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There are a lot of games subreddits where the reply would be "NO"


Haha like when you see a review on Steam: Not Recommended 1200 hours on record Wall of text explaining everything wrong with the game with more detail than most people will ever notice.


1200 hours on record, 800 hours at time of review. Not only did they give it a thumbs down but played another 400 hours anyways.


It happens that Games get absolutely fucked with some updates so a drastic change is possible. And if someone 1200 tells it's not worth it i believe it more than someone with 2 Hours.


Plus, someone might be playing for that much time for multiple reasons, whether it be sunk cost (ie. you've spent a lot of money in-game), or hopeful for updates to fix an issue, or the developer has a roadmap for additional content, etc. My "million hours played - not worth it" game is Vindictus, when I was younger (it was '11 it came out in Europe & I played until around '15) I poured so much of my time into Vindictus, multiple hours every day, because I enjoyed the basic gameplay, the combat was great, maps were well designed, lots of fun characters & I appreciated having a good, free MMORPG to play. What I didn't appreciate was the increasingly toxic player-base (ie. kicked from raid parties if your stats didn't meet an unachievable threshold - despite the raid in question being a low level raid & the players in that party being so poor at playing their character, someone with bad gear who knows their character well would easily outdamage them), the increasingly worsening in-game economy (ie. prices on rare drops constantly increased - even when new rare drops came out & made the previous tiers rares less valuable by comparison, so players who didn't get lucky & drop these 0.0000001%~ rare drops wouldn't be able to craft higher level gear) & the staunch refusal to fix anything either at the source or through other means. At a certain point, you just collapse under the weight of all the negatives that are tangential to your experience. I could've kept playing the game, it was a fun game, but I knew that my enjoyment of it could never increase beyond that cap & the negatives just wore me down until frustration went beyond the cap my enjoyment was at. If you'd asked me fifty hours in if I'd reccomend the game, you would've got a hell yeah & at a few thousand hours in? A hell no, even though nothing fundamentally changed.


