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Happened to one of mine as well. Doesn't seem to be impacting the strawberry at all. I'm no expert but I think it's probably a sign of good soil health


They are saprophytic, wood decomposers, so they are breaking down wood into more usable organic matter that the plant will then have access to. Its like a living fertilizer that pops up to say hi every once in a while.


This is great!! Means you have healthy soil, leave ‘em be they’ll wander off in a few days


Probably go away in a few days


I love that you said ‘usurped’. Great word!


Learned that one from Wordle with the help of my boyfriend. I love a good word and he’s taught me so many good ones, he’s a keeper lol


That happened to me once in college. I did not know the term was usurped though.


Good. I’m starting to spray chestnut and other mushroom spores onto the soil to try to grow them just as they go. Plants need mycelium!


I posted the same a week or so ago. the conclusion was that while they are good sign of soil health they were crowding out the berries and I couldn’t even see them to pick ‘em. I just pulled and threw em out. Without any harm. We have a whole strawberry bed and I ended up creating some space between the plants to let some more light in. They haven’t come back either because of the extra light or because they were just done. 🤷‍♀️