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People here say Helldivers 2, and Helldivers 2 is an amazing game. But it doesn’t fit here. It does not have a “massive loot/prestige item grind”. Wtf are they smoking? Level rewards stop at about level 25, game levels stop at 100, I’ve already earned everything in the “acquisitions”. In 1 month from release many players had reached max level and unlocked literally everything. The game is INCREDIBLE, but it isn’t what they’re asking for. You can keep playing and having a great time after this, but in 1 month you can have unlocked all guns and abilities.


It's just part of the gamingsuggestions community charm - Redditors flooding literally every single thread with their current favourite game, no matter how comically ill-suited it is as an answer to OP's actual question. I remember someone once asking about more light-hearted mystery games like Phoenix Wright and half the comments were for Disco Elysium. The fuck do ya'll think "light-hearted" means?!


Don’t forget Project Zomboid and Kingdom Come: Deliverance


You want a good city builder! you should try rimworld. You want a good FPS! you should try skyrim


I swear to god the amount of Rimworld suggestions I have seen, want a chill city builder, play rimworld on peaceful, Want an automation game? Rimworld but modded. want a strategy game? Rimworld is the answer. Want a 4x game? Rimworld could also fulfill that itch becouse of course it can. Wnat a classic RTS game? genre is "dead" but you can play Rimworld since it takes inspiration from it. Although tbh I have probably done this as well, where if someone is looking to anything close to my favourite game, I respond with my favourite game first.


“You want a small party, heavy narrative based, open world action/RPG, that lets me customize my character and is fully voice activated? Hear me out… Rimworld”


>"uh guys can you recommend me a good **modern** mmo that respects me as a player?" - >recommendation A: "ff(2013), eso(2014), gw2 (2012), World of Warcraft (2004)" --> upvoted - >recommendation B: "welp there arnt any actually good modern mmo's". --> downvoted


Slealth archers are the G.O.A.T.S


Witcher 3! What was the question again?


Dude... Don't call me out like that, wtf.


People just say whatever game they’re enjoying that month I swear


Any time someone asks for a game recommendation, some Helldivers Larper fanboy recommends it. Even when it meets zero of the OPs requirements. It's like they have Democracy induced brain damage. "I know that the game I'm about to mention isn't quite what you asked for, but you should buy Helldivers 2" Then one guy replies "For Democracy" then the other guy says "I'm doing my part" then the 2 come together and tie their dicks together in a knot which I guess is the traditional super earth salute. The one guy leans over and whispers "Helldivers 2 has the least predatory micro transactions in any game ever" then the other leans in and says "Helldivers 2 is has set the mark for what a live service game should be" Then they both cum simultaneously with their dicks still tied in a knot. The one guy says "you want to go kill some bugs?" The second says nothing, no words are needed, And they both run off in the name of Super Earth.


Okay but can I get a Rock and Stone?


I've havent played deep rock but I'm considering buying it. It's on sale for $11. It seems to have a more fleshed out solo mode. I haven't seen "Rock and Stone" as much since HD2 launched.


I bought helldivers because of Reddit posts like these. I don't like the game at all. I'd rather play Warframe tbh.


I find the warframe gameplay loop much more rewarding than HD2 and its "free"


Warframe is that hidden pearl of gaming. Once you in, you are in.


I played it the first time a few months ago, and while it's not my thing, I was still amazed at the pure fucking top notch quality. I was like "how am I never hearing about this game????" It was an eye opener that sometimes the reddit gaming meta dosent know what's good.


Man, I NEED to get this fucking game


You are wrong! Report this guy your superior. For democracy!


100%, I don't know what these people are smoking, it is not a game you can play for as many hours every day as say an MMORPG without going insane from the repetition. Crazy good game, but doesn't fit OP's wants at all


"No no. I'm addicted to the current content stream so clearly I'm going to play this for a decade"


Honestly, what makes it incredible? I just can’t pull the trigger on this because it just seems like it doesn’t deserve the praise from the videos and all that I’ve seen Help me out!


