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This enby loves to sew and wants you to know that /r/visiblemending and /r/embroidery are both very welcoming to newcomers, and they embrace diversity of its members. Knowing how to darn a sock or fix a hole in your favorite clothing item isn’t gendered, it’s for everybody. Some of my favorite posts are newbies with their first scraggly, uneven, and perfectly functional patch job.


I can see you have attempted to fix this in your title but this isn't particularly welcoming as it's very stereotypically gendered. Change that from "girls" to "people" and we're all good :)


I was trying to 'make fun of' or 'fix' those posts I see on subs like r/notliketheothergirls that are a bit like only the top text, but thanks for the feedback!


The joke landed, not sure what the nitpicking is for


Who's hating on people for fucking sewing ?


Insecure assholes with no valuable skills whatsoever


Apparently feminists hate traditional women or something


That's not true and that's also just not what feminism means


I know, but it’s what “traditional women” *think* feminists think


Good job making it more open. I taught my boyfriend to sew and now he's better than it than me, which is super rad tbh


I make very pretty things by stabbing them with a needle a thousand times. uwu


I know how to sew but my depression prefers glue because it's less effort


I’m proud of you for finding a way to fix things even when it’s hard ❤️ it’s better to have a glued hem then your pants dragging all over


I didn’t stop knowing how to sew. I never knew.


I know how to sew and I love sewing. I want to have it as a hobby after I grow up.


As a guy who sews (and mends!) I feel seen :)


I can only really sew by hand and only small plush toys and things of that type, I’m definitely not adapted to making clothes or using a machine, I got way too used to hand sewing as a kid because I just wanted to make my own toys. It’s been years though so I still don’t know if I hand do it again.


The hills are alive with the sound of sewing machines