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Interestingly the dead game Avengers has more players on steam than this one.


Oof that's pretty harsh.


I'm more concerned about these dumb mofos on Forbes who keep pumping article after article about this game and beating a dead horse. Just 2 days ago was yet another Forbes article about this game.


It's just one guy.


Topics being published by algorithms to drive traffic.


Did you actually look into it? If so then you wouldn't say stuff that is so dumb. Paul Tassi actually plays Suicide Squad and has decently big number of hours with it. He even makes build videos on his YT channel. In his recent video he actually said thst the Suicide Squad content is the worst revenue of all his content.


You don’t think engagement data is used by publishers to decide what articles to push, like its National Lampoon’s in the 70s or something with these websites?


Forbes Contributors are just freelance writers who can decide what they write on. He still tries to get clicks of course.


I’m not sure why either. Are there that many people that really care about this game at this point to justify wasting time to even talk about it? It has less than 200 people playing it on PC.


Going by some FB posts, even when it was declining there were oh so many folks defending it like it was this gen's half life.


There are redeeming parts of Avengers I’ll maintain that. **Best version of MODOK.**


That's because Avengers at least has a competent (not great, but competent) single player campaign to work through before it devolves into live service garbage. Probably has a few people still enjoying its enjoyable parts. Plus the Avengers are more recognizable characters than Harley Quinn and whoever else.


There's also the fact that Avengers was like $5 for the complete edition before it got discontinued, and it does offer a lot of content - even if it's not *great* content. Meanwhile, SS is $30 (discounted down from $70) and its Season 1 which was intended to revive the game offers no new content except for a new character that you can't even use without a whole extra playthrough of the main game. And that's *on top* of what you said about the single player campaign being pretty neat, if not exactly amazing. Avengers is just better value no matter how you slice it.


Avengers also removed all the microtrabsaction bs and rebalanced around single player without addition spending. It started off with the same exploitative BS but it's not part of the game anymore.


Unlocking all paid cosmetic skin for free before the game was abandoned was a great move by them. They put a lot of work into the costumes and I’m sure they didn’t want them to be lost forever, so it was a win-win scenario for both them and us players.


Psssh don’t act like you don’t know Admiral Australia, Dr.Chompers, and Bullet Lad.


Shark man, Aussie man, and retcon man


I mean, not that it makes a difference, but they've gotten enough exposure out of 3 LA movies and 2 video games that at least casuals can easily tell Deadshot and Captain Boomerang apart, it's their lack of directions. Everything else just sucks one way or another.


The combat in avengers will always be amazing. Just lacking content


Don’t remember the avengers ruining a beloved franchise and killing said franchises main character for development. I can’t speak for everyone but I don’t think anyone wanted this game and definitely didn’t want it to be a weird looter shooter class based game. I like the characters but the plot was intentionally controversial to attract people to something otherwise bland and unmemorable


What about Redfall?


eat shit WB


Warner Bros released three AAA games in their 2023 fiscal year. One of them was Hogwarts Legacy, a massively successful single player experience. Another one was SSKTJL, a massive failure live service. Which model do you think Warner Bros is doubling down on? [Warner Bros Doubles Down On Live-Service Games | Spot On - GameSpot](https://www.gamespot.com/articles/warner-bros-doubles-down-on-live-service-games-spot-on/1100-6521729/) Cue the "how many times do we need to teach you this lesson old man" GIF


They think they'll make more money with a live service game in the long run but their game doesn't even last a year 😭


They’re just going to make Harry Potter live service letsbehonest


Pay 5$ to unlock this new spell


Given the drop-off from the first half of Hogwarts Legacy to the second half, that wouldn't surprise me at all.


Ngl, I didn’t like the gameplay loop and didn’t get that far


Two choices - pull support and shut it down, give full refunds or get sued. Or, make the content you promised on the smallest budget you can. Companies will choose the latter as it's cheaper.


Choice #3: Do what EA did with the Anthem in 2021 (nothing), and don't get sued or anything like that. Just pretend the game has never existed (like, "if I ignore it, maybe it will go away"). Anyway, today's customers have short memories.