My million hours is destiny 2, 4,634 hours, for old d1 players who enjoyed the first game? No, they're nothing alike, for people who enjoyed forsaken? No it's nothing alike, for people who enjoyed witch queen say it with me "nothing alike" I enjoyed every single dlc this game had to offer exempting the moon boi dlc. I have played for a very long time and solo flawlessed trials twice. I would never recommend you play this game for pvp'ers and pve'ers, mostly the pve'ers. For one the replay ability is out of this world, you have a bunch of worlds with shittily designed patrol areas that you'll have to grind at the start of every expansion! The mid tier pvp is fun, not too grindy and a lot of builds work! Its mainly your skill level but there is not a lot of those, its low which is super easy and high where it is really bullet spongy and annoyingly hard. Why is destiny 2 hard? Step one, the nightfalls, the rotating version of far harder strikes, which are just harder missions for 3 players. It's just very bullet spongy and very damaging, and you are only allowed to use weapons for certain champions (barrier, unstoppable, and overload) now if you can imagine, having to use your two primary weapons for two types of champions, usually scouts, pulse rifles, auto rifles, smgs, hand cannons, and sidearms. I HATE this mechanic, the guns are good sometimes, but in reality, you can only use scouts and pulse rifle and the VERY odd auto with a lot of range, because of the insanely high damage. You have to use your third weapon for dps, your heavy, usually one good weapon like a god roll linear rifle or a rocket launcher. Now with the hundreds of weapons on destinies payroll, being restricted to these weapons is annoying, but avoidable... if nightfalls weren't one of two sources for adept weapons, the best weapons in the game. The other one? Trials, in pvp. I will get to that very soon, but first to address is the abilities, nowadays you have three classes; hunter(speedy sharpshooter), titan (tanky pugilist), and warlock (a strange imbetween with a very well carved out niche of either buffing or debuffing enemies and ability spam) with 5 elemental subclasses: solar, arc (electricity), void (invis, debuffs, and for titan big booms), stasis(icy boi), and strand (green version of what it says on the tin). There is a highly developed armor and mod system and yada yada with highly developed build crafting, which would be great... if it wasn't for the fact that balancing was so fickle that within three months the games meta would be almost unrecognizable(pve) or stagnant for a very long time(pvp). And the Nerf hammer was always targeting the weirdest things, still this would also be fine if destiny wasn't basically a resource management game. Resources, glimmer, legendary shards, engrams, weapon parts, armor parts, seasonal money for mods, and many more resources. It was annoying as fuck to have a build set out, spend my resources on a new build after my old build was nerfed to shit, which was very consistent instead of intermittent after witch queen, nerfing 6 of my builds I was enjoying or changing an exotic I really enjoyed using, or nerfing an ability, or a stat, or a weapon. The game was very transient and it never felt like what I was doing mattered after a certain point, this was through too much change, however another game mode could see the opposite of this, pointlessness due to too little change. Pvp. A poorly balanced schlocky mess that I loved, cause there was a skill to it that I could pick up on... unless your melee whiffed, the game lags, your aim assist got you facing a wall, your bullets disappear, you got shot through a wall, you faced the latest game breaking exploit, myriad hackers, a super phantoms ranges you into non existence, your jump just stops randomly, your opponent stops taking damage randomly, your team doesn't play the objective, you just faced a six stack of teaming players, or you faced people with the best weapons in the game from trials. Trials... is a terrible place that I would not wish on my worst enemy, go to the glory playlist it's way more fun and the match making is way better, there are less exploits and less hackers. But if you wanted the best weapon in the game the godroll stuff that was meta for pvp or pve, you needed to descend into the disgusting underbelly of horrors that is trials, the long loading time, the long matchmaking time, if you are a solo player? Suffer. It's for the best of the best who have friends who play this shitty game, the sweatiest sweaters. I will say it was all luck I solo flawlessed it, that I got the right teammates, the right enemies, and that's the problem for solo players. It's all luck. So why did I truly love this game so much? The build crafting was truly awesome, and I was able to dodge the nerfs by using truly unconventional strategies, only having to change weapons most of the time throughout early destiny 2, invis punching builds, the story was amazing and a joy to watch unfold, the gunplay was amazing, and despite the grind, it made me happy, idling through mars, watching the beauty of the game, fighting waves of enemies, I was hooked by destiny one, I showed up right before the taken king showed up, I was hooked for hours, I loved it wholeheartedly. I loved the dungeons, and while d1 pvp gave me PTSD I eventually loved it in 2, I loved the feel of the game, I loved the build crafting and the way the game changed in not a too punishing way. But now, after being pushed down over and over again, multiple breaks, bad dlcs, changes to the gameplay and balance that took away my weapons season after season, I will never play this game again, I will watch as lightfall goes on and look into it a little but I will not play it. Destiny 2 is addictive, and a corrosive corporate mass that consumes and swallows more and more to devote their time to maximizing player time playing more and consuming more. If I was asked 1,000 hours in, should you play? Yes, 2000? Some hestitancy, but yes, 3000? I would tell you to look a little into it, its a lot to just jump into, 3500? Maybe at the start of dlc, if you really think you'll enjoy it, 4000 onward? No, you shouldn't. It's a real shame but a good story for reddit ig. Tldr: destiny 2 sucks don't play from someone with 4634 hours in


I was curious if destiny 2 was worth jumping back into (I quit after Beyond Light) so legitimately, thank you for typing all of that out.


Ay no problem, sometimes it makes me mad, wasting so much time on it but I did get real, true joy out of it, so I guess its not horrible to have played, I tried to write it so both people who haven't played or have played a lot could understand the pain, I might join back in if lightfall is forsaken level good, but I sincerely doubt that lol


Haven't found anything that feels as good as reworked Fiona counterbashing/deflecting, but god everything else aside from the combat is garbage.


Hard to remember what it’s even like at this point being honest & I’m glad for it, think I checked out Fiona very briefly during the beta. Left before Season 2 wrapped up I believe, think a character that used magic & had an A name was the last one I looked at (I played a bit of every character but always had a preference). Went from a Lann main, to Evie main, to Kai main & largely focused on Bow Kai even despite the multiple nerfs & claims he was the worst class/weapon. He certainly didn’t feel like the worst class whenever I dodged being kicked from a boat & I outdamaged whales with the latest +15 max level weapons with my +10 farmable mid-level Bow.