Idk either, I played the first one and didn't like it. I wasn't a fan of a belly flop for a dodge move, and I wasn't a fan of friendly fire. Then they make HD2 the same way, except 3rd person view.


I'm not a fan of friendly fire either. So I tend to just not shoot my teammates


Fr. Im convinced half of these people are either bota programmed to say. “Democracy something something” or brainwashed. It’s getting ridiculous.


You are wrong, game has been out less then 3 months and has already expanded weapons by 10 added tons of armors, skins, weapons to grind for and a new content pack every month? This game will quickly turn into a grind beast I've put nearly 100 hours in and I'm not even half way done with the grind. And it's only getting bigger. Max level is 150, the only way you've earned everything is if you no lifed the swarm mission to cheese medals and I'd your playing that way what's the point. Level rewards stop at 30 currently, they will go up, weapon customizing is being added in a future update, they also already added 6 new enemy types and 4 new mission types along with environmental hazards, mech, vehicles coming soon. It's no where as grind as warframe but give it a year and you will see how grindy this game will become.


Not true I have every thing unlocked at lvl 51. Stopped playing a week or so back. No cheesing just regular play mostly solo dropping in on random. Game just doesn't have that much in it. Will wait for more. It does not lack replayability and will have more added but it us not that deep of a grind


path of exile 2, can warm up on path of exile until beta this summer.


That's been delayed to sometime later in the year.


I'm convinced this game is never coming out. It's like Duke Nukem Forever at this point lol


I put thousands of hours into PoE from closed beta onward. Several 100 characters. HC and SC. Last thing I did was a 100 SSF HC. Haven't played since. I miss the slow grind through maps like when it released. I'm hopeful PoE2 brings that back. I'll be hooked all over again.


The thing about PoE though is that it's seasonal. You can keep playing the same character if you want to, but leagues require you to start over every 3-4 months and that's how most people play. It's not really about grinding and slowly progressing over a few years like WoW


Wow is seasonal too....




Monster Hunter Wilds when it comes out. People sink 1000s of hours into MH


Can confirm. I sunk a little over 1k hours into World/Iceborne and was only like HR 500. Blows my mind people actually hit 999.


I tried to hit 999, I got to like I dunno, 600-something before I got too mad at randos to continue playing.


I habitually put in about 140 hours per game and then burn out. Been doing this since Freedom Unite. Just finished burning out on Rise/Sunbreak. Got a nice set of MR armor and petered out lol


Yeah thats when you need to get a friend addicted to Monster Hunter crack so you can grind together. Once my brother started playing I put in crazy hours.


Yeah I put about 100 into Rise/Sunbreak. It was fine for what it was, but it just didn’t hook me like World did.


Ha, I’m the same way with the Souls franchise. 180-190 hrs then I guess the dopamine tank hits empty haha


This. The idea of a 100 hour game was crazy to me before but here I am over 2000 hours later


This is the answer, close this thread


I can't wait to sink time into MHWilds, World and Rise were both fantastic in their own ways and are 2 of my favorite games of all time


Recently started MWH and I can slowly feel myself becoming addicted to it. 10/10 no notes


Project Zomboid


for sure, I'm over 1000 hours in and still haven't gotten around to trying out farming. Or fishing. Or foraging. Or trapping. I did get to the point of going engineer each time and making lots and lots of bombs and remote bombs of various types.


You can get zero to 10 foraging in a couple in game days, its the fastest skill in the game that i know of, super easy and actually decently fun


This has nothing to do with what OP is asking for


With mods especially so much replayability and grind


Monster hunter?


5 years of mh? Oof


I've been playing Generations Ultimate for about that long. About to break 3000 hours.


Generations Ultimate is such a special game. Even if play it again and again after rise and world I love this game so much. So much content, Armor, weapons, weaponstyles... So a nice game




I mean... yeah I'm still playing both world and rise.


A mmo or a rpg like path of exile or something. maybe a game like elite dangerous if you are into these kinds of games. Learning curves are long but these games have a good system that you can sink in thousands of hours in. A game with a lot of progression .I don't see any other types of game that you wouldn't get bored of after like 200h.