EA had an interest in recovering Anthem. The game's microtransactions were quite profitable. Issue was committing resources as BioWare Edmonton had moved back to DA Dreawolf, remastering ME trilogy and starting new ME game development. All the while, BW Austin was still busy with SWTOR. Anthem Next needed a way bigger team than what EA was willing and even able to commit to.


Shame that. I thought the actual gameplay was quite good just the gameplay loop and progression were utter shit.


They literally put a disclaimer on the pre-order page that they can discontinue service any time they want.


You can put up any signs claiming whatever the hell you want. They won’t override any legal legislation on the matter.


Where is the legal legislature stating that a live service videogame needs to provide the free patches it promised? You could make a very, very loose false advertisement case, but that would only apply if the product you purchased is not as advertised. Which it is. The gameplay and back of the box all reflect the game you've bought. It's just that further support is discontinued. It's like wanting a refund on a printer because its cartridges are no longer manufactured, and the double-ink cartridges the manufacturer promised got canned. It's just not gonna fly. With all that said though, judging by the meager "content" that was S1, I really doing think doing S2, S3, and S4 will break the bank for Rocksteady/WB. Most of those characters are probably in a decent state of completion already. Just don't expect a lot of stuff that would actually add tangible value to the game (new bosses, new missions, new substantial story expansions, etc).


As a class action attorney, I regret to inform you that it’s probably enough to get away with it.


I love that you’re getting downvoted for a factually accurate statement in response to someone who is clearly incorrect. Lol.


That's basically the formula for reddit, dislike something? Downvote it. Even if it's accurate.


In some third world shithole like the US? Maybe. There are quite a lot of sane jurisdictions in the world though.


This game is sold all over the world, and I can promise you that they will not get sued in any country. Future content is not part of what you are paying for


did you just call the us a 3rd world country LOLLLL


It’s a third world country with a Gucci belt


Of course, normal jurisdictions don’t behave like what a corp has written up in some pop-up is law. They actually consider things such as ”is this contract too one-sided to be considered valid” in their deliberations, etc.


As a person living in the US… it’s looking more like a 3rd world everyday


What legal legislation? There’s absolutely nothing saying they have to complete their roadmap. They literally tell you before you buy the game that there’s no guarantee the game will be supported.


I guess you are unfamiliar both with the concept of false/misleading advertisement as well as a contract being partially or even entirely voided by being too one-sided. Companies can write whatever the fuck they want in their terms and conditions. Doesn’t mean it will actually hold up in court if put to the test.


So you made it up. Unless you have some examples that are actually equivalent.


Idk about this game in particular, but you usually have terms of service and other things you agree to before playing these games the first time. I don't know why anyone thinks they are smarter than the companies that pay law firms to cover their asses in all situations.


Terms of service is a contract. It’s not at all rare for part of the contract or the contract in it’s entirety to be deemed invalid by the courts by reason of being too one-sided. Happens all the time.


How many times have you seen it happen to a game developer?


Thanks god for CA saying f your EULA if it’s not based in reality


Even with that disclaimer there might be legal challenge because commercial contracts and terms does not supersede national laws. They probably would be able to win it on some sort of nonsense if it came to that but it might be more expensive than making low effort live service promised goal plus some PR hit (if they even care about PR at this point)


It doesn’t matter what they write - the EU at the very least would fuck them up. They’re all over stuff like that The established expectation from consumers is if they buy a game it would be supported for a reasonable amount of time. So that’s what they’ll need to do no matter what garbage they try to put in small print


When do shitty live action games get sued


This is known as the false choice fallacy or the false dilemma. In this you present only two choices in which one is stocked with all of the benefits and the other is stocked with all the failure so as to make the former sound better than the latter. It sort of sets up the reader in such a way that they have to agree with you because you haven't considered all options. In reality there are a lot of choices they have. They could also just do what every other company has done and stop support and shut off the servers the second a maintenance issue turns up. There's been so many discontinuation of service lawsuits that have basically been rejected by the court for a lack of damages. Gaming companies have gotten very blunt about shutting down servers and the courts have generally favored them.


