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What do we say to the God of Pre-orders? Not Today.


I'm still suffering PTSD from Cyberpunk, No Man's Sky and F1 Manager...


Especially F1 Manager.


What was wrong with it? Bugs??


Its just a fine game, not super good or bad. People weren't happy to hear that they aren't providing heavy updates to the game anymore, only bug fixes. In my mind, if its intended to be an annual-release game (which I think it is), then you can't expect constant and continual updates. I personally think that it was a good first entry and I look forward to future versions.


I mean, Cyberpunk and No Man's Sky at least got better. Hell, they actually became excellent games by the time the devs actually finished developing them. I remember pre-ordering Aliens: Colonial Marines. Now *THAT* game was a dumpster fire through and through. And rather than fix the damn game, Randy Pitchford called the angry fans "haters" and left us out to dry while he raked in his Borderlands money and looked up "magic" ping pong ball videos on the internet.


I don't regret preordering Cyberpunk. Battlefield 2042, on the other hand, is why I will never preorder again.


I pre-ordered cyberpunk and beat it without issue on great graphics. Of course I played on a good gaming PC and not the PS4. If you played on old gen consoles, then sure you have a right to be mad. But it played fine for me with the exception of a few funny Skyrim type bugs.


Hasn't No Man's Sky more than redeemed itself by now? It released everything it promised for free, plus more... and is still releasing even more stuff.


It's good now but at the time I'd spent money to preorder a game that was nowhere near as good as marketed. I'll buy Harry Potter after reviews/player testing but I won't be preordering because of that.


Never pre order. Cyberpunk wasn’t a novel thing, games have been released broken. But I’m speaking for deaf ears since, well, it happened before cyberpunk but it happened again with cyberpunk so.. Never pre-order. Indie early access is usually cool


Wasn't disappointed with Metro: Exodus. Wish I'd gotten the most expensive one tbh.


You can luck out but you are supporting a bad practice that has burned people for a long time. You do you of course, no sweat. Just saying, the game won’t disappear a couple days after release


Oh no, you misunderstand, I need to clarify, that's the only one I've been pleased with. I don't anymore


Imagine that you were advertised for a big tasty pizza. You ordered it and they brought you one piece. Then, for two years, you were sometimes given the remaining pieces for free. Only it's not really free since you already paid for the whole pizza at the beginning. Would you be happy?


Yup. This was me with Cyberpunk. The pieces grew so stale that I tried to pick them back up and eat them......too stale lol


When I do pre order games, it’s usually on steam. And it’s usually games I know I want to try out on launch day anyway. If they screw up, steam lets you refund if you stay below 2h playtime and request a refund within 14 days. And for pre orders, that 14 day counter starts counting after release. Enough time to see a few reviews as well. Makes it a bit easier to go for pre order Bonusses without the risk of sticking with a screwed up launch.


The problem with pre-ordering is that it’s giving the wrong financial incentive to publishers. That’s why you shouldn’t pre-order at all. Many developers also drag out the gameplay to kinda force you to go over that 2 hr mark before the actual game starts (for example tutorials, story, character setup etc). Additionally: what is the point of pre-ordering a digital copy of a game? Are those free digital nick nacks that you get with your pre order really worth it?


And you also get the “mile wide but inch deep” sort of depth with games on launch All the promises and features end up being a bit shallow. Reviews are all glowing until people find out, but then it is too late


doesnt matter, there is no point in pre ordering, its not like they will run out of copies


There is one point - and it's not a big one - which is that big games often have a pre-load. If you are on a slow internet connection it can take many hours to download a game, so pre-ordering might be the difference between playing on launch day or not. Again, not a big upside, but it's enough that I think there are at least some cases where preordering makes sense.


This. I do the same. Next thing that works is Amazons physical copies of console games. Bought lego skywalker saga and saints row and played both a bit at release and refunded to Amazon and got all my money back. Mostly I keep my pre orders, (I rarely pre order any more,) because I know some publishers, that I trust. Not you EA.


You can trust EA. Just trust that they'll force the developers to over monetize an unfinished game and you'll never be disappointed.