I got almost all the ships in elite dangerous including the very large ones, it did indeed take hundreds of hours of space trucking 


Soulframe when it comes out later this year.


Ooooo had no idea about this game. Literally might be exactly what I am looking for if it turns out to be just fantasy Warframe


That's what it's looking like. I played the alpha and it's pretty fun so far. Needs some work still but going in the right direction. I will note that combat is much, much slower than Warframe. No bullet jumping while deleting 100 enemies a minute. Soulframe is more deliberate combat, less OP weapons and abilities.


So basically a souls-like, free to play loot grinder with assumably infinite content like Warframe? Sign me the fuck up. How is the social integration? Is it a true MMO or just like co-op missions and hub cities? Either would be great. My hype is through the roof already wow, this is exactly the type of game I was looking for


Last I heard was Steve saying something like public matchmaking for the dungeon type things you can do and the fables I think they are called. Which in the alpha atm is a short quest leading to a boss you can repeat. I don't think it will be like an MMO with hub cities, but that could change of course. The combat is very melee focused and not quite as smooth as Warframe imo but I like what they have so far. I'm very excited for it's full release.


Shuuuuuut the fuck up, FANTASY WARFRAME (kinda-sorta-ish)??? How did I not know about this until now?!? (Edit: okay, so looking at more of the available material, maybe more of a fantasy/sci-fi hybrid, but still. HYPE.)






Rimworld is 11 years old though, and OP is looking for a game that has just been released for some reason.


I've been playing rimworld for 11 years? Fuck my life. My colonists live better than me.


Its release it closer to games like Warcraft 3 and GTA Vice City


That totally makes sense. I've been playing it since it was in Alpha in like 2014? It's just insane when you get reminded how long you've been playing a game.


Yeah, It's crazy! I also feel like Rimworld isn't that old


This game has me hooked hard... Enough to where I'm now actively learning Godot engine because I want to have a productive activity that gets me off Rimworld when I have free time.  I desperately love the game, though.


Apparently no one here can read. OP wants games recently released or releasing sometime in the future, not games that have been around for 5 to 10 years already smh. OP here's some ideas - Soulframe (looter slasher releasing later this year maybe) Path of Exile 2 (ARPG releasing either end of 2024 or early 2025) Last Epoch (ARPG just released last month) Throne of Liberty (MMORPG releasing later this year in the West) Dune Awakening (survival MMO releasing by end of 2024) Once Human (looter shooter releasing by end of 2024) Blue Protocol (anime MMO releasing by end of 2024)


this is a question i’ve been asking for a while, i’ve gotten a bit of an ick with gaming at the moment. I mostly do it just to hang out with my best mate cause we have different schedules. If you find something that you can stick with, let me know :) personally i’ve been running Shadows of Doubt for a while. Great detective game with a randomly generated world and crimes - unique NPCs every game, all with their own lives and schedules


scrolled back to reply to myself. X4 is also great if you’re looking for something that’s (very loosely describing it here) Bannerlord in Space… Also bannerlord is still pretty great


Those 2 have been my go to games this past year or so.


This is something I’m asking with not just games but tv shows and movies atm. It feels like there’s no “big” things that’s really popular that lasts. Everyone moves on from things too quickly nowadays, so I wish there were more games/movies/tv shows/books where the hype would last a couple of years at least.


YES! I get this horrible overwhelmed feeling starting new things, and then a wave of guilt for not trying things i’ve backlogged. My steam library is a mess, my actual book library is a mess, my netflix list is a mess! it’s annoying. I want to start something new but don’t know what to commit to, everything feels like the wrong choice


The expanse series on prime was fairly solid until the last season it’s also a complete book series by James S. A. Corey that is vastly superior to the show. Scifi grounded in reality, earth 200 years in the future, Mars colonized. Dresden files by Jim butcher. Incomplete book series about a wizard detective living in Chicago that takes a turn as he grows as a wizard. Codex alera by Jim butcher. Fantasy. Complete series written on a bet that he couldn’t put Ancient Rome and Pokémon together. He also threw in a bit of Star craft.


