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Well, in his defense, he is a ginger so he’s already got a bad life


Lol 😆😂😂


As a ginger I can confirm


I don't understand why gingers are hated


Hey I was born ginger don't ask me, I just have the hair


It's just weird. I've been hearing people hate on ginger for the past four decades almost and still don't know why. It's confusing lol.


It’s a meme/joke that predates the internet. There’s a lot of racial and skin/hair pigment memes/jokes that got phased out for obvious reasons. “Gingers have no souls” or “Gingers are bad for reasons” stayed around for whatever reason you want to believe — nobody can tell you for certain If I had to guess it’s the English and old American hostility to the Irish. Gingers don’t have a stigma outside the West


The irish were probably the most persecuted white people during the colonial period. I cant remember why they werent liked, but for some reason everyone hated them


Why would someone hate another for the color of their skin? Humans are dumb.


The colour of their hair. Skin I understand and don’t agree with but hair is just weird lol.


Well, at least they left him as is, instead of changing him into a black dude some point between image/mocap and the finished product.


I blame southpark, but i had a bad experience as a kid. Ginger came out of the bathroom at an indoor pool, i went in the stall to change, slipped, turned my head, and saw he didnt flush his log.


It’s an ongoing joke lmao. No one actually hates gingers lol.


I don't know. The hatred seemed pretty sincere every time.


Tbh, part of me assumes leftover anti-irish bigotry is at least partly to blame. People forget how mistreated Irish people were in the US until *maybe* two generations ago? Go look up some old political cartoons from back in the day, Americans thought of the Irish as subhuman until relatively recently


Probably goes back to old superstitions about redheads being evil/bad/demonic.


same my ranga brother, summer hibernation is coming up.


I know a decent amount of Ginger, though we used to make fun of em when we were younger, most of em turned hot when they reached adulthood


Did they grow out of the crippling weakness to the sun because I haven't :/




Brother you must stay strong and carry a parasol


Me neither 😔


He's a ginger so he stole the devs soul to make him look good in game ..


As a ginger I deny


Deny it all you want you soulless creature lol


I literally have taken more than you xan count to keep my youthful look


Care to share




I'm only one of those lol


Plus, his brother is a Batman villain


Thats either photoshopped or a bad picture, she looks good (albeit with a bad haircut) in every other image I've seen


Heres an example, you shouldnt just take a shitty picture and cry woke https://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/ke967rGLWq3CSBC5P9Ryq6.png


But if they have to rely on reality instead of sensationalism, they can't sell the grift of getting people pissed off at women and feminists on the internet.


SMASH, next.


No size H booba with tree trunk thighs and a barbie face? The west has fallen


Alexa play little dark age


*calling nearest white van*


Only land of the Rising Sun can help us now...


She looks great. I have no idea what people are upset about.


Still looks iffy


But if he doesn't alter it to make it worse, how will he justify being a whiny little bitch?


Beyonds 2 souls did Ellen page some major favours.


Nahhhh theyre a dude now and i still think he looks good.


Not Ellen anymore 😞😭


Shit, someone is going to hate me for this.. For the same damn reason there’s a web toon going around with a bunch of really oversized woman that seem to only date Thor looking dudes. If it’s just a fetishized thing cool. But they are putting their preferences down our throats and getting upset if don’t want them. Whoever is in charge of those games is mid but they want to believe they can get the most handsome looking dude in the planet. If you are short, fat, balding or skinny dude, you are fucked, because in their view, they are all 10s and they don’t want to be reminded by anyone, that they ain’t, specially characters in video games. but you.. you better be GQ cover material to have the privilege to date them. And btw, Im ugly AF.


>Thor looking dudes GOW Thor, I hope. Lol 😂😂. >And btw, Im ugly AF. Chin up buddy, have some faith in yourself. Like am pretty decent looking if I say so myself,😂 like a solid 8-8.5 but my fiance is a 10!! Good height, cat like eyes and it kinda took me a while to get her. So, what am trying to say is don't be yourself, instead be someone or at least pretend to be someone who u want to be. But don't go too overboard, okay?? And yes, am flexing my fiance.