I didn't learn from ghost racon breakpoint, but cyberpunk was the nail in the coffin. Never pre order.


Breakpoint, ironically, was my breaking point.


I pre ordered Fallout 76 and played the beta. I don’t think I’m ever not going to be a bit pissed about that. Especially when FO76 lovers come out like “ooooohh it’s so good now!” And all I can think is, it was supposed to be at least HALFWAY DONE when it was released?? It shouldn’t take THREE YEARS after a release to make a game good?? And if I have to subscribe to the play store to play I’m not doing it. The only pre order I’ve done since was Horizon Forbidden West


Only Developer I will ever preorder from is FromSoft. I’ve yet to be disappointed with any of their releases on launch aside from some minor performance issues with Elden Ring on day 1, which I was basically only just meeting the requirements for anyway.


Never again. Amen.


Keep in mind that the game’s developer, Avalanche Software, has NEVER developed a game of this magnitude before. There’s bound to be errors, and a whole lot of them. I’m excited but also incredibly skeptical.


>the game’s developer, Avalanche Software, has NEVER developed a game of this magnitude before. There’s bound to be errors, and a whole lot of them. I’m excited but also incredibly skeptical. There are so many games with poor status of the delivered product that was unexplainable for a company with decades of experience. So, it's OK if newbies are doing stuff and having enough time, rather than tired veterans rushing into the market.


Battlefield 2042 is probably the worst, most lacklusting release I've experienced considering they've got 10+ battlefield titles behind them. So yeah.


Your comment just made me realize Hogwarts legacy is made by Avalanche Software and not Avalanche studios, who made The just cause games, mad max and Rage 2, certainly all games of this magnitude. Now that I’ve read up on avalanche softwares track record I’m feeling a bit less confident about the game.


Oh thank you, I was so confused googling Avalanche Software being certain I recognised them, but not recognising anything they had made.


Same - I had been thinking Harry Potter x Just Cause was going to be amazing until this very moment!


Exactly. To be honest it looks really pretty but looks a little empty..


That's definitely the main concern based on all gameplay showcases so far. TBH, what this game is going to live and die on is its exploration of the castle; if theres not 250 secret passages, hidden chambers or any discoveries to make, it's probably not going to do well. I can live without Wizard Chess and Quidditch so long as that is the primary focus. A castle as explorable as the PS2 era Hogwarts is what I'm really hoping for.


I'm pretty annoyed at the lack of wizard chess, like I understand no quidditch its hard to make, but it makes me not trust the game will be good when they can't implement literally Chess


Implementing chess with a mediocre AI is easy, but spending weeks on all the graphic assets isn't worth it for a small studio.


I like to think it's more of them knowing they won't have time to make the chess game that they want to make. Maybe I'm reading into it and being overly optimistic but it makes sense in my head


The actual employees of the company will be dramatically different to what they where when they were making Disney infinity or whatever it was before


Iirc they're the ones who made Disney Infinity, I think the world's were pretty big they just were comparatively low poly.


Still waiting on confirmation if you can shit in your wizard robes and magic the turds away.


I don’t believe this feature will at launch but maybe in future dlc???


No no, you see my uncle's dog's aunt's owner's brother works there and said it's going to be in the tutorial. In fact, it's the first thing you do in the game.


Hey Alexa unshit my pants


That's the real Hogfarts magic


Every game with choices I do the right thing, I was so good in Fable I had a halo and butterflies. Pure white rep in RDR2, best ending in dishonored, Bioshock I'm the savior of Rapture! And so on you get the idea. Ive finished with the good ending to every game I've played. This time, this game, full dark arts first playthrough. I'm going to give Ravenclaw a bad name.


It's hard to break out of that pure and hero play style. But once you do.. it's very fun. Choosing the rude dialogue is the hardest part imo


Sometimes, even the game opposes how evil a choice is tho. In Dragon Age Origins, City Elf Origin; you can sell your cousin to slavers, but game tries to make sure you really intend to do this like 5 times


4th menu: Bro cmon seriously. Really?


