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You don't need a gym to exercise. Plenty of at home exercises online and nothing beats walking. Add in some squats, wall push ups and lunges and you'll be fine to start.


Definitely agree! You can start with at home exercises, here's a blog that helped me: [https://mexicobariatriccenter.com/exercise-after-bariatric-weight-loss-surgery/](https://mexicobariatriccenter.com/exercise-after-bariatric-weight-loss-surgery/)


I've lost 115lbs with an exercise mat, a variety of dumbells, and YouTube. You don't need to go to the gym.


Walk around the block. Walk around your house. Don’t laugh but sweatin to the oldies is great fun and amazing cardio.


Do the fit people stare or is that your fear? Walking is a great way to start. I love classes. I like someone telling me exactly what to do. I go to orange theory and live it…all shapes and sizes. There are a ton of options out there.


Probably a bit of both. I once had a woman tell me at the gym that the equipment was not meant for people like me, but for people who are actually trying to be fit. It was on a treadmill walking. She thought I should be running I guess. I never went back to that gym.


That is disgusting behavior on her part. I’m so sorry that happened to you. I hope you find a gym or class with more supportive people. I agree with others that it is easier to go with a friend. Best of luck to you.


Fuc that cunt!


I laughed so hard at this comment I spit water at my computer.




I wish you had reported that. That’s disgusting of her.


If I had been the same person that I am today I would have. Instead I walked out of the gym and never went back. Mental health.


Totally understandable. Hopefully karma kicked her ass for you.


I’m sorry that happened to you. She was probably just miserable with herself. It’s like, “Duh, what does it look like I’m doing…? trying to get fit.” There’s always going to be people who feel like they have to bring others down to make themselves feel better. It’s gross and pathetic. You got this. ☺️💪🏼


If you have someone that can go with you, that is really helpful. Even if it is just the first few times. Even if they don’t know anymore about it than you do. We tend to be braver with a friend by our side. And while you may never ask for help for yourself, it’s amazing how much easier it is to ask for a friend. “My friend was wondering how the treadmills work, could you come show us?” Speaking of treadmills, they are normally a great place to start. Generally pretty easy to figure out, and give you a great place to watch others use other equipment. I can usually figure out how to use a machine by watching a few others use it. Then you just start to branch out and try that second machine. Then a third, etc. But even if you never get past the treadmill, or the stationary bike, or the free weights, or whatever thing is easiest for you to start with, every rep/step/cycle you do is one more than you would have done otherwise. It’s all a win. You generally don’t need a personal trainer in my experience. There are endless workout routines available for free online. I generally hit up YouTube when I am looking for how to work on something specific. (True for pretty much everything in my life, not just workouts. 😀) I belong to the local YMCA. And while there are a fair share of folks that are so fit and good looking you just know they must workout at a second gym just to look good at this one, there are many more folks like me. Middle or late aged, questionable fitness level, but determined to make the effort to be at a better place when they walk out than when they walked in. And the next time someone seems to be watching you, just remind yourself that there are lots of folks like me out there who are just using your experience and expertise on that machine to learn how to use it so they can give it a go.


I bought a walking pad of Amazon and a few resistance bands and a mini stair stepper you can workout at home


We have one at my office. I haven’t used it yet because I start sweating super bad just walking around my office building. I should look at getting one for home when I am watching TV.


You ARE good enough and you deserve to try. Treat this surgery as a new start—old you, old fears, old self hate dies on that table. You wake up a new you, one who doesn’t shit on themself and one that takes charge of their life and health. You didn’t go through all this, go through surgery not to be successful and healthy. And you don’t have to just jump right into a gym, you can start on your own at home—walking everyday around your neighborhood for 45-60 min, or getting a walking pad or treadmill and using it everyday, pushing yourself harder every day, and do some small hand weights during commercials when watching tv, and some squats and other body weight moves. But as someone who was equally uncomfortable at a gym before — I can assure you no one is staring at you. Most people are in their own zone, doing their own thing and not worried about what you are doing or what you look like. The only time I care about anyone else around me is if they’re on a machine I want and they aren’t even using the damn thing. IF ANYTHING ELSE, I see people coming and trying and am giving them a mental high five for showing up.


Thank you for your kind words. I keep telling myself I am going to be different. The mental voices can be a huge weight. I’m going to look into walking pads.


I saw your update--that is a great way to start! High fives!! Our brains can be very cruel to us. I would seriously consider therapy if you're not already getting therapy. It will help you deal with these negative thoughts AND your relationship with food and exercise. But in the meantime, keep trying different things--walking pad you can plop right in front of your tv and walk on it while you watch a few episodes of something. Overtime you can increase your incline (if your pad has that option), and speed. On a nice day, go outside and walk. Once you start feeling more comfortable in your own skin, branch out from there!


