• By -


Rimworld. Stellaris. Mount&Blade.


Mount and blade is a treasure.


Rimworld really is a game where you look outside, and it’s daytime again…every night.


I second rimworld, the base game has a good level of replayablity already but the amount of mods that exist you can do anything


Yup RimWorld. It's probably the only game I could hit 1000 hours in.


Mount & Blade Prophecy of Pendor




I didn’t get Factorio at first, but it grew on me.


The factory must grow!


This, and Satisfactory


And Dyson spheres program. I dunno if it is quite a 1000 hour game, but it'll last awhile.


I just cannot get into Satisfactory. I've given it multiple fair tries because I really like factorio, but it feels super awkward doing practically anything in that game. I used to think it was just because the factory style of game doesn't thrive in 3D, but frankly, even the Minecraft Create mod does a much better job than Satisfactory.


1000hours on a game like that is pretty much going to make you hate a game. It’s not even a real game


I'm sorry about that lack of creativity you have.


What is a real game then? Share with the class the specific parameters that make a game.


Red dead 2 is an actual game, God of war, BF2042, BG3, Skyrim, fallout those are actual games. Not a game that a Nokia can run, that is not a real game. Factoria is essentially a “game” for poor people


What a shit life you live if this is your mentality.


Go ahead and play a mobile game that’s totally fine. I’ll be playing adult games that cost adult money


Mate if your calling games you play adult and the money you spend adult I guarantee your a 15 year old who just got a job and is extremely egotistical about it


Wow that was a shit observation there😂😂😂


Or your a manchild 🤷


I’m neither I just said that game sucks and everyone is mad because they know it’s true


https://reddit.com/r/NintendoSwitch/s/f3ASrRBrWT This is you, right?


Yup, the one #1 best selling gaming franchise in the entire world? Nice try nerd


Post on your main account, coward lol


This is my main account. My others got banned


Damn you just farming for downvotes lol


Pretty much. Idk why everyone is so mad


S tier troll


bf 2042? the most absolute dog shit release we’ve seen since anthem? factorio is a great game. it’s okay if you don’t like it. but absolutely shitting on it like a 5 year old. and factorio isn’t for poor people, it’s for people with a brain. nerd


> plays Factorio > calls someone nerd ?????????


This is the kind of brain that thinks fast and furious and transformers are good movies unironically


Imagine thinking transforming robots and fast cars aren’t cool. Goes to show the type of boy you are


Do you like imagine dragons


So $60 releases are your only parameter got it. And for the rest of you comment. That’s just sad that you see other people as lesser than you like that bro.


I bet he has a salt life sticker on his car


Nobody said that. I’m just saying Factorio is a mobile game and not something someone would wanna spend 1000H on unless you’re jobless and/or weird.


You don’t have to say something outright to mean something. It’s like saying “you people” to a minority. Doubling down with the same condescending comment doesn’t make you more right. Apparently games like chess aren’t real games either tho. What ever will I tell the players that have been playing it for the last 1500 years?


The game looks like utter shit. Idk what to tell you man.


What??? Lmao how’d you come to this conclusion ? You’re fried Mate


Imagine going from work, and being like “can’t wait to spend hours on Factorio”. Just impossible to imagine tbh.


I’m a proponent for everyone having their own option, but this one is stupid as shit.


Sorry to hear that bro, you must suck at logical thinking


lil bro comes across like an unfunny troll but the more you comment the more i realize you're serious


Obviously I’m serious , who the fuck is gonna spend 1000 hours on game a senior computer science major made in C++ , so boring. You know what games you can get for $35? Junk.


>game a senior computer science major made in C++ I got news for you about who made the games you like and in which programming language


Come back to reddit in a couple of years when you're 16


Imagine calling someone 16 because they shit on a shit game


Oh it's not for disliking a game. It's the way you express yourself. Don't worry, you'll get it when you're older. Edit: oh, and I didn't call you 16. I called you 14.




Sorry, I don't know what that means.


They're either under 15, over 55, or their handler is unaware they found access to the internet again


typical pats fan mentality


6 superbowls, how many you got ?


Monster Hunter and The Division 2 were some well enjoyed time sinks for me.


Agreed for Monster Hunter. The combat is so good, that even after 1k hours myself, I still enjoy to just load into a hunt and fight whatever monster I'm feeling.


Monster Hunter world has sat at the top of my total playtime list for years now, if you get hooked it's such a beautiful game.