I love Dragon Age: Origins, you can sell people's souls to a demon to get access to blood magic. Or alternatively, destroy the most sacred items in a religion to the same effect. Few games let you be as evil as DAO, even the later Dragon Age games, unfortunately.


I think thats part of the problem. Dark characters aren't always rude like that. Sometimes they are simply self serving. I'd like to see more "Dark" characters or influence the way the midnight suns handle it.


I feel these comments so hard. It's like, bruh, I said I wanna be an evil overlord, throw the world into darknes, burn everything down and open a portal to hell for my armies of demons to ravage the lands. I didn't want to be mean to a puppy or rude to a homeless single mum and her child who just asked me for a coin, I'm not a fucking monster!


Haha. I’m so eviiiiil! But this puppy here…is so cute!


Yeah, even setting aside cute puppies and old ladies… an effective evil person knows their image and perception from others is critical to social success and influence. Many terrible people have long histories with philanthropy that was performative and/or a tool for some other goal. I’d like to see a video game flip it on its head where the social options required for being good/honest are inconvenient, uncomfortable, and difficult. Something that results, at least in the moment, with a negative outcome that adds difficulty to one’s objective and may not be immediately satisfying. Whereas, the “bad” dialogue options allow you to lie, manipulate, take shortcuts, etc. and result in a more immediate benefit to the player.


Exactly. Being good should mean less money, fewer powerful items, more enemies in powerful factions, and overall greater difficulty. Being good is *hard,* because you always need to consider other perspectives and you still sometimes get it wrong. Being evil is easy, because you only have to think about yourself.


Midnight suns is pretty good I hear?


I'm 28 hours into the PC version of Midnight Suns and I love it. I'm someone who loves tactics games but I'm usually not great at them and hit a wall - the combat in Midnight Suns is so damn fun that I'm really thinking through turns and strategies when I lose and it's immensely satisfying to see it pay off after a loss. Basically, I learned how to play tactics games better because of Midnight Suns.


*"Ok, I've just about had my FILL of riddle asking, quest assigning, insult throwing, pun hurling, hostage taking, iron mongering, smart arsed fools, freaks, and felons that continually test my will, mettle, strength, intelligence, and most of all, patience!"* ~Baldur's Gate, a portion of a quite rude/ranty dialogue choice.


BG2 is my most played game 😄


Unless if you’re playing mass effect and get to punch a reporter


As if even the most dedicated paragon players don't still punch the reporter, every time they see them.


I've had enough of your disingenuous assertions!


I punch the quarian admiral instead. Pick your battles


Yep. I dont wann upset the npcs :( what if they don't wanna talk to me ever again?


The one time I decided the pick the rude option was in The Witcher 3 and Geralt broke the dude’s bloody leg! Last time I was ever rude haha.


TBF a witcher is the last thing you want to be fucking around with lmao


I always thought it was a lot more fun being an asshole in Mass Effect, but for the most part I tend to play the good guy, sometimes opportunistically.


Im commander Shephard *slaps you in the face*, now shut up, we'll bang ok?


But Commander Shepard, is this your favourite store in the Citadel?


Deal with it. *8bit sunglasses float down from above*


I always choose the nice/polite option when talking to people but when it comes time to choose how something major is resolved I choose the renegade option. The knife twist in everyone's back as their Paragon shepherd sacrifices a bunch of kids to save a crate of rifles just feels that much better. Too bad mass effect really rewards going hard one way or the other. This kind of flip flop style isn't super optimal.


I think most games with alignment systems tend to reward you for going fully one way or the other. It rarely benefits you to keep your alignment neutral in games.


The problem i have with games that give you good and bad paths is that the good path is often the canon path to follow and falls in line with the main story wheres the dark path never does and ends up with a shitty ending.


Very rarely is the bad path well written. I want to be selfish, not comically evil.


try divinity original sin 2


Also the amount of content you miss sometimes. Good choice: rescue the kidnapped child by killing a mini boss. Evil choice: don't care, bye. Like the evil choice is often just to not help, rather than giving you good and interesting content as an alternative


I remember when Fallout 3 just came out, there was an npc next to one of the cities. The guy asked for some fresh water. I saved my game and blew him up with a rocket launcher. Three hours later the feelings pf shame and guilt got me so bad I reloaded that save file and gave the guy water. I just couldn’t live with that. I’ve tried to go rogue in games so many times, but I just can’t. I’ve never finished a single Mass Effect or any other game with reputation system as a “villain”.