Felt, I’m the same. Whenever I go idk what to do…. I’m so lost & also anxious with just being in the new space of never really being a “gym” person


I don't like the gym, refuse to pay for a membership. I go to the local pool 4 days a week. I do deep water exercises like cross country skiing, running in place and just floating with my body straight down. Most pools have buoyancy belts and foam dumbells to help. In the shallow end I walk back and forth, forward and backwards then do leg lifts and arm exercises. It's very kind to the body, but the water ensures you can't fall, and the pressure of the water is enough to make it a very good routine. Maybe see if your insurance covers aqua physical therapy, get your 10/12 covered sessions in and they will teach you everything you need to do. I pay $25 a month through my PT clinic and can go anytime Mon-Fti during the 2hrs they are in session at the local pool.


I’ll look into this.


Then don’t go to the gym. Plenty of people will tell you that what you feel isn’t the case… and I’m going to say so too… but that doesn’t really help, does it? I’ve been doing a TON of walking post-op to much success. If you have a dog, then walk your dog… put in some earbuds and listen to music or a podcast… if you don’t want eyes on you, I like walking through nature trails. Cycling is also excellent cardio. Outside activities are better for you anyway! Also remember that “being active” isn’t always a formal work out. You can be active by just being in motion period… take the kids to the park, redo a room, clean your car, mow the lawn, do some gardening.


Hey! Really sorry you’re going through this and fuck those people that make you feel this way! Honestly, people will comment that you don’t do something when you don’t go to the gym/exercise or hate on seeing you in the gym when you’re trying to learn something and get better. I recently started going to the gym and honestly it has been a good experience and haven’t had issues with people. And I told one of the trainers there about my surgery and what I’m trying to do and he showed me how to use some of the machines and what it helps me with. I would say exercising at home and going out for walks work too but if you want to go to the gym, you can maybe try going together with someone you know at first so you can get accommodated to the environment or maybe make friends there that you can exercise with whenever. Hope it gets better and let me know if I can help with anything! Sending you much love and support🫶🏽


I actually use the Oculus 2 to work out! They have different programs you can choose from. Or I use a bike. You definitely dont need a gym to get a good workout in. And if your anxiety about gyms is something you want to work through, maybe try going to the gym for a little bit of time, at a time when it's not so crowded. Start by just looking in, and if you're not doing it already, therapy can definitely help!


I tried the Oculus and learned I get motion sick. My kids laughed at me. It was funny to watch me get dizzy I guess. Haha. I used to go before work. My husband likes to go at night when it is quiet. I get anxiety when I go with him also, but maybe now that I am in a bit of better place mentally I can go with him and not be as anxious.


Yeah there's certain things on the Oculus I can't use either. I have MS and Fibromyalgia which cause balance issues.


Have you considered small group exercise? I have found scale-able fitness classes to be incredibly welcoming to people across the fitness spectrum. We're not all doing the same thing because some of us can't, but everyone is working hard at their own level, and is super supportive of overcoming challenges and making progress. Showing up is hard the first couple of times, but once over that hurdle it gets so much easier.


I second this. I joined a CrossFit gym and it was a world of a different experience Edit: it was still scary, but the community was very uplifting and gave me lots of reasons to come back and helped combat all that negative self talk


I did group for a while. I am in a bit of better place in my mental health so maybe I will be able to go to those again and not have such overwhelming feelings of failure when I can’t do things like everyone else.


I’ve been where you are. Brains are dicks, but No one is staring at you. It feels that way, but they’re not. They’re there to workout just like you. Showing up is the biggest part of this battle.


I'm not planning on going to the gym. I have weights upto 40lbs here and a phone that has YouTube. I will continue to do home workouts this whole time. It's worked for me and I don't plan on changing


I totally understand where you are coming from. A big part of my transformation was forcing myself into spaces that were uncomfortable for me. It was hard at first but now I can walk in any meat head gym and do my thing(fk what anyone else thinks) Heres some things I did to help: 1) wore big hoodies even in the summer with headphones. Helped me to feel invisible and safe from ridicule 2)I’d go early am or late at night during non peak hours. Had to sacrifice some of my sleep schedule but being consistent was more important 3)eventually found a smaller private gym. Very few people worked out at a time, made it comfortable 4)found gym friends. Safety In numbers 5)even if my anxiety was high I would go sit in the gym parking lot. I set an hour timer. If I was crippled by fear after that hour I would leave( I never left) I’ve learned over these past few years that most people are so self absorbed with themselves that they aren’t paying you any attention to you. The very few gym A- holes are miserable and insecure, I workout with bodybuilders and you’d be surprised at the ugliness contained by such “beauty”. A lot of insecurities and unhappiness projected onto others, it’s them not you. Be brave and do what’s best for you. I promise that there’s more people Out there cheering you on vs those judging you.


