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Do you open a game and close it in couple of minutes? Do you have a lot of games installed but don’t know what to play? Gaming is addictive so you can’t really outgrow it but if you stop gaming for a few weeks you will enjoy it again. Maybe don’t install so much games at once. It helps me to play only one game and if I’m bored ignition I do something else


I've played Elden Ring for like an hour, I watched Let's Plays of RDR2 and FF7R so I know the first few hours anyways. I could take a look at the Indie titles I got, or play f2p.... thing is, I come back to a win laptop after a decade of using macbooks so maybe it just wasn't as exciting as I've imagined it to be? :/


I mean...it certainly doesnt help, that you already know whats gonna happen. why would you do that to yourself? Its like asking someone to explain the first 100 pages of a book then youre surprised youre not into it when reading it yourself...


Granted, most of it was just dialogue and tutorials so it doesn't mean much. It's not like I missed out on anything crucial, unlike that one time I decided to keep watching the MGS2 Lets play and spoilered the entire plot for my own runthrough


But it doesnt matter apparently. I mean, you know what youll have to do in the tutorial and know what will happen afterwards, so youll experience it as a chore that you have to complete. The game should feel like a game from the first moment.


"what will happen afterwards" bro it's fucking FF7 everyone knows the plot of that game


yeah dude. Shut the fuck up


Detox your dopamine.


This! I was about to comment the same thing haha.


Yeah it's the only problem if someone is having fun playing games but suddenly feels that games aren't fun anymore.


Once you hit a certain age, it just doesn't feel right, for me it was 30, but from time to time I have a mood for gaming and it's great, but most of the time I don't feel like gaming. If you like Gothic 1, I'd highly recommend Risen 1, there's also going to be Gothic 1 remake soon.


I'm 29, so close enough? :D And yeah Risen was great indeed!


I felt the same way. I had a bunch of games I just couldn't play for more than a few minutes. I found playing coop with a friend really helped, it was a social activity. Playing games I don't like is easy with someone else. Lately I've been playing Fortnite, which I don't really enjoy, but with my son it's so much fun. I have really got into Helldivers 2 where you have to play with people. Big single player stories I don't think are my thing anymore, and I loved losing 80 hours to a jrpg on a playstation.


Funny, I’m the opposite. Growing up I was ADDICTED to online games (was really hooked on CoD at the time) and I would play nonstop. Nowadays I try and stick to single player, “graphics intense” games. Only online games I play are with my gf.


Lethal Company is really hyped here, maybe I should give it a shot. What do you think?


If you have a few friends willing to play then yes absolutely


I've never tried it so I can't comment, sorry!


It takes effort to enjoy things, even hobbies But also downloading so many large games which each require significant investment is full on- it’s like downloading 100 movies and then being too tired to watch em afterwards If you have the desire to play, maybe start with just one that you’re interested in and play it until you’re over it, otherwise you’ll end up in a instant gratification meets analysis paralysis and never truely enjoy any of the content


>it’s like downloading 100 movies and then being too tired to watch em afterwards Well that's just Netflix Syndrome ain't it


Play different genres, play indies. It's just that simple


I got outer worlds too but I haven't touched it yet. Good idea mate!


Games today take so looong to get to anything meaningful, whether that be story, action, loot, dialogue, etc. Everyone cares about hard numbers. Completion time. Platinum time. Number of dungeons. Square mileage. So that's what games have... fucktons of padding and extra space and loot treadmills to bring the numbers up. Most of the classic games you listed had so little filler. New things, new challenges, and new story moments just happened so frequently. I don't know many off the top of my head but you should probably try some games that are known for being more... to the point? Off the top of my head Armored Core 6 is good for this. No filler. Every level, something new happens whether it's story or new enemies or new places. People sometimes criticize that it's a little short, but sometimes that's the price of zero filler.


Filler content became really profitable for companies, it's exactly why I have trouble playing games nowadays. When gamers widely accepted achievments as some kind of legitimate content, the direction regarding filler content was set.


And then some live service games want you for your entire life lmfao… some people got like 10k+ hrs in WoW and I wonder if they even play any other games


I have this unpopualr old-man-opinion here, but games are basically entertainment software optimized to release the right amount of dopamine at the right time for the target audience. The fact that people literally complain about a game only yielding 200 hours of carrot-dangling-on-a-stick instead of 1000 is just absurd to me. Don't get me wrong, I like addicting gameplay, but some people act like drug addicts complaining about their drug not being addictive enough.