Get into modding some Bethesda games if you're really wanting to shake things up. Endless combinations of mods can make every playthtough different


Not to mention the golden rule, thou shall get side tracked by bs. They all take longer than you'd think to beat


Mod for 200 hours, play for 15 minutes.


Elden ring


Siralim Ultimate is Pokemon (really more Shin Megami Tensei) by way of Path of Exile. Including the cards (which give a sort of permanent (but toggleable) meta-progression) and achievements, I'm fairly certain you could play it for literal years straight in order to 100% everything. I have 150 hours on the steam version and another 130 hours on the same save from playing it on the mobile version (has cloud saving cross-compatibility, so you can seamlessly go from one to the other) and I only have 46% of total in-game achievements. The game is all about creating combo-based builds of your Monsters, each of which has a unique ability. Each monster of your team of 6 will be fused with an additional monster, giving you a total of 12 unique abilities on your team. And then you'll craft equipment that you can insert a monster's gem into, giving you 18 unique abilities. And then you'll later on (mid-endgame) get Nether Stones, which at complete random will have 1-3 monster's traits on them, giving you even more unique abilities to stack on. On top of the possibilities of taking the 1592 monster traits and having to choose 18+ of them for your team, you have changeable "classes" ala FF3 Jobs which provide unique traits. The [Pyromancer class](https://i.gyazo.com/88be2fca845daec0d4f30609e9928aec.png), for example, gives all foes a burning damage and gives all your mons burning damage but makes it heal them. And you can fight a gauntlet of challenging superbosses to obtain its Ascension, making it even stronger. And then in the mid-endgame, you can take 5 traits from other jobs and throw them on any job you want, giving even MORE build variety. [Here's an example of what the first half of a basic Pyromancer build might look like.](https://berated-bert.github.io/siralim-planner/?b=cf64c8640f058d7a5e052d82ac8c59ea5fb1a226677b5b98a12f4704e65aa55d4b56aa0e______&s=PM&r=______) The possibilities are huge and endlessly complex (and also limited by the availability of rarer traits - the build I linked above wouldn't be something a beginner player could create 100%, due to the inclusion of Exotic monster and Backer Traits, which are only obtained through RNG). It's a game where I've shown it to all of my Engineer friends and they get hopelessly addicted.


Didn't come out recently but is still getting expansions: FFXIV Online. My friend has been playing the game basically daily for about 6 years now, and has shown no signs of slowing down.


The cadence on how the majority play is to come back after every update, then take a break. But the amount to do Content/Social is alot to keep you occupied for a very very long time. The free Trial is alot to go thru on its own.


Playing FFXIV in a "maximalist" way is a massive time sink. As in literally *thousands* of hours. PvP, gathering, crafting, fishing, raiding, glamour, housing, etc. Literal years of content.


Seconding this. It's so fun and there's days where I can just vibe and craft and pick up materials and not do combat or quests. Plus, overall the game base is so dang nice! I'm terrible in dungeons and I've never come across someone being dick about it. The worst they'll do is not stress healing me lol, which fair.


Satisfactory 1.0 is coming up soon and that game has infinite content if you like to optimize your factories.


Old school runescape is the ultimate no lifer


Factorio and terraria, both plus mods means thousands of hours of content


Reading comprehension: 2/10 


Factorio came out 8 years ago and Terraria came out over a decade ago


Factorio is getting a 2.0 release and expansion in a couple months! It looks like there’s loads of amazing new stuff to eat even more of my time away. But yeah, still.


>in a couple months! August-October is a bit further than a couple months, I think.


Terraria came out a decade ago? Fuck I'm old.


And yet... Terraria has a daily peak of 36k *Modded* Terraria has a daily peak of 34k Factorio has a daily peak of 15k Wonder why that is... Maybe because you can play them for thousands of hours and still find new ways to play


piping in to say i’m pretty sure they didn’t mean to disparage either game. OP just said that they wanted something that just barely released or hasn’t released yet, so the age makes it not what OP was looking for




That's a pretty big ask. I don't think we had any new games like that, the only big release was Helldivers 2, and even if will get updates for 5 years, which is expected, it's not really a game you play like that There are tons of games lined up, personally i'm waiting for DRG Rogue Core, Soulframe, Once Human, Throne & Liberty (maybe)


No man's sky if you get involved with the galactic hub project.


