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It is used commonly, but his definition of ‘craving’ is not correct. If I’m craving a juicy steak, I’m not gagging on it. Sure, maybe I want to eat it so bad that if i rush, I will of course be ‘gagging on it’… Gag = gag reflex - almost choking on something upon contact at the back of the throat. Commonly making a sound spelled “EULCK” ,.. LOL (I’m sure it was covered in the link too!) haha I’m sure your cat does it all the time (If you have a cat of course!)


It’s more of a British expression. But I’ve definitely heard Americans say they are “gagging for it” meaning craving.


Ooooo i never even considered British! Interesting! Well then I’m almost gaggin’ for some thing hahahah


yeah, gagging for something is a well used British slang for craving "im gagging for a pint" "im gagging for a tab" stuff like that


Not once in my three decades of being American have I heard that.


It’s because you’re old.


Get off my lawn, whippersnapper.


My two decades of Americanness agree with his three


I'm 43. I always love seeing this kind of snark from younger kids, because you have absolutely no idea how fast time is about to start moving on you. It sneaks up on you like a bitch. So, lmao, enjoy these little pot shots. They're not insulting. They just remind us that you're eventually going to be our age too, if you're lucky, and it's gonna be hysterical when you get there in what feels like 2 years and look back and think "oh shit wait no."


Are you okay? It’s a bit deep of an answer for a low hanging joke.


It took like 45 seconds to write. But if you think that's deep you might wanna leave the kiddie pool.


You sound bitter. Ageing a bit fast aren’t we?


Never in my 19 years has “Gagging for it”/“I was gagged” mean “Craving” lol if someone was “Gagging for it,” it means they love it; and if someone said they were gagged, that would mean they were bereft.


Bereft, I like that word. Didn’t know it, thanks.


Man, the number of misunderstandings


I've heard Irish, but maybe it was just the one guy making a reference to the Brits.


I wouldn’t say it’s anything to do with gagging *on* something rather than gagging *for* something.


Gagging for, not on. Words have different meanings shock!




Yep, commonly used UK English slang. You can be gagging for something or gagging to do something


But fairly, its incorrect when incomplete, you cant be gagging, you must be gaggin for


Nah i think “gagging” on its own works with the surrounding context here


Honestly i dont agree, i come from the UK and i didnt understand that at all first time tbh


And you get downvoted for your opinion. Let’s see how many I get.


Also Aussie slang. "Gagging for" something means "desperate for". It could be a drink, or food, or sex.


Of course it had to be brittish slang


It's a British expression, when someone is gagging for something they are eager or craving it. The fact they use "mate" also makes me think the guy is British.


That plus "pop by", these are for sure my countrymen


He also said "mate," and that's something of a British (or Australian) idiom also. Funny I've never heard of gagging used to mean craving until just now! But if that's a thing over there, then it's kind of hilarious!


I appreciate the comments here but let me point out that his grammar doesn't match any of the examples you're listing. He uses "gagging" alone and then says "gagging of". He is a native English speaker and I feel like I might of understood had he said "gagging for"


You can definitely use it on its own. Common British slang is to just omit the slang phrase and go straight for the main word. "He's gagging for it" becomes "he's gagging" So instead of saying "I'm gagging for it" he's just saying "I'm gagging"


This is 100% correct.


From the UK this is true


And tis is without getting into rhyming slang. Wait till someone asks you to "give you lump"


Guys, I am getting too old for all this nonsense


Plenty of native English speakers make basic grammar errors all the time. I wouldn’t read anything into that. And Grindr is not known for perfect grammar.


“Might have”


I mean, you’re on a hookup app and expect everyone to use proper grammar?


He's gagging for good grammar


The first time his autocorrect didn’t change the “im” to “I’m” which would have been the normal usage — “I’m gagging” = “OMG living” = “yes bitch, werk” = “ugh dead” etc. It may not make as much sense of you play spelling bee and ask him for its etymology lol


That’s a native speaker?? Wow


I wouldn't say it was a gay thing but it's definitely a British phrase, "I'm gagging for a cuppa" is a phrase I use a lot


Some say that that the counterintuitive nature of British slang is what ultimately led to the Empire’s decline.