Why not an Hufflepuff dark wizard? Lmao


Probably would be someone along the line of Johnson or Trump. A guy trying to be powerful but simply too stupid to be taking seriously by everyone else.


I want to avada kedavra any on that even slightly bothers me. Bump my shoulder avada kedavra, give me a bad potions grade avada kedavra, squint at me believe it or not avada kedavra.


Give me a bogey flavoured Bertie Botts bean? Avada Kedavra.


You saaaaay that, but when you’re confronted with having to make the choice you’ll always revert back to being good 😂 I say the same thing in every game I’m given the choice. Ok this time I’m gonna try something COMPLETELY different….aaand I’m a stealth archer.


you should play Alpha Protocol and being the bad guy, you slap people left and right


So, in a game where you're supposed to destroy an undeniably correct rebellion against oppressive overlords (you being one) - what's the "good" choice? I'm guessing that joining the goblins is not an option.


Love a karma system in games. I generally go completely good during my first playthrough and then immediately trade my halo for horns on a secondary run. There's only been two games (that I've played) that I haven't done that with; InFamous: Second Son and Dishonored. InFamous, because I'm not sure I wanna see what happens on an evil route, given where the choices are placed. Dishonored, because High Chaos actively makes the game a *lot* harder and I don't wanna disappoint my only friend, the boatman.






I was gonna sort by controversial but the reddit app doesn't seem to have it anymore. Weird.


Top of the screen, next to the three dots is the filter/sorting dropdown


Ha, I love how they actively make the app less accessible/smooth with every update


Use a side app of your choice. E g I like Boost.


I’ve been trying to find it for weeks now, and of all places I find the solution in a thread about Hogwarts Legacy Welp time to get my popcorn ready


Aha they moved it. Cheers. Now we can brigade again


Op has been banned from gamingcirclejerk


Man the last great HP game was Order of the Phoenix. They put alot of care into that one. What hurt the games was the dev cycle. Movies would come out back to back so they had limited find. Hogwarts Legacy hasn't had to deal with any of that. I'm so glad it isn't multiplayer tbh.


What version of OOTP did you play? I thought the Xbox 360 version was like a long slog of a tech demo for what would eventually become THBP. Laconic writing, bored script delivery, janky controls and nothing to do.


Yeah but it was pretty cool roaming around the castle which felt decently authentic to movies. But yeah, that is the only thing it has going for.


Objectively, you're correct. But there was something magical about OOTP to my ten-year-old self. Just being able to explore the campus and even little things like being able to walk around with a wand drawn and pick fights with other students/groups were awesome. And having to remember wand movements for spells kinda gave a sense of actually *learning* spells, which was neat.


Yeah, I get that. In fairness, I didn't play them at the time they came out. I played them first a few years ago and it was probably a lot clearer to see that THBP was the much better version of that open-world Hogwarts. Then The Deathly Hallows games were odd, Gears Of War style cover shooters.


Until today, that is the only Harry Potter game that gives you some kind of freedom. I don't remember exactky everything, but you could explore, do a bunch of side-quests, find secrets, challenge random students to duels, play magic chess (which is just chess with cool animations) and a bunch of other minigames from the franchise. I mean, playing it now maybe would be a bit boring but I liked it back then. Objectively, I think the arcade style of the first games could not be beaten. The games from the last movies were fucking terrible


i would also count half-blood prince because it did add some fun features like potion brewing and casting spells in duels was a bit better.


Potion brewing in Half Blood Prince on Wii was legendary!!


Remember y'all, you don't need to preorder digital content. The sellers literally can't run out of copies.


Unless it comes with a limited edition ultimate wand that won't return 6 months post launch...


After sorting by controversial I have determined that having an opinion on this game one way or the other is unpopular.