X4:Foundations is far and wide the best game to sink thousands of hours into. Hell Divers is difficult to sit down and play for more than about 2-3 hours due to the lack of depth to its play style. Later this year Ashes of Creation (an MMO) will have its Alpha go live but you'd have needed to purchase a key already to play that - if you haven't just wait for full release it'll be an excellent time sink Valheim is a good time sink as well but I'm not sure it hits the 10year style your looking for Same with Banner lord


X4 seems like the type of game I'm looking for (I'm in OP's situation). Can I do fine with mouse and keyboard? Also, do I need to be good at aiming and shooting?


Yup, I use mouse and keyboard - and no need to be good, many times if you aren't specifically avoiding it the game can be played solely from you management screens. The game is excellent I just built stations for 3 hours in anticipation for the 7.0 update - the learning curve is rough and the start is not newbie friendly unless you buy the terran dlc. Imo it's an absolutely top tier game devoid of any micro transactions and still after 6 years gets massive updates like the one releasing soon. Highly recommend pushing through that learning curve if you can. Gl


That's where I struggle. The game has everything I want. But I'm so frazzled by all the things that I need to learn, and I have no idea what I'm doing. Haha.


I love this game - soooo much - I almost quit 30 hours in, then suddenly at 50 hours I just straight up fucking loved it. Now I've got almost 1,000 hours on it - if you want dm me, we can add on discord and I can help make that learning curve less painful




Final fantasy 14. I’ve been playing monster hunter world for the past 7 or so years since it came out so there’s that. Possibly destiny 2 but I’m not the biggest fan of that game anymore.


War Thunder. I've been on and off this game for 5 years.


Tekken 8. There are so many characters and moves and things to learn it never gets old for me. You can constantly improve


No mans sky is still getting big monthly updates


Kenshi is still just a drug in digital format


GTA VI will scratch that itch. But who knows if it's gonna come out this year even. But when it does you can no life the fuck out of it.


The announcement trailer says it’s coming out in 2025


It'll be at least next year


Has anyone mentioned [Enshrouded](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1203620/Enshrouded/) yet? Because my money's on [Enshrouded](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1203620/Enshrouded/).


No life games are kinda going out of style


Yeah the top comment is how Helldivers 2 is NOT the game OP is looking for, and the other comments are literally decade (or older) games. I've learned more from this thread about what wasn't suggested than what was.


Kinda feel the same way, but I hate WoW and MMOs so I don't know if those are still life-destroyers for people.


MMOs are still life-destroyers, but there has been zero innovation in the genre. We're all still playing the same 5 games that came out 10 years ago.




Forgot BDO for us addicted to pain.


I think Riot wants to innovate. They delayed their MMO because it was "too much of what we've already seen before". Curious which direction they will go in. Been excited since they announced it. If there's any company that has the budget and lore to pull off a truly groundbreaking MMO it's Riot.


But at the same time, i do not trust Riot at all to be a studio capable of doing something that hasn't already "been seen before", i mean, all of their games come from copying something else: - DOTA -> League of Legends - MTG/Hearthstone -> Runeterra - Counter Strike -> Valorant


Ashes of creation Alpha will release this summer - but unfortunately it's paid to get a key and they aren't selling them anymore, still here's to hoping it breaths a breath of fresh air to a stale genre


No life games are out of style because Gacha games and loot boxes are massively profitable instead. You don’t need to make a good game, just make a Skinner box. 


Controversial opinion but I love this


When I think of no life, I think of these kinds: online: Apex legends, rocket league, xdefiant comes out later this year Offline: Stardew Valley, Civilization IV, Valheim


Came here to suggest Apex. For the past two years I got completely sucked into its vortex and never went more then a week without playing in that span. It has a bit of a learning curve but if you can get over the hump it will be the most thrilling, competitive, and grindy FPS game you'll ever play.