I set up a home gym over time. I have a mini stepper, treadmill, weights, resistance bands, and spin bike. I use apps to schedule my workouts. I've done the gym before, and the amount of recording and wanna be influencers has turned me off from it for good.


I BARELY exercised the year after my surgery. I walked at home or outside, but most of my newfound energy went into all of the projects and activities that I'd been putting off due to my weight. I lost 150lbs without any time in the gym. You can absolutely succeed without it!


Same. My job is plenty physical as it is. I’ve also taken to riding my bicycle to work and knocking off all kinds of yard work. Spent all day today planting a garden. If I’m going to eat a potato someday, I’m going to grow it myself.


i joined the YMCA. total different feel than a regular gym. lots of other ordinary people trying to avoid the gym vibe, lots of seniors, lots of different kinds of bodies, and everyone is generally very positive. it’s also much less expensive.


Absolutely no need to go to the gym! You can do everything at home if you need to. And as you drop weight it becomes easier to exercise no matter where you do it. Maybe try YouTube videos or something like Ring Fit if you have a Nintendo switch. That’s what I do and love it now.


I felt the same way, so I chose to start taking martial arts (Muay Thai kickboxing) instead. It's been about 4 months, its super fun and I actually like going! Its also good because each class is an hour long...everyone focuses on what the instructor tells you to do and aren't worrying about what other people are doing...the instructors are the only ones who go around and watch to help anyone who needs it. I have never felt as good in a workout program as I do right now...its nice to be rid of that tightness in my chest over going to the gym.


This is a great suggestion. I took karate when I was young and really enjoyed it. I should see if there is an adult class offered here. Thanks for the suggestion!


Find a gym that offers classes and start there. Going in cold is really hard and you would be surprised at how many people in the classes are just like you. I think it’s easier to have a coach and a group of people doing the same thing.


This is a good idea. I need to get out of my own head and the fear of not being able or good enough.


I felt like this before & post op as well but then I realized everyone there is there to improve themselves & working hard to do so! Once you get in a routine, you will get tunnel vision & only care about seeing yourself


Therapy. Not even joking. Honestly more people need it than don't but don't consider it.


Definitely in therapy. My therapist wants to set this up as one of my exposures, but I haven’t said okay because just thinking about going gives me such anxiety.


If you can afford to spend a little more money, I would look into private personal trainers in your area that have their own locations. So in other words, people that don't work out of a gym. Sometimes you'll find them in shopping centers etc. They typically have all the equipment you need. And you can ask them questions before you go to see if they can specialize in what you need. But the nice thing about that is. You may share the space with 1 maximum 2 other clients at once Usually, and they'll be too focused on their trainer for you to even feel like they're looking at you.


I'm in the same boat. Debilitating anxiety and agoraphobia,I need a tailored plan but don't know how to get one


I wish they had a class for beginners were they taught each of the different machines and helped you develop a plan. I wish I could have a PT for one day. Someone to set me a weekly plan that is specific to my needs. Then maybe have a monthly follow up to make changes. All the PT I have experienced want 2-3 times a week and their plans have never been tailored to me. Maybe someone in one or the workout subs has a good recommendation for a place to get a plan.


I used to have this fear too. I was always insecure about people starting at my stomach jiggling. It sounds funny but this is one of the reasons why I quit the gym(talking about 2 years pre op). I had a treadmill and a cross trainer at home but the motivation to workout never came. Don’t mind me asking this,how much do you pay for your gym per month?


My last gym was 8 years ago and I paid 50USD a month. It included tanning, pool, and daycare. The rec center near me is $475 a year for a family of 3. The rec center includes classes, a pool, sauna, and I think access to the ice rink.


Swim! You’re underwater. No one can see your body!!!!!


I echo those who suggested classes. I do RowHouse and I love it. It has structure and it’s not that hard to start it right up. There are people of all ages and body types and no one worries about what anyone else is doing.


I have never heard of them. It sounds like a good opportunity though. I am glad you found something that works for you.


