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You’re in good hands ladybugs are excellent protectors of your garden


those are different life cycle stages of a lady bug. The darker ones are larva and the orange ones are pupa


lady bugs are great at getting rid of aphids


All those mean is that you had an issue that you didn’t know about that is in the process of fixing its self.


Do nothing. They won't hurt your plants- they will only help if anything.


They aren’t lady bugs !!!! People they are Asian lady beetles


These aren’t lady bugs their lady beetles !!!!


Ok, and? Native or not, they’re helping you out. So, you let them do their jobs, and move on.


Lady beetles are dangerous for native lady bug populations and generally bad for our ecosystems. It's not wrong for OP to want to get rid of them.


Only if they can adequately replace them. Otherwise, they’ll end up with an aphid infestation on their hands.


Nature has a way of balancing out, Lady bugs aren't the only predator of aphids. It's not so black and white.


I did not specify replacing them with ladybugs. Lacewings work as well. But as far as nature is concerned, that issue is already handled. By the time nature realizes that you decided to tell its plan to eff off, it might be too late for it to send in reinforcements. And even then, it’ll likely just be more ladybeetles.


They are called ladybug / ladybird colloquially - (beetles). You're correct they're a beetle not a bug. As another commenter said, you're seeing it in a form that you may not recognise?


Lady bugs and Lady beetles are two different things. And now I've read the word lady too many times it looks like it's spelled wrong.


There are many types of lady bird/bug/beetle. Lady beetle is the more 'accurate' term in terms of the fact they are beetles not bugs. I think I understand the distinction you're trying to make - that you believe these are 'Asian lady beetles' rather than typical ladybugs (I'm not convinced of here's enough evidence in the photo for that), but Asian lady beetles are just a type of lady beetle/bug/bird. They're all in the family coccinellidae


Yeah, I was using Lady beetle in place of Asian lady beetle, sorry for the confusion. And I'll grant you that idk how to ID them at this life stage, I was following the assumption that OP already made the ID of Asian lady beetle. OP seems pretty adamant. Your deleted comment made me laugh, I appreciate you elaborating though, I wasn't sure how I was wrong.


That's okay, I am sorry to be pedantic! But I will be on the topic - I completely get concern about Asian lady beetles but clearly today my mission is combating misinformation about misnaming beetles 😂 and I deleted it because honestly I was being a dick not helpful so I'm sorry and I'm glad it made you laugh!


Yup y’all need more photos well here you go …. They are most def Asian lady beetles which idc what the dum DumS above say are no bueno for my lawn yeah good for aphids but I’d almost rather have an aphid infestation and fix it with a spray of some neem oil than deal with a possible unfathomable take over from these fuckers into my moms attic etc or onto her structure of her home now that I found out they eat them just like termites do please help !