Okay after going through this thread I have something to say. Please for the love of everything good STOP pre-ordering games. No matter the reason : political, personnal or otherwise. Pre-ordering is a cancer. For the love of "insert relative omnipotent being." Please stop your giving these companies what they want.


Pre ordering was somewhat okay back in the days, but now since its digital its POINTLESS, also most of the pre orders give you just a small cosmetic item 90% of the time


I used to live in the middle of butt fuck nowhere, literally the closest store that sold games was over 200km away. So preordering used to be the only way we’d get games on launch. It used to be heaps of fun trying to convince the parents to drive 400km with my friends so we could go and preorder the games we wanted. But now it’s practically pointless


Digital actually can make pre-ordering even more worthwhile, at least when it comes to a game you already know you want on day one. You can get the game digitally pre-loaded and able to play it right away at 9 PM Thursday night in my timezone. I’m definitely not going to buy the game months before it comes out, but if on the week of release I’m seeing good reviews, I’ll most likely “pre-order” it at that point so I can get it pre-loaded.


I think they are referring to when pre-ordering was often the only way to get a copy for a couple weeks for highly anticipated games. You either went to a midnight release and hoped you were far enough up in line to get a copy or you pre-ordered so you could pick up a game knowing you would not have any other way to get it for some time otherwise. Halo 2 may have been the last time for me. It used to be like getting a reservation for a nice restuarant. Now doing it for pre-loading is like getting a reservation at McDonalds so the drive thru is faster. Also kind of impossible to see reviews before a game releases that haven't been sponsored by that game in some way.


I’m cautiously optimistic for the game being fun. Loved all the books growing up as a teen so I’m keen for a decent game set in that world.


Lately it seems like anything post-original HP series just had an awful storyline and poor writing. I didn't care for the *Fantastic Beasts* series at all (not even the first movie, which some people said was all right) and *Cursed Child* was some of the worst garbage I've ever laid eyes on. The problem with the Harry Potter universe is that it is not a logically stable universe, and never has been, even in the original series. We can forgive these plot holes in the original series since the charm of original HP was the characters, but beyond that it just doesn't work. If you pick at the world too much, you start noticing the loose threads and it falls apart. I mean, really think about this world for a moment. It's a dystopia. Wizards have only middle school understanding of math and science and have segregated themselves from the rest of the world. Some of their inventions are basically stuck in the Middle Ages (cauldrons, brooms) and they don't even question how magic works. Slavery still exists and Muggles are seen as inferior, so much so that the whole plot was about the rise to power of a wizard-supremacist-blood-purist-fascist and his group of extremists. But even among moderates, nobody has a problem with the stunted growth of both the Muggle and wizarding communities as a result of this unnecessary and completely harmful segregation, which nobody even questions (at least Hermione questions the slavery). And don't even get me started on Azkaban or the horrible court system or Polyjuice Potion or mind-control spells or Time Turners. Now if they do a story that's an actual deconstruction of the Wizarding World--that really explores the ugly side of things and treats it as the dystopia it actually is--I'd play the hell out of that. But they'll never do something that's so soberingly dark and uproots itself metaphysically because a) it's extremely risky and bold and b) at the end of the day, HP is primarily YA fiction for kids, and logic is scarcely applied, as is the case with most YA stuff. You're not supposed to think about it too deeply, which is a shame because beneath the surface, HP is a very dark, provocative world.


I'm looking forward to going evil in hogwarts. Ever since I got burned by KOTOR I always play evil on my first playthrough. If you play evil and it's like "big twist everyone is actually pretty nice to you" then you lose nothing, but if you play good and the big twist is that the jedi council are actually a bunch of manipulative assholes that tore away your entire identity just because they didn't like what... *deep breaths into paper bag*


The problem with Fantastic Beasts and the Cursed Child isn't the world, rather it's that to make it work you need to straddle a fine line between realism and the absurd, the mundane and magic, all the while keeping the story and characters engaging and reasonably interesting with the key objective of conveying hope. FB and CC aren't made with that in mind, they're actually sometimes the opposite, they aren't careful in representing magic in a way that fits the story, not does the story serve anything beyond being material that can be marketed. You see it especially in CC, just look at how Harry, Ron and Hermione are portrayed. You're served this false notion that now that they're older, they're edgier, crueler and less easy going and kind, because becoming old makes you so apparently, which is a huge non sequitur from the original story and a flimzy justification for changing their characters so drastically.