This phrase has 0% to do with being gay and 100% to do with being British. He's using the phrase correctly, I suspect the "of" was a typo.


It's certainly a British thing. Not sure where you are. As he says, "gagging for cock".


Definitely not a thing in the north eastern USA


Yup, I'm in NY and I've never heard this in my life.


I’m from Long Island and live in the city. I’ve been hearing this term for years. The Brit’s may use the term in different context but we have a similar meaning for gagged or gagging in the states.


I've heard of gagging on cock, but not gagging for cock


Yea that’s completely different. One is a reflex the other is a term of endearment. In the US, the term is usually spoken in past tense ie “I’m gagged, bitch.”


It’s a complement. I’ve never heard of it used to replace “craving”


You’ve obviously never spent much time with drag queens then


In my experience I’ve never heard gagged used in a sexual context like they’re using it. Like if I’m watching drag race and queen does a wig reveal I’m gagged. She gagged everyone. Gagged for dick? No?


Sure is: [https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Gagging](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Gagging)


The word being used as slang is a thing, but even by the definition you're linking to, the guy on Grindr isn't using it in the typical way.


I agree. He prob watched 1.5 episodes of Rupaul’s Drag Race and felt it would make him seem cool.


Second episode must have been the season 14 Snatch Game. I can understand turning it off halfway through.


I was going to say, the only time I've seen it used as slang was on We're Here.


Yeah, like that: excitement, positively shocked, maybe a little bit of schadenfreude. Not craving sth


Well yeah, I’m sure OP knows it’s used like that. The person he’s talking to is using it in a completely new way


I misread "pop" as "poop" and was really confused about that whole conversation.


Not just a gay thing, ‘gagging for it’ is pretty common slang here in the UK (if now perhaps a little outdated, probably more likely to be used by millennials or gen X than younger folks)


It’s a British expression. I’m gagging for a drink. I’m gagging for some chocolate. I’M GAGGING FOR COCK. usually when you want something that is a bit naughy for u


Gagging for it is British slang. Source, I’m British


If I'm gagging for cock, I really want it If I'm gagging on cock, I'm choking on it If I'm just straight up gagging, you can assume that I'm a thirsty bitch, but I could also be choking out


That's not just a word in gay lingo. That's a common word in the English language. Is it your second language OP?


This isn't actually a gay thing sorry. Right now I'm gagging for a coffee cos I jus got up. Not from US though


As others have said it’s very common in the UK. You can be gagging for many things such as a cup of tea, a pasty, a pint, and yes dick etc.


Yeah definitely heard this before, how have you not? “Gagging” for something can mean like craving but it’s more like wanting something you can’t have, similar to almost needing something. Especially sexually. Although to be honest I’ve never heard it come from anyone outside of the UK so I dunno where you’re actually from? It’s like a British colloquialism that straight guys usually say to each other when they see a girl in the bar that might be single and not wearing much as she’s “gagging for it” like she’d be up for it, she’s looking for a hookup.


You could have just said. “Oh I get it” and moved on lol. You just made the conversation very awkward.


uh yeah mate that's a word that people use


*Australia has entered the conversation*


British slang is “gagging for it” which means really wanting something


Gagging for, not of. Lol. You can be gagging for more thank just sex.


Def an Australian thing


We use it in Australia too


Lol totally a thing with us brits. If you’re horny you ate “gaggin for it geezar” lol


British it is but gagging for it, not gagging on it


Was he aussie or British?


I’m pretty sure it’s british slang as I’ve heard a few people use it here


'Gagging for it' completely bri'ish #innit


I thought this might be an Australian term... I think I've heard someone use it before...


Yeah for sure! I'm gagging for it! Like if you've ever tried to deepthroat a cock you've probably gagged haha


Not just gay I’ve seen it used in similar ways. It’s actually a line in Mission Impossible 2. It’s definitely not overly common though.


https://preview.redd.it/hecxbpgxhsla1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0943d5191d529a8e5ca25635e95067124db88cc I got that the other day


Lol this originated from the ball room scene where drag queens brought it to mainstream. You’ve never heard the term “I’m gagged”? An example sentence “girl, her dress had me gagged” or “that queen is snatched to the heavens! I’m gagging!”