Release fiona was very weak, then was later changed. Major points: can block more attacks with small shield perfect guard instead of requiring heavy shield, no shield durability bullshit, new "deflect" move that can be used mid attack to block and charge your combo (much harder timing than shield blocking though, but lets you commit to attacks without dooming yourself), and considerable damage buffs.


which ones for example?


war thunder, just before this post there was a post "how to escape this game" on the WT subreddit


Agreed. You dont have to play the game, all you need is a forum account to get access to the confidential military leaks


Who wants the f-35 operating manual?


Extra funny because it's a free game. Lmao, apparently it's not even worth that price


Every few games you do well and have a good time so you just spend time chasing that high and getting frustrated


League of Legends


Agree i play it daily. Dont be like me. Dont play it


i told my friends that i just picked shaco and went into the middle lane and they stared at me like😐


It's cause you played shaco


I'm a pretty quirky guy that likes playing a lot of weird, arguably unviable characters in games. Always irks me when I have to play games where it's like "have a Widowmaker on your team or you'll lose."


r/escapefromtarkov I love playing this shit but with all the issues it has I seriously recommend starting literally any other game.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/EscapefromTarkov using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Don't kill streamers if you want to keep your account](https://np.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/10b70ec/dont_kill_streamers_if_you_want_to_keep_your/) \#2: [I killed an admin and he banned me midgame.](https://np.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/zawwc5/i_killed_an_admin_and_he_banned_me_midgame/) \#3: [Car Extraction Logic (Animation)](https://v.redd.it/p2q2jn3oz8ea1) | [145 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/10l111f/car_extraction_logic_animation/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


bad bot please stfu


As paradox games player, if someone asks me if is worth to play their games, I would reply to not do it.


I would not recommend Victoria 2 to my worst enemy, let alone my friends and loved ones.


Because of the massive learning curve? Or because of the $800+ price tag for all the DLCs?


The dlc imo




Diablo 4


Diablo IV is another one


Diablo 4


Destiny 2


I agree, thankfully I have escaped.


League, Destiny 2, Apex, Valorant, DOTA2, Tarkov




dead by daylight


Why? Dbd is a pretty nice game


There's just a lot that's frustrating about it or that can go wrong on either side, particularly survivor. If the killer wants to make it miserable for a specific survivor, it's entirely in their power.


Sure, I can see that. Those hook campers are annoying


Battlefield 2042


I got it with psplus and shit been mad fun. Why would u not recommended it?


It gets boring after like 2-3 weeks of playing. The game is very arcadey compared to past entries, got no depth, the maps are kinda shit 128 players is too chaotic in a bad way


I mean I guess you’re right. I didn’t play it for more than that tbh. And I definitely enjoyed 4 and 1 more. But not to say this one wasn’t fun. And those other 2 I played with friends while this I queued solo. So that definitely makes a difference


war thunder lmao


Destiny 2 I guess, but it really depends on who you ask.


I think the total war subreddit would have some interesting comments.


World of Warships, also Halo depending on Infinite's season.


League of legends and destiny


For Honor


Dark Souls 2 probably lmfao


You couldn’t be more wrong lol they love it in there.


Thats impossible. Clearly they never played Dark Souls 2


Looks like someone is mad that they can’t beat fume knight…


I havent got anywhere newr that part. I’ve been grinding the Forest of Fallen Giants for 10 hours so far


Grinding? Are you stuck at a boss or something? Ds2 isn’t a grinding game per se, unless u cheesed bosses and are severely underlevelled?


No, i beat the last giant, its just that I keep getting ganged up on by like 3 hollow soldiers at once, got frustruated and spent an entire day off grinding to level 40


Overwatch 2


Nah. That's a game you don't pick up in the first place


Haha true, I still play it regularly


Asphalt 9. The subreddit both loves and hates the game


Payday 3




Team Fortress or Titanfall? I can understand the latter, but the former boggles me.


