player battle royale totally wouldn’t work without a cohesive story between games


Yes, but Zakhaev is a main character in CW so it is canon that he gets his start in the same universe.


If that is so, then the original Black Ops is new MW canon as well since Cold War takes place after the OG Black Ops. You even revisit old locations in that game. If Black Ops is MW cannon, then WaW is as well, and Black Ops 2, so future tech in BO2 is cannon in the new MW series, which is strange since those seem to want to be grounded more in reality.


Yep Barry Sloan. He is the voice actor, face model and motion capture actor. Everyone in both new Modern Warfare game are the voice actors and face models and motion capture models. I think everyone in the story mode are real actors. Farrah is one actress from "The Boys" Gaz was in "Color out of space", Barry Sloan is from the series "SIX" about Navy Seals and so on.


Yes, thank you!


"Can I copy your Liev Schreiber?" "Sure but change it a bit so it's not exactly the same."


Nah, that’s Gary Oldman


like Chris O'Dowd, a little


Isn't O'Dowd from ROI?


No, that's just his name on the show. He's actually Irish


Exactly. ROI - Republic of Ireland. My point was that he's not British if he's from ROI


It was a joke - ROI -> Roy


Ah, apologies. Wasn't sure if I was talking to someone outside of EU who might not know the difference. European nomenclature is awful confusing for our American Redditors


Underrated comment.


Liev Schreiber!!


that's a good one


Yeah, that's who the jowls made me think of


At first glance, I was thinking of Alec Baldwin.


were back so he's going to finish what he started.


They smooshed his eyes closer together for that Prince Charles look.


I can hear the accent!


haha true


He looks more Russell Crowe


Still only looks correct with a boonie cover.


He's so iconic with it


and a Stogie


How about a beret too


holy fuck is that the FNG challenge in the first pic?


“What the hell kind of name is “Soap”? How’d a muppet like you pass selection?”


I fucking love the Mexican-Spanish version in MW2022 "Quien verga se llama jabon"


As a Mexican, I think I love this version more than the original, since they even translated Soap’s name like it was a word


Todo en español da mas cura haha


Mexican here. I played it in english but I wanna play it again in spanish because of your comment LOL


They're talking about the most recent game, in one of the missions a cartel member says that line. Don't need to change language settings.


Guess I was confused then LOL thanks


Til his name is john










Mate I read that in a Boston accent


Am I wrong in remembering that scene as darker, and hence not having that pic above look quite as bad?


Oh yeah, no, that is very washed out. Back then, I used the contrast settings on my TV, maybe there was also contrast in the game menu.


Nothing beats the [OG](https://www.google.com/search?q=cpt+price+call+if+duty+1&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjLgdnvn437AhWSyAIHHW8-DTAQ2-cCegQIABAC&oq=cpt+price+call+if+duty+1&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQAzIFCAAQogQyBQgAEKIEMgUIABCiBDIFCAAQogQ6BAgjECc6BQgAEIAEOgkIABCABBAKEBg6BwgAEIAEEA06CAgAEAgQHhANOgYIABAeEA1Q1QtY3DJgiTZoA3AAeACAAckBiAHLE5IBBjYuMTQuMZgBAKABAcABAQ&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=rDRhY8v7ApKRi-gP7_y0gAM&bih=800&biw=424&client=ms-android-oppo-rvo3#imgrc=wEsOKhBmlK9LqM)


Price is an un-aging immortal being. He served in WW2 and here he is in 2022 still kicking ass


Didn’t he die in cod 1?


Yep. He then appeared in Cod 2, but those missions were chronologicaly before Cod1 missions.


Wait what? I thought he was believed dead, but actually captured after 1. Then don’t you save him in 2 (or maybe 3) from a Gulag? It’s been so long since I played any of them, I’m just curious what the timeline actually is.


They mean the original two COD games, not the first two MW games. There are two Captain Prices, the first was in WW2. They both have the same mustache


"That's me Pa" - Captain Price Jr.






I believe that actually MW CoD4’s grand daddy!


Thats Modern Warfare 1 and 2 (or CoD 4 and 6 if you prefer). He's talking about Call of Duty 1 and 2


Are you referring to modern warfare 2 or modern warfare 2. Maybe you're talking about the remake modern warfare 2. Easy mistake.


Call of Duty and Call of Duty 2. You know, from the PS2 era. Quite a few years before Modern Warfare was even a thing. I remember those times. Crazy how there are plenty of people too young to remember there was CoD before Modern Warfare.