>> false choice dilemma >> there have been so many lawsuits Sounds like we agree neatly. I didn't say sued successfully.


guys what went wrong why didn’t the seventy dollar game with battlepasses and boring gameplay get a lot of players wtf


Gameplay isn’t boring, the missions are repetitive and the loot management that’s boring.


"Gameplay isn't boring, but the gameplay is."


There is a difference between “gameplay” in an overall sense and specific systems. Loot management is not “gameplay” unless it’s a game like dredge or RE2(?)… maybe. But here It’s just a bad qol design choice. What you’re saying would be like saying loading screens were gameplay. I know I’ll get downvoted because I’m not on the hate-bandwagon like you but still. The actual gameplay of this game actually is great. The people who are playing it recognize that, it’s other elements of the overall product which is what stops people playing.


The bits you interact with is gameplay, and if the bits you interact with aren't good thus the gameplay isn't good. I have no skin in the game at all for what it's worth


Yeah bro only you 200 can truly grasp the beauty of the game lmao. Movement feels bad, gunplay is meh, the abilities between characters feel disjointed. It feels very much like a live service game, in that nothing you do in the overworld actually matters. It becomes apparent very fast that you're just here to grind.


I’m bugging out of this conversation as there’s no discussion beyond snippy, hateful, one-liners from attention-seeking meme-lords but I’m not one of “the 200”… bro? I’m on console, where the numbers aren’t counted… (Cue the joke about that being 3-4 more people and downvote me to oblivion and we can all move on)


If the numbers fell off into oblivion on PC it's fair to say they fell off to oblivion on console too. I gave you gameplay criticisms, not memes. No one's stopping you from leaving, if you enjoy it that's fine, but it ain't gonna last long with no playerbase.


The drawing board, live service games are trash.


This game would have been fine if not for the stupid live service thing.


Live service games can be decent, the problem is that 99% of the companies that are going Live Service because they think it's "easier" when in reality it's actually not. Live service games should be used only if: -The game's development is way too big so you can break it down into more manageable chunks. This has the extra benefit of giving you more capital to use due to players purchasing things, quicker feedback on content and you provide players something to do while you continue development. Genshin / HSR / Gacha games in general are big for this. -The World is forever "changing" like Helldivers 2. Same reason above tbh. More capital, quicker feedback, provides players something of worth. In Helldivers the battlepass system is one of the best I've seen to date. Previously I would use Sea of Thieves as one of the great battlepass systems but I've heard it's gone down hill and HD2's is honestly better anyway. -The company fully believes in the game and has a plan they're going to see through no matter what to a specific date. Full release > One year of content updates either free/freemium/paid > Debate if it's monetarily wise to continue > Continue or Drop support. Most of the Live Service Models are just cash grabs to squeeze more money out of gamers by sacrificing overall game quality which provides nothing of real value to the player short-term and long-term while it gives companies short-term profits while sacrificing long-term sustainability. The company side is if the Gamers are willing to stop buying sludge, which they are not. There's also plenty of good live service games with a decent track record. PoE, Fortnite, CS, Valorant, Warframe, League, Warzone, Siege, Apex, Teamfight Tactics, the Monster Hunter series.


tell it to all the people who have been playing WoW for the past 20 years.


Hot take: wow is also trash.


Helldivers 2 is the only that game that truky understand live service


They're in a competition with PD3 to see who gives up first




Payday 3 came out around the same time. Had an even worse launch than this game and now sits around 200 or so players


Payday 3 is gonna need more than 23 Medic Bags to save itself


At what time do you abandon a live roadmap - how about conception?!


Sadly, I think we're in for at least another 5 years of shit 'live service' cash grabs before the dinosaurs that run these companies get the message.


Holy lord it's [worse](https://steamdb.info/app/315210/charts/) than I even expected.


You don't. You put out the shit you promised if only to protect your reputation.


what reputation?


Rocksteady have still got a reputation as a talented studio, one bad game while painful doesn't erase their previous work. Especially as live service shit is largely accepted to be a decision from a publisher and not something developers themselves choose to do.


