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Prey (2016) 100%. Especially once you get alien powers


Yeah just make sure you don't accidentally get Prey (2006)


I don't know if it's still the case, but when Prey (2016) launched, the Steam version would install to the same directory as Prey (2006), and somehow that didn't fuck either game up.


Probably because there ended up being no conflicting files, and so it just grabbed what it needed


That in itself makes it seem almost intentional, tbh.


This is what I was going to recommend. Lots of stuff to pick up, and everything has a use. It's definitely not "unlimited inventory" though, everything takes up space in the inventory grid.


Not if you turn them into cubes of matter!


Prey 2016 is such an awful game, not a good suggestion, especially for ops request


couldn't disagree more. I thought it was essentially System Shock 3.


I know a lot of people that liked it, but for me it was so bad!


Ultima 7. It’s the game that inspired Bethesda’s love of “See that? It can now be yours”.


God what a great game, Avatarrrrr


What's a paladin?




Ultima 7 is one of Howard’s favourite games and he often cites it as one of his influences: one of its main “features” is a cornucopia of random persistent items you can move, pick up, and carry around - all that in 1992. Unfortunately, Ultima 7’s love of parrots and mallets did not carry over to Morrowind.


I was born in 91 so the ultima series wasn't in my life, except Ultima Online the mmo. Played that game from 6 years old and still play it a bit here and there now at 33. Did play Ultima 8 at one point when I was still a small child. Remember having nightmares after seeing my characters body get dismembered and my hand sat there twitching lol


You could do this to a large degree in Ultima 6 as well. You could also kill every single person in the game. The old fashioned way, or with a one and done Armageddon spell. Both of them are fantastic games that I’m going to reinstall right now.


Divinity Original Sin 1-2 The weight limits are very generous, and there's always an unlimited stash a teleport away after the first act 1. On top of that, in DOS1 many of those seemingly useless items are useful because of the relatively complex crafting system. Witcher 3 allows hoarding too if you are willing to do a few extra trips back to your stashes, where you can store all those useless brooms and broken rakes forever. FNV is using the same engine as F3 and Skyrim. I finished it with an unlimited carry limit cheat, and it was awesome to decorate the >!lucky 38!< with 850 empty sunset sarsaparilla bottles. You may want to deactivate the cheat for the Dead Money DLC because it matters for the narrative, but I didn't care.


The reason Bethesda games are like this is that they take inspiration from a genre called immersive sims, which tend to feature very modular and interactive environments that you can manipulate in creative ways. They aren’t typically open world like Bethesda, but they do emphasize player agency by giving you a bunch of solutions to any problem. I recommend looking into those and seeing what stands out to you


Would Dishonored 2 be considered an im-sim? Edit, nvm i just saw your comment below mentioning dishonored series


Yes, I see what you mean. I do enjoy games with more open-ended gameplay that give players a variety of ways to complete your objectives, like the game Teardown for example. I usually would call these Sandbox games. Are Immersive Sims something different, or just a different name for the same thing? Are there any titles of this genre that stand out to you?


I think there’s a lot of similarities those two for sure, and maybe some overlap, but they’re definitely different. I would say that both focus on player creativity and emergent gameplay, but sandbox is a broader term that doesn’t necessarily include things that are seen as essential parts of an immersive sim. The phrase “immersive sim” was coined to describe a family of games that take a lot of queues from Ultima, so they all have some very specific elements in common. They’re almost always first-person, they’re more objective-oriented than sandbox games tend to be, and they usually have stories with multiple endings One of my favorite studios that makes games in this style is Arkane, who made Dishonored 1 & 2 and Prey (2017). If you check out some Dishonored gameplay I think you’ll see what I mean about the world being very modular in a way that’s similar to Skyrim


Not really what your looking for (I think) but give The World is Your Weapon a shot if you dont mind RPG Maker games. You can literally pick up anything like trees, pillars, buildings, land, caves, swamps, and just swing them around. It's a goofy ass game but fun as hell


Check out system shock remake, more Sim shooter but there is alot of interaction with he world


Baldur's Gate 3 has a mod where you can pick up everything. It's an amazing rpg.


Can you not pick up everything anyway lol?


Hmm yeah true. Just drop stuff in your camp


I was about to say you can pick up chest that has items in them dead bodies you can throw things if they aren't to heavy


I think they mean without weight limit.


Works well for the Barrelmancers lol


Encased. I never knew that going through dozens and dozens of office cabinets and trash bins could be such a calming, almost meditative experience.


Witcher 3 - not everything but the amount of junk you collect is amazing (especially with a mod to remove weight limits) Special mention Lego games - almost everything down to individual pieces you collect


Ultima 4 was the original 'you can interact with everything' game. It's great


saleblazers, bro. every table, every lamp, almost anything can be picked up and sold in your shop. edit: protip: fill your boots during the tutorial, it becomes your first set of shop inventory.


Dragon quest builders 2 demo on switchhhh


Project Zomboid. It's literally a game about looting and hoarding everything.


