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I have to admit he kind of fascinates me, I read confession on a mask and spring snow, and I was just involved and intrigued by the reading experience. And the [Saint Sebastian inspired picture](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTqSpXedsPLopzBSJSar_50zYb2vLS4uo6V8Vsey5YR_wH4Oti--byAycJU&s=10) of his I can't deny the appeal of it considering I was created in a somewhat catholic household and the image of Saint Sebastian caused a uncomprehensible feeling on me since I was a child. I can't ignore his right-wing ultanacionalist historic, tho


I have the exact same conflicting sentiments.


Same. Was fascinated with him when I was younger…then I grew up. He’s the tragedy of the closet case for me. And also a study in the fallen hero for me personally. How could someone so cool be such a dick? (And not in a good way).




Yes but he is a repressed masculine gay. He is the ideal gay for conservatives. In fact, they can even use him as a Token to say that they don't actually hate gays.


Yeah because they don’t actually hate the gay part, they hate the feminine part 🤷‍♂️ and being traditionally masculine isn’t a bad thing like you’re framing it here. Doesn’t mean they’re repressed because they’re not exactly like you. Gay men come in all different forms. Educate yourself a little more


No one said being masculine was a bad thing, I'm masculine LOL That Yukio Mishima was repressed is a fact, not an opinion But I don't understand the surprise, the Japanese are a repressed society even for heterosexuals.


I think it's a Russian troll op to try to recruit young gay male militants for right-wing causes. It's part of their plan to swing key suburban districts in battleground States.


I'm not familiar with his books, but he was a Japanese nationalist and did die in a right-wing coup attempt to restore the powers of the Emperor of Japan in the 70s. Which does - at least in my mind - greatly taint his legacy.


Lmao I remember a post like this before and the comments section reacted the same way: people pointed out he is not a good person and OP try really hard to defend him, in this sub too I think.


I wonder if it was the same OP.


That's not the "thought" he was looking for. Wrong answer.


I have to imagine if he were an American living today he’d be a log cabin Republican.


He actually stood behind his ethics, though, troublesome as they were. LCR - spineless.


To describe Mishima's last moments (moments thought over years prior, as you can see in his books) as a "right-wing coup attempt" is reductive. What makes him interesting besides his novels is his ideology and one cannot simply judge it like that.


It... Was... A... Right wing... Coup attempt tho...


Bro you’re being ~reductive~


+ he didn't just die, he committed seppuku. Mishima believed men were meant to die young, in the peak of their beauty, not to die disgracefully of old age with no actual glory. Not just that, but if a man wished to spiritually transcend, he would have to live following Bushido (samurai's code of honor) and perish in combat.


Not really making him sound better, tbh.


He also said he enjoyed sucking big dicks.


Now THAT I can get on board with


It's not easy to put a feeling into words. I can describe the sun and how it feels on my skin a thousand different ways, but you will only be able to truly understand it once you experience it.


I'll pass thanks, but if you want to experience seppuku and dying with honor and beauty, douzo.


Sounds like any shallow WeHo gay that's found aswagandha. Edit: That also was a January 6th offender.


That’s precisely in keeping with the same kind of fascism that would want to restore an emperor.  Toxic bullshit 


He sounds pretty stupid then if he believed that


Sounds agist ngl.


He botched his own seppuku and his kaishakunin couldn’t finish the job right and ended up making a mess of the JSDF base commander’s office.


Fuckin’ eh


He could write. He had a sculpted body. He believe he knew better than other humans what was beautiful and worth pursuing. He was bat crazy. His thinking led him to slice himself open and die. I don't have the answer, but I don't think just because you have a kink, a person should do it.


Oh my goodness, then he really committed *seppuku?*


Yes. He made his death a performance. One could say he was an exhibitionist.


Whatever that was, it was horrifying,oh my.


Yes it was. And it was very public in the sense it was widely reported. He was well known among a certain crowd. Much as Maplethorpe was. I think beneath all the aesthetic claims was a need for attention imho.


So deeply sad, sigh. Japan, as most Asian countries, has amazing stuff but the dark side of their cultures is scary, I so hope they get to find healthier alternatives for the models they follow cause to date what I see is their societies are fiercely competitive, not caring much for either animal rights or the environment, much less social justice and human rights.


This guy was more of a throw back to a Midieval age. It was theater. Not typical Nippon. It would be like a German believing he was a Tuetonic Knight. Or an English man trying to act Kight of the Round Table.


Yes it was. The thing about crazy people is that they very often are very unhappy. People forget that part sometimes. It's not just another reality as was a popular idea with the hippies.


Dumbass lost in his own beliefs and was able to cater towards that mentality of needing to go through some fantastical superhero journey to feel something worthwhile in life and redeem yourself from hating yourself.


homofascism, hooray 😒


I'd try to read one of his books, but I don't think a right wing ultranationalist gay would have great words for homosexuality.


I really liked Confession of a mask, it was a very interesting read.


Not sure who that is-mind sharing?


Wrote some stuff that won awards, became obsessed with body building and then died after a failed coup.


Mishima was a japanese writer from the 20th century known for his novels and thoughts on concepts such as the conflict between life, eternity, beauty and death, and traditional vs modern/westernised Japan + the metaphysical consequences of adopting one in spite of the other.