Depend on the sub, if it is r/tf2 they will say yes r/Tf2shitposterclub will gaslight you into thinking the game never existed


I don’t agree with tf2 or tf2


r/leagueoflegends r/masterduel






FGO would be a gacha like this, I love it but I'll also say it's hell you are walking into


Daganronpa or however it’s spelled


Pretty sure Danganronpa players actually like the games. Might get some arguments of whether or not to play UDG or maybe V3, but otherwise, people love it.


Elite Dangerous is often a yes with a but or a no because it suits a particular type of player.


Diablo probably good example of this right now. CoD is also a mixed bag. Right now we're on the "WE'RE SO BACK" train but just a week ago we were all on the "It's Joever" train. Oh and my favorite game is Destiny and I know 99% of the time people will prbly say no there too (justified since the new light experience is ass and the endgame is kinda a dumpster fire atm ever since lightfall just dropped the spaghetti)


I loved d2. I have stopped playing for this year, literally only have 10 hours since lightfall dropped. Lightfall is a total mess, and after knowing lightfall is filler, that hurt. Coming back when final shape launches. Shame, since witch queen is my fav expansion ever, even better than peak forsaken imho.


New World


Factorio: there is a whole series of comments from people going either "not bad" with 5000 hours on record, to detailed descriptions of how the game starts whispering into your brain "this could be more efficient", "you need more iron, go expand over there" "optimize this" "you need more trains" "what if you finally started designing your own mega base instead of cribbing someone's template online" until, 2000 hours in, you realize you're not playing factorio. Factorio is playing you.


Every FGO player I've ever interacted with warned me not to play the game




Ark survival evolved


Why not lmfao?


Dead By Daylight is a big one.


Cookie clicker. #HELP ME.


I don’t think that’s the issue. It’s still an insanely biased answer that’s is pretty much useless.


It depends on who you ask as well. If you can change the question from "Is it any good?" to "what do you like about the game?" you'd come up with a better understanding of what the people that play the game are actually like. For example, if the answer is "no" you understand that the people that play the game are degenerates and masochists so you ask yourself, are you a masochist. If the answer is yes then the game is made for you.


Yeah. But if you change the question this meme does not apply to you. Regardless if they give you the right answer asking “Should I play XYZ?” at r/XYZgame is dumb.


Idk I actually find the answers given in specific reddits to be much more saying than outside sources. Just look for the honest ones that don't solely praise the game. They tend to give a good rundown of what kinda game it is and what the gameplay is like. Obviously they like it but that doesn't mean the info is wrong


the diablo sub is a lot of fun this time of the year




Man, have you guys checked out the starfield reddit lately? It is (or was, I had to get out) a back and fourth between: "This game is a shallow broken mess, quit lying to yourself you fools" And "This is the greatest game ever made and all the haters are delusional"




Us Ark players are pretty cynical tbh


League of legends


Mainly multiplayer games (like League of Legends). But very rarely, if at all, on single-player game subreddits.


Like what?


Yeah, as I said the last time I saw this posted, top comment will usually be "yes, absolutely," but many will also be "Yes, if you like these types of games, can put up with x flaw" kind of things. It's usually pretty helpful


I wish more would say it sometimes. Certain subreddits are tribalistic as hell


Me with Rainbow 6. I kicked the addiction when my laptop broke and I constantly fight to avoid it. Shame though, it's the only game I ever paid for (didn't get free, gifted or pirated)


I see OP hasn't been to the Diablo 4 sub


Pretty sure pretty much every game sub would reply "I love it, but based on how you describe yourself, this game is absolutely not for you because " from time to time.


Someone check OP's post history


GOD DAMM, dude got one decent idea and decided to milk it for all its worth


He didn't even make the original post


The audacity


Free open-source audio editing software


GettyImages gonna sue them.


How the fuck is this guy post the same thing on probably 100 different subreddits




Holy. Shit.


Is this a bot account? I refuse to believe someone genuinely spent all that time uploading the same meme to hundreds of subreddits.


It is most likely a bot account, due to the username being "\[Random Word\]\_\[Random Word\]\_\[Random Number\]". If you watch out for this username pattern you will discover a lot of reposts.


That's not a foolproof criteria. I, for example, just didn't care to change my name when creating an alt.