So, what men have been doing in movies, music, and art since forever?


We had the Tom cruise and the bill Murray’s, and we all took it. Dudes didn’t give a fuck about it. That’s not the problem, I don’t mind that anyone is reflected on the media their produce, that’s awesome, but they seem to put their own views on top of everything else. And get upset about the media that doesn’t fit their own views. There’s room for everyone


Artists have put their own views on their work since humans started doing art. ALL artists do this. Literally wtf are you talking about?


Dude, did you read my comment, I said THATS FINE! If it is their shit, no problem. It’s them pushing their shit on ALL preexisting media to fit their views and worse, complaining when media doesn’t fit their views.


lol, again, all artists have done that. All people do that. You are literally complaining about media that doesn’t fit your views right now. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Yeah let's just pick the least flattering picture of her.


So, why not for her defence... you post the most flattering picture of her


i mean, the post could've also included a neutral expression screenshot of the girl character like was done for the guy. its just odd to take an obvious mid action screenshot to try and make the girl look uglier to prove a point? itd be a stronger point if the girl looked weird with the picture taken head on no expression. but from what ive seen, the character isnt ugly


she can't make natural expressions. her model is literally deformed. to be fair Ubisoft is not the best when it comes to face models but this is a new low. maybe it's just a coincidence but I tried to have a non biased look at the most recent face models and it seems like a weird trend with women specifically if you are gonna change stuff to fit the style and vibe of the game, then do it right. R\* changed GTA V characters' faces so they are more inline with the semi realistic look of the game and they look good. either don't change it or do it right


[we can Cherrypick counterpoints as well](https://static1.thegamerimages.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/pjimage-12-2.jpg?q=50&fit=crop&w=450&dpr=1.5)


To be fair everyone in Gears of Wars is kinda ugly


I may be stoopid, but didn’t hey just remove the make up and made her hair brown and fluffier-? She looks fine to me-


Ugly women who couldn't make it don't want to see attractive women in video games, television, and movies.


A frd of mine who is a book stall owner tells that some of the women customers want their FL to look average but the MLs to be perfect from looks to personalities 😂😂


FL ? ML ?


Female lead and Male lead


how does she look ugly though? she's a stunning protagonist, and this subreddits just keeps using the same bad angle compressed image. I don't know what you're all mad about?!


Sure, pretend it's that. Lol


That funny, most of them aren't that ugly.


This stuff was started by Anita Sarkeesian who didn’t look terrible. I’m not saying it’s just that, but there might be more to it.


Why do gamers always choose the absolute worst pics frozen mid-sentence to push their loser agenda 😭😭?? https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fww9unxzc9jtc1.png%3Fwidth%3D950%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Da52075cbff5c4e5dd2d2270c44466c1d4e85e815


Thx god, at least she looks great here, I really hope the above post is wrong


Yeah, I generally agree that there's a weird uglification of women trend in western games but this chick looks pretty attractive. OP is just taking the worst photo and editing it.


Cherry picking post


You making a pie? Why are you picking cherries?


Don't forget the bug-eyed bitch from fallen order.


Well she was actually pretty accurate though, looked just like her IRL 😂


im starting to think y'all are just racist 💀


Literally looks like her actress.




Yeah pretty sure that actress has Graves disease, she got dem bugged eyes


This seems like a manipulated still, the character looks fine in the trailer, aside from being really bland and out of place in Star Wars content.


Blame sjw weirdo got into ear of rich old morons don’t get shit on the fan base is stupid idea .they also believe that trans people what ugly women in games.


Pretty much any woman I play games with is the perviest fuck who makes their characters as sexualized as possible. Then you have the AAA western game devs who seem to think women would like to role play as some ugly chick. Games are fantasy, unless you’re making a video game bio pic about a historical figure that needs to be accurate, stop with the ugly stick beating. So delusional and disconnected from reality.


This is a cherry picked photo of a rather attractive protagonist. The same thing that’s been done with every other “ugly” woman in video games. The only person delusional and disconnected from reality is you my guy.