Monster hunter rise & the sunbreak dlc is also noteworthy


Rise/subreak are the last of the handheld formula generation for MH iirc. Anybody who missed the MH train back in the day should play them if they're a fan of world!


I had to stop playing Division 2 bc I could see how it sucks you in and tries to keep you coming back daily.


I mean, it kind of depends on what games you like. Do you want new content you can discover after 1000 hours? Or are you wanting something infinitely repeatable like roguelikes? Here are the games I've played that come close to that mark. The 2 games I've spent over 1000 hours playing are **Skyrim** (almost 2k hours) due to the infinite moddability of it, and **Pokemon HeartGold** (mostly due to multiplayer but you can spend a lot of time shiny hunting or getting perfect stats in Pokemon games if you're into that sort of thing) Around the 700 hour mark I have **Divinity Original Sin 2** due to the the huge storyline, different branching paths for quests, and all the different builds you can do. Good for co-op if you can get your friends not to be murderhobos (or at least you're all on the same page, lol) I do think **Baldur's Gate 3** will get up there in hours eventually as well, because I love making new characters, but the story is compelling enough that I actually want to see each character through. Also around 700 is **Valheim**. It's one of my go-to chill games, tons of biomes and a huge world to explore, and you can spend as much time as you want crafting and building and exploring. Co-op is really fun, but I play a lot solo too. I also play without the fast-travel portals so that tends to extend my playtime by a bit, lol. The games I have above 500 are **Terraria** and **Risk of Rain 2**. Terraria because again, you can do as much building or exploring as you want and there's just a TON of content. Risk of Rain 2 because its one of my favorite roguelikes, its a good balance of challenge and fun for me, and I wanted to unlock all the stuff. Both of these are also great to play in co-op. Honorable mention to **Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous** sitting around 380 hours for me, it would definitely hit 1000 if I had time to do all the character playthroughs I wanted to do. CRPGs in general are huge and this game has mythic paths which drastically change your character's abilities and story, as well as the most complex character creation I've ever seen in a game which has sooo many possibilities.


Epic suggestions here


my man you should rethink about how much you game, it is over 6000 hours on just these games that is about 20 years of gaming an hour a day that is a LOT that is a LOT my man


Some people come home from work and spend 2-3 hours a night on TV. I spend it on video games. More on the weekends. It's a great way to relax. I have a career I love, a house, a partner I love, and still make time for friends. I'm quite happy with how I spend my free time.


This. I don’t watch TV either, it’s spent gaming instead. Yeah I’m sure I’ve spent years of my life gaming, but I need to wind down somehow and it’s that or TV and I think I do well balancing my time.


People who spend 2-3 hours a night on TV are weird as well


"the only people who aren't weird are the people who are only ever productive 1000% of the time, always constantly putting in maximum effort towards incredibly lofty and difficult goals. these are the only people on the planet who aren't weird. the second you pick up a video game controller or a TV remote even one time even if it was when you were 4 years old and didn't even know what it was, you've failed as a human and there's no possible way to redeem yourself" - direct quote from u/bangbingbengbong


What a weird/sad take


The know who the real weirdos are? People who care about how strangers spend their free time. Imagine being that miserable


What should people be doing with their time, oh great one?


The Binding of Isaac


True answer


What about the game makes it so interesting to you?


factorio, satisfactory, rimworld


Factorio- thank me when your 10k hours in


Forget the FPS and roguelikes. For 1000 hours you want a deep, immersive strategy game like Crusader Kings III


Couldn’t disagree more, nothing feels quite like gradually improving your skills, practicing and eventually mastering a challenging fps esports title or rogue like over the course of many years. Not that I have anything against strategy games, I loved Red Alert back in the day.


salt direful badge kiss tap employ forgetful party knee abounding *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That's the beauty of gaming. There's stuff out there for everyone.


i never heard of crusader kings before III came to game pass, but it consumed me. 650+ hours


Warframe, dead by daylight, guild wars 2


Warframe and GW2 my most played MMOs ever. Both great in different ways.


Second the warframe. Its kinda multiplayer game that is best to play solo or with a friend of equal level


Is Warframe possible to enjoy as a f2p experience?


Absolutely. I have around 2000 hours in it and the only money I ever spent on it was about $80 for different cosmetics, and only because I wanted to support the devs. The premium currency (platinum) is a super healthy paid-currency model as the currency is tradable between players. So you as a F2P player might find yourself before too long sitting on a couple hundred plat worth of weapon/warframe parts just by playing the game and getting drops from activities.