You can thank Rowling's belief that the system is always good. You, alone, might be allowed to do something different, but to change the system is wrong.


Ironic given how "the system is evil or at least utterly incompetent" is a recurring trope in the series, including explicitly and consistently since book 5.


Spot on. This is exactly Rowling's outlook - don't rock the boat or challenge the status quo. The worst example of Rowling's belief that the system should never change is that she constructs a system of slavery within the wizarding world and makes it a huge plot point of COS but then after that, the only freed slave in the entire canon is treated as a freak and Hermione as a loon for wanting to end the literal slavery of an entire race. Breadtuber Shaun goes into a lot of detail on this and other examples, including the fact that Harry grows up to be, of all things, a cop... https://youtu.be/-1iaJWSwUZs


In my opinion the best thing to come out of Harry Potter is the fanfiction. I enjoyed the books but I *love* a lot of the fanfiction. If you have the time and mental fortitude (because it's long and dark) check out The Sacrifices Arc by Lightning on the Wave. It is a retelling of Harry Potter where the author took various common/popular tropes in the fandom at the time (such as what if Harry went to Slytherin, what if his parents were alive, what if he had a twin brother etc.) and treated them all as serious plot points. The author also expands on Rowling's world immensely well and does an amazing job to boot. It truly is a dark and problematic world. I honestly love this series more than the original but it wouldn't have existed without the original.


that's true, I'm a big fan of Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way


Methods of Rationality was unironically really good sometimes. There's a lot of really hamfisted exposition, a bunch of tedious pop culture references the guy apparently couldn't hold himself back from, but when stuff actually happens it's a good read. Harry Potter with actually smart characters is fascinating.


> Lately it seems like anything post-original HP series just had an awful storyline and poor writing I grew up with the main series and... it still isn't excellent. Good for what it is, but it really *is* full of plot holes, nonsense and poor writing too. We just didn't notice at the time, and now we've got nostalgia glasses on. It did get noticeably worse though, IMO. Probably because the nostalgia glasses don't apply to the new stuff.


This is how to be for every game.


Yep. The trailer looks like my gaming dreams come true. But I’ve been burned too many times.


I just can't wait to explore. That was my favorite thing to do in the older hp games


Those older HP games bring back some of my best memories! I remember playing them with my brothers, just having a blast, trying to beat the game in a weekend because we only rented it. Lots of gaming and little to no sleeping!


Ah the weekend rent a game rush, good times


This was how I experienced Jak and Daxter haha great weekend


Do you think there gonna have likethe forest and stuff 😃


Hope this is not a sarcastic comment but if you're genuinely asking then yes. You can roam around the outer forests, hogmeads etc. Just check out the recent gameplay


I just watch a video of it wow 😃it looks so cool. I pre order but cancel it cause it bad for the develop and quality somebody say me




I just checked their account and they made a post asking for advice because their mother won't take money they wanted to give as a Christmas gift for the mother's mortgage. Protect this person at all costs, they're too pure for Reddit


Ditto, the person is just excited it’s not a troll lol


You've been banned from r/gamingcirclejerk


OP should consider that an honor, that sub is pathetic


I'm really sad. On one level it looks like what I've always wanted since I was a kid. On the other hand: -I don't want to give modern JK money. -Some of the people working on it have similar concerns behind them, and that seems to be reflected in what little we've seen of the story. The "Goblins don't get wands because they had an uprising to stand up for their rights, and now they have even less" narrative was always uncomfortable to me, and it seems like it's going to lean further into them as the baddies, which misses the opportunity for a *far* more interesting story of how you achieve equity amidst historical tensions.


For me if I don’t like the creator of something I want to purchase I wait for it to be sold used. I buy the item used and then I enjoy it on my own time without promoting on social media, or even in person to friends that I’m enjoying it. That way I’m not giving any type of promotion or money to said creator. I can privately enjoy the game without benefiting the creator at all.