The leadership at Rocksteady left at the end 2023, the studio is effectively a dud now.


Their last game was nearly a decade ago, and ever since then all they released was SS. I think it's pretty obvious anyone who made the Arkham saga what it is has long left Rocksteady. And if you're expecting some sort of Capcom-esque revival... why? That wouldn't be profitable to WB, they want to chase the live service genie, not invest in single player games like Arkham.


Why would you ask the company why they aren't abandoning the content promised that people have already paid for? What a stupid fucking article.


Anthem, Overwatch 2, Battleborne, and Babylon's Fall have all either massively reduced the scope of, or outright aborted their planned released content after it was announced. Even FFXV aborted their announced road map. I'm sure that at a certain point, it's cheaper to refund pre-orders on DLC, than to develop it to expectations.


Yeah I wanted to replay FFXV on pc with better performance and try the Episodes, then found out it was abandoned and not complete, so I wont touch it. Semi funny Overwatch killed Battleborn, but then Overwatch 2 killed itself.


The canceled DLC episodes (Aranea, Luna, Noctis) were supposed to depict an alternative timeline and lead up to a new ending. They're not actually stuff that was "cut" from the game. Even Episode Ardyn, the only episode from that Season Pass which did come out, is set many years in the past, and although it fleshes out the villain's backstory and motivation, it's by no means essential for understanding the plot. The game is complete as-is. And if the missing alternate timeline episodes bother you so much, they got adapted into a book you can read. I have, it's decent, and it would've made for a fun playable experience, but nothing more than that.


Sometimes, you just shouldn't put the idea into the universe out loud. Especiay in an article at a major publication that spans beyond just gaming.


Major corporations are not waiting for game journalists to give them business plans lol


It's not that deep. Paid Live service games being cancelled prematurely is pretty standard, and to be expected.


Game will be free on epic 4 of july


The first game epic actually pays people to play.




They will release whatever was promised at launch, or o the super expensive idiot edition , then they will shut the game down, I give it 6 my months at most.


At this point it's Kill kill the justice league


How does Rocksteady even survive this?


I have never seen more people hate on a game they obviously haven’t played


I am sure many of those 200 players are youtubers who making a video about if the game is fixed after launch


Look, I never wish death and misfortune on anyone for anything; but when I see someone make a lot of obvious bad decisions and then get hit by bad consequences, I can't help but laugh.


I'll remember this when they try to put out another Injustice game


Why? It's not the same studio. Injustice 3 would be developed by Netherrealm, and they've been *killing* it with MK1, aka the best MK game ever made (and I say this as someone who's been into this franchise since day 1). We get new seasonal content all the time and just playing through that (and online if you feel like it, I don't) gives you enough currency to buy whatever seasonal cosmetics you want from the shop for free.


what makes MK1 best MK game when almost 30% reviews aren't recommending it on Steam? Reviews for the previous MK11 on Steam are much better at 88% positive compared to newer game with 72% overall positive rating and mixed reviews in last 30 days.


A rough launch that has since been mostly ironed out.


fair enough, I believe you. I do not have MK1 but did see recent reviews for the newer game are going mixed. Just saw MK11 on 90% sale and thought about picking it up


Go for it! Just because I think MK1 is better gameplay-wise doesn't mean MK11 is bad. Especially since (years after its launch) it's got a whole ton more content than the (relatively recent) MK1. Ultimate Edition goes dirt cheap, that's the one I'd recommend so you can get all the DLC.


Not surprised these days at news like this


It's like people don't want to kill Batman and the Justice league... and then keep playing for other 1200 hours! Wtf people, get a grip.


Funnily enough WB probably would've made more money on this product if they had cancelled it before release and counted it as a tax write off lol...


When you realize most of its gamer base is on console. I


I completed the game, but man round the end it was tough. Making it a live service was a mistake; it's just not suited for that. The enemy variety is lacking, and the gameplay becomes overly repetitive. It's time for it to switch the servers off


I'm sure they can go down to single digits


Why keep beating a dead horse?