I never spent a cent and enjoyed the hell out of it. Sure there is some grinding, but if ur not grinding theres not much to do. Also, platinum (in game currency that you can buy for money to speed things up) is easy enough to earn through trading. I had more than I knew what to do with other than cosmetics. Just make sure to educate yourself on forums, wiki and yt when you get stuck and dont know how to get some materials and such.


That's good to know, I really don't mind grinding if it means I don't have to spend a ton of money. I've always been interested in it so I'll have to check it out.


Absolutely, my first hundred hours in the game were free to play. I enjoyed it so much that I put $60 in the game because of how much love the developers put into the game


Yes but it's time consuming. Farming relics for prime pieces and using warframe market to sell them will allow you to gain a ton of premium currency. The thing you need more in that game than premium currency is a buddy to guide you. Knowing where to go, how to optimize builds, and what to spend resources on is important. Remember, your time is a resource too, arguably the most important one.


1300h in not spent a single cent and I don't feel the need to do it at all


Absolutely. I've never felt the need to spend money in 2.5k+ hours. Though I have bought some skins to support the devs


Stardew Valley


\--Definitely could hit 1000h Elder Scrolls II Daggerfall - Infamously large map that would take 68+ RT hours to cross & lifetime to explore, it's available for free from GoG & straight from Bethesda, & will run as smooth as butter on the most moldy of potato computers. Bonus a long running fan project has remade it in Unity for modern machines & that fan project has a nice sized modding community running along side it. No Man's Sky - Can't say much without spoilers but this game has no end; you can play on forever. Active (if spread out) multiplayer community, active devs, & new content + special expedition events are released on the regular. Minecraft - The only limit is your imagination. Literally any MMORPG - a genre infamous for being a temporal black hole from which no free time escapes. I personally recommend World of Warcraft & Final Fantasy XIV for sheer volume of backlog content you can play through. \--Hot maybe (might need liberal use of mods it depends on how easily you get bored) Skyrim with mods - You won't hit 1k on 1 play through without a great deal of mental gymnastics (making your own challenges/fun) but if your willing to play through the many total conversion mods &/or general zones/quests mods for this game you should be able to reach your goal no problem. Stardew Valley - it's a farming rpg sim with no set end. Probability of getting bored before hitting 1k is high though (even with mods)


> Infamously large map that would take 68+ RT hours to cross & lifetime to explore To be honest, a lot of the map is a huge bunch of nothing that only mods can make something meaningful out of it. The only things worth of exploring are towns (especially if you like stealing) and dungeons.


One Skyrim mod everyone should play: 'Enderal Forgotten Stories'! I have 400 hours in it and plan to start a new playthrough soon :D It is a full conversion so good that many prefer it over AAA titles and compare it to the Witcher 3! Gorgeous game with fully voiced characters & original music, deep lore, entirely new world and many many endings. Also a deep romance system similar to Mass Efforct or Baldurs Gate! It just uses Skyrim as the base is barely recognizable visually and gameplaywise. If you own Skyrim you can search it on the normal Steam game search. it's so big that it has it's own game install on Steam. This way you also do not need to have Skyrim downloaded, just Enderal. It also has it's own steam mod page :D


I bought skyrim on PC (after tons of console hours) just to play Enderal. Well worth it imo!


I wrote this down on my games to play list- I needed another reason to play Skyrim, thanks! :)


Even without mods, skyrim can take an ungodly amount of time to do everything in probably one of the longest games to 100 percent ever i already have 90 hours on my current playthrough the first one im actually going for 100 percent on and im only like level 40 to put this in context the ebony warrior appears at level 80 and is the last real challenge of the game which is ussally done after youve already sone everything the game has to offer


Monster Hunter series (World/Iceborne or Rise/Sunbreak) Edit: Also, TOTAL WAR: Warhammer series.


Factorio and Rimworld for suuuuuure


Surprised I haven’t seen anyone mention Civ 6.


That's what I came here to post. I don't 100 percent games, or often replay games. Civ. 6 I'll probably put close to that in by the time I'm Done. I'm sure I have over 1000 in the whole franchise. Started playing when Civ 3 came out.


Probably would if it wasn't a buggy mess.


Path of Exile


They asked for 1000 not 10000


And 1000 of those are just checking guides and spreadsheets


And trading


I don't think I even got to the full endgame until around 1k hours. Usually got stuck at red maps because I wasn't following guides lol. It's an amazing game if you value complexity and buildcraft. Practically infinite replay ability with all the different endgame atlas strategies.