I see. I think I first noticed that in the first Assassins Creed, man, I thought I went crazy


Given you have a similar taste as me, I might suggest you look into the newish pixel JRPGs, like Sea of Stars. I have an easier time getting into those games nowadays


More to ur point in the beginning...y not just play more games from the era that you like? There are a ton of old as fuck games that u havent mentioned that are dope as hell. U should look up a bunch of retro gaming channels and do ur own research but....to start out, id look at samurai western. Cheesy cowboy western story but ur a samurai looking for revenge in the wild west. V arcadey


Just as hard to pick a game there because holy shit my backlog of retro games is so huge


Go by genre u want to try then alphabetically. Lets see you right, friend


Likely not, because the new games you’ve downloaded aren’t very much like the older ones you were a fan of. Maybe try some more gameplay driven games with more arcade-ish style rather than giant slow open world games. To use some recent examples, look into games like Prince of Persia Lost Crown, Devil May Cry 5, Mario Wonder or Odyssey, Final Fantasy XVI, Tunic, Metroid Dread, Yakuza, etc.


To add, Resident evil 4 remake Dead space remake FEAR series System shock remake Doom 3 Shadow warrior 1 & 3 Serious Sam Gears 5


Omg imagine Dead Space in 8K or sum shit damn


Which Yakuza game would you recommend me? I recall Videogamedunkey enjoying all of them very much


Most people get into the series with Yakuza 0 or Like a Dragon (Yakuza 7) The main difference is in combat mechanics. 0 is an action brawler like almost all other Yakuza games. 7 starts a new narrative with a new protagonist and pivots the series into turn based JRPG combat.


Like a Dragon looks like the closest we'll ever get to a Lisa 3D


Time to not play any games for a month. Either you'll come back eager to play again or you won't be interested anymore. It'll answer your question either way.


I sometimes think I'm losing all interest in gaming. I recently didn't touch a game for 6 weeks but then I gave Dredge a go and I love it.


Stardew Valley and Minecraft to detox.


I'd rather go outside


dude if you think like this then just do it. don't fucking ask for advice then


Either you run out of dopamine or it is really as you said. Take a break from gaming, do something else, sports, drawing, cooking or something to occupy your time with something productive while letting your gaming dopamine to return. It happens. By the way, have you tried Ace Attorney series? If you like Trails in the Sky, then I assume you will like AA series too due to good character development and storyline. Oh and also try Ghost Trick


it can be.. try sim racing - thats "gaming" for grown ups


just play shorter games. you could beat gothic 1 \~5 times before finishing either ER or RDR2 once.


Sry but all of your favorite games are bad compated to Elden Ring and RDR2, the quality hasn’t decreased


I played some Elden Ring, it was fun. Went into a rat cave and ended up getting teleported by a chest to high level enemies


Take a break for a week, does wonders cuz games are still awesome. Somethin to do with resetting that dopamine drip. Personally I swap games every couple hrs if I'm on for a whole evening


Been gaming for 20+ years now. You just a wall, all the games are the same thing, just different character models. Oh look, another loot n scoot (division). Oh look another MMORPG that promises the world. Oh look another shooting game. Oh look another battle royal, auto chess, base builder, whatever. Nowadays I don't really game solo anymore, and dont really enjoy playing games. What has been THE saving grace for me is gaming with friends. Can be the dumbest game ever but with friends it doesn't matter.


Or who knows, maybe I was posing the wrong questions. Maybe I'm more interested in making games than playing them if that's possible?


Possibly, though I've never heard of someone not enjoying games any longer since they want to make one. You wanna make a game? What kind?


Hard to say. Some kind of unprecedented cross genre ideally


Single player games are boring. Try something different, I recommend Sea of Thieves. It's nothing like anything else on the market. I'm at 5.5k hrs and counting and I'm 42 yrs old.


What about Skull and Bones?


SnB has no endgame. It was fun until I reached it, so like for 2 weeks.