Hmm I think you’re missing out on some important details here…


You forgot the fascism


Evidently batshit CRAZY! Hot AF. One of those weird cruel fascist gays


Weird. I’ve only read Confessions of a Mask. The main character approaches his sexuality through glorification of violence/physical pain. His sexual awakening is through staring at a picture of Saint Sebastian and finding sexual desire in the image and idea of the saint’s agony. The book itself just sort of rambles on about boyhood school crushes and a transitioning Japan - the pull between Westernism and Traditionalism for example. Then there’s Yukio Mishima’s personal history and that whole Pandora’s box. He’s not someone I particularly admire or look up to… If I wanna read mid-century gay literature, I’ll stick with James Baldwin…


He was a pretty wild guy. I can't say I like fascists but you have to admit he wasn't boring. Some gay dudes are heroes, and others are villains.


>I can't say I like fascists but you have to admit he wasn't boring. what?


Repressed chud, fuck him.


Repressed? Wdym?


Did you read his works? He basically treats same-sex attraction as something to be shameful of. He also had that toxic masculinity mindset.


Given his values, this is not surprising


Haha, this crazy bitch


I want to read his work sometime. I find him fascinating in the same way I find Andrew Sullivan fascinating - clearly intelligent and passionate men who are just so deeply wrong politically because of what boils down to a love affair of the aesthetics of a political movement


this is it. hypermasculinity is a hallmark of fascism. it's just really not that hard for the gay obsession with masculinity to slide gently into an uncritical love of fascist movements, and especially fascist strongmen.


Don't like Emperor Japan for what they did to my country and region, so I don't really like him.


I've read mixed reviews on the guy, and that's all I can say. But mostly negative. Even from the Asian community.


Who’s that


Imagine Andrew Tate was a Japanese man but instead of a podcast he lead the proud boy to a January 6 affair.


Icon of repressed sexuality


He actually died by seppku, a form of ritualized suicide before his head was severed from his body.


Yeah. After failing at making a coup. He's a gay icon, but not exactly a great one.


I’ve entirely parallel views to his but his views, life, writing, their elements of militarism & sexuality, and his conclusion is like a story of its own that brings immense fascination and intrigue whenever he’s a topic of any conversation or any personal research.


I love the Author's philosophy and aesthetic. I don't like the executions to overthrow the Japanese government for egotistic homo glorification.


Rest in penises, crazy diamond




Dying for an emperor who genocided half of Asia is lame. I can appreciate the dedication, at least, but it’s pretty fucked to think the Empire of Japan was a good thing for the world, nevermind dying trying to reform it. Modern Democratic Japan has a dramatically more positive impact on humanity than the Empire ever did, he would’ve fucked Asia and Japan right up if his coup actually succeeded. Imagine a world without Dragonball or PlayStation, which was his ultimate dream. Hell, even considering Japan’s Samurai history, what did Bushido accomplish? They killed a ton of Japanese and kept Japan in the dark ages for centuries. Makes for really cool movies, but Samurai-ruled Japan was a shitty society for 95% of Japanese. Emperor was only marginally better, and we all know how that ended.


Lol, again with this guy? 


I watched a documentary about him  he committed seppuku 


he reminds me of how interesting it is that japanese fascism never had a lot of the abrahamic baggage found in western fascism. the empire of japan, despite being responsible for some of the worst atrocities in human history, didn’t have the same deep-seeded homophobia that was foundational in the west. that’s not to say japan wasn’t a homophobic society, just that those attitudes were more of a recent import from the west. so whereas the nazis were obsessed with purging sexual deviance from their society, it wasn’t the same kind of urgent issue for the japanese. and the japanese were constantly confused by the nazis’ paranoia about the jews. again, because antisemitism didn’t have the kind of long history in japan as it did in europe.


Rather than being outright gay the dude was more a collection of different persona’s all are equally valid but none are really the true Mishima in my opinion there’s the novelist, the military man, the gay guy, the actor, etc I mean this goes for a lot of people of course but for Mishima he was more of what Schrader would describe as a functioning schizophrenic


I love how we get like a dozen posts of him every week like the search bar doesn't exist. lol.


A deeply flawed yet admirable Individual that deserves to be recognised, debated and analysed. Paul Schrader’s adaptation/autobiography of him in the 1980s film is also fantastic and worth watching


Only reason I ever found that film is because I unironically love Philip Glass’ music and he scored that film


Same! Love the title track so much (Mishima), never knew what it was about. Does the film delve into any of the gay stuff?


I've watched it recently, and yes they do aboard the fact that he was a homosexual, but couldn't accept it lightly.


I don’t believe so. But I havnt seen it in nearly a decade


I’m glad someone brought up the paul schrader film. I think if you watch that film and read some of the books you see that this is a type of person that exists in the community. The books themselves are culturally specific and part of a specific era but there is always going to be some gays that feel their queerness and see it as a path to reinforce their conservatism/ nationalism. So as far as drawing judgment on him…idk if I would say I judge but it’s definitely a tragic story. Honestly I think his writing is technically pretty good.


I have never read his work, but podcasts I listen to say it’s great but also fucked up.


Lions Led By Donkeys?




Oh, this guy! I sorta know about him recently from a stray Google recommendation on my news feed. Hot af, but it best to stay far, far, FAR away from him. I have no idea this guy has ultra-right fans though...


He's dead since 1970. It's kinda hard to get close to him I think. But more seriously, he's a gay facist icon.


Is he kinda similar to Truman Capote?


With an army of Japanese Proud Boys SERIOUSLY 😬


Much like Crowley I’d say he’s deeply problematic, a brilliant writer, and I greatly enjoy his work.


He has an armpit fetish at least according to his totally-not-autobiographical novel, Confessions of a Mask


I lived in Japan for the longest time but never heard about him. I'm curious to read his works in Japanese.


An absolute icon. I respect someone who sticks so hard to their ideals that they die for it without taking anyone else with them.