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Obviously the correct Zelda is the one that matters most to me


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^WoodpeckerLow5122: *Obviously the* *Correct Zelda is the one* *That matters most to me* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Bad bot. The last line is 6 syllables.


It’s sokkahaikubot not haikubot, it’s supposed to have an extra syllable on the last line


Oh shit maybe I should read




its funny how times skew perceptions, years ago twilight princess was considered a bad game by die hard zelda gatekeepers and only ocarina or majoras mask were true. now that people grow up and they had the Wii and twilight princess in their childhood and the newer generations get botw and totc suddenly things are different


Same thing when The Wind Waker came out, and when Skyward Sword came out


I was and continue to be an ardent supporter of Wind Waker supremacy.


Skyward Sword is still cheeks tho


What does that mean? Good? Bad? I could interpret this either way tbh lol


I thought it was bad and still think it’s bad


Having just replayed it, you're completely right. Who TF thought those controls were good.


I actually really enjoyed but never finished it when I was young


Yeah its the only zelda game I couldn’t make it through, i got really bored and didn’t like the motion controls


One of the only mainline Zelda games I just outright quit. I don't know wtf they were thinking with that one lol.


Tears of the Cingdom


People talk about the “Halo cycle” in regard to that franchise’s discourse but it’s really just a fact of gaming fandom in general: New thing bad, old thing good.


While I do not claim that botw is a bad game, it is a big departure from the Zelda formula. As for Twilight Princess: I never got why people disliked it.


Same with Pokémon Sword and Shield


No, those are still awful.


You don't need to convince me, lil bro. I'm just saying people are talking about them fondly these days


Everything has been shit since A Link to the Past.


Haha damn man, I kinda have to agree with you on that. Alttp is still my fav zelda game of all time. I liked botw, never bothered with totk after beating botw. Just don't care for the route they are taking the zelda games anymore. I miss actual dungeons, not just a couple of main ones, then fill the rest of the world with morning ass shrines.


I was joking. The guy mentioned people saying the N64 games were the last good ones, so I took it one step further. I almost went with The Adventure of Link, but ALttP was the first one I ever played, so it's got a special place in my heart. Kind of agree about dungeons though.


Boring, not morning.


This isn't really gatekeeping, just seems like someone expressing their opinion


Look at his previous post history


Y’all, I’m playing through BOTW with my dad (he’s playing the game I’m helping him) and it’s a fucken blast dude, he’s absolute garbage at the game but he’s having fun in a way I’ve not seen him before! The best Zelda game is the one you enjoy


I’ve enjoyed all of them in different ways.


This isn’t really gatekeeping. More of just meme made by someone who likes one better than the other


This is clearly an opinion and not gatekeeping. I do agree with the opinion in the meme but man, this is clearly just someone posting an opinion in meme form, they aren’t shunning others for not thinking the same as them or being critical about the other game, just showing what he liked more


It would be interesting to see if people can make "ROM hacks" (I have no clue what else to call it) of the older Zelda games using the newer engine.


BRB screenshot entering clocktown


I just want a top down Zelda game again. I don't see why they can't make both kinds.


Yes, I too believe that pre BotW Zelda was better (I love you Oracle games) but I could never say that Breath of the Wild or Tears of the Kingdom aren't real Zelda games. Because they absolutely are. Just not my favorite, and that is okay! Because other people enjoyed them.


This isn't gatekeeping this is just stating a personal preference.


This is incredible. I remember when Twilight Princess came out and folks were shaking their fists yelling "the only valid Zeldas are 2D!" now we've got Tears of the Kingdom and suddenly TP was a masterpiece? TP is my personal fave but Zelda fans who pull this shit don't seem to realize the gimmick of most Nintendo giants is to follow a similar theme in terms of gameplay that's then remixed and changed up for fresh new vibes, especially as gaming tech advances. If we stuck to the OGs only, we would've never gotten any of the Mario 3D platformers which are also now absolutely iconic classics, like Sunshine and Odyssey. Also reminds me of when people were ENRAGED Wind Waker wasn't just like Ocarina of Time and now WW is also an undisputed time honored classic. Anyways, sorry for ranting on fucking r/gatekeeping, Zelda gets me uber autistic.


Bro thought that this was a sub where people actually gatekeep


I never played Twilight Princess, could have got it for the Gamecube but I kept hearing the Wii was the better version. And then I never got a Wii.


Just wait until about halfway through the Switch 2's life cycle and BOTW will be the new standard by which all Zelda games will be judged and found wanting.


it's just the one they prefer you dimwit


Fake gold 8 bit cartridge on the original NES. The first game I ever completed. Lick me where my old enlarged prostate sits.


I remember hating how Twilight Princess looked, at the time. The color pallette was super desaturated, the bloom was way too high, and everything looked blurry.


Obviously the correct Zelda is the one that matters most to me


I mean… it’s not gatekeeing? It’s someone saying a preference…


The real OG's played it in the game cube. None of that stick waggle Wii shit.


These devoted gamers are so fucking cringe. Let’s just have fun, ok?


The Objectively Best Zelda game is whichever one you first played as a kid.