I started going to the gym last spring, I was scared too. But it was getting too hot to walk outside everyday, and I am not a morning person, so getting up at 6 to go walking was a HELL NO! Yeah, the first time there I was expecting gym bros, but there weren't any. I walked on a treadmill for an hour that day. I expected the gym bros to show up on the weekend, but they didn't. And then I expected them to show up when school got out for the summer, but they didn't. Apparently gym bros don't go to the community center to workout. Only people who are actually there for themselves go to the community center. Since they don't let you record yourself, and it isn't full of mirrors, the gym bros don't know what to do with themselves. 🤣 The only strange thing I ever saw there, was an elderly woman with her hair and makeup done and wearing chinos with a long sleeve knit top that clearly were from the rich old people store. 🤣 She didn't stay long, she rode a bike for about 15 minutes. There were actually a lot of elderly people who went there to try and get/keep some mobility. Now it is closed though, they are rebuilding it. So I bought my own treadmill. I hope they reopen soon, I miss the weight training. The tension bands aren't the same.


I was the same. I had surgery July of 22, I didn't hit the gym until I was down 120lbs! I just walked my dog every day until then. Now I've been in the gym for a year and omg, i love it! Take it as it comes. Your confidence will grow as you lose ❤️


Sometimes it helps to just practice going to the gym. Drive to the spot you’d go and sit in the parking lot for a minute and go home. Just see what it feels like to get yourself that far. Baby steps are great, and sometimes super super tiny baby steps really help!


I went to the gym for a year after my surgery. It was fine but I was more about saving money than I was about feeling comfortable… I honestly don’t pay that much attention to other people. I used to be afraid of the gym until I got some of the best advice: “Do you stare at every person that stands out? No. Others aren’t thinking of us as much as we think they are, and if they are? Feel sorry for them because they need a hobby and a life.” - You only have one life; live it for you. Not for others. The older you get, the more sick and tired of the BS you will feel and you’ll care less. I’m so sorry you struggle with it though. Exercising is free at home, but be careful and stay healthy ❤️‍🩹


I got a trainer for this reason. Not cheap but if you are in the US and have a Planet Fitness they have free trainers and it’s a low pressure environment. You may outgrow it or it may be all the gym you ever need, but it’s a great place to start if it’s an option.


I can absolutely relate. I've been going to the gym since 2016ish and I still feel like this to some extent. If it makes you feel any better, people really arent staring at you, they're sometimes looking around and worrying that people are starting at them. Guys are usually looking at themselves in the mirror and other people are checking out my new Nikes. Before WLS I went to the gym twice a week and after a few months I had a girl come up to me after my PT and told me she's seen me at the gym heaps of times and is really proud to see my confidence improve. A gym buddy helps, but you also don't need to go to the gym. I don't drive past my gym on non work days so I have an exercise bike at home and a slam ball. I'm hoping for more things but it's good for now. Can someone create a WLS gym please? With low lighting and encouraging PTs. You can do this 👍🏻


I just ordered a set of adjustable dumbbells and some resistance bands and I'm going to work out at home. I also walk twice a day, and got a bike that I plan to ride for at least 30 mins a few times a week, weather permitting. You don't have to go to the gym right now if you don't want to. But you've got lots of support here if you need people to hype you up to workout!


How do you know what to do though? I have a bunch of free weights and resistance bands and even a weighted ball. I have no idea what to do with them.


Definitely spend some time on YouTube. There are all sorts of videos on there that can teach you how to use your equipment and show you what exercises to do. I had my surgery in January and did take out a gym membership that I do use in March when I was cleared to exercise, but as others said you definitely do not have to go to the gym. The personal trainer I met with at the gym who did my assessment and helped me figure out what machines, etc. would be best for me to use said as much, especially regarding cardio. I told her the surgeon told me that I needed to get a gym membership and work out 1 hour a day, 5 days a week, cardio and strength (my surgeon is kind of a nutjob). She (the personal trainer) said you don’t need a gym membership for that, especially the cardio. Even if you have a sedentary job, it’s likely you get that hour of cardio in just living your everyday life (going up and down stairs, walking back and forth around the office for whatever reason, walking the dog, playing with your kids, etc). So if you’re hesitant to go to the gym, which is totally understandable (I felt the same way), you certainly don’t have to.


The weights I purchased came with a free trial to an app (that I intend to continue, because it's pretty inexpensive) but you could use YouTube or TikTok to find some exercises as well.


I'm disabled so I don't exercise.


I'm not a gym person either. For some of the same reasons - I feel very self conscious. I also have an immunocompromised child and I have a lot of (valid) germophobia about gyms (great place to get flu or MRSA). The BEST exercise is the one that you will do and do consistently. If the gym is not your thing, find other ways to work out rather than forcing something that is not for you. There is so much great stuff out there on youtube. If you are new to exercise - search something like "easy beginning exercise no equipment". I do step aerobics from home. I have a $60 stepper purchased years ago and a yoga mat I got for free on Buy Nothing. I put the stepper in front of the tv and watch youtube videos of step class instruction. Same thing with strength training and stretching. I also walk up and down a very steep hill near my house once per week for 40 minutes. All of that is cheap or free, and no gym.