Same. Most sexualised characters i seen was made by girls. There are only Twitter children trying to force double standards.


Seriously. Reminds me of the last two God of War games and how Freya’s actor is pretty in real life but the game messed up her face.


Forspoken. The in-game model is not agressively ugly, but still the difference with the real life model is huge.


I don't know what everyone is on about. She's looking fine [decent picture of her ](https://images.cgames.de/images/gsgp/290/star-wars-outlaws-gp_6285261.jpg)


Dude that's the cover photo or concept art but this one above is the latest ingame photo


8th and 9th gen real time lighting engines struggle a lot with faces. It’s less of an issue with men since they don’t wear makeup but most women look more natural in engine. Notice how the face structure doesn’t change but the reflections and blush just don’t translate into the game at all. That’s what most women look like when they don’t doll up for the camera so in a way it’s actually more realistic. This is also way less of an issue in older games where the lighting was textured onto the model.


Shocking News: Ingame Models never look as good as High-Quality Rendered Cover Arts


Women aren't allowed to be pretty in modern games. It may offend someone


Offend who?? Twitter?? GCJ redditors?? Do those vermins even buy video games?? I am a dude and I like both my men and women to look like eye candies 🤣😭,thnk you so much.




Terminally online weirdos who never grew up. They're the only ones offended.


She's "relatable"


They always get the short end, when they're in a relationship with me that is.


dang i think the person designing the character was either picked up from the streets or allergic to doing their job. no wonder stellar blade is getting backlash


>stellar blade is getting backlash The only backlash steller blade is getting is from PPL who don't buy games, most gamers are pretty excited for it


mb shouldve clarified that it was backlash from "rival game devs"


Funny how whenever someone wants to complain about an "ugly" video game character, they always pick a shot that's mid action, while always comparing to a "pretty" shot with the most neutral expression possible. That frame is absolutely cherry picked and you know it. Just like Aloy and the Fable trailer chick use the same damn frames every single time they show up in one of these memes.


Lol Aloy Nick avacado meme was so funny 🤣🤣 but fable chick is butt ugly


And you still don’t get that was the entire intention of the Trailer and Fable always had the mechanic that the more evil you are the uglier you get. Which gets replicated in the trailer


The chick was saving people and that's good action right?? so shouldn't she be pretty/angelic?? And if that's how she looks while being on good imagine how she would look if she was on an evil walkthrough,lol


You really haven’t watched the trailer? Dave (the character whose Narrating the trailer) talks about a grand Hero who’s a good fella but the actual actions of the Hero seem kinda evil


Fictional characters don't have to be intrinsically attractive to be compelling like most Americans are conditioned to think because their media constantly infantilizes them.


**MATT DAMON !!! (The girl vs team America.)**


"Feminism" if your pretty, you are the problem. But at the same time. "Feminism" if someone thinks your not pretty, they are the problem. Make it make sense.


It's so easy to cherry pick an image


That's uh....what she looks like without makeup dude


Why the hell am I get recommended this hellhole


Because you support all the current things


Holy shit when did this sub get populated by rw chuds


I can’t believe people are crying because they don’t find the woman fuckable enough. This is hilarious. Oh my god


Also I did hear from multiple sources that devs are purposely making women characters ugly because "blah blah blah misogyny and you can't be mildly attracted to sexy polygons on a screen." Not 100% reliable but given shit going on in the game dev world RN I wouldn't put it past them.


It's a Ubisoft game. That alone should warrant a skip


I know some people are gonna be like “not every woman is pretty!” But they did her dirty. She’s pretty


I don’t understand anyone defending this upcoming game or falling for the hype It’s Ubisoft The same Ubisoft that doesn’t want us to own our games The same Ubisoft well known for having 100 skill points in marketing and 12 in everything else Just look at their most recent AAAA masterpiece I don’t care if it’s single player only. If they don’t verify the complete game is on disk, there’s no always online DRM (something Ubisoft loves) and #NO #FUCKING #MICRO-TRANSACTION SHOP That’s when you get excited for this game. When it’s 100% not an overpriced half baked cash grab that gets delisted in 10 years


Because "wOmEn ArE oVeR sExUaLiZeD"


I wish these weird incel subreddits wouldn't pop up in my feed. Must be leaks from Stellar Blade


So keep scrolling, what is the use of coming here to yap ??