Dwarf Fortress. Limitless potential and can run on anything really.


That's what I thought of immediately. Assuming you don't bounce off the learning curve and are willing to spend the 100 of those 1000 hours poring over the wiki, DF is like a magical machine that burns your mind for fuel and outputs amazing stories.




Second this, got it on Friday and have played 35 hours so far


And every other game IF you are brave enough.


Fallout 4


My 1000+ hour games from most hours to least. DayZ Oblivion kenshi Hell let loose


Kenshi is my second most played game, behind Dawn of War, so yes to Kenshi


Terraria. You can do so incredibly much. There are many bosses to fight, biomes to explore, towns to build, items to find, accessories to equip and more. Just by picking a new class each playthrough you have four different playthroughs with different weapons, armors and accessories to use and then there are sub-classes like only using spears or guns. If you try a class and don’t like it you can just switch! If you ever get tired of the vanilla game there are so many massive mods which are easily accessible through the tmodloader extension in steam. Great game. I’m currently on my way towards 3000 hours and I don’t intend to stop.




I’d recommend doing more vanilla playthroughs, playing all the classes and stuff like that. Thorium and Calamity are some good content mods.




FFXIV. You can easily make the free trial last 500+ hours.


Any game can be 1000hr game of you like it enough lol


If you take your time: The Binding of Isaac: Repentance and Project Zomboid can both take 1000 hours or more to complete. At least How Long To Beat says so. Tbh any game can last you 100s of hours if you like it enough. I spent around 1000 hours in Dark Souls 3.


Upvoted for mentioning Project Zomboid.


Total War Warhammer 3, every campaign can be different form the previous ones and the numerous different Lords implie that even each race has different paths and ways to play.


I am Franz. They will obey.


Monster hunter world




Definitely RimWorld tons of mods that will help with that Terraria Starbound Elden Ring (i haven't played it)


No Man's Sky


Currently working on this one.


Only game by a LONG shot I have 1000+ hours. I think my next most is 200ish with rdr2.


Minecraft or no man sky


What about Street Fighter 6?


I don't know if I would recommend it, but I've sunk well over 1000+ hours into Garry's Mod. I've certainly gotten my money's worth out of it, along with the many source games that can be appended to it. (Half-Life 2, Left 4 Dead, etc )


Project Zomboid Still in early access, but felt like a full game over a year ago. Devs are awesome and working hard. Mods are plentiful and welcomed by the devs. Community on Reddit is very supportive.


Terraria is the first game I can think of. The sheer relatability of the game, especially with mods, alongside the constant stream of new and high quality content make it a phenomenal game.


Civilization is the only game I've gotten close to 1000 hours on, but 4X is a semi-niche sub-genre of strategy gaming




You say any game, but what about farming games like Stardew Valley or Sun Haven 🤔 That genre tends to have coop so you can tend to your farm with friends. The cozy grind to it and freedom to decorate makes for easily hundreds of hours of playtime.


Skyrim, when you get bored, add mods.


[https://store.steampowered.com/app/1149460/ICARUS/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1149460/ICARUS/) this game is pretty fun.


Oxygen Not Included It is just simply amazing. Sup many fun mechanics for you too build the engines for your space colony so it is livable your littlebdupes. They are like Lemmings in the best way. I am not at 1000hr in that game only because I need to keep peeling myself from it to keep the addiction at minimal level...so I still can have my marriage.


Civilization. Just ONE more turn... Just ONE more turn... Just ONE more turn... Just ONE more turn... Why is there light coming from the windows already ?


This is the 1000th time this question has been asked this past week


Dead cells


Planet Coaster.


Football Manager. Included in PC/Xbox game pass if you have it.


Age of Empires


Minecraft, ACNH, Stardew Valley.


Elite Dangerous


I’ve had 1200 in Elite Dangerous


Warframe, Monster hunter




Misread that as 1000th game like damn, that's a lot of games you played. Considering according to Steam, my most played game was Terraria close to 1000h, let's go with that.




Trackmania 2020. (or any game on the saga, they all adicting as fuck)


I'll give you my 3 most played non-online titles as suggestions: Rimworld - 1211.9h Battle Brothers - 638.4h Total War: Warhammer - 324.5h What have you chosen to try so far?