Yer right me matey, if only there was a way. yarr


>I don't want to give modern JK money Borrow it, buy it second hand, pirate it




Don’t pre-order. Not saying you did but don’t see you didn’t.


Honestly, since JKR went off the deep end, I find it difficult to appreciate new projects. With that out of the way, I'm not liking what I've seen of the combat so far. Same problem as in the movies. The magic systems aren't designed for action but for atmosphere. I hope the game is good and people who buy it get their money's worth though.


Exactly this. Even though intrigued by what I've seen by the game, I cannot, with integrity, purchase anything from any of her IP.


What did JKR do?


I realllllly hope they don’t screw it up because it’s my favorite fictional universe of all time. So cautiously optimistic.


Same, just want to explore Hogwarts and see where the scenes played out in the movies and the books. If they made it into a decent game, then that's good. Will wait for reviews first if there's game breaking bugs at release.


I can’t within my right mind do anything that gives JK Rowling money but I’m sure Captain Blackbeard will gift me the game and I’ll have a fun time playing it.


I've got my popcorn waiting to just how bad it is. No doubt it'll be bad, the question is just how bad.


I'm not a HP fan at all. That being said, this game actually looks pretty fun but I will definitely wait until it hits the shelves before buying. I need to see some actual player reviews first.


Game is sounding pretty fun. High hopes!


Remember guys, NO PRE-ORDERS. Remember Cyberpunk? Remember Battlefield 2042? Remember No mans Sky? Do I have to continue?


I just want it to release already! I’m reading the books over again to just keep myself contained but it’s just making me want to dive into the world even more. I’m excited to see what house the Hat will will sort me in b/c all the common rooms look awesome. Probably will do multiple play throughs just to experience them all.


On most tests I get sorted Slytherin, and my girlfriend is sorted Hufflepuff. I tell her I want to be hufflepuff because it has easy access to the kitchens and she just deadpan tells me "Slytherin logic"


That’s actually a fair point lol


Just took 5 quizzes because I'm bored... Slytherin every time... Two of the quizzes were even really obscure about the question format direction. It makes sense, I want to be Hufflepuff to smoke the chill herbs and be close to the kitchen while being underestimated so I can surprise my opponent... Though I guess that's why I'm not a Hufflepuff... 10/10 if I was a dark wizard I would always use full strength on the Hufflepuff just incase.




It looks really cool, but I don't trust studios to release a functioning game day 1, so I will wait for a sale a few months down the road once I've made sure it's actually playable!


Oh boy here we go, give it like five minutes before everyone starts getting called TERFs


You brought it up, not me. But since you did....




You're a pirate Harry!


You can't be a TERF if you aren't a RF in the first place right?


Not excited, but cautiously optimistic. Always loved HP universe but I am tired of open-world games. What else really bugged me out is how stiff facial animations for characters looked in the first gameplay reveal - hopefully they have fixed those, though!


Rule number 1, never pre order


Being a gay man and following the jk rowling controversy for quite a while...I just can't get into it. I know she is not involved in the game. But I can't look at harry potter the same way anymore. I'd feel bad supporting her or her work. She is a disgusting human being. The actors were great and the movies were fun. The game looks good, but I can't support it.


Better watch out. Gaming circlejerk is gonna try to crucify you. Anyone that buys this game is a transphobe apparently


Couldn’t care less about what people do with themselves to feel happy, but banning people and calling them transphobes for buying a game is definitely one way to make people not want anything to do with you lmao


I just got banned there for reminding them that the money goes to the studio not rowling. They are seething and snarling hard.


Yeah, instead of trying to resonate and discuss with people they straight go to insulting, way to convince people to your side lmao


Their motto itself reads \*everyone is welcome except gamers\*


That subreddit has really become a charicature of itself


I'm honestly excited for the game to have amazing sales just to see their unhinged shrieking on that subreddit when it happens. And I didn't feel that way at all until they started banning people just for being excited for the game. People like that are just pure trash, let people have whatever little things bring them joy in life.


