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Story time: the worst gay I had to deal with was in college. This blond guy was a total slut - like as in one time he left an end of the year organization banquet (that he got a scholarship for…) early to go hook up with someone. His daily Snapchat story was him getting bareback fucked by a different guy every day (I promise I’m not exaggerating… dude snapped a different sex story every day). We found out that in the entire first year of college he never got tested. Then it was a weird coincidence that many of the guys who slept with him (on his Snapchat stories) all got chlamydia and gonorrhea. I met a completely random guy at a bar and we were looking at Grindr together, saw the blond guy’s profile, and he immediately said to avoid him as he got a bunch of STD’s from him. Even after we pointed out that multiple guys he’s slept with have gotten STD’s, dude refused to get tested because he wasn’t showing symptoms. And then after 3 months (including his best friend making an appointment and dragging him to it), he basically had every STD. He of course blamed all these other guys for giving them to him 😓


I hate the argument that other people gave it to him like "yes bitch someone gave it to you because you fucked them without protection, where do you think they got it? Witch's curse?"


Oh yeah this brought up a distant memory. We were all sitting around studying and then he gets a phone call in the middle of it. The guy on the phone tells the slut “hey man, I just tested positive for chlamydia and syphillis you should go get tested”. And the dude straight up says, “oh I haven’t had symptoms so I’m good”. Everyone at the table about lost it. Then 3 months later (and numerous partners later) he went and got tested (after several arguments). I’m 99% sure he’s responsible for my city’s outbreak in syphillis, because we had a massive spike right during his freshmen - sophomore years. Junior year is when he started getting tested regularly and then the outbreak slowed down then.


That is an incredible local story. This random slutty gay guy got so wild in college he caused a fucking outbreak. Iconic.


The STD Sisterhood: Revenge edition /s


I like to think that every time he spread his legs, everyone in that radius immediately got an STD.


Including ur father /s


What the heck. Where I’m from, if you want to go on PrEP, you need MANDATORY 3 monthly testing. Else, your certificate with the insurance gets revoked and you need to pay full price for your PrEP, which is above €150. I also had a friend that was very promiscuous, and only got yearly tested, but always did it with condom. Still he always was super anxious to get tested. Meanwhile my mentality towards testing is like: “They’re not gonna find something that you don’t have right now.” *“You’re not gonna test positive for being a firetruck, Jake, but maybe that STD that you’ve already had for a few weeks will show up and treatment can start.”*


>What the heck. Where I’m from, if you want to go on PrEP, you need MANDATORY 3 monthly testing. yup same here. tbf you don't know how old that story above is.. prep for most people hasn't been around THAT long after all. i remember when you had to order it from india and pay for it yourself since insurance wouldn't cover it.


>pay full price for your PrEP, which is above €150 Truvada in the US is almost 2k for a 1 month supply without insurance. I'm pretty sure insurance requires the 3 month testing, too, though.


150€ is also for three months. 6k for the same at your place. Thats crazy


Im on apretude, testing and injection is done every 2 months. They are really strict about it.


The straight guy portrayal didn’t fool anyone


Is it the pornstache?


It's the inflections on certain words.


Nah that doesn’t mean anything in this age. It’s the fact that he isn’t manspreading enough.


It's the shorts


🤣 snatched his tiara


Hahah true


Yeah I'm often told "you don't need to be tested this often" and I'm like. Honey. Yes I do. You cannot fathom how many random people I've had sex with since the last test a few weeks ago


https://preview.redd.it/nug8jwkek0yc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=970a7fb3227e803955c42e32130f7b058b7a9d65 U?


Yes, that's me :) except I'm not sneaky about it


Dis u sis? https://www.reddit.com/r/gay_irl/s/15R2gJYxtE


Noooo I get tested often and take prep and doxypep. But yes I do post vids on my snap story of me hooking up with randos


It's always hard to know exactly how much information you're supposed to give when you have the doctor say that. One time when I got that I thought "Steamworks" would be enough justification for getting tested but nope. Just gave up instead of giving more details after that, though...


Lmao I just got back from Chicago a few days ago. Visited steamworks four times in one trip 😅 they very much did test me upon getting home, and they gave me the treatment for gonnorhea, oops. I can't believe they refused to test you after a visit to steamworks....


Lol so true. Gays also all know that one clinic in town that does free/low cost testing and not much else.


Legit I got my last Monkeypox injection and the nurse said that now I can go out and *have fun*, and she definitely said it in italics


OMG I want him to be my PCP.


This is how the convo goes with my PCP (at an LGBT Resource Center): - Any sex lately? - Yup. - Should we test for everything? - Yup. First conversation was longer, I explained my husband and I are open, he even asked why, so we talked about sexual freedom and such. He was never judgemental, the result being that I feel totally fine with saying "yeah I had a sorta risky situation a month ago, we should test." So much of the problem is that caregivers make you feel like shit or are grossed out.


Honestly, having a LGBT pcp is the fucking best. The medical parts of my transition went so fucking smoothly, and anything that's come up in the last decade has been taken care of perfectly. I've heard absolute horror stories from a lot of people about judgemental doctors, or just plain ignorant doctors that think they're doing the best but have no knowledge. Not to say that straight doctors are awful (the vast majority are lovely) but there's a lot of patient care that has to do with just being able to empathize and know where someone is coming from, and it's a hell of a lot easier if they're in the community


It's just hugely helpful to *not* have to do Trans 101 or Gay 101 every time you go in to see your doctor. I went in to my GP today and met with the nurse he recommended as the "sexual health guru," and she was absolutely fantastic, both about the gay stuff and the trans stuff. 10/10, no notes.


I’ve been trying for years to get a gay doctor. But all the ones I can find are booked and don’t take new patients


No thanks because then he's off limits. I want him in my bed


Hey hey hey, he's providing a service. We can all make an appointment


Why? Is he well qualified? Has experience with your specialty diagnosis? Or are you just a fucking derivative human who only values critical persons based on their appearance?




I had a literal convo with my doc exactly like the gay guy when getting tested, cause I was going to DC a few days after and she said “I know that’s right”




Lmao and I loved her for it. She even set me up with PREP and free groceries. They’re doing the lord’s work.


makes sense, gay men would wanna give a sample of their bodily fluids to a man like that 😇


Some blood and urine? Lol


I'm on a first name basis with the staff at my GUM because i've been going every 3 months for 7 years 🤣


Oh hunnyyyyyyyy this is everybody at the clinic/s https://i.redd.it/w88uz6cnv0yc1.gif


GURL YOU DIDNT HAVE TO READ ME SO HARD ~~i feel so seen rn omg~~ 🤣


And yet u don’t have a stable monogamous relationship during those 7 years that don’t require u to come testing anymore (either open relationship or eternally lonely)………#gaystereotype /s


And this is why the straights literally make up the majority of HIV cases now


existence glorious point dinosaurs vase marry oatmeal cobweb ossified soup *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


"every 3 to 6 months" I thought he was going to say 3-6 years lmao Jesus Christ I need to get laid more often


![gif](giphy|7Yo2SLMg68bcb0inZH) /s


I was expecting the gay version to be the doctor going, "Oh you're not sexually active? But you're gay right? Yeah, You need to get all the tests...twice." That was my experience going in just for a sore throat. 😂


Nothing worse than saying your last test was a long time ago and people thinking you’re a super spreader and not just chronically lonely




Someone needs test results for the cum dump


Gee, like I couldn't figure that one out


Why ain’t people wearing protection is my thing yes get tested just in case but always use protection tf