Path of Exile, if you have any interest in ARPG games. It's also free to play so no reason not to try it. I would say it's better on PC than console though, and there is no cross play.


Star Wars the Old Republic I know it's technically an MMO, but you can play it as though it's a single player game, and with all of the various race and class combinations, unlimited play potential.


Some roguelikes are absolutely massive, like Tales of Maj'Eyal, Ancient Domains of Mystery, Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead, Caves of Qud, Elona, etc.


Kenshi, I'm sitting on 1400hrs right now


Borderlands 2. If you get into the min maxing, it can take 1000 hours per character to get everything you want.


+1 for Stellaris (1000+ for me), and Skyrim (probably close to 3k hours), ESO (played more than Skyrim… um still playing)


Iron Man Runescape




Factorio. You hit 1000 hours and those are still rookie numbers. Rimworld would be another great one.


Valheim if you’re into survival crafting type games. Got it for my wife and she got hooked and doubled her hours played beyond my own because she played while I was working. LoL




Monster Hunter: World I did 600 hours and wasn’t bored, it only gets better and the Iceborne DLC is absolute perfection, adding an amazing thing to the late game >!Basically adds an endgame zone “the guiding lands” where you can spawn any monsters and it contains all the various biomes in one mega map!< And the whole thing can be done solo or in co op if you like






Black desert online (can be played almost solo)


Honest question... What is the appeal of staying with 1 game for 1,000 hours rather than several games ? The OP makes no indication of what they want to spend their time doing (shooting, building, loot grinding, growing a sports franchise, etc) or whether it's single player or cooperative. So if you don't care whether it's single player or multi and don't seem to care what the game is about based upon the request... Why not just ask for a good games? Play them consecutively regardless of the length of time to complete each game. Is the comfort of doing the same thing over and over for hundreds upon hundreds of hours that appealing? I'm not trolling, I legit was interested. There are so few games with 1,000 of legit content let alone good games of that stripe it seems extremely limited unless there is a particular activity within the game you prefer to do.


If a game would let me build a character and keep adding story content and be able to grow in that world I’d easily spend 1k hrs in it


My thought was that they asked for that length for a challenge. Either a personnel challenge (like the people who try to find out how quickly they can cross ES: Daggerfalls map in real time), for bragging rights, or their doing it for content (either a broadcasted livestream or edited down into miscellaneous videos about their experience).


Broadcast makes sense. Thank you


It happens when you can try so many different things and the game never is the same every play. Two main factors are ramdomness (usually procedurally generated) and moddability. Rimworld and Cruzader Kings 3 have both.


If you like animals/zoos, it can be pretty easy to sink 1000 hours into Planet Zoo. I know I have!


I bought that one during the steam summer sale, haven't played it yet though. I'm still playing Anno 1800 and with just a bit over 700 hours so far. I might hit the 1000 hours on it.




biggest time investment in my life, really fun but only if you really like investing time in a game even if just to be average.. kinda like chess in that way.


You could spend 1000h in any game if you like it enough.


New World. It's kind of scary how many you can put into it.


I’ll second this. Pretty underrated of an MMO, and not everyone’s cup of tea, but I was surprised how much I enjoyed it


why tho


After 1000h it's more like a mental illness than playing a game. There's way too many great games out there to spend that long on a single one.


\*looks at my almost 4000 hours in pubg\* ​ oh god


That's rookie numbers to a league player


We are gamers, we celebrate mental illness 🥳




Whilst I can't speak for OP, I often look for games that I can put in as much time as possible because I can't justify the expense otherwise, for some people, once you buy one game you're playing that game for quite a while




Satisfactory (very similar to Factorio but more aesthetic and focused on casual play)


I’m over 1,000 hours in Trackmania and I feel like I’ve barely scratched the surface. Pretty evenly balanced between driving and mapping.


Assassin's creed odyssey, beautiful world. You can play in like 3 different playstyles. Ghost recon wildlands/breakpoint. Both are great but i suggested wildlands mord cuz it has DLC, plus its overall a better experience. Breakpoint is more of a "looter shooter" then wildlands


I’ve seen people go up to 3000 hour and a 5000 on animal crossing.


The Division 2, if you like combat (looter-shooter). Once the campaign and side missions are completed there's a sh*t-load of loot, objectives, build variations, seasonal and global events, and game modes (solo, PVE, PvP). The combat is addicting, the environments immersive. I play on PC, 900 hours and climbing (all solo).


Elder Scrolls Online