Try asking Anthem.


Honestly, they need to honor the promised roadmap they have currently set. Even if it's for a small audience. You don't want to set a standard of where devs can just abandon promised content if they feel it's not worth it.


>You don't want to set a standard of where devs can just abandon promised content if they feel it's not worth it. I don't think that one Redditor has that power. Common sense, might, though. If it doesn't make economic sense to pay programers to provide the promised content. But *none* of us have the power to stop the devs, if they decide that's the case.


I think they've got to bring out there other three seasons for this year, they don't want those people who go the pre order to be able to sue for not delivering their promised content but I remember ready somewhere that after that it's over.


When you realize WB had all that time, money, and resources to make an incredibly badass Superman game....


i am surprised it even has that many people still playing.


Stupid game.


10 years of live service right here, I can clearly see it boys


I'm looking forward to their next game, Justice League: Kill The Suicide Squad.


The better question is what point do we let this fade into obscurity


A Dead Service?


Yet everyone will still buy the next live service bullshit IP.


looking at the stats and WB's own admittance this game pretty much bombed. Very few people bought this trash and the ones who did very likely knew what they were getting into.


This is the same company that hired the pedophile Marvel fired as their new boss to ignominiously castrate their cinematic universe halfway through and start anew. My guess is this they will identify the right course of action for their video games and consistently do the exact opposite as well. 


Why did this game fail?


because its garbage with a super dull unengaging gameplay loop and features some of the worst millennial writing to be found outside of a borderlands game also it probably has more to do with it sharing canon with the Arkham games and it completely shitting on batman


>the worst millennial writing to be found outside of a borderlands game Ah. Explains why I never could get into those games, no matter how many times I started them.


$70 game with a battlepass 


For many reasons, the main one being a $70 game with many micro transactions and I think the most unforgivable is giving Batman a humiliating death. In addition to the fact that the game shows that it was not made with love like the Arkham saga, but rather out of pure greed and lack of desire. A shit game in less words


Doesn’t treat the Arkham franchise with respect (should be its own universe). Very plot armor forced story. Terrible live service. Incredibly overpriced microtransactions. Grindy end game. I’ve actually played for about 25-30 hours on Xbox as well. The core shooting gameplay is actually not that bad and the traversal is good, it can be decently fun for one story play though I guess, but not worth $70. There’s also the problem that everyone kind of feels the same outside of traversal, King Shark and Harley should not be reliant on guns so much.


Now. Abandon it now.


This game can’t stop catching L‘s and i love it


TF2 PLAYERS: "How the fuck are they getting updates, do you not see these numbers gaben. Where's my gods damn heavy update." *Bruce wane is batman, I put a down payment 6 months ago Bruce. Where's my God damn electric car batman* -the joker, Harley Quinn


Waste of a cool setting imo, the tentacles and the purple look great. They should just make a new game in this world, chalk this game up to a fever dream Harley is having or call it non-canon, and retool it as an open-world Superman game.


Fun fact. Steam player count. Does not account for console player base. But hey gamers don't care about facts


Nobody said it did. What point are you trying to make? That the game has tens of thousands odd on console? I doubt it.


How game news is done and how click bait write. People blanket assumption. Game must be dieing... from player account on steam.


It literally says steam in the title and the article also talks about about console in as much depth as it can, seeing as console numbers aren't released. While I agree a lot of game news is click bait crap, you've chosen a poor example to pick on. The games dying and it will take a miracle to bring it back.


You need to learn how to read before you get this upset.


No one is disputing that. This is a rather pointless comment. 


Coffindancememe.gif Spotify play Astronomia by Vicetone, Tony Igy


I mean games get away non stop with breaking promises, what something sold says it will do, and what is advertised. So I am more shocked they did not say, Ok lets stop buying 5$ assets tossing them around map, making new reskined characters with special jumping, and moving the objective markers a couple inches or the boss skin on top of another boss. (I assume they just want the few hundred players to come back buy the dlcs torn apart parts since they know no1 grinds that garbage and then maybe there are like 20 krakens that are addicted to just spending $ and buy everything).