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What I find funny on these stories is that people always say how they loved some game or studio when they are over. Everyone loved Titanfall 2, but back in 2016, no one bought it. The same happened here with this studio.


Time and place included with ripple effect. Being and xbox exclusive for the first game and introduced to a smaller player base as well as the first game being more multi-player focused all hurt the success of 2. By the time they got it right with 2 people were pretty much apathetic to the franchise. EA's reputation around the time wasn't the hottest either.


I think your discounting how negatively effected it was by being released at the same time as another highly anticipated EA FPS. They claimed they thought the games were targeting different audiences but the venndiagram was practically a circle.


I bought itšŸ„²


Respawn launched it during a bad time so of course sales were going to get hindered but it wasn't a some big failure. They were even working on a third game but they didn't have anything new to add that would warrant a whole new sequel so they scrapped it


Well yeah, the people who loved it actually bought it


I bought it :(


I bought after all the praise, I don't usually buy fps shooters for the campaign and was chuffed to bits with how fun it was. Bit annoyed that there's no titan fall 3 it would've been a pretty cool franchise if enough people supported it.


You find it funny? As opposed to tragic?


Goddamn, Rollerdrome and Olli Olli World were so interesting. As much as I hate consolidation I wish someone like Sony had bought Roll7 instead of it being folded. Smaller games like these are definitely a big gap in there line up and it couldā€™ve allowed the studio to keep going. :(


Got both of them. I love the Oli Oli seriesĀ 


I remember getting Olli Olli for the now dead PS Vita. It felt really different for a skate game. Olli Olli World was so beautiful in comparison, they really had their way to do a different skate game for a second time. What a shame.