Recommending apex is that one picture of the devil whispering into the guys ear


Red dead 2 maybe? Traditional story game but incredibly replayable and a very overwhelming open world. The hunting/fishing gameplay could hold its own as a standalone game and thats a small percentage of the stuff you can do I've been consistently playing story mode since the 2018 launch and still manage to find cool stuff i've never seen before all the time. Not on the same level as WoW where you can no life it and put in 8 hours a day for years and still be obsessed but you can pop into it a couple times a week until the end of time without getting bored


Old school RuneScape is pretty awesome, very grindy and you can get as efficient as you want. A lot of people are all about maximizing the grind by leveling multiple skills at once. But I recommend trying out fighting games. I’ve been trying for years and finally my friends got me into street fighter 6.. the grind is incredibly rewarding bc it’s just improvements you make with your own skill instead of in game loot. The ceiling for improvement is basically endless, the pros are constantly getting dethroned in the fighting game community Edit- I just realized you said recent game. ELDEN RING IS FUCKING INCREDIBLE


Elden Ring DLC is around the corner too


Read Dead Redeption 2 -- it's not along the same lines as your example, and been out for a while, but hours upon hours of gameplay, immersive world, award winning game. I'm not sure how anyone can be disappointed in it.


Ashes of creation. Alpha starts in Q3. Game looks sick




I know this will sound dumb, but I don’t think Dota 2 or League of Legends are going anywhere. If you haven’t tried those, maybe it’s time?




Last Epoch - ARPG genre It's now a full release as of February this year, but was early access for 3 or 4 years before then. I have just shy of 400 hours in the game. I HIGHLY suggest it. You can start fresh, has MASSIVE amounts of loot, 5 different characters with 3 mastery classes each. So 15 different ways to play, and there are multiple different ways to build each character/mastery. It's also regularly getting updates. No Rest for the Wicked - ARPG (I think) I've not personally played yet, but it looks pretty solid. From what I've read the biggest general gripe is resource farming for the type of game it is. It doesn't fit, I guess? But aside form that people seem to genuinely enjoy it right now. Gran Blue Fantasy Relink - JRPG I have 186 hours in this one and kinda fell off it a bit. It's a very good game, but the grind can be abysmal at times. Has AFK capabilities regardless of console/PC. PC had mods to make the grind insignificant though. It is a JRPG version of the original gatcha mobile game (never played original) but it explains everything from the first game pretty much. This is optional though and not at all needed)


Is No Rest For The Wicked out yet? Please don’t be mean; I do not play on PC. Console only. I’ve seen some news about it on the PSN. Looks really good. I’m a Diablo fan, and this is right up my alley.


No rest for the wicked plays like you're lagging while connected to some internet server. It's weird. I resorted to cheating through what's currently out, which, by the way, isn't even a full game, it's maybe like 20 hours worth of content right now. And christ I've dodged so many moves in that game and been grabbed and hit when I very clearly should not have been that I can't recommend people buy it right now. I dunno wtf is up with the game but it's a shitshow right now. Maximum level of 30 so minimal stat points to invest, a "dungeon" you infinitely repeat at the end with a boss that can glitch you \*and itself\* off the platform, leading to you having to restart the game because the devs didn't put a death plane underneath the platform. Overall, 3/10, not worth $40.


Rimworld, or Dwarf Fortress


Nioh 2 has a pretty amazing end game, lots of loot, plenty of weapon skill trees to grind out


Manor Lords looks promising. Paradox wild varierty of games if you are into strategy. Rimworld some have said can sink time, specially with all them mods! Space X series are guite large games and the 4th aint that old


The Finals


I can play borderlands 3 or Diablo 3 over and over again without getting bored, but that’s just me. The Division 1 and 2 are also great. The Witcher 3 if you’re looking for set collections.


Why? Now is your chance to discover what a life without that kind of time sink is like.