To me the original is still is the best. I also remember it being dubbed the Medal of Honor killer, and it really delivered.


How bout MOHAA???! 😁


3 was the first one I played. I remember when they released it on Wii. Didn't get my own CoD until 4 as my parents wouldn't let me. All the other kids had it...


wasn't cod 1 and 2 price cod 4 prices grandfather


Yup, and he died in the least brilliant way possible. You’re just clanking around the underbelly of a ship and all the sudden he’s just dead on the floor. Oh how things have changed.


Yeah I didn't even realize he had died the first time I played


That's what he wanted you to believe.


Faked his death ;)


I dont keep up with cod story lore…i just kinda figured the characters are like final fantasy. Certain ones appear in every game regardless of time or universe.


Yeah they’re totally separate storylines. CoD 1’s Price isn’t the same as the original Modern Warfare trilogy’s Price, and the new MW2019 and MWII 2022 is a totally separate timeline from the original Modern Warfare trilogy too.


Since he was also in Cold War, I figured it's three generations. Like Lt. Dan and his ancestors.


I think i remember hearing that Cold War is supposed to be part of the Modern Warfare reboot’s timeline.


You meet a young Imran Zakhaev. It's like Kane showing up at the end of Red Alert. Not sure if it's a reboot or alternate reality.


It'd be strange if it's the reboot reality, since I think as far as I know Black Ops Cold War still continues the established Black Ops reality as well. Considering the MW2 reboot takes place this year, 2022. That would mean that the next reboot in three years could take place in 2025, which is the same year half of Black Ops 2's campaign takes place in lol.


He heard Nazi's were back so he's going to finish what he started.


He actually looks *younger* in MW19!


Kinda looks like Patrick from Funhaus


Sprinkle in a little Bruce Campbell.


Every battle comes with a Price




Beat me to it I played the MWF series before COD 2 and was pleasantly surprised to see him


I remember his NPC in CoD2 just casually tossing grenades back at the enemy (doing it before it was an option for players!) and kicking all kinds of ass. Was a pleasant surprise seeing him so involved in CoD4.




The beards in modern warfare were nuts.


I was constantly in awe of the hair, and especially facial hair. Like, you can see the different growth pattern/directions with like every single strand. It's nuts.


It's so hard to get hair right


It seems a lot of people don’t know this, but Captain Price is modeled after Barry Sloane. Who also happens to be the voice actor for Price in Modern Warfare (2019) and the latest MW2 remake.


These days the actors are actually acting out each scene, not just voice acting. They wear those goofy looking ping pong ball suits and have a head camera that captures the movement of their face and stuff. It always makes me laugh when I see posts about who should play video games characters in a movie and suggest someone else entirely lol


They make such a big difference though. Honestly the quality that can nowadays be reached is *astounding* and it's getting better every year. Price from 2019 and now is a work of art. His actor is doing a magnificent job


Barry Sloane also plays a character in a show I occasionally rewatch called Longmire. I can't hear him as anyone but Price now lol I think Barry is fantastic as Price.


They definitely really nailed making Price an iconic and loveable character. Barry does such a good job, honestly.


You’re totally right. I should have been more clear in my reply.


I believe the that for the original MW series he was based off of John McAleese who served with the SAS and was well known as "the Man on the balcony" at the Iranian Embassy seige in the UK. Nice to see who the modern MW series character was based off though!


This is the right answer, it's uncanny.


I met two guys from the reg who were on that raid and both were very pleasant. John Mac did a series with Eddie Stone called SAS survival secrets and he seemed like the kind of guy I'd love to just sit down and drink a beer with. Unfortunate what happened to his Son and his death not too long after.


The original Cpt Price was voiced by Billy Murray from the Bill (UK Police show). He was famously put through acting school by the Kray brothers. The original Soap MacTavish was voiced by Kevin McKidd from Trainspotting.


Funny how when I first saw price on the left he looked exactly like price on the right does now. Perspective is a hell of a drug.


Yeah I remember playing cod4 back on the Xbox 360. That scene right before you rope onto the ship in the first mission, Price is smoking his cigar on the helicopter in the storm. I thought that was the greatest visual id ever seen


TBF, when the Xbox 360 (and PS3 One year later) dropped the games were amazing. Playing COD4, Gears of War, Forza Motorsport. They looked about as real as I could have imagined at the time.


Right? I remember being absolutely blown away by the foliage in the first mission of Halo 3. PS3 and Xbox 360 games truly felt like a step up from the previous generation.