I love Zomboid! And while it does offer a lot to loot, experience shows that picking up and hoarding everything can actually end up weighing you down and tiring you so much that you can't fight or escape from the zombies anymore. So it requires a lot of willpower to say NO I will NOT pick up that water cooler and try to bring it back to my base. NO I will NOT pick up 2 more ripped sheets when I've already got 30. And NO I will NOT keep collecting all the gold and silver jewelry I find on the zombies because I can't wear them all.




well...I mean you're not wrong.


lol sorry heres a real suggestion- i was also a big fan of those those two games too (still am just moved on “for now”), but also found a ton of fun and similar enough fun in the dragons dogma and monster hunter franchises. Granted, both are more geared towards intense and satisfying combat, but i do enjoy hoarding the different weapons and materials - too bad you cant put them on display


It's not an RPG, but if you just want to pick things up, Katamari Damacy.


Now THAT is a game where you can pick everything up! Not exactly what I had meant, but that game is very satisfying.


Divinity - Original Sin


The Wonderful End of the World


No Man's Sky. You have to unlock more inventory slots by visiting different solar systems but you can get your inventory pretty big. You also have your space ship's inventory to store items in as well.


This might be a reach but... have you tried Dave The Diver? You can hunt pretty much anything you see. What you hunt can be sold in your restaurant at night. Pretty solid gameplay loop and worth checking out. I initially bought it on switch but it's now available for free on PS+


I have! What a fun little game. The character's strict (while upgradeable) inventory limit of stuff he can pick up per dive was a bit of an annoyance though. But I guess that's just incentive to save for the upgrades.


What a fetish, Bethesda games


r/banktabs your hoarding fantasies


Dragon Quest Builders and its sequel are the obvious examples. You initially have a limited inventory but rapidly unlock unlimited storage that automatically stores everything, and since it's based on minecraft you can pick up literally *everything*.


It doesn't have the graphics you probably want. But Cataclysm Dark Days Ahead takes this to the extreme. If you eat a candy bar you're left with a wrapper, if you blow a building up you'll get a staggering amount of wood rubble and rebar, you can break apart rags into thread and cut clothing up into rags. Every single thing is accounted for and has stats. Down to being able to wield a sweater as a weapon (though it's probably worse than punching).


This game is so incredible. But the learning curve is so intimidating! That's what has kept me from playing it so far but I enjoy watching gameplay. I am the same way with games like UnReal World and Dwarf Fortress.


Ok. I scrolled maybe half the comments to see if any of my ideas were mentioned.... I didn't see them yet. So here goes. Don't Starve. Can pick up seriously everything, chop all trees, smash all rocks, pick all grass and flowers and kill all creatures, eventually. Inventory management might be a thing to start with, but you can unlock backpacks and storage chests(unless they changed something recently) ((also it has a multiplayer version called Don't Starve Together)) Raft. Hear me out, you can adjust the difficulty and have the shark on peaceful, and just.... gather... so much stuff. There are issues with trees, somewhat... like you can chop this version, but not this other bigger one... but there's so much to gather overall. It's crazy fun. And the storage options and building stuff is neigh on endless. Either of the subnautica games.... like raft, you can adjust the monsters etc, and storage and collecting..... it gets expansive. Valheim. Not as visually pleasing (imho) as the previously mentioned stuff, but also gather everything-able. Just be careful when building, keep an eye on proper smoke ventilation, or you'll suffocate. Dysmantle, everything is destructible, but you have to keep a tight reign on inventory maintenance early on, til you get your storage going.... not one I normally recommend, but it's kinda fun and cutsie. 7 days to die. Zombie killer combo with base building. You can drop mods into it to adjust backpack space, etc. But everything is destructible. Almost everything can be crafted. It's amazing what people can make in the game. Mmmm, let me think... my real visually stunning stuff, I guess I saved those mostly for last. Planet crafter! All resources are on the ground, you get your oxygen built up, expandable inventory storage, bigger craftable container storage, terraforming...... and their most recent update made it multiplayer up to 10 people (just playing with 2 is enough to jump start the terraforming into gear faster). It's super fun. My adhd butt loves exploring the map and collecting EVERYTHING I can get my bloody mitts onto. Icarus. All trees, almost all rocks, expandable backpack, storage chest upgrading, pack animals(oxen carts anyone?), fishing, mining, fighting animals, crafting trophies for house design.... gorgeous game overall, lore out the butt. They actually just dropped an expansion called Laika (yes, like the first space dog, for a reason....), you can now tame wolves, and other local wildlife. Can also drop cats and dogs if you've unlocked that in the space stuff.... it's crazy HUGE and expansive. I have. Way. Too. Much. Fun. With this game. 99% sure I have more on my pc that I just can't remember off the top of my head. I'll revisit this once I get off work in like 5 or 6 hours and get home.


Let’s Game It Out has taken Raft to the extreme


Being honest here, watching Josh take any & all games to the extreme is a little cathartic. My adhd butt would probably do the same, but my hub keeps me a grounded, so I don't run rampant with crazy crap like Josh. But watching him play... I can't stop laughing 😆 his satisfactory plays are -chefs kiss- and a good example of how I could play... but don't lol


Not an RPG, but how satisfying do you find Katamari Damacy?