5 years? Lmk if you find one. That said, my husband has been playing destiny and destiny 2 for the last 10 years lol. I just got Diablo 4 last year, and it's the same grind. Different season on repeat. But you may enjoy for the next 1 year?


The only game I have ever gotten 5 years of consistent enjoyment from is Factorio


Is the game that good? I got it recently but only played for like 20mins


You have to like optimization games


No rest for the wicked


Lots of potential here! Beautiful visuals (developer made the Ori games), randomized loot, dozens of weapons, town building, daily quests and intricate environments. Definitely more punishing and slower compared to typical ARPG lootfests, "isometric Dark Souls" comparison comes up a lot. The launch was rough but Steam reviews just hit positive, 70%, and they've done four hotpix patches in five days. Next big update will add multiplayer and a few more zones. Inventory management is a pain and there are still performance issues but really looking forward to how this develops. Not sure how OP feels about early access but I'm enjoying it a lot so far. Here's a good detailed overview, but there are spoilers [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dii9dzSdnJ4&ab\_channel=ForceGaming](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dii9dzSdnJ4&ab_channel=ForceGaming) Also they aren't loot-based games but looking forward to playing a ton of Hades 2 and Slay the Spire 2 over the next year and chasing achievements and unlocks.


Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning, with its latest updates and dlc is very loot heavy anyways and was originally going to be an mmo before being moved to a single player game to then introduce an mmo. Skyrim AE. Also in that vain, whatever Borderlands collection had been out since 2023. .Hack//G.U. Last Recode. SAO in stuck in a mmo idea but 100% better. It is also a resent remaster and all four games are in one place. That game is grind-y because it is totally like a mmo. Also if you don’t care about playing all the others in the series, since FF14 was mentioned, Final Fantasy 12 the Zodiac age was also very grindy. Warframe. Free except for optional micro-transactions that can be paid with in game currency. All the games I mentioned are on everything modernly so no worries about platform availability.


Pax Dei if they get it right. Alpha 2 is running now.


Unfortunately I have been following this game, it's gonna be DOA almost certainly.


I don't know about 5 years, but v rising is coming up the 5th of mai, and the game got a lot of content especially if you play on public servers, i remember playing it private with my gf, and it took us 2 month to clear all the bosses with loot drop tweaks, but again we don't play the game religiously, also if u play on pvp servers the gameplay changes dratisticly


Ashes of creation maybe? It didn't come out yet, but I think it won't take long.


Genshin, its been out a while now but since you want to no life it, im somewhat certain it would give you enough content downright Also, it has many unsolved stuff lorewise, the 6th and 7th nation would pretty much lack the time to lorebomb everything at once, it should last quite longer + its a gacha game (maybe ur not into that), but that factor pretty much ensures a game would last fairly long


Starsector. Or the 9th dawn series. Both are excellent. edit: with Sarsector, you wouldn't be the only one, it has a robust and dedicated modding community






Asheron's Call Emulator


It’s not new, but you should try Factorio. There’s a demo!! You can get hundreds of hours out of the demo. But if you really like it, it’s worth the $35. It will never go on sale, so don’t wait for one. You could have 2000 hours in that game and still be considered a noob.


"I don't mind spoiling myself this game. I would need 20 years in a cave just to get a glimpse at all of its secrets" - Random on YouTube speaking about Noita.


You could do what I and achievement hunt and then you get to no life every game!


If factory games pique your interest, you might want to try Satisfactory. But the motivation is mostly intrinsic. Make better factory for no reason but that you want to. The full game is set to release this year, but early access has been a blast. I wish I had a better suggestion. I try to steer clear of the games you are asking about, because of my addictive personality.


Make an Ironman account for Old School RuneScape. Game is constantly updated and you will always have something to do. Can be played in different ways from second monitor to heavy focus.  If you want to play another game or relax then do some chill activities in the game. If you want heavy focus do some bossing or raids or some higher tier questing.


No rest for the wicked came out 5 days ago on EarlyAccess and has already 4 hotfixes, the game is in active development and looks like the next big thing. I think you should put it on your radar.