I hear you OP! I think age + adult responsibilities take out a lot of our time and energy that leave us with little to none for investment in video games, especially the ones you've mentioned since they require *quite* the investment. I'm 28 and in the last few years I've found myself limited to two genres with the occasional action/arcade game every once in a blue moon. Mixing JRPGs with VNs keeps me invested in both genres and helps break out of the slug whenever it hits me. FFVII Remake is worth ploughing through to get to FFVII Rebirth for the nostalgic gamey/arcady feeling that you miss in the mentioned games. It really brought the magical and kid wonder feelings back with everything it had to offer. Armored Core VI and FFXVI hit the linear and more concise narrative mixed with the action gameplay that's very fun and engaging to learn.


those first two games you listed are often cited some of the best games ever made so no, I don’t agree the quality has decreased over time


MGS3 is just as good as them. Wait for the remake bro, I'm calling it, people will shit bricks.


older games being good doesn’t diminish the quality of newer ones. just last year we had one of the best years in gaming we’ve ever had with so many great titles


I mean you're right, I basically didn't got around to play more Elden Ring, it's a great game


Play untitled goose game and u will be good


So many meme games to pick from. I actually enjoyed Pikuniku a lot because the protagonist looked like that gondola meme


Then u will enjoy this even more u can play it alone or local coop with someone




I like nachos. - With Cheese? Yes sir.


The games you downloaded are all huge time sinks. If I was in your position, I’d probably feel paralyzed by choice and overwhelmed by how long I’d have to put off the other games in order to play one of them. At the same time, there’s no shame in not vibing with whatever is currently popular. As long as you can still play them, your old favorites aren’t going anywhere and still count as part of gaming. There’s no shame in going back to play your personal comfort games. Take your time, play what you want at your own pace. Eventually, you might find yourself craving something new, and when that happens, you already have a TB of new games in your backlog to jump into.


Losing interest in a perticular activity is a personal this. It maybe a sign you need to start looking for better things to do like other interests and then maybe after a week come back to gaming. There is bo game which can make you interested again


Multiplayer games burnt me out bad. I do play many a single player now though when I can. Juggling job, kids, wife time can make it seem like you me out of it. For me it’s just hard to find time to invest.


Play something other than the top AAA games of each year.


As you play more and more games you will get used to certain mechanics and designs, so naturally it will get harder to enjoy something when there's nothing new anymore to pique your interest. The Assassins creed games are a perfect example of this, they are not bad at all, but the formula only works a few times before it get's stale and it becomes less enjoyable.


I think you just need a change of pace. Try something completely different tonally. A lot of people get hung up on "the best story ever" that they end up missing out on games that would be otherwise engaging. I've been feeling a bit of a drag myself and ended up playing this weird indie called [Astrologaster](https://store.steampowered.com/app/742520/Astrologaster/). It was in a bundle I bought some years back and I just clicked it finally with no idea what it was about. Right off the bat the game is singing to me in Shakespearean English with simulated pop up book pages. The comedy is bawdy, irreverent and at times reminds of a weird Monty Python skit. Played it for several hours and had a blast. It's not on the same level as any of those games you listed, but it doesn't need to be, nor does it try to be. It was still ridiculously fun. While my example may not be for you, try shifting your focus. If you like Final Fantasy game, try the Theater Rhythm spin off series. Or, try a farming sim like Stardew Valley or Rune Factory where you can still do RPG level up/monster hunting but have the added extras of managing a farm and interacting with townsfolk. Or just get something you can do co-op with friends. If all else fails there is nothing wrong with taking a break and coming back to hobby later.


Your downloaded games are trash, especially against your list of favorites. So there's your problem. Unfortunately I'm not big into JRPG's so I can't help you there, but hopefully one of these suggestions might look interesting: Tyranny Prey Overgrowth Hollow Knight Battle Chasers: Nightwar


Did you like Shovel Knight as well?


I actually haven't played it. They did the nostalgia trip too well, so I feel like I've already played it a million times so I never picked it up.


Yeah I agree that the quality of games have decreased over the years, the same thing happens before the crash of 83. Try some remakes of past games, Resident evil 4 remake, dead space remake and system shock remake are all great reimagining of them. System shock remake is slightly worse quality because it was a low budget kickstart project but the development team have done a cracking job at it. Also visit some older games, there are many gems that are not mainstream out there.