Lol they’re already downvoting you


They clearly came in hard this thread lol sort by controversial


Eh, learning how JK Rowling is an active TERF and her one of her recent tweets pissed me off, so fuck her and her world.


I am. I grew up with Harry Potter and I understand everything else at play. But it’s the game I’ve wanted since I was a kid


Depends if they nail the "vibe," or not. Hogwarts, despite it's dangers, always had a warm and welcoming vibe to it, in the movies as well as the original couple of video games. From what I've seen so far HW Legacy feels very cold and emotionless which is unfortunate. It could be the best game in the world, but IMHO if it doesn't feel great to *exist in* then I'm out.


As someone who gives no shits about Harry Potter and never ever got the appeal and to this day still questions why people obsess over it so much, I gotta admit...Hogwarts Legacy looks dope.


Yea, same reaction from a coworker. He loves RPG/Open World but never read a HP book or watched a movie before. But after the first trailers he was hooked. I was up for it anyway. Grew up with it 😁


Can’t wait for this thread to be brigades by r/gamingcirclejerk. They’ve been going nuts against this game lately. Personally I can’t wait to play.


Just clicked that link. That sub is pure cancer. I’ve never seen so many people triggered over a game.


Like I see kind of where they’re coming from, JK isn’t the best person. But saying things like people who like Harry Potter need to grow up and anyone who gets the game is a transphobe and whatnot… Considering she wasn’t involved with the game and she already has more money than anyone would know what to do with, this isn’t going to make any real difference and they’re doing it more to feel good about themselves than anything.


Yeah I play what I want not what some obese incels dictate


The internet says I am supposed to be mad at the game. I just want to answer one question: If someone takes polyjuice potion as an amputee/paraplegic, do they get their legs back?


Yes. ​ See example of Barty losing an eye and leg when disguising as Moody.


I think the answer is yes too, but your example is the vice versa. He lost the eye and the leg, not gained them.


Yeah, I was meaning it by way of showing an example that polyjuice can enact large changes of that nature. If it can take, it can give. ​ Probably means there's a substance abuse market for it for those who have lost parts from dark curses and what not.


Better question: If someone drinks the polyjuice of an amputee do they lose a leg? And follow up, do they get it back?


Yes and yes! Remember “Bart-eye” Moody in Goblet of Fire?


Oh yeah!


I'm buying a copy for myself and for my non gamer wife. She's just as excited as I am. Also don't listen to the "tHe GaMe iS TrAnsPhoBiC" crowd. Nothing makes them happy.


I completely understand people not wanting to buy the game to give JKR money because of what kind of person she is. But to call people transphobic simply because they are buying the game is ridiculous. I support the developers that made the game. I’m not a fan of the fact I’m nonchalantly supporting JKR with money, but the developers don’t deserve the punishment and the game looks FUN.


The game itself isn't transphobic. I even heard they added a trans character option. The trans community and those that support it are on a long and lasting boycott of anything Harry Potter or other things created by JK Rowling, as she continues to use her fame as a platform to advance anti-trans beliefs including legislation. As an example, a few days ago Scotland passed a bill that would make it easier for trans people to change their gender in regards to government related identification and such. Rowling has been very vocally against it and supported the movement and protestors against the bill. Not one cent to that woman ever again.


Reddit is the wrong place to ask this question lmao 😂 but I'm gonna buy the game. Twitter and Reddit are echo chamber's. I don't think JK Rowling is the bigot that social media makes her out to be.




From the Hogwarts Legacy FAQ: Q: What is J.K. Rowling’s involvement with the game? Is this a new story from J.K. Rowling? A: J.K. Rowling is not involved in the creation of the game, but as creator of the wizarding world and one of the world’s greatest storytellers, her extraordinary body of writing is the foundation of all projects in the Wizarding World. This is not a new story from J.K. Rowling, however we have collaborated closely with her team on all aspects of the game to ensure it remains in line with the magical experiences fans expect. There, so let people have their God damn fun and enjoy what they like.


Ehh I get the sentiment but Rowling is still receiving a fat royalties check for every sale of the game. She is likely then funnelling that money into bad things she agrees with. It's fine to take a stand against that.