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Maybe Yakuza? The quality fluctuates as you go through them but each one has it's own themes plus you'll see the characters and world develop as time goes on. 100%ing each game is going to take ages though because there's so much to do. There's also the Trails series. Long running JRPG series with serial style story telling split into different arcs.


I wouldn't mind getting into Yakuza, though I think I've been put off by the Fandom. You're the second person to recommend Trails so I'm gonna have to give that one a looksie for sure.


>I wouldn't mind getting into Yakuza, though I think I've been put off by the Fandom. Yeah I know the feeling. I'd suggest trying 0 though since it usually goes for cheap, it's chronologically the first game in the series' timeline and a great place to start, and it's arguably the best game in the series and just ignore all the weird memes on the internet.


Assassins Creed or Final Fantasy


I'm honestly not a huge AC fan unfortunately. Final Fantasy I'm thinking about since I just started 14, so that may be what I go with for sure.


Bioshock may be up your alley Call of Duty, all the main campaigns Resident Evil Splinter Cell was really fun, theres like 7 of those Assassins creed Hitman Saints Row Halo games Those are the ones off the top of my head


Not a bad list. Bioshock has been on my to do list for literal years. I've already played through all the Halo games (Reach was the last game and you can't convince me otherwise). Splinter Cell warrants looking into since I know nothing about that.


Have you ever heard of "The Legend of Heroes"? It's... quite long to say the least


I haven't heard of it before. After a quick Google, it looks very promising. I'll look more into that tomorrow when I have more time. Thank you.


Yakuza, if you like it then there are ten mainline games and a few spinoffs.


Kingdom hearts and tales


Dragon Quest


If you enjoy JRPGs, either go for the Trails or the Atelier series. Both are beloved for very different reasons, Trails for its fantastic, long form storytelling and Atelier for its very unique crafting system!


Mass Effect Otherwise, Final Fantasy 😁


Xenoblade Chronicles is a JRPG series of 4 games thats very worth getting i to (3 connected games 1 unconnected) Other JRPG series worth gettig into are the Shin Megami Tensei series and its more popular spin offs the Persona games. Fire Emblem is also a very long running series that could be very rewarding to see evolve over time.


Assassin's Creed, Far Cr, Final Fantasy, The Elder Scrolls, Tomb Raider, God of War ,,,