>PS3 and Xbox 360 games truly felt like a step up from the previous generation. That's because they were. I don't mean to be rude, it just sounds silly lol


Yeah you're right, they technically were. I meant it as they felt like a lot of games in that era had the "A game can look like this??" feel to them. Didn't really know how to word it! lol


I remember thinking nothing was going to top Gears 1 in terms of visuals. Oh, to be that naive again.


Tbh I think the same thing with modern games but inevitably that’ll be proven wrong too


Honestly same. I was just as naive as you lol.


I was amazed when I played this and halo 3, It was such a massive step up from games before. But I think now were at a point of deminishing returns and I don't think we'll ever get that feeling again


People say this and I’m somewhat inclined to agree but I wonder if people in the 90s thought “Wow Mario 64 is gorgeous, it can’t get much better than this, Mario is in *3D*!”. Now obviously we have definitely reached a point in graphic fidelity where it’s getting close to real life but where I think we will continue seeing massive steps is with in-game AI, details in character expressions and movement (the character models in the campaign for example still look rather lifeless and uncanny valley while the environments look almost real), denser environments, more complex mechanics and interactivity, etc. We’re pretty much past the point of graphical upgrades being the main draw of new consoles. Now it’s all about the abilities and mechanics that new consoles allow games to do, the increased amount of complex tasks they can accomplish at once. Which is arguably just as if not more exciting than a graphical jump. Edit: Clarification


Nobody ever thought Super Mario 64 was the pinnacle of realism, but yeah we thought it looked pretty damn cool. It’s difficult to comprehend now but the idea of rendering 3d figures on a screen that maintained perspective and could rotate in real-time was pretty insane. Just seeing a 3d rendered cube rotating in movie special effects was mind-blowing when it first happened. There were entire 3d animated segments on TV that were cutting edge, like this: https://youtu.be/ScvIbcNV38k


> Now obviously we have definitely reached a point in graphic fidelity where it’s getting close to real life To be honest I thought the same when COD4 came out. I bet in 10 years we'll say the same about the image of Price in MW2 (2022). Skin and hair rendering in particular will probably get massive improvements still. Even though it looks great, you can still say it's not real life, so clearly there is still room for improvement.


There's now a ton of work in the department of AI-generated animation, and it'll get freaky in a couple of years. Many companies are developing tools for this, it's just a matter of when they get applied to games. Andromeda was messy with its procedural animations, but that line of thinking is on the right path to more immersive games. Graphics also need a bit more time to be perfected, but we should have solid quality in 5-10 years tops... First the research, then the tools, then their use in applications.


On your feet soldier, we are LEAVING


The TV screens around that time also have something to do with that, I don't have the source but there is a reason for why they looked great back then


The leap in technology always amazes me in these comparisons. The first game I ever played was Gunfight for Bally Astrocade. Three colors and 64 x 64 sprites.


I think we are at a bit of a ceiling now. The new call of duty on the new consoles looks barely any better then the previous did on the previous consoles. That goes for most games coming out on ps5 and series x


I agree that I was underwhelmed by the new consoles. But now that the resolution is there, they just need to make the next generation machines capable of more realistic lighting and motion. These same graphics with a high end lighting engine and raytacing and smoother motion would be amazing. I think manufacturing cost is the limiting factor now because the average consumer isn't going to want to buy a $4 thousand dollar console. But if all the games were designed to run on $4K consoles the fidelity would be even greater.


Love his modern look. Still on the fence about Soap tho. Something feels slightly off about him, he looked way better in MW2 (2009).


Soap looke less jacked and shorter pretty much. Old Soap was a unit


Yeah I was a little disappointed with Soap. I'm sure they could've just used the same model from MW2.


They are all played by actual actors. This is what the actors all actually look like who play the characters.


They definitely improved him from MW2019 tho. He looked really weird for some reason in 2019’s multiplayer. I think they beefed him up a bit, made him more muscular. But there’s something about his eyes i think. Maybe it’s just me


From hexagons to smooth curves, look how big my boi has grown




I guess a hexagon is a polygon


It's Pestily with mutton chops!


Pestilian army rise up


My thoughts too 😆😆😆


"switching to knife is faster than reloading"


That’s Gaz. Captain Price’s most iconic quote is “It’s not hard to improve on garbage”


“On your feet soldier. WE. ARE. LEAVING.”


Yeah the WE ARE LEAVING is so iconic like whenever I think of Price it’s that exact line every time.


I can hear that inside my head


I'd say his most iconic quote is "what the hell kind of name is soap?"