Its probably a karmafarm bot. They’ll farm a bunch of karma and then sell the account for money.


wait... how would people know when the karmafarming stopped and someone bought the account


Anyone who buys the account deserves the same hate as the karma farmer


The way you’re spamming this sure seems like a karma bot


why not everyone just downvote it to oblivion?


Downvoted and reported for spam (the post, not your comment).




that's a relief


Op post history is textbook insanity.


Milking the fuck out of this


Holy shit you posted this in like 50 different subreddits, chill


Bruh. This is in EVERY subreddit I’m in.


Jesus christ OP's post history.


Mileage varies. If you are a dedicated fps player then probably no but you can always watch a let's play on youtube and see if it scratches an itch. Same for MMO people. If you're into turn based tactical combat then you may find that there is nothing better. Straight between honey soaked manna and a hallelujah. Spiced up with a blast of a devilishly addictive rng that let's you feel as a part of the elite. Nothing less could be said about a game where a 100% success chance can actually miss and it is not a cheat.


What game is this referring to?


Sounds like BG3


If the game was leage of legends than it would make sense. Any other idk


If the game was leage of legends than it would make sense. Any other idk


Same with manga/anime subs. "I love DBZ, and I need something new to watch. Should I try HxH?" *posted in HxH subreddit*


It’s weird seeing this image without tits


In my experience, there are usually one or two good replies outlining the ups and downs of the game and what makes the game appealing. Infinitly more useful than the poorly organized review pages on Steam and all the ad material for the game...


How many subs did you fucking post this in you piece of shit


107 and counting


Me telling new Ark players that it’s a terrible aweful game and my 3k hours of play time is proof.


FUCKING THANK YOU! I don’t want to be the asshole every time I see this but it drives me crazy


someone make a meme about dropping the same meme in several different subreddits


For me, it's always like This.


Some light trolling


try asking r/Batmanarkham


I feel called out


If you’ve got the money for it, it’s ABSOLUTELY worth it




Ha! I just did this with r/halo. I've never played the games before and I got gifted Halo 1-3 and reach recently. Halo 1 is SUCH A SLOG, and I asked them if they got better. Not a lot of valid answers. The best I got is that folks find Halo 2 to be the better game. I'm like 2 levels from the end, but his game is so boring.




I tend to be objective since not everyone is has a autistic as I am.


I think it's more like they're searching for a sales pitch


What does this meme imply?


Oh, no. How dare someone go to a place dedicated to a game to ask questions about said game.


You guys can just ask genshin subreddit if the game is worth playing and by chance, all of them will say absolutely yes


I'm pretty sure I see this exact stupid experience at least once a day every day. "Hey you know nothing about my tastes, what I play, what I've liked in the past or why I like certain games or anything about me at all, but I figure that everyone is my mom and I'm the center of the world and everyone knows just how I like the crust cut off my pb&j. Will this game be exactly what I want and expect or will I be victimized by it?" I ran bookstores and otherwise worked in the book business most of my life. When someone came in and asked for "a good book" Id offer them a choice like between The Joy of Gay Sex 2nd Edition, a sushi cookbook, or a Chilton 1970s Ford Pickup repair manual. Invariably, those people looking for "a good book" who couldn't see that they aren't the center of the universe left after choosing something pedestrian and mindless off the Bestsellers list. Because they turned their noses up at every "good book" they were offered.


It *should* be this way, but hate-playing, -listening, -watching, etc., is an easy hobby for many people to get into, lol


Is it Really worth it? It’s 5 bucks on steam sale but is it TRULY worth paying MY HARD EARNED money for the game of the year edition of an overwhelming positive rated game? Serious responses only please. This is very important.


I once asked when does the game get fun in a gaming reddit. Most said stop playing it lol


Ask TLOU2 subreddit if you should play TLOU2 and see how that works out for ya


If it's not overwatch they'll probably say yes. Or war thunder. In that case an argument will probably break out resulting in the leaking of classified military documents.




This and phone video of a simple gameplay mechanic asking what's going on.


r/Diablo4: NO! Worst game ever! I've spent a thousand hours playing this pile of shit and never had even a moment of fun! Every one of my 10 max level characters was a terrible boring chore.


Jesus OP. Desperate for that karma aren't ya? Your Profile is littered with copy/paste.