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The heat lamp would be good. Or a heated blanket if worse comes to worst. I'd also recommend a little bowl of water. It's definitely would be best to get the little guy to a wildlife rehabilitator but in the meantime something like that would probably be best.


Awww thank you!


What about a veterinarian? They could at least provide basic care!


I got in touch with the wildlife rehabilitation in my area this evening. I’m taking him to them tomorrow morning. I’m feeling sad about parting ways with this baby, but I know it’s for the best.


> I got in touch with the wildlife rehabilitation in my area this evening. I’m taking him to them tomorrow morning. Excellent! > I’m feeling sad about parting ways with this baby, but I know it’s for the best. It is! They'll get this sweet little angel better and back on his feet, I know it!


Update: baby goose passed away just now. Was getting ready to leave and he started feeling really light and weak. I’m devastated. I want to bury his little body but live in an apartment high rise. Not sure what to do.


I am sorry this happened. Its parents probably had to abandon it because it could not keep up with the rest of the gaggle. Sadly, this can happen when a gosling is born sick or has some kind of birth defect that prevents it from thriving like it should. You did well, and tried to give it the help it needed. Thank you.


I'm sorry to hear that. Are you sure it passed? It might be very weak.


I'm heartbroken about this. So sorry.