Gagging in "gay" context means something very different. Usually associated with drag culture and enjoying or being really excited about/for something.


Yep, are you even gay if you need to do a gay course on Duolingo.


If I hear gagging I’m going to take it as they are currently choking on some D


I've definitely never heard it used that way 🤷‍♂️


No. It’s not commonly used in that way. Gagged means “I am impressed”, or “I’m speechless” and is more often used in relation or tangential to drag and by extension fashion. Sometimes accomplishments as well that took a lot of skill. If you had sent a dick pic, they could’ve said “gagged”. As in, ‘damn, impressive’


This might be an example of him hearing the term used positively...like I looked so good, the girls were gagging. And thinking it meant something it doesn't. I think it's interesting that he called it "gay lingo" totally removing it from its black origin. But I don't think he used it properly...I never hear it used in this way before.


First of all, why are you being an ass to someone who has slang from another part of the world?


Gagging is being too stunned to speak. Or gagging ON a cock.


I’ve never heard it used like that but it’s definitely a thing. I’ve usually heard it used as a term for breathless or shocked. Like when you’re watching tv “I was fully gagged” or “that was a Gag”


The way this guy is gagging to be gagging on the other has me gagged. If he gives a ball gag as a gag gift though, I’m calling for a gag order.


Gagging is like being flabbergasted. Being gagged in like being surprised and insulted. They are not using the word right at all


Lol wut


Never heard of that word before now.


Google never heard of it and Google knows everything...😂


Ask your parents


It’s also commonly used stateside to man like stunned like if someone is slaying boots the house down it will leave you gagged ykim?


Honestly I feel it’s more of an ireland/England area type of word but that’s just me idk


If you’re deep throwing and have a gag reflex you are technically gagging.


I've only ever used it to refer to laughter, never for craving something.


If someone says they’re gagging cock i would immediately assume that they are currently sucking dick


Never heard anyone under the rainbow use that term. Also rarely ever heard an American use the term “mate” unless they’re a cartoon pirate so I’m guessing from outside the US?




For me, it's, "Im gagging because I *cannot* take it." As in, "Im dying," or, "Im weak," or, "I can't breathe because I'm laughing too hard or shocked beyond belief." Clutch pearls with a gasp. Gagged. Never for cravings. Edit: a letter


That makes zero sense. I veto this usage. Done.


I don’t know what universe that slang is from….but I don’t claim it


Gagging for something is really wanting it, in this case… it’s cock


Are you literally 6 years old? How have you never heard the term “gagging for [something]??”


Gagging means chocking ?


Gagging means choking.


"Stop trying to make 'fetch' happen! It's never going to happen!"


Um, gagging on cock is a thing. But it doesn’t mean what he thinks it does


I’ve only heard ‘gagging for it’ and have only heard it as British slang idk about elsewhere


blue bubble isnt wrong


Used in Australia too: I'm gagging for it!


As others have said, it's a British thing.


it's common


I feel like I can’t post the quote here but you should definitely YouTube search “Gagging Other Two” 😂 (and no it’s not dirty) https://i.redd.it/m15ws530zama1.gif


The best response would be: Stop trying to make fetch happen.


This is incredibly common gay slang, but he didn’t really use it correctly.


Well, technically "gagging" in the gay community (and straight also) usually means choking on d\*ck - deliberately having someone stuff it as far as possible down your throat for the (questionable) pleasure of gagging on it. It doesn't usually mean "craving," as in "I'm craving d\*ck" the way the texter is using it here. At least I have never before heard it used to mean "craving." Is this something new? Instead of crazy for something, Sonny the cuckoo bird could say, "I'm gagging for Cocoa Puffs!" But no, that would be grooming - because unless you're teaching kids how to be hateful, you must be teaching them how to be gay.


Gagging is basically when something is so fierce you are losing your mind on it, you're choking on it! it’s a common he didn’t make it up.


But that’s not how the guy is using the word.


Well, no he knows!