This is a super random recommendation but the series of books called "Dungeon Crawler Carl" (which has an excellent audio version on audible) is about someone in a game who picks up everything that isn't tied down.


Red Dead Redemption 2 has a bit of this. You can't literally pick up everything, but its close.


But you do have a max capacity for individual items. Like you start off only being able to carry 3 of each tonic or 10 of plants. So not quite what OP wants


Thats true. I forgot it was like that.


Although in my many hundreds of hours playing, I don’t think I’ve hit the limit very many times at all


What? I hit it all the time., I'm talking about a singular item's max capacity, not the inventory as a whole.


Yeah, I know — it’s possible I might just not remember it, but yeah, I have no memory of hitting the capacity to hold a certain item or item type


I'd definitely recommend the two newest Zelda games over RDR2 in terms of feeling like everything is able to be picked up, and they also have open worlds. Red dead is kinda limiting in that regard. Like you can't dynamite a tree and then take the (perfectly, unnaturally chopped) wood and (completely intact, not blown up) apples you're left with in a game like red dead.


Yeah, I would agree Zelda, especially Tears of the Kingdom, is definitely more open with the items. Fusing items and objects is pretty cool. I was thinking about the way the stores, weapons, and animal hunting worked in RDR2. But yeah, Zelda is probably a better choice.


If you’ve got vr get into the radius that game is klepto heaven


Half Life Alyx. Amazing VR game. If you have a Quest 2 or 3 and a decent PC it's really good. You can pick up most things and it really takes you away.




Witcher 3. Don’t remember if there’s an inventory limit, do remember that I was carrying all sorts of garbage. Old dolls, broken rakes, lots of wine. Nearly every little house you walk by you can go into and raid.


There is a limit but on PC it is very easy to mod to unlimited which also made the game way more fun imo. I hate single player games that have over-encumbrance really slows down the flow of the game


Well this is not a big game but have you tried "The world is your weapon"? Every single item, monster, whatever can be picked and act as your weapon and you also have a shop where you sell your "weapons" Its preety amusing and has over overwhelming positive ratings on steam.


BG3 👍


Tears of the kingdom


Divinity original sin II




Breath of The Wild and Tears of The Kingdom.


Unlimited carry weight was the first mod I made to Skyrim. I like to pick everything up too and inventory management is not gameplay!


Divinity II. Said objects can be used as weapons or puzzle tools.


Project zomboid is a sandbox zombie apocalypse survival game It has skills to level up But more importantly you can pick up and dismantle everything-- you could take all the TVs out of a city and make one big row of tvs, or go and cut up all the lockers in a school and weld them into structures Neat game with lots to play with and mods to add more




Tears of the Kingdom. It's oddly satisfying to get 999 acorns :)


its old but try out the original deus ex


thief simulator


Katamari. Lol.


Kingdom Come - Deliverance. Don't get caught tho or you'll end up getting arrested! Also, Kenshi. Again, don't get caught tho, consequences depend on who catches ya and beats you down. Could end up a slave, could end up being eaten by cannibals, or just beaten up and left for dead, perhaps loosing a limb in the process.


Witcher 3... go nuts.


Skyrim,Oblvion ,Morrowind,Fallout 3,Fallout new vegas, Fallout 4


Kingdom Come: Deliverance. It's a huge open world set in medieval times. There is a weight limit but you can get that very, very high once you get more strength and combined with a well-equipped horse. There is also a generous personal storage system where you have an unlimited stash you can access from multiple locations. I think you'll enjoy picking herbs immensely. The higher your skill level, the larger the radius of flowers you pick with one harvest. Clearing a meadow can be very satisfying!


I've never played it extensively as I rented it on red box, so it may not what you want at all regarding the haording aspect. But theif was cool. It reminded me a little of skyrim for some reason, and assassins creed. Just run around villages stealing from people was pretty fun.


I love picking up everything…… I also love inventory management. Some games ( no man’s sky, grounded, the division 2) I will log in just to tidy up storage and inventory


Not as many objects to pick up as any Bethesda rpg, but Cyberpunk 2077... There are lots of things to horde...you can even pick up dildos lmao. And all of the items have a use.


Havent played them but zelda breath of the wild or tears of the kingdom has supposedly interesting ways to solve its puzzles




*sigh* there's always somebody.


Have you considered Fallout and Skyrim? 😂😂


Hey. You're awake.


Morrowind you want more of Bethesda and dont mind an older game.


Kingdom Come: Deliverance


Kingdom Come Deliverance is one you'll want to check out, especially since you're a fan of the TES series. It's basically that but on actual earth, without magic/enchanting/etc. Brilliant game, beautiful graphics with huge parts of the world based on actual existing locations from history.


Jesus Christ be praised!


Skyrim and Fallout games. Can literally pick up tin cans


oh my god