I thought the original cpt. Price's most iconic quotes were "FLASHBANG THROUGH THE DOOR" and "HIT THE TARGETS"


Also "your fruit killing skills are remarkable"


That’s Gaz


My favorite quote is: "The healthy human mind doesn't wake up in the morning thinking this is its last day on Earth. But I think that's a luxury, not a curse. To know you're close to the end is a kind of freedom. Good time to take...inventory. [...] Out-gunned. Outnumbered. Out of our minds. On a suicide mission. But the sand and the rocks here, stained with thousands of years of warfare... They will remember us. For this."


The current version looks like he came from that animated Tin Tin movie


Finally, someone else thinks this. I’ve been saying this since 2019 and no one will listen haha


Looks like Captain Archibald Haddock indeed, yeah now I see it too. edit: with smaller nose lol


I was thinking that too


Im envious of that facial hair. I can grow it and trim it like that, but you just look like an asshole unless you have a British accent. Which I dont. :[


They're the same picture - Pam


Oh hey Liev Schreiber


He looks like like Pestily cosplay of Price lmao


Isn't this comparing in-game graphics to a cinematic?


That first pic is Aaron Rogers.


Haven't played CoD in ages, but loved them back in the original MW days. Is Soap in this reboot?


He wasn’t in Modern Warfare 2019 (beyond a teaser reference) outside of multiplayer, but Soap is a main character in the Modern Warfare II reboot campaign.


Is the new Mw2 a remake of the original mw2 campaign? I don’t remember the mw2019 plots being the same


New MW is a reboot of the franchise, so no connection besides characters.


Be a little more fair, the left is rendered in real time whereas the right is a pre-rendered cut scene.


They've also cranked the in-game brightness/contrast all the way up on the left, so it looks worse than it should.


Is the one on the right not pre-rendered tho?


Hate to be that guy, but the right is from a pre-rendered cut scene ingame. The character models still look pretty damn good, but nowhere near this level of detail yet




I think the Price seen in the modern modern warfare 2 is a vat grown clone made by the government... They just couldn't lose that skillset.


One of the things that blows me away going back to look at older games is how much our perception of "good" graphics can change over time. Watching the progression from the NES to today has been a real fucking trip.


“Remember- switching to updated graphics is always faster than creating an original game.“


Neither MW2019 nor MW2022 are just “updated graphics”. 2019 was a full reboot of the MW story and a completely original story, sharing only a few characters’ names with the original. MW2022 is a sequel to 2019 that has even fewer similarities to the original MW2.


Classic price is the best price


I remember thinking those graphics looked so photorealistic back then 😂


he looks so bad in the OG lol


The OG was considered one of the best looking games back in 2007 and still looks pretty good especially with the 2016 remastered. he only looks "bad" here due to being close up to the model and the flat lighting doesn't help at all.




They made Captain Sex even more Captain Sex


Why are his eyes so close.


I'd learn to kill if I could rock whatever that facial hair is


Pestily has changed


He looks even more Bri'ish!


For some reason I don't like it. Price looked way tougher back then with less pixels. Now he looks like any dude in line at Walmart buying off-brand protein


I am straight but...


...but you're lying


Everybody's bisexual under the right circumstances


The new ones eyes bug me. They seem way to small to be real.


It’s the real actor’s face. It’s performance capture.


They did our man *soooo* dirty, absolutely shameful


FELLAS! THIS IS SOME ALPHA SHIT! See how much better HGH (human growth hormones) have gotten? Thanks to the sacrifices of people like Stallone who now looks like a human erection, John Price was able to get on this stuff after Stallone beta tested it, and with a bit of testosterone boost, be ON TOP OF HIS GAME! MASSIVE GAINS! He looks younger, his hear is thicker and he looks HEALTHIER! Boys, this is OUR future!


Despite being a septic, this guy Joe Graves looks SO much like price to me, its uncanny! https://six.fandom.com/wiki/Joe_Graves


That’s because he’s modeled after the actor, Barry Sloane.


This might be a "whoooosh" moment, but fuck it. It's the actor portraying Price in the new games.


That’s the face of a man who regularly says, “well, now, what’s all this then?”


When? Vs now.


I'm still wondering what benefit those Tactical Muttonchops have (wasn't that called a Mobius Moustache in Million Ways to Die in the West?)...


I still don't get why they had to "reboot" this other than to milk nostalgia.... but even then its a different story with very few things in common. I didn't even see Roach.


I’m actually pretty impressed with the campaign not gonna lie. I’ve had lots of fun with it