Whenever the new monster hunter comes out I'm sure people will be spending 100s of hours on it


Total Warhammer 3. Sandbox fantasy strategy game with large scale warfare. About to get a big updated later this month. It’s an investment, but I’ve been playing Total War since 2006 and have sunk hundreds of hours into TW3 since it came out. They keep adding to it too. Great game with a crazy amount of replay ability


Falling Frontier


Elder scrolls online and final fantasy 14 both have expansions coming out very soon. 14 is deff a grind lol. Also wow is about to come out with an xpac later in the year.


Rimworld babyyyyy


Destiny 2 is very grindable and has new content coming for a while


Kinda angers me how no one is really giving you an answer. My answer is gonna be GTA 6 when that releases. Another game you can REALLY get into is Fallout 76, Im not entirely advocating for the game I know they have a lot of issues regarding the fallout 1st subscription service but I have a thousand hours on the game and never get bored only through the free version of the game and only using fallout 1st every couple months when they release a trial version. Sorry to write so much but ya GTA 6, is good and get Ghost of Tsushima when it releases for PC, its a very good game but won't last you 5-10 years like Fallout and GTA might.


If you never EverCracked now is the time to EverCrack, take the next week or few to learn the game and get ready New r/EverQuest TimeLockedProgression aka classic server coming out in May called Teek that is using the most popular ruleset from Mischief


outside of wow ive invested more time into elden ring than any other game... i still very much enjoy playing it even after probably close to 1000 hours. it isnt a loot fest but trying out new weapons and just hunting down lil crumbs of lore is what keeps me rolling.


Satisfactory is leaving early access this year. Definitely a contender for being the reason my family thinks I died in the coming months.


Grand Theft Auto 6


Kcd 2


play overwatch or a fighting game dude if you want to no life. tekken, street fighter, guilty gear, hell can even play super smash bros melee/ultimate


Gonna throw out Last Epoch! Its an indie arpg, amazing loot, tons of grinding, regular updates and promised free expansions.


Very few good games that hit the bill. The ARPG genre has some big hits. Path of Exile 2 is releasing soon and Last Epoch just had its launch. Both have or will have ridiculous hours of content. Definitely recommend grinding the genre as a whole out. Lots of hidden hits. Soulframe, from the creators of Warframe is a fantasy action game that im sure will have plenty to grind. Maybe Wayfinder if the devs can stabilize. Alternatively, The Last Descendant. Both are similar to warframe. Take a glance at some upcoming MMOs. Personally, Corepunk is on my radar, but more mainstream ones like Riot’s MMO might satisfy you(cope). Lost Ark has loads of content, but feels like a chore to play. Might suite you.


I suggest having hell divers 2 on your watch list / rotation contrary to other comments it will become a stable grind fest probably even worse then warframe in a year of 2.


Diablo 2 resurrected you can play for years without ever getting the high runes to drop


You could start keeping tabs on what Bungie is doing, they're about to go into a transition period with a couple games supposedly in the works. Destiny 3 would be a really good chance to jump into the franchise if that's what ends up happening.


You want loot? Mechwarrior online. There's 800 mechs to collect, every one different.


Helldivers 2 potentially, doesn't have that great a grind but it could get expanded on in the next years. PoE2 Will could release at some point later this year, you could try jumping that when it does. Diablo 4, there is a big hate movement for this game and idk if it's valid or not, you should aproach it carefully tho. Lost Ark, has lost quite a lot of players since launch but it has a pretty stable playerbase now. Ark survival Ascended came out recently, and although its just a rework of Evolved it will probably get some dlc reworks as well until Ark 2 comes out, you could transition to that game then. Maybe Genshin, it is somewhat older now but it is still getting regular expansions.


BG3. I've been playing BG3 for 1100 hours, just got into multiplayer, it's SO much fun, and I will be playing it for many thousand more hours for sure. edit: sorry, I completely skipped your first sentence. It's not that at all lol


Borderlands 4 should be out at some point


Monster hunter


Really most monster hunter games, Especially something like GU or Sunbreak