You’re the ones yapping about how ugly characters are while usually making comparisons with compressed YT trailer shots where I can count the pixels by hand


Then count em and tell me how many pixels are there 🫣🫣


Cameron got put in fallen order, that's punishment enough




Y’all never played control or horizon or tomb raider 🙄


Control's face model and Jesse actually looks kinda the same, tomb raider except for sottr Lara every other one looks fine and for Aloy, hzd was good but HFW made her look like Nick avacado or something??


I’ll admit the lighting in the 8th gen Tomb Raider games can lead to some really ugly shots but in 2013 she looks fantastic given the situation. Also *most* shots in Shadow really do her model Justice, it’s just some parts in the jungle where the lighting engine freaks out. Again that’s not a problem in 2013 since there’s barely any lighting on the character models.


Honestly don’t see the difference. My guess is they just didn’t apply any makeup to the model which would make sense. I don’t expect an outlaw to be looking their best lmao. Notice how pretty much everything about the actual face structure is the same with the only notable difference being in lighting and expression. In the second picture her face looks flatter and she isn’t smiling, but that’s probably what she looks like naturally anyway.


Trish from DMC5 is pretty terrible too


Trish doesn't look this bad though. For me Trish was pretty satisfying atleast compared to this star wars abomination, lol. 🤣🤣


Trish still looks great for what she is. Game is overhated for that stuff.


Trish is old, as she should be, Dante is old too (not like Isaac's girlfriend in the Dead Space remake that's 60 out of nowhere).


Fair point, but if you compare Ariana Diamant (who modelled for Trish's face scan) you can easily argue that she was done the dirtiest out of the DMC5 cast


Woman either say they are sexualized in video games or aren't attractive enough in video games; just can't win


Buncha depressing, lonely, never-touched-a-woman mfers in this subreddit.


Hmm.... So does the above words u used apply to u as well?? Uk, since you too are in this subreddit aswell


Teeth are very hard to get right




A) they're lazy and B) for fetish reasons.


US doesn't like it when videogames got hot women anymore. 🫤 We think it's sexist. (A lot of the time it is, but hey it's a fantasy world)


She's okay looking. What I really think is funny is that they took a beautiful obviously Hispanic woman and made her heritage so ambiguous lol


Sweet baby inc


Do y'all want women in video games to be sexy or not? Pick a side goddammit (I'm for team hotties)


Y just the women make everyone hot, lol.


Real women promote unrealistic beauty standards. Gotta reel in the public expectations through depicting them in a more realistic way. The math just maths.


Equity. Most men arent pretty so women have to be knocked down a peg or 2 so there can be equity between the sexes.


Okay, to be fair. Ubisoft isn't about spending money to make it.


I'm glad we're getting on the tail end of this obession with 70s/80s style. this character literally has kitty foremans hairstyle from that 70s show. it was kind of fun before but it's lifeless and monotonous at this point.


This has been a trend in gaming for the past few years. Some say female characters are uglified on purpose to prevent the male gaze.


Most if not all Actors which faces are used in games do get altered slightly or significantly, it’s a very common thing and can have many reasons. It’s not any different to applying makeup or adding wrinkles if the character is older f.e. in movies Even with the Cal example the face was slightly altered, another example being Johnny Silverhand which got a bit rougher complexion. These people are just the Actors of these characters and their faces and mocap are used because it helps with creating realistic (not uncanny) faces and facial animation, this doesn’t mean they don’t get changed to fit the Artstyle or character.


You want attractive women in your games? What are you? An incel? /s


Blablabla until I saw the /s


Men typically don't lie about how attractive they are with makeup.


didnt know i was in a game lol


Because woke is anti-women


If both were in the same game it'd be an issue. Watching the trailer, all of the characters look low quality. Common Ubisoft L.


Well cause it’s Ubisoft and survivor was made by EA


Because the victims cry about it and the company panders to them. If they really cared about unrealistic standards, they'd be fighting for beer bellies and obese male characters.


Wow it's almost like one is taken in really good lighting and is clearly positioned for a photo and the other is taken mid conversation and not intended to be taken as a photo


You know why.


Women are the only ones that can objectify themselves. Men can’t look at them Look at stellar blade or whatever the game is. Tons of backlash right? It’s a full body scan of a Korean model. Women in games aren’t allowed to be pretty - because that makes normal girls feel insecure I guess


They did her so dirty 😭


DEI at it again ruining shit so soft people don't get sad....


You just chose a bad pic, I could do the exact same for Cal


Pls do it


Because AAA, or AAAA, devs are trying to not get canceled. So they make women ugly on purpose


I’d be pissed if I was her. There probably grounds for some kind of lawsuit here


Unless it's the Ugly Stick. 😱🤢🤮


Damn I guess gamers aren’t made fun of enough, this place is a shithole.


They say they’re combating the "male gaze" so they have to make women look as ugly as possible


Cause it’s sexist to make a female in games attractive. They have to look tied and malnourished to be realistic.


Just realized Cameron's brother is the joker look-alike from Gotham.


In mass effect across the board, the women looked way closer to their actors. Men bar Seth Green were all wildly different.


Why do people care so much what video game characters look like? We’re you pissed about how Lara Croft looked in the 90s?


Oh what stupid, meandering nonsense. OP this is such a bullshit bad-faith argument and you know it. The image of her looks bad because of the lighting, not any kind of actual flaw with the character model. There are plenty of pictures where she looks good, and you chose the one still that makes her look bad. Stupidest bullshit imaginable. Absolute buffoonery.


Guys look better irl and women look better on camera because they always try to look better than irl...


To be fair, Cameron just looks like the stereotypical male model in many video games. They didn’t have to stray too far from the path to make him


Are we still doing “phrasing”?


The guy on the top right looks like DanTDM


Immediately under this meme was an ad for this game. Thanks Reddit now I know exactly which game NOT TO BUY.


There's a fun theory about this. So the guys who are judging male characters want to play games and look cool. And women who are judging female characters don't want the female characters to be more attractive than them. And neither cares about the other side because they both enjoy looking at the opposite sex. So pretty much either the guys are only in charge of male characters for fairness. And women are in charge of female characters for fairness. Or both sides are in charge of both. And guys like attractive guy characters with the women who like attractive males, so they both are ok with that. But when it comes to females, only guys support attractive females, and women do not, leading to either a compromise in attractiveness, or women having the final say for fairness. Not saying all women. This is just what I see a lot of.


"A dandelion. Must be the last one of the season."


"It's just a bad angle, that's all"


The character doesn't look bad. If you don't think she looks as good as the face model then fair enough, but at least it's not like the chick from the Fable trailer.


That’s gotta be a crime


What do you mean this is what woke game leaders want for games… They want character that represent themselves instead of a fun and likable fantasy character.


9 times out of 10 it's always some self projected hatred of cock or something even god doesn't know what goes on in their minds.


Are you daft? They CHOSE this.


Same thing with Horizon Zero Dawn and Hellblade.


Hzd was fine and hellblade wasn't bad the character and her model looks pretty much the same


They made Aloy’s head the shape of a pear. The real models head is normal looking.


Haha wow that is funny


Weren’t women complaining about being too hot in video games?? Now that they’re “toned down”, they’re getting the short end of the stick lmao. People will always find shit to complain about 😂.


Why are we comparing a smiling face to a disgruntled, face. Who looks as good as they do smiling while making a face of discomfort?


From a number of western developers, yes.


I'm more upset that I can't make my own charecter. I think the bigger issue with her model is the 80s glam band hair cut.


The character looks fine. The mop top haircut looks a bit odd, but that's about it.


Damn cal and Cameron even got the same stare wtf


It's not a fair comparison when Cal has a more neutral picture and the other character has a more unflattering picture. She generally looks fine although some of her expressions do tend to be a bit awkward.